14 Natural Remedies to Soothe Tinnitus

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 03/17/2013

Yes , I have had this for a L.... O.... N.... G TIME but recently put coconut oil on a q tip and it seemed a bit better.... I read to use some hydrogen peroxide first and then coconut oil. Mine is almost gone and when I hear it at all, I put a half pea size coconut oil in each ear, at bedtime, it melts in there and stops the buzzing. I put it in there one night and wait a couple days and put more in there. Whole lotta better YAY!

Posted by Molly (Madison, USA) on 04/08/2008

I had severe tinnitus for almost a decade. 24/7, there was a constant high frequency screech in my ears. Initially, I'd thought that I had become sensitive to noise, that I was hearing some type of generator or air conditioner in the far distance.

Anyway, I searched the Net in the 90s for a tinnitus cure, but nothing I tried had any impact.

I did become very interested in herbs, though, and in one book containing a chapter about garlic, the author mentioned that to get rid of an earache, simple get a bottle of cheap garlic oil pearls at the drug store, and at bedtime, pierce one of the pearls with a STERILE pin, and then squeeze the contents in the ear.

Months later, when it felt like I was on the verge of an earache, I decided to see if I could avoid one by using one garlic oil capsule.

The following morning, the longterm severe tinnitus was absent from that ear, and even greatly reduced in the other ear --- which that night I treated with ONE garlic oil pearl.

That was it - severe, persistent, LOUD screeching tinnutus of a decade's length was gone - and it has never once returned ever since.

Also, each morning, I'd notice that the ear treated with the garlic oil had drained out onto the pillow case overnight, and the discharge was totally deep dark black.

Obviously, I'd had an infection in my ears, but there was never any sensation of an earache or physical discomfort typical of an infection, simply the loud high frequency screech.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gina (Texas) on 12/10/2018

it works! My left ear clogged up after sleeping on that side and wouldn't unclog- started whooshing noises then water running, dings, it got very loud the 3rd day. I found this post. yay! Noise much diminished after first dose- tolerable- diminishes with each dose. couldn't use Apple Cider Vinegar before- really shocked my system- either I really need it or the one teaspoon in 8 oz water is palatable mix.

EMF Trigger
Posted by Tree (Michigan) on 06/05/2016

Judy, you are spot on about those monster smart meters and EMF pollution that are horrifically unhealthy for all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gene P. (Knoxville, Tn) on 07/09/2020

Wonderful post, Caitlyn. Your post finally connected the dots for me.

I have had constant Tinnitus for over 40 years. It started after I had an accident that broke my leg with bone sticking out. I HAD SURGERY. As a retired Anesthesiologist I now remember that most surgeons and all orthopedic surgeons give routine antibiotics during surgery.

ANTIBIOTICS kill the good bugs (symbiotic bacteria) in the body and this allows the fungus, alias candida -- that LOVES SUGAR and its carbohydrates -- to grow wild to cause every imaginable disorder in the body, ... and I think that is why every imaginable disease seems to have the same natural cures that kill the same culprit Candida.... and yes, for over 40 years all medical specialists have insisted that there is no cure for Tinnitus.

Time for me to take ACV, Bicarb.. colloidal-silver, DMSO, garlic and every other home remedy seriously. Thanks.


Posted by James (Colorado Springs, Co/usa) on 02/15/2012

I had an intuition and I wanted to help you I wanted to give you the answer why your hearing is occluded. If you think of your ear as an antenna and that it also has a speaker which is direct wired to your brain. You would probably agree that if it is to receive properly it must be tuned and adjusted. Your ear is receiving the signal because these is a misalignment in your neck and the cartilage of your earlobe.

I know this sounds odd but you can rid yourself of it with a few simple things. In reality they are a series of stretches and contractions. If you perform each one for 5 minutes or so a day it will go away quickly. After each crack do it a few more movements with tension on to realign the facet joint. In fact repeat that after each crack just cause you found it does mean you aligned it.

1. Remember when you stood at attention in the army? They made you tuck your chin in.. Do this as tight as you can until you hear a crack in the ear or the jaw with the ringing.

2. Do shoulder shrugs until you hear your mid neck crack.

3. Firmly grasp the earlobe at the front and gently pull until you hear the crack..... Gently continue.

4. There are 5 prive points around the earlobe which are available for adjustment and alignment.

5. Turn your chin to the side and try to touch your chin stretch unit you hear the crack

6. Do both sides for the sake of spinal alignment for the flow of kundalini. After all the sound is misaligned energy reverberating in your ear drum! Lean your neck back a much as you can tolerate. The pull of the chin by smiling until you hear the crack.....

7. You can manipulate the shoulders to address your headaches mostly the right one.

8. Lye on your back... Lift your stiff legs up together like you are trying to touch your forehead but again you arrive at the range of motion limit which you will know by the crack the stretch a bit more.

