Effective Natural Remedies for Mold Exposure and Allergies

Essential Oils
Posted by Debbie (Park Hills, MO) on 09/14/2007

M from Texas wrote about ailments possibly stemming from toxic mold. My young son and I are victims of toxic mold inhalation and exposure, so I have learned more about the subject than I ever wanted to know. The most important point I want to get to this person is, if you took things from that apartment, especially if mold was visible on them, you have just brought the problem with you. The mold is now growing in a new home, and you are still exposing yourself to it. My son and I had to leave everything behind and move from our home. Traditionally Western medical practioners do not even want to acknowledge the health problems associated with toxic mold; They have received no training for it in medical school, and there is pressure on them from numerous areas such as insurance companies, real estate management and developers, etc., to not acknowledge the affliction. I am treating my son with a number of natural remedies, although ACV hasn't been one of them, I intend to try it. But what I have found to be helpful is pure essential oils. Oregano is the best, but when mixed with Frankicense, and a special formulated blend of Clove, Cinnamon, Rosemary, Lemon, and Eucalytpus, the synergy of the Oregano is enhanced. I put these oils into a gelatin capsule and take them orally. I also get massages with oils over the spinal area which is where the fungi like to live, in the spinal fluid. These oils with the massage, called a Raindrop technique massage, will help drive the mold from your body. I do experience the mold ejecting from my body with skin bumps that spit out these nasty little white or brown crystal-like things, the size of a piece of salt or a little larger. They get easily infected, so it is important to keep the skin very clean, and to use Colloidial Silver or some other method the keep bacterial growth down. I am open for ideas to replace Colloidial Silver, because it is so very expensive. Any ideas?? Also, we now use a diffuser in our home which diffuses essential oils into the air we breathe. This has helped our conditions a lot, and it helps ensure that as molds are being tracked into our home, that we are killing them.

Just be sure that you are getting PURE ESSENTIAL OILS. They cannot be fragrance grade or be adulterated in any way. If anyone would like more information on where to get these oils, they can feel free to contact me at danngann@att,net. Love your site!!!!!!!! Ask all to pray for us, and for all victims of toxic mold.

Baking Soda and Molasses
Posted by Juliana (New Zealand) on 09/19/2013

I have recently discovered a website by an Italian Oncologist, Dr Simoncini, who has discovered that cancer is actually a fungal growth from candida and he has had great success curing people from all forms of cancer using baking soda mixed with molasses. I am thinking that as mould is a fungus, that this same procedure may work for those people infected with mould in their bodies. This is his website http://www.curenaturalicancro.com/

He really needs the support of people who believe in other cures other than just pharmaceuticals!

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (The Philippines) on 09/10/2018

Hi Epeach...In answer to your question, you should take the anti-candida protocol until you feel that you are cured (i.e. all symptoms gone). I'm sorry to give you such a vague answer but your healing rate ultimately depends on the extent of your infection(remember that systemic candida can infect any and every tissue or organ in you body -- even your brain) and will also depend on how closely you follow the protocol and diet.

And when you think that you are cured, you also have the option of getting a candida antigen test for further confirmation. Just request this blood test from your doctor. Unlike the candida stool check, the antigen test is far more accurate.

All those years ago when I took the protocol for my own candida issues I felt normal or cured after about 6 months of taking the protocol. I then continued the protocol for another 6 months. Why? Because candida can go into hibernation and hide in your body for long periods to protect itself and then suddenly reappear. I explain all this in my book, Candida Killing So Sweetly.

As an aside, I'm currently researching flavonoids at the moment. Both resveratrol and quercitin are strong anti-microbials(anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial) and also have some impressive research to back this up.

There are also other products that I've been researching -- such as LB Core Protocol(Klaire Labs) and Interfase Plus(Klaire Labs). LB Core Protocol is John Buhner's Lyme protocol in a single convenient pill and I have read about several people who have used this pill as part of their protocol to successfully cure their Lyme disease.

I am particularly impressed with LB Core Protocol because it was specifically designed to attack spirochete bacteria as well as remove babesia(protozoan parasite) and bartonella co-infections -- which are all hard to defeat. From an anti-pathogen point of view, this product will do much more. It contains the following: Japanese Knotweed, Resveratrol, Cat's Claw, Dandeleion Root, Angiographis, Sarsparella root.

Interfase Plus is also quite impressive. It's purpose is to destroy any and all biofilms. It contains enzymes like cellulase, hemicellulase, chitinase and also contains protease(dissolves fibrin) as well as EDTA. So this formula will not only dissolve the fibrin of biofilms, it will also dissolve the fungal outer cell walls made of chitin -- it helps the immune system to kill fungus in other words. As well, this formula contains EDTA which is a heavy metal chelator which will automatically remove any trapped heavy metals released from the dissolved biolfilms. Interfase Plus is expensive but, if you can afford it, you could also use this in your anti-candida protocol because it works so well.

