Beat Chronic Fatigue: Top Natural Remedies Revealed

| Modified on May 05, 2024
D-Ribose, Creatine
Posted by Energizer Bunny (Denver, Co) on 11/27/2011

I am a 42 year old old male, and I've had chronic fatigue ever since I can remember. The doctors were useless. I've tried everything, including diet, exercise, vitamins, herbs, etc. I couldn't even exercise because I was always too tired! I've never really been able to concentrate. Also, when I would wake up in the morning, I felt as if I hadn't rested at all. You know the feeling? Not fun. I failed high school because I couldn't concentrate. Fortunately, I have a strong talent for computer programming and I am self-employed with that. Sometimes days would go by before I could even start on a project, and even if I could get started, I'd have to stop and rest frequently throughout the day, while guzzling coffee just to be able to keep my eyelids open. People were always asking me why my cheeks were always red and that gets very embarrassing after a while, no pun intended (rosacea, could never get rid of it, until... )

* * * * * NOW HERE'S THE GOOD PART!!! * * * * *

That was all until recently... Then I gradually discovered Alpha Lipoic Acid (100MG, great energy and concentration booster), Acetyl L-Carnitine (500MG), CoQ10 (100MG), and I started feeling better. Then I read about D-Ribose (750MG) and how it is vital for energy. So I drove one hour to the nearest health food store (seriously) and the guy there said I needed to take it with Creatine (800MG). BOOM. That was the key. The D-Ribose and Creatine took it too a whole new level!!!!!!!!!! I took the D-Ribose (2 of the 750MG) and the Creatine (1 @ 800MG) and gave the same amount to my mother, and after a few hours I looked at her and said, "do you feel really good?" and she said, "yeah, I feel very peaceful and content... " and I replied, "Exactly. "...

As the day progressed, we both felt better and better. Now we take it every day. The pain she was having in her legs is pretty much gone. She is 70 years old and she gets WAY MORE done now. She goes all day without stopping, instead of her usual three naps a day. The first few days of taking it, I just felt really happy, very peaceful and focused. I take all of the above supplements each morning, 1 of each but 2 of the D-Ribose. Now when I start working in the morning, my concentration level is at 100%. Four hours later, my concentration level is at 100%. Eights hours into my work day, my concentration level is still at 100%, without taking a break except for lunch. Unreal. I'm in heaven... After working all day, I have the energy level of a 5 year old boy now, I'm not joking, I'm serious, and you know hey THEY are! Oh, and my rosacea is GONE! (The Alpha Lipoic Acid really helped with that! ) My face isn't red anymore! It feels good to look like I'm not sick! And I exercise every day now. I work out with dumbbells, 10 to 25 pounds with each arm, I climb stairs for exercise for 10 minutes straight (up and down) like it's nothing. Seriously. I had already been eating healthy, so it's not like you can live on fast food and expect this to work. For breaksfast I eat oatmeal with honey and cinnamon (I also add a little sea-salt, blackstrap molasses, and coconut oil), or scrambled eggs cooked with olive oil or coconut oil and I add basil and sea-salt (ridiculously delicious), for lunch I have chicken breasts cooked in olive oil or coconut oil, and... That's right... Basil and sea-salt.

Seriously, you have no idea how delicious that is. I also make stir-fry with raw spinach, red onions, tomatoes, garlic cloves (the whole clove, although not fun to peel) and whatever other vegetables seem good at the time, and I cook those in olive oil or coconut oil and... Basil and sea-salt... DELICIOUS!!! The healthy diet didn't help me with the chronic fatigue, but it sure does taste good! I was also very bloated for a while and started taking mixing psyllium husk powder mixed in water once or twice a day and that really helped! If you don't want to take all of the supplements listed above, you would still do extremely well with D-Ribose (2 to 4 @ 750MG) and Creatine (1 @ 800MG) each morning. Everyone says to take 5 Grams of D-Ribose every day, but I only take 1. 5 to 3 grams each day. But I keep upping my dose, and I feel better each day!!! Google it! YouTube it! EarthClinic it!!! I also heard (L?)-Carnosine was really good and should also be taken with the supplements listed above... THAT'S THE KEY: all of these supplements work together synergistically and each one helps all of the other supplements work better, as opposed to taking them separately. It's 11:38 PM right now and I'm still going full throttle! ...

