Oil Pulling with Olive Oil - A Healthy Choice!

| Modified on Jun 01, 2024
Olive Oil
Posted by Liz (Co Springs, Co) on 07/29/2012

I started pulling oil with cold pressed olive oil. It was about 3.00 for a container of it making it fairly inexpensive. I have asthma and anemia. My teeth are also super sensitive. I also constantly have green yellow crap coming out of the lower half of my lungs alot. Sorry to be graphic. Only when my lungs are open can I get the stuff out. It has been 3 days already. The first day I only felt nauseated. But my teeth were so clean. The second day I had clean teeth and I fell asleep. I just got done doing this and my gums are super pink my teeth the whitest they have been in years. The hard plaque is slowly removing. I feel alot calmer and relaxed. My muscles dont hurt as much (I have chronic pain from both a horse and car accident) and I feel like I can finally sleep. So far I have been doing this in the evening. I am hoping with the enzyme stimulation it increases my metabolism so maybe I will even burn fat while sleeping? I will post another update in a week or so and let you all know how it is going. But so far its great. I have no reason to lie or any company I run to support with this testomony. I really want my respiratory problems gone!

Olive Oil
Posted by Carlos (Barcelona, Spain) on 10/23/2011

Ok I just want to report after few days I have those white teeth that when I look in the mirror I'm amazed.

I always had beautiful big teeth but yellow in color so my smile wasn't such a remarkable thing. I don't smoke or drink coffee but they were yellow no matter the toothpaste I used. I don't know if I should keep doing it cause people will really notice it's getting to be a hollywood smile lol!

Olive Oil
Posted by Betty (Groningen, Netherlands) on 08/22/2012

Most weekends I use virgin olive oil for OP, swishing it around while I prepare breakfast for the family, refusing to answer anyone bothering me with irritating questions and remarks - OP is a perfect way to shut yourself off from unwanted conversations while the brain has not woken up yet!!

After 20 minutes I spit the oil into a little plastic bag with tissues, tie a knot in it and dispose of it. Then I brush my teeth with a toothpaste containing bicarb and other goodies, but here's the thing I have been wondering about: I get a strong taste/smell of ammonia in my mouth during and after brushing, until I rinse with propolis tincture. Any comments anyone?

PS My eyesight has improved so much I've had to replace my spectacles. And I don't need any glasses at all for reading now! My optician was amazed. he clearly didn't believe me until he had tested me.

Olive Oil
Posted by Linda (Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies) on 07/06/2009

Oil Pulling Cured My Gingivitis. About 1 month ago I began experiencing very horrible breath. So I began to search for remedies that were 'natural' as opposed to prescribed medication. I discovered your site and started oil pulling about a month ago, using cold pressed olive oil (couldn't find any other cold pressed oil). I used 1 tablespoon each morning before eating breakfast and before retiring to bed at night. After a few days I began to see my teeth whiten and my gums become very pink and healthy looking. A gap between 2 teeth closed up totally so that now there is no 'gap' anymore! Last week I visited the dentist where I was told that my gums and teeth were so healthy and clean that I can visit the dentist once per year instead of every six months! My previous visit to the dentist 6 months ago was not so good....I was told I had gingivitis and that my gums were receding from my teeth, my gums were also very dark purple instead of bright pink. So thank you Earth Clinic, with oil pulling my oral health was restored beyond my expectations! Oil pulling did so much for me, I will continue as long as I have life. I told a colleague about it and she too has started oil pulling! However I still wait for my bad breath to clear up. Any suggestions for elimination of this chronic bad breath?

Olive Oil
Posted by Anuj (Sydney, Australia) on 01/22/2012


Just wanted to give my 2 cents worth.

Started OP about 7 days back. The first 3 days I used sunflower oil for OP. During that time, had excruciating pain for the first 2 days near one of my molars (the one which had root canaling done; I have 2 root canals ). The third day with sunflower oil was smooth and no pain.

Ran out of sunflowerr oil, so started using olive oil. Again, absolute hell with the headache and mucous for 2 days.

On the positive side, my teeth feel cleaner, no more bad breath and my gums seem to have firmed up. Will continue oil pulling to see how my cavities and dental decay fare.

Only concern being I have a lot of metal fillings- my dental health has been pathetic throughout my life-hope OP helps me cure that.

