5 Natural Remedies for Coping with the Side Effects of Chemotherapy

| Modified on Mar 27, 2024
Colloidal Silver
Posted by Tabby Harris (Us) on 02/03/2017

My friend had part of his colon taken out recently from cancer. He started chemo after his first treatment. He lost his appetite, had diarrhea so he tried colloidal silver to drink which made his stomach stop hurting. He started back eating and he doesn't have diarrhea for now. Amazing.

Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/25/2022

I experimented with adding liquid zinc to my shampoo due to hair thinning from chemo. It works! Finally regrowing hair. And, had a nevus on my scalp for several years. It is gone. Guessing the zinc got rid of it?

Betty's Tea
Posted by Betty (CA) on 04/07/2022

Tea to combat chemo toxicity and other energy killers

Supplies your body with essential nutrients to help with energy, removing toxins, body stressors, chemo. I make this if I am feeling exhausted or just having a bad day. Made it also during chemo. It really helps with toxins. I haven't put Schizandra berries in it yet but make it with all the rest of the herbal ingredients.

Blend equal parts of ingredients:

  • Schizandra berries
  • Rooibos Chai blend
  • Hibiscus blossoms
  • Nettle leaves
  • Goji berries
  • Ginger root
  • Lemongrass
  • Red clover blossoms
  • Licorice root
  • Orange peel

To make 16 oz of herbal tea blend

1. Bring 16 oz of spring or filtered water to a boil

2. Place 4 TBSP of herbal mixture into covered tea pot or canning jar

3. Pour freshly boiled water over herbs: steep covered for 6-8 minutes

4. Strain out herbs and let tea cool to room temp

Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/27/2022

Yes, I concentrate on massaging it in right on the bald spot on top of my head first. I am thinking to increase the zinc to see if I can get more results faster. Maybe 3 TBSP added. We shall see. Right now I have fly away new growth that will not lay down. Ya, I am proud to have it. Been having to part my hair on the side for two years. Tried everything under the sun in commercial bottles and things, no results. It was an experiment that turned out slow slow but working.

Lemons for Loss of Taste
Posted by inspire2021 (Gulfport, FL) on 06/17/2021

Taste buds after chemotherapy:

To get your taste buds back, try sucking on a lemon. My brother was just told this by an oncologist and he said after a year, he finally has his taste back!!

Salt and Baking Soda Bath
Posted by Racer (Hampton, Tn) on 01/24/2010

This was a letter in which we were talking about my 20 year old and how she became toxic on all her drugs, and my friend sent me this that she had found out many years ago!


......about your daughter sometimes being "toxic" from all the drugs she has to take. Long ago I went to a wonderful seminar about natural healing. It was taught by a bunch of knowledgeable people in many fields & I learned an important de-tox treatment for people that have been on strong drugs like chemo. This might help your daughter when she gets toxic. It could help to rid her body of some of the drugs:


Take one pound of non-iodine TABLE SALT & one pound of BAKING SODA & put these into a hot bath & stir well. Have your daughter get in to the bath tub then keep giving her cups of Hot Raspberry Leaf tea to drink (to help her sweat).

You can add honey or sugar if she likes the tea better sweetened.

Have her stay soaking in the bath for AT LEAST 20 minutes, adding hot water if needed.

This Salt/Soda bath works by sucking some of the toxins out of your system through your skin because the concentration of salt is stronger OUTSIDE your body (in the bath) than INSIDE the body.

The lady who told me about this said there was a florescent green layer of film on top of the bath water after a friend of hers had chemo. Proving that it can suck out toxins.

Posted by Art (California) on 03/27/2022 2165 posts

Betty, Thank you for the details. So 4 1/2 to 5 mg of zinc per ounce of shampoo. If you are using a 1/4 ounce of shampoo per wash, that's just a little over 1 mg of zinc per shampoo , but you are applying it directly to the target area, so perhaps it is a significant amount in that case. Art

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/18/2018

Lynn, the hard, middle piece of a pineapple has bromelain. We suck on that (too hard to chew and swallow).

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Art (California) on 08/02/2022 2165 posts


According to the following article, fish oil (FO) may not be a good idea once chemotherapy is in play :


Here is a quote from the study :

>>> '

Patients with cancer should avoid fish oil supplements and remove herring and mackerel from the menu during chemotherapy, according to authors of a new study.

Their research shows that consumption of these fish or fish oil supplements significantly increases healthy human volunteers' plasma levels of a platinum-induced fatty acid known as 16:4[n-3], which has been implicated in cisplatin chemoresistance in preclinical animal studies. ' <<<

On the other hand, this article suggests that melatonin has multiple activities against breast cancer.


