Bacterial Vaginosis
Natural Remedies

Hydrogen Peroxide, Acidophilus and Folic Acid BV Cure

| Modified on May 18, 2024
Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Blessedbeyondmeasure (Michigan) on 08/20/2013

First I have to say, I never EVER posts on these sites, but I want to share my testimony! ..... I tried the Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus. I take two folic acids, and 2 acidophilus daily with a multi vitamin and douche once a day with peroxide/water (.50 -.50) and I can honestly say IT WORKED... Patience is the key ladies. If anyone has had BV, it has been me... IT can definetely lower your self esteem. I prayed and stumbled across this site... THIS SITE IS A BLESSING.... Flagyl, Metronidazole was only "Temporary Relief" but this process has been great!!!! And it has promoted me to taking vitamins and becoming more healthy... Drinking lots of water daily also helps... Oh and I switched to a ph balanced wash instead of soap.... THANK GOD, HE ANSWERED MY PRAYERS... PLEASE PLEASE TRY THIS EVERYONE!!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Milly (Nc, Usa ) on 10/06/2016

I want to thank to Earthclinic and all of you who have posted your experiences and solutions for BV. I am going to try to do my best in English since I speak Spanish. 😊

At the beginning I thought it was just a yeast infection and I bought those creams for that, but the odor and discharges increased, as well as the swollen. Since then, it has been crazy as all of us know. Well, reading your post I followed some of your treatments and instructions. I knew it was BV because of the persistent symptoms.

I needed to do something quickly, that's why I tried apple cider vinegar to douche my vagina mixed with water, but in my case, it didn't work. So, I stopped with that and started using the hydrogen peroxide and the acidophilus pills to douche my vagina once a day. I mixed 50/50 of water and hydrogen peroxide and added the pill to the douche, mixed that and douche. Moreover, I am taking orally twice a day folic acid and acidophilus (1 billion). I did this during 4 consecutive days. Then, I stopped douching and checked the odor and discharges. They were gone! 😀 I didn't stop taking orally the pills. Now, today I began my second round of douches. I am going to do them other four times to check. I am planning in 2 weeks to go to the doctor for a check up and a test, this is crazy, but I need to know BV is over. I haven't taken any antibiotics yet, so I hope this effort works.

Additionally, I bought plain yogurt and 3 times a week a I am eating it, to help to restore my good bacteria. I changed my pantiliners brand too. I am washing my underwear with warm water and a a soft soap. I thought the problem was my contraceptive pills, well, I still don't know, I want to ask that to the doctor.

I feel better know, girls. There have been 7 different days where my self-image and self-esteem is again up. I hope all of you can find the solution to this problem. Hugs!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by P (Memphis, Tn) on 11/04/2013

Hi. Ive been suffering from BV for a couple of years on and off. It just wont seem to go away even with prescribed pills. It justs keeps coming back. Now even with the flagyl and metro gel, it wont go away. I just happened up on this site a few days ago and was reading all the posts and decided last night to try the peroxide, folic acid, and acidophilus. I went and bought the ingredients and did the douche this morning with just peroxide and no water and and when I was done I inserted the acidophilus pill into the vagina. I also took one orally and a folic acid. I can say there was a major difference (hence the smell). Its lighter and I dont smell it. I'm so excited and kind of relieved thinking that this remedy will work. I am going to use it for the full 7-10 days and hopefully get this under control. I'll post back after a few to update progress hopefully.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Michelle (Philippines) on 03/06/2017

This combination is really effective! I had bv since feb last year. I think I got it from using body soap to wash my V. I am prone to having UTI after sexual contact so I had to wash and pee every after contact. We were on a trip back then for 2 weeks and I forgot to bring with me my fem wash so I thought I'll just use my body soap for the mean time. Then I had BV! It started to smell when having sex. It really bothered me I almost didn't want to have sex anymore. But we were really sexually active so I had to do something about my BV. I read a lot about it. I used hydrogen peroxide douche and its also effective. But after 2 days of not douching it just comes back. Yet I settled for hydrogen peroxide because of its convenience. I used it for more than a year. But just recently, I experienced discomfort when using it. I also had slight bleeding. So I decided to try other remedies. I found this site and read a lot of testimonies. I tried the combination of hydrogen peroxide, probiotic and folic acid hoping for a permanent cure to my BV. I use 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide as a douche. If what you have is more than 3% you have to dilute it with water. 1 capsule of 200million probiotic. 1 tablet of 5mg folic acid. I took the probiotic orally since I was afraid of putting anything in my V. I did all these once a day before I go to sleep for 2 weeks. And not like the sole use of hydrogen peroxide douche that comes back a day after not douching, I am now 1 week BV free after the 2 weeks of treatment! I am very thankful to this site so I am writing this review. I will update all of you if ever my BV comes back again. I hope somebody learns something from my review. Don't lose hope yet until you try this combination. Thank you!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Keshia (Jax, Florida) on 09/04/2013

