Achieving Thyroid Balance with Natural Remedies and Nutrition

| Modified on Oct 24, 2023
Posted by Jan (Buffalo, NY) on 04/18/2008

Lugol's cure for Hyperthyroidism. 2 years ago I went to the doctor for fast pulse rate. Resting it was 105 to 110 bpm. He sent me to an endocrinologist who recommended the radioactive pill approach to killing the thyroid. I asked him about Iodine. He was very specific about how dangerous it would be to treat it with Iodine. I went home and ordered a bottle of Lugol's from the internet and three days later having taken doses for 3 days, my pulse rate was below 75 and the swollen throat had subsided. It was common goiter. The allopathic treatment seems to be kill the thyroid and take T4 for the rest of your life. there should be a law against the quackery practiced in modern medicine. What a waste of 12 years of education.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becca (Abilene, Tx) on 01/29/2014

Thru all of my reading and research about thyroid issues...both holistically and medical clinical trials, you should never treat the thyroid without also treating your adrenals with a good supplement. The two organs work hand in hand. Also, if you are iodine deficient, it doesn't matter how much medicine you take, your thyroid won't be able to process it. However, if you take blood pressure meds and want to supplement with iodine, make sure to take an iodine that does NOT contain potassium iodides as this will cause a potassium buildup in your body that the kidneys cannot excrete fast enough. Getting your thyroid and adrenals balanced can be a long and difficult process, but 14 months into this and the knowledge that I have gained...I have hopes that I am finally getting there. From what I know now and what I knew one year ago when a doctor put me on thyroid medication that led to a hyperthyroid a world of difference. I have quit the specialist and gone back to my family doctor that is working with me to get to a healthy state. I know now when I look at the tests taken one year ago, I did not need meds...I needed supplements to rebuild my thyroid and adrenals that became depleted from the shingles and chronic stress that I had been under the year before. I was vitamin D deficient and B 12 deficient. I was also low on female hormones, but after being on bio identical hormones for 13 years, my body was trying to tell me that I had had enough...that was part of the reason that my thyroid was sluggish. By the way, I no longer take the hormones. My advice is to know and listen to your are the only you that you have but one of many patients that your doctor has. They don't have the time to research and figure out how to address the root of your health issues only treat the symptoms. I have taken what I have learned from others on here and spent countless hours reading clinical studies to develop my own regime. I have a very analytical mind and research how all of the supplements interact with each other and in the body. Wishing you good luck and good health!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tony (Feltham, Middlesex, United Kingdom) on 01/22/2012

My god I'm totally blown away by this website. It is without doubt the best website on the planet. For many years I have suffered with back pain, chronic fatigue and depression. I keep telling my doctor that all my symtoms point to a thyroid issue but she will not listen. I did have some thyroid tests done but they came back normal. Symtoms are hair loss on shins, calves, eybrows, cold hands, cold feet, zero sex drive, depression, chronic fatigue, unable to lose weight, lower back pain, knee pain, pain in wrists, pain in ankles, pain in all joints, constipation and yes even thoughts of suicide. I thought I was almost on to finding the solution when I started taking my Nascent iodine supplement last week. The reason why I thought I might be iodine deficient is after spraying a cut with iodine about an hour later I started to feel great, no brain fog and felt happy. I assumed wrongly or rightly that is must be an iodine defiency. Anyway I went out and purchased some Nascent iodine. According to the Nascent instructions you take 1 drop in 3 to 6 oz water or topically for the first, increasing 1 drop each day for 5 days. On the 5th day I took 5 drops and later felt very faint and light headed. Also it felt as though my heart was pumping faster and I must admit I was quite scared. I then read about Virgin Coconut oil and decided to give it a go. I took a tablespoon in the morning together within my muesli and with an hour I started to feel that a great weight had lifted from me. I couldn't believe it, I went out for a run and actually felt happy and motivated for the first time in many years. I am also losing weight, for some reason it seems to raise your metabolism. I take a tablespoon in the morning with breakfast, a tablespoon with my lunch and a tablespoon with my dinner. It is nothing short of amazing, thanks so much for all the wonderful people on earthclinic. Coconut oil may not work for everyone but it certainly works for me. Good luck to all.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dardenel (Us) on 11/14/2018 50 posts

I am so excited this a.m. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid on Sept. 5,2018. I was prescribed synthroid, and took it for 2 weeks, then stopped as I was feeling awful, worse than when I was diagnosed. I found Earthclinic and read about natural ways to try to even out my numbers. I got onto Coconut Oil for it's iodine, and also started using salt again, but SeaSalt only, and just about one 8th of tsp a day.

