Yeast Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies: Herbal Solutions & Lifestyle Tips

Water and Kefir

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by David (Terry, MS) on 12/22/2007

I managed to give myself a yeast infection with an overzealous attempt at home-brewed root beer. I don't know how serious this sort of infection is, but I finished it off by drinking lots of water and lots of a cultured yogurt product called kefir. The idea was to flush the yeast, dead or alive, out of the gastrointestinal system and replace/combat it with the bacteria in the cultured kefir drink.

White Vinegar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Erica (Lemoyne, Pennsylvania) on 07/26/2012

I didn't beleive it at first, but I like most women was desperate. It was 2am and I was in pain like nothing before! I googled Yeast Infection treatments and Earth Clinic popped up with all of these women swearing by it! Well unfortunately I didnt have ACV but I had White Vinegar and It took the pain away after a few stinging minutes! Amazing what a simple household product can do! I finally got to sleep! TY to all who previously posted! For the non-believers this really does work! Im telling everyone about it!

White Vinegar
Posted by Kat (Tulsa, Oklahoma ) on 02/18/2012

Hi guys, I'm 16 years old and have been having a problem with yeast infections. Being a female teenager living with my father, you can see how discussing this topic with him is a little uncomfortable. I was so relieved when I saw this site. I've never tried ACV but it definitely works. If you don't have any ACV a good substitute is white vinegar. Itching and uncomfortable, I was in a panic to find relief. So I did some research and found that mixing white vinegar with some water and using a damp towel to apply to the area. If the infection is external. Mine is. I found instant relief! My itching and burning is gone! I plan to continue this method for a couple days just to make sure the infection leaves for good. Thanks to all of you who shared your stories!! You helped so much!!

Yeast Infection Prevention

Posted by Bethany (Phildadelphia, Pa) on 10/12/2013

Yeast Infection Prevention:

I took antibiotics for pneumonia. I always get a yeast infection with antibiotics ever since taking tetracycline as a teenager. Since the antibiotic didn't really seem to work for my lung infection, I continued several home remedies. These didn't seem to help my lung infection, but they prevented a yeast infection -- at least temporarily. About 2 weeks after I stopped all remedies I got the dreaded yeast infection 2 days before my period. Less severe than my usual, but still itchy and uncomfortable. Now I'm trying to figure out exactly what kept the yeast at bay and wonder if readers can help. Here's what I did while on antibiotics:

- Fresh pressed or chopped raw garlic: 1-3 cloves 2x/day

- Olive leaf extract (liquid form in a capsule): 2 caps 3x/day

- Cayenne tea with 1 TB ACV and 1/2 T honey added

- Lomatium extract: 10-15 drops 2x/day

- Astragalus/reishi tincture: 2 droppers 2x/day

- Jatoba tincture: 1 dropper 2x/day

- Vit C: 500 mg 2x/day

- Probiotic: expired and no consistent amount but ~5 tabs a day of 1 billion organism non-refrigerated

I thought it might be the olive leaf that helped but I've been taking it for 2 days now and still have a mild yeast infection. I realize yeast infection prevention is probably more effective than treating an active infection, but I'm starting to wonder if it was one or more of the other remedies that led to my initial escape from yeast.

I could just take everything above to try for a cure but doing all that took a great deal of effort and I smelled like garlic at work (easy to explain during the weeks I had a bad cough, but not so easy to explain now).

Any thoughts?

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Bethany,

You ask why the formula worked... Well your combo of 9 items?... are all anti viral/fungal. A great combo.

So you got both infections under control... for a while.

But the infection is apparently systemic. And so comes back after being pushed off the field, but it's still on the sideline and jumps back into play as soom as it can. (Can sure tell I'm writing this during football season. ) So you need something to go with for a longer period of time.

Check out nystatin. I've had experience with it and it is a great anti yeast substance. And my old stand by is colloidal silver. On an empty stomach will over months get rid of virus/fungus and bacteria.

"Nystatin" is not a statin or at least I've never heard that. And use the CS as an irrigation also. Wherever the infection is where it is subject to direct application, it is especially effective. I mean if you can get it "squirted" where ever the infection is... Do it. High PPM from my experience is best. (Controversy on that. Some think a low concentration also works... Like 15 ppm. ) Nystatin comes in a cream form and I used that plus as a powder in water and taken orally.

CS...take one tablespoon on empty stomach twice a day for four to six months. Consistency and taking enough of it are the key.

