Natural Cures for Cardiac Arrhythmia

| Modified on Apr 11, 2024
ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Keith (Carson Valley, Nv) on 04/09/2015

I'd like to add to the information and my condition and recent remedies and success.

I'm 64 and have suffered occasionally from arrhythmia since my 30's. During these years the arrhythmia only lasted at most 2-3 days. I'd only have an attack maybe 2-3 times a year and they were never really bad.

About 6 weeks ago I had the worst episode I've ever had. This one really scared me. I had the racing, skipped beats, weak beats, shortness of breath and low energy. As before, I expected it to end in a couple days. Well it's been 6 weeks and it's pretty much been going on since it started. It's been mostly mild to bad; and everything in between. I've had days without symptoms, but they were few and far between.

My flare-ups generally start when lying down. This last week, I almost dreaded going to bed, knowing that I would most likely have a bad episode. Being able to get a good night's sleep has been difficult.

I've been putting off going to the Dr. because, as many have indicated there's not much help to be gained and like most have said, I'd end up on drugs with unacceptable side effects or even worse surgical procedures or pace maker. I'm just not ready for that.

So I began my quest on the WWW and found this website along with others. However, this site is by far the most informative. After reading I decided to try some of the remedies others have had success with.

My only regret now is that it took me so long to search for and find relief.

I stopped at the grocery store yesterday after work and bought ACV, molasses, magnesium and cayenne. I'd had arrhythmia all day and was feeling miserable. I got home, took two tablespoons of molasses, two teaspoons of ACV, 200mg magnesium and cayenne.

In less than an hour I was feeling better! By bedtime almost all symptoms were gone and I had a normal heart beat and only a skipped beat here and there. I got my first good full night's sleep in a long time. I'm going to have to work with the cayenne though, the dose was too much, at least for me, and I had some diarrhea.

This morning I woke up feeling better than I had for several weeks and no symptoms. Before leaving for work, I took two tablespoons of molasses, two teaspoons of ACV and 200mg magnesium. I've gone the whole day and never once had an arrhythmia episode. I even had coffee as normal this morning.

I'm thankful I found this site and hope that others will find help here as well.


ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Sharon (Tennessee) on 11/05/2015

Hi Ya'll, I'm back with some good news about what I have found that helped my heart arrhythmias! I have been almost symptom free now for two weeks. Read on:

I was having lots of PVCs at night, every night. I believe they were brought on by stress, but I've had problems with this type thing for 30 years. However, they were not much of a problem after menopause....until a several weeks ago. Then WHAM! Every night!! For hours!

I read a lot of posts on this site, and took to "heart" your advice. These are things I tried and what worked best for me;;

The Single best thing that seems to work for me is HEART CALM by Vita Biologics, 3 times a day. It is Magnesium combination with Potassium, Taurine and CoQ10. I tried other magnesium supplements, but this combination seems to work best. BY FAR!!

Also, I got HAWTHORN HERBAL TEA by FLora on, which contains; Hawthorn leaves and flowers, Hibiscus, Hawthorn berries, passion flower, licorice root, roasted chickory root. The bags are individual wrapped and fairly large to make a large mug of tea. I also added a tea bag of Chamomile with it. I happen to grow Lemon Balm, so I usually put a small handful of lemon balm in also. But I had tried the Chamomile and Lemon Balm together many times, and the HAWTHORN TEA seems to make the difference. HAWTHORN is a good heart builder.

The other thing I take is a couple droppers full of Motherwort extract. Although I had found Motherwort to help a lot over the years, it was not touching this problem by itself! (the last few weeks)

And one more thing I started doing is MAGNESIUM OIL during my bath time. I could not stand to spray it on my body dry- as it would itch and make me miserable. I found if I first washed my upper body and rinsed, then sprayed over my chest and upper arms- rubbing it in, then took my time in the bath, it did not itch at all, and I when I dry off, I leave the chest area wet with the MAGNESIUM OIL- as it should set on body for 20 minutes or so. The magnesium oil had NOT relieved the heart palpitations before I added the HEART CALM, however- I wasn't able to spray much on until I learned the trick about applying it to wet skin.

I believe the main thing that is helping and has almost completely stopped the problem of arrhythmias at night is the HEART CALM magnesium combination!! The very first night, after taking the HEART CALM and the HAWTHORN TEA, I had much fewer heart palpitations. I'm still doing the other things above, and eventually will drop off one of the things above, but will not quit taking this HEART CALM! If I run out of tea (or forget to drink it- HAWTHORN), I will notice if that makes a difference or not.

