Hiatal Hernia Relief: Top Natural Remedies Guide

| Modified on Apr 17, 2024
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Martha (Orange, Texas) on 03/01/2009

Hiatal Hernia & Acid Reflux: While pregnant with my 2nd daughter I got heartburn with everything I ate and was drinking a bottle of Maalox a day. After she was born it got a little better, but then worse again until everything including water gave me heartburn. Also I began to have reflux while sleeping and I would wake up after breathing the acid into my lungs. I was pretty scared to sleep lying down so I started sleeping at a 45 degree angle to prevent that from happening again.

I started xray school right after my daughter was born and during the 1st semester of training I saw all these people having Upper GI tests and were prescribed medications but people kept coming back because the meds weren't helping and that's when I decided to look for a solution naturally. I was told if you took a tablespoon of ACV when you had heartburn and the heartburn went away then you needed MORE acid and not less and the pills the docs were giving people STOPPED the production of acid, but you need that acid to help digest your food. I also assummed I had a hiatal hernia because sometimes my food felt like it didn't want to go down and stayed in my throat. After learning about the ACV treatment I did that for about 3 months. It was hard to drink it everyday but I did. I also cut out sodas, sweet tea, and tomato products as these things caused severe heartburn. I kept searching and talking to people and found a company that made food enzymes. I switched to food enzymes for about a year. My hiatal hernia and heartburn went away and I started sleeping flat again. That was in 1995 and I haven't had the problem again. I've told lots of people to try the ACV or food enzymes because I now know for sure that the meds people are put on are not the solution - oh I know it fixes some for a while but then the body is unable to get the vitamins from the foods they are eating and they come back to the hospital for a CAT SCAN to see what problem they have now. Since I work in a hospital and see the day to day problems that people have due to medication or Drs. who are simply overworked and most know nothing about nutrition, I go the natural way for everything. This is a great website and at least when people are searching for a solution they will try it, but I find that people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them a simple solution to their problem, especially if it is going to mean they can't just take a pill and the problem goes away.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellen (London, UK) on 04/08/2013

Certain acidic foods like Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon are acidic but produce an alkaline effect in the body.

Finger Pressure
Posted by Laurens. (Saratoga, Ny ) on 02/01/2011

This website helps so many people. I have a hiatel hernia and a simple and fast correction for it. Every morning or when it is acting up stand up staright, feet shoulder width apart, take a deep breath and place your fingers into your "chest" (right where your rib cage seperates) as far as you can, upon exhale pull the fingers straight down. Repeat as nescessary. God Bless!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ward (Atlanta) on 08/27/2015

in 1985 I was diagnosed with hiatal hernia and stomach ulcers.Tagament pills for ulcers and Galviscon for my hiatal my doctor wanted to book me in for surgery as I could not lie down without my stomach acid burning my throat. anything I ate gave me pain and heart burn.

I have always hated hospitals so I refused, I cured myself by not eating and drinking anything with acid eg: tomatoes lemon, oranges, beer, no white bread or pastries that was doughy. I only ate brown bread and veggies with meat no gravy not much fruit but I did add peppers to all my food.

After 6 months, my hiatal hernia was healed and my stomach ulcers gone.my doctor scratched his head. He had never known that one could heal hiatal hernia as the valve had been stretched open and surgery was the only option.

It is now 2015 and I do not suffer ulcers or hiatal hernia. Ulcers is sores in the stomach breeding on bacteria, kill the bacteria and the sore heals. I believe pepper did the trick.

EC: Hi Ward,

Thank you for your feedback. Can you please let us know what kind of pepper you used. Was it cayenne or black pepper? Thank you!

Breathing Exercise
Posted by Laura (Lawrence, Ks) on 03/02/2010

After suffering from a hiatal hernia for six years (and trying three doctors, four chiropractors, 1 endoscopy, and around forty different herbal "remedies," I stumbled upon an exercise that actually brings relief: When the hernia is acting up, 1. I sit. 2. I take a deep breath, hold it. 3. Still holding my breath, I lift my knees as high and as long as I can. 4. I exhale and lower knees slowly (at the same time). 5. Walk around for a minute. 6. Repeat as necessary.

I can't believe this worked for me. I really thought I'd tried everything (AVC, aloe, charcoal, PPI's, slippery elm, blowing balloons, everything - I was seriously considering surgery), and this simple exercise is the only thing that brought relief. If anybody else gets the same relief from this exercise, I'll be even happier. Good luck.

Finger Pressure
Posted by Angelo (Toronto, Ontario) on 04/10/2022

I can't thank the person who posted this finger technique enough in 2011. Seriously. THANK YOU!

The last 2 weeks for me have been absolute hell.

