Natural Remedies for Lyme Disease

| Modified on Feb 14, 2024
Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Manny (Montreal, Quebec) on 05/16/2018

I just want to say first of all that I have never had Lyme disease but I have been using Lugol's iodine for years and when I feel the onset of the flu I use a protocol put forward by Dr. Stephen Fisher who used iodine to cure malaria and influenza in Zambia and has years of experience using it for those reasons. I tried his protocol but was scared at first because the most iodine I have ever consumed in one sitting was about 8 vertical drops of Lugol's 5%. I read more about it and discovered that taking his protocol is perfectly safe as he was using it on individuals who never supplemented with iodine.

The protocol for flu is 20 drops four times a day for 1 day and the following 2 days 10 drops four times a day. When I was sick I was unable to get out of bed pretty much, sick as you can be without being hospitalized. I started the protocol and completed the first day, I went to sleep and the following day I was 99% better, had energy, was up and about, no more headaches, appetite returned. All that remained was my secondary infections (sinus mostly). I used a neti pot to get rid of my sinus infection and continued my day 2 of the iodine protocol just in case. It cured my flu! Since then I have used it several times to cure my flu and it works every single time.

Now regarding Lyme, this is caused by a bacterial infection, influenza is viral. Both bacteria and viruses cannot survive lugol's iodine, it's not even a close battle. If I was diagnosed with Lyme I would uses this influenza iodine protocol and feel very confident it can cure you. Why the medical community refuses to look at non pharma solutions is beyond me but I think this can really help people. If I had Lyme disease I would do the protocol and then wait 1-2 weeks and do it again until the bacteria was gone from my system and I felt much better. At proper dosage and duration I truly believe Lyme can be eradicated from your system. I hope this helps some people who have seemingly tried everything.

Sea Salt
Posted by Matt (Millbrook, Ny) on 10/22/2009

Sea Salt CURED my Lyme Disease in DAYS!

I had suffered for six months with Lyme Disease before I was diagnosed. It was absolutely horrible. I was going completly insane. I was at the point where I just wanted to die. After the blood work showed I was Lyme positive, I went on doxycycline for one month. That did nothing but make me sick to my stomach, and led me to developing a bad case of candidiasis (which was cured by raw garlic and restriction of sugar, another story for another time). Through this site, I found out about the miracle of sea salt. I bought unrefined sea salt from a local health food store, and when I got home, took a teaspoon (about 5 grams) of it with a glass of water. Within a few hours of ingesting the sea salt, I felt better than I had felt in months - it was incredible! The next few days, I took a teaspoon three times a day every day, and I'd say that within three or four DAYS, my now seven month episode of crippling Lyme Disease was GONE. GONE!!! For a few weeks after, I continued to take a teaspoon once a day, just to make sure that it wouldn't come back.

EVERYONE should be made aware that pure, unrefined Sea Salt, CAN cure Lyme Disease very quickly. Many people are infected with Lyme and don't even know it.

There are a few things you should know about using high doses of sea salt....

-Make sure you drink PLENTY of water.
-It WILL cause diarrhea, so I highly suggest using probiotics to replace the flora that are lost.
-Make sure you get enough potassium to balance out the salt (potatoes, orange juice, bananas..)
-Make sure it is unrefined, raw sea salt (healthy for you, as opposed to refined sodium chloride)
-Stay away from MSG! Ted said that when he took sea salt with MSG, his blood pressure went skyrocketing. I had the same result when I took a spoonful of salt before eating a prepared dinner (lots of MSG).

I'm very positive that this is possibly the best treatment for Lyme.

To sum up everything, taking about 15 grams (about 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons) of sea salt throughout the day, for several days, cured my Lyme. It should also be noted that a SINGLE dose of salt (about 5 grams) did more for me than an entire month of doxycycline.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 04/09/2016

Have you been checked for lyme? This disease is becoming very common and its really nasty to try and treat. As you are finding out, there are very very few doctors qualified to treat lyme correctly. Most doctors are less than useless when it comes to deadly diseases like this. You must study and become an expert yourself. Not much choice about this one.

The first contact of anyone having this disease was in the old town of Lyme, right across from Plum Island Animal Research Center.. Plum Island Disease, oh I mean lyme disease is a multi-bug stew of some of the finest nasty organisms money can buy. Ones that take great pride in waging war on mankind. You gotta love em 'because they are sooo good at what they do, they are a billionth of our size and they are beating us!.

Hhhhmmm, not for long! if you do find you got a lyme infection you will quickly learn what a battle is all about! so let's start kicking their little behinds!.

First off, you need good information. a hallmark signature is denial. We know nothing. Your disease does not exist. Go home and take your psyche meds. Just a few short years ago doctors were telling us there is no such disease as lyme disease. hmmm, they said that with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome too. Seems they are saying it right now with morgellons..

Well, regardless of all else now the task comes of stopping the bugs in this bug stew. Each one of the various organisms must be addressed. Leave one out, forget to treat it and you wont be cured..

The best total treatment programs are all off shore. therefore pack your toothbrush in a bsl-4 toothbrush holder since its hazardous and go to mexico for a health treatment vacation. The treatment of choice is called extra corporal blood oxgenation and ozonation eboo for short. This highly advanced state of the art medical technique does not exist for Americans since our medical freedom is rapidly dwindling away..

Other forms of ozone therapy that are less powerful and less effective can be commonly found but not eboo..

What is eboo? It is like this, think of a kidney dialysis machine with a twist, one that draws blood out of the body, runs it through filters then sterilizes the blood by filling it with oxygen in a highly germ killing form called ozone. No virus ever found can withstand blood ozonation. It fries even the most aggressive of virus or cancer cells in seconds. Many who have a serious disease like hiv, ebola, cancer, lyme have recovered in less than 2 months..

As for lyme treatment, regular physicans are less than useless. chronic lyme? we never heard of it. it says here lyme only takes two weeks of antibiotic then if you think yourself not cured it must be your imagination.. Yeah right, lyme is a lifelong disease unless you learn how to defeat it..

To attack a lyme infection, you gotta do everything right or the bug is gonna win. You got to follow an anticancer / antiviral diet. you got to use blood sterilization techniques such as eboo or if it is not available other blood ozonation techniques or uvbi. ultraviolet blood irradiation works quickly to destroy harmful microorganisms in the blood that your immune system cant get rid of..

You got to eat tons of coconut oil as it is antifungal and antiviral and spread it on your skin as it absorbs through the skin. Certain types of virus like hep-c and hiv are lipid envelope virus. Medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil act like detergent on them weakening their cell wall..

Now, the same bug that causes innumerable problems, mycoplasma fermentans, is found front and center along with his little buddies in lyme. I post frequently about mr "mike o plasma" as he is a very accomplished microorganism. Je should be in the germ hall of fame for having created the most weird symptoms from the same organism. You can go to a doctor and he says you have ten different diseases when really you have one bug with many symptoms..

The way to give mr mike o plasma an eviction notice is with doxycycline like dr garth nicholson mentions taking, plus serrapeptase a systemic enzyme that attacks a wide range of pathogenic organisms found in the blood..

Serrapeptase eats biofilm. Lyme disease hides in biofilm. Without serrapeptase you will never be free from lyme or anything else as biofilm will act as a reservoir for the germs to hide from the immune system..

When germs are attacked they run and hide in their little biofilm fortress. There they are 1000 fold more antibiotic resistant. Doctors who foolishly throw antibiotics at a biofilm ridden patient waste their time. The biofilm dwelling germs just wait for their opportunity to attack another day..

A really cheap thing that helps tremendously for lyme is mms chlorine dioxide.aNd mms-2 look both of them up.

Mms-2 creates a different chemical hypochlorus acid which is one of the most lethal germ killers known to science. The immune system is able to make a wide variety of germ killing chemicals to defeat various types of microbial threat.