I know many of my foods Id added to my diet had iodine as well, so I didnt want to get too much. Easy does it I kept remembering. I got my new, thyroid bloodwork back this a.m. and I'd like to share the pics so I'll try to do that. The first is the before numbers, and the second is the "after". I'm so thrilled and I hope others will try this.

EC: So sorry, your pics did not upload for some reason.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dianne (Nsw Australia) on 02/15/2017

Yes, stopping grains helped me as well. Also sugar, dairy, alcohol and caffeine. I healed my gut first, then my liver and the bloating stopped. I eat low carb, lots of vegetables, eat mainly berries and apples, coconut oil (no other oil) and don't overfill my plate. I also used homeopathic drops and my GP was astounded with the difference in my readings & said keep doing what I'm doing. I have taken off four dress sizes. I have had my thyroid operated on three times and removed because of cancer. I'm very fit & healthy now.

Avoid Non-Stick Pans
Posted by Phil (Dearing, Ga/usa) on 01/28/2010

Hi Rob. I have had stainless steel cookware for years now, because of the danger of the non-stick. Only until recently did I start to cook in them. The reason, I could not cook ANYTHING without it STICKING to the stainless steel. Well thank goodness for the net. I went on google and found out the trick to keep stainless steel from sticking to food.

The trick seems to be to heat the cookware over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Turn off heat and spray with a nonstick or put your oil in and smear around. Before cooking turn heat back on to warm oil, then start to cook. I have used this method and now my food doesn't stick! I use a store brand OLIVE OIL non- stick spray first then add the oil of my choice, usally olive oil.

I hope this helps all that may want to cook with stainless steel, but have had the sticking issues.

Cooked scrambled eggs yesterday and there was NO STICK at all!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Denise (Us) on 11/20/2018 50 posts

Hi Becky, I am not sure what high thyroid antibodies are, but I had hypothyroid/low thyroid. I believe I fluctuate between low and high at times, but no bloodwork to show a high count. I use most days, 1 tbsp of coconut oil, and maybe a total of 1/4 maybe a bit more, of Sea salt. Some days I may overdue the sea salt, but not often. The coconut oil I will also use to spread on sandwich if I have one, or english muffin. But as I said, most days I just do a tbsp in the a.m. I hope this doesn't gross you out, but I just warm mine in a glass dish with cover, and put it in hot water til it melts, then I just drink it down. It does not taste awful imo. You can use it as you wish, but I feel just using it in things takes away the potency, just my opinion on that. Let me know how you do. Also remember, it was about a month to two months before I got my second bloodwork-up. I had stopped the synthroid the doc recommended after 2 weeks, and started the coconut oil. I do use other supplements, and nutrition things so I will give you the list if you like. Let me know if you need further info. Glad to help if I can.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/20/2015

Hi Danny...There may be completely different reasons for your hyperthyroid problems while supplementing lugols iodine. The old belief was that it was the excess iodine in the blood that caused hyperthyroid symptoms.

But current independent research seems to now think that it is not the iodine but is the excess bromine that is detoxed by the iodine which goes into the blood in large amounts that causes all these hyper symptoms. See the research here.

The solution is to take the full Iodine protocol with all companion nutrients and take sea salt with water once or twice a day. The liver has great difficulty getting rid of bromine from the blood, but if you take sea salt(NaCl) then the chloride binds to the bromine in the blood to be easily and quickly excreted via the urinary pathway. Hence, this gets rid of all the excess bromine symptoms when you supplement the iodine. Here is the sea salt protocol that you should also try using together with the iodine protocol.

