Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief

Posted by Suzy (Usa) on 04/15/2018

Lecithin works. There is a post here on Earth Clinic about killing the virus with lecithin. You should be able to find it without much trouble. I tried everything. Nothing worked. I bought liquid lecithin but couldn't get it down so I now take three capsules two to three times a day. They are large, you may be able to buy smaller pills if that's a problem. I have had one outbreak in nine months and that was early on. When that happened I opened a pill and put the lecithin directly on the two sores. They have never come back. I was constantly have outbreaks, one after another. Miserable to say the least. Thank God for lecithin. It is the only thing that has worked for me. I still take it daily. I hope you consider giving it a try. I'm at peace after twenty years of misery.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Natalia (Mn, Usa) on 04/08/2018

John, It sounds like you are in the throes of a viral storm! Interesting timing: HS outbreaks typically happen at Easter and Valentines when excess chocolate is consumed. I haven't read the thread, so this may be redundant, but are you supplementing with Lysine? It is an essential amino acid that we make from other amino acids and a chem in chocolate blocks the body's ability to make this conversion, resulting in Lysine deficiency and the opportunity for the HS's to overgrow. If you are vegan or even vegetarian, you need to seriously balance your protein intake. If not, you need to support your immune system. There is a great deal of information on the web about how to boost immunity and balance the body for optimal health; this would heal and prevent these outbreaks. No standard MD is going to do anything other than throw bandaid meds at you; you need to go much deeper.

The major consideration for our immune system is the gut; you need to be taking pre- and pro-biotics to begin healing and addressing your diet and environment to address your system failure.

In Native culture, we use anti-viral medicine that is simple and free. Dunno if you have flat or white cedar in AL, but that is what we use as a tea. You can use the needles and fans of any pine tree as a strong anti-viral. Just boil a large amount in clean water until the oil floats on top. Strain and drink sweetened - pref with a natural sweetener. Best to you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Alabama ) on 04/06/2018

I was just diagnosed yesterday with genital herpes. I first noticed signs a week ago when it burned while urinating. I immediately made a doctor's appointment. My doctor took blood and urine sample and told me it would be a few days for my results in come in. I haven't slept or had an appetite. My results came back negative, but I knew something was going on. I've been experiencing flu like systems, feeling weak and lethargic. I started noticed small bumps that have now spread and itch. I made a follow up appointment and was told I have a bad genital herpes outbreak. Can't describe how I feel in words. I'm only finding comfort reading other ppl's stories and knowing I'm not alone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cara (Vancouver) on 03/15/2018

What kind of vit C did you use?

Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Gabriela (London) on 03/04/2018

Frankincense essential oil for herpes. Just put directly and neat, on the slightest sign of herpes about 2 or 3 or maximum 4 times a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anicea (Springfield ) on 02/20/2018

So I was diagnosed with HSV 2 almost a year ago. I only use ACV with the Mother and corn starch. After using the restroom take a cotton swab or cotton ball dip in ACV then put a little corn starch to help dry it out. Usually gone within a few days. I only have outbreaks when I eat really badly, like drinking too much soda, or too much sweets.

Salt Detox Bath
Posted by Journey To Wellness (Atlanta) on 02/19/2018

I've had hsv1 and hsv2 for years. I've only had success with reducing outbreaks and symptoms with salt baths. 1 cup of epsom, 1 cup of pink or dead sea salt and 1 cup of 35 pct hydrogen peroxide in very warm water in tub. Soak for 45 to water get cold. Preferably night before bed because you will fill tired after the soak. Make sure you can lay your back and legs summerge in full water in tub. You can also use apple cider vinegar in place of peroxide. This process will help kill some of the virus. You can soak 2 to 3 times a week. Also, use oreganol oil and coconut oil mixed to apply after bath on lower back and base of neck shoulder. Oregano pills and extract to use internal. Include lysine and vitamin c with you multi vitamin. Always drink a organic juice fruit and vegetable mix. If you can add wheatgrass it will help to boost immune. Good luck!

