Remedies for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

| Modified on Feb 29, 2024
Low-Dose Naltrexone
Posted by Sony (97056) on 02/03/2024

I've been taking LDN for 14 or 15 years for Hashimoto's and various autoimmune symptoms. Right now I get it mailed to me through an online pharmacy. I can't even imagine not having it. I take 4.5mg at bedtime.

Low-Dose Ivermectin
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 11/13/2023 84 posts


Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug, so if it is able to alleviate your disease, then chances are you have got parasites in or around your thyroid.

Why is it that you keep getting misdiagnosed? Because medical schools ignore parasites as much as they can, I.e. the typical MD is trained to ignore parasites, AND blame their action on something else, such as autoimmunity.

No, I am not saying that TPO antibodies behave like parasites in the body. What I am saying is that you might have a microscopic intracellular parasite infestation resulting in the inflammation of your thyroid and the presence of TPO antibodies.

May I suggest you continue using an anti-parasitic drug such as Ivermectin, and stop saying it is an autoimmune disorder.

I hope this will help.

Low-Dose Ivermectin
Posted by Zander (Anytown, USA) on 11/12/2023

I had TPO antibodies over 600 but thyroid was hanging on within normal range but not "optimal." I had terrifying hashitoxicosis where my blood pressure and heart rate would shoot up to deadly levels. I had no idea what was going on, but "thyroid" and or "adrenals" were suspected. I had to do my own testing to confirm as the ER "diagnosed" me with "sinus tachycardia" the first visit and "anxiety" the next: with BP 180 over 120. I have had naturally low/normal blood pressure all of my life.

All signs pointed to looming Hashimoto's with an initial hyperthyroid phase (hashitoxicosis.) Finally one physician (I consulted with 6) came to this diagnosis. I had suspect the same but was tired of trying to offer my view to physicians as it seemed to set their will against me and my impressions.

In any event, I saw a man who had posted on this site who had taken Ivermectin for Hashimoto's and when he had blood work done after some time (months?) it came back as completely gone. I did everything I could: bugleweed, motherwort, lemon balm, selenium, black seed oil, inositol, etc. But I still had these frightening attacks. I awakened with a racing heart nearly every night and whenever I would stretch, my heart rate would go up 20 or more bpm. (I believe this racing heart from stretching may be due to higher cholesterol since my thyroid became less active.) In any event, taking 1/2 mg of Ivermectin at bedtime stopped these attacks. I should add I was also taking LDN and it may have been effective to some degree. but it also caused me to awaken at 1 and 3 am nearly every night. I stopped the LDN. Well, something worked because last blood work showed TPO at 71. That was 2 months ago and the attacks seem to have stopped and I feel quite good. I should add that I followed a NO SUGAR, anti-inflammatory diet. I also had to do AIP for 3 weeks because the beta blocker I took, Carvedelol [sp?] caused me to have food sensitivities I had never had in my life. Three weeks of AIP was plenty for me. Also, a British woman had posted that ascorbic acid healed her leaky gut. It did mine too. I turned the corner taking 3 mg ascorbic acid a day.

I would be fascinated to know if anyone has a theory as to how or why Ivermectin alleviated my symptoms. The gentleman who posted about it initially said, "TPO antibodies behave like parasites in the body." Godspeed to all who struggle with health issues. Goodness knows the drug pusher, pharmacy trained doctors know next to nothing about helping us. They're good for testing, x-rays and the like, but treatment? They offer mainly symptom masking poisons.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Judith (Greece) on 09/22/2023

Hi Laura,

I'm taking desiccated beef thyroid and have made a number of changes over the years do you have any suggestions on how much to take I'm currently on just one capsule but it does say up to 8 which sounds rather a lot.


Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Susan (Macomb MI) on 06/03/2023

I've celiac disease-to STOP inflammation no GF products should be ingested at all. Also LDN compounded (Low Dose Naltrexone) works great to change wacky thyroid numbers. LDN great to halt Crohn's disease symptoms & arrests the effect of MS. Look this chemical up.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Nixie Ritter (Orlando Florida) on 05/20/2022

Hashimoto's is a complex autoimmune disease and one cure does not fit all. The best place to learn about Hashimoto and Thyroid issues and what treatment options are available is the Stop the Thyroid Madness group.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Steve (NZ) on 01/30/2022

While I'm not sure what Mcdonalds use for frying, I do know that canola oil can cause stomach issues, and, as it is very cheap, it tends to be the choice of business for cooking.. I have a fairly robust digestive system, but it does not like canola, so I avoid it.

Posted by J. (Florida) on 02/15/2021

You're welcome, Art!

Posted by Art (California) on 02/14/2021 2165 posts

Hi J,

Thank you very much for the tip on preventing loss of a post! I tend to not even give it much thought until the post is actually lost and then I can fully appreciate a tip like yours!


Posted by J. (Florida) on 02/14/2021

Dear Art and Earth Clinic staff,

Thank you for sharing your insights in your various posts and for sharing your insights and making this website available, respectively. One way to decrease the likelihood of an accidental loss of what one has been typing is to do the typing in a text-editing or word-processing program (periodically saving the content in a file while one types) and to then copy the content from that file into the text box of the Earth Clinic webpage.



Posted by Art (California) on 12/06/2020 2165 posts

Hi Michael,

I had a longer reply almost finished and then I somehow lost it! Those things happen sometimes.

I am very glad to hear that your homeopathy practitioner is making headway with the patient! There are quite a few variables involved in homeopathy so a good practitioner is very helpful in resolving the issue!


EC: Sorry Art, blame it on the post ghost! Happens to us all the time!

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/05/2020

Hi Art and good that you spotted my recent post- I hope this finds you well and full of beans?

I think that the link you advised me to pass on to my Homeopath was the above one and they reported that after many weeks of treatment, things have improved significantly for the patient.

I guess any required information, dosage, frequency, potency etc can be found on this link.

I do not claim to be a Homeopath in any shape or form but have relied on numerous similar Homeopathic remedies in the latter part of my long life and am a believer but my original Practitioner claimed that "only" 70% of people / patients (?) derive any benefit and that is possibly at least part of the reason for the widely-held view among some persons that it "Doesn't work".

The other group will express dismay that, "How can this substance become increasingly powerful the more it is diluted?". Search me . Do I look as if I care, as long as it works? Mind you, an essential part of the skill of said Homeopath is in the accurate diagnosis of the malady in the first place and also of the patient "Type". So I was lucky that my Practitioner had had plenty of years of practice and had not just switched from being a panel-beater yesterday.

("Thanks a Bunch" to the 14 people who liked my post- does this constitute a "Cult Following? or even a "Gone Viral"?? Down Boy Down!!)

Cheers from Down Under

Posted by Art (California) on 12/04/2020 2165 posts

Hi Michael!

Thank you for remembering and thinking of me!

Actually, I am always very happy when people come back with details about how effective a treatment was for them, not just ones that I suggest, because these replies are very useful for anyone who is considering a particular treatment for their health condition.

I have seen so many times on EC and other health forums where people post their remedy that was effective for them, but they leave out relevant information that leaves the reader wishing they could use the remedy, but something important is missing such as brand, dose, frequency of dosing, best time to take it etc. So I am always happy to see people update their progress, give a revised dosing schedule or just give enough information in their initial post so as to make their remedy useful for others without having to ask questions because often times the person is asking a question about a remedy that is years old on EC and the original poster may not be around to answer those questions!


Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 12/03/2020

A Meal a Day keeps the Grim Reaper at Bay

A while ago, Art was interested in being kept informed of any improvement in a patient of my Homeopath being treated for Hashimoto's Disease/Syndrome as I recall (Hi there Art! ). Seems that after many weeks, homeopathy has shown to be of great help in this particular case. My practitioner is best pleased with the outcome here. Homeopathic treatments need to be tailored specifically to the individual (their "type"). A site to visit would be Dr Batra's (and others) in order to become more acquainted with more on this subject.

Apropos something different. We have a good friend at the top of our road who is much older than us and, being on their own for a few years after the demise of their partner, was loosing vitality, weight, purposefulness and becoming slapdash in taking care of their-self. Loss of "Mojo" I think the modern term might be. Great word there!

Not paying enough attention to looking after herself properly, etc.

Noticing these almost imperceptible changes over a period of time, we struggled to decide what (if anything) we could do about it that wouldn't seem too intrusive (they are not "family" as such). In the end, my wife resolved to take her over a nutritious mid-day meal every day and low and behold, after just three weeks, things took a turn for the better and all those above conditions reversed. A new interest in food came about suddenly that was not there before.

Moral of the Story?? No matter your advanced age, beneficial changes in health, metabolism, mood, attitude, happiness, sense of well-being, interest in life etc etc can come about in only a few weeks with minimal intervention (3) .. what's not to like??

I can hear you say something to the effect of "Oh, but getting all that attention and concern was probably just as instrumental in their recovery". O.K. point taken but never mind. Guess we cannot keep it up forever though! What to do then?

Of course this has been quite a commitment but we are not here too long and it's good to be a force for good occasionally and see someone down suddenly perk up.

Cheers from Down Under where another scorching summer is forecast!!

