Correct a Hormonal Imbalance Naturally!

| Modified on Aug 09, 2022
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joni (Grafton, ON) on 09/30/2006

I started taking ACV about 3 weeks ago after finding this awesome website. This month, I had a short, productive period minus cramps, bloating, lethargy and moodiness!!! Hallelujah!! Also no more mood swings during the rest of the month. Been quite happy, actually, no negative thoughts or despair at all. I attribute this with the ACV. Actually I just realized how calm I've been... but this may be also due to the honey I take with it. Also has been great for my skin!! And I feel like I digest my food better and have tons of energy. What a great website!! Thanks Earth Clinic!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Angie (Michigan) on 11/07/2018

Myself and my daughter has had a hormonal imbalance for years. After researching extensively I have found the perfect regimen that has worked MIRACLES for both myself and my daughter. We take 2 capsules of Solaray brand 400mg Vitex, Now brand Sage oil that I put into a 00 size empty gelatin capsule which is also Now brand. I put one drop of Sage oil and two drops of organic coconut oil into the capsule. 2 capsules of Ashwagandha herb. I use Banyan brand Ashwagandha bulk powder and as stated above, I make my own capsules using 00 size gelatin capsules. 2 capsules of Reishi mushroom powder. Again, I make my own capsules of this herb. I order the Reishi bulk powder from Real Mushrooms website. 2 capsules of Solaray brand 12 strain 20 billion cfu probiotics. And 2 to 4 capsules of Now brand EVE multivitamin.

This may sound like a lot but believe me it has worked a miracle for us. No more hot flashes, no more mood swings, no more extremely heavy bleeding, no more irregular bleeding, no more foul menstrual odors and no more fibroids. Please be aware that this regimen will cause fibroids to detach and be expelled through menstrual cycle, do not be alarmed, it is a normal process and will subside when the fibroids has all been expelled through 2 or 3 menstrual cycles. Again, this regimen has changed my life and I am so very grateful that I finally have some relief.

Posted by Eileen (Exton) on 10/24/2021

B6 helped me! I had a meningioma tumor in my pituitary area. High prolactin caused my period to stop so I had to take a medication to get my periods back. It worked but I found out this drug was very harmful and banned in Europe so I stopped taking it right away and did some research for natural cures. What I found was that B6 helps to lower prolactin. So I started taking that instead. I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I got my period back by simply taking B6! Hope it works for someone else with high prolactin levels and loss of period. To me it was a miracle.

Posted by Judy_aus (Australia) on 11/09/2014

Hi, I have read different things of Borax and how it effects hormones. (I started drinking 1/8 tsp in water for candida and it has helped improve it a fair bit within a week. Fabulous! )

On one site it states Borax stimulates the production of hormones, stabilises estrogen, assists with insulin use and blood glucose control, triglyceride use and production of reactive oxygen.

On another I found Boron affects the metabolism of steroid hormones, and especially of sex hormones. It increases low testosterone levels in men and oestrogen levels in menopausal women.

My question is will it affect my estrogen levels (I am 36 and trying for a baby). My hormones are pretty all over the place and I don't want them to get more confused.

Would you advise to take the Borax one day on and one day off throughout a week or rather five days in a row and a two day break.

Thank you - I greatly appreciate your time and effort to clarify questions and bring natural remedies to people. I have spent thousands in the last years on medications for thrush and candida. Borax has made a significant change in one week!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Amber (or) on 10/02/2021

Soy doesn't actually increase estrogen in the body in reality. That is a myth that has no basis in reality. Phytoestrogens (what is in soy) actually is beneficial to our hormonal systems, balances excess estrogens in the body, and prevents cancers/other issues associated with estrogen dominance. As a woman of the US, your breast cancer risk is 5x higher than a Japanese woman for good reason! Soy products are readily consumed there and very little dairy is consumed (lactating mother cows are flooded with ACTUAL ESTROGEN.) Whole food soy (tofu, soymilk, edamame, natto) is so amazing for us. The only one you should be avoiding is soy protein isolate but you really should be avoiding any processed foods as they're all toxic. If you want to reduce your risk of estrogen dominance related disease, eat organic non-gmo soy everyday and avoid all animal products.