Hypochlorus acid is one of the most potent if not thee most potent germ fighter known. you probably have heard of swimming pool shock right? well believe it or not the immune system knows how to make the same chemical. Thats right your body knows how to make a microscopic amount of hypochlorus acid aka swimming pool shock. hows that for shocking?

See jim humble for details mms-2.

This stuff only costs about 30 bucks but it is worth about 30 million if you are suffering from lyme etc.

Another thing so new you won't find much info on it is gallium nitrate. this stuff will soon be your best friend since it is able to stop mycoplasma and a huge number of pathogenic nasty beasties associated with lyme.. I consider it as absolutely essential in lyme treatment.

The mycoplasma element in lyme can also be attacked by blood electrification one of the cheapest yet very strong methods for lyme treatment. The vast majority of lyme sufferers discover blood electrification only after long years of misery from other lymies. This treatment is hot! it works.and you need to become an expert with blood electrification devices.

Do not expect a cure by chemical means alone, blood electrification is an essential part of a total treatment program and doctors will never tell you about it..

In a nut shell here is the gig. Virus and other vicious beasties found in a lymies blood do not like to be electrified.

It gives them an attitude adjustment in a hurry!

Viruses depend on surface proteins to develop adhesion molecules by which to attach to a cell they wish to infect. When their protein coating is disrupted by electrification or by attack with systemic enzymes like serrapeptase they become unable to infect cells thus they die out and you get your life back.

This principle works with many other virus types such as hiv or hep-c and cancer cells.

Now both methods are very much needed enzymes plus blood electrification for best results.

Enzymes are expensive but blood electrifiers like a bob beck unit etc are a one time investment so it ends up being the cheapest option where chronic disease is concerned.

The spirochetes in lyme don't like enzymes chewing away at them and they dont like a too salty environment. some people have killed off the parasites with almost dangerously high amounts of salt plus vitamin c but its not without risk. salt is hard on your kidneys.but lyme is even harder.

Education will set you free, study and regain your health..

Hope this helps. See ya

Ps cancer tutor has good info on lyme disease.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Thinblueline (Arizona, US) on 09/08/2014

Please do not criticize other's posts when you yourself do not have all of the correct facts. You absolutely can have Lyme Disease your entire life and "not be dead". I know because I am one of those people and I am 47 years old. I went through many periods of experiencing different symptoms. I have experienced periods of being couch- or bed-bound and was unable to read a page of book, and then I have experienced periods being able to semi-function and read with no problem. It has been a roller coaster ride and continues to be. Some Lyme patients are in a wheelchair or bed 24/7, some are up and about. It's a very individualized experience. There is already enough stigma attached to having Lyme and people not believing you are as ill as you are if you are a semi-functioning person. You stating what you did only perpetuates the myth that you have to "look" sick and "act" sick (i.e. be bedridden) to actually "be" sick. We Lymies are fighting that stigma every single day.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California) on 09/03/2017 2165 posts

Hi Dave,

I get what you are saying and I don't think that Darvish has the silver facts 100% correct, but I thought the article had enough merit to make it worth posting since Lyme Disease is a serious and complex illness with very severe symptoms and if silver turns out to be helpful against Lyme, then definitely worth the effort. You said the chemistry mentioned in the newsletter was unclear and I would say that pretty much mirrors what is typically found around the web on many silver sites because frankly, the science is not completely known yet about different silver products. You have previously touched on the fact that IS and CS can be confusing because everyone seems to have their own opinions on that subject and again I would say this is reflective of the fact that the science on silver is not completely known yet and as such, we are left to piece together what is known on the subject and draw our own conclusions based on the studies that are available.

Regarding colloidal silver and silver nanoparticles, it is my understanding that all silver nanoparticles are colloidal silver, but not all colloidal silver is silver nanoparticles. The reason being that once the particle size exceeds 100 nm, it is no longer nanoparticles but it is still colloidal silver. This size range has shown itself to be much less effective at killing pathogens than silver nanoparticles. From studies that are available, it appears that a particle size in the 12 to 20 nm range are the most effective at killing pathogens while being the least toxic to human cells. Colloidal silver in this size range and a parts per million value of 20 will appear as a yellow color similar to Johnson's baby shampoo. As the ppm rises the color will darken significantly. Over 100 ppm and the CS will start to turn brown while over 300 ppm and the CS will appear as the color of dark coffee. If the colloidal silver is capped, the capping agent can affect the color, sometimes darkening the CS and depending on what capping agent is used, can potentially improve the zeta potential of the silver particles as well as slightly reduce the particle size and reduce the potential for agglomeration, so capping is very useful and is often used in colloidal silver studies.

This article did not really discuss ionic silver (AG+) in any detail, but rather talked about silver nanoparticles (AGNP's) and colloidal silver (CS). Ionic silver has a positive charge and is attracted to normal human cells which have a negative charge whereas Agnp's are not attracted to normal cells. Ionic silver is much smaller than CS and it can enter cells. Opposites attract and likes repel each other. Here is another article which seems to explain the difference between ionic silver and colloidal silver better than I ever could. Obviously it will be part speculation as the available studies have not discovered all that there is to know about these two types of silver yet. Both are effective in terms of being able to kill a multitude of pathogens, but they are not the same. I hope this answers your questions, Dave.


Here is the article:

Ionic Vs. Metallic Colloidal Silver

Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014

The Controversy:

There is much debate about the superiority of one kind of colloidal silver over the other. Manufacturers that sell ionic (clear as water) silver say its better than metallic nanoparticles (clear yellow). Manufacturers of metallic silver similarly claim theirs is the best. In actuality, ionic is not colloidal silver at all, but a silver compound (silver oxide), but it does kill pathogens.

Laboratory testing in-vitro (in test tubes or petri dishes) shows that both types kill pathogens, with it requiring about twice as much silver (by ppm) for metallic, but ionic being 25 times more toxic to human fibroblast cells. However the actual method of action is not fully understood for either type. Also, in-vitro does not equate to in-vivo testing. The conditions inside the human body are totally different than in a test tube. For instance, human cell membranes are negatively charged, and attract the positively charged silver ions, but repel metallic silver particles. This would waste the ionic silver by binding it to any cell preventing it from attacking pathogens in the blood stream, while keeping metallic silver circulating.

Known Risk of Argyria:

One thing is clear though. Ionic silver is far more likely to cause argyria than the metallic. Every scientific study supports this assertion. The reason this is so is for the very same reason that makers of ionic claim it cannot.

Clear ionic silver is made by running current through silver wires in water. This can create one and only one thing: silver hydroxide which decomposes into silver oxide. When consumed, silver oxide further reacts chemically with stomach acid producing silver chloride. This silver, being ionic is the smallest possible size particle. It is the size of one single atom of silver, and it is small enough to penetrate human cells. People who say this is the safest claim that because of its small size, it cannot get stuck in the cells. However, the error in that argument is that it does not stay ionic. Once inside the cell, it will react with sulfur or selenium in the cell and produce silver sulfide, or silver selenide. These compounds are not soluble, and stick to the inside of the cell. This is well known from biopsies of argyria victims done with a scanning electron microscope which show that the discoloration is precipitated insoluble silver selenide and silver sulfide which is now trapped in the cell. So the fallacy of the claim is that ions do not remain ions, they precipitate out of the cellular fluid and they tend to grow in size as more silver is absorbed by the cell.

Metallic silver particles, having similar surface charge to normal healthy cells, are not attracted to the the outside of the cell membrane, and are too large to enter cells, being about 45 times larger than a silver ion; so the chances of turning blue from it are much much lower. Cell membranes are meant to transport needed ions into the cell, and keep large particles out. The negatively charged outer surface of cell membraness capture ionic silver because of the electrostatic attraction between the positively charged silver ion, and the negatively charged cell membrane. There is no electrostatic attraction between metallic silver nanoparticles and cell membranes.