Here is a relevant quote that suggests that not only is melatonin an oncostatic on its own, it is also compatible with chemo and radio therapy :

>>> ' Impaired melatonin level promotes various pathophysiological changes, including cancer. In our modern society, breast cancer is a serious problem throughout the world. Several studies have been indicated the link between low levels of melatonin and breast cancer development. Melatonin has oncostatic properties in breast cancer cells. This indolamine advances apoptosis, which arrests the cell cycle and regulates metabolic activity. Moreover, melatonin increases the treatment efficacy of cancer and can be used as an adjuvant with chemotherapeutic agents. ' <<<

It is important to note that melatonin has shown benefit in multiple studies against various forms of cancer, not just breast cancer.


Posted by Art (California) on 03/26/2022 2165 posts


How much zinc did you use in mg to ounces of shampoo to be effective for your hair regrowth? Which brands of products or specific links to those products? Thank you!


Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/26/2022

Hi Art, shampoo I am using Maui Moisture brand, Smooth Repair Vanilla Bean, 15 oz bottle. The zinc is metagenics brand Zinc Drink and I used 1 1/2 TBSP.

Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/26/2022

I only wash my hair every 3rd day. It has taken 2 bottles worth of this mixture to show results (so, about 90 days to start seeing it).

Posted by Betty (CA) on 04/03/2022

Yes, please report back.

It was a slow go but now I have upped the zinc in shampoo to 3 TBSP (now that I know it isn't dangerous, ha. I am very respectful of things and go slow).

My daughter also has hair loss from cv19 back in Nov. She is doing this now and also having acupuncture therapy hoping it will help.

Posted by Betty (CA) on 04/11/2022

I put it in the shampoo bottle and shook it up.

I am now using 3TBSP of zinc mixed with shampoo. I don't believe it will harm in any way to increase zinc/shampoo ratio.

The nevus on top of my head is gone. Can't find any info about zinc and nevus' but mine is gone somehow.

Posted by Lynn (England) on 10/17/2018

Please can someone tell me where I can obtain bromelain 6500 gdu? I can't find it anywhere. I can find 3000 gdu. Could I just use twice the amount of that? Or does it not work that way? I'm trying to help someone close to me who has damage from chemo. I saw Ted makes his own bromelain 10% with that and glycine.

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies

Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/31/2022

18 months since last chemo.

Posted by Lynda T. (CA) on 04/03/2022

I lost a lot of hair due to Covid, which is finally not falling out anymore. I am going to try this, and will report back any positive results!

Posted by Betty (CA) on 04/04/2022

I did think about doing that but have no idea if it would be too much of a good thing, ya know. I do let the shampoo mix sit while I finish washing in the shower then rinse head to toe. So, about 15-20 min's (until the hot water runs out).

Posted by Spope (Houston) on 03/27/2024

Secrets of the Tribe has bromelain in a tincture form.

Posted by Tassi (California) on 03/26/2014

5 yrs ago now, a friend who had lymphoma and tried many holistic remedies, finally decided to have chemo; she was told by her holistic dr:

Before the chemo, fast for 2-3 days, which causes all the normal cells of the body to slow way down but not the cancer cells, so they suck up much more of the chemo than the rest of the cells.

I should add, she is doing fine now, healthy and very active. She felt that the fasting technique really helped her suffer very little bad effect from the toxic chemotherapy. She had wanted to achieve a cure with natural methods (she did many things over a couple of years, including many Vitamin C IVs) but kept losing weight and was finally advised by her holistic doctor to go ahead and do the chemotherapy.

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Susie (Long Island, Ny) on 09/25/2012

I want to thank all of you for your input. My husband is on his 7th round of chemo and has had minimal side effects so far. His blood numbers are getting to the 'edge' and we want to continue to be active in his care and you have helped! God bless!

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Jerry (Miramar ) on 09/19/2022 22 posts

Thank you for your informative reply. For years, I've noticed that I've been unable to sleep, for more than 4-5 hrs per night. Maybe that could have played a role, in the diagnosis. I didnt have a choice but to start khemo, as I was in immense pain. The surgeon refused to do a full mastectomy, wanted to palm me off to his oncologist friend. I've been taking resveratrol liquid a few months now, essasic tea, the only thing I've eliminated is sugar, although I do have a popsicle after khemo. My diet is mostly veggies, fruits, salads, sometimes chicken, but I could live without it everything is homemade. I have yet to find a good safe organic green tea, and I've been looking around for a probiotic, that does not make the cancer worse, as I just found out that some of them can.

Thank you again and have a wonderful day..