Even after working 8 hours and then exercising! And my concentration level is still at 100%!!! And, I sleep like a baby at night, which used to be a problem. That's whats cool about the D-Ribose... The energy is there when I need it, and the relaxation is there when I need it. It's as if it does want I want it to do when I want it to do it! Also my memory is way way way better! I want to point out that this is not like drinking coffee... I'm not bursting with energy and nervous, I feel very relaxed, but focused, and physically and mentally strong. I don't feel like I'm "on something" and I don't feel "high"... I just have a very genuine, natural sense of well-being, truly. I just feel really really really good! Have I made my point? :) :) :)

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Granny On The Go (Waco, Tx) on 12/30/2012

My CFS started when I was a freshman in high school, 1957! I had a really bad case of the flu. Although I finally got up and went back to school I still ran a low grade fever every day, My glands were swollen and painful, my throat sore, and I felt ill, all the time. I kept a sinus infection and bronchitis at least half of the time. It lasted 5 years that time. I relapsed a couple of years later after falling and hurting my back. It stayed with me that time until I was 38 and had myself tested for allergies. By that time I had Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, couldn't eat most foods, and was sensitive or "allergic" to most chemicals and medicines. After being treated for Candida I finally regained my health, at least to a degree. I was given a heart medication in November '06 that brought on a relapse. I hadn't been able to shake it this time no matter how much time I spent in bed or what health supplements I take (and I take a lot of them). Lol AND THEN I READ ABOUT COLLOIDAL SILVER IN EARTH CLINIC!! I was skeptical at first, and only used it in a mixture of salt water for my sinuses. That worked so well that I decided to take some by mouth. At first it didn't seem to do anything, but I was being very careful about the dosage, and I am well aquainted with Jarish Herxheimers so I didn't want to overwhelm my system with die off. But when I started taking a teaspoon or more of CS 3-4 times a day I began to get better. My sinus infection got better right away, so that my immune system wasn't fighting virus, and Candida, and infection at the same time. I finally decided to try my hand at making my own CS as I could see that I would never be able to afford enough of it commercially to ever get well. I checked Amazon and found some. 9999 silver, got a gallon of distilled water, went to the hardware store and got a lantern battery and 2 small alligator clips. I had some copper wire here at home. It is an extremely primative (simple) method that works fantastically. As I was able to take more CS, about 3 tablespoons a day, divided into 3-4 doses, I felt better and better. My health began to improve by leaps and bounds, as did my back pain, etc. ( I was taking Vicodin and pain shots in my spine) just to be pain free enough for the sleeping pills to work. But, still I lacked something. So I tried some L Lysine..... Which seemed to be the missing ingredient. Not only is my health greatly improved now, but the vitamins, minerals, herbs and other concoctations I take actully STARTED TO WORK!! Instead of seeing a small improvement from what I was taking, I had to cut back on some supplements because I was seeing the kinds of improvements that other people talk about when they start a supplement. I am not well, yet. But, I am better than I have been in years. I no longer take 3 different herb products, Vicodin, a muscle relaxer, 10 mg of Ambien (or more), melatonin, and liberal amounts of alcohol to make them work just to go to sleep at night, and throughout the night, because I was going to wake up several times a night and couldn't go back to sleep. You can't heal if you can't sleep! I am now sleeping through the night, without waking, (for the first time in years! ) by only taking some Valarian, Hops, and half a muscle relaxer. Since drinking very much alcohol always gave me an aversion to alcohol, I am pleased to be able to skip that item altogether. If you've never found yourself at 4 AM having never gone to sleep that night, and sitting in the kitchen with a double shot of 40 proof in a glass, telling yourself that if you throw it up you'll just have to do it again (big sigh and a grin)... Because it triggered a memory of my mom telling me the same thing when she gave me castor oil! Ha ha Now don't be fooled, I still have to take some Diflucan from time to time when I've over indulged in sweets. The holidays are all the more difficult when you think because you are better you can handle the wheat and sugar. I can, a little, but thinking about ever getting where I can eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) is insanity talking. And, if you eat wheat and sugar several days consectutively, you may relapse, like I do! Grrrr I realize that I must stay on my allergy diet to get well but am able to tolerate more of regular foods when I do eat off my diet for a meal. Other people may not have the immediate results I've mentioned. I have come to realize that the vitamin C palmitate I take and the Allergy Multi that I take are free of most common allergens and make a large difference in my health. The vitamin A that I take is vitamin A palmitate, I am allergic to carrots and fish. I take chelated minerals when I take separate minerals. I take CoQ 10, and L Carnitine for my heart problem (aortic valve). But, all the extra supplements I was taking were only helping keep me alive. I have been battling CFS for 55 years, years longer than CFS has been even recognized by some of the more astute medical establishment. It was called Nuerasthenia in the first edition of Adelle Davis' book, Let's Get Well, in the 50s. All that was recommended as a cure at that time was bed rest, preferably in a clinical setting, good nutritution, and importantly, no stress whatsoever. Oh yes, a little psychiatry to help you get over being a hysterical female. LOL I will be happy to have my email address published in EC if I can be of any help to those who have spent their life being called a hyperchodriac, drug addict, and just a plain old nut case, as I have. Contact me at ladylauranwaco(at)yahoo(dot)com. I cannot prescribe, or suggest treatments. But, I can tell you what has worked for me. I will be the first to tell you all bodies don't work the same. But, nobody should have to spend most of their lives sick and be degraded for being ill. I assure you, your friends and family don't have a clue what you are going through, nor does your doctor!