Onion Family (Onions, Garlic, Celery, Thyme)
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 02/06/2018

Yes, a cure for this, according to Ted here.

Onion Family (Onions, Garlic, Celery, Thyme)
Posted by Maicol (Georgia) on 02/05/2018

Hi, thank you for all this info. I really thought there was no earthly cure for this. My question though: Isn't it even better to blend raw garlic and onion and drink it right away?

Posted by H&s (Spring, Tx) on 12/20/2017


Tried BHT (1000mg divided doses; 2x daily) with St John's wort for 6 months with no improvement. Took it with 6-8g of Vit C daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Unknown (Texas ) on 12/10/2017

So do Apple Cider Vinegar n baking soda take hsv 2 away or do the baking soda help with breakouts? I'm asking because since I got the news I been very depressed and looking for natural cures to take the virus away.

Monolaurin, L-Lysine
Posted by Stargirl (Fayetteville, Nc) on 10/05/2017

Ok, so now it's been 10 months with only monolaurin and L-Lysine and I've only had one OB. That was because I grew too comfortable and wasn't taking them daily as I should have. Let me just say, that the OB wasn't terribly uncomfortable and I only had one mild lesion. After three days of doubling my regiment, the lesion was gone. I highly recommend that you research the results of monolaurin on herpes. They are outstanding.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dae Dae (Ga) on 09/02/2017

I tried hydrogen peroxide 3% you can also try 6% but you have to order the 6%. it worked wonders for me, Instant relief up on using it and the healing process is quicker. Get a cotton ball dab the difficult area and you will feel instead relief, do it a few times throughout the day, every day until completely healed. I hope this provide some help I know how excruciating this is.

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Lainie (La) on 08/28/2017

What is the best kind and where do I get it?

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Christine (Virginia) on 08/14/2017

I started taking the food grade H2O2 for herpes. I am going to take it 6 months and keep taking the 25 drops twice a day until I get a clean test. I am glad to hear that your level dropped.

Oregano and Eucalyptus Oils, Lysine
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/10/2017 2173 posts

In reply to Asia (Akron, Ohio),

You must be pretty tough, because a few drops of pure essential oil of oregano under my tongue would probably burn a hole in my mouth!!! It is very powerful oil!


Oregano and Eucalyptus Oils, Lysine
Posted by Asia (Akron, Ohio) on 08/10/2017

I am rubbing oil of oregano and coconut oil on my lower back and also taking a few drops under my tongue along with vitamin C and Also a multi vitamin. I have been doing this for only a week now . I was Dx almost 4 weeks ago with HSV 2. How do you know if the oil of oregano is working? Will the oil force you to have an outbreak and discharge?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria (Florida) on 08/08/2017

Please mix 2 drops of Tea tree oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and dab on genitals with a cotton ball. You will be happy.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Peaches (Nashville Tn.) on 07/02/2017

Can you please help me, I have the herpes virus I have purchased so many books about it and I can't find anything.....

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Peaches (Nashville, Tennessee ) on 07/02/2017

Hello did the stuff cure you from herpes for good ....

Oregano and Eucalyptus Oils, Lysine
Posted by Unexpected49 (Miami) on 06/18/2017

I have read the post and I really like it. I thank you for sharing these type of information as I'am always looking for relief.

One thing I can say I do not agree with on the posts is the acetone, I agree with everything else but that. I believe once you have an open sore anything through it can lead to the blood stream and may cause additional health concerns later in life. Perhaps one may reconsider such, the ly-sine vitamin I've been taking along with vitamin C, I take the 1,000mg, and also 1,000gm ly-sine three times a day. because I have a lot of stress I still get outbreaks every now an then which is expected under the circumstances.

This what I have been using which works great for me, the results may vary person to person rather works well for me.

