Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Concord Grape Juice, Garlic

Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 03/07/2011

I was visiting another forum... Believe me, I need all the help I can get! I posted about night-time tooth pain, and that the pain was just like an ordinary bad one, but instead of the throbbing, I felt movement, along with the intense pain. I tried gargling with warm salt water (which used to work well, until I contracted Morgellons, and they got into/behind my teeth)... I tried hydrogen peroxide swish... Nothing. I read a post, after I'd posted a question about this, in answer to it. Oh yeah, I'd also mentioned that I have two compromised wisdom teeth (phobia of dentists), and that I also, receintly, had felt the roof of my mouth with my tongue, and felt "swirls" of stuff up there, for several days. I had also been clamping down on a garlic clove at bedtime, and all night, which did help, at first, but no longer. In answer, I had a reply telling me to gargle with concord grape juice and seltzer water, to get rid of the "worms" on the roof of my mouth. The poster wrote that I should be prepared to see some horrifying stuff, but that this was really a good thing. It took me a couple of days to get to the store; so meanwhile, I brushed my teeth 2-3 times/day with my baking soda/sea salt/clove oil mixture, and also added some borax to the mix, for good measure. For two days, I did this, along with sleeping with a clove of garlic. Before I could get to the store, two days later, the "worms" on the roof of my mouth started to disappear on the side that my teeth were bothering me most; then completely disappeared, along with the night time toothaches. So I started, the second night with the clove of garlic on the other side, where I have another (not so completely) compromised wisdom tooth, and those worms disappeared too... and no more toothaches. Meanwhile, I was able to go and purchase the concord grape juice, but forgot the seltzer water. Even though the "worms" on the roof of my mouth were almost completely gone, and my toothaches were greatly releived by now, I decided to gargle/swish with the concord grape juice, anyway, to see if anything came out when I spit into the toilet. I decided to use vodka in place of the spritzer water, for some reason... let me tell you... I have done this 3-4 times now at random, and it is always the same: all kinds of black specks, small worms (look biological, like cooked rice noodles), red blobs, clear blobs, a few stirophome-looking things, came out. Each time I do this, I swish hard 20 times, back and forth, spit, then repeat 2-3 more times; and each time tons of gross worms and black specks come out. I believe the purple grape juice makes the stuff you spit out a lot more visible, and it seems, also to release them. I don't think "they" like it. Wow. I do not have a bathtub here, so have not been able to do the soaks that many claim release tons of crap. I am so glad for this, though... at least I've gotten them to leave my mouth and teeth alone.

I hope this helps others.

I've decided that "misery doesn't love company", but misery NEEDS company. Love and Peace and greatest of health...


Replied by Wildfoxfreedomfighter
(Le Mars, Ia)

I am thinking trying this, it is a blood stream cleaner! Anyone else try this or shungite yet??? I think it needs a looking into shungite is a 2 billion year old rock that purifies water, and way more!!!!! Only found in Russia and than charcoal...

Corn Huskers Lotion

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maruska (Western Ny) on 09/17/2013

Like everyone else who has posted, I have been driven crazy with the itchy condition. It was so bad that I would scratch my skin until it bled. I had a bottle of Corn Huskers lotion. You can find it in any drug store in the lotion and moisturizer isle. It is a very thick gel lotion. I used it on my legs and within minutes tiny black spots rose to the surface. I had to use a magnifying glass to see them. I continued to use the lotion on my whole body allowing it to dry. Then I got in the shower and wash the lotion and the black spot off. After towel dryng, I reapplied the lotion and went through the same process. After the second shower, I reapplied the lotion and went to bed for the first night of uninterrupted sleep in months. In the morning I showered and reapplied the lotion. Tody is the first day I can function without the constant itching of my skin. I hope this will help everyone who is suffering from this horrible problem. I plan to continue the lotion for several weeks until I feel completely sure the problem is gone. Good Luck!

Replied by Sophia
(Yorba Linda, Ca)

Hi Maruska from Western NY, I would like to know how you did with the corn huskers lotion for your morgellons. Did it get rid of them completely?

Sincerely, Sophia

Replied by Kathy

I am in Oklahoma I have morgellons horrible they itch burn feel like crawling under my skin these things pop out of my skin from the sores. I cannot get the doctors to believe me I am at a loss I cry out in anger and fear and to god to please help me these things are in my mouth eyes arms back private area I am in a slow hell and have no one to talk to about them I have seen them crawl they look like a slender piece of black wood with one piece going across and they walk sideways. It is horrid the pain and depression from this I am so tired all the time and dont know how much longer I can handle this I am afraid I can't get no doctor to say I have anything besides that I am crazy. Does anyone out here know of a doctor that knows about morgellons I got to find one so I can let the local doctor know I am not crazy.

Replied by Lilacs

Don't waste your time with doctors.....most are in the dark about this and even the few who believe don't have a cure. Ted's advice is a godsend. I suffered with this plague for months and felt I was going crazy, itching, rashes, losing my hair, not sleeping with the pins and needles and crawling. It takes a while but can be conquered. All clothes and bedding must be soaked in hot water with borax, dryer cycle on several times on high. Put 1/8 teaspoon on BORAX, Team Mule 20 in a bottle of water and sip this for four days then have a bath with a cup of borax in it....your tub will be full of black specks. If they are on your scalp, order tetrasodium EDTA online and mix with water in a spray bottle.....soak scalp before bathing. More and more public places are infested with this parasite so if you are one of the unlucky ones that attract them , you will have to continue this protocol every time you get reinfested. I can be in a room and feel the crawling while others seem unaffected....not sure why. My poor cat got it too, .....I added a splash of my borax water to his drinking water and he was cured too. It will improve everyone and every animal you know....they multiply fast and don't die for ages. I had clothes bagged for a year and when I opened them, I got reinfested! Extreme cold and extreme heat kill them, so put things out over the winter and scald clothes and bedding with hot water. God bless.