It is well documented in laboratory tests that the size of metal particles is important in their ability to inhibit pathogen cultures. This relation is due to the number of available particles for a given weight of silver as will be shown later in this article.

One thing which should be obvious about the efficacy of silver particles is that they have to have contact with the pathogen to kill it. A silver particle in one part of the body is not going to have any effect on a pathogen somewhere else. The actions an atom of anything can do is limited, and assuming no nuclear reactions:

A) It cannot summon a pathogen, or in any way attract it to itself except at atomic distances, or be attracted to a pathogen from a greater distance. It must be close enough to exchange electrons. This implies random encounters, so more particles gives a higher chance of a pathogen and a silver particle encountering each other.

B) It can donate an electron to something else if its a neutral atom which would convert the metal atom to an ion.

C) It can take an electron from something else if its an ion which would convert the ion to an atom.

D) It can stick to something else by adsorption.

E) It can bang into something imparting force and momentum. This is an unlikely method of action.

That being the case, then one would expect ionic silver to win hands down over metallic since the same weight of ionic silver contains many more individual particles than silver nanoparticles do. However, this is not the case.

Physical Differences:

One huge difference between a silver nanoparticle and a silver ion is its effective charge (Zeta potential). A silver ion carries a positive charge because it is missing an electron. A silver metal nanoparticle appears negatively charged because of the outer surface electrons. This makes silver metal nanoparticles strongly attract to relatively positive charged pathogens, while silver ions attract to negative charged healthy human cells.

A silver ion is one single atom, whereas a metal nanoparticle contains many atoms. The number of atoms in a nanoparticle can be estimated based on the packing ratio of spheres and the diameter of the particle. Think of filling a bucket with golf balls. Even though the bucket is full of golf balls, you can still pour an appreciable amount of water into the bucket. The volume of the golf balls related to the volume of the bucket is the packing ratio.

The diameter of a single silver ion is 0.33 nm (nanometers, or billionths of a meter) compared to a metal particle of 15 nm. The particle is about 45 times larger in diameter than the ion. The best possible packing ratio for small spheres packed into a larger volume is about 74%.

Therefor we can calculate the number of atoms in a 15nm diameter nanoparticle would then be (15 nm / .310 nm)^3 X .74 = 83,800 (approximate) and for a 14nm particle the number of atoms would be 68,160 approximately

So, a 20ppm ionic silver solution should contain 68,000 times more individual particles then yellow metallic colloidal silver for the same amount of silver by weight. (same ppm)

Since there are so many more ionic particles, one would expect the efficacy of ionic silver to be 68,000 times better. But its not! According to lab testing, ionic is only slightly better, and then only in certain circumstances. It in fact takes 68000 ionic particles to match the efficacy of a mere 29 15nm diameter particles.

So what could be possible explanations for this discrepancy?

Possible Causes for Metallic Silver to Outperform Ionic In Vivo:

A) Ionic silver has no effect at all on pathogens, and the effect that is seen is due to some amount of metallic nanoparticles present. There are plenty of agents in the human blood stream which can reduce silver ions to metal nanoparticles. Glucose for instance is very good for that purpose, and is found in the blood. The normal amount of glucose in the blood of a human is about 1 gram per liter. This is far more than enough to reduce all the ionic silver to metallic nanoparticles, although the reaction will be slow at body temperature and a large part of the silver ions may already be sequestered inside normal cells (cause of argyria). This does not contradict laboratory testing of ionic silver on bacteria as lab testing shows that the exudate from bacteria is also a reducing agent again pointing to silver particles as the active agent.

B) Ionic silver is only slightly effective, but the sheer number of particles makes up for it. (But why?, either it can kill a pathogen or it can't)

C) Metallic silver particles while less in numbers can kill multiple pathogens before being used up. This seems likely as there are many silver atoms on the surface of the particle available to interact with a pathogen. Removing one or deactivating one leaves many more.

D) Ionic silver is deactivated by reacting with selenium and sulfur compounds in the blood. This is known and is simple chemistry.

E) Chemically reducing something on or in a pathogen (Silver metal atom gives an electron) is more effective at killing it than oxidizing something (Silver ion taking an electron). It may also be that the sheer size of a metal silver particle is able to block a respiratory pathway of the pathogen, or may block a surface receptor site. It has been shown that metallic silver will bind to the receptor sites of the HIV virus blocking its ability to infect other cells.

F) Most of the silver ions are sequestered by being ingested by healthy cells and do not have the opportunity to kill any pathogens. Cell membranes attract and ingest metal ions needed to survive (sodium and potassium mostly), the majority of the silver ions will be captured by normal healthy cells and rendered useless in fighting pathogens traveling in the blood and lymph systems. This is very likely. Also, the chemistry of blood is a reducing agent for silver (high level of blood glucose), so ionic silver cannot long exist in a blood environment.

Particle Size Considerations:

Doubling the particle size decreases the particle count for the same weight of silver by a factor of 8, but increases the surface area of the individual particles by only a factor of four. So a doubling of particle size halves the effective surface area. Conversely, halving the particle size then doubles the total surface area. But the number of particles is also important, so thinking purely in terms of the surface area of an individual particle is not the best way to analyze the problem. Perhaps we should compare the total amount of exposed neutral atoms for each particle size

We can actually calculate how many atoms are in a particle, how many atoms would be on the surface, and how many would be available for interaction.

How many particles are there in 1 Liter of 20 ppm silver 14nm in diameter?

1 liter of 20ppm colloidal silver contains 20 mg of pure silver.
20 mg of pure silver is 1.87 X 10-4 moles
1 Mole of any element contains 6 X 1023 atoms
1.87 X 10-4 moles of silver is then 1.12 X 1020 atoms
The number of atoms in a 14nm sphere based on a .31nm radius of the atom, 74% packing ratio is 68,100
From this we can calculate the number of 14nm particles in the Liter as 1.64 X 1015

The numbers are based on an atomic bonding radius of .144 nm for a silver atom.

AgNp means silver nanoparticle.

Particle Size----- # Atoms------- % Surface Silver
10 nm AgNp 24.8K 13%
14 nm AgNp 68.1K 9.2%
20 nm AgNp 198.7K 6.5%

From the table, it can be seen that increasing particle sizes not only decreases the number of particles for a given amount of silver, but also decreases the number of exposed silver atoms. For instance just doubling the particle size from 10nm to 20nm decreases the number of particles by a factor of eight. Is it any wonder that smaller metallic particles work better? Many sources claim that smaller particles are more effective because they have more surface area. This is not logical if one particle can kill one pathogen as has been shown with photomicrographs. This author believes that the real reason is simply that smaller particles means that there are more of them for a given weight (ppm) of silver. More particles equals a higher chance that a silver particle will encounter a pathogen and kill it.


On a one to one basis of particle counts, metallic silver is far more efficient at killing pathogens than ionic silver with much less risk of causing Argyria. Also, the particle size of metallic silver is very important in that it determines how many particles are available for killing pathogens. Based on the findings of scientific research, there is no benefit to consuming ionic silver, and it is actually detrimental as it exhibits significant toxicity to normal cells. Metallic silver (yellow colloidal silver) is effective against most bacteria

Posted by Delphin Zelphin (Miami, FL) on 09/30/2022

Hello. I follow a person named Danny on Dirt Road Discussions on Telegram. He used ivermectin to heal Lyme disease. He also drank lemon water and a couple of other things. His situation sounded very dire and was told that he was going to die. He is healthy now. He also has a website. Please take a look. Ivermectin is helping so many people with so many ailments. Danny has a list of the ailments that have cleared up following his protocol. I think Florida Gatorman also has an ivermectin protocol that his mother developed.