I am so delighted to give report this good news. I read it all here on this forum.

One thing that did not help by itself for me- was the blackstrap molasses (or any type) I don't think it had enough of what I needed, plus the sugar effect may not be the best thing for night. I tried that for several nights before I read about and ordered HEART CALM- and did not get relief from the molasses.

So, I take one Heart Calm in the morning, one in afternoon, and one an hour or so before bedtime.

A word of caution about the drug CIPRO. (for bacterial infections) It can cause heart rhythm aggravation and even a different type of rhythm problem. I found that I can not take that drug. It also causes headaches and stomach bloating in me.

HOPE THIS HELPS ALOT OF YA'LL!! My heart doctor almost laughed in my face when I suggested that I might need more magnesium or something lacking!!! Wait until I tell him the difference this combination is making! When EVER I decide to go back. Why is it that they give magnesium in hospitals for heart problems, but laugh at taking magnesium supplements when you're not at that point of severity??

I confirmed about the magnesium supplementation in book called The Magnesium Factor just this week. I may post another post on things I found out from that book.

Sorry this was so long.

Coconut Water
Posted by Kay Rn (Kentucky ) on 07/12/2016

Even though I am a Nurse that works on a telemetry floor I resist taking pharmaceuticals. However, when I developed my arrhythmia as mentioned by so many on this site, I tried their methods so they would not call me a noncompliant patient. Metoprolol gave me chest pain for the 4 days I took it, and could not tolerate it. I had not seen anyone mention Coconut water on this site but this is what I tried. I had been taking Magnesium called “Calm" which I had gotten at my local health food store and I took it when my symptoms were bad. But it was't as natural as food and I wanted a more natural supplement.

This is what I did and noticed: On hot days and sweating a lot, the arrhythmia were much more common afterwards. Also at night when laying down or on my left side it was real common and annoying, many trips to the ER. I bought my own EKG machine cause the doctors were not impressed by my discomfort...Apparently I feel every abnormal beat where many people do not. I started going to bed early to avoid the discomfort of the abnormal beating of my heart. I knew I was in Afib or would have rhythms of 3 quick beats in between normal sinus rhythm causing brief moments of shortness of breath. This is scary not matter how old you are....And at 48 years old they accidentally found an infarct in my brain. I'm not surprised given the abnormal beating of my heart and the confusion I was complaining about. That being said I started increasing foods that thin the blood, but this didn't solve the rhythm issues.

So with my experience on the floor I knew there are many things that can cause abnormal rhythms. Low blood flow to the heart (dehydration) blood pooling in the lower extremities because of standing for long hours (compression hose helps this), Electrolyte imbalances. The body doesn't just sweat out sodium, we loose other electrolytes that needs replacing.

I found that coconut water gives us Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Natural sugar. All of what Coconut water gives, is what we need for good neuromuscular health. So I started drinking an 8oz bottle a day. Problem solved. The days I forget to drink it, the arrhythmias come back slightly which reminds me I had forgotten. Some people as we get older have more trouble then others holding onto their electrolytes. I'm one of them.

The doctors never figured this out, they just kept giving me supplementation when my potassium dropped. We have to keep a good nutritional balance. Oh yes and Alcohol...This dehydrates and flushes the good stuff out. Its no wonder it can trigger abnormal heart rhythms, along with muscle cramps. Another reason to avoid it. Hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by June (Cincinnati ) on 12/28/2017

I have been through hell with arrrythmias!!! I believe that there are 4 or 5 root causes:

1. MSG: Taurine is an antidote for this. Best to avoid it, but it's hard. Many people get heart issues from msg I think! It's in a lot of food!
2. Thyroid: for me one drop of potassium iodide in a little water in the morning helped.
3. An irritated vagus nerve:/ colitis: 3 tablespoons of organic olive oil worked for me.
4. Vitamin deficiencies like b12, iron magnesium, etc. In desperation, I got a spectracell micronutrient test. (Google it) Was deficient in pantothenic acid!

If I avoid msg, take taurine if I've had MSG, take 3 tablespoons of olive oil every day and one drop of potassium iodide, and pantothenic acid, I'm good! It took me 40 years to get the right protocol. No help from modern medicine worked in the long run.

Hope this helps someone!

Baking Soda
Posted by J. Davis (Texas) on 07/28/2016

My 83 year old friend had problems with extra heart beats for years and was given meds for it. The meds did not help. She started taking 1 tsp baking soda in water once a day and in a week healed the heart problem! She continues on this dose and has been taking it for 6 months now and heart problem has not come back. You cannot tell her that baking soda is just for baking bread!

