Joint Pain: Top Natural Remedies

Oregano Oil
Posted by Tavora (Brooklyn, NY) on 05/03/2009

Just wanted to say very quickly that after reading several posts about oil of oregano helping with inflammation/joint pain - I decided to try it tonight. OMG!! Let me tell u - the clicking and popping that I have been experiencing the last two months disappeared!!! (My ailments are actually an inner ear problem with a misaligned spine) but when I rubbed the oil on my knees, shins, shoulders and neck - I felt - LITERALLY - instant, instant relief!! I could not believe it!! As I stood up and walked around for a bit - no popping - no clicking!! This gives me so much hope! I will continue to use this as one of my arsenals and though I know we are not allowed to state specific brands....I do want to say the one I bought is ___. I will also take it orally to help with the tension in my spine. Will keep u posted.

Thank you so much EC!!! :0)

Hyaluronic Acid, Glucosamine-Chondroitin Tablets
Posted by Jeff (Hbg, PA) on 12/17/2008

Hyahuronic Acid is the only thing that stopped my aching knees. Unknowing at the time that it contained H.A., I purchased a product called Animal flex for my joints. Now I can run everyday and have very little if any aches or pains in my knees. Glucosamine-Chondriotin did absolutly nothing for me. There are some good H.A. products out, but do some research. Yes, it also helps the eyes and skin.

I now use H.A.products from Jarrow, and Purity with good results, and also take multivitamin also If the Glucosamine-Chondroitin has not helped, why not give H.A. a shot? It worked for me.

Magnetic Therapy
Posted by Mae (Mayerthorpe, Ab, Canada) on 03/28/2011

I have just found this site - not surprising as I'm restricted to dial-up internet. What is surprising is the lack of information/comments about magnets and magnetic therapy.

Twelve years ago, I purchased a negative field magnetic mattress (that actually is a pad for under your mattress) when desperately seeking to relieve my husband's horrendous pain as the lung cancer that was killing him was growing and crushing his ribs. (Individual magnets had been helping, but were awkward and too small to be adequate. ) He was able to cut back on the amount of mind-deadening narcotics he was taking for several months, but eventually had to go back on them. No - his cancer was not cured, but he was given some quality in his life for his last months.

The unexpected effect was the instantaneous help for my crippling 14 year chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia. From the first night, I was amazed at my ability to really sleep. I had forgotten what it was like to wake up feeling like I had slept! My pain lessened and my energy improved, so that I not only stayed functional through this very traumatic time, but was also able to learn and to provide care for my husband at home where he wanted to be.

I still have chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia, take my vitamins and EFA's, but I have never been even close to the level of repeatedly enforced inactivity I had suffered before getting that mattress. Spending a few nights away from home reminds me of just how good it is! I do get pain, and I'm tired, but it's because I do a lot of working, playing and living! No, I do not have any investment in the mattress company.

I've also used magnets to relieve headaches, lower back pain and on a once injured ankle that bothers me on occasion. I've shared my success, and magnets, with others. Though commonly used to relieve pain while not curing the underlying causes, they can help other conditions. I have known them to cure carpal tunnel syndrome. (Relieving carpal tunnel is usually within an hour, while a full cure may take months of several hours a day with it tied or taped to your inner wrist. But it sure beats surgery! )

Almost anyone with pain should try them, but magnets should not come near pacemakers or insulin pumps - or your computer or credit cards. Also be cautious if you are on medication as magnetic energy can cause meds (that the body recognizes as foreign) to move through your system too quickly. Don't use them if you are using "patch" applied meds. Find disc magnets that are over 1000 gauss, and always use the negative side toward the body. Apply on the area of pain, or on an energy pathway (as in accupressure point) near by. (For "bad" knees, use them on your hips.)

Often, new injuries, areas that have been operated on, and some forms of arthritis, get more painful - so take the magnets away and don't use them for that! I don't know why this happens, and if anyone knows a way around it, I would be very interested in knowing.

I hope my sharing is helpful to someone.


Baking Soda
Posted by Lorraine (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/27/2007

After suffering with acute pain in my right big toe for one year i heard about this site and what baking soda can do. I took half teaspoon in a glass of water and the pain disappeared in minutes! Previously i couldnt even stand the weight of the sheet on my toe. I am yet to try acv and b.soda. but will do so' and report back. have also been suffering from a lot of joint pain and that is subsiding also. I am very grateful for the info on this site. I received no help from doctors who only prescribe dangerous drugs!

