Natural Remedies for Eye Floaters

| Modified on May 17, 2024
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)
Posted by Pacific Gull (BC, Canada) on 05/17/2024

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) for Eye Floaters

I'm sorry I don't remember the dose of ALA I took, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. A local health food store owner recommended it to me and said it had cured several of her customers who had floaters. She recommended taking it with Vit C. My floaters were gone in 4-5 days.

Posted by Peter (chicago) on 02/13/2024

Please clarify

1 a day for 7 days?

Does that mean you take this throughout the year? or just take it for 7 days total?

Posted by J Swin-Dell (San Diego Ca) on 02/13/2024 8 posts

For Eye Floaters, for the last 7 years I've used

Doctor's Best Serrapeptase 40K SPU. 1 a day for 7 days and mine as well a several people I've given this to, have totally gotten rid of all of our floaters and the floaters did not come back and there was no adverse affects to the Serrapeptase for any of us. Typically I only have to do this 1x a year and sometimes no for a few years at at time.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 02/08/2024

I have tried hyaluronic acid eye drops with no results for my eye floaters. They usually sell them for dry eyes.

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by sheila (Nebraska) on 01/17/2024

Has anyone tried HA in the form of eye drops for floaters? Thank you

Comfrey Tea, Castor Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/15/2023

Dear Bertha,

For use in the eyes, use cold pressed hexane free castor oil.

~Mama to Many~

Comfrey Tea, Castor Oil
Posted by Bertha (TX) on 08/14/2023

What kind of castor oil should I buy for the eyes?

Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract
Posted by Lata (Il) on 06/25/2023

I had cataract operation couple of years ago. Since yesterday I am seeing something like a black lined circle and a dot in the middle with my left eye. Initially I thought it is my hair which is coming in front of my eyes. But then I realized it's something I can see whichever direction I turn my eye, I able to see. Please let me know some home remedy

Vitamin C, Pantothenic Acid (B5)
Posted by MTCO (Brisbane, Australia) on 05/21/2023

Exactly, Debbie. We are not in Kansas anymore, Toto! Things have changed. a carrot is not what it used to be. the soils are depleting and the rain is not as pure as before either. we have to take supplements to get anywhere near where our grandparents were at in regards to nutrition.

And also, there is nor use saying that putting better fuel in will cure everything that is wrong, as some suggest here on EC. The best petrol in the world will not help an engine if the radiator is clogged and the spark is not strong to the spark plugs!

Posted by Bobbie (Beavertom) on 05/15/2023

Eating blueberries daily gets rid of floaters. For breakfast I basically put about 1/4 to 1/2 cup blueberries and 1/2 cup of organic lactose free kefir with a little bit of water in my blender and drank shake for few months and no more floaters.

Eye Floaters and Eye Flashes
Posted by shaul (israel) on 04/24/2023

I belive that there may be a b12 connection the other way.

I was having red flashes, that intensified with additinal B12, I suspected the cianide in the pharmacutical B12, and changed to methyl B12. The red flashes stopped right away, the floaters that came with them did not.

If my hunch is correct, the cianide may be a causetive factor. I did not reaserch further as of yet.

For the floaters I used dr, william wright's protocol, choline +inisitol.

Big improvment, not perfect, and you have to keep up the treatment. Ten years of pretty good sucsess so far.

But my second eye started now, maybe I need to up the dose, perhaps I am not absorbing the vitamins properly.

Beet Juice
Posted by Connie (North Dakota) on 03/02/2023

Flash of light is our bodies changing from carbon to crystalline, I also have flash and floaters, its all related to ascention, read the phoenix journals.

Beet Juice
Posted by Bob (Toronto) on 03/01/2023

Yes, getting old is a series of "ok, that wasn't there before". Yesterday, had my first sudden floaters, never had them before. Will see the eye doc. Recently started taking Benfotiamine for my leg circulation.. so wonder if that somehow contributed. Kind of a reminder for me to stay away from supplement hype and try to go natural. In this case just stick with Nutritional Yeast for my B vitamins.

Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki - Greece) on 12/13/2022

No results for me at all. I did 2400 mg/day. No side effects even though on the cup was written 300mg per day dosage. The only results were expensive pee!

I also can chew and eat grape seeds. No results to my eye floaters either.

Posted by Sharon (Tampa Fl) on 11/20/2022

Homeopathic Euphrasia 1M works very fast on eye floaters. For me it was 24 hours and only one small one left. You order the 1M (not mg) size online by searching for euphrasia 1M. Inexpensive-6 or 7 dollars. Take one pellet under your tongue at bedtime. Caution, coffee, minty toothpaste and strong food flavors nullify the action of the pellet, so if you are a nighttime toothbrusher, brush with water. No side effects, and after 2 days, mine were totally gone.

I am 71, so it was age related. l don't know if it is a cure yet, but there are a lot of pellets if needed.

Posted by door1483 (Texas) on 10/25/2022

A recent study points at Pineapple ingested (or bromelain supplements potentially) for a 30% reduction in floaters over a few months.

The dosage is 1-3 slices per day at lunch.

Avoid Canola and Rapeseed Oils
Posted by Lackov (Israel) on 10/12/2022

what about Iodine?

I did a quick search and found this comment from 2009 (on another site):

"..I just started experiment with Iodine cause info was being posted to

a number of lists about it.

But being a bit conservative after all these years, I decided to start

with painting the top of one arm from mid arm to mid wrist.

And throwing some Iodine on a finger nail that was growing out badly

after being squashed.

By the second day (after 3 applications the first 2 days) there was

a major difference between what was growing out, and what had grown


There have been some other major improvements as well, but the best

one was finding that the floaters that have been in my eyes for close

to two decades are fading out. _

Major floaters, major vision problems


A friend of mine that is trying out the Providone reported the same

result (among other good stuff.)

Another major unexpected side effect is that a painful dent on my

shin (caused by leg sliding between cement steps and a brick wall,

and then my falling forward while trying to walk down the steps.)

where I should have had a badly broken bone) that has been painful

for close to 2 decades is not hurting anymore. It use to hurt to

the touch, but then lately had started just aching.

AND the dent isn't as dented.

So, it wouldn't hurt to add some Iodine (external or internal)....

AnitaW "

Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract
Posted by Art (California) on 09/26/2022 2165 posts

Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract for Eye Floaters

I had previously thought(yesterday) that high dose (2400 mg/day in two divided doses at breakfast and dinner.) Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract (GSPE) had caused a 50% reduction in my eye floaters that had still remained after a previous treatment, but on review this morning, I realized that my left eye no longer has any floaters and my right eye has less floaters and they are faded or lighter, whereas they used to be darker. Overall I would describe the total reduction as 80% over about a two month period.

It will be interesting to see if, over time, what remains in my right eye goes away completely also. The eye floaters were not the reason that I started the GSPE, but it is a nice bonus! There is significant anecdotal evidence on the web suggesting that GSPE would beneficial for the eyes and floaters, but I don't find any studies that have looked into GSPE for floaters.


Eye Floaters and Eye Flashes
Posted by Art (California) on 09/25/2022 2165 posts


That was Art from Vancouver who found benefit for eye floaters from vitamin B12. This is Art from California and unfortunately I have not found the same benefit from B12 for eye floaters, but it seems worth a try. I did find some benefit from high dose Grape Seed Proanthocyanidin Extract, but it was only a partial improvement of about 50%, but I will take it as they have only gotten worse through the years.


Eye Floaters and Eye Flashes
Posted by Lauri (CA) on 09/25/2022

Hi Saba, you described exactly what I am experiencing and the reason I started looking at these symptoms. It's annoying and for me it started two days ago, and it seems to intensify with less light. Anyway I'm going to start with B12 as I'm reading it did the trick for Art (thank you Art), and I'll let you know.