BTW Queen Elizabeth 11 has been a life-long believer in Homeopathy and the members of the Royal Household seem to live forever! "God Save the Queen"!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Andrea (Perth, Australia) on 10/24/2020

Hi, would you explain what desiccated thyroid treatment is. I too have Hashimoto's and some days the joint pain is so bad. I would so appreciate any info.

Dietary Changes
Posted by lily (Kelowna , BC Canada) on 10/23/2020

I was on synthroid (synthetic) for Hashimoto's, after much study I asked to switch to desiccated thyroid treatment . The Doctor resisted but I held firm. What a difference for me, the fatigue, neuropathic symptoms & joint pain all disappeared, cholesterol down, my gut felt better, I felt happier and we were able to reduce the dosage from 90 mg to 45 mg daily over a few months . I have always been proactive about my health, I am not gluten free but have reduced it for many years. I do use various vitamins & magnesium daily also Omega 3's and Sunflower Lecithin & ubiquinal . I am 76 yrs old and the only prescription I use is the desiccated thyroid.I drink some coconut water also as it is a good source of potassium, magnesium & vit. C.

General Feedback
Posted by lily (Kelowna, BC Canada) on 10/23/2020

I follow much the same treatment as you and have had wonderful success. I use magnesium citrate powder form in water to drink as well as using topical gel.

Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/28/2020

Thank you Victoria,

I will try to keep you posted when I get a little more feedback on this one.

All the best to you.


Posted by Art (California) on 08/27/2020 2165 posts

You're welcome, Michael!

You might also mention to your friend that keeping her gut microbiome in tip top shape may be additive to the homeopathy for Hashi's. Synbiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods and fermented drinks are a few ways to help toward that end.


Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/27/2020

Thanks a bunch Art (for the Hashimoto)!

Will let my friend know about this now.

She will be impressed at such prompt feedback, as she asked for information only yesterday. My kudos will be inhanced!

Cheers and keep up the good work you are doing.


Posted by Victoria (Fl) on 08/27/2020

Hi! I've been treating my Hashimoto's under a holistic Dr, and have several possibilities that could be helpful.

Tell me what u are targeting to handle, I.e. fatigue, pain, etc. And I'll do my best to offer you how I have found best to progress in life.

Posted by Art (California) on 08/27/2020 2165 posts

Hi Michael.

You may find the following article link useful regarding Hashi's and homeopathic options:

Please keep us posted on how this works out and good luck!


Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 08/27/2020

Hello again, Doing OK then are we?

Can anyone please advise me if Hashimoto's disease can be helped by Homeopathic remedies? If so, how so? I could not find any reference to this protocol on this Site currently! Anyone out there? Hello! Help! You would be helping out a friend of mine and would earn our collective, undying esteem.

In case it has missed your attention... we are all getting older!

Cheers, Michael, Down Under

Posted by Sam (Hi) on 08/24/2020

Aloha, because it happened so fast, you should consider getting an RBC mineral test to see if you have any thallium or heavy metal poisoning! Go to a holistic doctor for this. Thallium is in rat poison and can make it into food sources. It has radioactive isotopes that can mess up the thyroid. This is what happened to me anyway.

Posted by Paula (Richmond Hill, Canada) on 11/12/2018

I just wanted to know if I need to increase my dose on my thyroid medication. What do you think about my test results? I didn't want to know about the iodine I just mentioned just to let people know what I am taking. I didn't write iodine on the top, just at the bottom, what I am taking at the moment for my hashimoto's. Thanks I am having a hard time with all the symtoms and I am getting nowhere. If anyone can help, I would appreciated.

Thanks, Paula

Posted by Anne (Hawaii) on 11/11/2018

The dose you are taking of Lugol's sounds very high. I take it occasionally for breast cysts that are brought on by eating chocolate or drinking coffee (both contain something called Theobromine, I believe) and it gets rid of the cysts in 2-3 days by taking 1 drop of Lugol's iodine solution in 16 oz. water one time a day. If I don't take the iodine and just eliminate coffee and chocolate the cysts will go away in 4-6 weeks.

Posted by Paula (Canada) on 11/09/2018

Hello everyone. I need help, I have Hashimoto's/Hypothyroid and I just had some tests done and it shows that my TSH is low 0.01 Reference Ranges is 0.32-4.00

Free T4 is 12 Reference Range is 9-19

Free T3 is low 2.9 Reference Range is 3.1-6.2

I am taking 90 mg of Natural desiccated thyroid from Erfa. I didn't take any thyroid medication prior to my blood work. I believe that my reverse t3 is high that's why my T3 is so low. I tested Reverse T3 years ago and was too high. It's expensive so I don't want to test it again. Thank you for any comments of what I should do. I also take iodine 4 drops of 5% of Lugol's Solution and selenium 200 mcg every day.

Thank you, Paula

Dietary Changes
Posted by Shirley (Nc) on 06/27/2018

Your post is such an old one I would be shocked if I heard from you but I thought I'd try. I read your post from 2012 about curing leaky gut and Hashimotos disease. I wanted to ask you if it is really that simple. From what I got from your post, you need to eliminate dairy and animal protein and take a colon cleanse product like "Experience" for 90 days. Is there anything else? If you get this and respond, I would be really grateful. Thank you.


Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Careen (Florida) on 05/24/2018

What is the liquid supplement you're taking? I'm looking at Intramax, 415+ essential vitamins and minerals and other good stuff, made by Drucker Labs and sold thru Global Healing Center. Love Global Healing and started using their nascent iodine.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Careen (Florida) on 05/24/2018

McDonald's is junk food.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 10/21/2017

Hi Allison...Hashimoto's can be managed and even cured but no doctor will know how to do it. If you want one key substance that will help -- think Iodine. Here is something I wrote a long while ago about Lugol's Iodine just to show you how important iodine is for your body metabolism and all-round body health.

Here are some websites that you can also investigate for yourself which might help to change your thinking about how to treat your son's Hashimoto's condition.

The Iodine Protocol

Stop this Thyroid Madness website

Dr Guy Abraham's Iodine Research

Dietary Changes
Posted by Allison (Indiana ) on 10/17/2017

My two year old son also get's sick after eating Mc Donalds nuggets and oldest son 15 years has hypothyroid. and on 125 levothyroxine. Before we found out about our son he was getting sick to his stomach.....and alot of other things but digestion slowing down is an indicator that your metabolism is slowing. He was severely hypo stunted growth and all. But he is growing now. Still I'm in search of a real cause of it.......................maybe soy oil maybe a combonation othe digestion problems leaky guts etc.....don't know.........but the mc donalds post caught my sure they use cheap oils for sure. to much money at stake for people/farmers to lose because of genetically modified's a shame that we aren't committed enough to ourselves and people to admit a fault and make the change to something that works for everyone. Farming the grain processing and selling it to food companies and families.........I'm frustrated but will continue to press on ....what else is there to your best. Pray. Love. "sounds simple that's what your thinking but love can walk through fire without doesn't take much if you get enough living on love".....that's a country!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Laverne (Fl) on 10/06/2017 5 posts

Jeff in CA does this holds true if one thyroid lobe has been removed?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Missy (North Carolina) on 07/22/2017

Try matcha green tea, plus rolled oats, greens plus a bean every day like pintos, cannellini, grapefruit, apples, nuts like pecans, English walnuts, raw almonds, flaxseed oil, avoid sugars and refined carbs. Be sure to be well hydrated with water the day before tests and the morning of labs have 2 17 oz bottles water...I also take fish oil, msm plus boron, resveratrol got my total cholesterol to 183

Posted by Jane (Exeter, Uk) on 02/04/2017

Iodine for sore throats and colds:

Hi, I understand that it is ok to use iodine if you have Hashimotos as long as you are supported with selenium - according to Dr Brownstein MD but he also warns that some people can be allergic to it. As long as you only use small doses and have used selenium for a few weeks beforehand there should be no problem for most people with iodine. Thanks, Jane

Dietary Changes
Posted by Leah (Honolulu Usa) on 01/11/2017

Yes, it is still active! Your cholesterol is high because you have low thyroid. I have been on Levothyroxine for 7 months and my tests came back much improved. Avoid gluten and especially soy at all costs and take a capsule of turmeric four times a day to deal with inflammation. I am symptom free.

Posted by Cindy (Anaheim) on 09/28/2016

Be careful with Kelp.. I took kelp and it turned my Hypo symptoms into hyper, I had to take PTU and got hives when I stopped it cause it made me too low/hypo.. it was horrible.. my doc said no more kelp..

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Vanessa (San Antonio) on 08/31/2016

Thank you so very much for sharing! I found it extremely helpful.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Jane (Nyc ) on 08/17/2016

For hashimtos - I have been to 13 mds in NYC and no one has a clue how to make me feel better. I take LDN, gluten free diet, selenium and Sarrapeptase.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Nadine (Union Grove Wisconsin) on 07/20/2016 12 posts


I was wondering how you are doing on the natural thyroid item you bought from outside USA. Did it continue to work for you? I have Hashimoto's also. I agree the doctors are so expensive. Who can afford this. I would appreciate if you post more info on how your are doing Thank you ... looking for your post

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Carly (Ny ) on 06/29/2016

Who is your doctor? I can't find anyone in NY who will take my hashimoto's seriously. They all say diet doesn't matter, I need to accept the infertility from it and just take more synthroid! I'm going crazy

Dietary Changes
Posted by Michelle N. (Tampa, Fl) on 05/06/2016

Hello, Was wondering if this blog site is still active. Haven't seen any posts or responses since 3/2015. Just starting to do research on this topic due to hypothyroid issues along with high cholesterol issues. Trying to find a connection if there is one and how to reverse it or get my numbers back where they are supposed to be without padding the big pharma's pockets. Please respond if this is still an active site. I'd like info before heading back to my Dr. Want to be armed with alternative alternatives! Thanks.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Linda (Ny) on 03/12/2016

That's amazing. I want your Dr. Where are you? Can you tell me what the liquid vitamin and natural thyroid support he prescribed? Thank you!

