Keratosis Pilaris Remedies

| Modified on May 15, 2024
Posted by Erin (Durham, Nc) on 06/10/2017

I really hope anyone with keratosis pilaris sees this post because niacin had been a game changer!!!

I have had this "chicken skin" for as long as I can remember. It's hasn't been ruining my life, but it is annoying. However, I recently accidentally discovered a cure: Niacin!

I try to take it regularly because, well, I actually like the way the flush feels. It just feels like it's healthy.

Recently I just happened to notice that my chicken skin was gone. Then I went on vacation and forgot my Niacin. No biggie, but my chicken skin came back. Then when I got home and took the Niacin, it went away again.

I've actually done 3 "experiments" since then (a few months ago) and I've gotten the same results:
Niacin = smooth upper arms
No Niacin = Bumps

I'd say start low, but not too low - it seems to me that as you build up B3 in your system, you flush less. I am trying 1000mg/day, and that seems to be maintaining, but I'd say start around 100, and EMBRACE THE FLUSH!

I've always been a little envious of girls with smooth skin, but now I have it, too, and it's really nice!! I also find that sun helps with the chicken skin but it takes longer to work.

Seriously, if you have this condition, try Niacin. I'm curious to see how many other people it helps!!

Castor Oil Packs
Posted by Lynda ( California) on 01/21/2018

Re; Bells Palsy and Keratosis pillars:

I was using castor oil on my face for Bells Palsy. I applied it on my face with cotton ball and covered my face with plastic on each side (left opening for nose so I could breath) then put a"moisture" heating pad that you warm in microwave over my face for 20 minutes every night. Can't be sure if it's helping my Bells Palsy but after literally years and years of going to doctors for kreatosis polaris and using suggested home remedies, the castor oil "completely" cured my Keratisis polaris within in a couple of weeks. I first noticed within a couple of days it was resolving. I've had the condition for at least 10 years.

DMSO and Aspirin
Posted by Ana (Tamuning, Guam) on 01/27/2012

My Keratosis Pilaris (alba) is barely perceivable after only two applications of 70% DMSO mixed with aspirin (a beta-hydroxy acid. ) Fast results! I am so happy!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 04/22/2010

I have seen keratosis pilaris completely eradicated in both my husband and daughter-in-law. It has been done through dietary changes. In the case of my husband, we have eliminated all dairy, eat mostly raw and take green juices every morning. But in the case of my daughter-in-law, I recommended she stop eating dairy. That was a big request for her since she was born and raised in Paris and absolutely loved cheese and yogurt. The main reason I suggested that was because she had a lot of stomach issues.

Well, it's been about 6 mo. since she's really done that and the other day she came to me to say she's noticed many changes in herself since she did that. Her stomach no longer bothers her which is a biggie and a tremendous relief to her. Interestingly, she was told that yogurt would help her stomach, so she would eat it when it hurt. The pain would stop temporarily but then it would return within about an hour.

The second thing she noticed was all the bumps on her upper arms disappeared. The reason she was coming to me was because they have recently returned but this time with white heads on them. She wanted to see if I had an explanation and what else she could do to facilitate her changes. I explained that often, detoxing will come in stages as the body cleanses deeper and deeper, detoxifying old stuff that our body has accumulated. She is only 20 so thankfully, there aren't too many years of accumulation! I also suggested to go gluten-free and drink green juices every morning. Well, she has embraced both of these and is seeing herself rejuvenated! I have to say her facial skin glows! She is a model so that is, most definitely, a benefit to her. She also said she feels lighter and is thinking clearer. She said she has no intention of returning to eating dairy after seeing these big changes especially the absence of constant stomach pain.