Avoid Canola and Rapeseed Oils
Posted by sumner (renfrew. pa.) on 07/26/2022

Well, thanks to Jesus and Earth Clinic, I am currently healed of 30+ things that were 5,10, and 15 year problems. However, I will say when my eyes started "flashing" it was more scary than normal. I thought I was already living pretty super clean. I added Hyaluronic Acid and the special eye nutrients.

One day I happened upon an article explaining how pigs were going blind in England due to a high canola/rapeseed oil diet. I was eating a lot of hummus.

At age 63, changes don't always happen fast, but I am almost totally healed.

Castor Oil, MSM
Posted by DKL (Mayflower, AR) on 02/04/2022

Castor oil and MSM work. Last summer had my eyes filled with ants when looking at the sky - thought something serious was happening. Went straight to the eye doctor, said that I had floaters, caused all the ants running around, then they turned into wormlike bundles, said the vitreous fluid drying and pulling away was the issue, I am 65. So.... went online, since eye doc could do nothing for me - said vision was fine!! Worried me, search and find.... MSM drops, ordered dexterity health drops... use them daily. then read castor oil can help, filled up a cleaned out Visine bottle with the castor the drops every night in my eye, removes your eye makeup really well - two birds :)

then about a week later, noticed all floaters shrinking... I am going to be continuing this forever, don't want those pesty floaters around.... good luck all - worked for me

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Carla (Flint, Mi) on 02/04/2022

How did you use flaxseed? Please give details!

Beet Juice
Posted by Marsh (CO) on 12/12/2021

Peripheral flashes began about a month ago (while beading jewelry, not the best of light). Opthamologist said the same - vitreous fluid separates causing the flash. Have to return in January as they want to keep track of it. Finished the project and they stopped. THEN, I noticed computer work at home rather than in good office light, they started up again. Could it be eye strain? Like Garth Brooks sang, "I'm too darn young, to be this darn old". LOL. Decided to limit screen time and up the wattage in light fixtures.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Presouz (Sunny Ville) on 09/11/2021

Have you tried doing a gallbladder liver flush? I am on my second day of preparation. you really have to prep for it so I will definitely look into it do six days of getting your stones in your gallbladder and your liver soft so they will go out easy. Because liver congestion is a big issue with a lot of our health issues I have personally suffered from a few gallbladder attacks over the past year and I'm ready to do this! But prep is the key and you can do it several times a year until you are flushing out no more stones

Beet Juice
Posted by Leah (Cleve) on 07/11/2021

I had the flash of light too. Went to eye doctor. Had exam. It was explained to me that the vitreous fluid with age, separates, and that is what caused the flash of light.

Supplements, Eye Exercises
Posted by Sandra (NY) on 07/04/2021

Eye floaters do not necessarily come from one aging. No one in my family has eye floaters, even my mom who is in her 70/s. I used a mascara that was given to me from Sephora brand which I never used before. Upon using their brand my eyes were all red and was burning. I went to the doctor and was told a chemical in the mascara. I am a very sensitive person when it comes to certain products. I never used any of these products again. However, I am using origins plant based mascara and did not have this problem. My eyes were extremely red and inflamed from the chemically mascara. I am taking lysine, digestive enzymes' and taurine. When I am stressed they show up more. The only thing I am able to control them with proper nutrition and some eye exercises along with a good eye vitamin.

Posted by sharon (tn) on 05/26/2021 4 posts

Thanks so much. I recently bought MSM eye drops with vitamin c. Have been doing a few drops several times a day. Haven't had any changes in my two floaters yet. But patience is a virtue.

Posted by Gene (USA) on 05/02/2021

Hi Sharon, There was a recent comment on a Mercola article where the person puts a tsp of MSM (with no other ingredients) in a glass of water - then puts drops into the eyes. I'm going to start this practice. I have the MRM brand which has no fillers, etc. It's just a jar of powder. Also consume some every day.