Replied by Eva

University of Oklahoma actually does research on morgellons.

Replied by Melabot
(Okc Ok)

I live in okc, and have been suffering for years. I have been emptied of my savings by doctors and particularly dermatologists. I have given up on Western medicine and dermatologists and doctors. I was told at many health food stores that told most people with morgellons/fiber disease leave Oklahoma for lack of treatment. This seems odd considering Dr. Wymore is right here is Stillwater, Oklahoma and has done work concerning morgellons and also has sent fibers to the Tulsa Crime Lab. Supposedly, if you register on the OSU extension site, they can refer you to a doctor, but it never worked for me. It is frightening, I know that no help seems available. Go to the health food store. Start simple with alfalfa tabs. Use Ted's cure which is putting borax and antibacterial soap on yourself and following with glycerin. Drink apple cider vinegar in water and baking soda in water. I used figs, pumpkin seed oil, and other naturals to help get worms out of body. I am trying to heal by myself as others have been forced to do also. You can write me if you wish. God bless you...

Replied by The Dubbokc
(Oklahoma City, Ok)
1 posts

Melabot- like you I am in OKC & registered with OSU in hopes of anything really, but didn't even receive a conformation email so I don't know, is it still active I wonder? I've wanted to attempt & contact Dr. Wyman, but you know he has been inundated with request for help or suggestions since he was featured on ABC back in '08.

Since your post was so recent I thought I would reach out & see if you'd like to speak through email? I literally have shut myself off from the world from sheer embarrassment from the lesions on my face. The toll this has taken on my life is unbelievable. I'm 34 & what little I had is gone, I'm sure you completely know where I'm coming from. Anyways I would love to just talk to someone here in Oklahoma or anywhere I'm certainly not picky if you'd like. Email me at kdubbn(at) I don't know how long you've had this or to the severity of yours but I identified with this in Nov 2013 & have just as many if not more questions now than ever...& no one to ask them to.

Anyways would like to chat with some others especially when it comes to actually healing the lesions that are on my face. I feel I try so many different things that even though at the moment I feel like something is working I honestly don't know which "cure" it is that is working but to scared to stop any of them cause I just want to at least not feel so mutilated when I look in the mirror every day. Ugh, now I'm tearing up.

Can I ask, do you or anyone reading this, have major digestive/GI issues from this? I don't know if it is directly from the Morgs or if it is something I've done to myself with all the various treatments I've tried, but it's yet another thing that is completely out of synch in my life, & I do mean completely screwed up. Also has anyone (& I realize this might be a stretch) ever been on Accutane? I randomly will read about this with others who have Morgs & I was just curious on anyone & their thoughts since at one time was pulled from the shelves for really screwing people up. I suffered some crazy side effects back then but not once I stopped taking it. Who knows, I mean honestly I have so many personal theories about this I make myself question my own sanity, daily at times.

Email me if you'd like. Would love to chat with someone about this hell we're in. Sorry for the long ass post. Good luck to everyone. Cheers---- The DubbOkc

"That's a bitch'n case of evil you've got there." –said a physician to his first Morgellons patient

(Pasadena, Ca)

Accutane is awful, it had my niece thinking of ways to kill her brothers and sisters and when she stopped the Accutane she had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder her hands bled she washed them so many times.

Replied by Sweetvenom13
(Sydney, Australia)

Hi Dubbokc,

I have been wondering about the role of Retin A and roaccutane internal and topical medications too. Have a look for kandy griffin + morgellons is not a disease article which goes into great detail about nanotechnology and the role of micelles or nanoworms in medications and cosmetics which are mostly used by women in their late 30s, 40s and 50's - also the largest group represented in morgellons cases. I believe that morgellons is a multi-faceted systemic disease which attacks individual's weakest point so symptoms vary from person to person. I also believe what ted from Bangkok says about there being different strains of the genetically engineered 'silent super bug'. many cosmetics and anti ageing creams use bacteria, moulds, fungi or viruses to achieve various goals including the manufacture of 'synthetic DNA' or more accurately (I believe) RNA.

I do warn you though, if you really get into this topic it will change the way you perceive the world and how much er trust you should or should not give to pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies. Also when shopping for toiletries, cosmetics, hair dyes, moisturisers etc be prepared to have to take lists of chemicals and ingredients to avoid. A lot of these companies are quite sneaky with their labelling too, as some ingredients are known by different names in different countries or are listed under mysterious trademarked names which they have make them sound fabulously high tech (we read effective) and often to mask/hide the true chemical cocktail of ingredients under one proprietary name.

I would be interested to find out how many other morgellons sufferers do have a history of internal or topical retin A aka accutane, roaccutane etc

Kandy griffin is a nurse who has spent many years researching medical patents and nanotechnology...volunteering her information rather than trying to profiteer from it.

Good luck with your journey towards better health and please let me know what you think. All the best

Replied by Anon

Well, I know the exact time I first had symptoms was after loosing a lot of weight and regaining it fast, it started with a small weep on one forearm. I was working a job and maintenance came in and changed out my chair for some unknown reason, My mother was working as a nurse in a hospital at this time as well, I had been doing a colon cleanse at this time to. When it really broke out on me was when I was cutting grass one day sweating, it only got on my outside forearms. So what is it and where did it come from?

It could have come from my mother, because I used to lay across her bed when she was getting ready for work at her vanity, she had a bout with them as well, but they left her alone not to long after she had spots on her. She also was doing a colon cleanse, same as mine. I know lots of nurses have these things, so I believe that it is some kind of Bacterial infection or they live in your gut and get in the blood stream from leaky gut and exit the skin.

The problem is know one knows for sure what it is, so it is best to treat it as a Fungus, Bacterial, Parasite, Insect Vector, Virus. Also we need to dissolve any shells they may hide in whether they be plastic, calcium, or any other coating.