Betty's Tea
Posted by Jerry (Miramar ) on 08/02/2022 22 posts

Hi Betty.

Thank you for this. Where can I get most of those herbs. I do have something that's growing next to my ginger root, I'm not sure if its lemongrass or weeds. Orange peels are easy to get, is getting this online, a good idea, I checked a farmers market and, most of these, they didn't understand, or did not have it.

Thank you in advance.

Posted by Uncertain (LA) on 03/31/2022

Hey Betty...Sounds great. I am curious about the time frame. How long was it from the time you had the chemo, to when you started adding the zinc, to when you began to see hair growth again?

Posted by Louis (Wheeling) on 04/03/2022

Do I assume you wash your hair first with the shampoo then dry it and then massage the liquid zinc into or onto the scalp?

Posted by Liz (AZ) on 04/11/2022

Hi Betty - Thanks for sharing this encouraging testimony! I have been researching for remedies to regrow hair. I want to make sure I am using the right amount and applying it correctly. Do you pour shampoo into your hand and then pour the 1 1/2 Tbl of zinc into the shampoo? Are you eyeballing the amount or using an actual measurement spoon? Is there an easier way? Can zinc be poured into the shampoo bottle or maybe a smaller bottle so the ratio is not too diluted? You mentioned using a nevus cap for two years so do you know for sure if it's the zinc that has help hair regrowth or was it the cap or possibly both? I don't have a nevus cap and was just going to try the zinc & shampoo only to see if it will work.

Posted by Uncertain (LA) on 04/26/2022

Do you think this might work for androgenetic alopecia?

Posted by Timo (Thailand) on 04/04/2022

Why not spray the liquid zinc directly to your scalp? If you wash your hair fast, the shampoo will just be washed away. Spray it onto your scalp.

Posted by Betty (CA) on 04/27/2022

My cousin has alopecia and is trying it also now.

Her dr told her most alopecia patients he sees are serum zinc deficient. She takes supplemental zinc and magnesium.

I also take zinc and magnesium orally but it wasn't helping with my hair but the kitchen sink shampoo I made is helping.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Harrell (Jennings, La) on 10/04/2017

How much colloidal silver would one drink per day to combat nausea from chemo side effects?

Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count) Remedies
Posted by Selma (Usa) on 02/15/2014

I have a low platelet count from chemo. What vitamins or food could help?

Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count) Remedies
Posted by Rob (Manhattan) on 02/15/2014

I posted a whle ago on this..I would like to add AHCC to my recommendations...try the brand with Bioperine..(will help to absorb it better)... go to iHerb and do a seacrch and read the commnents on the different products...

I've tried AHCC and feel it does boost the immune system...unfortunately it is pricey.

Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count) Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 02/16/2014 2063 posts

Selma: For starters try a whole food multivitamin/mineral w/ enzymes supplement for overall support. Add these three super foods to your diet: 1) Raw (as a supplement) or cooked Liver. 2) Blackstrap Molasses. 3) Bee Pollen. The herb Astragalus has a positive affinity to the bone marrow thus improving stem cell function.

Thrombocytopenia (Low Platelet Count) Remedies
Posted by Art (California ) on 02/16/2014

According to these abstracts, melatonin maybe helpful in increasing platelet count as well as other deficits related to chemotherapy:



General Feedback
Posted by Worryhubby (Singapore) on 07/09/2012

My wife is having Sore throat after the 3rd day of chemo. And she's feeling kinda feverish too. Temperature currently fine. I myself has a mild flu and am wondering if I'm the one passing to her. Am worried and dont even dare to sleep beside her. I just wanna see if anybody has any idea on what to do. Please help:(

General Feedback
Posted by Lynn (Williamston, Sc) on 07/09/2012

Try Magic Mouthwash. My father used it during his treatments and it really helped. I think there are some homemade recipes around or her Dr. could give her some.

General Feedback
Posted by Dawn (New York) on 12/19/2017

When you get chemo it kills off your white blood cells. Your doctor should regularly measure your wife's white blood cells and give her Neulasta or some other drug to keep her white blood cell counts in normal range. If your wife's white blood cell counts (esp. her neutrophils, type of white blood cell) are low you can easily get her very sick! Go to the doctor with her, she should get regular blood tests and her doctor monitor her so she doesn't get neutroponic fever or other bad side effects of chemo-->low white blood cell count. She will be okay, just be safe!

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Camara (Md, USA) on 06/21/2010

Unfortunately, I'm going through chemo and wanted to know if there are any natural remedies for keeping my red and white blood cells at a normal level during the treatments.

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, New York) on 06/22/2010

Astragalus may be a good choice...however do some research to know whether you should take it during or after chemo to rebuild your immune system.