From a general health point of view, I've also been researching the beneficial health effects of green coffee beans (GCB). GCB contains more flavonoids than any other plant in the world. In a piece of research that I've recently read, GCB has about 1000 flavonoids. Flavinoids are extremely important for the body because they act as anti-oxidants and also act as co-enzymes in many essential metabolic processes in the body. And if you add GCB to hot water, you get a further 300 extra flavonoids for even more benefit. I'm in the process of finding a cheap source of green coffee bean in the Philippines. I'll probably buy the local coffee bean type known as robusta which is normally sold as their Benguet, Sagada or Barako coffee bean. All coffee is grown organically in the Philippines and it's quite cheap. I'm a coffee lover of long standing so the way that I will supplement and test the effects of GCB is by brewing my normal Barako roasted, ground coffee with a teaspoon or tablespoon of the ground green bean (once a day). I'll report my findings here when I can.

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/07/2017 2165 posts

In reply to Dr.b.l. (Oregon),

I have personally not had much luck with colloidal silver for respiratory issuses unless I used it through an ultrasonic humidifier/vaporizer, but that may just be my issue. When I have used it with the ultrasonic humidifier it has been great for my respiratory problems that I have had.

If you know where it is in your apartment and you can get to the area where it is living, have the apartment manager treat it professionally to remove it altogether for your safety.

Standard hydrogen peroxide 3% saturated with borax has worked for me in a sprayer when I had mold in a bathroom years ago. I sprayed it directly on the visible mold. I also tried vinegar and borax and it worked similarly for me, but your manager really needs to take care of the mold before your health suffers more than it already is!


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Niomi (Ca, Usa) on 06/30/2013

Due to respiratory problems, I was allergy tested and came out positive for Aspergillus and Penicillium molds. In order to get a handle on the problem I had to address both the house and my physical health.

The first step was to stop the spores in the interior of the house. To do this we (and the pets) left the house while we ran an ozone generator on high for three days, and then aired it out well.

We then brought in a mold sniffing dog to detect where the mold was coming from, as there was no visual appearance of mold. The dog alerted to three locations in the house which were remediated by professionals. We also installed a PureAir purification system, and periodically run the ozone when we're not in the house.

To address my health, I started taking probiotics, MSM, DMG, Ester C, and Vitamin D during the day, and periodically activated charcoal just before bed. I also started drinking A LOT more water... Up to 3 quarts a day. In addition, I have done a total of 12 sessions in the Life Vessel.

All of this has been expensive, but I am MUCH improved and feel healthy again! I am now exploring mold allergy desensitization.

Ozone Treatment
Posted by Art (California ) on 10/08/2016 2165 posts


I use a mix of borax, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in a sprayer to treat black mold. All three are mold killers and this mix has no odor and is easy to work with. I have used this mix to treat moldy wood. Bleach will only kill mold on the surface of the wood and it is difficult and harmful to breathe the chlorine fumes. The combination of HP, BS and Borax is easy to make, readily available and very effective.


Ozone Treatment
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 10/10/2016

HI U SUE, Timh and Noelle,,,,,,,, it is RHODIOLA and can be obtained from Life Extension. Learned that there is a rush on this product and some slippery folks are now in the business, so be discreet.

Timh, I fill a half gallon jar with ionized alkaline water every morning and add 1/2 tsp of Borax and 15 drops of Grape Seed Extract. Heard back from Dr Roden. All I need is money. I want him to schedule my ozone stuff.

Noelle, you right, and some of the peanuts I raised were covered with mold inside the shell. If my Tractor Driver has this mold via her DNA test, then it is in our log cabin. Otherwise, I's getting it somers else, and peanuts are suspect.

Another thing that is messin up my mind is the DNA test that my integrative doctor does every 3 months. It tells you what your problems are, what fungus, parasites, etc., you have, and where your organs stand. Why don't the Allopathic doctors use this test. All you do is swab out your mouth with a Q tip and run that on a computer program. Too cheap and too effective is my thought. Medicine is now a money thing. That is the reason cancer has not been cured. Same ole same ole for the last 50 years. It is second only to energy as to the money it generates.

OUT OF SPIT. ======ORH=======

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (The Philippines) on 09/09/2018

Hi Epeach...

The Iodine protocol that is recommended for hypothyroid conditions is shown here. This protocol doesn't involve taking just Lugol's Iodine(LI) alone. For this protocol to work properly, you must also insure that you take all the companion nutrients as well. That means that you should also take the following nutrients at the recommended dosages: Vitamin C, Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium, Vitamin B2/B3(ATP cofactors) and sea salt. If you don't take these vital companion nutrients when you are supplementing LI then you may well continue having thyroid problems because all these companion nutrients play vital roles as anti-oxidants and co-enzymes in important thyroid process such as absorption of iodine from intestines into the blood, conversion and storage of iodine in the thyroid, generation and production of T3 and T4 in the thyroid etc. You should also reduce dairy in your diet. Excess calcium in the diet inhibits proper iodine absorption into the body.

What might also help your anti-candida protocol would be to add two well-known flavonoids to your regimen. From recent research, these two flavonoids work synergistically together with your immune system to help kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus: quercetin and resveratrol. Supplement both these flavonoids at the recommended dosage twice a day in the morning and evening with meals. And only buy resveratrol that is derived from Japanese Knotweed(e.g. from Gaia Herbs). Do not buy resveratrol that is derived from wine. Resveratrol derived from Japanese Knotweed contains much higher amounts of resveratrol than resveratrol derived from wine.

