Joint Pain: Top Natural Remedies

Posted by Don (Michigan, Usa) on 09/10/2020

I have been having knee joint aches for awhile. Three weeks ago, I had a craving for cashews and ate about 8 oz a day for 3 days. I noticed my knee aches were gone and all my joints felt younger and lubricated. I searched and found that along with cardio benefits there is also a benefit to joints. I now eat a handful of roasted cashews every morning and I can do squats without knee aches.

I have also noticed a nerve calming effect.

Posted by Art (California) on 08/19/2020 2165 posts

Mike V.,

I'm not sure from what you wrote if you have taken borax for 4 weeks or 5 days, but 5 days is not enough time to deal with arthritis. Do you have an actual diagnosis of a type of arthritis? There are other reasons for joint pain, not just arthritis.

Which joints specifically, hurt you and is it constant or almost constant pain? You do not say how long you have had this joint pain, but if it has been awhile, it can take longer to feel results. In the case of long standing joint pain, it can take 3 to 4 months to see maximum benefit, but at 4 weeks, there would normally be at least some benefit.

You say,

' Not that much improvement '

and that sounds like there is some small amount of improvement and that would be normal in the second week of borax for many people. If it is just 5 days of borax, then you seem on track, but the length of time on borax is not clear to me.

Are you taking a statin drug such as Atorvastatin or Simvastatin? It would be helpful if you gave more information.

Lastly, let's double check exactly what you are taking. You should be taking one quarter teaspoon (US measuring spoons) of borax in one liter or quart of water each weekday which should be a total of 1 1/4 teaspoons total per week. A quarter teaspoon is equivalent to about 980 mg of borax total per weekday with weekends off to make it easier to remember.


Posted by Art (California) on 08/21/2020 2165 posts

Mike V,

That is helpful information!

The Dilantin you have been taking for decades is well known for causing osteopathy (bone disease), bone fractures and hip pain! If you have mentioned your hip pain to your doctor, he should be aware of the connection and can try and take steps to prevent further damage. Here is a study which discusses this very issue. Note the date of the study is 2015 which means that doctors were aware of this problem well before 2015 because it takes many reports from users before studies are started to investigate and confirm the problem.

Another study adding confirmation to the idea that long term use of Dilantin can lead to osteoporosis: therapy causes changes in, direct effects on bone cells.

Phenytoin is another name for Dilantin. Given that this is different than arthritis, borax may or may not be helpful, but since borax contains boron and boron can be helpful for bone issues such as osteoporosis, it may be worth continuing the borax, but it will take longer than the 3 to 4 months I mentioned previously to get measurable benefit. Since you have taken Dilantin for decades, there could potentially be damage to the bones. I know this is not probably what you were hoping to hear, but it may be time to have a talk with your doctor about this adverse event.

Dilantin can also cause problems with teeth. Overgrowth as a Side Effect of Dilantin (Phenytoin), -By&text=Certain medications used to control, tooth decay, and oral infections.

This article shows how women lost bone density after just one year on Dilantin and you have been on it for decades:

Given the above, I can only discuss what I would do for myself under similar circumstances as I am not a doctor and can not give medical advice. I would first discuss the situation with my doctor and then I would start taking many of the supplements that are known to improve bone density such as boron/borax, calcium, vitamin K-2, magnesium, vitamin D (to reach the upper half of the reference range of 30~100 ng/ml for 25 OH d serum test), 5 dried prunes per day, zinc, etc.

You may wonder why 5 dried prunes per day? here is the reason :, scientific research has found, slow and prevent bone loss.&text=Research published in the journal, for a six-month period.

A doctor might want to prescribe Fosamax, but I would shy away from this one due to potential side effects and not always the best outcomes.

So these would be my immediate considerations that I would initially try to see if I can reverse any bone damage and protect the bone that I do have as well as prevent fractures or further bone loss.


Posted by Art (California) on 08/19/2020 2165 posts

It may be possible to speed the process up by also soaking the offending toe in a mild borax solution.


Pillow and Mattress Topper
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 07/07/2021

You might want to look it up—I read that memory foam causes cancer.