I've been waking up with this strange feeling in my stomach/lower chest that I thought was a tumor everytime I try to take a deep breath. Felt like my insides were out of place. I haven't slept much at all in the past 2 weeks because of acid, constantly burping and tight chest that would make it difficult to breathe laying down. I usually sleep like a baby. It got so bad one night last week I went to the hospital(and if you know me, I don't step foot in those places or see doctors unless I think I'm dying) I was burping for 4 hours straight. When I say burping I mean belching like I've been drinking pop all day and never drink that garbage. I couldn't stop and it was affecting my breathing. The pain from this hernia was there when I was trying to breathe as well but I didn't know what it was. I thought my lungs were just inflamed. I have asthma that acts up sometimes depending on how much I vape but never requires a puffer or actually worries me.

In the past few days I've gone from thinking I have GERD, COPD, cancer/tumors and a bunch of other stuff.

Ive started taking glutathione, msm, Apple Cider Vinegar with baking soda in the last few days. I've had some minimal relief from those but the pain to breath wasn't going away and feeling like my insides are out of place has been constant.

I tried this finger technique quickly (not truly believing I even have a hernia) and that breathing pain is gone!!! Not sure even sure I did it properly. I'm shocked. I'm going to continue doing this a few times a day or as needed.

Thanks again and God Bless this site. I'm writing this in 2022 and it unfortunately seems like this beautiful site is dead. The pharmaceutical industry has ruined health and internet censorship has made finding natural cures nearly impossible. Thank you Earth Clinic!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Monica (Culver Coty, Ca.) on 10/17/2015

Thank you to Martha from Orange, Texas for this info on the ACV, my husband has been dealing with this pain for 2 years, the meds that the doctors have given him hasn't done anything and basically one even told him he has to learn to live with the pain, but who suffers of hiatal hernia or family members that have seen the pain that they go through know the desperation of trying to ease the pain. My husband has been with the pain since yesterday night Thursday October 15/2015 and its 11:05pm of Friday October 16/2015 and still in pain.

I just read your article about the ACV and gave him 1 and 1/2 tblspn in 8oz of water and he finally fell a sleep feeling the pain go away. A million thanks to this article. I don't know how else to express this huge tip.

Orange Peel, Chamomile Tea
Posted by Greg M. (Walla Walla, Wa) on 07/30/2009

I suffer from a Hiatal Hernia which in itself brought on my suffering from GERD. I was desperate in finding a way out. So by the time I realized that I was suffering from a hiatal hernia (caused by a real bad vomiting episode)I was desperate in finding a way out of this ill feeling I was ALWAYS having. I found this website and tried ACV with some good results but it still wasnt the normal feeling I was looking for. I forget how I started on Prilosec but it gave me the best results but I was still was feeling ill. My doctor gave me Nexium, but that was no better than the Prilosec I was taking. I tried other over the counter acid reflux medicines also but with little or the same results. I then read a book. What I read about those drugs was a bit scary. You actually need the stomach acids you produce to digest the food you eat. Dilute or reduce the acid you need and you are allowing raw food through your intestines and bowels. Yikes! No wonder the makers of those drugs want you to use them for no longer than 2 weeks at a time!

So I went back to the Internet to research my affliction again. Now, I dont want to take the credit, and I cant remember the site where I read my finding. So I give all the credit to that person who posted their results. But what I found and tried was too simple to ignore and that was ORANGE PEEL seasoning. Thats right! Just the very same Orange Peel Seasoning you can buy off your supermarket's shelves. Its somewhat expensive at $5-$6 for 1.5 oz's but a single bottle has lasted me nearly 2 months. I found a 16 oz bottle for less than $20 while searching the net. Well anyway, I use just a sprinkle on my breakfast cereal in the morning, and I sprinkle a little on my toast also, and I'm good for the day! All together the amount I use must equal to no more that a 1/2 teaspoon.

I also have two cups of Chamomile Tea a day, one at 7 AM with breakfast and one in the evening around 7 PM. The Tea works wonders and settles me down. I find I really only need the Orange Peel once a day but twice a day wouldnt hurt I guess. So I'm really interested in other people's experiences with the orange peel so please write and share your findings. If you are as desperate as I have been in feeling normal please give this a try. I'm glad I did :-) Thanks

Breathing Exercise
Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 06/19/2010

This ongoing fix for a hiatus hernia comes from the 'Alternatives' health tips of Dr. David Williams.

First, a Simple Test:

It's not foolproof, but some doctors have their patients take a deep breath and hold it for 40 seconds. If you can't hold your breath for that long, and there are no other problems,then a hiatus hernia is a possibility.

A Simple Fix

If the top portion of the stomach is stuck up above the diaphragm, then the obvious answer is to get it out. This can be done in two steps:

Drink about a glass of either room temperature or slightly warm water when you get out of bed first thing in the morning. (No coffee, no tea, no juice, no cold water, just warm water.)