Just to also mention that I take 50 mgs lugols iodine per day(8 drops of 5% LI per day) and I have never had any problem with this daily dose. I also still take the full iodine protocol with all the advised companion nutrients. Been doing this without any problems for about 9 years, ever since I cured my own systemic candida issues.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cat (Austin, Tx) on 07/18/2010

THE VCO EXPERIMENT. I fluctuate at 176-180lbs because I do have a thyroid/metabolism problem. I try to always eat a healthy low carb diet as it combats my allergies and at least keeps my weight stable. BUT, I think I may have solved my thyroid and weight problem by ingesting coconut oil and water ONLY for breakfast and lunch and as a nighttime snack as needed.

Here is what I do and it works: Breakfast and Lunch consists of 1-2 tablespoons of VCO with water. Dinner consists of satiety level meat, salad, raw berries, sauteed veggies, and any vitamins I feel I need. Sometimes when eating out, I will include limited rice, white or sweet potato, or whole corn. I try never to eat wheat, bread, milk, SOY, sugar or polyunsaturated oils.

THE EXPERIMENT started: A more than hectic, rushed week began with no time to eat breakfast or lunch; so I ingested 1-2 tablespoons of VCO and drank water for these meals. Well, lo and behold, I did not miss the meals and found that I had tremendous energy, clarity, eyesight and was hungry-less while I only partook of the oil. By dinner time, I began to feel hungry and ate the low-carb meal described above. Within two days, my OH-SO-TIGHT-AROUND-THE-WAIST jeans were not so tight; I wasn't nearly as bloated in the mornings. So I continued this for the rest of the week, finally getting on the scale for my usual Friday weighin, thinking I might see a huge weight gain from all that oil. I had lost 6 pounds in 5 days!

The following days, I purposely went back to my usual low car regime, eating a normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner cooked with VCO or Palm oil and quickly gained the pounds back. I am now 2 days into trying THE EXPERIMENT again and have already lost 2 pounds. I still don't get hungry or feel fatigued, quite the opposite, again. Now, I am aware that coconut oil does not give all the nutrients the body needs so I try to make dinner as nutrient dense as possible, including a multivitamin. I am going to continue THE EXPERIMENT of 2 meals VCO and 1 off and will post in a month (8-18-10) on my progress or lack thereof. By the way, my thyroid loves this as well only experiencing pain when I eat soy out at restaurants. When the throat pain begins, I put a drop of lugol's iodine with a drop of coconut oil on my neck and the pain subsides within 5-10 minutes. SOY is SUCH a bugger!

Soda Crystals
Posted by Daniella (Beirut, Lebanon) on 05/17/2008

Carbicarb remedy which is a solution for many symptoms!! I had painful red itchy hands with pimples after working in the garden and i took 1/4 teaspoon of soda crystals (baking soda and sodium bicarbonate) in a glass of water the trademark is Tricel, made in the Netherlands, and in one hour the symptoms were gone. I also had running nose and the soda crystals dried my nose. My nose sometimes gets blocked and with daily use of soda crystals can return your nose to its normal condition and opened sinuses. Soda crystals does a lot! It helps my mother sleep easily, it alkalises your brain, helps your hypothalamus and help your exhausted adrenal glands to recover.This remedy and advice i got from Ted, he advised me to take daily soda crystals with a lot of water... It is helping my thyroid problem as well as i have hypothyroidism. I hope it will clean my liver too from the fats and clean it like it cleans a dirty plate. Thanx Ted for the great help you give with your advice as always. You are the best website!!! And Ted is the best! What do we do without Ted? What do we do without Earthclinic? We would probably die.. I am telling everyone i know how great Earthclinic is and they are checking your site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by G (Sydney) on 08/04/2016

ACV did absolutely nothing for the Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism I was suffering. Only 15ml of Borax solution in a glass of water, 4 times time a day (minimum) settled it right down, reduced my once perpetually swollen thyroid back down to normal size and allows me to sleep at least once every 24 hours (instead of going up to 4 straight days without sleep).

Magnet Therapy
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 04/08/2016 2063 posts

Liz: You are welcome.

I get the feeling that people are reluctant to try Magnet Therapy especially on the Thyroid, so I will respond be not afraid as there is no evidence of harm. I use strong magnets, but one should at least begin removing bad energy, inflammation, and infection with a simple Refrigerator Magnet. From my personal experience in a variety of conditions and body parts, Magnets are the single best place to start a cure. So many conditions never respond favorably to many treatments whether conventional or alternative because of the "preconditions" of bad energy, inflammation, and infection.