Also Castor Oil packs on the abdomen. Do some research.

Mushrooms formulas with Cordyceps & Reishi can help as well.

Best to you!

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Cameron (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 01/06/2012

My daughter is going through Chemo for Leukemia and we have found some things people may find useful. Note that in Australia children with Cancer are forced into having whatever your Oncologist recommends, we did not submit easily. If you use my recommendations be confident that either the drug has done its job or that your Alternative Remedies are powerful enough. All treatments come with risk and sometimes all will fail, you must educate yourself, I post this for information only, it is what we have done and would do again.

Activated Charcoal, we gave her this 2 hours after treatment to take away the remaining drug and this ensured no side effects from even the most toxic drugs. AC also works for Nausea, overdose and as a compress(see AC posts) a great way to alleviate pain and detox the liver or kidneys.

TBL12, crushed Sea Cucumber essentially, it supported her Bloods, she returned perfect blood results even after very severe treatments. Our Oncologist even admits she was amazing but without acknowedging our home treatment. When we ran out of TBL12 her blood results fell and she lacked some of her normal energy but still nowhere near as bad as all the other Leukemia kids. I would use this personally for any form of Blood Disease as my primary treatment, it has simply been amazing.

Spirulina / Chlorella, both are shown to reverse all sorts of conditions, packed with Vitamins and Minerals, they are literally the perfect food. We put it into capsules but can be mixed with juice, take as much as you can afford. Hundreds of Scientific papers support them.

My last words would be, relax, Juice Organic Fruit and Veges(do not use conventially grown anything, we noticed the difference) get in contact with old friends and family.

Good Luck to anyone who has Cancer, I hope this helps.

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 01/07/2012

The latest on Leukemia is that there is a substance in fish oil that activates the gene in the cancer cell to commit suicide. It also stops the hair falling out if you're having chemo. So the more fish oil the better.

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Jerry (Miramar) on 08/02/2022 22 posts

Hi, I know this an old post..but will this work for any for cancer, like breast cancer, and others..thank you in advance.

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 01/08/2012 2063 posts

Gavin, it is important to not forget take Vit-E, 400-800 (mixed natural) to protect the extremely sensitive polyunsaturated fats. And if you want complete protection the E needs some Selenium and some CoQ10 will work right along with all the aforementioned thus GREATLY increasing one's healing potential, especially in cases like cancer and chemo.

my 2 cent addendum.

White and Red Blood Cell Count Remedies
Posted by A.anunnaki (Mobile, Alabama, Usa) on 03/08/2012

I've been doing chemo since August of 2011. Before that, I had been eating organic, vegetarian, and kosher for years.

I knew that eating vegetarian, organic, and kosher may not provide me with all I needed to physically deal with going through chemo, so I started rotating out what I would eat.

Every other day, I would eat a portion size of red meat about the size of the palm of my hand, maybe three to four ounces, along with whatever I felt like I could eat that would stay down.

On the day after the red meat day, I would make the attempt to eat about the same amount of white meat--fish, a few ounces of a pork chop, or chicken in a casserole or something like chicken and dumplings.

On the seventh day of the week, whenever it it, I'd pretty much eat whatever I wanted.

This was something I came up with on my own and I was fortunate enough to have doctors who have the mentality of if I feel like eating something and I think it will stay down, eat whatever the hell I want, so I did. I actually gained six pounds during chemo, which the nurses thought was great.

Of course I drank and still am drinking a lot of juice and water, along with eating fruits and vegetables. Some with small seeds can be irritating to the stomach, so that is contingent upon how someone's stomach is doing.

All of that said, I have yet to miss a chemo because of my counts being low or off. I have not had my white counts drop, I have not had my red counts, nor my plasma drop, either. I have not caught every germ coming and going, nor have I had my skin look anything but normal. Sometimes folks doing chemo can have their skin take on an unusual shade of color for them because the chemo affects their blood.

Anyway, I hope that helps someone out there looking to find out more information about how to eat during chemo.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not a nutritionist nor a healthcare professional, I am a wife and mom who has been going through chemo for her2 breast cancer. I breastfed all three of my children at least a year, no genetic predisposition for breast cancer because it doesn't run in the family, non-smoker, non-drinker, and no hormone therapy of any kind, no birth control pills, no hormone replacement therapy, no explanation other than I wound up with breast cancer.

Treatments given so far has been one dose of TCH, herceptin, herceptin/taxol, bilateral mastectomy, currently starting CMF and then herceptin for a year.

One of the oral anti-nausea meds gives me vicious hiccups. A teaspoonful of creamy peanut butter works wonders to cure them.
