The Best Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking

| Modified on Feb 07, 2024
Quit Smoking Cold Turkey
Posted by Tiberius (Oklahoma) on 02/06/2024

TLDR: Keep cigarettes on hand as a way to keep yourself comfortable in the knowledge that you can have one if you "need" it (you won't need it.). Keep your mind and hands busy. (Drawing, painting, model kits, studying, tinkering, etc.. anything that makes you think and keeps your hands busy).

Let me preface by saying, I was not some special case that somehow was not "as addicted as you".. For a long time, on some level I had fooled myself into believing I couldn't quit cold turkey and assumed people that did, were just not as addicted as I was. Nonsense.

I smoked for about 10 years. About a pack and a half per day. I was as addicted as anyone else. I'd smoke as soon as I woke up, a meal wasnt complete until I had a cigarette after, a car ride didnt begin til I had a cigarette in hand. And I'd move heaven and earth to get a pack of cigarettes if I was out, I'd get stressed and feel panicked and anxious if I didnt have cigarettes or money to get them. Cigarettes were seemingly as essential as food, water, and air for me at one point. And if I had to choose between a good meal and a pack of cigarettes, I probably would have taken the cigarettes because food is a lot easier to come by.

So how did I do it? The key things, for me, were 1 keeping cigarettes on hand.. I had almost a whole pack of cigarettes in the glove box of my car. They were a security blanket for me. If I didnt have them and the option to go grab one, then I would have been stressed and panicked that I couldnt get one if I "needed" one. So It was always my choice in the moment not to smoke. That was a HUGE one for me. As before when I would try to quit, first thing I'd do is try to remove the option of smoking from myself by tossing them out.

Next, keeping my hands and mind busy. The day after I decided to quit, I just happened to have gotten a new grill. I was nearly done putting the thing together when I realized, I didnt have a single thought or craving for a cigarette for the entire time I was working on the grill, which altogether took about an hour. Considering I hadnt had a cigarette since the day before, that was significant. And so, I found ways to keep my mind and hands busy. I did a lot of drawing, painting, model kits, studying, etc.

After a few days, it gets easier. After a couple of weeks, it gets a lot easier. After that, you're pretty well in the clear. I think cold turkey is probably the best method, as others such as nicotine patches or gum, just prolong the process by keeping you dependent on nicotine... not to mention the extra money.

Detox After Smoking
Posted by Brad (Ontario) on 08/29/2023

Wow, I see that mullein growing everywhere, sounds like a potential remedy for me to try as I stopped smoking, again, and wish to clear my lungs out. I read you can even smoke the plant, but its not recommended, although I am curious what it would taste like. Thanks for this.

Detox After Smoking
Posted by Vanessa (Sydney) on 06/25/2023

The best is Mullein. It can be used as a tea, taken as a tincture or in vegan capsules. Absolutely incredible how it literally expels huge amounts of toxic black “gunk”, after many years of smoking.
I take it every day atm, as I'm using medical cannabis for insomnia and to stimulate my appetite.

Ginger Root
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 06/22/2023

Look into Kudzu root. I've been told it takes the nicotine cravings away.

Ginger Root
Posted by George (Australia) on 06/21/2023

Look into L-Trytophan, it is used to quell addictions.

Ginger Root
Posted by Art (California) on 06/21/2023 2158 posts


The most effective method that I have seen to stop smoking is hypnotism. One treatment has worked for a friend for about 20 years with no cravings.


Ginger Root
Posted by Gail (Sharpsville pa ) on 06/21/2023

Would love more info on nicotine withdrawal symptoms I am 60 days nicotine free and still have many urges daily I have tried alot of your suggestions from people on your site.

ginger works fabulously but would like other nicotine free suggestions as I don't use patches and things that have nicotine in them

thank you kindly Gail

Horsetail Extract
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/12/2023 443 posts

Got some horsetail tea and, apparently, not only does it contain silicon but also niacin - which is what nicotine is. Coffee also contains silicon and there are times I can't seem to get enough of either coffee or cigarettes - until NOW. Cravings are basically gone and both lighting up and making coffee is just a sort of physical habit as neither of them provide the little "zap". It doesn't appear earthclinic is any less the control freak the puritans who hated smoking were or wants anyone to know that nicotine is actually niacin so this probably won't get published and I'm sorry about that. It isn't the niacin in tobacco that damages the lungs - it's the smoke inhalation and nobody appears to want anyone to know that. I don't know why.

Posted by Hamish (Brisbane) on 07/31/2021

Ayahuasca healed me from smoking. Healed a lot of things within me actually.

Recommended Books
Posted by Waltz (India) on 03/13/2021

Horsetail extract capsules is all you will ever require to quit smoking. The natural silica compounds in it does the trick.

Recommended Books
Posted by Wendy (Dublin, OH) on 03/10/2021

Yes, Allen Carr's book worked for me too! Have absolutely no desire to ever take up smoking again! Highly recommended.

Recommended Books
Posted by Kathleen (CT) on 03/10/2021

I quit many years ago after reading Allen Carr's book. I had tried so many times before. I have never ever have any desire to start smoking again.