L-Lysine is one on the best anti viral along with Zinc. Borax and baking soda for fungus. Garlic and probiotics for bacterial. Orange oil to dissolve plastic, kill insect vectors, help kill of parasites. MSM to dissolve calcium shells. Treat external as well as internal. Some people highly recommend a zapper as well. Treat it for all of this and let me know how it works.

If they do come from the leaky gut, we may have to fix the leaky gut to prevent further breakouts. The colon cleanses I have read can sometime rubbed tiny holes in the gut ( From the sandpaper like fiber that they say scrubs your colon clean. Also candida can cause leaky gut, Fix the gut maybe fix the problem.

Replied by Diana

I had been using retin a on face for years for acne. Also polycystic ovarian syndrome.....I think there is a connection with hormonal imbalance. Interesting that after using borax internally and externally, my periods became normal at age 44. I've also heard that low hydrochloric acid is the cause so I'm trying to increase mine.....yet they definitely go dormant when I drink baking soda so that contradiction confuses me. Borax has kept me sane every time I get reinvested. Let's hope they don't outsmart it!

Replied by Paula

Hello, I was just wondering if you have found a cure for what you are going through? I have also experienced the same thing. I have been on a protocol for 14 months and I am seeing results. I do have a dr here that does semi believe what is going on with me.

Replied by Ssshhhh
(Dallas Texas)

Please stay away from the doctors. ALL of them are in on it. EVERY KNOWN AN UNKNOWN VIRUS BACTERIA INFECTION LIKE CANCERS TO ANYTHING THAT CAUSES THE BODY TO BE SICK IS ONLY ONE THING! What is the ONLY thing that can survive AND thrive in absolute pitch darkness and saturated moist acidic environment?? Fungi. Mold. Simple botonal and the Truth is the Dr are either EVIL or ignorant. Save yourself further soul wrenching please research and utilize every known solutions to remedy anything fungal. Bc foot fungus is exactly same as pink eye as exactly same as Chlamydia as diaper rash as divirticulitis as.... You follow?? KNOW THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE OK JUST GET OUT OF THE PITY PART AND INTO REAL RESEARCH AND ACTIONS OF YOUR RESULTS!! YOU ARE GOING TO BE OK PLEASE KNOW THAT. I am n yer boat too so if I can say this then know you can live this an win!


Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Queensland) on 03/29/2015

Ted or Bill might know whether it is appropriate to use deltamethrin against these bugs in the house. I can't buy tetrasodium EDTA here.

Detox, Eat Alkaline

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mary (Tucson, AZ) on 12/20/2021

To rid yourself of morgellons: two things. Detox, and eat alkaline food only for the rest of your life.

At first, eating alkaline is difficult, but after a few months, you feel so good, the misery you have been going through is gone. The fungus HATES alkaline, it thrives on acid and heavy metals.

So to detox, chlorella and spirulina are life changing. There are lots of detoxes out there, but these worked for me. Coconut oil is anti-fungal, so applying it over your body feel great and the fungi HATE it. Guaranteed to work. Forget the AMA, they will not help. Need to be self sufficient! Stay strong


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Georgia (Edgemoor, Sc) on 08/16/2016

Re:. Morgellons It has been 5 yrs since I experienced 5 1/2 yrs of "Morgellons". Went to several dermatologists who all but one decided I was delusional and really did not take me serious. The one female dermatologist acknowledged that I had something in my skin and wanted to send me to Duke. I knew they would not know how to diagnose or treat it. I had already read stories of people going in that direction. I am fairly certainy my body was toxic and my immune system was obviously not working. By the grace of God and years of detoxing, eating only organic, removing many amalgam fillings, etc. I am well. I believe it is a bacterial - fungal disease possibly related to the GMO and poisoning by all of the herbicides, fungicides and pesticides used today. I can attest it is real and a living horror story to experience. So sad and shocking that most of the medical community are so close minded.

Replied by Kathy
(New York)

I am just beginning my external routine. If I miss an ingredient for baths my lesions reopen. Recently I discovered Epson salt and Dr. Clay and ginger bath soak and it made a big improvement. Unfortunately it now takes 40 mins to shower. And end shower and baths on cold water to close the pores.

I'm so tired of this. My family thinks I'm losing it, my Dr n ER dr were no help. Hadn't heard of morgellons at the time, but couldn't understand their refusal to examine the sores and telling me it's in head and stress triggeed it. Over 1 and half years with sores all over my face. In hindsight started yeas ago but less extreme. ER Dr wouldn't come and peaked over at it from a distance. I went in with nerve damage with numbness and he labeled me without coming neat me.

Coconut oil is great to, both for cooking and cleaning.

Do you have any more suggestions? I used lemo on my scalp and my eye swelled up. Finally going down but it hurt! About to start an internal detox

Replied by Hope4all
(Salsbury Md)

Did you take any medications or sipplements. Im going on a year and a half with this, cant sleep, barely eat and it is starting to show a lot. I was able to buy Ivermectin and Albandozole but I am concerned that it will cause more harm than it is worth.