9. Squeeze 3 to 5 drops of juice from a white onion into the ear cannel let it rest 10 to 15 minutes in the canal.

10. Take a soft piece of cotton and with a cork screw motion work it into the ear cannel. After you have drained the canal. As you twist it out there will be a small amount of black particles.... Your sign that you have clear the film of sludge.... Repeat in your spare time and it will dissipate in a short period of time. If you want to be lazy you need to find an osteopath he stretches the muscle which aligns the joint (maybe therapeutic massage with gentle head manipulation........ Not a chiropracter he forces the joint... I was also told that I should say if we tune the antenna we tune the brain... , having a direct path to the brain lets us cleanly process the signal we resonate in harmony and frequency with.

Electric Vibration
Posted by Raven (Orangevale, California) on 09/11/2015

I don't have tinnitus, but came across this interesting piece of information that I had saved years ago. The person who sent it in to a newsletter had noticed one day when shaving that when his electric razor was close to his ear, the vibration gave him some relief from the tinnitus. He then discovered that if he put one of those slip-on pencil top erasers over the tooth brush on his S------- electric toothbrush, and used it every day to massage around his ear, using varying pressures until he could feel the vibration inside of his ear, it relieved the discomfort and the whistling subsided. At the time of his writing his tinnitus had all but disappeared, and he could often go four or five days without needing to re-treat.

Electric Vibration
Posted by Pam Sullivan (Midland, Ontario, Canada) on 10/08/2016

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've had ringing in my right ear for at least a week now. I went to the Doctor Yesterday to check on wax build up but my ears were clear. Hearing test was amazing for the right ear and good for the left. I've been reading allot, tried the Epley Maneuver, changed my supplements but after reading your post, I used my electric toothbrush to massage around my right ear and, hooray, the ringing has completely stopped. This is wonderful and I'll pass this one on. Again, thanks.

Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 09/15/2011

B12 deficiency is associated with the conditions of , vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Though nerve damage can be permanent, B12 can at least stop some of its progression by helping to produce myelin to recoat the axons. I had mild hearing loss, mild tinnitus, and severe vertigo. They are now gone. My husband has familial hearing loss and moderate tinnitus. He hasn't worsened, but he hasn't noticed improvement yet after 5 mnths. of B12 supplementation. I recommend a trial of methylcobalamin, an active form of B12, between 1000 mcg. - 5000 mcg. daily, available in sublingual lozenges. My husband takes 2500 mcg. daily, and I now take 5000 mcg. daily. With these high dosages, we find that we need extra potassium in our diets, but that side effect is what I would rather tolerate than the vertigo, nerve damage, etc. Some people have also found that supplementation with zinc, CoQ10, and vitamin E have been helpful, along with a reasonable amount of B-complex.

Posted by Art (California ) on 11/10/2018 2165 posts

Many people have reported the problem of Tinnitus on this forum which generally presents as miscellaneous noises in the ear that only the person with tinnitus can hear.

Based on the following study, it appears that melatonin at a low dose may be quite useful for this common health issue! Here is a link to the full PubMed study :



Posted by Lad (Mid Atlantic) on 07/14/2018

I developed tinnitus over a few months, and nothing seemed to help it. I I took a little powdered taurine I had sitting around, along with my morning pick-me-up supplements. I seemed to noticed a near-instant relief of the ear's ringing volume I've had all summer. I then looked it up and saw, indeed, there is research backing Taurine for tinnitus. It may be coincidental that the ringing started for me after I cut back a good bit this Summer on (taurine-containing) energy drinks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nickie (London, Uk) on 01/15/2016

I'm with Judy on this. Couple of nights ago after watching an item on TV, I Googled the info and found 14 phone masts within 2 km which is the 'safety zone'. I have been experiencing tinnitus for 3 or 4 months now and I have been taking ACV daily for 5 years! Started after learning of the benefits of alkalising and it reduced hip pain of arthritis within a couple of days and got rid of 4 or 5 pounds of Christmas excess in a month. Now I'll stick some in my ear and hope it's equally effective but I still don't rust those masts. I have a mobile phone. Cost me about 9 bucks and I keep it in my purse for emergencies. These things cause neurological damage and cancers yet on the street or in stores every second person seems to have one glued to their ear as if their lives depended on it. Pretty sad when you realise the radio waves also negatively affect animals.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Posted by Luis (Cali, Colombia) on 05/19/2009

Three fingers for tinnitus, vertigo and allergies

"There is a very simple technique you can use on yourself that can quickly relieve tinnitus, vertigo (dizziness) and, in may cases, allergy symptoms.

"The key to the technique lies in your anatomy. Your armpit appears hollow when you lift your arm because there is a front muscle (Pectoralis Major) and a back muscle (Teres Major) forming the borders of the armpit. This front muscle holds a collection of lymphatic drainage points for the entire upper side of the body.