Additives in Cigarettes Are The Problem
Posted by Kal (west midlands uk) on 03/05/2019

The idea of pickin a day in my view do'nt work and ding things with your hands. I have a cigerette in my mouth not in my hands most of the time my hands only pick the thing up to light it and it stays in my mouth till i put out. I tried all types to quit and nothing works. It's not nicotine that's addictive it's other things like pyrazines highley addictive. I was a herion addict for 5 years and quitting that was a walk in the park compared to stopping smoking. I was in hospital 2 years ago. I had my leg amputated and was in a coma for 2 weeks then unable to get out for a cigarette. It was hell. I've never felt so ill in my life from when I woke to when I slept, just micro sleeps. All I wanted was a cigerette, sweats shakes stomache cramps pains confusion headaches blurred vision no feeling for food, panic attacks. All this without a patch on as I was screaming in pain to put one on me 9 weeks I was in hospital and it never eased off all together 12 weeks with no cigarettes until I came out then I had one pain stop and all other side effects. So it's not nicotine, it's other additives in cigerettes that cause addiction and I'm not the only one i know like this. Also panic attacks and horrorific nightmares as well. I've been smoking for 45 years. If i tried to stop I'd rather die than go through that again.

Posted by John (Easley Sc) on 12/30/2018

I was a smoker for 39 years. I tried cold turkey many times and cold laser therapy twice with limited results. I used Chantix for my last attempt to stop smoking.

It was very easy to stop smoking.. It's been over seven years since I stopped smoking.

Posted by Carolyn (Mo) on 12/29/2018

I got off of cigarettes with the nicotene gum, now I'm still addicted to nicotene and still chew the gum. Will this work to get off of them? Or is there a better way to kick this habit?

Posted by Carolyn (Mo) on 12/28/2018

I got off of cigarettes with the nicotene gum, now I'm still addicted to nicotene and still chew the gum. Will this work to get off of them? Or is there a better way to kick this habit?

Ginger Root
Posted by Tinamarie (Fl) on 10/28/2018

Hello just a quick question about the ginger root. How big of a piece, how many times a day, and do you peel the skin off or not. Want to try and detox my system the best and quickest way. Thanks

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by 2q&learn (Southern Ca, Usa) on 09/16/2018 137 posts

"No temptation has come upon you except what is common to men. But God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out so that you may be able to endure it."
- 1 Corinthians 10:13

"He gives power to the tired one, and full might to those lacking strength."
- Isaiah 40:29

"For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power."
- Philippians 4:13

(New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, Study Edition)

Detox After Smoking
Posted by 2q&learn (Southern Ca, Usa) on 09/16/2018 137 posts


You can mix cayenne & minced garlic with butter or non-hydrogenated margerine. They cut way down of the hotness & bityness of each!

Dried Ginseng
Posted by 2q&learn (Southern Ca, Usa) on 09/16/2018 137 posts

There is more than one kind of Ginseng. One is usually no problem, but the other one can cause serious problems with lots of people. So, which Ginseng are you encouraging the use of ...?

Delay the First Cig of the Day
Posted by 2q&learn (Southern Ca, Usa) on 09/16/2018 137 posts

One hasn't actually quit smoking until the very last puff ... so ... you temporarily stopped smoking several times ... and hopefully have fully quit it, this time! (:

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/26/2018

Read Here's the first paragraph...

A cursory study into tobacco use by teenagers appears to have discovered a new door into the causes of teenage smoking. Nicotine has long been accepted as the addictive portion of tobacco products, but what is apparently little known is that nicotine and niacin (vitamin B3) are analogues. An examination into this previously untrod avenue may yield significant new data into the treatment of teenage tobacco use. Much research has been done establishing that teenagers do use tobacco, but very little has looked into the actual causes and none could be found on E.R.I.C. that has been done from the aspect that tobacco may fulfill a nutritional need....

This article is very insightful, I found it doing some research for a relative, hope it helps relieve some guilt, shame, and pain

I use to be a chimney but by the grace of God, I got free. Wasn't easy but so thankful for the victory.

Posted by Waltz (India) on 02/27/2018

Why dont you try Horsetail extract containing Silica. It will make you kick this habit like magic. So many of my acquaintances have been able to let go of smoking by trying this.

Posted by Kathy (Randleman, Nc) on 02/24/2018 1 posts

Gosh! I just paid $14 for tiny bottle of spray. Where did you get it for $5???? Also, I've never heard of these cigarette filters . Where can I find them? One last question....Did the Liberia have any bad side effects. I'm prone to diarrhea when I consume something odd. I really want to kick this nasty habit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. God bless.

Delay the First Cig of the Day
Posted by Non-smoker! (Bristol) on 02/11/2018

I've given up smoking many times - I used Alan Carr's books very successfully, stopping first for 3 months (1989) then 3 years (1996 - 9), but went back's a strong addiction! Then, using much of the same mental processing"you're killing yourself to make someone else rich?! " I did a cold turkey job (2005 - 2015) which meant not going out, not being around my smoking friends or smoking places for a month, running every day, and just sticking to that. After 6 weeks my smoking cough had gone and I could breathe more easily.

But....7 years later, 2012, and I'm working with a lot of smokers and for some reason started smoking shisha - using molasses rather than tobacco but it gave me a bit of a hit, so I got back into smoking through the back door, as it were. Two years of a daily shisha and then I'm on holiday with smokers, 2015, and just started joining in with the odd cigarette - this is what pulled me right back in. It's a funny thing that after that holiday I could go for a week without but I knew I'd be meeting a smoking friend every Friday for a while and would 'blag' a fag off them. I'd spend the rest of the week 'waiting' for the next hit. So I ended up buying my own tobacco and you can guess I got back into it. However, it wasn't as full-blown as formerly - so I'd have up to 5 fags a day, and even fewer on other days. Still, I tried stopping after a year of this and couldn't so I realised that it was a thing for me. Another year passed and I just decided that the smokers cough was untenable and I had to stop.