Coconut Oil
Posted by David (Memphis, TN) on 11/29/2006

I have been taking coconut oil for five or six years now. About five years ago, my daughter,who was in college at the time, came down with mononucleosis. I overnighted her a bottle of monolaurin, the main ingredient of lauric acid, which is only found in any quantity in coconut oil and human milk. My daughter was diagnosed on a Tuesday, she got the monolaurin on Wednesday and on Friday, nine days later she had no symptoms and quit taking it. The following Monday (that's 13 days post diagnosis) she had lab work done and was completely normal. Other dorm-mates of hers had mono for months. Coconut oil, lauric acid and monolaurin supposedly lise the lipid envelopes of lipid viruses and bacteria.

Most colds are caused by lipid enveloped viruses as are a number of major viral infections.

Just last Saturday, a friend of mine called to tell me he had a horrible cold and had made an appointment to see and ENT physician on Monday. I told him to take three tablespoons of coconut oil. When I saw him on Monday, he was obviously fine. He told me he had taken two tablespoons on Saturday and Sunday and was fine on Monday so he cancelled his doctor's appointment.

I take it all the time but every now and then I run out. Usually I will get sick when I do. Then I go get some more. It is particularly effective for sinus infections. I just snort some into my sinus cavities. Most people are amazed when I prescribe it and it works. But I have seen it happen so many times now, I just expect it to work.

Hypothalamus Glandular Pill
Posted by Dutchie (Toronto/Amsterdam) on 08/28/2014

How I cured my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome virtually overnight:

Let me just say I'm a 38 yr old male, I been suffering from CFIDS for almost 15 yrs now. This is a very frustrating disease. You go through periods where you'll feel well, then you'll go out and play some sports, and the next day you are so exhausted you cannot get out of bed.

So how did I cure myself?? Well, it wasn't by going to doctors, although they were helpful here and there. But to cure yourself you most likely won't get it from a pharma script, at least that was the case with me. You need it from a natural source.

Every CFIDS is different, so I can't guarantee this will work for everyone. If you have Lyme disease this may not work. But it might help some people who are going through the same thing I was.

The main reason why people suffer from CFIDS is because their hormonal system is out of whack. Hormone comes from the Greek term meaning “to spur on”. If your body isn't producing hormones at an optimum level, you will most likely have very little energy and feel tired all the time.

The master hormone gland in your body is the Hypothalamus gland. It controls the pituitary, adrenal, thyroid and all other sex hormone glands. Anyone who has CFIDS will tell you besides feeling tired all the time, they also probably don't feel like having sex very much.

So how do you fix your hypothalamus gland if it's not functioning properly??! Real simple answer. You take a hypothalamus glandular capsule or pill once or twice a day. There are only a handful companies who sell hypothalamus glands in North-America. They should come in strengths of 500 mg. You take 1 or 2 of these a day, and within hours you'll start to feel your energy building up again.

To get the full benefit you need to take it for a few months. Then when your body has recovered you can gradually wean yourself off by cutting capsules in half, or even down to 1/3 a capsule.

You can also after a few weeks add adrenal glandulars, pituitary and/or thyroid glandulars to see if that makes a difference. I did notice my recovery went a bit quicker when I added the adrenal glandular.

All these glandulars are available on “google shopping” for a reasonable price.

One of the theories out there why so many women get CFIDS is because in some women the contraceptive pill can throw your hypothalamus out of whack if you take the pill for a long time. But that is just a theory so far, no scientific proof.

I got CFS after taking cortisone pills for a skin problem I had. It even says right on the official website that cortisone can depress the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. In my case that axis never quite returned to normal, and the only way to fix it was by taking the glandular pills

See here:

Long-term effects have included hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal activity suppression, Cushingoid appearance, hirsutism or virilism, impotence, menstrual irregularities, peptic ulcer disease, cataracts and increased intraocular pressure/glaucoma, myopathy, osteoporosis, and vertebral compression fractures

15 years I suffered with this disease. I'm glad I finally kicked it to the curb.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Heather (San Diego, California) on 12/29/2011

I'm on disability and am officially diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, which has been going on for 7 years now and started shortly after I developed mononucleosis.