Recently I have found Zapping almost completely ineffective for local infection in my joints & lower spine until I discovered Magnet Therapy was absolutely necessary prior to Zapping. So now, I do this sequence as a rule-of-thumb on joints or even sensitive parts like thyroid & Thymus glands. Speaking of the Thymus Gland, in relation to the Thyroid, there could very well be a connection with especially the autoimmunity. Any toxin like Fluoride, zenobiotic, parasite, or infection in the Thymus Gland will produce immune dysfunction of many types as the Thymus is "the brain" of the immune system. For starters, one should use a Refrigerator Magnet on both these glands and also do a "tapping" with a fingertip to both heal & stimulate these glands back to normal.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Prosperity (Tampa, Fl) on 05/15/2011

I went through the same thing. I use lemon balm, Bugle weed and a green supplement. I meditated and confessed the word of God. I would close my eyes and focus on the muscles in the back my eyes to pull my eye back in.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Coconutrisk (Reno, Nv) on 06/10/2013

I too have been getting chest pains from coconut oil. I have 100% confirmed this several times by eliminating it from my diet then reintroducing it. It is concerning because sometimes it feels like I am having a heart attack. All the healthy stuff that is indicated by taking coconut oil, I am really concerned about the risks.

I have never taken thyroid meds, or any other meds. Just had to changed my diet to veggies fish and some meats over the past year. Coconut oil was helping my diet not be so bland, but despite what I just read on this forum about it possibly being a godo thing, the chest pains don't seem good to me. I'd like more science behind this.

PS: I have also found a few other cases of chest pains with coconut oil from google search.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debby (Monroe, Ct) on 08/22/2011

Hi, I read your post and I hope you receive this. I also experenced mucus in my throat, had throat pain at times, and my speech was affected. I was on medication for underactive thyroid. I kept going to Doctors for 10 years and no one ever mentioned the simplest test, thyroid untrasound. Long story short, thyroid cancer, stage 3. So please if you have symptoms get this checked.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adrienne (Id) on 10/17/2018

Me, too, nausea and fatigue, sometimes to the point of staggering after eating. I quit it cold turkey two days ago and already feel better. I have ordered a thyroid glandular from a company called Ancestral Supplements that sources from New Zealand cattle. I'll try to remember to comment on my results after I've been on it for a couple of months or so.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tracy (Frederick, MD) on 11/14/2007


Have been using the ACV remedy for about 2 mos and notice the immediate difference in my skin and in my lack of joint pain (I suffer from Carpal Tunnel). However, I also started to notice that my skin was getting dry and I was constantly tired and kind of depressed. All symptoms that I had before I got my thyroid checked. I have hypothyroidism and take Levothyroxin once daily in the am. I had been starting my day with the thyroid pill, then my ACV tonic. WELL, I just read on the Medicine bottle to take this medicine at least 4 hours prior to any antacids, iron or vitamin/mineral suppliments. Basically, the ACV was just washing away my meds. So I adjusted my times and don't take the ACV til later and I'm back to my old self, with the added ACV bonus! SO, check you medicine labels!!!

Posted by Maria J (Orlando, Fl) on 08/06/2007

Well it's a weird story because I think Iodine helped me and then didn't do so much good. I had a pain like "something stuck in my throat" and the acupuncturist thought it was my thyroid so she gave me potassium iodine drops to drink (20 or 40 a day - remember it is not regular iodine); and these were great to alleviate the pain and gave me the strength I needed to move, because I was in a point of suffering all the symptoms of a thyroiditis or a thyroxicosis; but then I took Ibuprofen and when the swelling of my thyroid was coming down, the iodine felt terrible so I stopped taking it! I really never knew which was the perfect dosage for the potassium iodine drops! I also took kelp, around 20 pills divided in 4 or 5 times in a day and they helped me a lot, but I was never sure if this is what I needed. I end up going to a specialist who immediately asked me to leave the iodine because he thought the help was just psychological, and charged me 250 dollars for saying this! I hope the traditional doctors learn about the iodine to properly help their patients. And I also hope that people who is suffering the hyperthyroid symptoms and hypothyroid too, should consider having some iodine to help ease the pain and problems. What I recommend very urgently is to have a blood test taken meassuring your thyroid levels (TSH and T4 and T3) way before taking the iodine or Kelp, because it can change those results and affect your helath or, worst, doctors might end up giving you the wrong medication - (as it happened to me and thank God they couldn't harm my thyroid too much!). Hope you all get well! Think that you will!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Deborah (Denison, TX) on 07/12/2007