So this was how I did it. I had a couple of tiny cigars, a few cigarettes and about 1/4 bag of rolling tobacco. I decided that I would eke these out but buy no more afterwards. I set a date and a protocol - to delay the first smoke of the day for an hour every day - beginning at 9.0 am on day 1,10 on day 2,11 on day 3 etc. I had an electronic cigarette for 'emergencies', and I was 'allowed' to use this whenever I wanted, although, as it turned out, I didn't use it very much, it was just good to have it there 'in case'. I was also allowed to smoke as much as I liked after the start time, although I was mindful that I only had so much tobacco so couldn't go crazy.

Well the cravings were quite mad - especially when I'd be waiting til 11,12,1 or 2 to smoke - those were the hard days of really doing battle with the addiction - mental madness (! ) and I just had to fill my time - I got SO much done! Cleaning, cooking, walking, all the work that had been waiting for me to get around to it...anyway by the 8 pm start I was suddenly 'off' the flavour of cigarettes - yuk, the last couple of cigarettes were SO DISGUSTING it was as much as I could do to finish them - I did finish them just to teach myself how awful they were. I kept the last one in a jar (a la Alan Carr) and then had a little funeral of my smoking paraphernalia.

Smoking is a mental thing as well as physical, and it acts as a kind of 'friend' - so my 'funeral' was to acknowledge all the good things about it - a little obituary for the friendships I'd made through chatting with smokers, blagging lights, the support it had given me when I'd reached for it when things weren't going well etc etc. I think it is important to acknowledge that smoking is a multi-dimensional thing, it has associations and 'meanings' - like we probably all started smoking to be cool with our peers, or to rebel a bit, and with hindsight we wish we had chosen another route, but in my funeral I was just tipping my hat to the past, the fun I had and the trouble it got me into.

So now I can happily say that I have completed my smoking journey - I haven't had many cravings since the 'funeral' - I use the e-cig if I'm with other smokers (and as they are a dying breed, this isn't very often). However, maybe its because I'm getting older now, this time I had an unexpected side effect of constipation. Apparently, when we stop smoking we stop swallowing so much mucus and the bowel dries out a bit. This has taken me on another healing journey, and I am so grateful to Earth Clinic for all the information about this, that has helped me get onto a healthy path again.

Horsetail Extract
Posted by Waltz (Bangalore) on 01/27/2018

Horsetail extract contains silica complex which is a sure shot method of quitting smoking. It's incredible that almost no one really knows about this simple supplement which is a book for smokers worldwide. I have many acquaintances who have quit taking by simply taking silica complex tablets.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Geo Gypsy (Rock Hill, Sc) on 12/31/2017

Shabda Girl, your post and info were the most helpful I've read. Connecting "doing something" when feeling stressed and changing what you "do" was invaluable to me. Thank you very much.

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Annie (Usa, California ) on 12/30/2017

Let me tell you a little story about my Husband, and smoking.

My Husband started smoking at about 13 (not much) when his parents where not home..then he would also go to there bar in the house and have a drink! They never knew..When he was about 19teen he was smoking 2 1/2 packs of Lucky Strikes, or Camels aday..

I'm not a drinker, and smoked a bit as a teenager cause it was cool at the time lol.

When my husband was 38 he went out with a friend, and came home about 11pm, and was drunk, and had a black out, which dumb me didnt know what that was..About two on the morning when he was Ok, I said, thats it.. when you come home from work, go to a AA meeting or pack your stuff and get out of this house. We had two children, I was a stay at home Mom.

When he got home from the office, we both went to a Huge AA meeting, must of been close to at least 500 people there All smoking, and allot had been drinking. It was a scary meeting..After, When we got to the parking lot, I said, what do you think?

He said I will Never Drink or smoke again..As he now says, I did both about acouple of times, and one of the drinking times he had a car accident..didnt get hurt, but the car was bad.

Now I'm jumping 10 yrs later after he stopped smoking, my husband was then 47, and he goes to a cardiologist on a wed. as I knew there was something wrong..Btw he is a slim man, that is althletic. The first question the Dr.asked was, Do You Smoke? No, not in about 10ys. He did awful on the heart tests. Two days later on Friday, he was at Cedar Sinai hospital, and the Dr. Got a team together, on Monday he had a Quadruple heart By-Pass surgery. If he did not have the surgery the Drs. Said he would have had a heart attack within two weeks and would have never survived..Just want to mention we have a few Dr. Friends, and if we didnt he would not have got to a good Cardio Dr. In a day..Its awful to say, but it makes a big difference, or my husband would have died.

Btw, cause we are slim we thought we could eat what ever we wanted, and he could smoke with no problem, No that is not true. After that we totally changed our diet, and still do.

My husband is now 76, of course he does not smoke or drink, but he did have a slight heart attack last year, and did survive.. we are still very active, but if you think its ok to just smoke 7 to 10 cigarettes, you are in Denial. You husbands friend thought it was ok to smoke 8 aday. He dropped dead at 47 yrs, and left two boys in high school, and 3 little girls under 5...