On the lung infection, you'll need a nebuliser... A steamer... And the CS goes into the pan and you breathe in deeply the CS for five min after the steam is well under way. Twice a day for a month.

Make sure you give yourself a sinus/ear canal irrigation... five or six irrigations a week for a month. Yes, it's there too. You must get the ears so that the eustacian tubes can get the effect also.

I know this is frustrating for you, and it's the long term app that will nail the problem. As long as you leave ANY in your system it will come back. What you've done so far is good and demonstrates you are onto the real problem but persistence over many months is the answer. Using the right stuff is the answer. (Make sure you take some probiotics since you will be on CS for a while. Some say long term CS can hurt "beneficial bacteria" although I've not found that to be true.)


Replied by Bethany
(Pennsylvania, Usa)

Hi Dave, thank you for your detailed response. Fortunately my bronchitis/pneumonia (first one ever) finally resolved, but it seems time, sleep, and my own immune system helped more than the prescription and natural remedies. Since lung infections have a way of recurring once bacteria/viruses have made their initial tracks/roads in the pulmonary tree I will keep your lung/sinus advice in mind for the future.

Nystatin is a prescription antifungal medicine (comes in both oral and topical versions). Am hoping to balance my body without antifungal meds just yet, although I do have some fluconazole (Diflucan) as a backup. I will read more about CS as I have some concerns about toxicity (especially the argyrosis) with long-term use.

Yeast-Free Diet

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Barbara (Toronto, On, Canada) on 12/16/2009

Yeast free diet cured me of yeast infections

I used to have recurrent painful, debilitating yeast infections. I would sometimes get a red rash as well. The treatment was a three day dose of Sulpha tablets followed by yeast infections inserts and cream. This worked but began to deplete my energy and immune health after a while. On a whim one day I decided to try giving up yeast. This was five years ago and since that day I have not had a single yeast infection. It is hard to give up yeast. Not only is it in almost all processed foods, it is also hidden. Enriched flour, citric acid, soy sauce, vinegar, natural flavor and and vitamins is how it is added and hidden in most foods. I make all my own foods basically and that is alot of work( fortunately I love to cook) but the pay off is that I am completely free of yeast infections and my immune health is so strong that now if I do occasionally eat yeast containing food I do not get infections and my body will naturally clean itself out within a few days.

A healthy (low or no sugar, salt and bad fats, preferably vegetarian or vegan )yeast free diet is the easiest way to cure yourself of this ailment and it works. I also eat alot of acidic fruit like kiwi, cranberries and eat alot of greens which helps alot as well.

For vegans- watch out for soy products (soy milk, meat, dairy) as they almost always contain yeast. It is added as Vitamin B12 or D and labeled as such or sometimes as "natural flavoring".

Also- nutritional yeast is okay but you need to boil it for 20 minutes to kill any living yeast and use it only occasionally. It is an inactive yeast but can still cause yeast to overgrow in your system. It is common in vegan food as a Vit B12 supplement and flavoring additive.


29 User Reviews
5 star (28) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Moxie (Minneapolis, KS) on 02/13/2024

I have a litany of illnesses which leaves me less than healthy. Recently I had a raging vaginal yeast infection. After three rounds of over the counter Miconazole and a prescription for Diflucan, I still had the yeast infection and started have some bleeding tissue inside and out. I had that horrendous itching and now cracking tissue. There was no way I could have tolerated apple cider vinegar. So, I stuffed an empty tube from the Miconazole with Greek yogurt right before bedtime. Wow, it was SO soothing. The next morning, there was NO discharge on my pad, like others mentioned and that area felt a lot better! I continued with yogurt for 4 nights, then foolishly stopped. It's back again, so this time I'll use it longer.

I also had a yeast infection in one armpit and under one breast while I was battling the vaginal yeast. It cracked under my breast and I ended up with a baseball size patch of ruby red skin that never healed using Miconazole. Since I had good luck with the yogurt, I figured I had nothing to lose using it there, too. I washed with a gentle cleanser three times a day and then rubbed in a dab of Greek yogurt. It's getting much better now, too.

I did discover that Wet Ones for sensitive skin was not for me. My armpit stayed ruby red until I started washing with a gentle cleanser. I got a clean cloth each time and used some bleach when I laundered them. I have been dealing with this for almost 2 months (!!! Yes, two), and now I use diluted apple cider vinegar, 50/50, on a cotton round, let my pit dry and then dab on some yogurt. My armpit is now light pink and dry. Finally.