I have read a lot of the comments about the VCO and its problems. i have been taking VCO & ACV (Read my testimonial) for over 10 years. In addition to both of these natural cures I also take 1/2 lemon & 1 tbsp. of Sea Salt each day with 8 oz. of warm water. This lemon/sea salt drink is a natural cleanser for your liver & digestive tract. If anyone is scared of the VCO causing liver problems then this might benefit them. The VCO does give you a oily discharge and gas but the benefits far outweigh the negative. I have taken several body cleanses and the natural, cheap and easiest way to do a body cleanse is to take the VCO twice daily (I mix mine with vanilla yogurt) and you will dispel the parasites that cause illnesses and clean your intestinal tract that when old food is not dispelled causes diseases. I do the lemon drink first thing then my VCO with yogurt and then my ACV & water and I am ready with so much energy to start my day. I have my thyroid and weight under control due to this regimen.

I also use VCO instead of body lotion or hair conditioner. I had very dry hair, skin and cuticles due to a thyroid problem but once I started the VCO it went away. I also make a VCO & Sea Salt scrub that does double duty because it opens your pores of the skin to dispel toxins and softens your skin. I am a 48 year old red head grandmother that looks in her 30's because of this great oil. I have 3 incurable diseases that I take no medication for except for my thyroid medication and my dosage keeps getting smaller & smaller each time my blood work is done.

I have found many cures for illnesses that are natural and have not been to a doctor in 4 years except for my yearly Lupus physical.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michelle (Rock Springs, WY) on 01/13/2007

I had a low functioning thyroid, very dry hair and skin. Since taking the Virgin Coconut Oil I no longer need my thyroid meds. My hair is soft and silky and my skin has dramatically improved. I cook with it and I also put it on my face 2x per day. What a miracle, I have also noticed an increase in energy. Other cure I found for it was diaper rash. My baby had a really bad rash while teething, her bottom would bleed and none of the creams at the store seemed to do anything at all, so I tried the coconut oil and with one application her bottom cleared up dramatically and the next day it was completely gone!

Posted by Donna (Aspen, CO) on 07/20/2006

In Dr. D. Brownstein's book "Iodine, why you need it why you cannot live without it" he mentions a way to detoxify. It seems that if we do not absorb iodine--or, if you get symptoms of iodine sufficiency (watery nose, excess saliva, frontal headache, tiny liesons on upper body), it may not actually mean that you have enough. It may be because our iodine receptors in our cells are clogged with fluoride and bromide (as they mimick iodine). You need Iodoral pills or the equilavent amount of Lugol's-- 50mg a day taken all at once with your thyroid med (if you take it). It flushes out the fluoride and bromide. I tried this, the first 4 nights I sweat like pig. I continued the 4 Iodoral pills for one month. I feel great now.

Iodoral can be purchased from or the Optimox website. Even if you absorb (which I did), I think this is good for you. Try the Iodoral for a week - one pill a day- -to make sure it agrees with you first. A rash means an allergy. By the way, you only absorb 12% of what you paint the rest goes up in the's a halogen. Publication #4 at explains why some doctors are afraid of iodine, it was a faulty study-- one study and our health was sacrificed!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cathy (OH) on 01/09/2023

35% food grade Hydrogen peroxide

I used this product for about two years, and I had thyroid problems, but after taking this my thyroid was fine, and I was off medication for it. My doctor was really surprised because he said no one gets off thyroid medication.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Dardenel (Us) on 11/16/2018 50 posts

Ok, there was a problem with the pics of my bloodwork so I'll just enter the numbers for before the coconut oil and seasalt, and the numbers after. Before, I had a 6.0 which the normal range is 0.450 - 4.500 uIU/mL. The after numbers are now 2.040 uIU/mL.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sundar (Balasore, Odisha) on 10/05/2014

Please, tell me the process for using coconut oil for thyroid and weight loss.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Timh (KY) on 08/17/2014 2063 posts

@Jennifer: The standard nutritional support protocol for Thyroid disorder is Coconut Oil, Lugols Iodine, and L-Tyrosine. It is important to start w/ low doses of these and slowly increase as your need for medication will probably need reducing.