Oil Pulling
Posted by sharon (tn) on 04/22/2021 4 posts

What is oil pulling for eye floaters? Do you pour oil in your eyes? I'm curious. Thanks.

Posted by sharon (tn) on 04/19/2021 4 posts

Do you use MSM drops in the eyes or internally with capsules? Where do you buy and how much do you take? Thanks.

Oh and what brand organic multivitamin?

Castor Oil
Posted by Sharon (TN) on 04/18/2021 4 posts

How many weeks did it take for the castor oil take to cure your eye floaters? Thanks

Beet Juice
Posted by Kelly (Seattle, WA) on 03/10/2021

One caution with beets -- they're EXTREMELY high in oxalates. So if one has joint pains or especially are prone to kidney stones, you want to avoid beets at all costs. Plus, not sure why they would help with floaters as they have nothing to do with collagen and/or blood issues.

Beet Juice
Posted by Kelly (Seattle) on 03/10/2021


Yes, a detached vitreous humor is probably the MAIN cause of 'sudden' larger floaters. That happened to me about 2 years ago, and then again just today at lunch. It came on fast two...within a minute so I knew it was a bleed. And I had some garlic w/my lunch which is a well known blood thinner (see below). They checked and found that it hadn't detached, but there was a small amount of blood at the bottom of the last detached area. When they're repaired with lasers, they can't really close the detachment, but they laser around it to prevent it from detaching further. Those pin-tip size floaters at tiny specs of blood -- so it's best to back off on any type of blood thinner -- natural or drug-based -- because you'll continue to get them and/or they're get worse. Mine were better like I said for a little more than 2 years...but something caused the bleed today, and now I'm back with 'windshield-wiped' type floaters, and those little tiny, tiny black dots, but I'm determined to find every way I can to make them go away. Will update my post as I (hopefully) improve.

Posted by Jasmine (NJ) on 05/13/2020

Organic Multivitamin and MSM.

I didn't even realize my eye floaters disappeared until I thought about it since they never bothered me really. They have been with me for a decade and now they're mostly gone since MSM! However, just be careful cause the timing also coincides with my dry eyes, which is why I was scanning through Earth Clinic.

Posted by bodulica (Barrie ON) on 03/13/2020

Anyone tried pineapple (Bromelain)? According to this study it works.

Beet Juice
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 10/04/2020

I just experienced this in early 2020 and again in September. I saw huge floaters that looked like handlebar mustaches and then huge carpenter ant floaters. Flashes of light as well. An eye doctor is in order in case it is a retinal detachment. Mine was a detached vitreous humor both times. There is nothing that can be done. The eye doctor I saw said your brain eventually ignores the floaters. Now I just see a whole sheet of pin tip size floaters. Good luck! Getting old is not for sissies.

Castor Oil
Posted by Jeanne (Colorado, Usa) on 11/19/2018

Sri Lanka, see if you can find online Can-C eye drops (with L carnosine). I have seen photos of before and after 6 months, of a full blown eye cataract from a trial. Gone. So it is a proven eye drop solution, doctor developed, for humans and animal cataracts. The box one buys comes with TWO eye-drop bottles.

Budwig Diet
Posted by Jeanne (Colorado, Usa) on 11/19/2018

I hear you! That is why I soak raw seeds or nut in some powdered Vitamin C for about 10 minutes for flax seeds, overnight for all others.Then I rinse them in a sieve before using. Walnuts and other nuts I dry by cotton kitchen towel, and ten place in sun on a cookie sheet with rim. If it is cloudy I dry them on lowest temperature my oven has, perhaps even with door slightly open. Then save in fridge.