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Brian G. (Uk) on 08/27/2015

Do you mean CAN'T take probiotics if you have parasites? stomach... Why?

Dietary Changes, Thyroid Supplement
Posted by Brian Galore (Uk) on 08/27/2015

I'm confused. WHY avoid iodine? I thought iodine deficiency is the culprit?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Sue (Missoula) on 05/28/2015

Thank you for posting on the beta-carotene avoidance. I started using Vitamin A and avoiding beta-carotene and it sure has helped my eyesight. My Hashimoto's went on for 30+ years before diagnosis. I am trying T3 compounded, long acting hormone. T4 is a poison for me now. If any of the MDs or naturpaths that I had seen in the '80's had caught this, I might have had a better life, but maybe not. The study of thyroid problems is not funded now die to the TSH test being the Gold Standard (from Hell) and T4being the one-size-fits-all treatment. Meanwhile, we need real help! Also I eat no gluten and very low carb. The T3 is giving me my life back. My temerature has been very low for a long time. It is finally coming up and my heart rate too, which was in the mid-50s.

Dietary Changes, Thyroid Supplement
Posted by Dcarr (Silver Spring, Maryland) on 03/28/2015

Can you give me the contact info for your naturopath? I live in silver spring too.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Anya (Nyc) on 03/21/2015

Hi, can you please say what doctor you've used? Or maybe how I can find one that follows dr khazzarians protocol? I live in nyc and have had a hard time finding one.

Posted by Cate (Nc) on 03/05/2015

I take kelp and evening primrose oil daily for my fibrocystic disease. It helps avoid my huge cyst from filling up with fluid. The last time I had it drained the doctor said I broke a record in how many syringes it took to drain... *7*! It was scary experience since I thought the huge swelling in my breast was cancer. Also it was VERY painful! EVENING PRIMROSE OIL + KELP TABs keep it from filling up! No more going to the doc to get it drained! Hope this helps!

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Atlanta, Ga) on 03/01/2015

Carleen, how are you doing now. I see you were starting Kelp. The iodine always worked against me. I don't think Hashimoto's is an iodine deficiency. I have tried all of these things at one time or another. Now taking prescription thyroid med Tirosint and it has worked up until now. Thinking of stopping it again.

Kombucha Tea
Posted by Sam (Miami, FL) on 01/02/2015

It must have been a detoxifying effect. Not Kombucha. If you never eat fermented food, introduce it slowly. Good article on mercola dot com on fermented food. I am 99. 9% sure it was not kombucha's fault. Google herxheimer reaction.

Kombucha Tea
Posted by Sara (United States) on 12/31/2014

Kombucha Tea made me feel worse than ever and did not fixed or cure my Hashimoto's.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Masu2 (Montana) on 12/27/2014

When I looked into a Dr. Kharazian practitioner, they charged a flat fee of $10,000 a year. They had a strict diet which was not for me and if you went off the diet a tiny bit, the disease is your fault for not following the diet perfectly and you could lose access to the practitioner.

There are many worthwhile diets. I do not have such a big amount of funds to pay someone to scold me.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Jasper (Georgia, US) on 11/18/2014

I have read so many posting about Hashimoto's, I was diagnosed with HT in 2011 after going to dozens of medical doctors and on one could figure out my problem. I finally went to a holistic practitioner who immediately diagnosed me after hearing about my situation. He told me to get off iodine, it is not good for people with HT and to completely eliminate gluten from my diet. My joints and muscles were aching, had a large lump in throat, my metabolism was changing between too fast to too slow! I was taking Naturethroid I had gotten from a natural doctor who didn't tell me to remove gluten from my diet. After the first visit with my holistic practitioner I immediately went off gluten and within a week all my symptoms were completely gone! I continued to take my thyroid pills until about a year ago I started noticing my metabolism speeding up again, so I slowly started eliminating the thyroid pill until I stopped completely. I no longer eat any gluten or take any pills except vitamins, supplements daily. The other day I ate a Butterfinger everyday for 4 days and started noticing my joints/muscles aching so I had to go thru the process of evaluating my diet and Butterfinger are made of corn flakes that have malted barley, so the source of my problems.

For years I have been telling my son to remove gluten out of his and his daughter's diet, to no avail until he finally took his daughter to a doctor that told them to take his daughter off all gluten. She had been on Adderall since 4 years old, she is 8 now. We have been trying to inform him of the dangers of Adderall for years and they won't listen to us. After removing the gluten from her diet she has gotten better. I tell everyone about gluten and the dangers and some of my friends have removed it but others just keep eating it anyway. I will never go back to eating gluten.

Nascent Iodine
Posted by Lynda (Australia) on 09/08/2014

Yes, thanks, Sam and sorry for the delay, it was very interesting and definitely food for thought....thank you again, Lynda (it was a long video)

Nascent Iodine
Posted by Lynda (Australia) on 09/08/2014

Hi Bill, sorry for the delay and thank you very much for all that information. I will purchase Lugol's and give it a try and see how I go. I will give you a follow up of my progress..thank you again and now some reading..Thank you:)

Nascent Iodine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/06/2014

Hi Lynda...Regarding supplementing iodine, these links will give you the most useful advice on form, dosages, frequency etc:

The Guide to Supplementing Iodine

The Role of Iodine Companion Nutrients

Iodine Research

My own preference, and the preference of many independent researchers is to use either the lugol's iodine or Iodoral forms. Triiodide, in the form of Nascent Iodine(NI), is usually given at too low dosages to be effective. NI is also not as good as the other two forms -- for instance the triiodide or NI form will not detox your body as well lugol's iodine or Iodoral which contain all three useful iodine forms -- triiodide, molecular iodine and iodide which all have considerable beneficial action in the body.

Here's some more research on using iodine supplementation for Hashimoto's:

Hashimoto's Questions Answered

Hashimoto's and the Importance of Selenium

Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disorder where your antibodies end up attacking your TPO enzyme in the thyroid. This happens because there is insufficient glutathione peroxidase in the thyroid cells to prevent the excess build-up of hydrogen peroxide free radicals(which are naturally produced from the thyroid hormone producing process). Normal amounts of glutathione peroxidase act to quickly quench these free radicals, so if you are deficient in glutathione then these free radicals will act to oxidize and change the TPO protein structure which the antibodies immediately recognize as the enemy -- so they attack TPO, further damaging the thyroid.

Proper amounts of glutathione peroxidase can only be generated with proper levels of selenium intake in the diet because the central metallic atom for glutathione is selenium.

Some more information on this concerning other factors which might also be involved in Hashimoto's:

Hashimoto's and Molecular Mimicry

i also would not worry to much about your TSH going up if you take the iodine. The TSH normally always goes back down to normal after awhile. I would also monitor your Free T3 and Free T4 periodically, since this is a much more accurate and proper measurement of your thyroid hormone levels. So I wouldn't worry too much about your TSH levels:

TSH: Why This Measurement is Useless

I would first just take all the companion nutrients with no iodine for 3 or 4 days to build up the minerals and enzymes to necessary and adequate levels in order to accommodate the thyroid process. When you start supplement with iodine, start small and go slow until you reach the proper daily dose.

I would also take the the daily dose of iodine in smaller split dosages during the day. Avoid taking larger dose iodine during the evening because it tends to energize you -- and might cause difficulty with sleeping.

Nascent Iodine
Posted by Sam (Miami, FL) on 09/05/2014

Have you watched on youtube

You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders...Naturally!

I recommend.It is 1.5 hours long and I learned many things I did not know.

Nascent Iodine
Posted by Lynda (Australia) on 09/05/2014

Hi Ted/Bill,

I have Hashimoto's and have for a long time and tried all meds and diets to no avail. They just make me worse even after several attempts.

I have now decided to take Nascent Iodine. I have had a small trial with it a while back and it worked well except my TSH went up too high. Anyway I wish to try it again, but I am not sure how many drops I should take and the other vitamins with it.

I was going to take selenium, magnesium, vitamin D (deficient) B12 Injections (deficient), vitamin C and zinc. Would you be able to point me in the right direction of how much to use of each and if I need others as I have read conflicting things on the net. Oh and one more thing - take it at night or morning?

thank you, Lynda

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kellyj (Chicago, Il) on 06/09/2014

Dr. Kristen is in the Schaumburg area, and she writes a lot of articles in natural magazines on thyroid problems.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by John (Boston) on 05/28/2014

Good post but I will say you want to take your probiotic on an empty stomach and with a small amount of water with some lemon or lime in it. This is the most effective way to take them.