Pillow and Mattress Topper
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 04/09/2024 461 posts

I have the most awesome bed ever! A mattress, a twin size quilt (perfect size to top a Queen size mattress), a 2 inch feather bed topper, an original memory foam topper, which is about 20 years - which, despite the normal aged yellowing of the foam, still remembers - an old, Minnesota forestry down sleeping bag (which is also perfect Queen size, opened up with the zipper cut off), a mattress protector into which all of that fits and a thick linen cover over that. And it's all topped off with an organic linen fitted sheet. And I use another light linen fabric as the perfect blanket and it's all I need, whether it's over 100F or sub-zero weather.

The best thing about it is pulling the top linen sheet that keeps me cool in summer and warm in winter only half way up in winter, sleeping until I wake up cold, then pulling it up to my chin and feeling it warm up and warm me up in a matter of seconds. Linen has just always awed me and awes me still, even after all these decades! And I LOVE being awed!!

Not only does linen wick sweat which then cools the skin by evaporation in the air from the windows and provide moisture to dry skin in winter, both, it also switches from warming to cooling and back again, as needed, very quickly. It's a marvel!

I'm not an 8 hour sleeper but I DO take my sleeping seriously, ROFL! PLUS, I don't particularly like the mattress at the bottom of it all but, it's like new and tossing it isn't an option so I just sort of built another multi-tasker of a mattress on top of it. An AWEsome mattress! Like it came straight from the magical world of Narnia! It's hard to even just walk past without laying down and rolling all over it!!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/09/2018 233 posts

Melea, a couple of tweaks you can try to your existing protocol, add one extra baking soda and water, must be 3 hours before eating or one hour after eating, so if you do Apple Cider Vinegar bs morning and night you can do this one after lunch, if this addition does not give you benefit as it should, then you may further add cayenne to your morning and evening Apple Cider Vinegar bs tonic. Work up to one teaspoon. If it is really difficult you can put it in capsules, it is important for digestion that the stomach knows it ( the heat) is coming, what I do is store my capsules in the cayenne powder, when I shake out a capsule I put a tiny bit on my tongue and then swallow with warm water. The warmth helps to spread it, you'll see for yourself the first time you take it with the tonic.

For topical relief, you may try 7 drops rosemary essential oil mixed in a half tablespoon of carrier oil, Olive, almond, etc massaged around the area. Between my husband and I, we have used all mentioned remedies for improved joint and muscle pain. Hubby is now wearing the rosemary to work, added to my homemade comfrey salve. Best to you.

Posted by Jimmy (Nj, Usa ) on 01/19/2017

I've been taking borax daily in a cup of tea ( 1/3 teaspoon ) to help with my joints ..I used to wake up in morning and have my knees clicking my wrist sore. Been about half year, I hardly feel any aching joints. All clicking is gone.

Sacroiliac Joint Remedies
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/19/2016

Dear Editor,

Would it be possible to have a dedicated section especially for Sacroiliac Joint Problems? I have been interested in the following products (amongst others) Magnesium Chloride liquid, Castor oil, Peppermint essential oil, ACV, H.Acid, and the Vitamin C protocols especially, but am seeking more clarity on how to proceed and what regime is most effective for this debilitating condition. ( Hats off to Mama to Many by the way-there is not much it seems she doesn't know! ).

It disturbs me that a Sacroiliac Joint issue is frequently misdiagnosed as being a "Sciatica problem" even by some of the top "experts" in the Field. I suspect that a really good Acupuncturist, (with MANY years of experience) might be able to resolve this conundrum for you if you are a sufferer.

Try this trick once or twice a day for starters. Place your fist firmly behind your Sacrum, knuckles touching skin. Then grip that fist firmly with the other hand and press gently for a few seconds. Repeat a few times. Go gently for starters and gradually increase the number of "pushes" and do a few more times per day.

Secondly, with the fingers, latch onto a pinch of muscle on the side of your buttock that is causing trouble. Try to locate the spot where the sacroiliac joint is ---- a little way between spine and hip. Gently pull that spot towards your side/hip on the affected side. Hold for say three seconds and then release. Do this for a few times and then repeat the sequence a few times per day.