Olive Oil
Posted by scrambled (Hillsborough NJ) on 05/30/2022

I recently tried oil pulling - for about a week and it really cut down on my tooth sensitivity a great deal to the point where I didn't think about my toothaches. I did it with olive oil. So glad to see all of the positive comments.

I was wondering where oil pulling ends and going back to the dentist begins again, though. I have a cracked tooth that I was advised needs a route canal. It is edgy and feels rough on my tongue. I know I'll have to revisit for this at some point.

What else can be done? I have read people dealing with these types of issues themselves especially if there is anxiety involved.

Also, how do people ultimately deal with the pressures that the dentists usually put us through in that chair when we get a checkup/cleaning?

It is sometimes hard to get around...especially if you really need their care for a dental emergency down the line.

Thanks ahead for commenting and advising!

Olive Oil
Posted by Vee (Texas, Usa) on 08/13/2013

I am on day 2 of oil pulling with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and its doing something-just not sure what. I do have questions though. This morning right after swishing I had a bowel movement. Then a small one again when I came home for lunch. About an hour and a half later I was at work & had to rush to the bathroom where I had a loose (and somewhat explosive) bowel movement that kind of scared me-sorry for the gross details. I suffer from constipation often & don't go this often & haven't eaten anything different so I guess I can contribute this to the oil. The most noticiable difference is my energy-I have none! Today I have been deathly tired-more tired than I've been in some time. I also experienced what seem to be faster heartbeats today. Is this normal? And I'm not using organic EVOO-is this ok? I have sesame seed oil in my cupboard but it's not organic & just says pure-can I use this? And what I'm most confused about is brushing afterwards. Is using your regular toothpaste ok? Hopefully I can get some help with these questions. I'll continue to post updates on my progress. Thanks in advance for the help!

Olive Oil
Posted by Janet6 (Brooklyn, Ny) on 09/18/2010

I have been doing OP with virgin olive oil for over four years. This has now become part of my morning routine. The first week I started, I experienced a clean palate which I think resulted in my new experience of foods. I now enjoy my foods and eat with more gusto. My other observance was that I slept more soundly and felt more refreshed and energized upon waking. Each day I eagerly started my morning doing O/P and then a thorough brush with my regular tooth-paste and baking soda and salt. My breath definitely improved during the day. However, the most important and startling feature of this new practice for me was that it cured my hives. I suffered with this allergic reaction for more than 20 years and all I got from my doctors was temporary relief. I had been using Benadryl, Allegra, Zyrtec, Prednisone among many but when I started O/P, it cured my allergies, which came out in the form of hives (raised irregular shapes all over my body which were crazily itchy and ugly). I could not even talk about them, I felt like they were listening and would re-visit me. After four years of O/p I think this is the most amazing thing that could happen to someone with allergies. I feel that anyone with allergies can benefit if I can. I have been passing on by word of mouth to all my friends and family and those who try it tell me the wonderful results they too are having. I believe this has even helped me with whatever pain I have had in my shoulders and knees. I have experienced expelling a lot of phlegm which I am amazed is in my body as I never seem to have a cold or cough. Over the years, my face has gotten smoother than when I was younger. No one believes how old I am and I will not tell. I have used sesame oil and sunflower oil and I like olive oil the best.

Olive Oil
Posted by Camille (Houston, Tx) on 02/07/2010

Hi! Oil Pulling with extra virgin olive oil cured the congestion in my chest and helped me breathe easier! I was having trouble breathing when I wake up in the morning. I could not take a satisfyingly deep breath- my chest was too congested (I am a smoker, hopefully a non-smoker soon). I read about oil pulling and tried it this morning. I used olive oil this time but I am going to pick up coconut oil later today. I swished a tablespoon of evoo for 15 minutes. As I swished, I felt the congestion in my chest breaking up. After spitting out the evoo into the toilet, i was able to cough up some unwanted phlem, thus allowing me to breathe!!! I am going to keep oil pulling!! THANKS EARTHCLINIC!!

Olive Oil
Posted by Paula (London, Great Britain and Poitiers, France) on 07/30/2009

health and oil pulling

iam a 58 yr old female in good health. Since my early 40's when i had arthritic twinges (i remembered my grandmother's hooked fingers) i decided to learn about diet and have followed a healthy lifestyle influenced by reading and my own experiences.