Maca Root
Posted by Brandi (Fort Worth, Texas) on 07/18/2013

I would like to also recommend Maca Root for hormonal imbalance. I was amazed how quickly my energy came up and mood leveled out. I actually noticed positive results within days. Be sure to use the gelatinized version for easier absorption.

Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio, Usa) on 02/27/2010

I'm suffering from an extreme imbalance and I can tell you that detoxing your body can help balance out the hormones. The problem is that certain chemicals and foods act just like estrogen in the body causing an imbalance, too much estrogen, not enough progesterone. The liver becomes congested resulting in the estrogens/toxins recirculating instead of being eliminated in the waste. This includes toxins rubbed on the skin, eaten in the food, etc. and you have to clean up the liver to be able for the liver to excrete them. I started with 1/2 lemon twice a day, first thing in the morning and before bed. You also need to do other detox methods, including cleaning up your diet. You also need to add good bacteria to your body so that it can function better.

If you are having a hormonal imbalance, that includes eliminating meats that contain hormones because those are making it worse! Purchase organic or eat more vegan meals. You can find many cheap liver cleansing methods that just require stuff from the grocery store!

By the way, hormone therapy is just a bandaid approach, it does work for some, but eliminating the toxic burden on the liver is the best method. Hormone therapy only ADDS TO the toxic burden on the liver.

Posted by Jewels (Fullerton, CA) on 08/09/2022

I have a couple of questions about using borax for arthritis. I know it raises estradiol in women. I use natural progesterone, estriol, and estradiol creams. I have lessened the doses of estriol and estradiol since using the borax but worry it may still be raising estrogen too high. Maybe the progesterone helps offset that. I also wonder if taking borax without natural progesterone could raise the chance of getting breast cancer in women.

Maca Root
Posted by Sandy (Dallas, TX) on 01/28/2009

Greetings - my first post but I have been an avid fan of this site for a while :-) For hormone balancing, Maca (root) is a phenomenal way to go - I use the powder form in water (tastes meh - slightly nutty) but it's available also in liquid drops. I am perimenopausal and I was shocked that it stopped night sweats in its tracks! I had been dealing with that for a couple years, so it was amazing to not have to kick the covers off halfway through the night any more. YAY! It is better than progesterone to balance estrogen since it is a food and gentler in its approach. I am a fan!

Posted by Patti (Ewing, NJ) on 09/06/2008

A long time ago I read about a natural cure for hormonal mood swings, (PMS symptoms) and I read that if you have the type of PMS where you are cranky it works to take a Calcium/Magnesium supplement but the Magnesium amount has to be more than Calcium. There's a popular supplement available that has twice the magnesum to calcium ratio. It works so well that even my husband makes sure I always have it on hand/I take it ten days before, 3 times a day. As I get older I've started taking Vitex, and for some reason the (awful tasting) liquid works better than the capsules for me, and that has made a huge difference. I will say that I am now looking into supplements as I head into perimenopause, I am feeling very unhappy a lot of days which is very unlike me. In doing a lot more research (from books) I have been reading great things about Black Cohosh and am about to start taking that. No synthetic drugs for me, just natural cures and I would love to hear how other women have handled the depression (mild, but that's enough) and lethargy that I really want to get some help with. Hope I was able to help someone else!

Herb Achillea Millefolium
Posted by Violet (California) on 08/12/2020

I'd like to add a wonderful herb to the list of the menopause healing. The name is Achillea millefolium. Good for irregular menstruation for young and for menopause.

Good for oophoritis, but at this the patient has to make sitting bath. Same for fibroids.

And more of Achillea millefolium:

Lung bleeding, stomach ache, migraine, bloating, liver problems, inflamation of gut, inner unrest, and together with the Acorus calamus herb good for lung cancer.

Source: Maria Treben

Check Ingredients in Face Cream
Posted by Robert (Ca) on 09/26/2016

I just read some important info regards hormones from a woman RN, ND (licensed naturopath). She was having emotional, physical, problems. She suspected hormones & her lab tests showed off the scale results. She was not taking any hormone supplements or replacement therapy & found her face cream was suspect. She discontinued the face cream, waited 2-months & found relief. Her conclusion from research was that the FDA does not require any face cream manufacturers to list hormones in their products & the suppliers are not required to reveal other non-listed ingredients as they are proprietary, not for ingestion where it is required. This would be a good 'rule-out' for women searching for possible sources of their hormonal problems.