Six months ago, I stopped using all forms of oil high in either Omega 6 OR Omega 3; switching exclusively to coconut oil, and using also some butter and some olive oil. Due to this switch, I noticed an immediate improvement in my chronic fatigue.

I did that based on othe research of Ray Peat, PhD after YEARS of using stuff like grapeseed oil and fish oil/krill/cod liver oil thinking that I needed the Omega 3's, or in the case of grapseed oil, thinking the high smoke point would save me from oxidation more than other cooking oils would.

I had also hoped the coconut oil would help with weight loss, as I've gained 30 lbs in the past year for no particular reason. It did not help with my weight loss but I noticed a significant improvement within a few days in regards to clarity of mind and energy. In fact, for the first week or so, I felt significantly improved, and thought I was well on my way to being cured. At that point, I was eating 3-5 tablespoons of the stuff each day.

Unfortunately, the polyunsaturated oils do not appear to have been *THE* cause of my chronic fatigue syndrome - at least I don't think so but it takes 4 years for that huge, life-long buildup of toxic unsaturated fatty acids to leave my body - but the coconut oil helped, it reduced my CFS to a more manageable level of discomfort, so I wouldn't stop using coconut oil for anything; nor will I ever be fooled into thinking that take Omega 3's is a good idea again either.

There have been studies done where scientists hypothesized that giving Omega 3's to pregnant women would increase the child's IQ - since we're all under the impression that Omega 3's are the ticket to health and longevity. Those scientists were perplexed and disappointed with the results: There was a significant trend toward the opposite: Lower IQ's in the babies. That is news I can personally use with two daughters in their 20's who are looking forward to building their own families soon. (And yes, I gave them Omega 3's while they were growing up, since they were babies; which I regret.)

(Google Ray Peat - the study I'm thinking of about the pregnant women was a French study, which he mentions in some article or the other.)

But that's getting a bit off topic.

Point is, the coconut oil helped. I usually just use it for cooking but sometimes I'll take a tablespoon or two in the morning, when I feel it will help with my energy and/or appetite.

Still looking for a CFS cure. For the last several weeks, I've been using the Lugol's iodine at 12.5 - 15 mg per day, and am considering working up to higher doses. That has cured my low body temperature and intolerance to cold (icy feet), but it's too soon to know whether it is the cure I'm looking for. I think the Lugol's has helped with brain fog but it's too soon to tell for sure.

Yesterday, I began adding 1/2 tsp baking soda in water 2x a day to see if that helps.

Also, I have become aware of the fluoride connection. I was one of those kids who had white spots on the teeth from flouride treatments, and I have only ever drunk tap water, usually filtered with a Brita. So today I'm going fluoride free and will try distilled water only for the next month or so; and will avoid all other sources of flouride as well.

Will definitely let earth clinic know if any particular remedy gives me my life back.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Henri (Los Angeles, California) on 08/23/2007

Hi I have been battling a string of health problems due to chronic stress. The one thing that made everything worse was chronic fatigue. 4 Days ago i could barely get enough strength to get out of bed in the morning. I searched this site for a cure, and found that virgin coconut oil helps. I had bought some a few weeks ago, i started drinking 2 tablespoons a day, it has given me enough energy to get through the day, and be active at work and even enough to go out after work and have a life. It has even helped with my bowel movements. all this after less than a week. I cant wait to see if it can help me with everything else.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Heather (San Diego) on 06/21/2012

I tried many things for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that did not work. D-Ribose was one of them.

Things that did work: Coconut oil, eliminating fluoride, iodine, bed rest, Ted's borax advice (baking soda/sea salt/selenium/ACV or lemon/lime that go with the borax too).

One thing that worked that really surprised me was a liver detox. I used both NAC and milk thistle for two months, and then did one of those hokey sounding apple juice/grapefruit juice/olive oil liver and gallbladder fasts/ cleanses along with water enemas for two days. I felt so much better a few days or a week after the fast/cleanse that I felt like a different person so will do one again soon. It may be hokey but it worked. I'd done one about 12 years ago when I was in my early 30's (before I got sick/disabled) and didn't think it helped me then.

You can find references to all of these things on earthclinic.