I mix oregano oil and eucalyptus oil, use a q-tip to administer it to the affected area. I will do it overnight and or a few times a day or so, if I do it at night the blister and or bump will be gone in the morning. It will not take 7 days to go away, it literally gone within few days.

I hope this helps a bit.

Posted by Bella (Tulsa, Ok) on 05/03/2017

I contracted HSV (genital, not sure which "type") over 30 years ago. My first outbreak was the worst. After that, I had several more over about 5 years that usually coincided with the onset of my menstrual cycle. Once I discovered l-lysine, my life changed. I have probably had a handful of outbreaks since. In the past few years, I've switched to oil of oregano, a few drops under the tongue every day then a few drops under the tongue every few days.

What has also helped has been changing my diet. I've cut WAY back on chocolate and caffeine. I've eliminated peanuts completely. There are other foods and ingredients (argenine-rich) that can contribute to outbreaks and immune-suppression in general that I have eliminated as well.

I had a couple of URIs in the past few years. The first is what led me to using oil of oregano; got the second one when I stopped my daily oil of oregano usage due to other health concerns. When I got the second URI, I used a specific brand of aged garlic supplements to cure it.

The supplements also help strengthen immunity so I'm switching to those for continued immune system enhancement. The l-lysine worked well for me but I just feel like the garlic will work better for me overall at this point in my life.

What I've also found is that stress can add to higher occurrences of outbreaks as well as too much friction from "vigorous" or very frequent sex. Coconut oil really helps with the sex issue, both because it's good lubrication (not to be used with most condoms because it will degrade the material! ) and there's something in the coconut oil that fights viruses. (See the entries on genital herpes and coconut oil here on the site.)

My advice to people who are upset about having contracted the virus: get counseling to learn to handle the emotional roller coaster that might come with the diagnosis. Learn how to deal with stress through meditation, prayer, or whatever works.

You are NOT the virus. The virus is just an entity that co-exists in your body. It doesn't have to control your life. I know it's difficult getting the diagnosis but it's better to know you have it so you can take precautions not to pass it on to others.

Monolaurin, L-Lysine
Posted by Stargirl (Fayetteville, Nc) on 04/28/2017

I've suffered from GH for two years. My outbreaks, although not very sever, would flair up monthly. Sometimes back to back. I've tried most of the remedies recommended on this site, but they mostly aleved the symptoms (ACV, coconut oil), but I wanted to prevent the flair ups; not just aleve the symptoms. After oregano oil caused a HUGE flair up I decided to do some more research and have found the perfect combination for me. I take (2) 990 mg of monolaurin acid along with (2) 500 mg of L-Lysine a day and viola no more flair ups! Monolaurin Acid has been studied and tested . "The monolauric acid essentially disintegrates the herpes virus within its own cell walls." I recommend anyone suffering from this terrible virus to research the effects of momolaurin acid. It really works. Going on 5 months symptom free and I refuse to go back!

General Feedback
Posted by Infected On Purpose (Ok) on 04/19/2017

This is totally my story but we're still together....but he's reminded daily of how lucky he is to have me

L-Lysine, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Riley (Ottawa) on 04/14/2017

Do your research on oil of orgegano and olive leaf extract, oil of oregano actually is the only thing in the world that can cure the herpes virus!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nicole (Australia) on 04/11/2017

I have found something even better. My last outbreak was a BAD one. I had a high fever because of it. I immediately went to the kitchen and took one tablespoon of l-lysine powder mixed with one teaspoon of vitamin c powder and a tablespoon of genuine new Zealand manuka honey mixed into a Luke warm half cup of purified water.

Made a turmeric, chicken and vegetable soup which is all I ate for the next three days and made up a small mixture of manuka honey, turmeric and vitamin c paste which I then slathered on to my entire vagina, I used a sanitary pad to stop the honey leakage and put on black pants (this stuff stains), laid a towel down and put myself to bed for the day while I ate bowls of turmeric, chicken and vegetable soup.