I hope this information can help someone else out there. There are answers...
Peace to all of you, Lisa

Coconut Oil
Posted by Amazed (Australia) on 02/11/2015

I just wanted to comment on the amazing results we have had using Coconut Oil for Keratosis Pilaris. My 10 year old daughter has had the bumps on her upper arms and just a small amount on her cheeks for as long as I can remember but as it was not too noticeable we have just always moisturised it but otherwise left it alone. Just recently seemingly overnight her whole face became covered with it. She was becoming quite anxious about it so we tried a few different things which only seemed to inflame it. After reading some other posts on this website I decided to give the Coconut Oil a try as we already had some that I use in cooking so I thought it couldn't do too much harm. I have to say this stuff is amazing for your skin. After just one application overnight there was over 50% improvement. We have been applying it twice a day now for just over a week and I would say about 95% of the bumps have gone. Her skin is glowing and smoother than it has ever been. Thanks to those who suggested it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vocrc (Sacramento, California) on 07/06/2011

I have used the recipe mentioned:

4 oz of organic coconot oil
1 table spoon of soy lecithin (emulsifier)
4 oz of organic apple cider vinegar

It has worked very well for me. I found the Coconut oil and ACV at Trader Joe's. I bought the soy lecithin at a vitamin store near my house. All the products cost me about $15. I melted the coconut oil in the microwave. 4oz is about 1/2 a cup. I mixed the products and left it in a plastic container under my bathroom sink. After I shower I use a cotton ball to apply the mixture to my skin. If it is relatively warm in your home the mixture will not solidify- otherwise you may have to throw it in the microwave for a few seconds to make it a liquid again. It will smell (due to ACV) until it dries and then the smell goes away. I use this every morning and the Keratosis behind my legs has vastly improved! You do not need to moisturize afterwards because the coconut oil hydrates your skin. Good luck...

D3 and Magnesium Malate
Posted by Paloma (Lakewood, Ca) on 12/18/2017 2 posts

For a while now I've been meaning to buy a better quality magnesium and ditch my crappy magnesium oxide. I had been taking magnesium and D3 for my psoriasis (that will be a different post altogether). Recently when I finally bought some Magnesium Malate and started taking it, I noticed that my keratosis improved.

D3 can be harmful without Magnesium and Vitamin K, so I take all three.

I try to make it my daily routine, but realistically, I remember to do this about 4 times a week:

- 2 capsules 1000 iu D3 (From Trader Joe's. Capsules, not tablets.)
- 1 tablet 425 mg Magnesium Malate (I switched from Magnesium Oxide.)
- 1 tablet Vitamin K (I take Vit K only in the occasion I don't get enough from food sources.)

After a few days of taking this, I noticed that my keratosis on the back of my upper arms went away. A few days after that, my chronic hives on my forearms went away too.

The keratosis on my upper arms didn't bother me. It was more the burning hives that were a concern, but it's an added bonus to have smooth upper arms again.

If I would forget to take my supplement trio, the keratosis would return only after a day or so.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Len D (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 01/26/2012

Just had to write: I was doing some research on what was causing crusty white patches on my hands. I find out it was solar keratosis (too much time spent in the sun).

Anyways, I found this apple cider vinegar (ACV) site and discussions regarding "healthy skin" and decided to give it a try. Got some apple cider vinegar and started to drink it with 1 tsp in 1 cup of water and started sipping during the day. I noticed three days later, the keratosis spots had diminished by 80%. They are now just light brown spots that resemble skin (and not crusts). I'm a believer.

The only caution I have is after every sip I rinse with clear water. The apple cider vinegar (being acidic) and teeth don't play nice together.

Baking Soda Baths
Posted by Chai (Vancouver Wa) on 05/14/2024

I had these bumps not itchy or anything it was on my legs and back of arms, it was keratosis Keratosis pilaris I happened to have a bad yeast infection, and I was fed up. I decided to take a baking soda bath every evening. I would fill up the tub with warm water and add about 1 cup of baking soda and just added three or four drops of organic tea tree oil in the bath. I noticed after a few days of evening baths. All of the keratosis pillars began to disappear and my skin became super soft from the baking soda baths! I hope this helps someone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lesley (Hesperia, Ca) on 10/14/2015

In response to the girl who said she exfoliated her arms before using ACV----- you should never use any type of abrasive scrub on your arms. Only Glycolic Acids (like fish oil supplements ).... And ALAs as gentle peels. Never use vinegar on sensitive skin...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Happylittle Helen (Norfolk, Uk) on 03/16/2012

I am using the remedy on one arm and not the other as an experiment and am noticing a difference after only 24 hours so am very hopeful this will be my saving grace! Thank you for the recipe.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Susan (Stroudsburg, Pa) on 01/26/2009