OMG!! Thank you SO much for posting this! I have dealt with this condition for about 10 years!!! I've taken the prescriptions & yes the condition comes right back PLUS I never felt like it completely took care of the problem on a temporary basis. I still would have to wear party liners daily. I've also used ReP---- which works but you have to use it every 3 days & a box of 4 applications is about $20 which can become expensive. I tried this remedy & I'm on day #2 & THANK YOU GOD!! I FINALLY feel clean! For those that never battled with this, they wouldn't understand that statement. But I was taking 3 showers a day, panty liners EVERYDAY, FDS, powders.. All that EACH day just to TRY & control that HORRIFIC odor. Many times I would say to myself that it smelled as if something crawled up there & died!! UGH!!!! I am SO happy right now I could cry! Thank you again for your post as it convinced me to try the remedy. I was nervous about the peroxide but I tried it & I am Forever grateful! XOXO

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Bnstdst (Charleston, Wv) on 03/25/2013

I found this site about a year ago when I realized no medication was going to cure my BV. Frustrated I started searching home remedies & tried a few with no success! Then I tried the peroxide, acidophilus , & folic acid & it actually worked!! I was VERY skeptical considering all the medication I had taken in the past barely even effected my BV & never made the smell completely go away! I changed my soap, tampons, & pads to unscented & Before bed I used a syringe with half peroxide & half water a few times to flush myself out & crushed a acidphloios pill with like 2 drops of water to make a thick paste & balled it up on the tip of my finger best I could I put it as far inside myself as possible! In the mornings I would take the acidophilous pill orally along with the folic acid & flush myself with the peroxide a few times. I did this for a week but I still orally take the pills & a one a day womens vitamin in hope that it may help the BV from reoccurring! It has been almost a week since my self treatment & still NO SMELL!! I am beyond happy & just pray it stays away!! I am only 25 & have been struggling with this for almost 2 years! I used a lactobacillus acidophilus probiotic with 100 million organisms.

I NEVER post things on websites like this! I just really hope it can help someone else like me! I literally use to cry over this a feel discusting hours after a shower!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Misty (Missouri) on 11/20/2013

I just wanted to drop a line to say thanks to all the different women and their posts. I had been dealing with bv for 3 years. Flagyl seemed to fix the problem at first then a few weeks out and another onset. I was really getting angry about this. I read and read and then came across this site. I got up every morning mixed a water and peroxide and douched. I then took 1 acidopholis and 1 folic acid tablet and 1 multivitamin. At night before bed I would douche the same as the a.m. I did this for 2 weeks and BOOM! Problem solved. I still do this everyday and no problems. I am almost 2 months out. I talked to my female dr and she said if it works then continue on. I'm afraid if I don't it will haunt me again. When I say thanks I REALLY mean it! Thank you gals for all the input. I feel like I would still be fighting the battle if it weren't for you.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Kelsey (Revel Grove, Md) on 10/23/2012

I heard that this remedy worked for BV, but I have not been able to find vaginal acidophilus inserts anywhere locally (or online) although I've been told they exist. I tried all the common health food stores. Any recommendations as to where I can find some? Does it have to be vaginal inserts or can it be probiotics? Thanks!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Erin (Georgia, US) on 08/20/2014

After getting wrongly diagnosed with a urinary tract infection 3 months in a row, I developed a bacterial infection as a result of the antibiotics and it couldn't be cured. I took prescribed meds four months in a row and the bacterial infection kept coming back. I tried this combination (Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus) and presto it was gone. I will say, I did get a yeast infection using this remedy, but I used traditional medicine to cure the yeast infection and have been good ever since. If you've tried other stuff and nothing worked, try this!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Nika (California, US) on 04/13/2015

I did a combination of things. First I just took probiotics. But that alone was clearing things up. I did the one day monistat. That took care of the itch but then the discharge went from a thick white to yellow. I knew then I went from a yeast to vaginitis. I tried the hydrogen peroxide douche.that helped with the discharge and itch but only temporary. The 4th time I did the hydrogen douche I didn't dilute it enough and I had some minor bleeding, so I stopped that. I started taking warm bath with tea tree oil sprinkled in my bath water. I noticed that seemed to help with the smell and discharge but still had enough discharge that I had to wear pantyliner.