Oh, and one more thing, before I got better, the thing that launched me into kidney and liver cleansing was severe, acute abdominal pain that an MRI showed out to be benign cysts on my kidneys and an infection above my kidneys. It wasn't kidney stones or gallstones but I felt the area needed some help. That happened about 4.5 months after starting the borax and Lugol's, and about 5 weeks after starting the NAC. I was feeling so much improved in my CFS at that time that I suspected that the general virus/infection/cause of my CFS came to a head in the form of this infection, which I have since healed from. After recovering from this infection, I was almost back to feeling like a normal person again. (After 7 years of disabling CFS that took my life from me.)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Daviola (Boston, MA) on 05/22/2022

I am still fighting the good fight against chronic fatigue of unknown origin. This is what has helped me. I learned much of this from the various naturopaths I have worked with.

1. I try to support my body's HEALING as much as possible. I do this with pacing/rest, by improving my sleep, getting as good nutrition as possible, reducing stress. With regards to my sleep, I switch off the electricity to my bedroom at night *at the fuse box* to reduce appliance hum and also turn wifi off. I find I get much better sleep this way! I also use mute rings and a special mouth guard designed to keep my airways open at night. I also don't watch TV within 1-2 hours of bedtime, and I get to sleep much earlier now and it's more restorative.

2. I try to be very mindful of my ENERGY ENVELOPE and always remain within it. This means I minimize standing, I pace my chores and activities (even socializing, which I can find tiring). I can do a bit of exercise, but I tolerate weight-bearing exercises better than aerobic exercise.

3. I have worked to support my LIVER HEALTH. This means I cut way back on alcohol. I frequently eat dragon fruit, which has liver-supporting properties, and I take milk thistle regularly. I also drink dandelion tea occasionally. And I minimize prescription medications and am mindful of the amount of supplements I take.

4. I avoid TOXINS as much as possible. This means I buy as high-quality food as I can afford, especially for foods that tend to be ‘dirtier' or more moldy (for example, nuts and “Dirty Dozen” fruits and vegetables, which I try to get organic). I avoid fluoride (to the point of avoiding fluoridated toothpastes and not allowing my dentist to put a fluoride treatment on my teeth, etc.). I have tested the water where I live and luckily it is pretty clean, but otherwise I would be looking into bottled water. I use a sauna whenever possible to aid detoxification via sweat. I avoid walking in high vehicular-traffic areas to avoid pollution. And, VERY, VERY, VERY important, I avoid mold in the environment at all costs!!! That means, keeping your house clean, dry, and well-maintained as possible and looking for hidden sources of mold. In my opinion, if you are having breathing problems, you should consider that the source *could* be mold in your environment.

5. I have focused on GUT HEALTH AND NUTRITION. At the advice of a naturopath, I have treated for both leaky gut and candida. Supplements like marshmallow and garlic oil have helped, as well as herbal drops used for parasitic infections (some of which have anti-candida properties). (For a long time I avoided a long list of foods that were causing sensitivities, but nowadays I tolerate most foods much better.) To enhance vitamin absorption, I do juicing now and again. I also eat a food product, Acai Energy, which contains guarana and never fails to give me an energy boost when I need it.

6. I have been tested for basic VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES and have been told to supplement with B12 (I use a methylated version), iron, and D.

7. I keep a SYMPTOM DIARY to determine if there are patterns I can identify on my good days and my bad days (for example, foods I eat, supplements I've taken, etc.)

8. I stay aware of the MIND-BODY CONNECTION. I try not to get *too* mired in negativity. I work on things like vision boards to inspire my hope and healing. And I say health affirmations like “my body is wise and is healing itself, I get better every day, ” etc. And rather than say things (out loud or to myself) like, “I'm so sick” or “I'm not better” I try to say “I'm not better YET, ” or “I've been sick but hopefully not for much longer, ” etc. I do believe our language matters.

9. I do believe there can be a link between chronic fatigue and CERVICAL INSTABILITY. I did have a neck injury around the time I developed CFS. I avoid many movements and exercises that cause my migraines to flare up and I see an osteopath who has helped treat the migraines that I was having daily for years. (If you aren't familiar with osteopaths, they are wonderful! )

There has been no magic bullet for me thus far. However, I have improved slowly. The body is a miraculous thing, and with the right support, I hope to be able to heal. So, my advice is, look at the air you breathe, the food you drink, the mold in your environment, the nutrients in your food (and wehther or not you are aborbing them), the ways you can add to detoxification, etc. ALL of these things will relieve the burden on your body, allowing it greater ability to heal. I wish that everyone had access to all of the funds and support that they need to pursue all of these avenues, but we all just have to do the best we can. Knowledge is power and there is a lot of great information on the internet. All the best to you xx