I too had a lifetime of "chicken skin" as its called on the back of my arms. I read here about the ACV and coconut oil. I was worried about your ingredients mix, as I thought I would smell like ACV if I applied it. So I take an empty and cleaned hand soap container, fill it with [...] Raw ACV and keep it in the shower. I wash my arms with the ACV. When I exit the shower I put organic extra virgin coconut oil (unrefined, unbleached) on my arms straight out of the container as a lotion. I now am constantly rubbing my SMOOTH ARMS, just feel to them, as I never had them without bumps before. It's a great feeling, and I will not be embarrassed to wear short sleeves anymore.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by TK (NYC, NY) on 12/16/2008

I was so glad I found this.. I have really bad KP.. I have taken what I have read here and taken it a step further by creating my own creme and WOWOWOWOWOW. my skin is sooo smoooooth. I cannot believe it.. I could cry! To know that this is so simple and has been here all this time.. ok here goes:

4 oz of organic cold press coconot oil
1 table spoon of soy lecithin (emulsifier)
4 oz of organic apple cider vinegar

I warm a sterilized pan and melt coconut oil, add soy lecithin and then vinegar then I whip it up into a smooth creme then cool and bottle it up.. I have been using now for 4 days.. I am so impressed!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lasvegaslady (Las Vegasw, Nv, Usa) on 07/07/2010

I've been reading for hours on different remedies for different ailments I have. This one in particular caught my eye. I was diagnosed with keratosis pilaris over 10 years ago by a dermatologist who said there was nothing he or I could do about it. Stated it was "just something some women get" and that it was tied to hormones. He gave me a lotion-type prescription to use to make my skin not-so-bumpy, but it didn't work. I bought some products from a website that touted they could get rid of "chicken bumps". Initially I did feel and see a slight difference, but it didn't last. I was so self conscious about the way my arms looked and felt. It was so bad that whenever anyone touched my arms, they would always think I was cold and would try to rub them more to warm me up. To get over that, I stopped wearing short sleeved shirts, even when it was 100 degrees outside! Anyway, I tried this recipe and I PROMISE you it WORKS!!! The very next day after I made and applied the mixture, my arms felt smooth and touchable. Everyday when I get out of the shower, I spray on the mixture (I keep it in a small spray bottle) and rub it into my skin. I've been following this regimine for about a month now and I don't even notice the ACV smell. While my upper arms still look "bumpy", they feel totally smooth to the touch. I'm so glad I read this article and took a chance on trying the home remedy. Its summer time in Las Vegas, and I was burning up wearing my long-sleeved shirts... Now I have no problem going sleeveless again!!!

Posted by Lindsat (Sydney ) on 06/02/2017

I have been taking L lysine for dyshidrotic eczema on my fingers - it has worked wonders, but no doctors or pharmacy seems to know about it! As a bonus, it seems it has also cleared my KP!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Mina_mtl (Montreal) on 01/22/2017

I have found coconut oil very helpful for KP, which I've had for over 20 years. I use virgin, cold pressed, organic CO directly on the skin after showering. I also eat a spoonful a day, usually melted into my coffee. After doing this for about a year, plus a number of other dietary changes (please see my first, big post if you want details), my KP is 80-90% reduced. But I saw positive change almost right away, including reduction in redness, itchiness, and bumpiness. Dry brushing increased the positive effects for me. At first I had to dry brush every day (to help shed the dead skin) but now I only need to dry brush 2-3x/week. I still eat and apply coconut oil every day.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Bentonite Clay
Posted by Chad (Georgia) on 10/09/2014

Apple cider vinegar and bentonite clay have been like a miracle for my bumpy arms. Cured in less than two applications. I maintain with 1 /wk applications.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Margaret (Lansdale, Pa) on 05/19/2013

To those who think kp is due to diet: it is!

My research has turned up that almost every skin condition is due to low essential fatty acids. Some people have trouble processing EFAs; for others, it is a dietary problem. I am treating my kp with high ALAs from plant sources in combination with an alpha hydrox scrub in the shower and topical treatment of apple cider vinegar afterward, and my kp is almost entirely gone.

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