I saw online where lots of women recommended the tea tree vaginal suppositories. I got the 6 pack. Inserted one each night and alternated douching with alkaline water and 1/2 tsp of tea tree oil. Along with taking 70 mill probiotics, and 800 m folic acid I'm finally all clear. I had been battling it for about 3 or 4 weeks before I used the tea tree suppositories. I probably could have cleared it in about a weeks time had I used them sooner in conjunction with the probiotics and folic acid. I also cut out sweets and sweetened tea. I also got the mr vits which is a prebiotic and a probiotic in one. Boy those help flush your intestines out! I had not had a yeast or bacterial infection in a year and half prior to this. I should have known I would get one because I had gotten away from eating lots of leafy greens. And I was eating too much sugar and drinking too much tea with sugar. Got to keep sugar intake to a minimum otherwise it will throw your good bacteria off every time.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Amy (Jackson Ms) on 02/24/2014

Yea! I suffered a year from BV and it was terrible. I think stress is what weakened my immune system. I tried every thing, from antibiotics, acidophilus pills (2 million) orally and vaginally, to peroxide douching. The peroxide helped, but only for a couple of days. So, I had one prescription left my antibiotic. I decided to douche with peroxide and water one day and also begin taking my antibiotic. I waited a couple of days and douched one more time with peroxide and water (more peroxide than water). I also trippled my intake of acidophilus. This got totally rid of my infection. I noticed that the peroxide worked "temporarily", this is only because while the peroxide is great, it wasn't getting totally rid of the infection. And, the antibiotics didn't totally work without the peroxide douche. I also ate Greek yogurt, and increased my multivitamins and added vitamin C to boost my immune system. I have now also started taking a higher potency of acidophilus pills (raw) and exercising. Now, I've been BV free for 2 months!!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Tryingitout (Nashville, Tn) on 06/23/2016

Have been douching once a week equal parts H202, White Distilled Vinegar, and water. Seems to work but def a shift in symptoms close to and during my cycle. I have read not to douche with ACV as it can ferment, which WDV cannot. I already have a protein and complex carb rich diet, but, I do like social wine and craft beer, so Im wondering if the addition of the Acidophilus oral treatment will inhibit the pH imbalance caused by the wine and beer. Will have to see. Plain greek yogurt, full fat, not the 0 fat, on a tampon was a little messy, but Ive understood its a good method for reintroducing the proper flora n fauna. ACV internally is just plain good for your overall health, period. But dilute heavily with water so you don't burn your esophagus.

I had read on another site there was NO natural remedy for BV, but I called BS; did some more research and found this site.

Thanks for all the ladies input here, youre all lovely.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by De (Carolina) on 09/22/2013

I have suffered with this in the past few yrs... Antibiotics were prescribed every time.. With no cure.. I tried the peroxide n distilled water.. With the Acidophilus... Which worked... But when I thought I was okay it came bk..... I have recently started the folic acid with vitamin D3... Which is working well for me... No smell / discharge.. Feeling like me again.... After sex recently.. No odor of any kind... Will start the peroxide n water for extra reassurance.. So far so good!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Rebecca_m (Los Angeles, Ca) on 05/13/2013

Thank you, thank you, thank you ladies!! For your honesty and suggestions. I have had reoccuring BV for about 3 years now. Every time I get it, the doctor gives me metronidazole and it goes away and then comes right back! This has caused me so much frustration and embarrasment and has put a serious damer on my self esteem and my personal life. When it came back this time I was almost in tears. I am going to try everything on this list and see what works best for my body. It is so great to know that I am not alone in my struggle and now I have new hope! I'll let you ladies know what my results are!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Alicia (New York) on 05/20/2013

I am using a women's probiotic for vaginal health found in the Vitamin Shoppe for 2 months now, I decided to buy PH test strips and all is normal now, no smell, a little moisture, but no damn smell, only my perfume, I thought for sure that test strip would turn color, but it did not, I stay on that probiotic everyday, and I will contibue to do so, I am so happy for this, this has been nothing but a cruel nightmare for me and I am sure all of you. I tried everything on here too, but I made up my mind to stay commited to these probiotics since they are the strains you need down there, everyone is different, please get this probiotic and stick to it. Good luck, Feeling clean and fresh again after seven long years!!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Lwcath (Pawleys Island, Sc, Usa) on 02/04/2012