Beet Juice
Posted by Jeanne (Colorado, Usa) on 11/19/2018

Looking in medical books I found floaters are sometimes even from time of birth, when extra capillaries inside the eye do not dissolve. So nothing to do with sleeping position. BUT they have ALL to do for me with eating sweet things, and bread. So perhaps they might even be candida related. So staying off breads seems to help me a lot.
I make occasionally raw beets to rejuvenate my liver. Formula is easy to make by anyone. All you need is a greater (or food processor).

1/3 raw beets, 1/3 good extra virgin olive oil, 1/3 fresh lemon juice. (Or lime juice when I cannot find good lemons here). Grate beets, mix with olive oil and lemon juice, place in glass dish with cover, refrigerate. Eat 1 tablespoon on its own, or in salads daily. Good for skin too. Original recipe I had said that when we eat this 1 Tablespoon each hour it can completely regenerate the liver. (Unless someone is in a live and death liver situation, I would stick to the 1 then 2 TBSP daily, or one could regenerate the liver, while experiencing major detox. )

Beet Juice
Posted by Jeanne (Colorado, Usa) on 11/19/2018

You say that you work for 10 hours daily on computers. I have floaters too, and here looking for some ideas. But regarding computer use my eyes really enjoy a Yellow night driving clip-on for glasses. If you normally don't wear glasses you can get Yellow night driving glasses in Walmart for about $ 10. I just purchased 2 more as gifts, as my eyes are much less stressed from the blue computer screen light, and so current floaters are so much less of a bother.

Vitamin B12
Posted by Coodlepoodle (Pilottown, LA) on 05/24/2018

For probably 2 years have been trying to customize a cure for eye floaters. Eye Floaters became real obnoxious with menopause. Florescent lights and sunlight were real tough situations for me. I stumbled upon Vit. B1 in researching. The article said Vit. B1 was directly related to the movement of the eyes. That was exactly when the floaters were bad for me. When I moved my eyes back and forth. Vit. B1 made a significant difference. Right now I am tinkering with the individual Vit. Bs to find out what works best ie. Vit. B Complex, B1, B2, B6 and B12.

Years ago I got the weak stomach acid and that is a sign of Vit. B deficiency also. So, the floaters were not the only symptom. I have not seen many cures that mention this but Adelle Davis in her book hit upon this. Finding this is a huge relief because it is a very manageable solution. The capper is that Vit. B increases your energy by better processing your food. Who would have guessed!!

Beet Juice
Posted by Akilah (Chicago, Il) on 03/09/2018


The correction the beet juice gives doesn't persist. A few hours after I take it each time, I can see the floaters again. I have not been using it consistently however, and maybe it's a cumulative effect. I use it when it gets really uncomfortable, outside of that I have just learned to work around it.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 01/24/2018

Thanks for updating, Alex. I have floaters, too and have considered this remedy but you are saving me the trouble!

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki) on 01/23/2018

I used serrapeptase for my eye floaters for many months with zero results. I took it away from meals. That period a callus I had scrapped off easily with a pumice when taking a bath.

No side effects to me.

L-Carnosine Eye Drops
Posted by Agustin (Dallas, Texas) on 11/20/2017

Awesome, Thank you for your Comment I'll try this eye drops because I have very heavy eye floaters from the vitreous like clouds on the Sky, I can't see the signs when I driving and lot distractions, Thank you

N-Acetylcarnosine (NAC) Eye Drops
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 10/28/2017

I've use a 5ml bottle of Can-C eye drops (N-Acetylcarnosine) with NO RESULTS for my eye floaters as the site which produces it says. One drop every day for weeks. No side effects either

Comfrey Tea
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 10/20/2017

I've used about 150gr of Comfrey tea with zero results. Every time I did a tea I also put 1 drop of the tea in my eye in the morning and one in the afternoon. Zero results for me with no side effects either.

L-Carnosine Eye Drops
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 09/22/2017

CAN-C's active ingredient is N-Acetylcarnosine not L-carnosine.

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