This gets it where it is needed the fastest (in your intestines)and with less insult from the HCL in your stomach. Unless you have a stomach parasite you don't need them in your stomach. You should also take Live probiotics vs. Freeze Dried. The Freeze dried can not reproduce.

Subclinical Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism Remedies
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/22/2014

Bubblecious: Search desiccated thyroid/yahoo group and raw food videos.

Subclinical Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism Remedies
Posted by Bubblicious (Miami) on 02/21/2014

I was diagnosed with subclinical hashimoto hypothyroditis since 2012 and was placed on harmone replacement tabs. I had nodules on both sides however one side had gone after being on my meds. Presently I am seeing a small bulge to the front of my neck. I doesn't seems as if my meds is shrinking my bulge. I need help to shrink it. I can produce my blood test results from beginning to present.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Cattoes (Silver Spring, Md) on 10/01/2013

Because Hashimoto is an autoimmune disease and can never be cured, treating the gut is the key component to managing the disease. A good probiotic with meals can help with digestion. It also helps if you do get indigestion and need relief. Gluten free foods are not entirely what they are marketed to be so be careful of the ingredient xanthan gum. It could impact an already compromised digestion system.

To rid the body of gluten, which takes about six months to remove from deep tissue and cells, there's a detox program for 7 to 21 days with a select group of foods to choose from.

Be sure to drink pure water (reverse osmosis) which can be purchased at select health markets. Dry body brushing before showering can help with smoother skin. Moisturize with a gluten free lotion.

There is so much to learn about what and how to manage this disease but it can be done with determination and awareness. It isn't always easy to do but you can always get right back on course once you've fallen off but ask yourself, was it worth it?

Dietary Changes, Thyroid Supplement
Posted by Cattoes (Silver Spring, Md) on 09/30/2013

I've been struggling with low TSH & Hashimoto since February this year. Many test and multiple doctors visits and one Naturopath visit and much research on my own. I've been taking a Thyroid 130 mg supplement. My TSH is now normal. I now take two daily. Hashimoto gene can not be turned off only managed by diet. Cutting out all gluten, wheat, soy and the hardest is dairy. Even my make up and body products including toothpaste/mouthwash are GF. Avoid fluoride as well.

Eat simple foods and organic. Veggies and meats and following a Paleo type diet can make things easier. Cook all cruciferous veggies such as kale, broccoli, etc. Since they contain goitergens which cause the goiter for people with hyperthyroid conditions and watch out for nightshades due to inflammation. Avoid iodine foods and products. Maintain healthy vitamin D levels as well. And careful on exercising. Give yourself time to heal then keep it simple. Walking and gentle stretching yoga a few times a week is best. Learn to listen to yourself. The body does talk to us, we just need to pay attention and go with what makes you feel better not what doctors, media or what works for others. Each case is individualized so learn what works for yourself.

Posted by Joy (Solana Beach) on 09/15/2013

A friend of mine was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. I read the two articles you included, and I thought they were VERY important articles... That should be read by everyone on Earthclinic and beyond... even if they don't have Hahimotos. We all need to understand the importance of the selenium-iodine balance. Thanks so much!

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Carole (Granville, Ohio) on 06/28/2013

Since I elminated gluten from my diet, every test for Hashimotos has been negative. Last winter I feel off the gluten free wagon for a couple months and viola, I tested positive again. I learned my lesson, and I will never eat gluten again. My thyroid had to be removed 2 years ago and my Endo said the Hashimotos will go after my pitutary gland next, since it already destroyed by thyroid.

Iodine and Antioxidants
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 06/27/2013

Follow up to my last post on Vitiligo. Sorry it is called 'SELSUN' in UK... But I think it's 'SELSIUM' in USA. I will go look and correct any other mistakes I may have made. But the 'VITILIGO' forums I went on were USA... I love The American people, they're real honest and open about health problems and willing to share what worked for them, and don't try to sell you some, B.S. product. Also can everyone please 'REPORT' any Links That say's IT'S FREE!! And when you 'click', on the link....... 'THERE IT IS!!!!!!! ' A product being sold????? That's EVIL!!!!!! Some one finds something that 'cured' them..... Then sells Books, E-Books and Products which are all given with good intention on here. OK!!!!! For instance, under 'COPD' Some one posted a so called 'FREE E-BOOK-LINK, I thought I bet it's the 'DR WILLIAM'S PROTOCOL FOR 'H202 ORAL INGESTION'.... So I purchased it. Do not bother!!! I am not stupid, I just wanted to save deperate people from spending money they can't afford, neither can I!!! ALL THE INFO IN THERE HAS BEEN COPIED OFF EC!!!!!!! PLEASE NOTIFY EC....... IF YOU SPOT SOME THING 'DOGEY' I always do. Love Andrea C xxxx

General Feedback
Posted by Cc (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/26/2013

Kathy from Olympia, re. Hashimoto Thyroiditis. Google Thyroid Maddness. When I switched from synthetic to natural thyroid dessicated meds, my symptoms dissappeared. In my reseach I found the best natural dessicated thyroid medicine and the purest, manufactured in Belgium, distributed in Canada by Erfan. In the last 4 yrs since I made the switch my Antibodies have been reduced from 4 Million to 29.

Study, research and take responsibility for your own health...... No one else will. Good Luck.

Iodine and Antioxidants
Posted by Andrea C (Cardiff, Wales) on 06/26/2013

Hi, I have to agree on this. I got Vitiligo in the UK. It is recognized as inward turned stress. If natural remedies don't work, try Nizarol Shampo. Although it's applied to your skin, it does not leak into your body. Others have had great success with Selsian Blue. I am alway's searching for a way to get rid of this Devil!! It hurts!!! It's just not the discolouration, it's the agitation that it causes as well. I belive it's the Major cause of my neuropathic pain! xxx

Iodine and Antioxidants
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/25/2013

Hi Lou.... There are many medical theories concerning vitiligo. Some believe that vitiligo arises because of an over-abundance of hydrogen peroxide in the skin area caused by a lack of anti-oxidants such as catalase enzyme and SOD to get rid of it. The hydrogen peroxide acts as a bleach which turns the brown pigments white. Other minds believe that it is an anti-immune reaction against the cells producing the brown pigment melanin.

Personally, I'll go with Ted's view that vitiligo is caused by fungus. This is really the root cause of vitiligo in my book.

General Feedback
Posted by Kathy (Olympia, Wa) on 06/25/2013

I was diagnosed 3 months postpartum with Hashimotos. I ended up in ER with A-fib and needed to be converted. This is how they first saw my thyroid levels in hyperthyroid. After several months of attempting to regulate my TSH it was confirmed that I had Hosa himotos (i guess in some cases the thyroid returns to normal postpartum). It's been 7 years now and I am still having problems getting my thyroid levels normalized. If I were to show you a graph it would be all over the place. I have tried cytomel for a short run, which helped breifly with energy, but that was short lived. I have had rounds of hair loss (currently). If I change my levothroid ever so lightly it seems to throw me into either hyper or hypo. My last test was an 8 for TSH and we are not trying to have me take just. 137 three days a week. I take an aspirin/day due to my risk of A-fib when in hyperthyroid. At this point, I'm feeling sort of like a prisoner in my own body. I started menopause also right after birth and it's difficult to narrow down what is happening hormonally when my thyroid is off-seems I have more hotflashes when my thyroid levels are not right.

General Feedback
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 06/13/2013

Doesn't chlorella chelate fluoride?

Iodine and Antioxidants
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 06/13/2013

Bill, Thank you for that great information. I believe it's the overproduction of H202 that causes vitiligo, too. So, if I cure the autoimmune thyroid disease, does the vitiligo get better or worse (since you're increasing the H202)?? Lou

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 06/13/2013

I have cut back on glutens too. I went "cold turkey" last fall and avoided them like the plague, when I resumed eating them my hair started falling out. Be careful! I thought my skin was getting softer because I've been taking a bath in white distilled vinegar (about 2 C. In a very large garden tub) and using lemon soap! Maybe it's the reduction in gluten!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 06/13/2013

I believe this about the iodized salt. I stopped using it in 2000 because I broke out in hives and was feeling VERY strange. My son was working at McDonald's and every time I ate the fries, I would feel sick sick sick. So I stopped using iodized salt, but I got thyroid disease anyway. I guess I was destined to get it. But, I also noticed my health changed when I started drinking bottled water (about the same time). So it could have been the plastic bottles.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Laura (Houston, Tx) on 06/13/2013

When my blood tests indicated that I had Hashi's, my alternative practitioner gave me 2 options - thyroid meds or a gluten-free, dairy-free diet. Of course, I chose the natural route! In addition, he put me on an all-inclusive liquid vitamin, something to support my liver, and a natural thyroid glandular support. He also gave me B-12 tablets. Within 3 months, 2 of the 3 blood markers have come down significantly. I just need to do a better job of sticking to the gluten-free part of the diet. My doc said 98% is not good enough. I have to be 100% gluten-free!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kelly (Portland, Oregon) on 06/08/2013

Hi there! Not every person with Hashi's has problems with gluten. There are accurate (read, tested, controlled, etc) labs like Biotek out of Seattle that can test for IgG for food sensitivites. A simple finger poke helped me avoid an aggravating elimination diet. I found out that Whey and Egg Yolk cause problems for me and once I cut them out of my diet, major improvements in health. Changing my diet has been the only thing that has helped lower my TPO. Probiotics (HMF Genestra) have helped me feel better and avoid illnesses like the flu, and EFA/DHA has stopped my hair from falling out. Find a fabulous ND that will be thorough. I work with Julie Brush, ND at 2BWell. She has helped me when other doctors have struggled to look past test numbers to help with total health.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Bay (Houston, Tx) on 06/07/2013

I have Hashimoto's, and was told that it 'tends to run in families', so I took my 12 year old daughter to be tested. Her T3 and T4 and TSH were fine, but she did have the thyroid antibody which attacks the thyroid. I took her off glutens for 4 weeks, and had her retested. Her autoimmune response had decreased by 50%.