It's So selfish of anyone to do that to your family and think it can't happen to me. It does Not matter how much money you have, or don't, cigarettes will Kill you, or Ruin your life .

if its Not Cancer, it Will be Your Heart Arteries, or your Lungs with COPD...Do NOT Let Cigarettes Control Your Life. Stand up and be Strong. Stop your little game with cigarettes. Just Stop making Stupid Excuses that you can't Stop.. Just Stop or get the Patch.

Be kind to yourself, and your Family.

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh) on 07/14/2017

Lots of people, including me 11 years ago, have had great success (with absolutely NO desire to smoke again!) reading the book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking", by Allen Carr. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STOP COLD-TURKEY!

Here's a synopsis from Amazon: "Allen Carr's innovative Easyway method—which he discovered after his own 100-cigarette-a-day habit nearly drove him to despair—has helped millions kick smoking without feeling anxious and deprived. That's because he helps smokers discover the psychological reasons behind their dependency, explains in detail how to handle the withdrawal symptoms, shows them how to avoid situations when temptation might become too strong, and enables them to stay smoke-free. Carr discusses such issues as nicotine addiction; the social “brainwashing” that encourages smoking; the false belief that a cigarette relieves stress; the role boredom plays in sabotaging efforts to stop; and the main reasons for failure. With this proven program, smokers will be throwing away their packs for good."

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by KT (Usa) on 07/14/2017

Memorizing 1 Cor. 10:13 helped me.

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 07/13/2017

Dear I.m. trying,

Have you looked in to Lobelia? Several on this site mention it being a help for the physical addiction.

Also, see this page for ideas for natural pain relief:

Epsom salt baths are good for detox and relaxing.

If evening is when you relax with wine and cigarettes, you will need to find a substitute for them - walking, going to the gym, cooking.

Sunflower seeds in the shell that you have to crack open to eat can give some oral and manual satisfaction.

Hang in there. My mother in law quit many times, but the last time she quit was 25 years ago and it stuck.

~Mama to Many~

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 07/12/2017

Hypnotherapy? Nicotine Patches?

There must be something out there that will help but it will need YOU to add something from yourself to the mix also. Some sort of a plan would help you get from day to day for starters.


Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by I.m. Trying (Texas) on 07/12/2017

I always smoked mainly with a friend, so at times I would go months and was fine. Of course that changed, and I started smoking more regularly, plus enjoying my wine at the same time. I have severe mercury toxicity and have had the teeth all taken care of by a biological dentist. But all this has settled in my brain and other places and my immune system is rock bottom (though miraculously) I never get sick. but my mind is bad, very emotional, scared.... and in pain (which moves from place to place) from the moment I open my eyes. SO in the evenings the one thing that for some reason stops the pain is wine, and with wine comes the smokes. I KNOW I need to stop and I CAN go a day or so without it, but I do not have the will power or I talk myself out of it, and may only have 3-4 cigarettes. which is STILL not good. Then I beat myself up because my spouse I know wants me to stop, and we know that the smoke smell is always on us. I just need some support with this AND just getting through this detox that is going way way too slow.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


Licorice Root Extract
Posted by Bob (Murphy, Nc) on 02/08/2017

Licorice Root Extract for Smoking Addiction

First, nicotine is in no way addicting, contrary to the patch and gum commercials. I've taken the nicotine lozenges, and had no problem quitting them immediately. In my opinion, there are at least two reasons for smoking. One is when you start in High School, or whenever young. That one is easier to quit, because you started to imitate others, or someone started you, not for your own reasons. The second kind is when you are older usually. This cause of smoking is for self treatment because you have some kind of pain, anguish or other psychological problem. With that kind, you won't quit until your problem goes away. But some relief can come by using licorice root extract, without the drug being taken out, as in de-glycerized, DGL, products. The drug in it removes the desire to smoke, from the very first day. So plan on using it when you are ready to quit smoking. The only side effect can be blurry vision. Don't take it before bedtime as it can keep you awake.

Eat Apples and Oranges
Posted by Lenda (Ga) on 01/16/2017

I like this idea, I'm having facial surgery feb 23rd next month and I have to stop smoking,,, oranges and apples sounds like a plan,,, I'll try it, thanks

Nicotine Patch
Posted by Deb Elkins (Oregon) on 09/30/2016

Nicotine patches or any other nicotine product for the use of stopping smoking leaves you still addicted to NICOTINE! There is a product out now that uses Cystine to control the urges....I am beginning on this product tomorrow, son started this morning. Will keep posted as to how it works.

Recommended Books
Posted by Eddie (Pennsylvania) on 05/31/2016

Yes! Allen Carr's easy method book worked for me. If you've tried everything else and failed - READ THIS BOOK. My lung had collapsed 3 times over the years, had a bad cough and my wheezing at night would wake me. I thought I'd never be able to quit.

In the past I've tried Hypnosis and a special acupressure Ring in the ear - neither worked. Nicotine patches gave me a rash. Nicotine gum had me going to the Dentist with inflamed gums. Chantex had too many side effects for me to try. I even went to the local hospital for the free smoking cessation class - Right off the bat they stated "You definitely will not be able to stop smoking without some form of drug therapy."- NOT! I even Googled "what did you have to hear for you to stop smoking?" Nothing came up that helped until I read Allen Carr's Book. No scare tactics in it, just the facts - the real facts. I needed good logic and psychology to quit which the book provided - WITHOUT DRUGS! In the opening chapter it states not to quit smoking until you've finished the book - I liked that, so I took 4 days to read the book but on day 4 I quit and have never had a cigarette since! He explains how "the willpower method" will fail you. I read about this book from this post.