My soreness was completely gone by morning and by the next day I couldn't even tell I'd had an outbreak.

I was amazed. I've suffered for 10+ years, every outbreak lasting 7-12 days.

And now, thanks to my tireless research and trials, I have put together ingredients that cleared my outbreak within 24 hours.
I hope this helps someone.

ACV and Zovirax
Posted by Kat (Austin, Tx) on 04/02/2017

I agree about Genital Herpes not being as bad as most people make it out to be. I got it from my boyfriend in 2012. I had a very bad outbreak (that's how I knew I had it) & luckily had good insurance, although, besides diagnosing me and putting me on Valtrex, there wasn't much they could do.

Since 2012 I have had maybe 1 or 2 pimples/bumps (I wouldn't even call them sores) & I believe this low outbreak is due to me keeping my immune system up. I've tried Lysine & I guess it helps but really, it's about making sure you stay as healthy as possible. I take Tumeric, Vit. D, Omega 3's, Gingko Bibloa, 5 - HTP, & other various herbs that deal with stress and anxiety (valerian, passionflower etc.) I don't always take ALL of these but I intermittently use them. I also have started using Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic) occasionally. I eat organically whenever possible & quit smoking last year. I do occasionally drink alcohol but I have had to cut that back since it lowers my immunity. I try really hard to get into bed by no later than 11 pm & try to sleep at least 8 hours. I could/should start exercising again but MOSTLY for me? It's stress. If I keep my stress levels down? Then I'm good. I also have tried some meditation - nothing that takes more than 10 minutes but it helps. It takes time and persistence and it does NOT happen over night but I have not given it to my last 5 boyfriends (the virus) & I have not had a bump/pimple in about 2 years. Good luck & please do not see this as a dooms day thing. :-)

ACV and Zovirax
Posted by Suzanne (Spartanburg Sc ) on 02/23/2017

I've had genital herpes for 3 years. It's no big deal AT ALL. I've never given it to any of my partners and I've had several great boyfriends since. No one really cares. It's not some nightmare and it's not a life ender. People make it out to seem like that and it's a bunch of BS. 1 out of 5 people have herpes and of those that have it 90% don't even know. Even this page makes it seem like a big deal. Be safe, use protection, always tell your partner before you have sex, and take an anti-viral when you need to. I have one or two minor outbreaks per year. Don't let people scare you.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Lynn (Florida) on 02/02/2017

35% hydrogen peroxide can also kill off parasites which can be a little toxic. This may contribute to the stomach feeling upset. Support the kidneys as they filter blood and do a colon cleanse to help remove parasites.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cherie (Ca) on 01/30/2017

On the do u prepare it for the skin...would be totally appreciative!!! ...thanks.

EC: Hello,

The poster used a few drops of Food Grade H202 in water and drank it daily. She did not use it externally. Look up more info on Food Grade Peroxide on Earth Clinic here.

Sodium Chlorite
Posted by Hope4cure (Az) on 01/27/2017

I just want to say thank you 1st because you've given me hope. I need to know if I should be taking sodium chlorite while taking albendazole or do I stop for the 8 days?


ACV, Flower Remedies, Diet, Tea Tree Soap
Posted by Earth Angel (Usa) on 01/18/2017

No nuts. They are high in arginine, which activates the virus.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Organicswan (Chicago Il) on 12/27/2016

I think you should tell your spouse. I have had the horrible GH for 2years and since finding out the horrible news I have had multiple boyfriends and partners. Which I tearfully have told them all and crazy thing they are very accepting an comforting about it. I do have to admit I try to eat very healthy and try to maintain a healthy life style with occasional smoking (weed) and drinking but its about the mindset I have had one noticeable outbreak since having my initial outbreak and I took the valtrex continuously for a while too just too keep me from having an outbreak.