Unfortunately, a gluten-free diet was just too hard for a school-age kid. She went back on glutens. Now she is 16, and did her own research on her fatigue, rough skin, etc. and has decided to take herself off glutens on her own.

I take Armor Thyroid, but have limited my own intake of glutens for the last 5 years. I haven't eliminated completely, but only consume gluten infrequently. I notice that my skin is smoother and softer, and I have much more energy.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Wiggns (Boston, Ma) on 03/09/2013

For Dee from Chicago: Go to the Raby Institute of Integrative Medicine on North Michigan Ave, Chicago.

This practice has MD.'s (internist, ob/gyn, pediatrics, Naturapaths, Nutritionist, Accupuncturist, etc.... They are integrative with their approach to health, and are especially versed in womens health issues. It may take time to get an appt, but they will help. I know the founder Dr. Raby, she is beyond amazing. Good Luck

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Dee From Knoxville, Tn (Knoxville, Tn) on 02/23/2013

Hi JBH from Marietta... I live just north in TN and would so love to know who you see in Marietta (assuming this is GA). Looking for someone who truly understands Hashis. So thankful for your reply!

General Feedback
Posted by Beverly (Haskell, Ok) on 02/08/2013

I live just outside Tulsa, OK. Like so many Hasimoto patients, I can't find a really good alternative medicine doctor or even an understanding Endo. (have been to 3 in past few years and none are sympathetic to natural healing (surprise, surprise.) Has anyone out there found one they can communicate with and would recommend? Anywhere in NE OK?

Iodine and Antioxidants
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/02/2013

Here's some very useful information on Hashimoto's and Graves disease that might help people with these thyroid disorders. Below is some independent research by Dr Guy Abraham from the Iodine Project on the importance of selenium and, in particular, the glutathione peroxidase enzyme as an essential anti-oxidant in the body that helps to prevent and cure auto-immune thyroiditis problems like Hashimotos and Graves Disease. This paper reveals both the cause and cure for both Hashimotos and Graves Disease:


Chapter 7 described the apoptotic (i.e., anticancer) effects of the iodinated form of lactone (delta-iodolactone). Iodolactone is not only important for preventing cancer, its production is also necessary to help regulate the oxidation of iodine. Figure 3 illustrates this regulatory step in the oxidation/organification of iodine.

As previously mentioned, the oxidation of iodide to iodine occurs through the interaction of H2O2 and TPO. Iodine is a necessary product in order to provide the correct molecule in the cell so that organification can occur. If organification does not take place or is blocked, thyroid hormone and iodo-lipids will not be formed. As can be seen from Figure 3, this reaction is controlled by intracellular calcium levels and iodinated lipids delta-iodolactone.

Intracellular calcium stimulates this pathway. On the other hand, delta-iodolactone and other iodinated lipids act as a brake on the system. If there is not enough iodine in the cell to organify and produce adequate amounts of delta-iodolactone, it can set the stage for damage to the thyroid cell and the development of an autoimmune thyroid disorder such as Hashimoto's or Graves' disease.

A Proposed Mechanism For The Development Of Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders

The NADPH oxydase system is found in the mitochondria of our cells. The mitochondria are the energy-producing cells of our body. The mitochondria produce energy (i.e., ATP) through a complex process called oxidative phosphorylation. All medical students (and most physicians) are familiar with oxidative phosphorylation because we have to memorize the many steps responsible for producing ATP. This production of ATP requires many items including: oxygen, magnesium, ADP, and amino acids.

Many people with chronic illnesses, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disorders, complain they have no energy. ATP is the molecule that stores energy for the body. The body is constantly producing and utilizing ATP. Its production is a complex process that is beyond this book. However, there are two cofactors, Vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin), that are integral to stimulating oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production.

Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct of oxidative phosphorylation. It is this production of hydrogen peroxide that is so critical to the oxidation process of iodine. Hydrogen peroxide and TPO help to oxidize iodide to form iodine.

If there is a deficiency in iodine, which is common when ingesting the RDA for iodine, there will not be enough substrate (i.e. , iodine) to produce iodinated lipids. As can be seen from Figure 3, the lack of  delta-iodolactone and other iodinated lipids results in a loss of the 'brake' in the pathway to oxidize iodide. This may result in a temporarily production of too much hydrogen peroxide. This excess hydrogen peroxide can damage the enzyme TPO.

What Happens If TPO Is Damaged? Autoimmune Thyroid Illness

The body's response to TPO damage is to produce antibodies against TPO or anti-TPO antibodies. A diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease requires the presence of anti-TPO antibodies. As the damage worsens, surrounding proteins can also be damaged such as thyroglobulin. Damaged thyroglobulin will result in the body producing antibodies against thyroglobulin - anti-thyroglobulin antibodies.

In most cases of Hashimoto's disease, there are antibodies to both TPO and thyroglobulin present. Although Graves' disease may also possess these same antibodies, antibody production is not necessary to make the diagnosis of Graves' disease. However, my clinical experience has shown that the treatment for both Hashimoto's and Graves' disease can follow a similar course with similar positive outcomes.

How to Treat Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders

1. Ingest enough iodine in order to provide adequate substrate to iodinate lipids.

2. Take Vitamins B2 and B3 in amounts necessary to stimulate the NADPH system to produce adequate amounts of H2O2.

3. Correct oxidant stress in the thyroid gland and the mitochondria with antioxidants.

4. Ensure adequate magnesium levels.

5. Minimize oxidative stress in the body.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Mar Mimi (Paros, Greece) on 01/29/2013

I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's and the first thing is to go gluten free - you will not regret it. Join the facebook page Hashimotos 411 and also their sister page which is for those wishing to follow the elimination diet (presently into day 2 of that). Since going gluten free, my symptons are subsiding, my back ache has gone, my scorched mouth feeling has gone, I've not had a single migraine (usually a big sufferer) and generally feel great. If you really want to get your health back on track - gluten free.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Jbh (Marietta, Usa) on 01/17/2013

Many chiropractors DO hold degrees in nutrition while an M.D. often knows nothing about nutrition!

As a Hashi patient, I see a naturopath which I love. She has helped me so much more than all the medical doctors I have seen! They spend less than 5 minutes, then bill insurance!

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Drnatural (Tucson, Arizona, Usa) on 01/07/2013

Just a correction regarding Dr. Davis's book "Wheat Belly". Wheat is not GMO, it has gone through hybridizations (if I remember correctly some 25,000). This has completely changed the primitive wheat that existed 2,000 years ago and has greatly increased the percentage of gluten and also gliadin. According to Dr. Davis, the amount of gliadin in modern day wheat is more than normal digestion can handle and creates excess gliadin in our body. The problems caused by gliadin may be as bad or worse than the problems caused by gluten. Thus making modern day wheat bad for everybody whether gluten sensitive or not.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Jorge (Buenos Aires, Argentina) on 01/06/2013

Look for LUGOL's IODINE on the web. There are many articles about it.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 01/05/2013

Hashimotos is an autoimmune problem for which many people on the Yahoo LDN site have had success using low dose naltrexone, an FDA approved drug with no side effects, taken in very low doses of 2 - 4.5 mg. As a matter of fact, after starting LDN, often thyroid medicine will have to be reduced within a month because the LDN will begin moderating the immune system. Please see or the Yahoo LDN group. There are published studies on LDN being used on children with Crohn's disease with excellent results and no side effects, so it is safe for children also.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Jenny (Suffolk, Ny/usa) on 01/05/2013

I never heard of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis until sixteen years ago when I was diagnosed. I was given a prescription for synthroid and sent away. I have never felt the same, but I lived with it. My husband was diagnosed with the same eight years ago. This year my 10 year old was diagnosed with this disease three months ago. This month my 7 year old daughter also walked out of the doctor with a prescription. I have only my four year old child that has not yet tested positive for Hashimoto's.

I was able to handle living with the symptoms and taking a pill of 175 mg per day, but I can't accept this future for my children. I am willing to try anything to cure it. I don't know if I should stop the medication on them and try different things (my husband a doctor, is against this), or do it simultaneously. I am willing to try it on me first until I see possitive results. I told the endocrinologist that I am a living proof that the medicine does not work. I also wanted more blood tests done, but she told me that Hashimoto disease is hereditary. My husband and I are the first to have it in our family, so who did we get it from? I am thinking that it my be contagious.