Trouble is that there could be two differing types of S I pain that I have been made aware of! The more usual one is where the bones forming the joint move forward and backwards either too much (loose) or not sufficiently (too stiff). The second type apparently affects far fewer people and that is where the Iliac flaps like a bird's wing (best way I can describe it). This is the one where the above second exercise is more appropriate.

Now is probably the time to visit your friendly Osteopath OR Physiotherapist for further clarification of your condition. There are more exercises to do here and some u tube videos are great too for assisting you with your self help regime, which you will seriously need to implement here..

The large inflatable ball is very good for sitting on of course and should be utilized more often by sufferers instead of a chair I think. Wouldn't it be nice though, to accurately know your problem before embarking on treatment? Ha!!

Cheers, Michael

Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Tx) on 04/12/2016

Russ, try taking ornithine when you take the borax. It is supposed to mop up the toxins from the dead micro organisms. It works for me. I take about 3 of the now brand capsules about 8 o clock pm and then another 4 right before bed. The insomnia is noticeable if I don't take them.

Autoimmune Issues
Posted by Annie (Orange County, CA) on 07/07/2021

I agree with you about all the things we put in our bodies could be causing pain. I get pain and swelling in my joints after eating refined sugars, meats, dairy, and grains. I also started reacting to the medication for pain, it started to give me joint pain 20-40 minutes after I took it.

Goodbye Lupus is a good book and it has a protocol about cutting out processed food and making sure to eat highly nutritious food to regenerate cells. Foods such as brocolli, kale and bokchoy. There are lists on the internet of how nutritious foods are, so eat to nourish and regenerate cells don't just eat for fun. Also drink at least 96 oz of ater daily, cells need water.

Chia Seeds
Posted by Jennie (Fort Wayne, In) on 03/14/2013

Hydrated chia seeds for joint pain: Taking 3 or 4 tablespoons of hydrated chia seed gel every morning has greatly reduced my joint pain. I buy black or white seeds - either one works equally well, and put 2 tablespoons of the seeds in two cups of filtered water. Stir them up a couple times and then again after several hours. There may be clumps on the bottom, stirring with a fork breaks them up. I keep the seeds and water in a sealed container in the fridge

Chia holds 10 times its weight in water and when hydrated creates a gel. It has almost no taste and can be mixed with just about anything, I put it in my morning juice. Chia has the highest amount of Omega-3 of any plant source!

Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 07/21/2012

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share with everyone that for the first time, I tried fresh turmeric in my morning veggie juice we make ourselves. Every morning we make a green juice and it's always a little different. I always love it and feel really good after drinking it. I can just feel my body sing from it. I have also tried powdered turmeric at times but I can't say I feel anything significant but I also know all its benefits so I figure it can't hurt.

Well, this morning was vastly different. Some of you know that I have had stem cell therapy and my hips have recovered tremendously. Honestly, I can't compare what I feel like now to what condition I was dealing with before. Today, after the drink, which tasted very different but delicious, ALL pain disappeared from my hips and I could bring my knees almost to my chest which I have not been able to do in years. I would love if others would try fresh turmeric as well for joint pain and/ or inflammation and see if you also experience a significant difference. Wishing you well, Lisa

Increasing Water Consumption
Posted by Ahmad (Victoria, Bc, Canada) on 01/05/2012

I was engrossed in all the content on earthclinic a few weeks ago. A beautiful website. Thank you.

Almost two months ago I had a knee injury. I'm 26 years old and a few days after I noticed swelling and bubbles on my right index finger (most used joint in my body since I'm a computer user). I discovered I had gout initially and, as a believer in natural healing, I researched this and was lead to ACV. After several days of ACV I noticed the bubbles went away but the swelling remained. It would would rise and shrink over time with the continued intake of ACV (>~2 TBSP a day), and it began spreading to other joints.

I tried milk of magnesia, as suggested in the Bursitis section, and that didn't show any improvement either. But it led me to this discovery: when I am dehydrated the swelling gets worse. It was especially bad when I wake up the morning (since we lose a lot of water during sleep this made sense). I remember someone telling me once something about a sudden increase in water intake having an effect on the body. And thats what I decided to try.