For information, here is an article on the many amazing benefits of resveratrol:

16 Health Benefits of Resveratrol

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 09/13/2018

Hi Becky...The reason people get thyroid nodules is usually because selenium as well as iodine is deficient in their diet. The selenium is used to form protective enzymatic selenoproteins in the thyroid which helps to protect the thyroid from oxidative damage during the production of the thyroid hormones in the thyroid cell.

The thyroid cell converts thyroglobulins(containing iodine) into T3 ad T4. An aftermath of this reaction is that excess hydrogen peroxide - a waste oxidant product - is produced in the thyroid cell which needs to be neutralized or qenched to prevent oxadative damage. If there is not enough selenium in the body then then there will be a shortage of glutathione peroxidase(GP) in the cell. GP is a essential and important anti-oxidant enzyme that helps to protect the thyroid cell from oxidative damage. If the thyroid cell does not have enough GP then hydrogen peroxide builds up to excessive levels in the cell, eventually attacking the cell itself as well as changing and altering the thyroglubulin protein and altering its protein structure through oxidative action. The body's antibodies then identify these oxidized and altered thyrglobulin proteins as the non-host enemy which is what eventually culminates in the formation of a thyroid nodule. Read the research here:

Selenoproteins of the thyroid gland

To heal your nodules you should ensure that you take the full Iodine Protocol together with all the companion nutrients in the protocol(including selenium). It might also be better for you if you supplement only the companion nutrients(with no lugol's iodine) for a week or two on their own until your body has sufficient selenium and then restart the lugol's iodine again afterwards.

Acidosis will also inhibit the absorption of iodine because in an acid environment the transfer of nutrients and waste in and out of cells via concentration gradients will be disturbed and inefficient. To remedy that problem you can take Ted's Sodium Bicarbonate(20 Mule Team brand is fine) + half a glass of water two or three times a day an hour after a meal or outside mealtimes. This will alkalize the blood. You should also take Ted's lemon or lime + Sodium Bicarbonate + water to alkalize the cellular environment. Both of these alkalizing protocols can be found here.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Janet (In) on 08/07/2017

Dr.b.l. Mold is the enemy. Here is the information from Ted here on Earth Clinic I used to save us. This email is the basic. I recommend reading the whole chapter.

Beta Glucan 1000mg reduced in water 3x a day. Mushroom blend reiki shitake mataki 1000mg 3x a day. 10,000iu vitamin d3 in coconut oil in am. Selenium yeast 200mcg 1 to 2x a day. Basic get on your feet.

Buy bulk powder beta glucan or buy your supplements from Vitamins Because online. They are the most effective of all the brands and cost effective too. I have tried many brands. Not their b vitamins or vitamin d but NAC..for mucus and the others it is critical you get the most effective.

You are in a bad situation. Avoid bringing any items from old home to new. I say this because you are struggling already. Take this time to rent what you need. I was able to fix most of my situation because I had more time and was able to do this over time. But better to live with less. You will get well quicker.

Buy a $ 50 dollar ozone machine or 2. You can use it for so many things. Ozone water helps you feel better. I used my machines in hotels to "clean my rooms" before I dare stay in them. A very effective tool.

Read Bill Thompsons book Killing you Sweetly about Candida as it is the deadly cousin to mold.



Posted by Eric (Saratoga Springs, NY) on 09/23/2014

Re: Juicing and Mold Detox: Use green juices. If you need to sweeten them use carrots because beta carotene strengthens your immune system. The key is OXYGEN!!! OXYGEN!!! OXYGEN!!! Juices have oxygen and enzymes needed to boost your immune system. You will also cancer proof your body. RAW SALADS will help alot along with a 90% raw organic food diet with plenty of juices. Dead enzymeless food feeds all disease and mold. Go easy on fruit also. BARLEYGRASS JUICE POWDER is nothing short of amazing with thousands of enzymes and OXYGEN going to work on molds and fungi. RAW FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doctors Who Treat Mold Exposure
Posted by Denise (Laguna Woods, CA) on 05/02/2021

I went to Raj Patel in the early/mid 1990s after he bought my Doctor's holistic practice. At that time I was very very ill with massive chemical exposure, EBV, cytomegalovirus, HHV6, jaundice, hepatitis and list goes on. was on SSDI for over 6 years.

Maybe he's changed. He was of zero help to me. Minimized my symptoms. Was hardly what I would call wholistic at time. I lost my SSDI benefits because his letter did not correctly diagnose/describe my health issues.

I also went to Dr. Christine Greene before she switched from conventional medicine to becoming one of the most expensive functional medicine docs not accepting insurance.

I have the best functional medicine doc (Dr. Mary Raleigh) in Irvine, CA (S. CA). And one of the few who accepts original Medicare, knows how to navigate their system legitimately to get all sorts of wholistic solutions covered and cutting edge tests. Plus she is kind, compassionate, funny, and deeply cares about her patients.

Just my humble opinion from experience. Thx everyone great input!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 01/05/2022

Milk thistle with artichoke is the best! Also, add artichokes to dark green leafy salads. They scrub the liver clean! Green tea, red clover tea, pau d'arco are all good. Red clover cleans the blood.