Posted by Victor (USA) on 06/26/2007

Raw cabbage and cabbage juice relieves joint pain and swelling in my hands, and it works fast.

Posted by Rose (Las Vegas) on 03/02/2007

i love your recipe for turmeric tea, i have many joint/bone pains from medicine i must take for breast cancer. So this tea has helped.i hope it will continue to relieve my symptoms when i have taken the tea for a longer time.. great site. thanks

Posted by Reem (Karachi, Pakistan)

I have used turmeric as a joint pain remedy and it has always worked for me. I usually take 1 tsp in hot milk and it relieves all forms of body pains, joint pains.

Posted by Bill (Califon, NJ)

I have had severe knee and lower leg pain for over one year. All the doctors say my knees have normal wear and tear but they always hurt and especially at night. I took 1600 mg of tumeric (800 x2 day) and after about six weeks the pain almost all gone and flexibility is returning.

Posted by Mike (Des Moines, IA) on 11/03/2021

Thanks, Holly. I will give it a try.

Posted by Mike V (Des Moines, Ia) on 08/20/2020

Hi Art,

I greatly appreciate your advise, I am taking 1/4 teaspoon of borax 5days/week, and I am on my fifth weeks now.

I am 71 years old this problem starts about a year ago, siting and standing up is paifull, but walking on flat floor, I have no problem. I am taking one medication Dilantin for epilepsy since I was 24 years old for prevention plus baby asprin, recently also started to take full spectrum CBD, that doesn't help either.


Mike V

Pillow and Mattress Topper
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 09/25/2019

My husband I realized that our bed might be contributing to pain.

He was waking up with shoulder pain and I with hip pain. I spent time researching beds and got a good bed from Costco - foam, gel something yada yada yada. Husband LOVED the bed. No more shoulder pain. For me, no more hip pain...but instead I was waking up with a new pain between my shoulder blades that required me to ice my neck/back every morning. The bed felt like concrete to me.

We were planning to return it and try something else. My chiropractor suggested a different pillow - a Bed Boss pillow for side sleepers. It is a memory foam pillow with a notch for your shoulder. She said to give it some time. It took two nights for me to become completely sold. I also got a 3 inch egg crate foam bed topper.

The pillow and bed topper have been game changers. I am sleeping better and waking up without pain. Husband does not have pain (At first the foam topper made him feel claustrophobic but he is liking it now.) If you have back pain, consider the possibility of your bed and pillow! ~ Mama to Many~

Posted by Ngh (Ferndale) on 04/14/2016

Namaw - have your tried activated charcoal tablets for your ibs-d? They help my husband a lot. He takes 4 tablets at breakfast and bedtime and it has reduced his ibs-d symptoms.

Posted by Art (California) on 10/01/2023 2175 posts


I'm very happy to hear that this change to the timing and dosing of your borax regimen is working better for you and also helping your jaw pain! Thank you for your helpful feedback!


Fresh Grapefruit Juice
Posted by Denise (Redlands, California, United States) on 04/20/2013

I have been suffering greatly from whiplash and joint pain in my arms. I thought it was a result of doing certain excercises. I could not stand the pain and have been in this condition for over a year. My suffering was great! I even wore a neck brace for relief. My husband rubbed me out but the pain would remain. I didn't go to a doctor because I was afraid I might get worse.

3 days ago I was thirsty and my husband had bought grapefruit. I took two grapefruit and cut them in half and used them in my citrus juicer.

I received about 2 glasses of juice from the two grapefruit. I drank them down and in awhile I could feel weird sensation in my intestines! Like a cleansing! I'll admit it felt strange but after it was over I felt really good. And in a few hours I felt the pain had left my neck and arm joints! Hispanics believe that food can get stuck in the intestines! I'm wondering if I had "empachado"? It means food is stuck in the intestines? Anyway I feel great having that awful pain gone. It worked for me anyway. I believe something was stuck in my intestines. The natural grapefruit juice got rid of it!

Increasing Water Consumption
Posted by Iowama (Pella, Ia) on 01/05/2012

Ahmad, I too have come to believe that increasing my water intake has been helping my joints to feel normal again. Congratulations on your discovery!