Please help I want something better for my children. I don 't find any books or resources on alternative medicine for children. At the moment the doctors are just happy to be having a whole family with Hashimoto's disease. I am feeling like a lab rat. I can't stop crying when I go to my kids appointment.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dee (Chicago, Il) on 01/02/2013

What should I expect when I see a practitioner following Dr. K's protocol? I am at my wits end with these palpitations, weakness, and fatigue. How much does it cost approximately. I am on my 4th endo and no one knows what to do for me. All they say is that my thyroid levels are normal but very high antibodies. Can anyone recommend a good practitioner in Chicago who follows Dr k's protocol? Please help.

Dietary Changes
Posted by 1kday (Colorado Springs, Co) on 08/07/2012

Yes you can eat rice. Research gluten free there are some really great gluten free foods. I have found that I don't really even like grains. If you have a local gluten free bakery that would be a great way to try some new things. Remember you will find awesome gluten free items and you will find that there are some really bad items. It is hit or miss but there is a lot more available now. Go online and sign up to receive info on gluten free dining too. Hope that helps.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Terri (Phoenix, Az) on 08/03/2012

Since you are familiar with Standard Processing I would recommend you use their iodine product. I also take their thytrophin and cataplex f (or m)for my hypo thyroid.

I felt better after taking the iodine.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Trizia (Nyc, Ny) on 08/03/2012

Concerning hashimotos: do people who avoid gluten also avoid grains in general? do any of you eat rice? Did anyone take the natural glandulars by Standard Process? Can anyone recommend affordable practitioners in NYC?

And finally, is anyone for or against taking kelp for iodine if you never eat iodized salt?

Thanks for answering, trizia

General Feedback
Posted by Frog513 (Swansboro, Nc, Us) on 07/22/2012 13 posts

I was diagnosed in February of 2011 and immediately began a GF diet along with various supplements. It is now almost 1½ years later and I am still med free and feel really good. I am still GF ( mostly Paleo/raw) and will continue to eat that way since I react horribly when I ingest even a small amount of gluten. I am truly grateful for the healing that God has brought to my body. I share this information to offer hope and to let people know that it is possible to heal. It is a commitment and the journey can be long but for me it has been worth it!

My recent appointment on June 5, 2012 went well. My bloodwork is as follows:
Free T3: 3.0 normal
FreeT4: 1.12 normal
Ferritin : 28 low
CRP : 4.0 high
Vitamin D: 55 good
Cholesterol: Triglycerides 132, HDL 55, LDL 69, ratio 2. 7 all normal, low risk.

My antibodies were normal the last time we did bloodwork so I guess that is why she didn't check them this time.

One of my most frustrating issues is not being able to lose 20lbs. My doctor thought since my T3 is low normal that could be hindering the weight loss so she put me on cytomel ( T3 only) for 3 months (12.5 mg 2x's day). After 3 days I was so tired I stopped taking it. I am not sure why I was tired- the usual side effect is the opposite but not for me. I felt better within a day or two and decided that I would find another way to lose weight. Just curious if anyone else has tried cytomel and if it helped or not.

If anybody has any insight on why my CRP is elevated please share. My doctor thinks I might have a parasite, or yeast but I just did a yeast cleanse and don't have any symptoms of candida. I do have a broken back molar that needs a crown but no infection and my other teeth and gums are good.

I am trying to get my supplements down to a minimum ( I am a recovering supplement junkie : ) and at this point I have found the following to be the most beneficial for me:

Probiotic - dairy free and at least 30billion active cultures.
Magnesium - or a topical Magnesium gel
L-theanine - great for anxiety - I don't take this much anymore but it helps with sleep too. Non-drowsy - just relaxes you and helps with GABA production.
N Acetyl Cysteine - 600mg
Tumeric - I take this for inflammation - hoping it will help lower my CRP
Vitamin C - 1000mgs
Selenium from Brazil nuts - I almost purchased selenium and noticed it has wheat in it - be sure to check labels if you go that route.
Krill Oil or fermented cod liver oil - I alternate these 2 supplements
Iron - I will take this until my iron stores are adequate
Coconut oil - organic
Brewers Yeast - I just added this less than a month ago - I was skeptical because I thought it would cause candida but I read up it and this kind of yeast is good for many things. So far, no side effects at all. I like the fact that I am getting vitamins and amino acids from a food source rather than a pill. Only taking 2TBS a day not the 3 that is recommended.
Liqui-Kelp - I just started this yesterday. I realize this goes against the Dr. K Hashimotos protocol and against what I said in an earlier post but I read an article about how to take iodine if you have Hashi's and my doctor also said that it is necessary for overall health even if you have Hashi's. She recommends Atomidine but I wanted to try a kelp based one. I am only taking 4 drops once a day which is 150mcg - very low dose. I am hoping that this will help with my immune system, lower CRP level, and help with weight loss. Any Hashi's people out there who have used iodine ( kelp, lugols, etc.. ?) with success? I will let you know what happens, still too soon to tell. Here is the article if anyone is interested:

Here are the issues that have resolved for me:
-Thyroid nodule is gone and thyroid is no longer enlarged.
-No more chronic sinus infections
-No more catching every virus/flu that comes around
-No anxiety, heart palpitations
-My eyelashes and eyebrows are full an thick again ( I had bald spots on my eyebrows and was missing a lot of eyelashes)
-Steady energy throughout the day - thank God!!
-My feet don't hurt anymore
-Clear thinking ( clear for me anyway : )

Always consult your healthcare provider before taking supplements. I know some of us are forced to self-treat - I was one of those people for a long time. Now that I found a wonderful integrative healthcare provider - my health has improved greatly.

Please don't give up hope - it takes time but once you get there it is worth it. Sorry this was so long! Health and Wellness to all~

~Carleen -- frog_513(at)

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dr (New Mexico, NM) on 07/08/2012

If you have Hashimoto's when you consume Gluten it causes your immune system to attack your thyroid.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Terrie (Perry, Florida) on 06/01/2012

For the comment on Armour, a lot of people have had problems lately w/Armour, my problem was NO doc in N Fl would prescribe anything but SYNTHROID w/cytomel(T3), I spent 8mo's barely able to get out of bed, so weak I could hardly hold a glass of water, these quacks(12 so called specialists) just kept changing the synthroid dose back and forth with NO CHANGE in my condition. My husband decided to let me try some ERFA from outside US since no doc will give me a prescription for NATURAL THYROID, I had to take my life/HEALTH into my own hands, I have been on it for 8 weeks and I AM DOING SOOO GOOD!! I am energetic, strong, riding my 3yr old horse for the first time!! I owe my life to NATURAL THYROID!! I have a mostly healthy diet, but I still enjoy some junk, I am losing this HYPO weight and getting my skin back to pre-HYPO state, I will NEVER TAKE SYNTHETIC again, it wasted 8 mo's of my life! STOP THE THYROID MADDNESS!!! GET RID OF SYNTHROID!!!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Thyroid Sufferer (Jupiter, Fl) on 05/22/2012

The individual who stated Hashimoto can be treated with Armour successfully is making an erroneous statement. I have had the disease for over 20 year. I have tried synthetics and currently on Armour for 7 years now. My disease is more inflamed now than ever. I am considering a diet change to gluten free. Each individual is different and therefore each individual needs a different solution.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Ritesh (Mumbai, Maharashtra) on 05/08/2012

Homeopathy treatment for hypothyroidism.

Just order these four medicines. bottle size 1 oz,

6 tablets (which should be kept below tongue) and taken only once in month.

1. sulfur 200 (after getting this tablets you may get some aggravations to pull out ailments from root, don't be afraid its for good & it will be temporary)

then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)

2. Calcaria carb 200.

then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)

3. Lycopodium 200

then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)

4. silicea 200

then after this treatment if you still have any problems then mail me on 4all.ritesh(at)

Homeopathy does not have any side effects. If medicine is chosen correct then it will surely give good lasting affects.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lorica (New Albany, In.) on 04/28/2012

A lot of raw juicing can actually cause thyroid problems if things like spinach and other goitrogens are being consumed, which they usually are. Juicing causes those things to go into your system in an especially intense form. Also, put no soy in anything. Soy is the major goitrogen.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kathy (Soldotna, Alaska) on 04/27/2012

Hello Ishtar, I would like to correct you on China not having Hashimotos disease. I am in China right now and I have been living here 6 months out of the year for 12 years. Thyroid disease, hashimotos disease is epidemic in Southern China. This is by the coast cities. I met a researcher who 10 years ago found out that the salt containing iodine was the culprit. If a person wanted to buy sea salt they had to go to a pharmacy and buy it. Today it is not so readily available like we have in the US. They are treating thyroid diesase in China just like our Western doctors treat. However there are TCM practitioners who are curing hashimoto's using herbs and acupunture. The problem now in China is finding a TCM Dr. that knows what he is doing. The almighty buck has poisoned this great tradition. That's been my problem here. I want to mention a group of herbalist in China they are the Mao people they use a very traditional method of using herbs and they have cured many serious cancers. Again to find these doctors you sometimes have to travel into the back villages of China.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Kathy (Soldotna, Alaska) on 04/26/2012

This is for MH from Toronto Hello MH I really like what you wrote about allopathic doctors. They have sad things and done things to me that were not beneficial towards my Hashimotos. I had blood work done in China and they have tried to put the fear of God in me. Allopathic docs in China are just like the ones n the US. They want people to buy drugs and do endless amount of tests. We know how we feel right? I am on armour and the protocols that I see on this webste. I feel excellent. Its just when those doctors try to scare me I lose my focus.. Do they really know how to treat this disease? They want to slash burn and put poisons into us. I beleieve in alternative medicines and the power that we can heal ourselves. MH thank you for your words of wisdom. You helped me get back on track. Kathy

Posted by Pixie Poet (Sunnyvale, Ca) on 04/21/2012

Iodine supplements must be taken with SELENIUM together.