I thank you Jennifer.

Eat Apples and Oranges
Posted by Tweedledee (Usa) on 04/17/2016

This also worked for me! The taste of the orange left in the mouth made the taste of the cigarette so disgusting there was no pleasure at all in it. It took about a week as I could cheat and simply smoke after eating other food, so I had to make sure and eat oranges after meals etc, it does work!

Ginger Root
Posted by Scott (Pen Argyl) on 11/28/2015

Hello All,

Sorry it's taken me so long to respond you you but I don't usually re-read my posts. I'd get it in the supermarket or farmer's market fresh and cut off a slice 2-3 times a day and eat it raw. I usually have to wash it down with a bit of water. I believe raw is better than the dried form in capsules. Just my opinion.

This really is a miracle food. I keep finding more things it does for you. It's an anti bacterial, viral and fungal, anti-inflammatory ( I rarely feel any joint pain any more), diarrhea, helps with most cancers, diabetes, reduces blood pressure, gallbladder stones and more. I still take it every day at least once a day but shoot for twice, just not too late as it will keep you up.

The other day I was coming down with a cold. I took the ginger along with zinc and calcium in a 2:1 ration with magnesium and vitamin d. The zinc interferes with the cold virus binding to cells. As for the calcium, allegedly most viruses and bacteria need a more acid environment in which to survive. The calcium makes your body more alkaline. I only took two doses of this and forgot after that. Last night I'd realized I'd forgotten but it didn't matter because after the 1st dose I didn't feel the cold any more anyway. My boss had a terrible cold by the time I'd found out about it. I told him about this and 2 days later his cold was completely gone. Then I get my cold a few days later. I can't blame it on him because I work from home and the only was I communicate with him is via the internet and phone, lol. I've never even seen the guy.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, ginger is a miracle food everyone should take every day.

Ginger Root
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 11/20/2015

My favorite way to intake ginger is "candied ginger." Available in large grocery stores or online. Ginger tea is nice too. ~Mama to Many~

Ginger Root
Posted by M. Cole (Houston, Texas) on 11/19/2015

I also heard that Ginger Root helps with smoking. How should I take it? i.e. eating as is, cooking it????

Posted by C. F (U.s.a.) on 09/22/2015

For drinking addiction try Kudzu and nutrition.

Ginger Root
Posted by Keisha (Houston, TX) on 07/15/2015

To help with quitting smoking - What is the suggested amounts of ginger root and do you eat it raw? Thank you.

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Cj (Chico, Ca) on 05/16/2015

Reply to Ellis -quit smoking 2009 -

This is the ideal way to quit - I smoked for 11 years & tapered off the way he described --although instead of destroying the ciggs not smoked I would put that cash saved in a jar and then buy something special --the reason I am writing is after not smoking for 20 years -for some reason I decided to start again BIG mistake although I am smoking only about 6 a day for the last 3 years -quitting is just as difficult --& I must say 20 years ago after I quit I always Missed it and if I saw someone smoking I still wanted to have one -- For me that feeling never went away -- so if you are successful -don't be temped to have one!

Neem Tree Oil
Posted by Yisseliy Montanez (Nj) on 01/14/2015

I will try, becouse sounds good for my smoking habit. I hope to have the same resolve like you!!!

Posted by Mel (Sydney, Australia) on 12/09/2014

I have recently stopped smoking with the aid of Lobelia and found its effects amazing to say the least.

I have smoked for 25 years and have tried every quit method you know, more than once, some worked and some didn't, but none have worked quite like Lobelia.

I started taking the tincture 4 days or so prior to my stop date (3 drops x 5 times daily) and today - day 8, I've used the drops once. I actually feel like I was never a smoker, perhaps it's the right time for me this time but it certainly has been far easier than I imagined. No cravings whatsoever and I really feel that I am thru the worst and its smooth sailing from here ? without any fears!

The herbs are easy to obtain from a naturopath. If you've wanted to quit but fear has held you back I highly recommend this herb.

Recommended Books
Posted by Jennifer (Northumberland, England) on 12/02/2014

A doctor recommended that I read a book by Allen Carr called, "Easy way to stop smoking". There is another one called, "The only way to stop smoking, permanently". I read the first book and I can honestly say that I had just about quit before I finished it. When I had finished it, I found that I didn't want to smoke. I continued to do my normal things like going out to the pub etc. and I did not get any withdrawal symptoms like I had when I had tried to quit before. I couldn't believe it. Both books are published by Penguin and I hope you all will give them a try.

Unfortunately, Mr Carr did die of lung cancer but he stayed alive a lot longer than he would have done if he had carried on smoking.

Good luck to all who try this method.

N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
Posted by Jon (Australia) on 10/28/2014

N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) = great for detoxing lungs - helpful for smokers or people who used to smoke! ?

If you smoke or used to smoke and want to clean out your lungs try NAC, this is an indispensable product.

Aside from increasing your body's production of glutathione, essential for liver protection, NAC is particularly effective in clearing your lungs of damaging carcinogens or any other detrimental pollutants.