I eat fruit on an empty stomach which is so effective that my sceptical husband does it! Also i eat according to my blood type ( i used to have eczema and discovered that tomatoes and potatoes,the deadly nightshade vegetables are like poison to A types)

i like hearing about other aids to health and i have been oil pulling for a couple of months it has helped my dry skin and hair. My theory is that the swishing and the saliva change the oil chemically so that the full goodness of it is taken up by the body. I clean my teeth carefully afterwards with a natural toothpaste then sip a large glass of filtered room temp. water (i do it once in the morning immediately on rising). I use 1 12 tsp of organic olive oil and will try walnut tomorrow.

My mother who is 81 also has found great benefit from it; she has followed my health ideas and is on no medication (she hops and skips about showing up many people who are years younger than her), Isn't it incredible how many people think that bad health is 'dropped on them from above' rather than the terrible high sugar, junk fat, high carbs diet that the advertisers 'make them eat.

Olive Oil
Posted by Allen (Austin, MN) on 07/20/2009

I've tried several kinds of oil for oil pulling and I find ____ olive oil to be the best by far. My dentist is impressed with the results too... as my gums have reattached to my teeth. I use 1 tsp twice a day for 15 mins. When I first wake up and right before bed. It doesn't taste very good at first but after 15 mins. by mouth feels very clean. It's very soothing for a tooth ache or cut inside your mouth too.

Olive Oil
Posted by Burton (Portland, Oregon) on 01/25/2009

I read about oil pulling on this site and decided to try it, though i wasn't aware of any real health problems. I only had olive oil in the house so I went with that for 3 or 4 days and did the neti pot nasal flush afterward each time. I used a tablespoon of oil and swished for 15 minutes, rinsing afterward with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. baking soda in warm water. Throughout the course of those four days I noticed a startling mood elevation and mental clarity that I hadn't had in a very long time. I also noticed alot of sinus drainage and my ability to smell increased. Also my eyes stopped feeling itchy or dry. I switched over to sesame oil because it was recommended, but have since switched back to olive oil and experienced the same mood elevation and mental clarity. This has made me wonder if I was suffering from low-grade depression the whole time. I feel much calmer and focussed, less confused and find alot more reasons to laugh during the day. I also have a TON more energy and work much harder. This energy caused me to have some problems sleeping for the first few days. One last thing is that my beard seems to have gotten much thicker and softer. I'm excited about such a cheap and simple remedy and would recommend it to everyone.

Olive Oil
Posted by Peachytechgirl (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/22/2013

I wanted to comment and say that oil pulling with organic extra virgin Olive oil has worked for me in the 2 short days that I have tried it. I am very glad I found this website.

I suffer from standard sinus problems and I've found that I flush my sinuses multiple times hourly. 2 days ago, I averaged maybe 5 sinus flushes per hour (using saline spray). Then I tried oil pulling.

Day one after starting oil pulling, I flushed my sinuses maybe once an hour. Day two, I've barely flushed at all. I can breatheeee!!! I can inhale and exhale and feel deep clean breaths in my nasal cavities.

Regarding oil pulling for teeth... I have one amalgam filling and was hesitant to begin oil pulling. After research on various websites, I found that other people reported oil pulling with fillings and didn't experience issues. The general understanding is that if you do experience issues with your fillings, there was pre-existing damage anyway. I visit the dentist regularly and I know that my fillings are entact, so I went ahead and began my routine.

I have not experienced any metallic tastes or other abnormalities. I will send an update if I do. Despite only starting this routine within the last 2 days, my teeth are shiny. I floss regularly, and I don't experience bleeding, but my gums are slightly swollen. Since I've started pulling, I've noticed that my gums don't feel swollen anymore. They feel very healthy.

Here is my routine:

I oil pull first thing in the morning with 1TBL/3tsp of evoo. (The oil that I use is standard and found in the organic section of my grocery store. ) I typically pull for 10-15 minutes. I can really feel the change of the oil in my mouth once I reach the end of the swishing period.

I spit it out, and immediately rinse with warm water. I brush my teeth with a tooth powder solution consisting of baking soda and sea salt, and then I gargle again with the remaining warm water (with some of the tooth powder mixed in). I then gargle one more time with just regular warm water to ensure I've cleaned my mouth thoroughly.