"Lets say that you have tinnitus in your right ear. Take your left hand, reach across your chest and curl your first three fingers around the right front armpit muscle. Your index finger should be snug against the inner arm. Press in very lightly and hold. Soon you'll begin to feel a faint pulse in your index finger. As the fluid begins to drain, you'll feel the pulse in all three fingers as the flow increases. Lightly press the tips of your middle and ring fingers into center of armpit. You'll feel more pulses.

"The first thing you'll notice is that your left nostril starts to clear and it frequently "pops open." Sinus pressure is relieved. With ear congestion, you'll feel or hear bubbling or crackling in your right ear. Continue on. As the swelling drains from in and around your ear, the tinnitus stops, the vertigo lifts, and the pain and pressure clears. Your ear "pops," sometimes for the first time in years. If you keep going, it will feel like the right side of your face is deflating... and it is. Now do the other side. Take a deep breath through your nose. How are your allergies?

"If you've had swelling in your right hand, that's gone too. Notice how easily you can remove your rings after you're done. If you had upper back pain, how's that now? It drains the lungs too. How's your asthma?

"Precautions: In pressing these points you are draining accumulated lymphatic fluid from around the cells and returning it to your venous circulation. With many people, this fluid has been stagnant and accumulating for years. In other words, you are draining murky swamp water. While draining your fluid, you may detect funny smells or funny chemical tastes briefly as these toxins drain out. If too much of this swamp water gets into your circulation too fast, it may trigger a healing crisis by overloading your system. If you try this in little bite-sized sessions, you can prevent an overload.

"The lymphatic circulatory system plays a big role in your immune system. Normally the fluid slowly flows through the lymphatic glands which filter the fluid before passing it on. If the fluid contains bacteria, cancer cells, or any other bad things for your immune system to address, it happens in these glands. This drainage technique opens those glands and lets everything flow through. Which means that if you have an infection or a cancer... don't do this.

"Be patient. Sometimes if you're really clogged up, it may take a while to get going. Also, it's best to do this at home... and not at bedtime. Your kidneys will be very busy afterward and having a nearby bathroom is a must!"

"How many times and for how long do you have to do this treatment? Are there other treatments like this?"

"It may take a few minutes to get the flow going. Once the drainage starts, you continue until you have improvement. It usually takes less than 10 minutes on each side to clear allergies. Since tinnitus and vertigo are usually one-sided, it's less than ten minutes until you get relief.

EC: The only source we could find for the above copy and paste is from this website: http://freehealthsamples.blogspot.com/2008/04/tinnitus-vertigo-and-allergies.html

Luis, can you tell us where this interview originally came from?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Tammy (St. Louis, MO) on 09/21/2007

Hi. I have been diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer (spread to the bones). I have become anemic. Dr. said to take in more iron. I bought blackstrap molasses unsulphured. Took a tablespoon Tuesday evening, a tablespoon Wednesday morning. Noticed Wednesday afternoon I "had energy" & then realized that after a 4 block walk at a fast pace did not leave me winded and fatigued my legs (the Saturday before I became winded and fatigued after only 1 block). Went home from work, took another tablespoon, did heavy gardening until 10:00 that night. Was still feeling energized! Took the same amount of blackstrap Thursday and Friday (today).

Here is the amazing part: when I am anemic, I get tinnitus - sound in my ears. It is a pulsating sound like I can hear my blood pulsating through my veins. The more anemic I am, the louder the tinnitus. I've been through this before. Took blood transfusions and the tinnitus went away. My last treatment regimen for the cancer worked (for awhile) and as I got better from the medication, my blood got better, and the tinnitus gradually went away. Now, since taking the blackstrap (starting three days ago), each night I notice the tinnitus is lessened.

Last night it was BARELY audible and was not constant. I expect tonight it will not be there at all. (Night time is when I notice it when all is very quiet). I would bet were I to have my blood tested today, my red blood cell and platelet counts would be either normal or just about normal. OK, I am truly amazed. Is it the blackstrap? Ok, next thing to try: hydrogen peroxide. Then apple cider vinegar!

God bless you all for sharing!

The Snapping Method
Posted by Jamie (Los Angeles, California) on 07/21/2015

In looking up some of these remedies for ringing in the ears/tinnitus, I found an article on Livestrong that helped me. Look it up on online, but I also describe it below. Didn't have any ACV, so I tried this for tonight. It helped! I was dancing at a loud venue last night for quite a while :/ So the pressure and ringing was really uncomfortable today. Not sure if this will work for chronic tinnitus or ringing caused by other things but it offered me some relief. "Better but not cured" because the pressure is not totally gone but there is relief! Ringing is less obtrusive. Huzzah!