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Grant (Huntsville, Ontario, Canada) on 05/07/2012

I'm so happy to find your site and know I'm not alone in my suffering of the past 10-15 years. During recovery from a past surgery, I was able to study more and found there were over 20,000 different mold types with no exact cure for them all. The World Health Organization says that mold health problems can only be cured by natural medicine methods. The many stories shared on this site will benefit so many sufferers.

There is the common recommendation of mold removal frequently using bleach related methods, but here's another fact. Mold is a plant. Plants will die without water or oxygen. Washing with bleach often kills the top of the plant, but not the root and it will grow back. Often repeated applications of bleach or some mold control sprays can go on for weeks or longer. If this "plant" could lose its water or air source, it has to die. In leaky basements, the mold grows on the concrete and wood. I tried sealing the moldy concrete floor with WD40. After two applications two weeks apart, the area has been mold free for years. Unfortunately the latest WD40 has changed its formula and no longer is effective.

BUT the idea works! The best substitute is Fluid Film. It's safe around food, etc., will not rot wood and has a pleasant smell. Simply clean off the mold, spray the area, scrub it lightly to work it into rough surfaces and re-apply. Touchup may be required in a few days. Because Fluid Film can be used as an automotive undercoating for rust, it sticks to vertical surfaces and seals from water exposure. With the roots sealed, the mold "plant" dies.

After posting this information on their website, the company sent me a huge thank you gift of promo goodies, and a local resort contacted me for more information.

Another suggestion along the same lines is aerosol auto paints to seal porous walls with surface mold. The paints are thin enough to seal rough surfaces, dry very quickly and are too smooth and hard for mold to grow on. I've also used engine oil on level cement surfaces. In my experience, I've never seen mold on old garage floors.

Hope this can be of help to those who cannot relocate.

Ozone Treatment
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 10/09/2016

HI U JANET AND ART,,,,,,,,,, thanks for your input to my saga. It appears that a saga is full time as you age. My challenge now is to find the source as we have no signs of mold in our lake log home. We keep a dehumidifier going full time along with a ionizer light in our HVAC system.

I'm confident that the DNA results are right and just glad that my integrative doctor provides this. Otherwise, I'd have to wait until all the symptoms appear and years of tests to learn what my health problem is.

My first concern is to address the mold within my body. I can address this in a half ass manner with my health toys, but I want Dr Rowen's counsel. I don't have to go to Calif for this with all the communication tools available. He just needs to know what I can do and set my schedule. I have not heard back from him if he will take my case.

My Plasma Rife Machine has a program for this mold. My plan is to check our HVAC duct air and send the sample off for testing. If it's in there, then we will tear it all out and replace because we just had it cleaned two years ago and fogged the entire cabin with Grapefruit Extract. Like I say often, I's SJS.

I just watched a video of two professors telling us how to address dementia and Alzheimer's with some Russian herbs. I hope they have a gun carry permit because they will need it. No way will Big Pharma and Big Medicine allow that. Just as they did not allow the 6 Doctors to address cancer in stage 1 and 2 with a simple test and cure it with your own immune system. They were all working together and are now all dead. This happened in Fla. and Ga. in '15. I posted this when it happened.

Life is about as interesting as we can stand.


Posted by Art (California) on 10/21/2021 2165 posts

William C,

While you are looking for a remedy for your spinal issue that is causing you significant pain, it may be worth discussing the use of a TENS unit with your doctor or medical care professional for the purpose of pain management until an adequate repair of your spine has been achieved by whatever remedies you attempt for spinal repair. Something like borax can take up to 3 or 4 months to reach its maximum potential for pain relief in arthritis according to Dr. Rex Newnham who founded the use of borax/boron as a potential treatment for some forms of arthritis.

I recently wrote about using TENS as a non invasive, non addictive and inexpensive approach to pain management here :


Best of luck with getting relief from your back pain, as it can make daily life miserable, I know from experience!


Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Anna (Yosemite) on 09/10/2018


A heartfelt thanks for your great book and ongoing wisdom. I just recently bought your book and am in the process of accumulating all of the suggested remedies. In the meantime, the VCO and the iodine are working wonders. Am in my late 60ies and have had systemic candida for most of my life, but never hoped to get rid of it until I found this web site and your book. I cannot believe the relief already though - minimal sugar cravings after feeling for years like they owned me. Weight loss is significant too. Brain fog lifting and less headaches. Thank you sincerely.

Posted by Smartie (Portland ) on 10/04/2021

I used three other things that were suggested to me by my doctor. I think they are better than Cholestyramine, for me anyway because it seemed to make me feel better faster.

I got the big bottle of Great Plains, Bentonite Detox and G.I. Detox Bio-botanical research. I also took organic activated coconut charcoal. The longer the exposure to black mold the longer it may take for people to get well. My doctor told me it could take up to five years, that seems unbelievable. Most of the symptoms went away within few months to a year. However, some did not and it took much longer. Mold illness is very complex and it is good to get with a mold literate doctor because mold can causes body systems/processes to be disrupted that needs to be fixed. It is complicated and working with an expert helps in the detox program and they are able to suggest supplements to help the body function better. Cholestyramine is not a scam, it was the best that they had at that time.

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Steve (Nv) on 08/07/2017

Consider an ozonator for killing mold in the rooms. You would probably not want to be in the room while it's working as too much ozone could irritate the lungs but it definitely should reduce the mold issue.