In the evenings I floss and gargle with warm water and baking soda/sea salt. In the 2 short days that I've oil pulled, I've noticed that my floss is removing more plaque than before (despite not changing eating habits), so I am definitely happy with the results thus far.

If I do experience any negative effects, I will send an update, but overall I am very happy so far with my oil pulling routine.

Olive Oil
Posted by Rusty (Kaneohe, Hawaii) on 06/22/2012

I have been oil pulling for the past 2 years and the first thing that I have noticed is that I have not had a bad cold since then, and using olive oil at first was harsh but, I have become used to it. Losing weight I am way over weight and since I have been oil pulling I have lost 50 lbs and feel much better. I oil pull every morning before I have breakfast for about 20 minutes. When I come home from work I oil pull again this time longer over one hour while on my computer. Oil pulling is a part of my daily life. My over all condition has improved a lot. No more asthma atacks or wheezing and with the loss of the weight I find myself getting around much more instead of watching TV all the time. I am not as tired as how I used to be after losing the toxins that plays a major roll in my life. At the beginning my body was purging out all the impurities and this does happen. Depending on your condition. Everyones condition is different.

Also check on MMS by Dr. James V Humble and the cures that MMS can do for you like cancer. How the drug companies want to get rid of this Dr. Humble, because for pennies a day you can live much longer. Check him out. aloha, Rusty

Olive Oil
Posted by Kaitlin (Chester, Va) on 05/10/2010

I have been incredibly ill with a sinus infection the last three days--high fever, sore throat, yellow mucus, horrible headaches, and even vomiting. This one was really a doozy; I haven't been this sick in a long time! I tried oil pulling with the extra virgin olive oil I had in the cupboard, and after three minutes I had to spit it out because I started coughing up mucus and didn't stop for five minutes. My head started clearing up, too. While my throat is now even more sore from the coughing, the rest of me feels relief for the first time in days! I will definitely continue oil pulling and update on the results.

Olive Oil
Posted by Christel (Nolanville, Tx, United States) on 03/31/2010

Some months ago I had this terrible tootache (not the first time-always the same one) and tried several things, all of which where short lived relief. I searched the web and came upon this strange thing called oil pulling. Curiosity made me read up on it and since I had no sunflower oil (as mostly recommended) I decided to give it a try with extra virgin olive oil (which I keep at all times). It was almost like a miracle. The throbbing subsided almost immediately and after 3 days it was all gone, including the swelling. Since then I have not had any problems with this particular tooth, I just try to keep the area very clean, and since I have learned a thing or two about toothpastes I now brush my teeth with bentonite clay. I really wish I had known a lot of things a few years ago, I might have been able to safe the rest of my teeth (I wear a full denture on top), but now I want to at least keep what I have left on the bottom, and so far it's working.

Olive Oil
Posted by Hadessah (Charlotte, Nc) on 09/08/2009

I use 1 teaspoon extra virgin Olive Oil for 15 minutes every morning, first thing.

Oil Pulling has made my teeth stronger and whiter and it is healing a disorder I was going to doctors for nearly 20 years. I've tried all kinds of antibiotics to cure sinusitis. Now after oil-pulling, I feel the pressure in my upper gum, above where a tooth was extracted. Above the bony part of the gum. So I 've had an abcess for two decades. No wonder people stepped back when talking to me. My breath smelled like 20 year old decay.

I developed tinnitis and oil-pulling may eventually clear up all the abcess right at the base of my maxillary sinus, BUT actually above the bony part of my gum where a tooth was extracted in the 80s.

Olive Oil
Posted by Sydy (Staten Island, New York) on 07/14/2009


I have been doing the OP for a week today now with cold pressed olive oil --I noticed from day one so much flem coming from my throat as the days went on I now have lots of flem -a migraine which I always get and want to get rid of due to hormonal changes and a nausous stomach-- my tongue is coated with thick white stuff and my v----- smells exactly the same as my underarms like a metal weird smell--I know I am detoxing right now through my pores and all areas of my body= also my glands in my throat are swollen and my neck seems stiff--I have detoxed other ways before and have delt with the same symptoms--wow I say this is so cool --with me symptoms I have seem to get worse as the healing process takes action---people who do it for a couple of weeks and give up should just change oil and keep going--natural health take a longer time for healing to happen but when it does happen it is permanant unless you go back to the lifestyle that cause you feel crappy to begin with..good luck to all who cherish their bodies enough to heal----sydy