Otherwise, iodine will actually harm the thyroid.

Do not take selenium alone, do not take iodine alone.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Had (White River Jct, Vt) on 03/19/2012

I read a book called 'wheat belly', by cardiologist, he makes the claim that 'wheat' today is not real wheat, it is gmo'd and causes problems chemically in the body by stopping natural needed enzymatic reactions, and auto immune issues stem from this. So just w/o gluten isn't enough, it is off wheat, gluten and initially all grasses and carbs and sugars, to retrain your body not to have a fast insulin reaction. ??? for what it is worth, his information is compelling, we are doing, have hoshimotos as well. It has been a month, ??? book says takes months to get 'normal' but good will come gradually in this protocol. Also showed marked improvement or 'cured' pre and active diabeties(sp) 1 and 2, just by stopping sugar spikes and wheat spikes in blood sugar. Also marked improvement in the hair, yeah the stuff on your head, one toxic reaction your body has is the hair falling out because of the wheat. The book is way detailed as to bodies reactions to wheat and why and how it is different and how many 'issues' we have go right back to these 2 things, wheat and gluten. Get it at library, it is worth reading. hope it helps

Dietary Changes
Posted by Patients Helping Patients (San Luis Obispo, Ca) on 03/13/2012

I can tell you from experience that Dr Kharazian's protocols regarding diet are not well informed and have cost me dearly health and pocketbook-wise. Hashimoto's is cureable by switching to using Armour or Erfa thyroid supplement. All the stuff about leaky gut, allergens, etc are not the problem if you eat carefully and include a lot of raw juices. The key to changing the condition is the T3 in Armour, check out StoptheThyroidMadness. com or

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tresa (Boise, Id) on 03/09/2012

Suz, specifically McKim Chiropractic.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tresa (Boise, Id) on 03/09/2012

Suz, also I wanted to mention that it was a doctor(who was a former chiropractor) who now practices Dr. Kharazian's protocol.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tresa (Boise, Id) on 03/09/2012

Suz. I believe a lot of it has to do with all of the testing that they do is why it is so expensive. If money grew on trees fine. So I am going a different route. Will be going through a professional 10 day detox and work on healing the guts because a big, if not most of the immune system is in the stomach/inner terrain.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Suz (Austin, Tx) on 02/08/2012

Hi Teresa, Can you tell what doctor charged $7K to run all those tests? I'm about ready to take my daughter to someone who sounds like they do the same type of testing... And $7K is way out of my range. They just state that you can't afford not to do it.


Water, Supplements
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/22/2012

Thanks Tina, I found the site but Lugol's is not in stock although they say that they would have it after the 15th of Dec. Also, it says that the components are iodide crystal and potassium iodide. I am not sure that is correct.... but I sent them a message and got an automated message back informing me that it can take quite a while for them to respond! I have also a Welsh site where they sell Lugol's just they seem to offer 10% to new clients while it was only till last year, not very correct to have the banner still there....

Water, Supplements
Posted by Tina (Princeton, New Jersey, Usa) on 01/21/2012

Hi Francisca, Lugol's iodine is also available through a UK based company, Regenerative Nutrition. They ship all over the world. I have bought other supplements, oils, and powders from them and am very happy with their quality and customer service. Look them up on Google. They offer a lot of information on the supplements they sell as well. One more thing I like about them, the price is inclusive of shipping charges. Hope this is helpful.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Lisa (Rabat, Morocco) on 01/21/2012

Francisca, I belong to a yahoo group about iodine that includes many members from Europe. Recently there was a discussion about purchasing iodine in Europe and someone responded that they purchase Lugols/Iodoral from seeknatural. Co. Uk. You may want to look into it further to see if they will ship to you. I believe kelp is not a recommended source because it is usually contaminated and it also does not provide very much iodine. I hope this website will help you find what you need.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/20/2012

Thanks for the advice Timh, I will look into it! As other than Kelp iodine doesn't seem to be sold here in Europe there is very little people like me know about it! I also found Nascent Iodine which seems to be more easily absorved but it is also more expensive! I will have to order tomorrow if I want to pick it up at my sister-in-law's house when we are there in February! I also felt no difference at all with kelp and I read today that kelp can contain arsenic!

Water, Supplements
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/20/2012 2063 posts

Francisca, pardon my forwardness but I would recommend not jumping over a cliff for the Lugols as there are other brands arguably as effective. I wasn't making any progress with Kelp so I chose "Life-Flow Liquid Iodine Plus" with very good results. I even experienced an acute detox reaction (surprisingly not immediately as I had expected) after aprox. 2 mo of use.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/19/2012

PS - Maria, be aware that a lot of stuff that has been forbidden over the year it is more out of interest or profits than about danger for health! What is really dangerous never seems to be forbidden! In my book I read that they used to add iodine to the bread as a dough conditioner, then it was forbidden and bromide was introduced instead which is very toxic. So there you go....

Water, Supplements
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/19/2012

Oh Maria, nice to hear that I am not the only one once in a while struggling with the Internet.... Usually I am quite good but Ebay I have to say has always been a mystery to me! Amazon is very easy, I use it to order loads of books, often very inexpensively (I use other companies as well like Abebooks), ordered my hula-hoop from them.... You just look for whatever you need, compare the prices from the different sellers, choose whether you want new or used (I often order used books as they are mostly almost new or even new), fill in your bank details and address and that's all! I even send gifts to other people by filling in their delivery address!

I had never heard of Lugol's either as it is almost banned here in Europe. My husband is going to a natural doctor today and as I am going with him I will ask her whether one can get Lugol's here in Switzerland (in the pharmacies you can't, not in the health food shops! ). If she knows where to buy it I will wait till I can make an appointment, if not I will order online and have it sent to my sister-in-law in the UK, then I don't pay postage! Like you I only knew about iodine to us on wounds. If you are interested in learning more about the subject I suggest you read one of the book on it! Great information.....

Water, Supplements
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/18/2012

Hi Francisca, They also have buy it now prices it's not all bidding, mind you I don't know how to use amazon. I know what you mean about the strength, the choice for me was easy as where I found it (the internet as it's not available locally) they only sell the 2%. I would have liked the 5% as that is what is being used in the studies so when I read how many drops I would not have to think about converting it. It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to start using it as I was taught it was poisonous and decades ago dairy farmers were banned from using it to clean their equipment as it could get into the milk.

Funny thing is, I also knew it was safe to use in hospitals on patients. We were never taught about the different types of iodine although we did know that one brand stung on a wound and another brand did not. Never knew they were different types which now sounds odd. The first I heard of Lugol's iodine was here on EC (thanks again EC). We are sooooo glad that I finally got the courage to try it.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Zug, Switzerland) on 01/18/2012

Thanks Maria, but I have to confess that I have never bought anything from e-bay. The thought of having to bid.... I have no idea how it works! I am also at a loss as to which Lugols to buy. Amazon sells 3%, 7% and 15%.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Sally (Chennai, India) on 01/18/2012

Dear Jen from Bozeman,

You've expressed several thoughts that were bothering me about the real cause of illnesses and the state of the world in general, so beautifully. Thank you. There are quite a few people who are opting out of the unhealthy, degrading glorification culture, be it of youth, beauty or ostentation. We can only take heart from them and go ahead in our own search for meaning and health.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 01/18/2012

Francisca there are some UK ebayers who sell it too.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 01/17/2012

Hi Pema, I agree that most people feel low self esteem at some point or another. I believe it has mostly to do with our society and all of the images we see daily on TV and magazines. 100 years ago you did not get exposed to thousands of beautiful people on a daily basis. There may have been a few gorgeous people in your town but you probably only saw them occasionally. Now we are constantly seeing beauty and we are comparing ourselves to it which is completely unrealistic. I am just as guilty as anyone else. The unworthiness is also associated with the fact that these beautiful people are burried in wealth and attention while we are (usually) not.

On a different note. There is also an association between autoimmune diseases and some sort of traumatic event that may have happened to a person which caused a sort of self blame. In response to this self blame the body begins attacking itself. For myself I have found this to be a possibility. I have a form of thyroid disease called Graves Disease. I did have an event happen in my life right around puberty which is most likely when my disease started. I blamed myself for the event and until recently you could say I may have hated myself for it. I have also read that thyroid disease in particular are associated with a feeling of not being heard or not speaking out. As it is located right where your vocal cords are it can actually cause laryngitis. I have found this to also be true in my case. I used to be very quiet and very rarely spoke my feelings or opinions in most situations. I did find my voice in writing though and that may be part of the reason for my healing:)

No matter what though you are not alone as far as low self esteem goes. I do not have hashi's but there is still this feeling of not being worthy of love and attention. I fight it on a daily basis. I try to stay away from TV and magazines to help the issue but I am still exposed on the internet and while standing in line at the grocery store. I hope that someday we will stop thinking beauty is so important but I also pray for peace on earth and so far it's not looking likely.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/17/2012

Hi Pema, I think that most of us have low self esteem at one time or another. I am struggling a bit with it right now because I always looked amazingly young and all of a sudden I found out that I was getting older. Maybe I thought that it would happen to everyone but me?