So - the remedy: The article said to gently place the palms of your hands over your ears (cover your ears) with your fingers on the back of your head, with the middle fingers facing each other. You place your index finger on top of the middle finger then "snap" the index finger off the middle finger so that the index finger thumps firmly against the back of your neck (where your skull meets you neck). They say to do this about 50 times, and repeat several times a day, depending on severity.

I could hear the ringing especially with my ears covered, thumping away, and up to about the mid 40's suddenly there was a sense of calm and some clarity! Peace! That was pretty neat. Like something melted and released in my ears. Like I said, not entirely gone, but I feel relieved so I'll keep trying this (along with buying some ACV). My poor little ears! Love music so much, but yeowch... gotta be nicer to them from now on.

Grateful to find this. Hope it helps you!

EMF Trigger
Posted by Anna (Ny) on 12/03/2018

You're saying that a new cause can't emerge for an old problem. Long before cars, people could die of carbon monoxide poisoning from using a charcoal burner indoors. This doesn't negate the fact that car exhaust can do the same thing. Who would ever argue that cars cannot cause CO poisoning because such existed long before cars? That would be ludicrous.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 04/24/2013

I put a pea size of coconut oil in each ear ( daily or as needed) and it has DRAMATICALLY REDUCED the ringing in my ears that has been non stop for many years. PEACE

I read you can use a Q tip with a bit of hydrogen peroxide prior to putting the coconut oil in there, if that helps you....

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Woodman (Salem, Oregon) on 07/19/2012

I have been taking ALA for several months now for neuropathy in my feet - but I have tinnitus as well. The ALA has done NOTHING for the tinnitus...FYI.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Posted by Victor (Tarrytown, New York, USA) on 05/13/2012

Alpha Lipoic Acid pills for Tinnitus: I am so excited about my recent cure for my more than 10-years of hearing what souds like a steam radiator valve whistle in both ears almost continuously, with some days better than others, but never complete relief, until this week, after adding 200 milligrams of Alpha-lipoic acid to my daily intake of vitamins, minerals and other supplements about 3 to 4 weeks ago.

While I could be wrong, its certainly worth trying if you have been suffering for any period of time with tinnitus.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Renee (Wilmington, NC) on 11/26/2021

For years now during the winter, I experience tinnitus where I hear a low, pulsating, airy sound, like wind. I only hear it when it's really quiet, like at night. I have sinus congestion issues in winter, so I'm sure it's related. I tried the following and within a couple of hours, the condition resolved. I've done this 3 nights in a row to be sure it doesn't return.

Here's what I did: using a reputable drugstore brand hydrogen peroxide (never the $1 store! ), I soak a cotton ball thoroughly and, lying on my side, I squeeze enough in my ear to the point it feels full, like I'm underwater. I stay in this position for 5 minutes. Then get up, using a tissue to catch the draining peroxide. Then, I soak another cotton ball with rubbing alcohol. Lie on my side, drip in my ear, then immediately get up, using a tissue to catch it, and finally complete the drying gently with a Qtip (I know, not too deep). The alcohol helps displace the liquid and dries quickly so you don't have moisture staying in your ear.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maryelle (Sacramento) on 11/05/2016

Hi Phil, did you use straight ACV. Also, how many drops in the ear?

Multiple Remedies to Calm Tooth Disturbances
Posted by Kaya (Uk) on 06/29/2016

Hi, I wasn't sure where to post this, but just wanted to contribute my experience with treating tinnitus. Whenever my immune system needs a boost I have a series of remedies and supplements that I increase. In between times I relax the number of times I take these, but usually stick with ACV and honey as a drink, lemon and sodium bicarbonate just before cleaning my teeth and more recently, diatomaceous earth every day.

I would say my tinnitus is connected to a root canal filling I had years ago before I understood about the effect of these. Since then if my tinnitus starts up I've made the connection with 'disturbances' around that tooth. So I take oxygen, as a liquid supplement, and hold that in water, in my mouth for several seconds, a few times a day. I also take turmeric tincture a few times a day until it settles down again. It seems to help. Added to all of this I take Fo Ti tincture, which really helps my hair! But I think it is very good as an anti-inflammatory.

I hope that helps!

EMF Trigger
Posted by Lynn (Seattle ) on 08/19/2015

I agree with Judy. Read Ann Louise Gittlemans book " Don't use your phone for your alarm clock" about EMF

I think fungus is a huge underlying problem and so are heavy metals. Trying to help my twin with this issue but fungus and heavy metals are so out of her radar she thinks I'm from another planet! :)

Essiac Tea
Posted by Teena (Victoria) on 08/18/2021 233 posts

Therapeutic infusions for acute conditions is usually 4-5 cups per day. You may choose to start much lower and still see benefits with one or two cups a day.

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