I am a believer in this regimen. For some reason, I only get BV when I travel to my father's house (12 hours away). It's happened for years. I bring my same soap, towels, etc. The only conclusion I can come to is that the pH of his city's water throws me off. Well, he got really sick, and I had to go up there to take care of him for a couple of months. Sure enough, 3 days into the trip I got it again. I was there for 2 months, been back for a month, dealing with the utter embarrassment and obsessing over the smell. I started the hydrogen peroxide douche 2 days ago. Today started a probiotic orally, today took folic acid, vitamin C and acidophilus (with hydrogen peroxide douche). No smell. No discharge. Yay!!! I love you ladies. I'm a registered nurse and wary of antibiotics. Loving this.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Melissa (Raleigh ) on 10/08/2017

Thank you for your review. This is very helpful. I would suggest removing the carbs and wine from your diet until you have this under control. Both these things are going to feed the bacteria and keep it multiplied and stronger than your good bacteria. I know it sucks as I have not had alcohol in over a year and eat very very little to no carbs.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Lisha (Anna, Texas ) on 08/30/2015

I have been dealing with this awful Problem. I have used everything from boric acid to douching with apple cider vinegar, but it only worked temporarily. It had caused so many problems in my love life as you could imagine. the recommendations was on point and I'm forever grateful..

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Nancy (Fort Worth, Tx) on 05/30/2013

No, hydrogen peroxide does not work, heres why...

I tried everything, EVERYTHING.. Ive had vaginal problems for YEARS, it ruined a marriage and several relationships.. I tried, apple cidar vinegar, acidophilus, yogurt, Garlic, tea tree, Goldenseal, Grapefruit seed extract, every kind of essential oil from young living essential oils, specially formulated, womens formula probiotics inserted in there for several nights in a row, for weeks, month.. I did the coconut oil suppositories one girl on here suggested with esssential oils.. Boric Acid for months, Iodine douches, and peroxide douches, constantly, Ive been on everything doctor prescribed and over the counter, Gotten antibiotic shots and pills for STDs over and over.. Etc, Got PID a couple times.. I have no sex life, feels like Im walking and sitting on glass all the time, no cure.. But then I got cured.. heres what Happened..

As you all know, monistat yeast cream is worthless, even if you do several treatments back to back in a row, doesnt do nothin.... And it burns, its very irritating and miserable.. Having run out of options and completely and utterly despairing, (having been on every antibiotic in the world) , I decided this must still be a yeast issue, I did some more tireless research, and saw many women talking about gyne lotrimin as an alternative to ministat, where monistat didnt cure them, etc (you feel me?)The yeast spores are not resistant to Gyne Lotrimin, (which is kind of old fashioned, you cannot find it in all stores) women were swearing by it.. It must be the 3 day tho.. I ordered some and it was awesome. I felt 75% better, than I had in years. I did about 3 boxes back to back and every day I felt better, but by the last box, I still had some itching pain issues.. so I decided this must be bacterial, so off to throw myself to at the mercy of my Gyno again..

I was prescribed Clindesse, which is Clindamycin vaginal cream, (an antibiotic cream) now, I've been on this before and the infection came back after I finished the 5-7 day course, I've also been on Metro, same thing.... But this time I got two weeks worth .. She gave me 14 days worth, and by the 15th day, I felt almost ALMOST CURED.. For good measure, I begged her for another refill.. she gave me one, By the end of the next 7 days, I was cured, but for good measure, I did another box of the Gyne lotrimin 3 day, (to take care for any yeast followed by antibiotic treatment) and now I'm well, after years of Hell.

But too bad it couldn't save my marriage..

The thing is, after all the alternative things I tried, nothing worked. Antibiotics truly are.. the miracle drug.. However.. Our doctors do not give them enough or often enough. These bugs are stronger, and require longer, and stronger courses of antibiotics.

And also, not all yeast cream is created equal. Just look online. Gyne is also much more gentle and soothing to the tissues. I use a little everytime after sex to prevent issues, and soothe irritation.

Monistat sucks.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Alexis (New York ) on 01/15/2016

BV isn't an STD

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Sherri (Brooklyn, Ny) on 03/09/2012

I wish I was you Marina. I feel so isolated. I do not know who I am anymore. I can't handle this BV, I'm close to suicide.. That is how bad it is, and yes I have tried it all, and still smell like a dead fish, God help me.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Marina (Grants Pass, Oregon) on 01/28/2012

I want to thank everyone for all of their posts. It's too bad people don't actually follow up after a "24 hour miracle cure". I would like to know more about long-term results.