When I had a checkup last week, my doctor seemed really interested in this treatment. She told me to continue it for 4 days after I thought the infection was gone.
I am SO thankful that Earth Clinic is here and so many share their experiences with alternative healing.

Posted by Haipai (Singapore) on 03/06/2015

I have always had what I now realise are low level yeast infections during my periods, usually when I didn't have time to run to the loo and change my pad. They've always cleared up within a day or two though, so I've never really had to look into the symptoms until now. Not sure if it's true for everyone, but another user mentioned avoiding flavoured condoms. And I can trace the start of this to before my period when I tried them for the first time. No more, thank you. The yoghurt works. I had a teaspoonful in my palm, went to the loo and put fingerfuls around the outside and inside. Stuffed my underwear with toilet paper, and went about my business. In fifteen minutes, I noticed that the burning and itching is gone, and has been for a while. Will rinse thoroughly though in a bit, because I always heard that dairy wasn't good for infections either.

Posted by Tammy (Newville, Pa) on 02/01/2013

3 days suffering from vaginal yeast infection. First tried Hydrogen peroxide - no relief. Next ACV. Made me raw. Desperate, I bought Monostat. DO NOT USE MONOSTAT. It was inside of me about 3 hrs. I was terribly uncomfortable, burning & itching worse than before inserting the Monostat. I Flushed/wiped it out of my v-jay as best I could. Husband went to grocery store for plain, active yogurt for me (thats luv). Used the syringe method with 10 ml. Instantly soothed the burning. No itching. Thank you all. I will apply again before bed the next 5 days as recommended here.

Posted by Danielle (Houston, Tx) on 01/03/2011

WOW! After a very long awful battle with antibiotics my body was all out of whack. I had been on azo for awhile but even that wasn't working for me. I get on earthclinic and tried apple cider vinegar, absolutely did not work. I ate 1.5 cups plain organic yogurt, and my yeast infection was gone later that day. I've kept it up for awhile but I'm feeling MUCH better. This is the only thing that's worked the best for me.

Posted by Rachel (Palm Bay, Florida) on 12/14/2010

The first time that I'd ever gotten a yeast infection it was a result of antibiotics. Ouch. It seems that I've battled them ever since. My vaginal discharge used to be clear and now even when there is no itching or burning it is whitish. I will try the plain yogurt overnight. I also noticed that I usually use a fake sugar with my coffee in the mornings. The past two weeks we've been out of fake sugar so I used real sugar. BIG mistake, turns out high blood sugar increases the amount of sugar that is in the vaginal fluid... Now the yeast is feeding off of that sugar and the infection is so bad that it's all up around my anus. I've douched with vinegar and it was clear discharge for the first time since the car accident. But the yeast came back with a vengance. So I bought Vagisil which only treats the symptoms and not the cause. I didn't have enough money to get monestat!

Tonight I shall get some plain unsweetened unflavored yogurt and insert it. I've been eating it but cannot consume the plain stuff, Azo Yeast Tablets were working great. But the discharge wasn't clear and sometimes they'd make me throw up! I believe that all of these symptoms are pointing to pre diabetes. (I'm 25 and experiencing numbness and vericose veins in my legs too)Type 2 runs in my family and I'd like to get checked. Type 2 is resolvable through diet and excercise. I've eliminated a lot of my real sugar intake and switched to organic when possible (health food stores don't take food stamps! ) but I may have to cut the sugar out completely if the test comes back positive. No exceptions ever. Please ladies, if you battle with yeast infections make sure to eliminate diabetes as a cause as diabetes does worse things to a body than making your vag an ideal sugary environment for growing candida. I will be sure to read the labels on the foods I buy more carefully now. No Autolyzed Yeast in my diet either!!!

Replied by Jas
(Greensboro, Nc)

@Rachel from Palm Bay I'm not sure if you frequent the website anymore, but I wanted to tell you that health food stores do take food stamps. I am unfamiliar with the Palm Bay area, but I do know that Fresh Market and a few Organic Farmer Markets accepts EBT.

Replied by Sm
(Chicago, Il)

Try just eating better - you don't need to go to a health food store, just go to a regular grocery store and cut the crap out of your diet. 25 and type II is terrible. Exercise!

