14 Natural Remedies to Soothe Tinnitus

Posted by Vikki (Solihull, Uk) on 02/27/2013

I too have suffered with tinnitus since developing Ulcerative Colitis (IBD) over 12yrs ago. I suddenly realised a few yrs back that when my anaemia is worse, so is the tinnitus & vice-versa.

I do have a white-noise maker but its quite uncomfortable to wear for 8hrs p/day (I have small ears lol).

I can't tolerate a lot of iron (had large bowel removed) so I take it in a multi-vit AM & take a 14mg ferrous sulphate or 2 straight after my evening meal. This keeps it quieter.

Swedish Bitters
Posted by Sharon (Missouri USA ) on 09/03/2022

Thank you, Rob! This is a most interesting use of the Swedish bitters. I too have read Maria Treben's works, and had forgotten this treatment. I plan to try it, since I have some in the cabinet. I have been “bothered” by this condition for long enough that I don't know how long it has been!

Vitamin C
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/23/2012

Way, what is your "very high amounts" of ascorbic acid and do you take it with baking soda to make sodium ascorbate as Ted recommends?

Pulsatile Tinnitus
Posted by Ben Goh (Miri, Malaysia) on 09/13/2012

For about 1 year, I hear my heart beat in my left ear. I think they call it pulsatile tinnitus. It was so annoying that at one time I was even hospitalised because of very high blood pressure 235/110.

I'm extremely panicky, sense heart beat on my chest, very fatigue even just talking a few words, constantly evaluating/thinking/worrying in my mind, weak hands and legs, high-pitched tinnitus in my left ear, fear of loud sounds, almost paranoid-like.

What is it?
How do I cure it?
Is it electrolyte imbalance?
Is it skeletal out of balance?
Is it lack of exercise?

Help, save me!!

Pulsatile Tinnitus
Posted by Ah Kong (Labuan, Malaysia) on 09/14/2012

Hello Ben Goh, By TCM, it sounds like you have symptoms of blood and qi (force) deficiencies. Either you are losing blood somewhere or your body does not get enough nourishment for blood.

Check your tongue in the mirror for futher confirmation. Do you see signs of blood deficiency? Any cracks in the middle?

I think you may need a blood transfusion or should eat food that nourishes your blood and qi.

Ted from bangkok, do you second my diagnosis?

Pulsatile Tinnitus
Posted by Eva (California, US) on 11/11/2014 7 posts

Ben, if it is still a problem take homeopathic Pulsatilla C30. One dose helped me with hearing my heartbeat though it heard it only when I was in bed. You might need to take it more times. Good luck!

Pulsatile Tinnitus
Posted by March (Colorado) on 05/13/2023

This is late, but get checked for SSCD (Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence) if your symptom hasn't been improved. It sounds like the symptoms I had/have.

Olive Oil
Posted by Leonardj (USA) on 09/03/2012

Hi, I think a great place to start for many people that have tinnitus is simply using drops of olive oil to remove excess ear wax from the ears. I belive most people who have tinnitus have the category known as Subjective Tinnitus, which is where only you yourself can hear the sounds. One of the main causes of Subjective Tinnitus can be a build up of Ear Wax. Hope this helps. Leonard

Essiac Tea
Posted by Shafick (Florida) on 08/18/2021 2 posts

May I know the dosage of Essiac Tea?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Theeseer (Medellin, Colombia) on 03/14/2012

I use a spray of 100% DMSO into the ear followed by a 1% cortisone cream swab. I take magnesium, B vitamins, Bioflavonoids, curcumin and a combination vitamin from "tru nature vitamins" which has gingko biloba and vinpocetine. The most important addtion is also pregenolone a steroid precursor that not only is the material form which other hormones are made but is well known to help heal the brain and has been tested in the past to improve brain function and reduce inflammation. 50-150 mgs per day available over the counter in the USA. My tinnitus was caused by a serious flu virus complicated by a swim and a sauna which allowed the flu to invade the ear ducts. The tinnitus that resulted was severe. Now five weeks later one ear is silent and the other is 75% improved. I hope this helps someone.

Posted by Yogagirl In Orange County (Placentia, California) on 12/04/2011

I had a buzzing sound in my ear off and on for the last six months. I purchased a magnetic bracelet on e-bay and noticed that it got less and then went away after about one week. The magnetic bracelets are a couple of dollars so not a big investment. I wear mine all the time even in the shower. They are actually a very attractive piece of jewelry. I am curious to know if anyone else has a similar response.

Sound Therapy
Posted by Fudo (Singapore) on 06/23/2011

To all tinnitus sufferer, please try sound therapy, for sure it will work for us.... :-) Search Sound therapy International...

General Feedback
Posted by Neal (Lafayette, La) on 03/24/2011

I have ringing in my ears (tinnitus). Would the Mini Beet Protocol cure this? It's supposed to re-build the DNA.