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Loretta (Red Deer, Alberta) on 12/13/2007

In September I started using some remedies from earthclinic for a 20 year CFS/pain condition, and kidney/liver lesions. The remedies I take are: 1/4 tea. borax & some drops of H202 in water, chorella, B complex, amino acids, & BS in 1/2 glass of water with citric acid. I take these five days a week. I also use borax in the bath daily. This program has been adjusted and I will continue to do so, but I really wanted to write about a major change in my health: anxiety is gone! and most of the kidney pain too! It takes time, it takes alot of reading, it takes a willingness to change diet, lifestyle and our conditioned beliefs, but these remedies have been the best thing to help me....and until I found earthclinic, I had tried it 'all'. I am no longer a slave to untreatable diseases from doctors, or dependent on expensive naturalpaths. Let's not just 'thank Ted'....let's 'show' him our appreciation.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 391 posts

Dear David: Monolaurin (or coconut oil, lauric acid component) is well-known against viruses, which is the main component of coconut oil, however other oils are also well known against bacteria too. A derivative of lauric acid, where they convert this to sodium lauryl sulfate, even in tiny amounts (micromolar concentration) are well-known to kill HIV AIDS, and a great many other viruses with a vengeance. Although I don't usually recommend this, but perhaps give you a historical backdrop.

Of course, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) today are not generally use in many products and there is a lot of effort to remove this product out of the market and replace with a safer, albeit less effective virus killer in many shampoo products with sodium laureth sulfate or sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES) which has much less virus killing power then sodium lauryl sulfate.

I remember during the heddy days of San Francisco AIDS viruses outbreak, which occurred almost within months of some kind of free hepatitis vaccination to only sexually active gays, that some were actually cured by taking drops of shampoo at the time were using sodium lauryl sulfate a drop 3 or 4 times a day. There is also a lot of hell fire propaganda in U.S. posted in the internet against the use of SLS also, as well as soybeans (billions of Asians have been consuming soy for centuries and not even fermented at that, where I live, at least), against the use of coconut oil (high cholesterol was actually the hydrogenated form), and a host of other misinformation. It is my guess that some of the idea for AIDS protection and prevention where they use the SLS as both a spermicide and killing of viruses might came from those that were actually cured after taking the SLS internally.

There are other derivatives of coconut oil used by the industry often called tween 20 or tween 80 (polysorbate 20 - monolaurin and polysorbate 80 - monooleate) which is converted to a sulfactant form of laurins used as a preservative. That are also effective too, but the polysorbate 80 is particularly well known against treatment of hair loss due to its antifungal properties that prevent them, or possibly reduce the autoimmuninty on the hair roots thus stopping the hair loss. There are other oils too such as sunflower oil, olive oil that does kill many organisms too, although they are more well known to kill bacteria.

It must be remembered that monolaurin (lauric acid coconut oil), are also helps herpes, genital herpes, virus, ulcers, candida utilis, etc.

In Asia, the coconut oil are such a common delicacy that we give little thought to using as a treatment, but they are also effective against fungus.

While I do believe that coconut oil is helpful in killing off the viruses, i still believe we catch cold because most people have a zinc deficiency and their body's pH are acidic for a wide range of conditions and therefore is the foundation. Zinc alone can kill herpes simplex viruses by 99.9% within hours. If I want a 100% kill, this is easy, just add magnesium chloride, use lavender oil, and tea tree oil. Of course coconut oil works, but for me lavender, tea tree oil, zinc, magnesium works the best in cases of topical application. Of course I usually add a bit of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (below 1%) to it to speed up the killing. If this is done right, and proper portions, my the herpes simplex dies completely within 1 day, with a maximum of 3 days. Last time one of my relative told me it keeps coming back even though the formula (zinc & magnesium only) despite it worked better than the meds medicine they prescribed, I told her if she is in a hurry just apply all of them (tea tree oil, lavender oil, zinc chloride, magnesium magnesium & a touch of SLS) and do that every 1-2 hour for the whole day. The herpes never came back and this has been about a month now. The major weakness of viruses is ALL the medium chain fatty acids, not just lauric acid. This includes caprylic acid, caproic acid found in palm kernel oil too.

The most difficult organism to kill, contrary to what Hollywood is saying (movies like Aeon flux, Ultraviolet, stormbreakers, just for this year 2006) is NOT the viruses. In practice it is actually the fungus and mycoplasma. In the event of nuclear holocaust the two surviving organism are the fungus and cockroaches. Cancer symptomatically are often close to viruses then they do with fungus.