Bloodroot, L-Glutamine
Posted by Rita (Arizona, US) on 11/15/2014

I have had lyme disease since February 78 and I would not be able to get through the day if Ted had not recommended blood root. The makers suggest 10 drops four times per day and Ted suggests 10 drops three times a day but Ted says to make sure you take Vit, C and b complex to heal your insides as blood root is very potent. I follow Ted's advice and never had a problem with any kind of pain or up-set stomach. I use organic blood root from the net and I use black cherry L glutamine powder also from the net, one scoop per day on an empty stomach in the AM, first thing. It stops herxing and Gary Null says it kills lyme. They are the two things that I could not make it through one day without, the rest is for hormone production and to support my adrenals. Niacin or Niacinamide is for my brain and to protect me from Alzheimers as I quit smoking so I am not getting a lot of niacin as it is in the tobacco leaves. (Dr.Campbell Douglas) I changed my way of taking the organic blood root recently, instead of taking 10 drops in water three times a day, I now put five drops in anything I drink or eat. I put 5 drops in my tea in the morning along with cream and stevia, I put five in breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks. I know that sometimes I use more than 30 or even 40 drops but it makes me feel so good and so normal with normal energy. It will probably never cure me or kill all of the bacteria but it sure keeps it in check and it cannot take over my body and mind anymore and it takes the weakness away immediately for me. God bless Ted, he is our hero. I also found another piece of my puzzle with lyme and it is Pure Dhea caps. 25mg. three in the morning with the glutamine powder and another one about 5:00 PM to give me a lift throughout the evening, then a little DHEA (life flo) cream just before bed, about 1/2 inch not too much or it will keep me awake. I also use Pure Encapsolations pantethine 250 mg about three times a day with a b complex and 250 mg. niacinamide and an organic b complex so as not to cause an imbalance in the B's and protection for the blood root as Ted said to do. I also take 500 mg. Solgar buffered C. one Metagentics Licorice and a sustained release 250 mg. pantothenic acid, one biotin, one 500mg. Paba and two Jarrow K2 MK- 7 as it is a probiotic and it protects my teeth from cavities or gum problems, always on an empty stomach with water at least 1/2 or more before or after meals as it is a protein.(fermented soy) two 1300mg Natures Way Evening of primrose, 6 tri boron by Twinlab, one organic only cranberry capsules for viruses and it works wonders. The blood root kills the bacteria for me and the glutamine powder removes the dead cells so I don't herx and the C and b-complex protect me like Ted suggested and all the rest feeds my adrenals, like the licorice, B-5, pantething, DHEA caps and cream, and the EPO by Natures Way balances my hormones and raises testosterone levels. I also take an organic digestive aid after meals and the niacinamide takes away the joint and muscle pain as does the K-2 (MK-7) so I don't have to take OTC drugs. I also take two manganese asporotate to relieve the the pain in my spine caused by a car crash. I take one tryptophane and one metagenics magnesium glyconate to help me to sleep and one India organic Holy Basil and then I read a good book to clear my mind. I keep cool while in bed as it helps me to stay asleep with a white noise and fan running. It is so difficult to sleep with this lyme bacteria and I always take a shower before bed because I cannot sleep otherwise. Oatmeal make me sleep and especially if it has Manuka honey or any kind of organic honey in it. Honey in decaffeinated tea or organic cocoa also puts me to sleep. It was on yahoo today. Ten things that put you to sleep. I do not know how people eat oatmeal for breakfast unless it is a small amount and they drink coffee with caffeine in it or a huge breakfast to absorb some of the oatmeal. Oatmeal with honey is like a drug to me and knocks me out like a light. Daytime showers make me sleepy. This may seem like a lot to take in but it is "drop in the bucket" for seasoned, lymies. I also purchased a case of the Herb Pharm blood root, just in case they decide to take it off the market. I eat organic, grass fed and range free also fresh sea food and drink "pink water". That is a glass of purified water with an oz. of ORGANIC cranberry juice. I don't touch veggies or fruit unless they are organic. Check the "dirty dozen list" for veggies and fruit, way too many chemicals for me. I only use stevia during the day for a sweetener and never honey. Honey is for night time and sleeping for me. Because I only drink filtered water I also take liquid mineral and trace mineral drops to replace the minerals lost in the filtering of the water. Important for the neurons as we need that spark we get from the minerals and trace minerals.

I hope this post helps someone else as it helps me.

Best wishes and take care.

Oil Pulling
Posted by Matthew (Millbrook, Ny) on 01/06/2011

First off, you'll have to forgive me for sounding too excited about the sea salt remedy that I have posted earlier. Yes, it made a great difference, but not until I began oil pulling did I notice roughly 99% of my Lyme symptoms actually "vanish. " I suppose that I didn't notice that I still had symptoms until after oil pulling, when I noticed many of the classic Lyme symptoms greatly subside.

I started oil pulling with extra virgin olive oil about two months ago. I did it for only five minutes, once or twice per day, so as to have the least prominent Herxheimer reaction. I immediately felt what I perceived to be a "mood lift, " and I noticed that I was beginning to think more clearly. My chronic headaches also got less and less noticeable. As I continued the therapy, I regained much strength that I thought I would never have again. There are many other benefits that I could write here, but I'll try to stick with just the Lyme details.

I found a bottle of extra virgin sunflower oil, so what I began doing was using both the sunflower and olive oils at the same time; a small spoonful of each to pull with at once. I noticed "strong" detox symptoms with the sunflower oil added, however nothing serious enough to deter me from continuing. At this point I was pulling up to 20 minutes, twice per day. I noticed my body getting continually stronger and healthier, and Lyme Disease began to seem like a distant memory.

As I write this, I feel as if my body is about 99% of what it was before contracting the disease two years ago. It feels like my brain power has practically increased ten fold, no joke! I am still astounded by the results I am experiencing. I continue Oil Pulling daily, now with only sunflower oil (olive oil stained my teeth a bit), and I also remain on a diet "high" in Himalayan salt. I also take a Lithium Orotate supplement once per day, as it is said to protect the brain from neurotoxins.

I would also like to add that my Lyme came days after sexual contact with someone whom I now suspect showed all of the classic symptoms. Another gentleman who had contact with this person also contracted Lyme after a few of these "experiences. " Laboratory tests have proven that live Lyme spirochetes are present in vaginal/seminal fluids of the infected persons. If a tiny little tick is enough to transmit this disease, then can unprotected sexual activity do it as well?

Many people here are upset with, and/or angry at the "professional" medical establishment in this country. I am not afraid to claim that many a conspiracy exist, and that you should never underestimate the extent that a person can become corrupted by money and/or power. REMEMBER, we are all only human. We all make mistakes. How many of us have ever lied? Whom of us have conspired against another? Has money ever been a top priority for you, while more important issues were at hand? I personally forgive all of those lost souls who continue their attempt to weaken and keep us down. They likely just don't know any better, and if they do, I have faith that they will fall. HARD.

Dr. Masaru Emoto has pretty much proven that human consciousness directly influences the structure of water. I HIGHLY recommend researching his work. DO NOT let your thoughts destroy you, nor others!

For now, I practice celibacy, continual unconditional respect for all, abstain from all drugs (including caffeine), with the exception of red wine, take lithium orotate, use good amounts of raw salts, and Oil Pull daily. Thank you Earth Clinic, and everyone who has worked to benefit the good of the human race.

I don't expect anyone to believe what I have written here. Question everything that I have claimed! A former Harvard professor, who once lived here in Millbrook, said....... THINK FOR YOURSELF.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Julia (Massachusetts) on 11/03/2013

Not everyone with lyme or born with it would be dead already! I have had it 20 plus years there are over 30 strains and each case varies. Please do not instill fear in others with such a general statement. I live on Cape Cod and most of us have some form or the antibioties! They are so many factors that must be considered diet enviorment and emotional toxins lifestlye etc

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Art (California ) on 09/01/2017 2165 posts

I recently read an interesting article written by a naturopath discussing "silver nanoparticles" as opposed to "colloidal silver" and its effects on Lyme Disease (LD).