General Feedback
Posted by Wayseeker (Modesto, Ca/ Usa) on 09/27/2012

Just to validate your experience with, shall we say, 'tones', I also hear polyphonic ear ringing sound. It is constant, yet changes, and is as you describe so accurately.

My mind also feels very flighty, fast, speedy when trying to sleep. Perhaps we are undergoing some kind of change at this time. Perhaps it is harp. Perhaps, perhaps. One fellow believes he got ray-gunned. I believe just about anything is possible nowadays. Mine first came when I was outside reading, and I suddenly felt like I was being blasted with something high-pressured. It has never left, three years now.

I get brief relief by stopping my ears with my fingers and applying medium pressure for a moment.

Stranger still, there is mention of 'noise' and a 'noisome noise' in Scripture, which can be aided as described just above, with fingers in ears. How odd is that? --T.

General Feedback
Posted by Davy (Port, Or) on 12/04/2012

There are people who are sensitive to frequencey of cell phones, computers and the electrical meters they put on your homes limiting the use may help My ND told me high to use garlic mullein oil, and I also take high doses of vitamin C and 1/4 tsp sea salt mixed

Faucet Test
Posted by Kristy (Sugar Land, Tx) on 01/22/2011

Have you tried taking the faucet test?

The faucet test involves the following. You stand near the sink and turn the water faucet on fully. Many people with tinnitus are unable to hear tinnitus sounds while standing near or close to running or falling water. One other way is to perform this test while in the shower. If either of these provide some relief then you would likely benefit from technique known as ?masking?.

Many trust a technique known as ?masking? that uses white noise to silence or make the ringing less noticeable or transparent.

This is treatment option is commonly used while undergoing other treatment options.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lori (Delta, Co) on 10/01/2010

Tinnitus: I have had ringing in my ears seems most of my adult life but lately I really notice it. I take mag citrate about 200mg (1/4) tsp in the a.m. and another in the evening the whole dose says a 1/2 tsp is 630 mg. So I split it. My ears still ring. I take sodium ascorbate every other day, black strap molasses every day, squeezed lemon w 1/4 tsp bsoda every morning, Borax 3 days out of the week. I don't take the h202 very often because I take the lemon juice every morning. Can I take the h202 with lemon juice? I read you shouldn't take h202 with acv. I was taking the sea salt in my water everyday.

Lately I noticed when I do take it I get these spells like I'm going to faint. I get really whoozy like I need to take a deep breath and I have to put my head down. That's really scary especially driving. Could the sea salt be too much for me as far as sodium? Just this week I started the fish oil. I feel energized all but the ringing in my ears.

I take milk of magnesia once a week to really clean me out and it does. I tested my urine ph and it was 7-7. 5. So my biggest concern is the dizzy spells, drinking the sea salt in which I have probably done for 2 years but the last month or so is when the dizzy spells started.

The ringing in my ears is driving me crazy. One time it stopped and it literally stopped me in my tracks I had to turn around to make sure I was still upright. It was something I havn't heard in a long long time. I take granulated lecithin in the morning and the evening dose I add 1/4 tsp of baking soda, I usually sleep like a rock. I noticed if I don't take it I toss and turn. I appreciate any imput from Bill or Ted. I have had earth clinic in my life now for over 2 years it's my go to site every morning, I have helped a lot of people at work bless you all for such a wonderful and helpful site amazing what one can do with natural remedies you might just have in your pantry:}

EC: Hi Lori,

Please read our Remedy Side Effects section to see if any of the remedies you are taking are causing dizzy spells: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/side_effects.html

Each remedy page (with the exception of apple cider vinegar, which has over 100 reported side effects on the page noted above) will also have a side effects section as well.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gian (Milano) on 11/13/2013

For those who have tinnitus associated with bruxism and sleep on your stomach should know that you can solve everything in 4-5 months or a little more simply dormento supine belly up leaving the lower jaw is free to move and declutire.si all in one site Italian doctor Galiffa written in English.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jeanette (Edmonton, Ab) on 09/04/2010

I need relief for ringing in the ear. I have been taking ginko biloba, cinnmon, ginger, b12 and nothing seems to help is there anything out there to take the noise out of my ear?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rebeca (Mason City, Iowa) on 09/04/2010

I have an old book call "Miracle Foods" and someone in there mention curing theirs snacking on sunflower seeds, it wouldn't hurt to try and they are good for you, Specially if you can find them raw. I hope this helps, let us know if it does Rebeca

Posted by Michael (Nevada, Usa) on 11/25/2016

LUIS, this is very interesting study of DMSO and tinnitus. Is there a link you can send me of the study in English? Or can you refer me to any other study of similar findings about DMSO and tinnitus? Thanks for posting your comment.