Posted by Kim (New York, Usa) on 09/17/2010

I just wanted to confirm (for any doubters out there) that after two cool, soothing applications of plain yogurt, my burning yeast infection is definitely gone. I applied one more teaspoon for good measure this morning. I used plain, organic Greek yogurt with five live active cultures. And one more observation: only loose clothes for me from now on, mainly skirts instead of trousers! Yeast loves the warm, airless places that tight trousers provide. No more!

Replied by Christina
(Denver, Colorado, Us)

Hello I just found this website today and I think I might have a yeast infection so went out and bought some cream applied on the outside of the v-jay and it almost feels numb but is still irritated. I went out to buy some yogurt after finding this site but was'nt sure of what type of yogurt to buy. Organic? or any type of sugar free plain yogurt? can someone please help?Thanks

Posted by Kim (New York, Usa) on 09/16/2010

God bless the Earth Clinic! I was a bit desperate today, leaving for work and realizing I had my yearly yeast infection - burn, burn. As soon as I got to my computer, I researched the remedies here, and once I found the plain yogurt therapy, zoom! I dashed out to buy a small carton of plain yogurt (organic). I applied a teaspoonful up the canal with a finger, and ah! Relief! What a brilliant cure. I will continue this for a few days. Last year, I tried using ACV, and that also worked, but the yogurt is so soothing. I just love this web resource: thank you for being there!

Posted by Deedee (Des Moines, Iowa) on 12/29/2009

A couple of weeks ago I went to the ER for what turned out to be a gum infection from a tooth. I was given amoxicillin 875mg. The attending physician told me I would probably get a yeast infection from it and said if I did to just eat some yogurt. I said to myself "yeah, yeah." I got the yeast infection and did everything for it, for 2 weeks, but not the yogurt. Last night I went to the grocery and happened to see some Greek yogurt and bought some. My yeast infection was full blown, so I thought "what the heck" and ate one of the yogurts. THIS MORNING I HAVE NO MORE YEAST INFECTION.

Replied by London
(Sandusky, Ohio)

Actually inserting plain yogurt in your vagina is a disaster, don't do it!! I did it 3 times over the course of years of struggling with this, and it made things WORSE everytime. However consuming yogurt is awesome. Eat lots and lots of yougurt and take a good probiotic. I make my own yougurt, and by eating alot of it, (and its wonderful and tastes better to make your own) I keep things at bay

(British Columbia)

I find inserting the yogurt (greek) works very well for me. I use an applicator I had left over and squeezed some yogurt in it and inserted it at bed time. I also rubbed some externally,,, however wore underpants with panty liner as well. Works like a charm for me.

Posted by Lorelei (Austin, TX) on 07/02/2009

Once I started taking the birth control pill, I started getting fairly regular yeast infections. The over the counter remedies are messy and expensive and I was tired of it. I found many sites (including this one) that recommended using yogurt to cure the infection. I bought a 6oz cup of plain, unflavored, nonfat yogurt with live cultures. As soon as I got home a applied a little to the outside of my vagina and my vulva and the itch stopped immediately. I then made a frozen insert to use that night by using a plastic tampon applicator, filling it with yogurt, and freezing it. I inserted it right before bed and put on a pad to catch the melting mess. There really wasn't much at all - nowhere near as messy as the over the counter chemical/medicinal stuff. I felt totally cured the next morning, but continued use for another day just to be sure. Cheap, easy, and it WORKS!

Replied by Rebel
(Raleigh, Nc)

OMG, I just have to say freezing the yogurt in a tampon applicator is GENIUS!! Thanks for the idea!

Posted by Alex (Bethesda, Md) on 03/17/2009

Using yogurt has treated my yeast infection. The trick is once you've inserted about a tablespoon with an applicator put your legs up over your head to ensure the yogurt gets all the way up there! I feel like my self again. Thanks everyone!

Replied by Mona
(Santa Rosa, Ca Usa)

This worked wonders for me!!!

For immediate relief apply a handful of organic pure raw honey wherever relief is needed, I would suggest you do this in the bath as honey will begin to melt. Leave this on for 10-15 minutes then wash off. Take a bath in lukewarm-warm water pour in 1/4 cup- 1/2 cup of ACV.

Use plain organic yogurt, find a disposable glove pour yogurt in the fingers and freeze. Break off a finger each night and insert into your vagina, do this until you are completely sure it's gone, usually 3-5 days, longer if needed. Freezing makes it easier to insert and you'll find relief with the cold yogurt. Last I suggest using a sanitary napkin at night as yogurt will star melting immediately, and try to insert just before getting into bed.