Replied by Suz

Eat as clean as possible, avoid alfalfa or anything that makes your hair grow bc it will grow with it. Soak all produce in purified water with a pinch of activated charcoal and some vinegar and then rinse. It's a bacteria that behaves as a virus, with fruiting fungal bodies that will alter and attach to your dna, it knows how to hide and to fool your body into thinking it is part of YOU, which is actually kinda is unfortunately. Take only organic supplements from a reputable source bc a certification by the USDA isn't worth the ink in the stamp. Avoid supplements and vitamins with magnesium sterate. Up your vitamin C, do some vitamin C flushes and also some salt flushes. Detox Dudes and Earther Academy are some sites to look up, they offer excellent advice. To understand the depth of what is being dealt with search Harald Kautz Vella and watch some of his videos/talks. Eggplant, limes, ginger, parsley, cilantro, thyme, oregano, tulsi (holy basil), cloves, zuchini, cucumbers and arugula are all great foods to start consuming. Avoid quinoa bc it often has mold. Get your b vitamins from nutritional yeast, take flaxseed oil twice daily and aslo apply it to your skin. Sea salt only, himalayan salt is mostly not really that. Once a week or so take a tsp of food grade activated charcoal with another of bentonite clay and a splash of lemon, being sure not to mix it in a metal cup or with a metal spoon. Drink it in water or juice if you hate the taste and follow with A LOT of water. Now foods makes an excellent Silica complex. Also get: Dr. Christopher's Bone and Tissue Formula, Ionic Zinc by Trace Minerals, Nature's Answer Olive Leaf (liquid), Nature's Answer Liver Support, Coptis, Spilanthes, Dragon's Blood, Yarrow, Neutralizing Cordial, Butternut Extract, Planetary Naturals Triphala, Organic India Neem, Manjistha Powder (blood cleanser, also known as Indian Madder Root), Breathe Right by Organic India and Black Seed Oil. Whenever possible get the liquid forms of the supplements. Ivermectin doesn't work and will only tax your already taxed liver. Some good brands you can trust are Herb Pharm, Secrets of The Tribe, Dr. Christophers, Organic India, Samsara Herbs, Trace Minerals, The Synergy Company (great food based multi vitamins and vitamin C), Nature's Answer and some Now and Doctor's Choice products. Take the tinctures on and off, mix it up so that it doesn't figure out how to hide from it. To break up the biofilms you will need Grapefruit Seed Extract and an enzyme supplement called Restore-Activ. To stop the bacteria from communicating (it does this audibly, many ppl get an ear ringing) take organic lemongrass oil or lemongrass tea. For your home environment clean everything daily, it gets tiring but otherwise you'll reinfect yourself. Use Borax (keep away from cats) in a spray bottle with salt and clean water to spray all linens and furniture before cleaning. Clean with garlic essential oil and soapy water, diffuse cedarwood oil and spray ceilings and wipe down walls with it. Around outside hose down windows and walkways after it rains. Sweep walkways into home daily, put diamateous earth around the yard and home. Use an ozone generator bc it kills it. One room at a time, with the room sealed off, as much as possible. Get an allergen vacuum so nothing escapes and some quality air purifiers. Surround Air 8400 is a great one for less than 100. Switch back to incandescent bulbs bc the new energy saver bulbs don't save anything but they do deplete your vitamin D which is essential for healing. Consider getting a vitamin d3 spray and spray under your tongue 3x twice a day. Switch internet from wifi to wired and use bridge mode, shut off your router's hotspot bc they all have them. Swiffers will be your best friend, the wet pads are great. Change bedding constantly and use a lint roller on the linens in between washings. For detergent use Borax, baking soda, distilled vinegar and niouli oil. For dryer sheets (static is a trigger for sure) use Seventh Generation or something like that. No chemicals or hormone disrupters. Get a shower head filter. Spray all faucets and drains with the borax mixture, clean all vents, get heating vent filters (3 bucks at Home Depot) and one for the air return. Get plenty of sleep, stay as active as possible, get an anti static lotion for skin and use coconut oil and also an arnica cream. For homeopathic remedies: cina, hyland's cell salts (#10, #4 and #5 are essential). Coffee enemas and water enemas. Carrot juice and hyssop tea are good. Clean your vehicle thoroughly like you would your home. And get an rf safe case for your mobile phone.

Best of luck. Keep your spirit high. Be love.

Replied by Alisha
(Youngsville, Nc)

Hi im responding to your comment where you say one of 5 dermatologists almost sent you to Duke....have you been to any further appts with this Dr to tell them of your success on your own? So they can actually help there from your help? I just hope more Drs start recognizing this....I just realized what I have through research and am appalled we've been left to fend for ourselves and we have. I've been suffering for a long time. But its gotten me to a non functional state. So I've been researching for months what could be going on with my body. I wished I wouldn't have pushed this possibility away months ago bc I just wasn't realizing I did on fact have these fibers in my skin. But its true I did and do. And I'm close to Duke so I knew you're in my area and was curious.thx so much for gives me hope.

Replied by Yvonne

I have lived with this for many years and just can't get rid of it. Thank you for posting it. I am glad to see people are coming forward.

Diagnosing Morgellons

Posted by Rebel (Usa) on 08/13/2014

Bill, Dave and the rest of you please read this about Morgellons and Lyme and the natural treatment here.

Seems it is not enough for us to just get rid of the disease on the skin. This is very scary stuff. I can't decide if I have chronic Candida or Morgellons.

Sounds like they have some of the same symptoms. Could they be linked together? How would one really know what they were treating, when symptoms are so similar?

PLEASE, PLEASE read this link, because I really respect all of ya'lls opinions and I know Bill and Ted know a lot about the bio-films.

I know the way this person talks about the Herx reaction on this sounds a lot like, what I experienced when I was doing the mini-beet protocol. That was to much for me to bare. I know it was working and pulling major things from my body, because the herx was, well if any of you have ever been drunk to the point of having dry heaves. I could literally fell my insides being pulled, like it was stretching my liver.

Thank you


Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

In this post on morgellons, etc. the same mistake, namely that MMS is toxic. Robt. Henry in his post has corrected that definitely as he has worked in the paper industry and my take is that bad research makes these statements. One only needs to visit Jim Humble's website and find out the proper aspect of MMS in that it has saved millions of lives and made malaria curable overnight.

Perusing that lengthy post on morgellons, there must be cures that are affordable.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Rebel
(GA, US)

Yes, I read that as well, but this person seems to have put a lot of research into this. One thing is for sure, is that with natural medicines you will always find people who agree to disagree. It not much different than religion in that aspect. We all want to be healthy naturally and the church going people want to know how they will be saved, and everybody has a different views on how to achieve that.