Then, while standing, bring your arms straight out from your sides and bend your elbows so that your hands are touching your chest. Then stand up on your toes as high as possible and DROP down onto your heels, rather like a weightlifter's squat! You should force a pretty good jolt. Drop down like this 10 times in a row. Then, while standing with your arms up, pant short quick breaths for about 15 seconds. That's it.

The warm water acts like a weight in the stomach. Warm water doesn't cause the stomach to cramp, but instead it relaxes it. Spreading your arms stretches the diaphragm and opens up that hole in the back. Dropping down on your heels jerks the stomach out of the hole, and the panting tightens up the diaphragm muscle to close the hole.

You need to do this exercise every day - not just until everything feels normal. This will also strengthen the area, and make the hiatal hernia less likely to come back.

Try it! It costs nothing.

Posted by Donna (North Carolina) on 02/23/2022

I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and from time to time it acted up and caused a real problem swallowing. I found some advice online that mentioned jumping up and down hard to move the diaphragm back into place. That worked a little sometimes.

What HAS worked for me is to use a rebounder, a mini-trampoline, several times a week for 8 or 9 minutes while I listen to a short podcast. I also have been taking some prebiotic supplements to aid and heal the digestive tract. Using the rebounder often sends me to the bathroom afterwards. I have not had an incident with the hernia since I started using the rebounder.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Hippocrates (Missouri) on 07/13/2016 9 posts

Long story short, seven years ago, I was diagnosed with a "medium sized hiatal hernia" via endoscope. I even once spent the night in the ER because I was sure I was having a heart attack because it was pushing on my heart that badly (all tests came out perfect for my heart! ) I am sure that I have had it for 15 or 20 years. I do not like surgery or drugs if I can avoid them, so here is what I have done to avoid ALL surgeries and ALL drugs in the past 7 years:

There is something you are eating and drinking that is keeping it aggravated. It is 100% a food allergy, or more likely, FOOD ALLERGIES!

Eating; for me it is all wheat and gluten, all dairy, all soy, all Allium plants (garlic, onions, etc), and I am finding Balsam of Peru and Balsam of Tolu hidden under "NATURAL FLAVOR". Keep a daily food journal and eat simple foods that you read the labels for and prepared yourself. Eat potatoes with nothing on them and wait 6 or 8 hours. Stomach feels good? Then it is probably ok. Then say, the next time you eat a potato with sour cream on it and it bothers you, you know that it wasnt the potato, but SOMETHING in the sour cream. Eventually you can narrow it down this way, might take years though. A skin prick test or patch test at a doctor can help somewhat narrow down food allergies, but they are not 100% reliable with foods, and many foods might show you are not allergic, when you actually are.

Drinking; DO NOT DRINK ANYTHING WITH MEALS OTHER THAN WATER, AND EVEN THEN ONLY SIPS! Do not drink much for the next 2 - 4 hours after eating other than sips here and there. NO carbonated beverages, EVER! If I have to have a soda, I get bottles of it and beat it on my hand or the table and slowly release the pressure and repeat until no more carbonation remains. Tastes flat, but has the flavor you crave if you have to have one. Unflavored unsweetened coffee and unflavored alcohols seem tolerable on an empty stomach, they can bother me a bit, but never drink them on a full stomach.

I always keep a bottle of water handy. If I can feel it bothering me, I drink a big mouthful or two and try to wiggle/stretch my chest around to get it to release while trying gently to burp. Then I repeat this until I start feeling better. Sometimes and rarely, I will sip like 1/8th teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a 16 oz glass of water (pint) and try to burp. If you can get the trapped air to release, it wont push on your heart and cause you to feel like you are dying.

I discovered that OFTEN you can actually little by little swallow MORE air into your stomach and get it to pull down the stomach and then you can burp out the swallowed air plus what was previously trapped. But this is trick is hard to learn when to do it, and when it will make things worse. I only mention it because often it works for me to help things out.

Drinking a 16 oz glass of water (pint) and immediately rebounding on a trampoline on an empty stomach daily can help train it to stay down where it should be, especially if you are avoiding the foods it does not like and drinks it does not like.

Breathing exercises, like the one where you suck in through a tiny straw or breathe out through the same straw can help strengthen your diaphragm.

Sleep with a bed wedge under your bed, or bricks under headboard. DO NOT eat a big meal within 4-6 hours of going to bed! I can do small snacks that do not bother me, but I generally avoid even them within 2 hours of bed time if I can.

DO NOT bend over or lift ANYTHING with in 4-6 hours after eating! You cant always avoid it, but unless your stomach is empty, you are asking to make things worse, both immediately AND long term.