You can also nebulize the colloidal silver for lung treatments which would be very helpful.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/27/2016

HI U FAITHJOY,,,,,,,,,, little darling, you have just posted the best solution to health problems that I have read in many a moon. Our daughter is in deep stuff and I gave her the same protocol that you did. She is smartern me so she half-assed my program.

That won't work. You have to start out slow like 50 to 100 mg of niacin. The lowest mg of pharmacy niacin is 500 and no one can stand that initially. MD's are ignorant people and only prescribe what the Big Pharma agents tell them to.

I'll get off my rant and encourage folks to take your post seriously. You may even be smartern me.


Oregano Oil
Posted by Carissa S. (Buffalo, New York) on 08/11/2015

Hello! I couldn't help but notice the testimony on here pertaining to internal mold removal and which products to use.

To make a long story short, I had to leave an apartment due to horrendous water damage and mold. I was a tenant for six years! The last week there was fairly hellish. I awoke early to feel something heavy and inflamed on my tongue. Lo and behold, it was my right tonsil.

At the emergency room, I was diagnosed with viral pharyngitis. It took quite a few days for the steady decrease in size but it hasn't returned to its normal size. My anxiety was through the roof (in a way that I haven't experienced) and then my digestive track went crazy. Its true that the stress was high but I hadn't dealt with these issues ever!

After practicing yoga daily (which quenched a great deal of anxiety) and preparing various herbal teas, I was still at my wits end. A gentleman on this forum admitted to many of my issues and suggested Oil of Oregano. My family is very much into natural healing and upon hearing testimony from my grandmother, we purchased a bottle. The initial dose was very fast acting. My throat opened up and I could swallow normally. The nasal passages opened like flood gates. I felt like I had a head transplant. Don't give up or fret for those of you on the brink.

Oil of Oregano has many medicinal uses. (Please be advised not to use it if you are allergic to the mint family).

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Adelle (Seattle) on 04/28/2015

I realize some time has gone by TN222222, I have become a bit of a mold expert out of nessesity and bleach does not kill mold. mold and bleach both have a positive charge, you need something with a negative charge to deal with mold. Bleach kills bacteria and bleaches mold but does not kill mold. "Clear Amonnia" (it says clear on the label) is what you want. It has a negative charge and will kill mold. This was taought to me by a pathologist Dr William Croft. 2 cups in full load laundry should take care of clothes or anything that will fit in the washer. in a spray bottle 50% water 50%amonnia to spray smaller arias, please note you still have to remove all contaminated materials, once the area is gutted and cleaned than spray again. Of course I am not reccomending anyone clean mold themselves but small areas, issues with mold throughout the rest your life this can come in handy. I periodically wash my clothes with amonnia to freshen. Just dont breathe it in:)

Lauriciden, Olive leaf extract, Colloidal silver, oregano oil are some of the best antifungals and probiotics.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cindy (Coarsegold, Ca) on 10/16/2013

Hydrogen peroxide is definately a cheap remedy for some tough illnesses. Got Black Mold in my lungs from living in an apartment with unforseen mold under the carpet. Hot water heater blew in the 2nd month and the maintenance man (sent over by the slum lord) sucked the majority of the water out but installed 2 blowers under the carpet to dry it out. When I saw the mold I told him straight up, "That's going to blow Black Mold into the air and we could end up getting mold spores from breathing it" I'm sure he blew me off like he does all the other apartments he maintains because his lips weren't moving but he said to himself, "ugh, .... Another hypocondriac."

3 months later, I was extremely ill. Hadn't even considered black mold yet, due to on going esophogus problems for 15 years. The doctors said the only way to tell is to do the endoscopy at $750. I paid for the intial visit, was able to get on a $25. Month payment plan and when the time came to go at 6am, the receptionist wouldn't adhere to my agrreement due to the fact that the business department didn't come in until 9. I panic'd due to the fact that I felt a 2nd round of pneumonia approaching, and my lungs were only taking in maybe 20% of it's capacity. I did my research and found that the only way to survive a combo like this ( I have a fantastic nurse practioner that actually listens, and admits, she learns too) was to prepare myself. The first on-slaught of the pneumonia had to be covered by a single pill that costs $100. (something new?) I was sceptical. I don't trust pharmaceuticals. So, she gave me a $75. Discount coupon and I took it just in time, I guess, cuz I lived but still had the mold. It was growing and I was breathing less. My son-in-law was surfing the net for a cure for me. (Now that's a loving son-in-law), but, maybe he just wanted me out of his house!! Hahha He found a video of an old man showing the benefits of putting hydrogen peroxide in a nose sprayer and inhaling it 6 times down the hatch, at 6 times a day. We set my funderal plans aside (kids!!! ) and I recovered. That sweet son-in--law even helped me carry my bags to the car. That was 2 years ago. Still dealing with espophogus problems. My nurse practitioner treats me with respect and nearly reverence. I've been able to heal deadly diseases in my life, mine and others. Extraordinary. Hydrogen peroxide yes, .. for lots of illnesses.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Victory (Chicago, Ill) on 04/15/2016

I'm glad the information helped

The doctor that treated me was a MD/ND and a Chinese medicine doctor, sadly closed his practice this year .