I still have the question though, Could Lyme and Morgellons be a form of advanced candida. My reason for this is somewhere here on EC a guy had black specks rubbing out of his body ( Morgellons? ) But went to have blood work done and they told him he had Candida. The symptoms are very close to being the same with these three disease's. Also I have watch a video on the net ( and yes they are selling a probiotic ) about the advanced form of Candida and they call it the Great American Parasite and actually show a picture of a Nano looking Flea. And this video is about stopping candida and they call this fungus a parasite.

I have done lots of stuff found here on EC. Including Borax, PH buffers, cayenne. And lots of stuff has helped me get a lot better skin wise than I had been. My diet is my weak point. I try so hard to correct it and I can honestly say that correcting my diet is the hardest thing I have ever tried doing. Maybe because I am ate up with candida and it is like trying to get off a drug or something, making me have cravings, incredibly HUNGRY, not just for sweets but anything. I have quit drinking alcohol, after drinking quite a lot in my life time both beer and liquor. No problems quitting that. Cold turkey no problem, but food so hard to change. I literally have mood and energy swings with what I eat.

I thought I had got rid of these little black specks coming out of my arms after taking Cayenne for some time. They went away for a quite while. Then I started a diet, Yea go figure, I was doing smoothies and adding Coconut oil for additional weight loss and after about two weeks of consuming about a TBS of the oil a day. My arms started itching like they did the first time I thought I had caught these mite or parasites ( cutting grass ) I was sweating that day and assumed it was the grass itching me. Maybe this is when I got the fungus or mite/parasite or maybe it was candida coming out of my pores onto my skin ( like how athletes foot attacks just between the toes and not the whole foot in some cases). When I rubbed my arms with any kind of lotion or oil the black specks will come out. That stopped for several months and I thought the cayenne had cured me, but the coconut oil seemed to drive them back out onto my arms.

I am taking a probiotic, trying to make fermented foods (this can be a challenge). Trying to make sauerkraut as of today and have made some bubbly coconut water kefir. Not sure I did it right, but it did seem to ferment and I have been drinking it without getting sick. I take baking soda as well.

I am far from an expert and I am trying to learn as much as I can. So much info out here now, it gets confusing.

Thanks for reading my book LOL. Rebel

Replied by Jewels
(Washington, Dc)

I believe it is candida related as well because when I first started seeing the signs and symptoms I was treating mouth thrush and a BV with probiotics and had signs of parasites, then everything went haywire.


Posted by Mama2love (Hephzibah, Georgia) on 05/21/2015

I urge everyone that's having symtoms of worms, splinters coming out of your body please get to a hospital are your Dr. Office, this is a deadly disease and is cause by a sand flea bite.Look up Leishmaniasis Disease- Please I'm going to the hospital in the morning, I have the lesions and splinters, and worms, now throwing up blood, this is very serious disease, they have medication for this, it's called Milterfosine pill form.Write this down when you do see health professionals, I hope this helps all out there thats been suffering in silent.

Gods Speed

Diatomaceous Earth

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Sharon (FL) on 03/07/2022

Thought I had scabies, but think my morgellons are back, just did a scrub with DE and the Black bug/fibres started coming out! I have not suffered with this since 2012! I think they are spraying it in the chemtrails.

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

I know copper helps and maybe borax. I hope you recover quickly; I know it's an intense battle. I met someone I prayed for that had it and when I went home, I saw it in the air around me. It's not hard to catch. Another lady said it is in wood and concrete foundations and I just pray whoever set it into action that it all gets collected and deposited on them so they can get the full effect of what they sowed, like covid. I Pray that for chemtrails too. RETURN TO SENDER.

Morgellons Epidemiology of filamentous Biofilm Bacteria (

Replied by Josey

I have had these for 7 months, I took Teds from Thailand advice. Read all of his answers. Its all very helpful. I use packing tape on my legs from the knee down and it takes them off so I use a lot of it but they come back fast. I started to notice what was on the tape, you will be surprised when you see what is on the tape. I have seen the images of morgellons, they are a spider looking thing with lots of legs and they come in all sizes. Its when they stack on top of each other that causes all the problems. I work hard to keep them off. I don't have any lesions. Remember they are fairly smart.

Ted's recipe for the spray is 10% Tetra sodium EDTA and 10% Ammonium Chloride with 90% water. Shack and spray everywhere and on you body. I would like to hear from someone that tries the packing tape to see the images. I know this sounds strange but remember I don't have the lesions.

Replied by Tanya

Hi . What's in the scrub that you make? I've been using it on the carpets before I vacuum and furniture . I considered adding it to the bath which is what I do with borax usually . Struggling lately

Replied by Boo boo

Yes Morgellons sprayed

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Art (VA) on 06/08/2021 4 posts

For Morgellons in the scalp to control those little black bugs.I went online at Amazon and brought a 10 pound bag of Diatomaceous Earth food grade. I was so desperate bc I had brought everything for my scalp and they were in my eyes and nose. So I washed my hair with Neutrogena tea tree oil, then I took a cup over and mixed it in with the shampoo.Got it nice and gooey. That really helps me bc with the DE on my scalp they were moving but they didn't run to my face and eyes and ears. I put a plastic cap in my head. Remember to not let it dry out. Keep it saturated. I'm waiting on my edta to come so I can put that in my head. But I don't understand what Ted said about using edta with water to make a soap. Can someone please tell me how to put the edta on my head?? And please simplify it. Thank u.