One major problem that people who have LD run into is not being diagnosed promptly and correctly which gives the disease a chance to take hold and create a multitude of other health issues such as biofilms that protect the pathogen ('s) from attack by the immune system. Also, many co-infections are known to develop right along with the LD, further infecting the body and complicating the treatment process leading to a state of chronic infection that can go beyond the capabilities of antibiotics alone.

In this article the author/naturopath talks about the known effects of silver nanoparticles (SNP's) and how well they align with being anti-LD in nature. Also discussed is the safety of SNP's. What is not discussed in this article is the known fact that some antibiotics have synergy with SNP's and in some cases, SNP's have shown the ability to ameliorate resistance to certain antibiotics, essentially recycling the effectiveness of the antibiotic for the patient.

The longer a person goes undiagnosed with Lyme Disease, the greater the chance to develop a co-infection which will only make the disease harder to treat. Part of the problem with diagnosing LD is that the symptoms can be very similar to other diseases such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Arthritis to name just a few. Often times people think they have the flu because the initial symptoms can be quite similar to the flu and so people wait until "the flu" passes, allowing the disease to "dig in" further and create even more difficult symptoms. Compounding this problem is the fact that many people test negative for LD even though they are actually positive. There are two labs that I have heard of that are noted for doing more accurate testing. If you think you have been bitten by a tick and subsequently develop the telltale "bullseye rash, that is plenty of warning that you need to take immediate action to confirm a diagnosis.

In any case this is an enlightening article that is definitely worth the read.......especially if you happen to live in an area affected by LD. As you can see by the following map, LD is most prevalent in the Northeast United States, but a closer look at the map shows that it can appear almost anywhere in the US and is also seen in many other parts of the world. Tics are the most common way that LD is spread.

Here is a link to the article:


Hulda Clark Zapper
Posted by Keeponthesunnyside (Cookeville, Tn) on 04/29/2017

Lyme can be cured, and the earlier you do so, the better.

The summer before last, my wife found a tick that had been attached to her for some time. then she got the classic bullseye rash of Lyme disease. She became extremely sick, lots of pain all over. She went from her normal high intelligence and being very articulate to being in a fog, unable to think, to remember, to finish a sentence she started.

Being extremely worried, I began searching online. I found where some actress I'd never heard of (not being up on current popular culture) who lived near Lyme, Connecticut, caught Lyme disease. Having had it for about a year and a half, she was in terrible shape. The standard antibiotic treatment had not worked for her. Reluctantly, she allowed a friend to drag her to a chiropractor's office, where she was treated with a Hulda Clark zapper.

Now, we have owned and used one for many years, and it has worked to rid us of various bugs that were going around. In those cases we did the normal protocol. You hold a copper handle with a damp tissue wrapped around it, 1 in each hand (or stick 1 down each sock, to leave your hands free), and connect the 9 volt battery to the zapper. For 7 minutes it runs a very weak DC current through you, which you likely will not feel, or maybe very slightly. Pause 20 minutes, zap again 7 minutes, pause 20 minutes, zap a third time 7 minutes. You are done.

For Lyme the chiropractor had this actress zap for 7 minutes every 20 minutes for 4 hours straight. She felt no different. The next morning she felt great! She was told to come back in 10 days and repeat the above treatment. She did and has been fine ever since. Out of 16 friends she had do this later, the only one who failed to get well had had Lyme for over 10 years, and had too much irreversible damage, alas.

I sat my wife down and timed the treatment for her. Next day she felt fine. Repeated 10 days later. She has been fine ever since.

You can buy zappers online. Spend one or two hundred bucks if you want, but we use the $15 kind (it cost 10 originally! ) and it works great. Somebody bench-tested one of those, and it fit Hulda Clark's original parameters the best of all, anyway. Or look up the plans and make your own, if you have the skills. The first one we owned was made by a friend of a friend, and it's circuit board was set in a tupperware container!

Orange and Lemon Diet
Posted by Don (Southwest, Michigan, USA) on 10/01/2008

I want to thank everyone on this site for contributing and sharing your experiences. After about 10 years and two seperate misdiagnosed episodes of Lymes Disease, I have now been symptom free for almost 5 months. After many different antibiotics and antifungacides I finally said to hell with them all and here is what I did:

I spent about seven days eating nothing but whole mandarin oranges and whole lemons. The whole thing, including the skin, seeds, pulp and juice. I would cut them into little pieces and wash them down with very hot plain water. I also took about 5 grams of Vitamin C.

Don't ask me why, but something just told me to do it. After about 8 days I woke up and I knew that the lyme disease was over. I then went on a modified no sugar - no flour diet. I did eat some whole fruit and lots of organic soy nuts for carbs. I lost 45 lbs and no more blood pressure medicine.

I now eat just about anything I want but not much, if any factory/processed foods.

We are all individuals and this worked for me. If I had not found this site and then listened to my bodies voice, I might still be suffering.

Thank you, best wishes and peaceful life to all,

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Frannie (USA) on 02/28/2007

I found the website and you can read it. I think this is the one explaining what it was she was trying to tell me.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lucy (USA) on 07/07/2022

I live near the woods and have had many tick bites over the years. The site usually forms a large itchy knot that takes a few months to go away. I got a new tick bite last week and it began to form a knot in a few days, as usual, but this time I applied turpentine topically and it began to recede and did not itch again. You can barely see where the bite was now.

Think long and hard before taking any antibiotics, as they can wreck your gut, as well as cause other health problems, not to mention what antibiotics do to your immunity.

You might even consider taking pure gum spirits of turpentine for your other health issue.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bret (Midwest) on 12/17/2019

Lyme Disease:

I've been researching this crazy illness for years and through the hard work of others have uncovered some truths about this disease which almost put me in a wheelchair.

First, killing the adult spirochetes in blood stream is easy but they have found that immediately when stressed these parasites either morph into dormant spheres and are covered in biofilm made up of polysacharides and protein. These spheres are hard to kill and antibiotics are mildly helpful to these persisters. Pulse dosing is better than steady dosing. Combination antibiotics are better than single bullet.

They found that .05 percent clove, cinniamon, oregano oils are better than antibiotics, Selenium and sulfur are helpful upon biofilm too. Some people do enzymes like serapeptase or EDTA . However, the other part to this equation is the fact that these spirochetes actually infest and hide in your red blood cells. Attaching microscopic evidence that is shocking but helpful. I am in remission now and my blood samples have zero spirochetes. I used a the only patented Lyme treatment in the world. It is ionized copper. To watch this copper do its thing is amazing to watch.


Sea Salt
Posted by Susan (Portsmouth, Nh) on 08/11/2012

Jeff... Sorry I did not immediately respond to you. I have been feeling so much better and am getting back to a very normal, busy and wonderfully pain free life.

Yes, Salt/C was THE thing that turned the tide, and I continued to improve each time I used it, which was probably for about a year and a half. I was religiously consistent with it for about a year, but felt the results immediately. In my research, I read that the bacteria NEVER develop a tolerance to it, and that the salt can break through the biofilm and cysts. I would say from experience with both salt and antibiotics that it is true. But the beauty of the Salt/C protocol is you have total control as to the doses and length of treatment pulses, which can vary depending on what the Lyme is doing and how much Herx you are willing to tolerate. Ramp it up slowly. My Lyme would get worse in the Spring and Fall. Sometimes I would push the protocol to the max at those times, sometimes not. With antibiotics, I generally had to suffer through the entire four to six week dose to get any results.

I also had great luck with Lugol's iodine, which I would use in between or with the Salt/C protocol near the end of that year and a half. Check out a website called the Iodine Project. My dentist told me about it. (I went to this guy who is in Skowhegan ME for safe mercury removal - also check out a website called Smoking Teeth. ) I got my hands on a reprinted book from the thirties or forties about Iodine written by a doctor. He had compelling thoughts, if you really understand Lyme and read between the lines, that iodine prevents mucopolysaccharide formation, which is the biofilm, basically. And of course, it kills everything - fungus, protozoan, bacteria etc. I only use the salt once in a while now, just to be sure, and I keep iodine as a regular pulsed supplement.