I am 43 years old and only just found out about this BV - I feel terribly about all the mean thoughts I've ever had in a public restroom over the years. CLEARLY, you do know when you smell that badly. It is horrible to be stinky from your V. One thing that surprised me is, I have had a terrible phobia of having odor 'down there' because of a girl I knew in college. When BV took over my life and sex life, my WORST fear came true, only worse because my stench was far nastier then I ever imagined was possible. It made me gag one night after sex and I had to wonder, how in the world does my bf even want to get near that foul grossness ? ? ? ? He never complained once and it honestly does not bother him like it does me.

One thing I have noticed in the posts is that I think too many people, like with antibiotics, stop too soon when then notice results. It is bacteria you are trying to manipulate so it is very much like antibiotic treatment and needs to be followed for 7-10 consecutive days. The study people reference is a peroxide solution douche 1 time per day for 7-10 days. This is the treatment time I am going to follow.

After you do the peroxide wash, wait a few minutes and then insert a high quality probiotic. Do not use flavored wafers or anything that contains sugar, read the ingredients. The first time I used a pro-b I had on hand. The capsule is thick and it basically stuck to the side of my who-ha, I did not like this. I found the refrigerated kind have thinner gel caps that break down more readily and don't stick or cause grittiness. I like to sterilize a needle and poke several pinholes into the capsule so that I know it is releasing faster through the capsule. I insert it as far as I can. I do a 50/50 peroxide solution wash at night only and insert 1 probiotic 5 minutes later. I insert another pro-B in the morning. I'm all about organic cotton panty liners at the moment.

I also started taking a high quality, easily digestible pre-natal once-a-day multi-vitamin that can be taken without food. It does not make me sick like others. It has 800 mg of Folic Acid, probiotics & other goodies. It is a great multi-vitamin in general for women no matter what your fertility interests are. It will not hurt you in anyway if you are not pregnant or post menopause. For the 10 days treatment I am taking 1 vitamin in the am & pm and I am also taking 1 capsule of a refrigerated 10 billion, 6 strain probiotic orally twice a day. I intend to drop down to 1 a day for the vitamin & probiotic after the 10 remedy phase. I have actually been wanting to add both of these daily but I just didn't stick with it. NOW, I especially have reason to stick with it.

My diet is very healthy and I still got BV. I believe somehow when my bits mix with my man's bits (DNA, sweat, skin cells) it somehow creates some kind imbalance inside me or an acid???? I say acid because of the burning/itching feeling after sex. Neither of us has an STD.

I started the process only 4 days ago. So far so good. I'm posting now because I wanted to add my tips and observations. I feel grateful because the man is gone for one month so I have time to rebalance and not get my new environment distrubed. I think you must abstain from sex during your treatment. You have to get the upper hand on the bacteria and sex just keeps encouraging replenishing the bad environment.

I plan to use the syringe with a weaker solution after sex in the future when I go pee. It's probably a good idea to toss a pro b up there once in awhile for maintenance as well if this is a reoccurring problem. If you ever use a syringe type thing, (needle without a needle) be sure to go S-L-O-W-L-Y & don't force the plunger. You will create too much pressure & can possibly push the infection up higher by blasting in the solution with force. You want to slowly flood the V-canal with the solution and let it do its thing for a few minutes then release it. I put a towel in the bathtub and lay back with my legs up.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Emma (St. Louis, Missouri) on 02/29/2008

I found out in December that I had Chlamydia and I was pissed (because I pretty much knew that my ex gave it to me!). My OB-Gyn gave me Azythromycin, which cleared up the infection. But I was still having alot of this odd-smelling white/yellow discharge (that smelled like fish after my husband and I would have sex). My doc said it was just my body changing (I had a miscarriage in March 2007). I didn't believe that so I kept pestering him about it and he took a swab and we found out I had BV. My doc prescribed Metrogel. That didn't work very well, it seemed to lessen the discharge but it would come back and there would still be a lot! And the smell? I'm clean person and I feel like I could smell it eveywhere I went. Plus, I know my hubby loves me and I hate for him to have to deal with this . . . it's not that bad, but it sure isn't a nice smell. And I would have to wear pads
EVERY DAY to try and mask the smell and because the discharge would soak my underwear(goopy, nasty!)
So I have been searching for natural cures because I don't want to wear my body out with antibiotics (I try to stay away from meds as much as possible).
Well, today is my first day trying the folic acid, acidophilis and 3% hydrogen . . . I'm going to keep up with this and pray that it works because I have seen the positive responses from others. I had all this goopy stuff come out after I did the 3% hydrogen douiche. Did anyone else have that?
'To add to this, my hubby is being to supportive and he's telling me it's going to work :)
I'm also taking cranberry juice and pills and lots of water because along with the BV and Chlamydia, I kept getting UTIs and the antibiotics were NOT working! The cranberry juice is helpiing! I am having no pain in my bladder! Yes!
Another thing . . . My doc told me that BV was harmless, right? YEAH, RIGHT! I did a lot of research that BV can cause complications with pregnancy and has occured alongside premature births and low-birthweight babies. I don't know what other problems BV could cause. Anyways, pray that this works for me . . . I want it to be gone because makes me self-conscious! I want to be clean! And . . .me and my hubby are hoping to conceive soon . . . keep in your prayers.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Denice (Michigan) on 06/01/2015