On another level, if you have Hashimoto's maybe you should consider reading a book I am reading at the moment about Iodine use by Dr. David Brownstein or his other book (which I haven't read) Overcoming Thyroid Disorders! I find that he gives a lot of very interesting information even if I don't think that I have thyroid problems! I do think that I am iodine deficient and I am looking into finding Lugols here in Europe, not an easy task! Someone gave me a tip on this site once but I have to confess that I forgot what it was. I think that there is some place you find it in the UK or else you can find it through

Water, Supplements
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 01/17/2012 2063 posts

Pema, not only an emotional or psychological aspect involved in a particular illness; but the social and even subconscious attitude we are conditioned with during childhood and beyond. Firstly, in an competitive socioeconomic environment, we know how ruthless the fight for money can be. In many people there are fully developed attitudes of defeatism operative. When I was 24 yrs and learned of my dear Aunt's terminal cancer diagnoses, I automatically assumed an attitude of defeat, and that left me with horrific regrets I can never rid of. Fast forward a few yrs and learned of my Mother's terminal cancer diagnosis, I assumed an attitude of a warrior.

So, if you are a person of worth and goodly character, you are cheating yourself by not becoming a warrior, and not only for yourself; think of your loved one's, especially children, who are watching your every move and some who even worship you. How you can let others down by letting yourself down. Maybe this is what you experienced as a child.

I have recently had a thyroid disorder that brought crippling fatigue and depression, but am better now (and not without a fight). Take Kelp and or Potassium Iodide, and L-Tyrosine, and Raw Thyroid Glandular. Many good reports of Low Dose Naltrexone for autoimmunity. And of course any number of different detox methods to rid the body of "the foreigners".

Hope this helps and good luck.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Pema (Suffolk, England) on 01/16/2012

Hi there - I may possibly have Hashimoto's and the question in my mind the most for everyone in this forum is about the psychological-emotional aspects of autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto's. How many of you have any level of low self-esteem or at least grew up feeling unworthy or unappreciated? This is definitely the case for me and I would love to know how many others feel any kind of psychological-emotional cause? Many thanks and I really appreciate everything I have read so far on this forum. Best, Pema (England)

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ishtar (Cerritos, California) on 01/12/2012

Hashimoto's disease can definitely be cured. Did you all know that it does not exist in China. Thyroid problems in Chinese medicine are a symptom of the true imbalance in your body. Find a good acupuncturist. It may take a year of more to cure but it is worth it. Besides, thyroid meds give people heart problems after taking them for several years.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Jeff (Laguna Niguel, Ca) on 01/12/2012

Hashimoto's is curable... Auto immune diseases are curable. Any auto-immune deficiency is simply the result of Leaky Gut Syndrome (which itself is easily curable). If you do a good herbal colon AND parasite cleanse for 90 days, plus eat a diet high in fiber from fruits and vegetables (not too much fruit/sugar), restricting or eliminating dairy, restricting animal based proteins (plant based instead... You can make protein shakes with a combination of pea protein and brown rice protein to help you get the protein you need). You will also want to take pro-biotics during the cleanse to help improve your intestinal flora. Within 90 days your intestinal tract will be healthy again... No more leaky gut, no more auto immune disease. Here is a very good article on Leaky Gut Syndrome and auto-immune:

The best colon and parasite products are "Experience" and "Clear" made by Awareness Corporation. However you might also look into Dr. Natura prodcuts.

Don't believe the "it's not curable" crowd... it's because they haven't done the right research.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Susan (Milliken, Co) on 01/11/2012

I am also very curious as I would love to even get marked improvement.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Susan (Denver, Colorado) on 01/05/2012

Has anyone heard or tried juicing (veggie/fruit) to help hashimotos? I have hashimotos and no insurance.

General Feedback
Posted by Lisa (Morehead City, Nc) on 01/04/2012

Hi Carleen... I have Hashimotos and live in Morehead city. Just wondering who your Dr. is? I have been to a few around here with no real help! Would love to find someone who knows this disease and can actually help!

Thanks, Lisa

Kombucha Tea
Posted by Cindy (Dudley, Ma) on 12/25/2011

I was just wondering if you have written your book yet. I have Hashimoto's and I'm trying to find a way to get off meds and improve my immune system.

Water, Supplements
Posted by Kavita (Somerset, Nj) on 12/01/2011

This post is addressed to Eve K fron Houston Tx. Are you still doing okay..? The TSH=1 and 0 antibodies?

Please let me know.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Mh (Toronto, On) on 11/28/2011

Lisa, the *last* thing a person following a natural protocol to treat a serious health ailment needs is an allopathic MD interfering! The biomedical system is self-legitimating (i.e. , they declare themselves to be authorities) and self-policing (they intentionally exclude natural healing practices, as they interfere with their almost-pathological need for control over people and their bodies). Many of us here do not recognize allopaths as legitimate health practitioners, or, at most, as people who hold to extremely limited and generally misguided beliefs about the body and healing.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Tresa (Boise, Id) on 11/18/2011

I was going to see a doctor that follows the Dr. Kharrazian protocol till he told me it would cost $7,000. 00. Which would basically come out of your pocket cause insurances pretty much won't pay for the type of tests they do. Just can't afford that.

Posted by Imcinnamon (Orlando, Fl) on 10/30/2011

I am an avid follower of Dr. Jonathan Wright, and Dr. Mercola. The information on Dr. Wrights site is excellent regarding hypothyroid and Iodine. Two Dr's said in all their yrs of practice, I have the worst case they have ever seen, and described it as "off the charts" I have went from an energetic thin person to overweight, exhausted, depressed and anxiety ridden person overnight. I feel so ill sometimes, I even thought maybe I had cancer. After reading Dr. Wrights site last week, I purchased iodine (colored) to test my iodine, [put the orange color on my inside arm, and it completely disappeared within an hour. I then ran to a health food store, and purchased Iodine, and literally overnight, I felt better than I have in years. In 2 days, the huge lump I had on the right side of my neck, is completely gone. Nothing short of amazing for me. I plan on adding _____s apple cider vinegar next, and a few supplements that are purported to assist.

Eliminate Gluten
Posted by Lisa (Chicago, Il) on 10/24/2011

I am 54, have had Hashimoto's for 8 years and treat it with synthroid. I would like to do more natural diet related treatment and eat only fish and eggs, no meat. The thing is an a health professional I am concerned when I read that there is a DR., actually a Chiropractor, in Nashville who has been recommended as a medical source. Treatment of Hashimoto's is I thought outside his scope of practice and he is not licensed to prescribe or treat a medical condition other than through nutrition and chiropractic measures. What I am saying is I know there are a lot of good people out there that have help to offer but if they don't have a medical degree, and a Chiropractor or other does not have a degree to practice Medicine, then I would make sure you are being followed by a good Endocrinologist as well.

General Feedback
Posted by Hashiaussie (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/04/2011

I too have been gluten free for some years now and note the difference for my Hashimotos. I have been on selenium and magnesium which help a lot and just recently VCO and ACV when I came across this site. I was on t4 and t3 to get me started some 7 years ago and now on t4 alone. I have read Dr Karazian's book - thethyroidbook - and it is very clear on what to do once you know whether you are T1 or T2 dominant. I am T1 so drink green tea all day, coffee once a day and avoid echinacea - all of which make me feel better. I have a glutathione cream and various supplements, zinc, vit D, Bs. Recently, Hope for Hashimotos has proven instructive. My current challenge is insulin resistance and high cholesterol so oats (I do not have the intolerence to oats gene) and 4 hourly protein. This is a hard disease demanding constant attention but if my family's predisposition to alzheimers is to be avoided then it has to be done. I also look at hashimotos411 on the social network, sciencedaily and Mary Shamon's site to research anything that comes up. I am definitely better since doing all this and have been exercising now for 2 years. Here in Melbourne informed medical practitioners are rare so you just have to do it yourself and it is possible but does take a lot of time and research skills cross-verifying the information. Best of luck to you.

General Feedback
Posted by Frog513 (Swansboro, Nc, Us) on 10/03/2011 13 posts

Update on original post from 2/24/11 about my progress with Hashimoto's. It has now been 7 months since diagnosis and being gluten-free. I had my last appointment on 08/31/2011 and my thyroid nodule is still gone, and my thyroid feels normal. The only issue I have is slight T4 to T3 conversion deficit that I am hoping will correct itself since I am on supplents with selenium and I still use VCO daily. I am feeling good on a daily basis. I never thought I could stick with being gluten-free but I feel so good and it is just my life now and I am fine with that. I felt so bad for so long that it is a small price to pay to wake up feeling rested and have energy all day. To play with my kids, clean my house, take a walk, all the things I couldn't do because I was so fatigued. I write this in hopes of offering encouragement. I am optimistic that in another 5 or 6 months to be at optimal wellness by losing 20lbs now that I can exercise again. For those that are suffering, please don't give up, just make one change at a time and take it one day at time.

I would love to know how others are doing and feeling, what protocols you are on, etc...



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