I began taking 1-2 cups of water over 15 minutes (or less) every 2 hours. The results were astonishing: within a few hours 60% of the swelling had disappeared. And now, after 2 days of excessive water intake most of joints are 95% healthy and my index finger is still at about 80% and getting better. My joints feel great and I feel my knee injury is doing so much better.

My recommendations to anyone suffering from joint pains are: - if you're taking in a lot of salt, make sure you drink sufficient water to flush your system out. Those salts might end up in your joints and further progress bursitis. - drink sufficient water to offset the effects of caffeine (especially in coffee and pop). - drink a lot of water in the morning and before going to bed (1-2liters).

The water will cause you to visit the bathroom more frequently, but a small price to pay for healing stiff joints. Life was unbearable with aching joints, and being young and active I just don't know how people do it. Thank God I did not have to resort to poisons (chemical drugs).

Posted by Janet (Asheville, NC) on 02/09/2009

I think it's so great that ACV works on joint pain but I can't believe chlorella is not included in here. I have been recommending it to people for years and I would say 95% of the people have astounding results on all kinds of joint pain, stiffness, numbness and tingling. It seems to help people with some nerve pains or problems. It's so great to hear people say yeah, my Mom's Dr has been treating her for problems with her wrist for years, I gave her the chlorella and the pain and numbness and tingling is gone. Practically the only person it didn't work on is my brother-in-law, the DOCTOR. I get it cheap on vitacost. One of it's benefits is that it detoxes mercury from the digestive system.

Posted by Ani (Ontario, Canada) on 04/02/2008

Wearing a copper bracelet can significantly help with arthritis, back pain, aches and joint pains. My parents swear by it.' In fact my dad makes jewelry and after he discovered that copper helped him with his bad back pain he started making copper bracelets for sale. He has been selling them for over 15 years and the personal testimonials he's heard are remarkable. The amount that it helps is individual of course and varies but most people feel at least SOME improvement while others say they experience DRAMATIC improvement. In any case it's cheap to try and can't do any harm. I'm surprised copper wasn't posted before and curious to read other people's experiences with this.

Posted by Charles (Saint Cloud , Florida) on 12/31/2007

I started taking turmeric powder about 2 and a half years ago, after seeing on a famous news show that it was one of the main ingredients in a pill that was able to reduce your antioxidant level to zero. I did a little research and saw' there was little Alhiemers in India, where it is a big part of the diet. I was having a bit of a memory problem at the time. Anyways, after about 3 months of taking a tablespoon a day, I noticed my shoulder pain went away. My doctor had said he could do nothing for it, as it was arthitis and that he had it also. Now I notice that I don't seem too concern about memory and I have regained some interest in reading articles. I have had several, 3, cases of skin cancer in the last year, hopefully its due to the years of living in a tropical climate. I tried to stop taking it a couple of times to see what would happen and my shoulder pain seem to start to come back. So apparently it did not cure it but stopped the pain and I am now able to shoot basketball or any other activity. I put it in water and stir it up and swallow the half a cup very quickly as I do not like the taste. I order it 5 pounds at a time and keep a 10 pound supply on hand. Be careful it stains things yellow.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Steve (Victoria BC, Canada) on 12/06/2007

Hi everyone at earthclinic! I am a 60 year male. I found your site after a search for arthritis and natural cures. I started taking the ACV and BS two months ago. It has significantly reduced the pain and swelling between my knuckles. My hips and knee pain are getting better and the food taste better as well. My energy has increased and I am not napping as much. I don't feel as cold anymore and no more shivers in bed. It has also helped my wife with her knees. I can't thank you enough for your wonderful natural cure. I almost got sold on the Swedish joint pain formula but I' found your site and I am now saving my much needed money. Now I am going to start using the H202 inhalation method and I will let you know how that turns out.You are on my 649 list and you can hold me to that.