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Teresa (Ks) on 07/31/2017


Having recently dealt with some heart fluttering, I came to this site out of curiosity to see what others are saying and doing.

I was so pleased to find your post, because, as a metaphysical practitioner, I am a firm believer in the connection of energy and the power of mind. I, too, know we are capable of healing ourselves in so many ways. Meditation with self-healing visualization always has a strong effect on my health. Meditation, intention, and belief in myself has alleviated my problem. I also recognize that we should take care of this vessel, and so, I try to pay attention to the synergy of the multiple things I put in my body. I am 64 years old and in really good health, thanks to NOT following years of "doctor's orders." I couldn't take the "god" complex anymore, especially after some very bad advice and treatments were given. My mother is 90, in amazingly good health, and on NO medications...even though doctors along the way wanted to put her on many things (a practice I believe is responsible for premature death of the elderly). At any given time, she resolved her health issues through diet, some supplements, and belief in her own ability to heal. People can call it quackery all they want--it doesn't change the truth and outcome. For 20 years, I have relied on nature to tell me what I need. Belief is a powerful thing, and if people believe that doctors and drugs are necessary, then, to them, they are. Western medicine is capable of doing some amazing things...but the ignorance and intolerance of holistic solutions is a tragedy.

I wanted to respond to you because I think we share a true kindred spirit regarding these issues.

Thank you for sharing!

Posted by June (Cincinnati, Oh Usa) on 12/28/2009

I have a cardiac arrithymia since childhood. I am 54 now. I have researched and researched and researched after going to alot of cardiologists and trying mainstream remedies. I have tried magnesium, B vitamins, salt, potassium,etc. They all helped but did not cure my palpitations. My heart used to skip, and beat incredibly fast. I stopped going to the emergency room because they immediately wanted to do surgery, etc. The whole thing was terrifying. I cured this condition with one drop of REAL elemental iodine in my orange juice in the morning. Sea kelp and drugstore iodine did not work. Dr. Brownstein has written a book about it. You can tell if you are deficient by putting any iodine on the inside of your arm and watching to see if it lasts 24 hours. All my thyroid tests were normal. Every person I have told (who has arrithymia) has had a similiar experience!!!! One itsy bitsy drop of elemental iodine changed my life COMPLETELY. (I also paint my arm with it sometimes.)

Posted by John (Sf, Ca) on 02/18/2016

I've tried all these, molasses+cayenne, ACV+baking soda, Lugol's iodine and magnesium both orally and spray-applied oil. All work fairly well to get rid of the arrhythmias for about 6 months, but they came back every day and I had to watch my diet very carefully to stay off heavy carbs and coffee.

Then I read the symptoms of low potassium. Since they fit me, I bought a bag of potassium chloride (KCl). In a large water glass, 12 oz, I put 1/16th of a teaspoon of KCl, and stirred it up. I sipped the water slowly, for over an hour. Then I repeated throughout the day.

Arrhythmias gone.

I just do that now, very little of the other stuff. I still occasionally take some molasses in warm water, it worked the best. Also magnesium helps lot of things. But the KCl in water is by far the best - I obviously have had an extreme potassium deficiency. I also have better strength in my muscles, and better energy. I'm a 56 year old male.

Yes, you have to be careful with potassium. But if you need it, you really do need it. Don't let naysayers scare you off. Try a little, as I did, and sip it slowly. If it's the solution, you'll know fast. I'm back to being able to eat what I want, including coffee. And no arrhythmias anymore, period.

Posted by Jm (Ca) on 09/20/2017

58 year old male, cardiac arrhythmias for a few years with associated general tiredness, leg weakness. Read up on B12 deficiency and tried it - the METHYLcobalamin form, 1,000 mcg chewable sublingual tablets.

One a day, two if necessary. Arrhythmias gone. That simple.


ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Gabriele (Wa) on 03/05/2017

There are indeed many different 'causes' for heart arrythmia. I have as a matter of fact been seen by a cardiologist (not a holistic one but still the rather stone age type of conventional one, and was cleared of any and all heart pathology, as well as of electrolyte imbalances and/or deficiencies. Also, every single test done on me (and there were many between the dozen of physicians I visited) came back negative. None of my symptoms matched their criteria or pattern for a dis-ease. I learned real fast that I am indeed the sole authority on my body, and what happens to and with it. The heart is so much, much more than what we are told it is, and it takes a very open mind to take that new information in.