If these nutrients don't bring about a healing you may need to try Magnet therapy and maybe also zapping to reduce inflammation and kill pathogens.

Thyroid Gland Removal Remedies
Posted by Kelli (Va) on 06/04/2013

I am 40 yr old female. I had my thyroid removed about 5 yr ago. It was by far the biggest mistake I have ever made. But relying on my Dr. recommendations I had it removed as it was getting larger. I have felt like a completely different person since then. I forget, can't focus, stay cold, headaches, very tired all of the time, can't sleep, leg cramps, serious hair loss, just don't care really. I feel as though I am becoming dumb over time. I take 175 mg of synthroid, weight 135lb, Dr. exclaimed that was high for someone my size? weigh is not and has never been an issue for me. I believe Synthrroid is causing some of these problems. I want to stop taking it, however I can't find a Dr. That seems to know what is going on. They just keep upping the synthroid??? Looking for a natural substitute to help me get back to the old me. I dont even take cild medicine. I don't know what my levels are anymore just got tired if going to the Dr and nothing being done.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jolene (Albuquerque, New Mexico) on 02/23/2013

To Charine from Singapore, one cause of belly fat is too much of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. If you experience a lot of stress in your life, this may be the cause. Check out the supplement relora. It reduces high levels of cortisol. I take it in the morning and again in the evening when it helps me to achieve calm in my body and a better night's sleep than before I started using it.

Do you do exercise to strengthen your core muscles?

Coconut Oil
Posted by Louise (Sandy, Utah) on 07/18/2016

Well, here it is a long time since you posted this. I hope you will check back to find this answer to your eczema if you still have it. Eczema is caused by roundworms. No cream or change of diet is ever going to work. Nothing had worked for me until I found this book. Dr. Hulda Reghr Clark explains in her book, The Cure For All Cancers, the exact methods for getting rid of parasites (most people have them). She explains how roundworm even causes schizophrena and how parasites can cause many illnesses. I got rid of my eczema by following her protocol. It took 2 weeks. I took her full strength herbal formula for 2 Saturdays and did the zapper treatments every day for 2 weeks beginning the first Saturday that I started taking the herbal formula. She explains how to begin taking the herbs gradually if you have cancer and are sick to your stomach, which I wasn't, so I began the formula full strength, that is, taking all the pills all at once with a little bread on an empty stomach. At the time the black walnut hull tincture was in liquid form, but now it is available in pills. At the end of 2 weeks my whole body became inflamed with eczema, but the next day it was all gone. People think there is no cure for eczema, but this is the cure. Roundworms are huge. Not only did my body expel parts of huge worms, but clumps of new babies as big as my fist. The roundworms are about 20 inches long and as big around as your thumb. They multiply by the millions. Imagine what destruction they can do when they invade your whole body! You have to keep your body clean because everybody has parasites! The wonderful and brilliant Dr. Clark died a few years ago, but you can buy her products from Self Health Resource Center in Chula Vista, CA, Her books have been printed in several languages and have been sold throughout the world.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cydrae (Baton Rouge, La - Louisiana) on 07/08/2013

Although coconut oil has many health benefits, too much of a good thing is usually just that - too much. There is some evidence that VCO decreases gallstones, but overindulgence can have the opposite effect and cause gallbladder pain which mimicks heart attack symptoms. Hope this helps. Good health to all.

Posted by Jayna (Fountain Valley, CA) on 08/08/2008

Shalom! I have been painting with iodine (a.m. and p.m.) for about five years now. I stopped taking the drug medications for Hashimotos Hypothyroidism because I learned that it eventually can rob me of my bones and mind. I am now 60 years old and function very well ~ praise be! I also take other herbs and vitamins (no tablets!) for this condition including liquid kelp drops in drinks during the day. Iodine for painting is less than $3.00 a bottle if you can still find it. I do not use regular pharmaceutical drugs of any kind. Blessings!