Anyhow, the apple cider works but sparingly. I think its best when mixed with something such as peroxide or water. Oh and the best thing if you ever have an outbreak is too put honey on the sores. It helps with the pain and itching. I read somewhere that honey is an antifungal or something like that but it helped me and even if I feel a slight tingle down there I first clean the area with water, dap with a towel or paper towel your choice. Wipe with the area with alcohol and let air dry for a minute then apply ACV then literally a dab of honey and the tingle goes away. But hey everyones body is different.

But to all people my advice is to drink a lot of water, eat raw veggies and if you don't like raw fruits and veggies make a smoothie an add as little of sweetener as possible but I promise you'll notice the difference in a week.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Happy (Arizona ) on 12/21/2016

I had genital herpes so bad that I was breaking out in sores back to back. I never told my doctor that I had herpes because of the embarrassment and the fact that those findings must be reported to the BOH. My immune system had taken a dive, the lysine use to work, but all of a sudden it stop. The sores were coming out on my buttock, labia, and anus. I started the food grade H202 regimen 16 days ago and have not had further out breaks of herpes. I will continue the treatments for 3-5 months, but in a tapering dose and ending in a maintenance dose. I believe that after 30 days the virus will be totally eradicated, if not before. I'm feeling so much better about myself. I contracted herpes as a child while being raped, but I only broke out once in 25 years. I noticed the increase of outbreaks in the last 2 years. Then in the last 6 months or so they were coming more frequent, until it became back to back, even before a sore healed, more were coming. I was almost at the point where I was being forced to finally tell my PCP, for I knew I needed something to stop the outbreaks, and God brought to my attention the H202. Now I'm feeling clean and can be in a relationship, for I was feeling very lonely, but I couldn't tell anyone and didn't want to spread it. This was God sent, he heard my many cries, even on the 16 day-16 drops, I feel that the virus is more that 90% gone, but I'm only speculating. I just know that there has been no further outbreaks. I'm so happy now, I can have a normal life. Thank you God for the cleansing.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Tracy (Florida) on 12/13/2016

Have you retested since finishing the h202 therapy?

Onion Family (Onions, Garlic, Celery, Thyme)
Posted by Tezcurry (Michigan) on 12/07/2016

I newly diagnosed. I'm pretty late on this but I really wanna know how can I do this so I can be cure I wanna know step by step. Can anyone advise a recipe?

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Monique (Australia) on 12/06/2016

D from Memphis, can you please tell me how you use the peroxide??

Posted by Miss S (Uk) on 11/27/2016

Genital Herpes - Having had this virus for many years and under treatment by my doctors I decided to try natural approaches since you have to have a break from the meds. I was on acyclovir which just suppresses the viruses and it's a lot of tablets and rather embarrassing carrying them everywhere. I tried Lysine which did not help and various vitamins and eventually was taking vitamin C and Zinc daily which seemed to help.

I've since discovered taking zinc regularly 10-15mg a day I didn't have breakouts for my longest time ever. My tummy gets sensitive so I do miss days but if I ever feel a tingle I take a double dose of Zinc that day and it completely goes away. I have a hectic lifestyle and under stress this has helped me a lot.

One other thing I do is cut out sweet/sugary foods and drinks and have these occasionally. I mostly drink 1-1.5 litres of water a day, to keep my body PH good/alkaline. I do drink alcohol, and now try to have days off allowing my body time to recover as this affects my Ph balance. Too much refined sugar and lack of sleep guarantees a tingle for me.

The Zinc is my solution since I rarely take vitamin C now and I feel fine without it. I hope it works for you.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Pepe (Uk) on 11/22/2016

I just wanted to add that I tried oregano essential oil once and couldn't continue because it burned too much. BUT I bought some edible oregano oil which in the product description, listed the therapeutic effects on viruses. So, I'm going to try this for a month or so. I'll update with any positive results (hopefully! )

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jay (Orlando ) on 11/07/2016

I have been recently diagnosed and have been researching methods. It sounds like apple cider could be one of your "triggers" . Mixing coconut oil and tea tree oil helps me.

Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 10/11/2016

Thank you, Oscar, for clarifying that for us. I was concerned to see the poster was taking seven or so capsules each day. I hope this is a good day for you and that your pain level is coming down. So happy to see a couple of your posts recently! You are always helping others. If there is anything we could do to help you in some way, please just let us know and there will be a huge effort by so many on Earth Clinic who have benefited from your knowledge and research to get that help to you. You are a wonderful, giving, intelligent member of this group and we are sending you our prayers and best wishes that you will feel better. It is good to hear from you. You have been greatly missed! Take care!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Confusedaboutherpes (Philadelphia, Pa) on 10/11/2016

I'm totally confused. I tested positive for H 2 years ago in June 2014. I didn't change a thing. A year later, I retested; surprisingly, I was negative. I was certain that the test was wrong, so I tested again & that test came back negative. I test every 4 months & my tests come back negative; however, I get mild itching. I still tell others that I have HSV-2 bc I thought once you are positive, you'll ALWAYS have it.

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 10/11/2016

Yes Rsw, That is the dosage range I have discussed and recommended: one to two 250mg capsules of BHT with water only on an empty stomach. For those people who weigh more than 200 pounds some more BHT might be needed.

I spent years reading the many long, extensive WHO reports. One of those reports came out with a "No Observed Effects Level " or NOEL for BHT. When this WHO report says NOEL they are discussing ADVERSE or HARMFUL effects.

I will try and find that report and provide a link to it. Here is that link:

This is what it says at the bottom of this very long report:

4. EVALUATION In view of the probable involvement of hepatic enzyme induction in the development of the hepatocellular damage associated with repeated doses of BHT, the Committee concluded that, in this case, enzyme induction was the most sensitive index of effects on the liver. A well-defined threshold was demonstrated at 100 mg/kg bw/day in the long-term study reviewed for the first time at this meeting, giving a NOEL of 25 mg/kg bw/day. Effects observed in the reproduction segments of the in utero/lifetime exposure studies were also taken into account in the derivation of this NOEL. The Committee used a safety factor of 100 to allocate an ADI of 0-0.3 mg/kg bw for BHT.

But the ADI IS 1/100th of that NOEL.

The ADI is defined as : ADI acceptable daily intake

So my recommendations are less than the NOEL but more than The ADI.

By the way: That long report answers just about every health concern you can imagine. It IS the most comprehensive report about BHT I know as to SAFETY concerns. ...Oscar

Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 10/09/2016

Hi Ladyme,

I am going from memory here, but I believe if you go back and read Oscar's BHT dosage recommendations, you are taking a much larger dose than he recommended. One or two 250 a 500 mg. capsules/day, depending on your size, is what I think he said.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cg (Ca) on 10/08/2016

I have noticed a similar pattern when taking ACV orally- anyone have credible information as to whether acidity increases recurrences?

Posted by Ladyme (U.s.a) on 10/07/2016

Hi. I've had hsv2 for almost 2 years night with an ex. I was suffering from this disease every single month. I only get outbreaks every 28 days..when it's that time of the month. I was nervous about trying BHT, but I'd already tried lots of other things and said why not. I tried the Oregano oil mixed with coconut oil...this didn't help at all. I've also tried extreme doses of Vitamin c and Lysine pills...this didn't help either. Finally I tried BHT, I ordered it from amazon. Because I know exactly when my outbreaks will happen, I started right away taking either 4 or 5 250mg pills in the morning with one full bottle of water. I'm now one month free of outbreaks. This is the longest I've ever gone without an outbreak, while I don't think I'm cured, I certainly think that I've found something that give me some sort of relief.