I went to the doctor and he gave me this remedy except a couple of things were different....for starters he never said anything about the folic acid and then he said mix the acidophilus pills with the peroxide and water inside the douche top....I will say it worked for about 4 months and then I started back seeing them again......he said to do it before it gets bad because once it does it will not work.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Curedinatl (Atlanta, Ga) on 05/31/2012

The following worked for my bv which lasted through 7 consecutive months of alternating gel and pill antibiotics (I pretty much concluded that my period is what triggered the bv each month):

-7 day 1/2 peroxide 1/2 water douche each morning

-acidophilus morning and night while douching and every day for 3 weeks thereafter

-folic acid once a day while douching and daily for 3 weeks after

The key for me was PATIENCE. I was sick of taking/inserting antibiotics for a week every month. I decided to let my body "fix" itself (which it is designed to do) and it did. Yes you'll have to put up with the smell for a while, and so will your partner. It proved to be worth it for me.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Southern Lady (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) on 12/10/2012

BV Treatment does the trick. Ingredients include Borax, zinc, Vitamin C. Time-released. I found it at a local drugstore.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Alias6148 (Wichita, Ks) on 12/11/2012

This definitely worked for me! I did the 1/2 water 1/2 hydrogen peroxide douche for 7 days. I took the folic acid and acidophillus pills 2x a day as well for these 7 days. I also started taking a women's daily vitamin, vitmin C and ecchniea as an immune support. I started using a feminine care wash down there instead of the scented body washes. All of these items I purchased relatively cheaply at my local pharmacy.

As a preventive measure I plan to take the pills 1x daily. I'll also use the 1/2 water 1/2 hydrogen peroxide douche after sex. I'll also make sure that I use a lubricant during sex as I think friction/discomfort down there during is what leads to my BV and the symptons of the discharge, odor and discomfort/burning sensation.

I'm so happy to have found this site! Going to the dr helped me diagnosis the BV but the antibotics didn't help me at all! If anything they made things worse- I felt hopelss, depressed and gross. None of my friends had this problem so why me?? Knowing that I'm not alone and that there is a natural and cheap cure to this problem has made a world of difference! I think this is something I'll probably always have to deal with on and off, but I'm hoping the preventive measures will keep things under control!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Marina (Grants Pass, Oregon) on 03/12/2012

Sherri - I honestly know what you are feeling, it was absolutely horrible for me too. Please read all posts under MULTIPLE REMEDIES and Boric Acid to see if there is anything helpful.

Everything I tried up to Boric Acid helped but the boric acid treatment actually noticeably CHANGED the situation.

Last month after doing this treatment here, my period seemed odd to me, both in color and a smell but I had honestly forgotten what 'normal' was & also just kind of thought maybe this happens when you get older?! ?! ?! ?! I am on day 2 of my period and I instantly remembered that THIS is normal. Vibrant color and no smell.

I filled 00 veggie capsules with a mixture of humco boric acid probiotics Coconut Oil and a few drops of some other oils I had on hand. I intend to use these at night during 4 periods and after sex. I have been having sex & there is no trace of that smell. I think it has been a little over 2 weeks but it feels like a really long time.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Sherri (Brooklyn, Ny) on 03/14/2012

@ marina I just went shopping today and I bought fruits grains and veggies. I'm gonna change my diet for a week with no wine at all and I do not have a sweet tooth at all, but with the wine I do not wise to feed the bacteria as I read it is like adding fuel to the fire. I just want my body to have more healthy foods and see how it will react, thx for the info on the boric acid, I have a big size of Humco, but I thought the persciption was stronger, just saved me 28 dollars!!! I do not have a fish smell now, it kinda smells like feet and old cheese, huh? I eat alot of brocolli one bunch a day and I'm wondering if I should cut this out. I just want to have oats and fruit for freakfast some veggie wraps for lunch and for dinner grilled chicken with steamed veggies, my body should like this. I will let you and others know and I bought a ton of plain yogurt(greek) also some apple cider vinegar with mother in it, oh how I pray:)) also I have plain kefir probiotic and all other supplements!!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by N (S, Wa) on 03/22/2012

Hi, I just want to say I think you two are so nice to help each other! I'm enlightened by your support.