Replied by June

I mix the EDTA with borax and water. The Ted recipe. I wash myself with a wash cloth with this solution. Then I rinse off in the shower. I have shaved my head. After I've dried I apply lotion ( eucerin) then peppermint essential oil. Let that soak in and dress. In the night if I am awakened due to itching I apply eucerin and go back to sleep.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Smsk (Hebron, In) on 10/18/2016

This "disease" seems to be spreading. I don't know if it is a parasite or fungus or both. I spent months trying to get rid of it I believe that it is a long dormant mite or an oak tree gull mite. It may have come back from laying in the earth for a century from rain. Frankly, after a few months, I just wanted it to be gone. I can kill it easily.

It's frustrating when you know that your body is having an allergic reaction to something and doctors do not believe you and may say that it is a mental issue it's not; I believe you.

1. It's in the outdoor air, well water, or both. Look up at a window that us being directly hit by the sun as it rises or sets. Does it look dusty even though your home is clean? That's it. That's what you need to kill.

2. You may bleach your showers, sinks, ice makers, hoses, water softener, dishwasher. Anything that touches water and it will not die. Start looking around. Anything that gets evens minute but of condensation needs to be treated.

3. Diatomaceous Earth (DE). It is your new best friend. Make sure that it is food grade so that it isn't harmful to any person/ pet. If you have small pets, take them outside while treating. It is in Borax, Peroxide, and in almost anything that other people are using. Put a couple if tablespoons in anything that has water. Do not forget toilet tanks. Next, heavily dust any areas, beds, cabinets, kitchens, baths, wood decks, rugs, etc.. With it. Put some in a blue Windex mixture. Clean with it. Spray bathroom ceilings. Wait 20 minutes. You will see it come out. Showers need to be treated daily until it is gone. Grab a handful of the dust and throw it into the corners and on shampoo bottles/ handles/ anything in the shower. Even if it is perfectly bleached clean, you will see gray particles mixing with it. That's the monster. Was down shower after. Retreat with the powder before you leave the bathroom. If you dust itchy skin areas, it goes away immediately.

Whatever this is, it enters through your skin like a dozen quick, sharp needles. You can feel it crawling, but no one can see it. A thought on the cored particles comin out of skin. It's from clothing/ bags of food like cops, dog food, cereal, noodles, anything not packahed in metal containers. The creature goes through the bag (or your clothing). You have lotion/ body oil/ dry skin particles that attach to the creatures as they break through your skin. And drawing lotion/ jelly will bring it back out of you. The monsters seem to favor females, people with a hormonal imbalance, those with other diseases. Possibly, your immune system cannot fight the parasite alone. It could be diet- related or not. People that shower or sweat more ofte are more likely to get it. Dust you ur hair. Use neem or tee tree shampoo. You will feel it drop off of your body, the itching is immediately gone, enjoy life!

I don't understand how so many people are afflicted with it, but society has made us too fearful of telling anyone because it sounds like a mental issue. It's not. You only need DE to cure it. It's available in food grade for less than $20. This supply of 10 pounds is more than enough.

Replied by Natelie
(East Texas)

I seem to break out in little red bumps that itch and have a tiny white head and its usually association with me getting over heated. I. Recently got bv which brought this on again . but this time it turned to major sores. I cleansed. And I had a magnifying glass with a light. I wanted to inspect my scabs after. I noticed a few seconds with this light or heat little white wax would come out .as soon as it did id look under the magnifyinge glass at it and it appeared not to be moving so I thought it was clogged pores. They come out thru hair follicles . I was tripping out so I checked other parts of my body and everywhere I put the light my skin would sparkle like sweat and these little white things came out. But it does feel like so.ething is crawling all thru my skin and some do look different in color I just thought it was dirty pores ftom the yeast infection . So I suggest taking a magnifying glass to your doctor like im going to do. But they come out of the skin within seconds of the light or heat from light. So may be heat related thats what causes my normal rashes.

Replied by Deb
(Battle Creek, Mi)
12 posts

How are you now? I have done DE but not long enough

Dietary Changes

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Sky (Boston, Ma) on 10/14/2018

Morgellons: I have had this for a few months only. I found that ivermectin helped with the initial horrifying outbreak, and now I am on a protocol of various vitamins and supplements, plus bio-active silver. The silver helps a lot...when I feel a bite or pricking sensation in my skin, I rub a little silver water on it, and it goes away. Also seems to help heal my skin. Changing my diet has been hugely helpful--no sugar (no fruit except lemons and limes, no maple syrup on honey), no carbs (no bread, rice, potatoes, etc., only a tiny amount of lentils sometimes), no grains, no dairy, only organic meats, veggies, eggs, almond milk, plus lots of water and herbal teas (green tea.) No coffee or caffeine. I once went off my diet, because I was feeling so good, and had a major diet is key. It's hard in the beginning, but you lose your cravings for sugar soon..and it stabilizes your appetite. I can easily go from lunch to dinner without wanting an afternoon snack or caffeine which is a first for me. I've lost 20 pounds effortlessly, too.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anna (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 04/18/2011


I have had this for almost 2 years now, but I have to say that since I started an alkaline diet like changing cow milk with almond milk, lowering my sugar intake and taking 2 spoons of wheat grass powder at night before going to bed, I almost forgot about the crawling stinging, and itching sensation.

I take 1 spirulina pill with a multivitamin in the morning and 1 maca pill just to start my day and feel full of energy. Maca is great against Morguellons because not only is good for the inmune system and energy also it gets rid of the pain I used to feel, the stinging sensation. I take maca 1 or twice a day. Also I lowered my sugar intake, but sometimes I get a few cookies or chocolate during the day with no effects of any kind.

I don't take colloidal silver, MSO, garlic pills, alfalfa or any other stuff I used to take before when I was desperate looking for something that could give me my normal life back. I don't see those horrible black dots or hair anymore. Sometimes I even forget that I have this disease and feel that thank God I am living a normal life now.

Replied by Deb
(Michigan, US)
12 posts

How are you now? Still trying to combat this.