I feel confident that you can potentially live a fairly normal life if you do as I have done. You may never have a 100% normal diaphragm again, but the trampoline and breathing exercises can help strengthen it so that it will keep your stomach where it should be more normally, especially if you avoid your personal food allergens and avoid the drinking situations that I mentioned.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Eric M. (Port Orange, FL.) on 05/24/2009

I am 27 years old and have suffered with severe acid reflux since I was 17 years old. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia after an endoscopy. I have been on about every type of medication known to man. My current meds were 1-Prilosec a day, then 1 to 3 Zantac 150's a day. I work in the medical field as an Emergency Dept. Tech. and my father is a doctor. I never heard about the Apple Cider Vinegar acid reflux cure until I happened to stumble across this website. WOW, WHAT A MIRACLE!!! I never thought I would find something to make the acid reflux pain go away. Thank you Earth Clinic and everyone who recommended this cure. I have only been on it for 4 days, but those four days have been life changing. I take 1 to 1 1/2 tbl. spoons with 8 oz. of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have not had acid reflux since.

Castor Oil Pack
Posted by LindaD (Texas) on 01/01/2022

My hiatal hernia flares up from time to time. I have found relief by making a castor oil pack. I put castor oil onto a piece of soft flannel, folded, making several layers. I apply it just under my sternum. I secure it so it won't move when I go to bed. I apply some heat to it and it's very soothing. After doing this for a couple of nights in a row, the hernia doesn't bulge as much and my abdominal muscles are able to relax which gives me relief.

Finger Pressure
Posted by Emi (Charlotte, Nc) on 01/22/2017

This hand treatment for Hiatal Hernias originated more than 2,000 years ago in ancient Japan. It has been passed down into the traditional acupressure technique of Te-A-Te, for one. I studied it with a Japanese Master in the 1970's, and he, born in 1896, studied from his Master, and so on. Very effective for immediate relief and can be of lasting help when combined with dietary changes and herbs.

Posted by Elizabeth (Savannah, GA) on 02/17/2022

So, it's been many years, but I actually used a home remedy that completely cured my hiatal hernia. I read about it in an alternative medicine textbook.

I used a juicer every day, & made homemade ginger juice, I drank a shot (from a shot glass, 1 oz.) of it, straight, on an empty stomach every morning for 14 days. I also had an inguinal hernia, diagnosed at the same time as the hiatal. My surgeon was supposed to repair both, but he told me after the surgery that the hiatal hernia had disappeared! Ginger did not just help the inguinal hernia, but cured the hiatal.

Posted by Thewoman (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/23/2013

Find a chiropractor or osteopath who knows how to do a manipulation of a hiatal hernia, putting the stomach back into place from the diaphragm. Google it, it's a simple, painless, quick procedure. Then find one to do it for you. My chiro did this for me. he even told me that if it slipped out again, if I would bring my husband (or someone) with me, he would show them how to do it so I wouldn't have to come back to him necessarily.

Finger Pressure
Posted by Glitzy Feather (York PA) on 04/18/2023

I know this is a super old post, but so thankful I found it. Just did this and amazingly has helped me. Thanks you so much for posting this idea and a huge thanks to Earth Clinic for making sharing all this natural remedies possible. So very much appreciated! THANK YOU!!! I am referring to massaging just under the rib cage. I rubbed/massaged downward, to my left, in a circular massage. I do believe trapped gas was released.

Finger Pressure
Posted by Malisa ( Lexington ) on 04/23/2015

I tried this method and I was amazed that it really works. Anyone that suffers from a hiatal hernia should try this. I've tried everything and nothing worked but this truly does work.

Posted by Rafael (Manila, Philippines) on 10/31/2010

Manila, Philippines

I also been with this worst agony in my life. I thought I will be 6 feet below the ground by now if not been cured of my sliding hiatal hernia. These are some of the symptoms:
1. Adrenal fatigue
2. Weight loss (from 150lbs to 90lbs)
3. Easily loss my temper
4. Hair fall
5. Loss appetite
6. Palpitation
7. Difficulty in grasping fresh air
8. Regurgaration
9. Constipation

ACV, pickle juice and other medication mentioned in this website helps temporarily. I was diaganosed with Sliding hiatal hernia. By the way, dont take those medicine given by doctors for it will only worsten your acid reflux and will enhance your palpitation based on my personal experience. Last April 19 2010, I decided to undergo risky surgery for I have no choice since im lossing weight significantly. It's better to die fighting than doing nothing. I really selected the best thoracic surgeon in the city and also conducted some background investigation on his patients who undergo the same operations. Now its already November and feel like a brand new person again. However almost 3 months after the operation, you will still feel pain but after that it feels like heaven. Hope this help those who have been in the same situation. [email protected]...


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