Sherri, I just wanted to comment that the feet / cheese smell has to be residual yeast. - like a sweaty gym locker??? That's yeast. which u can use garlic on a string, vinegar or other options too. you could go get a yeast test from the Dr. just to confirm it.

good luck to you!!!! >>off to get boric acid :)

p.s. I wish I knew about this many years ago (hydrogen, lacto, folic acid) so many years I suffered but no more, I'm even going to normalize my period.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Bridget (Upper Darby, Pennsylvania) on 05/17/2012

Hello all! I have been scowering the internet reading up on all this information about bv. 1 thing that I see working for most is throwing everything you have at it when you are going at it the natural way. Antibotics don't work eventually the BV comes back. I started off with Hydrogen Perioxide rinses. I noticed a difference immediately the smell was gone altho it did nothing for the discharge. I read that baking soda w/water. Baking soda is a fantastic pH alkalizer so that helps with your PH so I do that also. 1st the HP rinse. Clean the bad stuff out and then baking soda for the PH and the discharge. I see a difference. I take acidophilus pills. Hydrogen peroxide is a by product of acidophilus. So by doing the rinses and taking it orally you are attacking it hard. Your vagina natural makes Hydrogen peroxide so it works. I also take cranberry pills, apple cider pills, garlic pills. At night I break open both the garlic pill and vitamin e pill put it in my medicine dropp along wit the baking soda water mixture and wooosh! I wash only with non scented dove and lubercate the outside of my vagina with teatree oil and vitamin e oil it help it keep it fresh and bacteria free! I will do this everyday if I have to but so far so good. 1 thing the I also use during my period are rphresh tampons they help keep your ph down during your cycle as this is what cause you to smell even worse during your cycle and IT works. I hope this helps someone I think im on the right path oh yeah I eat yogurt everyday!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by N (S, Wa) on 03/22/2012


DO NOT USE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it doesn't matter if they're made of organic anything, they are a huge cause of these problems - bv - AND yeast!!!! don't use them. Stop stop stop!

Also don't wear ANYTHING sythetic or has dyes anywhere near your hoo ha. No polyester, no lycra, no nylon only organic cotton non dyed underwear and skirts or loose pants are best, this is another HUGE factor in bv and y staying around and never getting cured. also, you could be reinfecting yourself if you don't start out with all new white undies.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Dr. Matronum (Westchester, Ny) on 11/24/2012

From a survery of my clients, and from my own experience and studies, it has been noted that sex with circumcised men drastically increases occurence of BV in women. With no foreskin, sex is all about friction, whereas a foreskin allows the penis to smoothly glide in an out of the vagina without drying out the vaginal lubrication and altering pH and proper vaginal flora/ bacterial balance. 15 years with an intact (non-circumsised) partner I NEVER had BV or any other issues of dryness or soreness. Never had to use additional lubricant. Not the case with circumsised men; with them, women usually need KY jelly or such like. That should tell us something. If we can stop removing essential body parts from babies at birth, maybe we can reduce rate of BV, yeast infection and all manner of sexual discomfort. Please also see

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Gokhals (California) on 08/17/2013

Further update to the peroxide and B vitamin treatments. Over the last several months, this problem recurred several times, and while the peroxide and B vitamin treatments worked, I found I needed more and more of these to make it go away the second, third and fourth time. I discovered vegetable juices accidentally. And I discovered - also quite accidentally - that carrot/kale/celery/apple/chard/ginger and similar combinations of juices simply halt vaginosis in its tracks. Which brings me to the key point I am trying to make - and that is, if you have adequate nutrition, you just do not need vitamins and peroxides and so forth. You just do not get it anymore. Try juices (juices have to be made in a slow, masticating juicer that preserves as many fragile enzymes as possible).

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Forty-Something (Washington, PA) on 05/27/2009

After 15 years of recurrent -BV, I think the Hydrogen Peroxide douche, Acidopholis, folic acid combo has really worked.