Please keep me posted if you try the salt/C and if you have luck with it. I used the Himalayan Salt but Portsmouth Health Food Store has 'Real Salt' in bulk for really short money. It is also unprocessed.

Good Luck in your quest for answers.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Thinblueline (Arizona, US) on 09/08/2014

BTW, as far as testing goes, you are off on that one as well. The longer someone has had Lyme, the more likely they are to get a negative result, even on an Igenix WB. A dx is subjective and an LLMD will not only base it on labs but on symptoms and complete health history. That is another stigma we Lymies have to battle against constantly -- People believing a negative WB or other Lyme lab test meaning we are not really sick! Please do not continue to perpetuate these myths!!!! Yes, Lyme does need to be taken seriously, and so does educating with actual facts and not your own propaganda!!!

Sea Salt
Posted by Susan (Portsmouth, Nh) on 09/21/2011

Hello I also felt immediately worse after my first dose of salt/C. I had to stop after a few days because the Herx got so intense. Interestingly, after the Herx cleared I felt much better, better than before I tried the salt/C. Each time I did it, the same thing happened, and I felt better each time the Herx cleared. This was the therapy that finally got me out of the Lyme nightmare. I started doing this after two and a half years of misery and trying everthing under the sun, including lots of antibiotics. I think it is a given that when you are killing off the bacteria, you are releasing loads of neurotoxins from the die-off all at once. The trick is to chelate the toxins as you kill them off. I used cilantro with chlorella, which helped tremendously. Also activated charcoal and zeolite. Keep the faith. Do it in small doses in short bursts. Good luck.

Sea Salt
Posted by Susan (Portsmouth, Nh) on 08/31/2012

To Lisa from Maple Grove MN Regarding your question about Iodoral vs Lugol's - I know that Lugol's has a mix of both elemental iodine (5%) and potassium iodide (10 %) that (I would assume) is a good mix for the human body. I checked the website for Iodoral and noticed that it has a similar mix. Evidently the thyroid prefers the iodide and other body sites, like the breasts and ovaries, prefer the iodine. Go to 'The Iodine Project' on your computer and there is a wealth of very good information based on the work of Dr. Abraham.

I feel for you being in the throes of Lyme. But you WILL conquer it with a few simple but proven therapies. The life cycle of the organism is so long that it can take a while to get back to normal if it's been in your body for a while. I read somewhere (I think it was Bryan Rosner's book 'The Top Ten Treatments for Lyme') that if you take an antibiotic for, say, strep throat for ten days, you have hit the life cycle of that bacteria almost 500 times and that with Lyme, it would take something like 5 years to hit the life cycle that many times.

I also rotated the salt with TAO free Cat's Claw called Samento). In the early years, I had tried the regular Cat's Claw at the health food store with little success. I decided to spring for the $30 dollars once with a company called Nutramedix. Wow. What a die off reaction!! I stuck with Salt because it is so inexpensive and Lyme almost bankrupt me. But I wish I had learned about what really worked early on. Anyway - Samento could be one more thing to keep in mind if you want to rotate your treatments.

You say you were diagnosed a month ago. How long do you think you have had it? I was hit pretty hard. And the intense pain and exhaustion just seemed to go on and on and on. I should be embarassed to admit this publicly, but there was a point where I was seriously suicidal. I thought I would never get rid of it and it would just torture me for the rest of my life. Some, if not most, websites I read were basically saying you will never get rid of it. I totally disagree. I intend to be vigilant for many years to come, if not the rest of my life. But I think you need to understand what you are dealing with and be tenacious and as optimistic as possible. Patience is key. Every Herx you endure means you are killing off the little b####s by the thousands if not hundreds of thousands. The fact that it is a biofilm is key, as well as the fact that it is intracellular and cyst.

You may also want to check out a product called Wobenzym. You can get it the least expensive at but it is an investment. It is a protein digesting enzyme that digests the biofilm and cyst, which will increase the effectiveness of any treatment plan you choose.

Don't ever lose sight of the fact you will will will conquer this disease.

Posted by Sm1lelady (Boyertown, Pa) on 12/05/2011

There is a post at ehealth my meema stating that using Borax as a shower soap and leaving it on 5 minutes helps with Lyme Disease. So you do not have to ingest it. Note that Borax is safe for humans in low doses but used in pesticides because it is very toxic to arthropods. It is also mentioned as a cure for arthritis--which I sometimes see mentioned as a symptom of lyme (joint pain).

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cindy M. (United States) on 04/21/2019

I've used a combination of 2 detox protocols to cure candida AND Lymes. YES!! it is curable.

I want to say at the outset, I believe it requires at least a commitment of a year for this reason. Candida leaves spores in the body that bloom at change of season. So while you may be feeling great after 3 months, pesky little spores may bloom, and you are revisited by the symptoms that you had just seen leave. Anything fungal will include parasites. And parasites leave eggs and larvae. They burrow and hide. For those reasons, I wanted to do a year minimum. And I will do a refresher once or twice annually for the remainder of my time here. 🙂

The first detox was a change of food which can become a lifestyle change if you wish. Or once finished you can return to a menu with more variety. The most important thing is to avoid ALL processed foods, and all non-organic food, all GMO food, and all pasteurized foods.

(Pasteurized foods are those that can be rich in probiotics building a strong healthy microbiome, if only they weren't literally “cooked to death”. Pasteurization heats the food to 165 degrees or above to kill off any bad bacteria–AND all the good (probiotic) bacteria! Before pasteurization, wine and cheese were full of probiotics. That helps the pounds from packing on! Make your own (once you're all healed), and enjoy these foods guilt-free.

By the way, do not use probiotic supplements. There are thousands of strains of probiotics, and in the very best probiotic supplements, which by the way are PROCESSED, have at most only a dozen strains, and have been found to be of very little help. Dr. Mercola did a study on homemade sauerkraut (EASY) vs. the best of all probiotic supplements.

The results? One spoonful of homemade sauerkraut gives you more probiotics than an entire bottle of probiotic supplements.

Meat can be ok if it is pasture-fed, given no antibiotics or growth hormones. It's more expensive than standard meat, but not as expensive as hospital bills to treat illnesses that rob you of your health and life. Interestingly, if you haven't learned yet, antibiotics are a huge problem and given out far too often (to humans), creating these fungal/candida/Lymes problems. Even worse, 80% of all antibiotics produced in America are given to our animals that are raised for food. You may be avoiding antibiotics, but if you buy standard meat or milk, you're getting more there than if you took a dose yourself!

Two natural antibiotics are: 1) Colloidal silver, and 2) a combination of 3 essential oils: (Put into an empty capsule, 5 drops On-Guard, 5 drops Mellaleuca (Tea Tree Oil), and 3 drops of Oregano). Take up to 4 times daily.

The opposite of Pasteurized is RAW. Make sure you read labels before buying anything. Even health foods like RAW Kombucha are being developed differently than if you made it at home. And many supplements are the worst offenders. Look at “other ingredients”. If you don't recognize the long words you're reading, do you really want to put it in your body?! Companies get away with a lot using “natural flavors”, which may or may not be anything close to natural.

The food detox was created by a doctor in the 1940's and 1950's, primarily first for tubuerculosis (skin, lung, etc), and then shifted focus to cancer and any other chronic illness. When you heal, you heal everything.

Nice side note: Within the first several weeks or couple of months all of the bumps on the back of my arms went away. Sleep, which had not been good, became AMAZING. And any calloused/crusty spots on the bottom of my feet went away on their own. I had NO idea all of these things were due to toxins in my body.

This particular detox is not a brand, so I think I can mention the name. It's just a book or a documentary that teaches you EXACTLY how to eat for 2 years. You buy or grow your own food. It's the Gerson Therapy and involves juicing, coffee enemas, eating oatmeal, and fruits and vegetables (as much as you want–seriously I was never hungry and extra weight fell off easily).