In fact, if your dog is silly enough to go after a skunk and gets sprayed, and you take it to the vet, the first thing the vet will do is give it a 1K mg shot of NAC to clear its lungs of the spray, which can be toxic due to its preventing your dog's ability to breathe with that oil covering the oxygen intake cells. So, for liver or lung protection/healing, NAC is essential and well worth the relatively minor expense, considering the benefits of taking it in contrast to the damage done if you don't use it regularly while smoking.

This worked very well for us and its effects were immediately noticeable. It should be taken between meals with a B-6 tablet and 50mg of vitamin C in order to get the greatest benefit. I would recommend 2x 600mg capsules per day taken separately between meals for anyone needing the benefits of NAC. (If you smoke, you will cough more because your lungs are being cleared of tar and toxins.)

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Kathy (Naugatuck, Ct) on 10/02/2014

Zimjace Please read the book "Easy Way to Stop Smoking". Once you understand the nicotine trap, it's easy to quit. It worked for me. Good Luck!

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 09/28/2014

Zimjace, Ask yourself this. Am I going to wait until a Dr.tells me I have cancer... then stop smoking?

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Mr. Ree (Usa) on 09/28/2014

Zimjace, Ask yourself this. Am I going to wait until a Dr.tells me I have cancer... then stop smoking?

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Zimjace (Zimbabwe) on 09/28/2014

hey there jc, , , I'm really really happy that you found something that weaned you off smoking as it is such a destructive and terrible habit and addiction that I suffer from as I type, ,

i have read so many different posts on how to stop and i'm sure there are many peeps out there that have tried different methods to no avail, ,

but I also know of people (close friends) that smoked far more than I do that have just decided to give it up and that was that, , , they haven't smoked since that day, , ,

i almost did, , , as I been telling myself daily that I should stop, , , so I kinda cut down, , , some days would really smoke less than others and about a week ago I only had 1 ciggy the whole day, , , , but that was for that day only, , , , and now i'm smoking about 10

i wanna give up, not cut down but seem to be lacking in willpower

Is there something I can do for willpower?

Ellis' Quit Smoking Technique
Posted by Carolyn (Georgia, US) on 09/27/2014

No you cannot do this when you are trying to save money. You just take the new pack and spread it out over a longer period of time. You are "weaning" yourself off them in a more controlled method. Save your old empty packs and split one pack up into groups of 6,8 or 10 cigarettes. Do this with every new pack until you can quit for good. When you are trying to quit, never buy them by the carton. You are retraining your brain to be satisfied with a few which leads to none.

Posted by Loraine (Orlando) on 09/25/2014

Hi Maria....can hydrotherapy work for people with alcohol addiction? Thank you in advance for a prompt response....

Posted by Maria (Miami, FL) on 09/24/2014

Hypnosis worked for me to quit smoking. I had gradually cut down but could not make the final cut off. I did not gain weight either with the session I went through.

Niacin and Silica
Posted by Misty (Indiana) on 07/29/2014

Niacin and silica will nearly eradicate nicotine cravings. Any form of silica will work - I have had success with food grade diatomaceous earth (make sure it is food grade) and a silica complex supplement from Now Foods. I have only done this twice and have no experience with other forms such as horsetail extract, bamboo silica, or oceanic silica, but I assume they will work.

There are two forms of Vitamin B3, niacin and niacinamide - you want just the regular niacin. Do not buy flush-free or time-release niacin, as that is hard on the liver, and you will not know when you are taking enough. Do not be alarmed by the flush - it is supposed to happen, and it lets you know that you are receiving enough niacin. The flush should subside in about 10 minutes. If you get a severe flush that lasts longer than 30 minutes, simply reduce your dosage.

To find the right dose of niacin for you, start out by taking around 100 mg of niacin in the morning, afternoon, and night. If you receive no flush at all, then increase niacin intake by 100 mg one meal at time, I.e. 200 mg in the morning, 100 in the afternoon, 100 at night. If you still receive no flush, then take 200 mg, 200 mg, 100 mg and so on. Do not be alarmed if you find you need several grams of niacin a day; people generally take 1000-9000 mg of niacin a day (it is uncommon to need more or less but it does occur so always start slow). You may need to empty the contents of gelatin capsules or cut tablets in half or quarters (you can find a pill splitter in the elderly care section of your pharmacy near the pill organizers) to take your proper dose. When you feel a proper flush, then stay at this dose. Niacin is best taken during or after a meal.

The flush will feel like a hot flash and give your skin a pink glow or the appearance of hives. Don't worry; you are not allergic to niacin. This is normal and simply indicates capillary dilation. For me, the niacin flush is also accompanied by a runny nose, but not everyone gets that. If you flush severely and for more than 30 minutes, reduce your dosage.

As for the protocol, simply take niacin with one silica tablet (or 1-2 tsp of diatomaceous earth) 3 times a day. You may also want to add a B-complex and Vitamin C to your daily regimen to ease nutrient absorption. You may need to increase your water intake. If you get constipated, reduce the silica and/or drink more water. Nutrient absorption is also increased with exercise and a clean diet.

Try to reduce your nicotine usage before starting the protocol. Quitting cold turkey when you start will reduce the time you need to be on the protocol, so this is highly recommended if you really hate the flush or otherwise hate the protocol. Your cravings will probably not stop completely, but they will reduce so much that you will hardly notice them. If you have trouble, just try to distract yourself and remember that it only takes about 5 days to immensely reduce the intensity of the cravings. I recommend you stay on the protocol for about 1-2 weeks, but it won't hurt if you decide to stay on it longer as long as your liver function is normal.