Swollen Knuckles
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 09/30/2011

Hi Pam, Have you had your iron levels checked? If there is no arthritis and your iron levels are higher than normal then the iron can deposit in the joints and look inflamed. This is usually due to the person having hemochromatosis or even being a carrier of it. If your iron levels are a bit above normal but not high enough to have some blood drained then you could try donating blood. Also taking Ted's borax water remedy helps, 1/8th of a teaspoon of borax (1/4 for men) in a litre of water taken for 4 days and 3 days off and keep repeating. Just remember that they did not appear overnight so they will not disappear quickly. Magnesium is also good as it helps with the boron to balance the calcium.

Alkalizing would be worth doing especially if you suspect gout. Check out EC's page. All the best..

Turmeric and Ginger Drink
Posted by Kay (Fl, US) on 06/03/2014

Yes, tumeric research reports that pepperine (black pepper specifically) enhances the efficacy of tumeric/curcumin AND it's necessary to add a dietary oil as well. I also add coconut oil to my tumeric tea/milk (as well as ginger, cinamon, allspice, nutmeg, vanilla bean, molasses, honey)!

White Grapefruit Juice
Posted by Lucy (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 07/11/2010

Hip pain is a fast and easy fix. White grapefruit juice in can or bottle, cheap or expensive, makes no different in the results. I keep it in my cupboard at all times. A co-worker was going after work to get cortisone shots because he couldn't use his arm without pain. I told him to get a bottle of white grapefruit juice and drink it for lunch. He came back after lunch and said the pain was gone, before he returned to work.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jamo (Atlanta, GA) on 09/25/2008

I have completely eliminated joint pain using hydrogen peroxide.

EC: Great! Would you kindly send us more information: how much, how often, 3% drugstore or 35% food grade diluted?

Posted by Candy Moss (Ofallon, MO) on 05/04/2008

I have used L-Glutathione for years for stiffness or joint pain of any type. I works great. I am told it is the key to allow calcium and vit. D amd mag. into the osteoblasts. Without it very little gets in to keep them working properly and it works really well. It also detoxifies the liver. Also I use a product called colon tone by Dr.Eskeland. It is an oxygen based cleaner and one of the great things I noticed it also does is help with yeast infections which I have often, I am guessing the xtra oxygen in the colon kills bacteria. All I know is its great not to have to put up with those yeast infections constantly. I suppose you can find it on the web. Otherwise e-mail me and I can tell you where I get it. Also the glutathione is a very inexpensive supplement.

Vitamin K and Calcium
Posted by james (logandale, NV) on 12/31/2007

I am a runner and was restricted due to pain in my knees. Calcium and glucosimine suppliments were not effective, until I learned that Vitamin K is crucial for calcium absorption. In Japan Vitamin K is prescribed for osteoporosis. I am now able to run without pain. I take about 5 times the RDA daily of vitamin K with my calcium.

Working With the Knees
Posted by Suzo (Seattle, WA) on 06/13/2007

My hips had been hurting for some months. The physical therapist told me to sit down and then stand up and notice what was happening to my knees. I looked and saw that they came together when I rose or sat. That was putting improper stress on my hip joints. He said to make a fist with my hand, place between my knees and remember to keep that distance as I sat down or stood up. It worked! An easy habit to form and I have cured my hip soreness. And maybe saved myself from hip surgery. Thanks everyone for all the help we provide each other and especially thanks to Ted and the staff at Earth Clinic.

Vitamin C
Posted by Barbara (Portland, OR) on 12/06/2006

I started taking high doses of Vitamin C to help ward off a cold virus. For the past several weeks I took 5-10 grams of Vitamin C. I noticed my knee pain disappeared. I am a runner/cross country skiier who has virtually stopped these activities due to pain in my right knee. For 7 years I have tried glucosamine, calcium, MSM, and NSAIDs. I don't like taking NSAIDS. However, the other remedies did not relieve the pain and inflammation.Therefore, I have been tolerating the pain and have discontinued using NSAIDS. I was very surprised to find that the Vitamin C use correlated with complete pain relief and reduction of inflammation. So I stopped the C for a week and the pain returned. I have resumed the C and the pain is gone again.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Larry (Boise, Idaho) on 11/29/2006

I consumed 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Coconut oil before each meal, and if I skipped a meal, I would still take the 1 tablespoon of Virgin Coconut oil. My problem was my left hip would have a popping type of action every time I rotated my leg out away from my body, same sound as if you were cracking your knuckles, after 1 week of using the Virgin Coconut oil, and now my hip no longer makes any poping sound. Still taking it to see about the weight loss benefits. Now on week 3.

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