Again the best way to treat the viruses that has the best results for me are pH akalizing and the zinc acetate - to be used as an antibiotic as well as mineral supplement. Coconut is used here as a dietary food source in cooking. Here at my home I used the oil for cooking to be coconut oil, instead of medicine, so it protects while you eat. Oleatic acid also have some protection too, so sometimes I might mixed olive oil to it too. Other oils or spices I used also have antifungal properties include clove, thyme, tea tree, lavender and oregano, just the same. However, pH and mineral (zinc, magnesium, chromium) remains the backbone whenever I get sick the others I just eat them regularly. The last time I got a cold was 3 years ago it last 2-3 days because I got careless with the diet, too much sugar and acidic pH in the urine! Oh yes, and I probably ran out of coconut oil!

ACV, Cayenne, Molasses
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 10/06/2017

Dear Patrice,

Doses for ACV, blackstrap and cayenne vary, mostly according to the individual, but some typical doses would be:

  • 1 -3 t. Apple Cider Vinegar in water once or twice a day.
  • 1/4 t. cayenne pepper 2-4 times a day.
  • 1-2 T. blackstrap molasses.

Have you looked into the viral link to Chronic fatigue?

Antiviral remedies like coconut oil or bht may be worth considering as well.

~Mama to Many~

Coconut Oil
Posted by Heather (San Diego, Ca, Usa) on 06/20/2012

Update: My chronic fatigue syndrome is going away! Ted's borax remedy, avoiding as many sources of fluoride as is possible, liver detoxing, sunshine, coconut oil, magnesium citrate, NAC, milk thistle, and iodine seem to be the remedies that have led to my improved health.

Additionally, I've gotten as much rest as possible (in bed most days until recently) and lots of love and support from my darling husband -- which was hard to accept because I was so ashamed to be sick all the time.

I've tried many things that did not help such as Lysine, D ribose, mega doses of vitamins, various drugs from the doc, lethicin (although I may try it again for a different purpose).

I've gone from being cold, sick, brain foggy and bedridden to having a normal body temperature, enough energy to interact with people and to essentially cook my family's meals, get some exercise, and to be a fairly good housewife. (I used to work two jobs so although this is a big step, it's not enough to make me feel completely cured.)

My severe depression and anxiety are nearly completely gone and I believe I may be able to return to school soon. My brain issues are so much better that I'm even considering going for a biology degree.

I still have many issues, such as continual abdominal cramping, insomnia (although much, much improved - I use natural remedies for that but believe the borax was the main factor), PCOS and weight gain that isn't resolving with dieting, but energy and health are the most important things. I can work on the rest if my brain is functioning and I have energy to shop for healthy foods and to exercise.

Feel free to ask questions. It occurs to me that I may have had adrenal fatigue and all the time and bed rest may have helped to cure that aspect of my chronic fatigue, but the change from pre coconut oil, Lugol's and borax to post was fairly dramatic.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Nisha (Goa, India) on 09/01/2008

hi i could not agree less with Henry as far as coconut oil is concerned - i have used coconut oil in cooking mu food to rid of CFS myself - my doctors could not diagonise my condition and i was in extreme tiredness every day end after - i surfed the interent and found this remedy -i definitely recommend the use coconut oil as exercise or healthy diet did not help.

ACV, Cayenne, Molasses
Posted by Lynette (Edwardsville, IL) on 11/07/2006

For the past year, I have been suffering from severe headaches, my heart would beat extremely fast just from standing up, and dizziness. I knew that it was serious when my head was hurting so bad one day that I went to lie down and woke up almost 15 hours later. I found this website while looking for a cure for gout for someone else. I sent them the information and then began to read the other parts of this site. After my reading, I wrote out a list and I went to the health food store immediately after work. I have been taking the mixture of the water with ACV, liquid garlic, cayenne pepper and blackstrap molasses for a week now. For the first time in a year, I am feeling so much better. My heart rate has slowed. My headaches are gone. I am using the bathroom on a regular basis now and I am not sleepy all of the time. I am also taking multi-vitamins. Thank you for this wonderful website!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 09/28/2023

During CV19 flu scare, I started nebulising with hydrogen peroxide, using a nebuliser that cost $25. on eBay. The 3% was too strong for me so I diluted it down. I prefer to nebulise rather than drink or snort, etc.