Dietary Changes for Morgellons

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jill (Illinois) on 11/03/2013

Been grappling with this for some time.... forget putting things on the skin... in the rules of homeopathy they state that chronic disease is caused by attepting to cure a skin disease by an external application/effort... the body must be cured from the inside out...otherwise, as in morgellons, you are just driving the problem deeper into your body. I've tried it all and some things help.... but if you want to have even a partial cure...the key is in the diet... I think I have this under control then all of a sudden recently it seemed like it was almost taking over my body, then I realize I've just been in denial... track full and new moons... they go crazy after these dates and you want to really watch diet, etc. at these times...I think this is a big procreation time for them. But diet is the key you can almost kill them off by starving them. Parasites like sugar/carbs... you must starve them... I went on a meat/vegetable diet only a couple years ago...and I not only lost a lot of bad weight... but they quiet down to a great degree... they need carbs to stay strong... Salads, stir fry... etc... you must cut out bread, rice, sugar, even fruit is problematic... just meat and vegetables and eggs... you will notice a change within just a few days..... I know it will take self-restraint, but it is the only way and its better than the nightmare these ... also if you watch the "Carnicom" videos he says they take up iron and amino acids in the body... the meat and eggs should help, he recommends whey, but I'm worried whey is made from dairy and might feed the M's... I also recommend Alpha Lipoic Acid... you need to fight the free radicals these monsters are creating in your body and perverting your DNA... ALA helps your body create glutathione which is the most potent antioxidant known to man... so take this daily... I use homeopathy and get some aid from that, but MEAT & VEGGIES is your main weapon in this nightmare. and remember...fighting in on the skin level actually makes things worse... pushes them inside your body....

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

I don't understand the full spectrum of morgellon cases but when I did develop the problem, I got rid of it easy.

Morgellons seems to be a warm climate parasite that burrows under the skin. I think I got mine from swimming. I could feel the tingling especially on my forehead. parasites seem to want to migrate there for some reason. Lot of people with morgellons have reported similar. I even had a thicket like thing growing out of my forehead. they are skin parasites from most of the reports I have so they live in the skin.

I just wiped a lemon across forehead for a couple days then no more tingling.

The thing growing out of my forehead, I got rid of by applying dmso and citric acid a couple times. it fell off within 2 days. the citric acid wouldn't penetrate with the dmso.

Haven't had anymore problems.

Dietary Changes, Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Britoven (Spokane, Washington) on 09/14/2013

Folks, I have this problem, and I think I may have discovered a cure. First let me say, after reading the many postings on this subject that I see many people treating this as if it were a "skin disease". It IS NOT. It is a BLOOD DISEASE. These things are in our blood. So treating the skin will not help---in fact, it makes it worse, because the morgellons bacteria simply "relocate" to another spot in your body. The only way to defeat this is to completely purify your blood. Now there are 2 ways to do this:

1) A complete blood transfusion-----Not a good option for most as it is VERY expensive to do

2) Blood purification

The first step towards a cure is to ELIMINATE ALL GMOS. This isn't as easy as it sounds, especially in the states. You have to make sure ALL the food you eat is CERTIFIED ORGANIC. NOt "All natural" ---those foods still have GMO's in them. The sad thing is, ANYWHERE you eat out or ANY large corporate food company has some GMO's in it, and GMOS make this vastly worse.

The 2nd step of the cure is to start a baking soda regimen. I recommend 1 heaping tablespoon of baking soda per day ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. This isn't much fun, but it works. What I do is take it with water (On an empty stomach) and then "chase it" with something sweet, like ice tea or fruit juice. The sugar will deliver it right into your blood, and THAT'S WHERE YOU NEED IT. Baking soda will alkalize your blood, and that slows down and eventually stops the spread of these horrific things.

BTW, its not an immediate cure---in fact, initailly, you will see more lesions pop up---BUT, you will also see many of them start to "Seal up" and the new ones that appear will go away MUCH FASTER than the old ones you had.

In case you're wondering, I have a theory on what "Morgellons" is---
First, lets look at GMO's.
GMO plants have "Round up pesticide" engineered RIGHT INTO THE PLANT. So when you eat this food, you are ingesting this pesticide. Now, normally we all think that pesticides will kill off bugs and bacteria----But as we all know, there is always some of the bacteria/bugs etc that are NOT killed by the pesticide(Its the same principle with anti bioitics---most of the germs are killed, but some survive) IMO, this Morgellons "parasite" is a mutated version of some farm pest that not only isnt harmed by the Monsanto pesticide used on GMO crops--IT FEEDS ON IT.

This is why GMOS HAVE to be removed from the diet. ( BTW, this will not help right away either, as most people have been consuming this garbage for years and have a huge buildup of this pesticide residue in their bodies----but the sooner you start the sooner you'll heal)

So there you have it---dump GMO's, and get on a daily baking soda regimen. (Nutra silver helps as well) Take lots of showers, and MOST Importantly , once you start this regimen, DO NOT PICK AT THESE SORES WHEN THEY SCAB OVER.

No matter how they itch or how "ready" they look to be picked off, you will only make this worse if you try and "clear them out"------trust me on this.

(BTW, this is the hardest part of this disease/condition, because most of us are used to having a scab dry up and fall off in a few days---with Morgellons, you need to wait MUCH longer than that---often times several weeks. So in that sense, the medical community is right. "Picking " at these things, no matter how dried out and "above the skin" they are doesnt help. You have to let them fall off in the shower/when you bath. NO TWEEZERS. )

Ok my friends----good luck. I hope SOMEONE will take my advice and try what I have recommended. It is working for me-----it will work for you too.