A couple other things my doctor recommended Vital nutrients BCQ (iwhich is boswellia serrata, bromelain, Curcum longa, Quercetin) and Cal-Mag Butyrate this I believe is a remove neurotoxins, and a gentle powerful binding clay Springgreen77

A couple of others I took peach extract, and drank pine needle tea and lots of cliantro and celery juice

I would like to suggest to anyone suffering with black mold spore/mycotoxins poisoning Look on Dr Shoemakers website and there is a list of medical and naturopathic doctors that have trained with Dr. Shoemaker and and are trained in treat this illness . I know that mold illness has pretty severe symptoms, just know it takes time to get all the pathways that have been disrupted by mycotoxins in the body back on track. It took me one year for all of the dizziness to disappear. There are IV's available to help detox as well.

Pine Needle Tea
Posted by Misty (Usa) on 08/20/2013

Mold/Fungus: I have been following this illness for many years, the correct way as I recently read to pronounce mold is actually mold. Doctors do not or will not recognize any such illness such as mold or fungus but it does exist & is severely progressive, I was born into a very old farm house where there was no covering accept boards spaced far apart we lived right near lakes and oceans all around us, very cold & very damp. I have followed & monitored this specific illness. When I was very young I was way too skinny & no matter what I could not gain weight, when I was ten yrs. old I swelled way up which obviously meant my organs/kidney's were at risk, eventually the swelling went down, I had severe urges for sugar's, I continued to eat sweets year round. I continued on with life but I seemed to have a bad case of blurred vision, glasses did not work for this type of vision problems. I worked for years in nursing homes where the Dr. told me absolutely no heavy lifting but I needed & loved my job, I already had back problems which as the years rolled on my back worsened, to cut a long story short I kept falling down randomly with-out being aware before hand that I was going to fall. Later on in life I was having way too many issues especially severe anger where I used to be fun & out going, I cried all the time not knowing what was wrong, way too many Drs. examined me and gave me so many diagnosis I eventually gave up after so many tries & mis-diagnosis, my husband & I went on a cruise to Bermuda, I ate some"REAL"rich sweets/ I got back home just in time with absolutely no time to spare when I was having some severe pain in my lower part of my stomach, I had my husband take me to ER & leave me there, I was rushed into surgery immediately & found that my gallbladder was ready to explode, again back & forth I went to many Drs.

This time with another exam I found I had severe thyroid problems hence this joy ride after five plus years was great but then I started going right back into the same bad moods/sweating & much more. I then decided to take things into my own hands & do some serious investigations, I went to a neurologist, this Dr. was a family Dr., a neuro-surgeon & very thorough, he stated I had neuropathy, spondylosis, CMV which is a virus (mold) toxoplasmosis, some sort of algae again some thing to do with moisture//fungus etc. so recently I have been up & down sick wise eventually this mold/fungus has caused severe nerve damage after a few years & many tests later I started to continue on a journey of falling down randomly even though my illness is painful as well as these continued appointments & the run arounds, the most hurting & embarrassing situation was when the Dr. in ER forced me to walk to the bathroom/I told the Dr. the reason I was there was because I fell, therefore I could not walk, she told me I needed to get up & walk, I stood up & with a huge bang went right back down I felt as though I had split my legs in half as they were bent way in back of me, I felt like a twisted pretzel I begged & pleaded for these people called humans to please help me up but they stood there looking at me, finally I got to where I pulled myself up & after recovering I reported each & every one of them but of course the hosp. won the case dismissed. Again I found mold in my mouth as well as the stench smell of mold coming out of my body when I sweat, also I found this to be of very importance doctors are treating this mold/fungus as an infection which is treated with anti-biotics that is not a good idea, this is a very serious virus & should be treated as such.

I have been seriously looking into many herbs as odd as it may seem I found that pine needle tea is the very best tea you can drink, if any one ever notices, the pine tree never has any parasites, never decays or rots so to speak, I have been drinking this now for two years & the parasites are flooding my toilet/a month ago I fell sick again as I had stopped taking this tea prior, I could not get up or even lift my head up, I made a huge batch of pine needle tea & had the most exuberant & a great amount of energy. Another thing is psoriasis is another form of mold/fungus this is being treated with UV lamps. Here is the one of the web sites to read up on... http://www.ehow.com/about_6539988_uv-lamps-psoriasis.html "I feel it a great idea to try this UV on my body to see what happens. God Bless.

Vitamin C
Posted by Anonymouscat (Portland, Or) on 07/17/2013

Consider taking mega doses of Vitamin C (make sure there is no sugar added). Second, start alkalzing, You have to starve the fungus start on the anti-candida diet. Stop all sugars including fruit, dairy, no cheese, or flour products fried food soda pop or peanuts. Take a bath in borax. Then add 1/8 tsp of borax to 1 liter of water drink for 5 days on and I believe two days off. Take all of following take two pills 3 times a day garlic, (GSE) grapefruit seed extract. Also take the amazing Andrographis take 3 pills 3 times daily. Take golden seal tinctures and medicinal oregano oil daily. Also olive leaf extract is good too. The best antifungal tea is freshly grated ginger boil in hot pot of water for tea this is excellent. Take a great probiotic. Realize you liver will be working overtime so take a good liver tonic. Be Well.