Posted by Rob (Hamilton, On) on 12/07/2017

Michael, did you ever get any info in regards to the DMSO & tinnitus? If so could you send it my way? Thanks kindly

Posted by Rob (Hamilton, On) on 12/07/2017

This is very interesting study of DMSO and tinnitus. Is there a link anyone can send me of the study in English? Or can you refer me to any other study of similar findings about DMSO and tinnitus? Thanks, Rob

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Posted by Exploringayurveda (Glen Allen, Virginia) on 07/20/2012

Thank you sooooo much for posting this. I recently started suffering from Tinnitus and tried lottsa holistic methods and medicine. But none worked like lymphatic drainage did. The noise is not completely gone but I did see a huge improvement within first few minutes. I continued doing it for an extra hour and experienced some more relief. I identified more points where lymph node resides and am planning to continue massaging every day.

This is in conjuction to taking following suppliments-

  1. Aswagandha
  2. Zinc
  3. Magnesiusm
  4. Multivitamin
  5. fenugreek
  6. Resveratol
  7. Sub lingual B12
  8. taurine
  9. turmeric (ocassionally)
  10. seratonin (sometimes at night)
    I am planning to start taking gingko.. hope it helps.

Acoustic neuromoculation was exceptionally helpful for short term relief. I found a track on telegraph.Uk website and kept listening to it for hours. IT HELPS, but once you take your headphones off, the dreaded noise creeps in. Atleast it alleviate the pain a little and provides relief even for a short while.

Research is going on in germany for acoustic coordination reset and I can wait for them to come out with results.

Meanwhile I have an appointment next week for Sound Cure, not sure if this is a long term cure but even if it provides short term relief its a blessing.

btw, did anyone had luck with sesame oil? I bought organic one from banyan botanicals and had 5-6 drops in my ear erery day but it seems to increase the noise.

Not sure if I should try garlic oil..

Any thoughts?

Posted by Jerry (New York, Usa) on 01/13/2010

I'm writing to see if you ever received a reply regarding the use of the Zeolite drops. Would love feedback if you did. Thanks-j

Vitamin A
Posted by CarolB (Manahawkin, New Jersey, USA) on 06/02/2009

How much vitamin A are you taking?

Posted by Iamli3 (Canada) on 03/16/2016

Great to hear you had such high success with that garlic oil drop treatment, but you say it was an infection that was the cause of the tinnitus right? Would this same treatment still work for other causes like trauma or emfs?....

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ted (Bangkok,Thailand) 391 posts

Happy to hear the news. The hearing sensitivity can be greatly reduced, if the body is properly alkalized with the peroxide solution. This should buy time and I would try to find a longer term solution by removal of heavy metals and raising antioxidant, killing the infections through the BHT as per last email.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by JoAnne (USA) on 09/26/2007

Ted, thank you for your response. It was 2 days before I could get into see the doctor and that was on a Saturday. I had them give me a shot and an antibiotic. Both ear canals, all of the sinuses,jaw and lungs are infected. All the lymph nodes are swollen and hard. The area under my left ear and the left side of my neck are swollen. Can't take an antacid with the meds. After the third pill I started realizing my heart felt like someone was shaking it. One of the side effects of the med was rapid heart rate. So, I went back to the doc. They did an EKG and nothing was happening. Heart was fine. They changed the meds. The left ear still has fluid in it, the neck is still swollen and the right side of my neck is swollen. I was away from that central unit so the heart rate leveled out. I think the harmonic balancer is going out or is out. I am ultra sensitive to the high, high frequency of the fan. I have no idea of what to do. I've put everything I can think of on the windows, but, the sound is still coming in. If I understood you correctly, my whole body could be acting like a receiver due to heavy metals. I will get the magnesium tomorrow. I will try the soda and H202 too. What concerns me is the damage that the frequency could be doing to my ear drums. What is the process in detoxing heavy metals Do I need to go to a specialist? I also need to have a tooth removed that is infected. It has a mercury filling. Do I need a special dentist?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lotus Blossom (Washington) on 03/04/2017

You can drink Hydrogen peroxide? Even in tiny amounts, I thought it was not supposed to be ingested. I have been suffering with tinnitus with "ear fullness" and "head fullness" sensation, and a slight hyper sensitivity to noise, for over a year. It began after I had gone one full year with no menstrual cycle, thought I had started menopause, but then no - I got one period, then another one, and it was right at the start of this first period after one year without them that the tinnitus began. Because of this I believe mine is due to menopausal hormone imbalance.

I also wonder now if it related to heavy metal build up, although I don't think I have the typical symptoms of that except I drink well water, which has a lot of iron in it (the water is safe to drink, has been tested, but it has a slight "iron" color and chalky taste. So now I wonder if I have too much iron from my well water. But the main ear-hearing problem seems to be related o hormone imbalance. I have been trying to get relief from many things, nothing works, and I am trying two OTC hormone creams (Progesterone and Estriol), both of which contain only very small doses of hormones, so might not make any difference at all. My doctor is no help at all. I would like to try this remedy here with the water, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide, but I want to be sure it is safe to drink. Thank you for any advice.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ana (Canada ) on 07/09/2020

Hi Lotus, did you find anything to work for you? I have the same problem, and trying to find some solutions.

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