Posted by Karla (Baltimore, Md Usa) on 05/07/2010

I too recently reaped COLOSSAL success by taking apple cider vinegar (ACV) for my fatigue, indigestion, cold hands and feet, dry eyes, EXTREME dry skin, and stomach pain. I drank 1Tblsp ACV [in about 4oz. of sweet ice tea] 2-3 times per day everyday of April 2010 because I felt so good when I did! I am more energetic and warmer than I've been in months, maybe years. But the ACV was inconvenient to take. I searched and found that the relief I got from the ACV meant I had LOW stomach acid. I searched more and found LOW stomach acid is caused by LOW iodine (a trace mineral).

Now I take an iodine/iodide compound (5mg/7.5mg). The transition from ACV to the compound was seamless! In other words the iodine caused my body to make more stomach acid and the stomach acid caused my thyroid to do its job better and my symptoms did not return when I switched! I must be one of the 740 million iodine deficient people the WHO writes about.

Remember the answer to a sluggish thyroid is the iodine/iodide compound (5mg/7.5mg)!

Posted by Ian H. (Marton, New Zealand) on 01/09/2008

Three members of our family have been seriously affected by three different sensitivity disorders. Myself with fibromyalgia for 11 years, my daughter with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity) for at least two years and my wife with chronic fatigue syndrome for about two years.

I recently read the articles on iodine use for mammary fibrocystic disease and decided to treat us all with 12.5 mg iodine/iodate (50:50). The results after two weeks have been very promising. All three report increased energy and better sleep.

The MCS patient lowered reaction on exposure to voc, mold and carpet, absence of morning nausea.

The CFS patient: less depression, better hearing and better appetite, no headaches.

The FMS patient: less pain in major sites (cervical, thoracic and lumber spine), arm-wrist, better cognition, better tolerance to aerobic exercise, fewer migraine headaches. I will follow this up for six months and report again.

Evening Primrose Oil
Posted by Jackie (Midwest) on 04/22/2020

Chronic Fatigue and Evening Primrose Oil

I got some evening primrose oil 1000mg./ capsule last evening. Took 3 when I got home Slept very well last night felt more rested this morning took 3 capsules again this morning. It's really helped. Directions are to take 1 three times a day but I really need a push to get going. I am just physically and mentally drained and my thinking is foggy. So glad this helped. I dont know if it's the complete answer but it has definitely helped. I ordered some hypothalamus extract from amazon. Will try that too. Just wanted to relay my experience with evening primrose oil for this horrible fatigue.

Lithium Aspartate
Posted by Stacy (Kernersville, Nc) on 10/03/2012

Hi, I've been helped with several problems on this website, and I just wanted to give back. I started using a Lithium Asparate supplement a few weeks ago, 5mg twice a day. In that time, I have noticed a few positive changes.

I have had chronic fatigue issues since I was in my late teen. I am now in my thirties, and virtually all aspects of my life revolve around being exhausted. I have problems sleeping, which contributes to the problem. When I was younger, I went to a doctor for this, but I was just put on a antidepressant, which was on no help--it just made me not care.

Since I have started the lithium, I have had more sustained energy and my mood has improved. I've taken a lot of stimulants to survive day to day over the years, and it's not like that. Rather, when I get off of work, I can actually clean or prepare food for my self instead of waiting to drag myself to bed (some days as early as 7:00pm). I've basically gone from forcing myself to go through the motions of life to being able to do daily activities normal people do.

I just wanted to share this because it has given me some hope for my future. As oppose to seeing my life as years if maintaining the facade of energy to those around me a crashing the minute I am alone, I might actually be able to do the things normal people do, like clean, prepare food, or spend an evening with friends without feeling that I am sacrificing "rest" time.

I think that the lithium dietary supplements are worth a try.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by James (Winnaleah, Tasmania Australia) on 05/30/2011

I have had chronic fatigue for 30 years and have spent a small fortune on trying to find a cure. From the result of doing web searches, I realised that my ph was low so set about to correct it.

Cider vinegar and H2O2, as well as being careful with what I eat, have been the means to correct my ph. You need to check your saliva and urine, not just your blood. Blood ph can be good and saliva and urine can be low as a result of the body correcting the blood. Our system knows that the blood needs to be right for our body's sake, so our saliva and urine systems will lower to counteract it. Therefore once we get our saliva and urine neutral things are rosey! Now after 30 years of pain and confusion, I am a different boy!

I have been buying 50% H2O2 solution for spraying crops for insect and fungi control at a 3% mix. I rinse my mouth with straight water and then sip a mouth full of H2O2, hold it in my mouth and swerling it for a minute or so and then swallowing it. I chase it with another sip of water. --don't know why I do that :)

H2O2 works on my crops and has worked on me. Who can argue with that?