Black Mold Remedies
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 03/21/2013

Hi everybody willing to read further. I had black mold where I stay which I tried to rid with spraying h2o2 on it, it just made a white foam but did not get rid of the mold, then I remembered Jim Humble claiming that sodium chlorite can kill any harmful organisms. What I did was sprinkle sodium chlorite then with a damp scotchbrite scrubbed it & so far so good & has not come back & I am so pleased.

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Memaryellen (Ohio) on 10/06/2016 4 posts

I have learned that the Choleystramine is a scam. It is the only thing that the conventional MDs know. It is NOT the answer. Ozone for environment, and holistic/homeopathic mold detox for the body is recommended.


Posted by Louwrencel (Rustenburg, North West South Africa) on 02/09/2012

Hi Shatsi, If all else fails try IV vit c & if that is too expensive try liposomal vit c which is much cheaper & you can make it at home, on the net you can get info on how to make it. What I also do know is that vit c about the only thing that can kill mold in your body, but it is a problem to take high doses of vit c as it causes an upset stomach but with IV vit c you can tolerate doses of 100- 200 gr & with liposomal vit c 5 gr is equivalent to 50 gr of IV vit c. So try it you have nothing to lose.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Emi (Sarajevo, Bosnia) on 12/26/2011

Hi! I am also a mold victim, and have got allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis that has no cure. I have found remedy for my brain fog though, and I feel ok regarding that nowadays. You are lucky if that is all u feel ;-) I take B12, grapefruit seed extract, vco, kelp, B complex, vitamine c, oxygen, neem, nettle (GREAT FOR ALLERGIES!) d3, quarcetine, lysine, larix, probiotics, magnesium citrate and dandelion for liver to cope w/ the toxins. I actually take much more stuff but this I took in the beginning and it helped w/ brainfog along with the moving out of the hell hole as well as the air purifier! Good luck.

P.S. Also Niacinamide.

Turmeric +
Posted by Zee (Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia) on 12/19/2010

I live in South East Asia. It rains almost everyday. The walls of my house are always damp. Sometimes, our wardrobes would be covered with molds too. I would just wipe them away with dry cloth. But thank God none of us suffered from mold or fungal infections. I attribute this to our diet. I use onions, garlics, chillies, tumeric powder, tamarind juice and all other spices if necessary. I think these are the reasons why we are still healthy till today. Tumeric or tumeric powder is always used on skin rashes. Eucalyptus oil is also good on rashes and burns too, cos of its cooling and soothing effects on the skin which is immediate.

Ammonia + Supplements
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 03/12/2011

Regardless whether it was a hair test or other that determined you have too much heavy metals, here is an interesting tie-in to niacinamide you can start immediately to help with that part of your problems.

It's from the post on Alzheimers just sent in today.

You can buy a big bottle of niacinamide form of B3 (not niacin! ) for about $5 anywhere.

Article is from late 2009, high dose niacinamide in lab mice bred for brain amyloid plaques:


The tubules are like highways inside cells. Dr. Green said that niacinamide is "making a wider more stable highway. " Alzheimer's disease breaks down the highway (tubules). But niacinamide prevents this from happening.

I've previously told you how the toxic metal mercury also destroys these microtubules, potentially causing Alzheimer's disease. So anything that can prevent the damage or reverse it is a huge discovery.

You could also directly bind loose mercury, easily the worst offender of all heavy metals in the body, into the completely inert HgSe which will be excreted using a good selenium supplement, meaning preferably the organic form found right in plants and nuts, selenomethionine:



Selenium is a potent chelator of mercury (it binds to it and removes it from the body). Mercury exposure can therefore lead to a selenium deficiency.

Selenium at 250 mcg per day should be used in any mercury chelation program. Selenium has an unusually high "binding affinity" for mercury, making it a vital part of the support protocol when detoxifying mercury from the body.

Ozone Treatment
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 10/07/2016

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN,,,,,,,,,,, learned today that black mold has consumed me in the last 3 months. The DNA test my integrative doctor does measures Vital Force ( VF) and this has gone from 8 to 48 in short order. He wants to address it with Homeopathic methods. I will be dead in short order.... so I have written Dr Robert Rowen to come to my rescue using Ozone as I have all the tools.

I first went on EC and read some great posts, but at 80 I can't have a hit or miss. Since we live on a lake, it may be mold in our log cabin, but we had the HVAC system addressed two years ago and sprayed down the cabin with Grape Fruit Seed Extract which we bought from Tennessee Mold to address this problem, if it existed. Our doctor took my Tractor Driver's DNA and if she has this problem then it's environmental, otherwise, I'm getting it from some other source.

Lordy, all know I's a great story teller, but I don't need this material.


Ozone Treatment
Posted by Ian Noelle (Franklin, Tn) on 10/09/2016

Robert Henry, Have you thought about the connection between peanuts and aflatoxin mold exposure? Perhaps your fondness for peanuts is a contributor to mold showing up in your latest medical tests.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 09/08/2018

Dear Bill from the Phillipines,

I pray that you are able to answer my question. Before posting, I researched this website at length. I have read everything I can find from you on these topics. I highly respect your knowledge and dedication to your own health and the health of others.