Note that I still have cravings from time to time particularly when stressed, but the urge will pass if ignored. Don't make the mistake of treating a temporary increase of stress with a pack of cigarettes because addiction doesn't work that way; you will most likely fall off the wagon and have to quit all over again (I did this once).

Niacin therapy is also useful for depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders, even when the patient has not responded well to alternative treatments. It may also lower cholesterol, ease insomnia, or provide other benefits. For this reason, many people take high doses of niacin long-term with no ill-effects. Physicians often caution against it, but there are currently no recorded instances of niacin overdose in humans (in dogs, the limit is about 5000 mg per kg body weight).

I do not recommend niacin therapy if you have diabetes, alcoholism, any liver disorder, or are pregnant.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Zander (Ohio, Usa) on 05/28/2014

Niacin worked for me. I fell back in to the trap but I was free from cigarettes and had no desire for them for 3 months. Stress tricked me back in to the trap. Anyway, I have heard that coffee has a toxic effect during the initial withdrawal from cigarettes and thus tea is preferred. This was in a Natural Remedy book by Stein, I believe. Any thoughts, experiences with this?

Posted by Rosie Q. (Santa Cruz Ca) on 12/30/2013

I am not sure if this is the right forum for this since this is a health site but this is what worked for me, I had multiple addictions and used to smoke two packs a day-

I had success with hypnotherapy, it gets to the root cause of why we smoke. then- keeping track of the money saved. (14$ a day, 98$ a week) and taking some of that and treating myself to something nice ( a pedicure, movie ) at the end of the week if I didn't smoke. the amount of money saved each week was extremely motivating!

Good luck to all! Quitting smoking is so hard and you all deserve good health!

Posted by Candy (Ontario,canada) on 12/20/2013

Thank you Jesus for Lobelia.This wonderful herb can help you quit smoking . I take 3-10 drops 3 times daily or when I feel the urge to smoke or before I eat a meal. Its works quickly. There is a slight burning in the back of the throat but soon after the urge to smoke is gone and if you do smoke it tastes horrible.This remedy works because lobelia contains the active ingredient lobeline, which is almost identical to nicotine and has similar effects on the nervous system. A bottle costs around $15.00 in most Canadian health food stores. Try it you might like it.

Nicotine Blocker
Posted by Gavin (Northland, New Zealand) on 12/01/2013

With regard to the big tobacco I was referring to the production of taylor made cigys. The leaf is processed into a mush and then dried out like cardboard, it has to be done this way for the cuters, the rolling machines cant make them, any other way. Rice is also used as filler, (burnt rice is a carcinogen) the amount of nicotine in the commercial leaf isn't very high, so they add it to the mush, by spraying. Along with about another 140 chemicals to improve shelf life and taste. I've researched this, and to the best of my knowledge, it is correct. If you add to the mix the hydrocarbons left on the leaf, after kiln drying, another carcinogen, taylor made cigs, are really dicey. No one will convince me that a few and I stress a few, rolled cigarettes, per day are much of a health hazard. The fact that pipe smokers live longer than none smokers, must be a clue to some sort, of balanced look at the problem. During the time I was researching the effects of smoking. I was fairly dumfounded myself as to benefits. This might sound a bit reactionary to the present anti smoking industries.. and I apologise if I've hurt anyone's sensibilities .but I think that its past atmospheric bomb testing with regards to strontium levels, that would be the main culprit for causing a disease that wasn't on the radar before they started.

Nicotine Blocker
Posted by Gavin (Northland, New Zealand) on 12/01/2013

Yes thanks, I was thinking of moderation in all things, immoderate use of all things lead to problems. Most of the things that make a person feel good if overdone are bad for the body. But on the other hand if you go through life without the occasional pleasure we might as well not bother.

Nicotine Blocker
Posted by Mesem (France) on 12/01/2013

This is for Sarah who didn't see to understand Gavin's comment back then! Its important to read carefully what people write and not skim read! Tobacco is just a plant that is not the greatest thing to abuse but add a bunch of chemicals to it and its self administered poison. Cannabis is natural and smoking it is not a huge deal unless you can't control your consumption. Add to list; alcohol, sugar, read meat, salt...

Ginger Root
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 09/06/2013


Concerning the nicotine addiction, there was a guy in Texas that ran a home for Girls and many came with various addictions. He'd put them through a three day watermelon cleanse... Like eat a watermelon a day and the liquid would get to the cellular level and virtually all the girls broke their addictions doing this cleanse. (He was Lester Rolof.)

Ginger Root
Posted by Teresa (Tn) on 09/05/2013

Scott, I would also like to know if you are chewing the ginger or making the tea. I am trying to quit smoking, but am having no luck.

Ginger Root
Posted by Cindy (Los Angeles) on 08/28/2013

Hi Scott, glad you healed your dog and yourself. My dad has “terminal cancer”. When I first saw him, he was already on his way out.. To the other side. His skin was grey, he had not eaten in over a week, he was not as coherent, he was barely able to walk and he was in a lot of pain.