There are a few seriously great books available on the subject of the energetic heart, not the supposed pump in our bodies (the least important and very minor function of the heart), and related physical manifestations of energetic disturbances. Everything is energy. Since there is no separation between energies it follows that everything affects everything, period. I also learned the most important lesson I could ever have learned, and it was very necessary to let my heart be the teacher: I can completely heal myself. Sure, the correct nutrition for the individual (one has to know oneself instead of following rules here as well, there are none), some supplementation - if necessary at times -, daily prolonged exposure to raw nature (wild forests, mountains, near fast flowing rivers, etc.) and unfiltered sunlight in the early morning hours, chemical free and toxin free food, a deep spiritual connection (note, I am not saying religion), working with instead of against nature and her laws, implementation of our plant friends (some of the best healing modalities we have at our disposal), and for some coaching, when needed, a fast forward thinking stellar physician or herbalist, these things I consider essential for holistic healing. The conventional medical field is ignorant about most of these things, relying on dangerous and ineffective methods of treatment. I am happy I learned my lesson and know that I can fully and completely trust my heart, in fact, my entire body. It does never betray me, even when some things appear very scary on the surface. When I went into cardiology in the beginning I approached the staff there with ideas they could/would not understand. Those were things not being taught at medical colleges. But that is okay as I realize that we are all at very different learning levels. Another thing often left out of consideration when ANY unexplained physical things happen to our bodies: Many people who are energy sensitive also react to energies hitting earth from outer space, even interdimensionally (try to inform a conventional doctor of that fact...). It is actually a well known fact that some heart arrythmia in some people are a direct result of extreme solar flare output. I could go on and on and on, but those who know what I am talking about and who have experienced this kind of symptom, are already far beyond the material aspect of nutrition and exercise, etc., etc. They ARE somewhat important, yes, but not the alpha and omega. With this being said I wish all of you who still have heart arrythmia or other 'problems' a speedy and full recovery, and complete healing (and yes, it is absolutely within your reach as long as you don't elevate your doctors onto a pedestal where they probably should not be, and as long as you do YOUR parts and listen and acknowledge your bodies, the physical as much as the ethereal ones, respect and honor them, and converse with nature in all her forms). Sending blessings to all out there:)

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Keith (Carson Valley, Nv) on 04/16/2015

Sorry for the late reply. I take 530mg cayenne/garlic 3 times per day with food. I've also added potassium. I've done more research as I've had a couple recent occurrences. I've found that, as others have, alcohol seems to be a contributing factor. I thought back about the correlation as others indicated and it seemed to be the same for me. I'm abstaining from alcohol and see if that helps. I have a feeling I'll be giving up that cold beer. I've found in reading that my symptoms are; a beer or two, the evening before and the next day I have a arrhythmia onset that lasts a couple days. Most of the indications are that alcohol depletes essential elements and dehydrates the body. At age 64 I guess some things are bound to catch up with you. I'll post more when I've had time to test my alcohol theory.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Oldchief (Cedar Creek Texas) on 10/04/2015

Am 70 years old and developed some cardiac arrhythmia's over the last 8 months. Really disturbing since during the rapid heart beat sessions I wasn't sure whether or not "this was it." Have HBP which I am taking prescription meds for - Diovan and Atenolol.

I Googled "natural cures for cardiac arrhythmia's and found this site. We had "Calm" in the house but I never took it. After reading this blog, I decided to give it a try. All I can say is after a month my arrhythmia has all but disappeared. I am doing the ACV and molasses regimen as well. Doing 4 - 6 grams of C with Lysine. Got some "MagTech" caps with triple magnesium. Take 4 of those a day. Also recommend Astaxanthin too.

The Old Chief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ash (England Uk) on 07/06/2015

I hope people are not put off by the suggestion that cider apple vinegar is not worth taking. The huge point is none of us really know exactly how the body uses different foods. If people with heart conditions say it helps them then who are we to say otherwise.. even if we are scientists, we are not so very enlightened that we know it all, otherwise we would have a cure. We are all looking for an answer and I think we can only help each other with sites like this. BRILLIANT to not feel so alone. I know that cider vinegar with mama can't harm and it always makes me feel better when I include it as part of my diet. Through studying what many people have found, cider vinegar appears to help the body soak up some of the poisons in our systems that may well contribute to triggering an arrhythmia. Best we all keep our own fact sheets and post results for other to decide weather to try or not. Namaste everyone.

Heart Rate Mantra
Posted by Rawhide (Kwajalein) on 10/05/2016

Subconscious healing through suggestion and visualization.