Mirena IUD
Posted by H82bu (New Zealand) on 08/16/2013

Over a period of 5 years my world fell apart. I went from loving life, lots of energy, being very social, life of the party, happy go lucky positive, quick witted and intelligent friendly female to a hermit. Suicide and depression were constant, my beautiful hair was falling out, dull and breaking. I couldn't hold a conversation because I couldn't get words out (I likened it to mental dyslexia - words, sentences were in my head but when I tried to speak everything became jumbled and lost). Fatigue overwhelmed me. My eyes became sensitive to light and there seemed to be a film covering them making everything blurry. Memory loss. Anxiety. Lesions, horrible things that wouldn't heal and looked like I had picked at them when in fact I hadn't touched them. I felt dirty and ugly and embarrassed when someone saw them. For four years I wore nothing but long tops that covered my arms. I still have horrible scars but they will fade. AND I could carry the list on. Since the majority of my problems were not visual, it was very hard having to explain to friends, family, partner, doctors and welfare ( I couldn't work) that I was ill, that I did have all these "problems" and I wasn't a Hypochondriac. I've never felt so alone and scared. Maybe I was going crazy. My doctor made me feel like a drug addict... I have lesions, I'm depressed etc etc - I must be on drugs, even when bloods came back negative but also perfect. So I stopped going to the doctors and I started doing internet searches, tried natural remedies and sprayed for mites and cleaned for mold and looked to the skies for chem trails. This was my life for 5 years. Then one day I came across a comment about the Mirena and it's side effects to name one SILICONE POISONING. Two days later I removed it myself since my doctor refused to acknowledge that the Mirena might be responsible and didn't think taking it out would benefit me. 5 months later nearly all my symptoms, problems, have 90% disappeared. My lesions have 100% gone. I have detoxed with Chlorella and cilantro and taken detox baths to help removal of poisons...... This time they are working because I removed what was making me ill. I still have a long way to go to get my life back on track. I've nearly lost my home and my mental well being took a smash in the face.

Maca Root
Posted by Brenda (Ottawa, On) on 01/26/2012

I would like to add that Maca Root is very beneficial for Menopause sysmptoms. I started it just this week, and I have already noticed a difference in my hot flashes. I have also tried other alternative treatments ie: herbs and Vitex etc with not much change to my symptoms. The Maca Root seems to really work and has alot of added benefit because of being a super food. Its packed with so many vitamins and minerals on top of it all. It is definitely recommended for HRT. I bought organic Maca root in bulk at Bulk Barn and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg.

Book Recommendation
Posted by Kristi (Cleburne, Texas) on 01/19/2009

Thanks to Earth Clinic for the natural remedies. I have had much better results with healing my body than with conventional medicine and drugs.

HORMONES: I wanted to share with ALL the women out there about my journey to hormonal happiness. Hormones are such a basic building block of our health.

Somehow I came across the book, What Your Dr. Might Not Tell You about Premenopause. (Got a used copy on Amazon.) WOW, it was fascinating and changed my life. The premise of this book is balancing your hormones and how most of the time it can be achieved with NATURAL Progesterone cream, not synthetic hormones.

My biggest help came with clearing my sinuses. I almost could not breathe through my nose and never knew hormones could affect this. Many things on Earth Clinic's site helped me, but the progesterone finished it off. Within 1 month, I could breathe again. There have been many other benefits as well.

EVERY women needs to read this book -- even those in their 20s. It will help you understand what is happening in your body with your hormones.

Flax Seed Oil
Posted by Jonna (Los Angeles, CA) on 05/28/2008

I have been taking flax seed oil for my skin. However, one additional benefit I have noticed is that flax oil is very helpful during those hormonal fluctuations in my cycle (ie., PMS!). I take more or less depending on how I feel. I take up to 3 tablespoons a day starting a week before I get my period. It takes about an hour, but has an immediate calming effect. I would say the effect lasts about 8 hours before I need to take more. I have also noticed that on day 5 of my period, something shifts in my brain chemistry again (ie., emotional, easily triggered) and I up my flax seed oil dosage again. I am going to keep experimenting with the dosages and will let you all know. I am guessing this could be one of the best remedies to get through perimenopause and menopause. Any else had the same results as me?