It detoxes every organ of your body. You follow it for 18 months to 2 years–which is the length of time required to completely regenerate the liver, one of our most major detox organs– if you're reversing/curing cancer or a chronic illness. When you do the detox, it does become a lifestyle, although when you've completed it, you will likely add in other healthy, non-toxic foods (organic, non-GMO, non-processed and not pasteurized) and continue a couple of weeks of detox annually, the rest of your life. You really can't get sick eating this way, don't feel deprived, and really feel great.

*NOTE: Since I had severe systemic candida, as well as Lymes, I couldn't handle the homemade (delicious–not gross like what you buy at the store) carrot juice. I stuck with green juice only and couldn't even tolerate fruit. Within 6 months, I was able to eat fruit! And that's with a very severe case of these. I had been bedridden for 10 years.


Because we fight so many more toxins today, I added a fungal (candida, lymes, mold, morgellons, bacteria, virus, etc) component to my life that is so simple. Many companies are now producing supplements from the Mimosa Pudica plant. Anytime you have anything fungal in your body (if you've ever taken antibiotic, birth control pills or steroids–top 3 causes of disruption of our intestinal flora–or if you have chronic symptoms or illnesses–allergies, cancer, skin conditions, ALS, IC, IBS, MS, fibromyalgia, chronic infections or colds, etc), parasites accompany, which is a good thing.

They “carry” the highly toxic fungal material so that you're able to detox without off-the-chart die-off. I've had systemic candida for 20+ years, and had never found a cure. (MP is part of the cure. Heavy metals, including any in your teeth, must also be removed.) Also it's great to know that these fungal issues are one of the most common root causes of any chronic illness.

The seed of the MP plant is the first step of the cleanse. The cleanse cures all things fungal, and in my body, for 8 months, I unloaded parasites non-stop 2-4 cups (up to 1 litre) daily. I had no idea I had any parasites. But the parasites sop up all the fungal stuff out of your small intestines (and the rest of your body, and all your organs), and eliminate them via the colon.

The MP seed gets gelotinous when wet, and grabs and adheres to anything in the small and large intestines and drags them out. Since the parasites and its contents aren't killed, there is little to no die-off. (Candida alone has 90 different mycotoxins). It had felt like I could get die-off just thinking about a cleanse. Ha! Was amazed when I was able to use this MP supplement (which many companies are making) and never have one drop of die-off. I did use coffee enemas as I was accustomed to them, but don't know if I needed them.

I was fortunate to find a company that produced an MP supplement that is very high quality. Organic, non-GMO, no excipients or fillers. (The founder of the company was a naturopathic doctor who himself struggled with Lymes for more than a decade.) They have a great protocol outlined, with other supporting supplements for those who need to clear their detox pathways, etc, and offer a free online Q&A session every week. I have learned so much. Search on Amazon or google to find any Mimosa Pudica supplement.

Lastly, I'd feel remiss if I didn't mention that there is no need (and in fact it is a waste of time and money) to be tested for candida, lymes, parasites, mold or anything else. These things can be in all areas of the body, and even a cultured stool test may not find parasites that reside in areas of the body that tests have no access to.

Also, most tests only look for a few of the thousands of parasites and pathogens exists. I passed every magazine or online candida test I took–looked like I was in perfect health. I was finally tested for candida 5 years ago, and while the blood test I took the very same week as the stool test I did, the blood test returned a negative result, but the stool test confirmed what I had suspected for 20 years–a very severe, systemic infection. Most lab tests will return false negatives.

Btw, everyone has yeast candida. It's part of a healthy microbiome. It's when the candida morphs from its healthy yeast form into its fungal form, that it becomes problematic.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Glen (Stoughton, Ma) on 06/22/2016

Let me just say that many of you have it wrong. Colloidal Silver *can* cause argyria, you just have to take massive amounts and probably for a long period of time to do it.
Does that mean it is unsafe? Well, water is unsafe if you drink 2 gallons a day. Do your research, buy your own colloidal silver maker (you'll spend that much eventually on the bottles if not), and be prudent. Don't take massive doses for long periods of time. Somewhere there is a chart that shows the amounts you can take for chronic conditions (and for how long) vs. the amount for daily maintenance. You're basically concerned with lifetime accumulation.
I own a silver generator, and after contracting Lyme recently was able to knock it down to nothing with one dose. I'll be taking big doses for a month or so, and normal amounts for probably the next several months after that.
Good luck...

Silver Nitrate and DMSO
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/24/2016

Dear ORH,

I think that the DMSO and silver sounds great for tick bites. I have found colloidal silver to be wonderful for tick borne diseases ( Colloidal Silver healed my dog of Ehrlichia when doxycycline did not.)

I had a deer tick on my leg for almost 24 hours. I thought it was a mosquito bite because it was itchy and I just wasn't paying attention. Then when I had on reading glasses, I could see that little tick. I put a drop of diluted oregano oil (25% that I keep in a bottle in my bathroom) on the tick. After a few minutes I removed the tick. The oregano oil also stopped the itching. I have no swelling at all today;I can hardly find the bite now. Usually I just use Apple Cider Vinegar on tick bites and take turmeric if the itch bothers me. I am going to experiment more with oregano oil for the tick bites. I just don't like the smell, but it will be worth it.

Timh mentions Echinacea, which I think Dave has also suggested for it in the past. I agree that this herb or a whole host of different immune supporting therapies (like high dose vitamin c) have much promise in dealing with and preventing Lyme.

Teasel root is also gaining a reputation for healing chronic lyme if it should come to that.

~Mama to Many~

Oregano Oil
Posted by Shutter (Toronto, Ontario) on 02/09/2013

Please find a Lyme literate doctor and go to see them right away to be put on antibiotics. When you have just contracted Lyme disease it is very easy to eradicate with antibiotics but if you leave it too long and mess around with natural treatments you could be dealing with a chronic debilitating disease - I know! I'm treating it naturally now because I have no choice, I did long-term antibiotics after 2 years of having Lyme but I have neuro-borrealisis and it is almost impossible to get rid of and now turned to natural treatments and I've had it for more than 5 years now. Please go to an LLMD and go on a short course of antibiotics and get well. Trust me - I'm normally against antibioitics but don't mess around with this.

Grapefruit Seed Extract, Oregano Oil
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 04/10/2016

HI YA'LL DOIN,,,,,,,,, late to this series, but watched one program and now convinced that owning this program is equivalent to having the cancer program we bought a few years ago.

So I bought the entire program. What got my attention is Lyme almost always infects the brain and the MD I watched got into this accidentally by treating kids with mental problems. He learned that almost all had one of the Lyme problems.

I was told that Plum Island, where the US developed all their germ warfare bugs, is just across the bay from Lyme, Conn. Imagine that? The facility has now been moved to Kansas. Can mark that state off as a place to live or visit.

As POGO, the possum said, " WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY, AND HE IS US".


Oil Pulling
Posted by Born Wright (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/13/2012

Oil Pulling is a very powerful treatment. I have found the very best oil for oil pulling is coconut oil. Swish it around your mouth, pull it between your teeth. It is right to start with a few minutes a day and then increase the time you pull. Make sure that you spit out the oil once your have finished pulling as it contains bacteria, viruses and bugs. God Bless all of you who are suffering.

Sea Salt
Posted by Mary (DE) on 07/02/2023


I just removed two ticks after visiting a farm, so was looking through my info about Lyme's disease, just in case. I had made notes about the time I got Lyme's disease about 10 years ago (bulls-eye rash, got it on Martha's Vineyard). I ordered a book from Amazon and used the protocol. It worked. I did also have two IV vitamin c treatments. It's called the Salt/C protocol.