Hi, I am an 82 year old electrical engineer working at a US Radar site on the Kwajalein Atoll. I have experienced heart irregularities for over 10 years. At first I had occasional instances of rapid beating which I was able to stop by coughing. At that time I had a few skipped beats, but not bad. In the last couple of years my rapid beating has subsided but the skipped beats become more prevalent especially when working out in the gym to the point where during August of 2016 my heart at times would beat very strongly every other time getting down into the mid to high 30s per minute.

Also last June I had bouts of heavy bleeding in my urine. I underwent an MRI to diagnose the bleeding problem which revealed a severely enlarged prostate and a 4.3 cm ascending aortic aneurism. The urologist went in and cauterized the bleeders in the OR.

Being rather isolated out here I wanted something that would help me right now rather than waiting three weeks for an order of Taurine to arrive in the mail. So, having read about how the subconscious can heal the body, I started whispering to myself over and over “KEEP MY HEART RATE EVEN” during my 2 mile walk each morning and any time I rode my bicycle or walked shorter distances. At the same time I wanted to do something about the aneurism and prostate, so I began thinking “SHRINK MY ANEURISM AND PROSTATE”. It took several days to perfect whispering and thinking two different phrases but I found I could do it. I also try to visualize all the arteries healed and my prostate shrunk to normal size.

After 2 ½ months my heart rate has stabilized with only a few skips especially during workout. I am continuing with the two phrase healing and decided not to order the Taurine.

I hope this helps others.

ACV, Molasses, Magnesium, Cayenne
Posted by Ironstone Lookout (Calgary, Alberta) on 05/30/2016

This has become an awesome forum and it has helped me immensely and I want to thank everyone who has contributed. I was having all kinds of sporadic arrhythmia which was becoming very concerning and very annoying. I have had this condition before but only very occasionally and lasting a minute or two. But last month it was triggered by unknown factors and sometime became scary. I have changed my diet to up my magnesium/potassium intake via natural foods but though slowed it down, didn't solve the problem. I now have started a regimen of magnesium, potassium, Hawthorne supplements, molasses and ACV and have completely put the brakes on the arrhythmia within three days. Wow!

My goal now is to slowly back off on these and figure out which one or what combination actually ceased the condition. Thank you everyone who contributed to this forum and gave such solid advice!

Posted by Marcela (California ) on 01/09/2023

I was having bad palpitations that lasted all day. I took everything from magnesium, taurine, Q10, electrolytes, hawthorn, and the list goes on.. Nothing stopped them except for Iodine.

Posted by Kc (Los Gatos, Ca) on 05/21/2018

I have to report my experience here because it's nothing short of miraculous. I have been having a LOT of palpitations. Way more than usual. Being anxious already, it really worries me. I went to buy a whole food magnesium supplement today and I took two (368 mg for 4) and almost immediately, I didn't have any more palpitations. I am also drinking ACV but the palpitations were almost immediately resolved after taking the first two magnesium. Just so grateful to have come here finding a wealth of information! Thank you!!!

Posted by Nancy (Missouri) on 02/22/2014

Blackstrap molasses! Sometimes--not often--I suffer from arrhythmia. Happened last night, still had it this morning. Tried Mag and ACV/baking soda without effect. Downed a big spoonful of blackstrap molasses, and my pulse became steady within a short time. Amazing!

Posted by Galaxy (Boston, Ma, Usa) on 05/20/2013

A magnesium complex containing magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate and magnesium aspartate cured my heart palpitations and arrythmias. I take one 400 mg capsule every day at bedtime. I am so thankful for this website.

Posted by Geri (Dothan, Alabama) on 06/21/2009

Cayenne pepper effects on heart racing and arrythmia...

I have been using cayenne pepper for several months for racing heart and arrythmia. Within less than a minute my heart is back to normal!! I use 1/2 teaspoon in warm water, less than a cup, one teaspoon in 8oz is recommended, but I get the results from 1/2 tsp., also I use cayenne pepper liberally on most of my food, like salads, baked potato, omlets, etc.. I have tried MANY natural cures, but never had one work so fast. The Phamaceutical companies will probably try to get this miracle cure declared illegal! If people could try it, doctors and drugs would lose billions! I don't mind the heat at all for the results I get. It IS a good idea to have some food in your stomach, though. Wonderful site, Earth Clinic!!

Posted by Nancy (Missouri) on 08/18/2013

I occasionally have bouts of arrythmia: weak, rapid, irregular heartbeats. I've found that a dose of magnesium taurate will get the heart rate back on track in an amazingly short time.