I began the Lugol's protocol a little over a year ago. I was suffering with symptoms of Hypothyroidism. I was on an anti-depressant which I stopped shortly after beginning the protocol. I also have included Borax, alkalizing, and ACV, daily.

In the past year, I realized I was exposed to mold at my workplace. I worked there 8 years. I kept reporting sightings and none were addressed and at the time I had no idea I was suffering because of it. I was able to diagnose myself from reading the symptoms you wrote about. I am currently not working due to a back injury that happened while at work. (a blessing in disguise?) I am not taking any prescriptions.

My question is, although, I have seen dramatic results and I am not completely cured, should I up my dose of Lugol's? Occasionally, I will add a few more drops of 2 percent. I include other supplements and remedies I see in your posts and other's, also. I use turpentine, oregano essential oil, cilantro, and thyme essential oil, occasionally..other than the turpentine, I am not aware of how much and how long I should use these remedies. I just ordered chanca piedra and a probiotic and I am waiting for them to come in. I wanted to give myself a year on the Lugol's before I posted this question. If I ever miss my dose, my neck will throb. So, I know my thyroid isn't completely healed.

I have reported my successes here on EC, so far. But, I am still not completely healthy. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

God bless you and keep you!

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Epeach (Ga) on 09/10/2018

Dear Bill,

Thank you so much for your response. I appreciate you taking the time to help me in my quest for good health.

I have followed the Iodine protocol with the companion nutrients as per your advice, from the beginning. That is why I was asking about increasing the dose. Or maybe, it will just take longer than I expected? I do not ingest dairy due to intolerance. I ordered the chanca piedra because I thought the calcium from other food I eat may not be dispersed properly? I think I read from one of your previous posts, although, I cannot quote, about calcium blocking something in the thyroid?

As for the quercetin and resveratrol, I will order them today. How long do I take these items? I will order 1 bottle of each until I hear from you.

Again, I am flattered that you responded, I really was not expecting it. You have made a huge impact on my health (and others, as well) and there are no words for how grateful I am. I have resorted to using EC exclusively to improve my health since I realized all of the medications the doctor has prescribed for me has done nothing but harm.

Many blessings!

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 08/07/2017

Hello Dr. bl,

Re the mold issue and your use of CS. I use it too and in addition to your irrigation (mouth/eyes and ears), I also use a steamer inhaler to get the CS into lungs and from lungs a more direct root to heart and bloodstream. Also I use the CS with DMSO and apply equal parts as a poultice for 15 minutes applying to various parts of body...chest, sides, legs and especially to back of neck so it will get to brain. The above applications is what I use for a body wide infestation.

Mold Removal Remedies
Posted by Teena (Melbourne Australia) on 08/07/2017 233 posts

I would urge you to look at borax for mold removal effective for the dwelling and for your lungs upon ingesting. I would expect severe detox symptoms because of your situation and so I would start very small. I have linked just one ec experience but there are many. https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/borax10.html

Check at Night With Flashlight
Posted by Susan F. (El Dorado, Kansas) on 07/07/2016

Is anyone wondering what causes the 'ice pick' pain usually listed as a symptom of toxic mold exposure. It is mold injecting itself into your skin. If the scientist would take the lid off their specimen jars they'd learn that mold doesn't need a opening from a surgery or broken skin to enter thru. That stuff sliced thru skin and dives in.

It's true. One on my ice pick pains hurt so bad and I saw a black curly Q string sticking the spot of pain. I broke off when I tried to remove it. Two years later no doctor will help me and I can barely use my hand. I am having better luck with my fingertips on my other hand but I touched the wrong thing and The pain was worse than I can believe. I ran for a magnifying glass to see what was wrong and there were fine black short hairs stuck in my fingertips. They wisp away when I rub them but It felt like a million poisons needles in my skin.

That's only 2 stories from my past two years in the twilight zone. One more bit of info. is check your house after dark with a flashlight. I accidentally found my bedroom ceiling was thick with a cobweb like mold hanging 3 to 4 inches deep and covering the entire ceiling. I still can't believe what I saw when my flashlight lit it up in pastel colors fading into one another.

Two years massive migraines, vision loss and major loss of brain function and no idea I was sleeping under that massive colony. Honest I never saw even one hint there was anything on my ceiling. I'm afraid of lady bugs I sure wouldn't have ignored that.

Ck. your house at night with a flashlight. I just happened to walk into my bedroom one night with a lit flashlight and wow. Never knew it was there.

God help us all.

Ammonia Chloride
Posted by Robert (California) on 12/14/2015

You may want to take natural cures because steroids aren't the only thing to take. The 3% ammonia should work in a bath, as well as in washing clothes. I have found that tinctures such as Jojoba, Oregano Oil, Olive Leaf, Argon Oil, Grapefruit Seed, Kalmegh, Coconut oil all help. You can add these to tomato juice. Wipe down all surfaces with Colloidal Silver solution (Fungicide/viruside/anti-bacterial). Get an air cleaner with very good filters down to .003 microns. Get full testing and Infrared Thermography to check hot spots for mold and mycotixins. After remediation, get clothes cleaned environmentally with OZONE. Take lots of vitamins and little sugar. These things should help.

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