I loaded him up with FlorEssence (Liquid), Plant-based protein powder, Organic Greens Powder, Organic Liquid Vitamins, the best Pro-Biotic capsules, Organic Aloe Vera Juice, L-Glutamine, Immune Something to boost his White Blood Count and T-Cells, Turmeric Tincture. And in four days, he was eating one meal a day, his skin had color again, he was walking faster, and he was much more coherent. However, his pain is increasing daily. And he is still smoking and drinking (beer) during that time and was still improving.

He saw a doctor yesterday and he has a tumor between his spine and his left shoulder blade. He has another appointment to do more tests. I believe they talked to him about possible radiation or chemo (I have to get the complete story from my brother who is caring for him) to his area that is ailing him.

I believe I can cure him but not sure if he does not stop smoking and drinking. He says he hasn't stopped because the doctors have not told him to stop. However, he does want to stop.

Please share your method of taking ginger root, are you chewing on it to help you stop smoking or making tea? Thank you.

Ginger Root
Posted by Scott (Pen Argyl, Pa) on 08/26/2013

Nothing worked for me until I ran across something by accident. I'd found that ginger helped cure my dog's lymphatic leukemia and works on many other cancers as well. My family has an extensive history of cancer to I started taking it myself as a preventative measure. Since then I've noticed many other benefits from it and researching it on the net confirmed it was the ginger responsible for several of those benefits.

Among those benefits was a massive decrease in the urge to smoke. It turns out that ginger contains niacin which flushes nicotine out of the body. Nicotine is the addictive ingredient in tobacco. Obtaining the niacin with fresh ginger seems to be more effective than supplments but that's just my own opinion.

The only problem is that ginger is also a stimulant and will keep you up nights so don't take it if you're planning on going to sleep in 4 hours or so.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Shabda Girl (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 05/06/2013

Timh, Thanks for the suggestion of Ginseng and Ashwaghanda. I have used the latter before but forgot about it. I think they're both adaptogenic, and general tonics. I had added in Dong Quai as well, and daily transdermal magnesium - fantastic for rebuilding some depletions. Transdermal magnesium has been amazing in the past, but likewise I had forgotten how good it is. Weird how stress can overtake one's point of view and start to seem 'normal'. I so appreciate your suggestions!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 05/05/2013 2063 posts

Shabda Girl: Thanks for your success post. If I might add two herbs, among others, that should help restore energy (smoking shrinks the adrenal glands) AND reduce stress ---Eleuthero Root or Siberian Ginseng and Ashwaganda. These can be used daily and I would rotate from one herb to the next on like a weekly basis. Added to a good breakfast and cup of good coffee, this should ensure your performance thru the day. Kinda like a 5hr energy day.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Shabda Girl (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 05/05/2013

I owe Earth Clinic a huge thanks for the posting about smoking being a form of pica. I went looking for the book mentioned, and somewhere found that the subject of it was a silicon deficiency, paired with B3. I had smoked for a long time, tried to use natural cigarettes exclusively (how natural are they, one has to wonder), but with some stress in my life my daily use, while still minimal, was taking a toll on my body. I believed myself to be mostly psychologically addicted but something about the pica concept rang true. After reading about these two deficiencies, I remembered that the herb Horsetail is rich in silicon/silica, and I had a ten year old bottle of it buried in a box. I took a good multi B ('cause as far as I know taking large amounts of a single B can throw one out of balance over time) for the niacinamide. For the psychological aspect I reminded myself that cigarette smoking never ever made anything better for me. Not really. It just gave me the sense that I was doing 'something' when I experienced stress. It seemed like my brain was trying to regulate itself out of a sense of helplessness. My 'doing something' or taking action would now be trying the Horsetail and the B vitamins. The herb and B combination absolutely works for me. I do seem to need to use it once/day. If I have any experience of interest in a cigarette I either put my attention on something else, or take the supplements, and it has worked every time. I had almost no cravings whatsoever, going from 5/day to only 2 (I mean 2 total, not 2/day) over the first two weeks, and then to zero. I should say also, that even though most people talk about what a struggle it is to quit, I consistently imagined it being easy for me. I used up my willpower for these things long ago, and I need to have underlying needs addressed so I don't have to rely on mind over impulse as it's very draining. Even though I had little advance evidence that it could be easy, I still stuck to this 'vision' for myself. The relief is enormous, so many thanks for this information - it was the missing piece!!

Detox After Smoking
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 02/02/2013

The garlic is best if you can get organic, but I used mostly the chinese from the supermarket and the cayenne from the spice isle, three cloves crushed and left for ten minutes, and the cayenne mixed with butter on bread every day! , then make a sandwich of what you fancy... Youll find if the cayenne is mixed with butter it takes the sting out of it, mix it like a paste. It goes down well with egg yolk in a fried egg.... Otherwise its too hot. You will get your wind back fairly quickly with the cayenne, but over a few weeks the garlic will float the muck off the lungs. About a quarter of a teaspoon of cayenne everyday. Or if you are really breathless take more it works very fast in dilating the small blood vessels and getting the oxygen around. It enhances the effect of garlic in cleaning out the lungs.

Detox After Smoking
Posted by Skaye (Eatonton, Ga) on 02/02/2013

thank you Gavin... How do you mix the two and does is matter if it is "fresh" garlic and cayenne or can you use the bottles from the spice rack?

Detox After Smoking
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 02/01/2013

Cayenne pepper with garlic cleans up the lungs even if you smoke. To avoid garlic breath chew some parsley after, youve had the garlic.

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