Posted by Hannah (Petach Tikva, Israel) on 02/26/2013

Dear Gurodev, I don't know how to thank you for your great suggestion for making turmeric/ginger tea. In one day all my hip pain disappeared. Earth Clinic - what a wonderful site.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Rose (Kampala)

I suffered from joint pain for a period of over two months. I took antibiotics continously to no avail. However one day I was told by a friend that aloe vera could work. I started by boiling aloe vera juice extacted from the sap. In addition I would also rub the gel on my joints and experience healing.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Talia (Jerusalem, Israel) on 05/20/2012

Re the response by Bob from Elmhust regarding the need to drink more water - what a great reminder. For some reason I tend to forget the importance of water and as a result of reading this response, realize that the pain in my joints in the past number of days could actually be the result of dehydration, since I was telling a friend the other day that I think I'm dehydrated and need to drink more water. Dehydration can also be a reason for tiredness, and sometimes for us women we can minimize some of our facial wrinkles by staying hydrated since dehydration also affects our skin.

Okra Juice
Posted by Sara (Innisfil) on 05/22/2024

Okra juice is v good for type 2 diabetes. I tried it and it helped a lot.

Okra Juice
Posted by Ron (Florida) on 05/25/2024

Okra juice works very well for blood sugar control.

Posted by Holly (Millersville) on 11/03/2021


I have noticed that wheat and sugar both aggravate my joint pain.

Giving them up could help. It's a pain. But then, so is arthritis.


Posted by Lynn Greene (Canada) on 11/11/2021

Try potassium. You can eat a banana every day, which has the perfect amount of potassium. Or pills from the Health Food store.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/09/2018

Melea, for the acid reflux you can read up on Inclined Bed Therapy. Costs nothing!

Posted by Russ (Whangarei, New Zealand) on 04/12/2016


I found that borax eliminated my feet (both) pain of at least 4 years duration (caused, I think by many years standing on concrete floors at work) other joints were also becoming painful. I built slowly (over 4 weeks) until my dose was a half teaspoon per day. However I've stopped as I couldn't sleep. I felt good at first but could only sleep for perhaps one hour per night. I was exhausted. I waited a month then started the whole regime again. Same result, no pain but no sleep either.

Posted by Magneto (Eastern NC) on 10/01/2023

Thanks Art. I found that when I use this Mon-Fri in the mornings it's so much better. I dial it back if I start feeling over energized. Probably my most favorite thing about taking it is my jaw feels so much better (life long bruxism and intermittant TMJ).

Apple Cider Vinegar, Arnica
Posted by Sarah (Ns, Can) on 03/02/2015

I suffer, as most, from occasional joint pain/inflammation. The other morning my neck was severely inflamed, limited motion. I took a cloth dampened it with warm water then some ACV and almost immediately felt improvement. There may be slight discomfort, this is temporary. I would also like to suggest arnica cream. This greatly improved jaw function after surgery and is a great source of minerals necessary to healing injuries. May God bless.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Suebee (Lansing, Mi) on 07/06/2013

I've had hip joint pain for 6 months or so now and in the last week my left hip had become much worse so that my walking and sleeping were being affected. First day I tried rest, which alleviated a lot of the pain but the next day I jarred the joint again and the pain relentlessly returned. So yesterday I took 2 Tbsp ACV + 1/2 tsp Baking Soda + 1 Tbsp Agave nectar (it's easier for me to drink this way). Took this again at night before bed IN ADDITION to 2 Tbsp CHERRY JUICE CONCENTRATE for inflammation. This morning pain is back at a 1/10, complete range of motion and ready to stretch those tight muscles. I'll still rest today and keep this "med" schedule up for a week or so. Wow.

White Grapefruit Juice
Posted by Lucy (Santa Cruz, Ca) on 01/25/2011

I find a quick fix for bursitis (joint pain) is white grapefruit juice. I had a coworker unable to lift his arm up without pain. I told him to get white grapefruit and drink it at lunch time. Drink as much as you can, bottle or can, cheap or name brands. After he came back from lunch the pain was gone. My mother started walking with a cane because of hip pain, I reminded her of the grapefruit juice. She took one can and the pain was gone.

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