I did the following:

equal parts H2O2/water- two mornings in a row
Took Acidopholis (500mill) morning and night for 7 days
Took Folic acid every morning
Inserted Acidopholis every evening for 7 nights

I am happy with my results.

For those people questioning how and why they get it and if they get it from someone...I've concluded that it's not given to me...rather my body responding to sperm presence. I never had this issue until I tried to get pregnant and after my tubal ligation when I could have sex without a condom. My suggestion...get out the condoms.

One warning...I had 2 preemie babies...and BV is know to be associated with this. So...for those of you struggling with BV and trying to get pregnant, keep this in mind.

Love this site.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Heatherb (Hurst, Texas) on 02/04/2012

Douching does sound a little scary if you're experiencing troubles down south already, but rest assure that this method will make you feel better. I've actually been suffering from BV for almost 3 years now (since right before my 23rd bday). Its affected me being able to be intimate with my boyfriend, but thank god he is understanding of the fact that this is something that greatly affects my esteem and he's supportive of the "great fight to regain control" over my ever-picky vag.... It sucks ass- there's no other way of saying it. The best thing I can tell you to do is to go buy a cheap douche from the dollar store and empty all the liquid inside of the one that comes in the box... Rinse it out real good, and fill it half way up with hydrogen peroxide (the kind that comes in the brown bottle from walgreens! ) then, fill the other half of the bottle up with room temperature bottled water (to make sure theres no bacteria and junk in it! Also, ice cold water is a shock- I can speak from experience lol) After you fill up your bottle, screw the long top on it- I would suggest with it being your first time to douche to get into the bathtub, and sit back- kinda with your legs up, and insert the long top into yourself like you would a tampon- make sure its in far enough to really get in there... And just squeeze the bottle until all of the mixture is gone out of the bottle- stay there for about 30 seconds, then stand up- and shower! I've read the best way to clean yourself if you're suffering from BV is with water only- but if you're like me and that doesn't feel right, use UNSCENTED bar soap like DOVE or IVORY... This way the soap doesn't change the pH of your vagina.

Definitely take probiotics/acodophilois and folic acid. I've definitely noticed a difference with the probiotics alone, then adding in the folic acid even more so, but the douching is an immediate cure! It's awesome! If you have any more questions though, I would gladly answer any question you need answered- it's awkward to talk about to people, but women who suffer from this have to stick together! DOCTORS DO NOT CARE ABOUT CURING THIS-THEY WANT US TO KEEP COMING BACK TO THEM! THEY GET PAID EVERYTIME WE SEE THEM!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Shaun (Detroit, Michigan) on 11/07/2008

I have suffered from BV off and on for about 10 years. The thing with me is that once it starts it re-occurs for at least a year straight. I have tried everything from Flagyl to Cleocin, to Metro Gel (the worst of them all), and nothing would stop this little disturbing bug. For the last 4 years I have been free from BV. It wasn't until recently when my fiance and I started having sex on a regular basis that it started again. I almost went into a depression because we are planning our wedding and all I could think about is having the worst love making experience for the rest of my life. The smell is unbearable. The discharge is like a waterfall. I would have to change my panties 2-3 times a day. I was embarrassed for anyone to go to the restroom after me. What a terrible way to live. It wasn't until I ran across this site that I heard the testimonies of so many women who struggled with the same problem that I've been having. So I raced to CVS drugstore and purchased 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, a box of disposable douches, and a bottle of 800g Folic Acid pills. I went home, poured out the solution from the douche and put 1/2 peroxide and 1/2 water in the bottle and douched. I took a Folic Acid pill and within 1 hour, the smell, the discharge, and the embarrassment were GONE!!!!! I still can't believe it. Just think about how our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had to keep their vag-ga-ga clean back when there was no Metrogel or Flagyl. They had to use home remedies. The same thing applies in today's society. It's just that we have gotten spoiled by what the docs and the pharmacy companies have said about our bodies. I mean they did go to school for 10 years + to study the body right? Wrong!!!! They are in business to make money. All these years I have spent countless hours and money with the OBGYN and she couldn't come up with this simple home remedy. It's like the docs don't want us to know that it only cost about 10-15 dollars to cure and help control this nightmare because if we expose this they loose money. Well I'm exposing it!!!!! Ladies if you are struggling with this dreadful condition, please try the 50/50 douche and the 800g folic pills. Take the pill daily and douche as often as you need. I've heard for some women they douche once a week and some once a month. Others will do it after sex. Find out what works for you!!!! It will be the best thing that has ever happened to you. To God be the Glory of it all!!!!!!