The Homeopathic Remedy Ledum
Posted by Xavier (Owensboro, Kentucky) on 08/03/2012

Hi brian, Did you not read any of the comments on this thread that you posted on I. E. the comments about how natural cures DO work??? I guess you didn't bother, else you wouldn't have wrote such unsubstantiated rubbish.

So who are you - a doctor or a pharmceutical producer/supplier? Please don't prey on vulnerable people in the future!

Salt and Vitamin C
Posted by Susan (Rockville, MD) on 08/08/2008

Many people, including myself, have found relief from lyme by using MMS. I use it in conjunction with the salt/c protocol. You typically start with 1 drop of MMS mixed with vinegar, citric acid or lemon/lime juice. Let sit for 3 minutes and drink with water or any juice with no vit. c. You can go to for a detailed explanation and instructions.

Salt and Vitamin C
Posted by Don (Milwaukee, Wi) on 06/16/2013

Big Yea! The Salt/C Plus protocol cured me and my entire family of Lyme. I heard about it at the Lyme Strategies Yahoo discussion group. And I bought the salt/C Plus book by M Ftt at Amazon and just followed the directions and it worked. There's a chapter in there of a survey of over 150 people who also got better from Lyme.

Salt and Citric Acid
Posted by Craig (Felton, CA) on 12/18/2008

I did a modified version of this diet to help cure my lyme disease. 5 doctors misdiagnosed my condition and I suffered for 6 months. My medical student friend suggested I take a course of doxicycline. It took a month of daily treatment, but I was left with more energy and could now get out of bed in the morning. However It did not eliminate the flu-like symptoms I had everyday. I found the salt and Vitamin C cure for LD on the web, but didn't want to ingest all that salt. So I took 1000mg vitamin C with full VitB spectrum, 2 oz of dried wheatgrass powder, 350mg of milk thistle, and ate high salt foods instead of ingesting the salt and vitC together. It took almost two years to fully rid myself of LD, but if I knew of my approach before the illness I think I could have limited it to six months. Hope this helps. And people, keep your head up. Depression feeds lyme disease. You can get better!

Silver Nitrate and DMSO
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn) on 05/22/2016

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN,,,,,,,,, getting a tick or two every time I work at our farm. Had ticks all my life, but that was before our Defense Department let the Lyme disease loose at Plum Island. Now a tick bite makes me nervous.

Here are my thoughts.......... spray the site with Silver Nitrate followed by a DMSO spray. I think both of these will also kill the tick and hopefully the disease. I would like the smart folks on EC to respond to this. I can start confusion, just most times I can't finish the subject. SJS.


Posted by Shelby (Indiana, USA) on 07/11/2015

In June of this year I was bitten by a flea removing a dead rodent from the property. A month later (after bloodwork) I was diagnosed with Lymes Disease. The antibiotic they put me on required me to stop breastfeeding. It was traumatic and the medicine made me very ill. After 4 day and 6 pills later, I quit.

I decided to treat the Lymes as a parasite, rather than a bacteria. I used my zapper for four days until the medicine was out of my system, and went back to breastfeeding.

Heat has been my best friend ever since. Hot drinks, hot weather, hot spices, I am having great luck with cayenne, garlic and ginger. Am heading to the store now for coconut and almonds. Anything with heat, folks, will kill your Lyme parasites. I was at the point where my arms and legs no longer functioned, I couldn't hold my children and I couldn't form a cohesive sentence. Heat, heat, heat!!!

Acupuncture, Supplements, Dietary Changes
Posted by Robin (New York) on 11/12/2018

I had Lyme too. I did the antibiotics but they mess you up. I did years of them. The best thing is to find an ozone doctor to do direct ozone. Great way to destroy it all. It takes time but it can kill the infections. Make your own silver with Silver Edge machine or buy Argentine 25 great silver. Must take b12 methylcobolmin and b vitamins are important.

Pantothenic Acid and Pantethine
Posted by Llltdia (Florida, US) on 11/05/2014

I have had lyme since February 22,1978. I rescued a puppy from the pound and she had 25 ticks and one got into my leg and I didn't know it for about a month. I was crawling around the floor one day and happened to sit up and found it in my leg. Well, you know the rest of the nightmare, no point in going into it. Sometimes I would feel great and couldn't remember what new supplement I had taken and then it would go away and I would be flat on my back.

One of the best ones I used was Bloodroot which I got from Ted but I had to take it with a scoop of L Glutamine powder (black cherry) so I didn't herx. Last night I was googling as usual and I remembered Pantethine for the adrenals. I had taken Pantothenic Acid on and off for years and I also took Pantethine too. I searched out my bottles of Pantothenic Acid, and Pantethine and took 1000 mg. Pantothenic Acid and 600 Pantethine along with an organic b-complex and a vitamin C and felt quite good in about 20 minutes. I am sure I found the missing link because I started googling and found nothing substantial about lyme and Pantothenic Acid or Lyme and Pantethine and that tells me that the information is very, very hard to find.

I started to google the symptoms of Lyme and the symptoms of a Pantothenic Acid and a Pantethine deficiency. From what I learned Pantothenic Acid (b-5) is great for acne or skin rashes and Pantethine is good for all the symptoms of lyme disease.

I always felt like lyme felt like Addison's disease even back in 1978 and exhausted adrenals are a Pantothenic deficiency. So at times I was treating myself for adrenal insufficiency and feeling great but forgot what I was taking. I have enough supplements to have my own vitamin store and I don't use antibiotics for this scourge. I tried them in the beginning but it always came back so I gave up on conventional meds. a long time ago.

Pantethine is for infection, exhausted adrenals, brain fog, cognitive functioning, cysts, rashes, sleep problems, low testosterone, liver problems, weight gain, angry, angry, angry, depressed, anxious, exhaustion beyond anyone's wild imagination, crawling on the floor, crying, screaming, vomiting, nausea, candida or yeast infections etc. It sounded like lyme to me, at least my lyme that I have been fighting with and googling for remedies for thirty six years. Now I am using an expensive brand of Pantethine 300 mg, 3times a day along with Pantothenic Acid 500mg. once a day for the cysts.

I always take an Organic B-complex along with the Pantethine and the pantothenic Acid so as not to cause an imbalance of the b's and cause more problems after I am feeling so good and so normal. I also take a 500mg. C and all the others like E, A, DHEA Plus Cream, 2 manganese and one organic Cranberry capsule for viruses. Cranberry doesn't work for me if it isn't organic, it just won't work. I still use 10 drops if Organic Bloodroot and one scoop of L Glutamine and Evening of Primrose caps. 1300 mg. I take two of them per day, two K2's for infection and my teeth and sublingual b 12.

It is the Pantethine and the Pantothenic Acid that is making me feel the best and giving me energy. I put idiot notes all over the house so I won't forget it again and put it on an automatic delivery in case I do forget even with the idiot notes. I hope you will please, check this information out and you might like to give it a try as it really threw me over the top. I don't know how I am supposed to feel at 70 years old as I was just thirty four when I found that tick in my leg and changed my life forever, I thought. I feel like I am doing very, well for a seventy year old. I seem to be doing as well as other seventy year olds and better than some of them. I have now started to take notice of other older women to see how they walk and compare them to the way I walk and move. I don't know how else to figure this out.

So, now I wonder if the lyme bacteria simply depletes your body of all traces of Pantothenic Acid and if you have no Pantothenic Acid you cannot convert it into Pantethine. I managed to sleep eight hours last night and I am ready to go to bed and actually sleep again tonight. Now I know why I have always craved milk and ice cream. A glass of milk has 40 mg. of pantothenic acid. It used to state that on every milk carton but suddenly it disappeared about 25 years ago. Best wishes and please google and study this information and if you are just too sick to do that please try to get someone to do it for you. Ask them to make print outs for you and maybe a kind, soul will read them to you. Eat everything that has high Pantothenic Acid in it, too. If anyone told you that your illness was in your mind and this works for you as it did for me then you will then know what to tell them, in no uncertain terms because it is your turn. Take care.

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