Also during the week when the outbreak was prone to come I took 2 more 250 mg pills at night so I was taking a total of 6 to 7 pills a day. During the time that I'm less likely to have an outbreak, I just take 4 pills in the morning. I will keep you guys posted hopefully I'll never have another one again. I've also bought the food grade peroxide, but haven't tried it yet because the BHT seems to be working. I hope I'm not taking too much of it.

General Feedback
Posted by Kkj (La) on 10/06/2016

Liposomal Vitamin C is nearly 10X better than reg vitamin C. You can also try Chaga Tea high in antioxidant boost your immune system ($20/lb will last you a for whole month)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Weeping (Virginia) on 09/18/2016

I have read all of your stories.

I am 53 and have had our little problem since age 23. I have learned to live with it. Taken ZrX prescribed by my doctor years ago. I went many years without anything happening. After my divorce I started seeing somebody that I respect more than anything in this world. The last person I wanted to tell. The first person I should've told.

So far all is well and I go through very hard times explaining I just cannot at times. I must say, life has been very hard. I have been looking for another solution other than mentioned medication above. I just ordered pure organic oregano oil. Three drops under the tongue mixed with a little olive oil for the duration of 3 to 5 minutes.

I have read many blogs on this. This is a terrible thing to live with but it is nothing to be ashamed of. I have not been with many people. It just happened. They say that there is a cure on the rise. If so I will be first in line. Until then know that you can have a normal life. Be honest with your partner

Pine Cone Extract
Posted by Sarah (Vancouver, Bc Canada) on 09/05/2016

Pine cone extract works wonders for preventing herpes outbreaks.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Phaedra (Australia) on 09/04/2016

Putting the Oregano oil in a capsule would be easier I think. You could easily get 10 - 12 drops in and do that a few times a day. Make sure not to get Oregano on the outside of the capsule and then put vege oil on the outside so it will slide down your throat. I just put 1 drop on a Q-tip directly on the sore and it only stung mildly for about 5 mins.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jessica (San Antonio, Texas) on 08/23/2016


Using Apple cider vinegar before my sore bursts keeps them from bursting and itching. If they've already burst, add two cups to a warm bath! Provides hours of relief.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mel (Texas) on 08/19/2016

Hi. That's great news! I'm wondering; did you get tested for HSV1 IGM or IGG? IGG confirms you do/don't have the disease while IGM shows if your body is creating the antibodies. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tina (New York) on 08/09/2016

You need to dilute it. It burned me as well while I was using it without diluting. Works perfect now. Also oil of oregano.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shirley (Ny) on 07/23/2016

I know no one would probably believe this but I had a stomach operation many yrs ago. Since then I developed herpes all over my body. I was tested, and I thought I would loose my mind, the itching and pain was so bad. My legs swelled and I could barely walk. I started using the 35% food grade peroxide [garden of eden] put 2 cups into my tub filled with bath water and soaked. Also, I diluted the food grade peroxide with water and rubbed it all over my body every day 2 times a day. I am doing so much better.

Now I'm going to start with taking it internally 2 drops twice a day and I will increase it each day. What I've found to really work well is olive leaf extract and n-a-c. I use them together. I can tell it's working, feel so much better. I rub the peroxide on the bottom and top of my spine. That is where the virus lives.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Won'tbackdown (Fl) on 07/20/2016

I have to agree. I am currently suffering an outbreak and have tried several of these remedies in hope of some relief. I applied ACV on a cotton ball to my sores. It has burned the skin and it looks awful!!! It has definitely made it a lot worse for me. I do, however, believe in ACV. I drink 2 table spoons in distilled water twice a day for my allergies and is helped there. Just don't put it on your skin!! Or at least use caution!!!

Neem Seed Oil
Posted by Hope2 (Ny) on 07/15/2016

I ingested 4 tablespoons of neem oil straight without capsule, and it did nothing for me. I just did it once.

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Ali (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/14/2016

I used this also along with bio 88 another product on the site. I had the same amazing results.

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