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by P (San Diego, CA) on 08/28/2007

I don't which is working, but the the blackstrap molasses drink seems to have removed my sugar cravings. I tend to snack less, don't peruse the refrigerator as much (like every 20 min or so) to find something to eat. I used to snack on yoghurt a lot, and that's not happening anymore. I think the nutrients in the BSM are dense enough to keep me balanced and are probably filling my nutritional deficiencies. Also, I've been painting with iodine, I'm sure that's helping. I also started fenugreek two days ago, which I've read also helps with sugar imbalances. Diabetes is in my family, so I'm very happy about getting information from your website. What I thought may have been mostly hormonal imbalances may have been sugar imbalances. I feel so alert these days, I notice tiny details and make the bed much faster and neater - a chore that I was never really good at. :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ambrielle (Jamestown Ny) on 07/01/2015

I have always been one to preach about Apple cider vinager. (usually only about weight loss or how it helps digestive and detox issues.) I had no clue that it helps with so much more. I can't say I that always practice what I preach, and my vineger days became weeks and months apart. I'm 30, and I was forced to have a ovary removed about 9 months ago, due to a cyst that became so heavy it twisted until the ovary removed itself. Now, of course, this didn't just happen over night. So I endured pain, and passed it off as something I ate. (Had to be.) As I felt my body change, depression, mood swings, horrible periods, And pushing people away. I never realized my real issues until I dropped in pain, (on my favorite holiday to boot) and was off to the hospital.

To make a long story even longer.(haha) I had 100% of support for my physical healing. I had great home support and love and prayers from all. But, my depression, anxiety, mood swings and negative thoughts didn't improve. My self worth ate me alive. Never thought it be hormones. Then it was clear to me, why wouldn't it be. So now recently, I've been trying to put all my issues togethe r( my hateful days and crying nights) And take in all information. And fix a problem that, if I didn't stop taking vinegar in the first place, wouldn't of been there. (Because vineger help dissolve cysts too.) So now, today, after reading this I am going start taking my vinager again and bring myself back to a place I once was. Thank you for this information!

Posted by Kristi (Cleburne, Texas) on 01/19/2009

Women need to know that PROGESTERONE does not cause cancer. Synthetic forms of progesterone such as progestin and provera and synthetic, unopposed or too much estrogen in the body can facilitate cancer growth.

Also, we have to be willing to make the dietary changes and move more. Most women would need NO hormones or medication whatsoever, if we would change our eating habits and take the supplements recommended.

This is what I finally decided to do and it is paying off. You need to be prepared for the fact that it can take years to restore your body. After all it took decades to get where we are!

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Gert (Al) on 09/13/2013

To Mike:

So, you've experienced menopause? The only "fix" for menopause is to outlast it, or die. You can not "fix" it by eating or taking something special. Support your claim that bio-identical hormones are worthless, please. You have no idea how I eat or anything else, yet you persist in your zeal to tell me what I should do. I agree, the most nutritious foods, organically grown on good, fertile ground is best. I grow an organic garden from which I get most of my fruits and vegetables. I have free range hens from which I get eggs and meat. I have pastured steers from which I get my beef and several goats for milk. None of this food has been medicated or treated with antibiotics or insecticides, ever. Also, I forage for wild greens and herbs on my 89 acres. My water comes from a well, so no added flouride there, and it has tested pure for microorganisms, but it is high in minerals. So, you are telling me to go out and buy a processed grass product and it will make me better? I don't believe it will change anything, since the hormones are what is out of whack. I have now been on the vivelle patch for 4 days and my mind is so much clearer, I have no hot flashes, and my itchy vag is better. Still nothing as far as sleep, but I'll take what I can get. Don't tell me these hormones are worthless-I am living proof that I got relief in several days. Again, I was merely asking if anyone had experience with this hormone issue.

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