Replied by Deby

I'm a strong believer in what your saying about baking soda, also the silver. I'm going to start the baking soda today as well as collodial silver, ACV, probiotics, vitamin C, and eliminating gluten and sugar. Will post results. Definitely believe it's systemic and some of the qualities of this are bizarre such as the high temperatures this thing survives, and even thrives at. Lots of baths help! Also after you bathe if you get out and towel dry then apply lotion you will get an abundance of fiber activity and will have to get back in the shower! To me this us a good sign!!! Together we can beat this!!

Replied by Mishel
(Sydney, Australia)

Your personal advice gives me some hope. thank you.

Replied by Lana
(Lake Jackson, Tx)

Everything u said is probably true but I have seen and watched this organism and try to completely cure it. If u don't get sun rays or tanning bed rays extensively you will not know if it's gone. I have battled this weird crap for 40 years. I have studied it in all forms and researched it until I give up until I break out again. The energy the organism has is searching for moisture and a budding effect in production. For survival it will host on plants or animals. First I believed it was half plant, half animal. Mites, also but I do think in some way it has something to do with flies? Or flies like to eat it? I really want to know before I die because the disease is baffling and has caused me torment through the years. And I can't even guess at the money value!

Replied by Isaac
(Washington, In)

I understand that your post is older but I had a question regarding the baking soda regimen which is "Can I take more than (1) heaping tablespoon of baking soda during a day or is that too excessive health wise?

Replied by Patty

Hi Lana. Are still posting to this site? I have also had Morgellons for 40+ years and would love to chat with someone who can relate to this illness.

Replied by Erik

Thank you for this information. I've been dealing with this disease for years with no help. Been experimenting on myself thinking it's just a skin thing,, starting this baking soda regiment now

Dietary Changes, Oil Pulling, Wormwood

Posted by Jeanne (Phoenix, Arizona) on 05/30/2011

I have only had this for a few months. I have tried tea tree oil, eucalyptis wormwood and oil pulling. Has anyone tried any of these? Granted I am new at this and have only had it a short time (maybe 4 or 5 months). I thought I had everything from fleas to bedbugs to scabies and also thought it was in my head. I've seen the black dots, red oblong things, white things, round things and once I did see stringlike fibers coming out of one of my toes. The oil pulling seems to be helping along with about 40 drops of wormwood in about 3 or 4 TBS of water right before I eat anything. Also staying away from sugar and MSG (which is what I lived on since moving). I recently moved from cold PA to warm AZ and believe that was the beginning for me. I do believe staying cleansed and sugar and MSG free helps lots. Thanks for letting me sound and I will continue to stay tuned.

Replied by Vinny
(Atlanta, Georgia)

I would tell everyone to be careful with Cloves, Cinnamon, and Wormwood as these three contain a toxic chemical called Eugenol and Morgellon victims may be allergic to and not even know it!

This was one of the few chemicals Dr Omar Amin's patients were allergic to when he diagnosed them with Neuro-Cutaneous Syndrome (aka Morgellons).

I used to take this stuff but stopped immediately. I rather not risk it. Dr Amin states that if one takes things that contain this chemical (or others on his list), it could very possibly delay the healing process.

He proves this condition is not caused by Parasites. Please read his publications; He has cured many who had extremely high levels of mercury and allergies to certain chemicals that then brought up the common symptoms of Morgellons (including fibers)

(Tucson, Az)

They are bugs that look like lint all over the clothes you wear. sometimes they take over a piece of human or pet hair, threads etc, anything that has static gives them power. they are in my body now (i had a huge open wound (staph infection) on my face & am guessing that's how they mad me a host)i have even seen the cotton ball fibers from a brand new box move as if alive. they do look for moisture to lay their eggs. i discovered this when my refrigerator leaked & they were on the floor next to larva in the puddle. more than once this happened. i also had larva on my earlobes when i went to bed with wet hair. i believe we will never rid our bodies of this unless we figure out their life cycle & kill the bugs.i went to goodwill in scottsdale yesterday & found it on a few pieces of clothing there. this is an epidemic that needs to be taken seriously by the public! i have seen the parasite coming out of my skin with a 10 x magnifying mirror..

Replied by Leah
(Philadelphia, Pa)

Hi all, I just wanted to jump in here. I first read about this condition last year. I don't have it but I believe what you are going through is real. There is a website with a protocol from a person who cured it with help from a good Dr:

As I said I didn't try this because I'm not a sufferer but the protocol makes sense to me because it involves both killing the viruses, fungi, parasites and improving your immune system.

Wishing you all well soon!

Replied by Carolynne
(Collierville, Tn./usa)

For anyone that has a form of fungus in their body.... Use Oregano oil. I like the oil capsules. It is considered the only thing that will get rid of fungus in the body.

Replied by Anthony

I believe that it is one of many types of biofilms of ubiquitous bacteria that has been engineered by oil companies by altering the bacteria's genome so as to easily consume oil and solvents spilled in the environment. Oil company spokes-people however refrain from calling these organisms "unpredictable, chemical-eating monster bacteria" and refer to them as merely "natural dispersants for bio-remediation.") Whether any of the original mutated forms survived naturally after being used or tested on chemical spills as early as the 1970's, many hybrids actually have U.S. patents and continue to be engineered while simultaneously evolving and directly transferring genes to their offspring eventually and unethically creating something that is more harmful than it is useful. Keratinocytes, especially at the hair root matrix can be modified in any number of ways so that what once grew into hair, now grows into mutant insect-like things that fly away from the human scalp. Very few researches actually understand that as organisms grow, cells begin to lyse and release eDNA and vesicle membranes in a chain reaction cloning process. This runaway gene transfer may be like the HIV virus whereby AIDS can be delayed with various treatment agents and strategies. However, once infected, you're unfortunately infected for life unless your immune system suddenly recognizes the biofilm material as something menacing that creates unwanted and harmful genetic changes to basal skin cells and keratinocytes and a strong immune responses then ensue in order to try to reverse the infection which is now not an infection but rather your genetically modified self.

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