Natural Remedies

Natural Approaches for Scabies: Exploring Effective Remedies

Posted by lily (Canada) on 12/10/2021

A DR. told me to buy MSM, (organic preferably 99.9%pur) which is organic SULFUR crystals. Follow directions on the package PLUS boil a cup of water add a tsp. of granules, let cool, put in a spray bottle & spray your body & hair. It is true MAGIC!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robin (CA) on 04/27/2021

Important when you have scabies to wear latex gloves when showering or bathing so you don't spread scabies all over your body. And especially when wiping after using the bathroom or changing pads during period. Women don't use tampons during this problem at all!! Also, try to wear gloves as long as you can daily assuming it's not summer. Also always wear thick socks with diatomaceous inside them. Turn the sock inside out then grab some diatomaceous earth with inside out sock. Then turn the sock right side in. I used ankle socks. This along with consistent glove wearing kept me from spreading mites in my environment cutting down cleaning and helps to effectively stop the vicious cycle. These two steps also prevented feeling them inside and out. Not to mention keeping diatomaceous earth in my socks helps blood pressure and water retention. I do it to this day.

I also shaved my head bald. I'm not kidding. I'm a woman and I figured I wasn't going out or seeing many people anyway. It helped alot but I know it's not for most people. I also drank diatomaceous earth in water daily. There are miticide foggers also that help especially cause your so exhausted mentally and physically. And dehumidifiers and heat used together with all windows closed for as long as possible (you have to leave the premises of course. Try just hanging outside.) Always keep any furniture a few inches away from walls from now on. Never have any furniture, knick knacks touching walls. I also stopped hanging pictures and other things on walls to prevent hiding places for pests, parasites. From now on lifestyle means less is more!

One last mention is to keep any clothes, shoes, pictures, memorabilia, anything stored or not in immediate use that you would like to keep seal it tight in plastic from now on. This is important as a rule of thumb. It cuts down cleaning and having to throw things out for many types of infestation like mites, bed bugs and roaches. I hope this helps.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 12/16/2020

Here in Kentucky, we use turpentine baths to get rid of turkey mites bites (infant star ticks) when we hike in the woods. It makes since that since scabies are a mite, it can be used for them also.

Published in the (Roy and Ghosh Medical Journal Dec. 1944), From the Department of Medical Entomology, School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta) When it was noticed that the incidence of scabies is at present extremely high and that drugs such as benzyl benzoate, mitigal, tetmos, etc., are not available in this country, it was felt that it would be worth while to undertake an investigation with the object of discovering a sarcopticidal drug which would not only be efficient but would also be readily available. In this connection, a large number of indigenous preparations commonly used for scabies in this country were tested, and in course of this investigation oil of turpentine was observed to possess properties whereby the mite was quickly overwhelmed and was soon killed on contact outside the body.

To take a turpentine bath, pour a capful of turpentine about 1 teaspoon into a full tub of warm/hot water. Add bath bubbles to help draw the turpentine into the water because oil and water don't mix well. Humco Pure Gum Spirits is sold here at grocery stores and is made from real pine trees. Not synthetic made crap sold at hardware stores which will burn your skin we found out.

To make a topical salve, mix 1:4 Turpentine to Olive oil. Apply to infected areas.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Art (California) on 10/04/2020 2165 posts


Have you tried clove oil in vodka and used as a spray? Lavender oil with peppermint oil in vodka applied as a spray may also be helpful. All three of these oils are considered helpful for detering these mites.


Vaseline +
Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 04/25/2021

Linda, go to Tractor Supply or Rural King, to the animal medicines. There should be ivermectin injectable, pour on or paste. You want the pour on one. The animal supply places have all sorts of things--dmso, povidone iodine, tar-based salves and so on. Stuff the people pharmacies have rejected in favor of modern pharma.

Infrared Sauna
Posted by Lindsay (North Carolina) on 03/08/2020

An Infrared sauna will draw them out of your skin. Use a sticky roller to remove them. There is also a purple powder that turns brown in the tub that pulls all of them out of your skin and you will actually see them when you drain the tub. It works by oxidation. I will search to find the name of the powder and post. It can be purchased on Amazon.

Bitter Melon
Posted by Imogen (Philippines) on 02/08/2022

Crystal posted about bitter melon cure for scabies in 2018. Thank you, Crystal! It's a miracle! In the Philippines bitter melon is very common. My grandma often tells me to eat it coz it's medicine. But I just hated it.

So we have a big garden and one of the tenants got a stray cat. Then they had the worst scabies case. They had to leave the place coz according to them it's in the property but in truth none of that happened until they adopted that cat. The bugs spread all over the place and we got it for many years. It was just the most resistant type of bug!
We used everything! Ivermectin, sulfur, Permethrin, tea tree oil, acapulco oil, clove oil, blower, teds remedies...the list goes on . Nothing worked.
The itch was so bad all I could do was cry!

The sleepless nights and the suffering! I understand it totally!
I never want even my enemies to have them.

So, I read Crystal's post. So I said I'll give it a try. What do I got to lose? I can buy bitter melon capsules anywhere in the Philippines! They are called ampalaya capsules. They're more popular as diabetes cure. It lowers blood sugar significantly. So I took two capsules 2x/ day. I kid you not! First two days the itch was gone 50%, on the third day the itch was totally gone. On the 5th day, the rashes have totally dried out. For the first time in maybe 5 years, we are itch free n cured!

So we just take it 2x a day now . It has other health benefits . Since I started drinking it, I lost weight. But after using the bathroom gosh! It's like I pooped smth dead. So I'm thinking maybe the bitterness was just all over our system that all the mites just ran away!
We were not the chosen host anymore.

I'm thinking if there are no host, then all the mites will just die after 3 days.

This is a miracle! Thank you Crystal wherever u are! Thank u Earth clinic! Thank you God! You are a miracle working God!

Clove Oil
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/18/2018

You are right about clove oil being an excellent scabicide (others work as well, such as cedar oil, and others), but what you shared about covering the bed is also important for many to understand.

When pest control companies are brought in to treat for fleas, ticks, or mange when there are dogs, one of the first things they say is to treat the area where the dog sleeps, because the parasites are there, and eggs may also be there. With humans, the same holds true: the bed must be treated (spraying with a dilute ammonia solution will definitely kill them) and covering the bed with plastic is a good precaution (as well as washing the sheets every day in hot/drying on hottest setting).

Many simply treat successfully only to reinfest themselves over and over again because they didn't pay attention to treating the bed itself, under the sheets! You have pointed out something that is vital!

Posted by John (Corpus Christi, Texas) on 01/16/2016 4 posts


This is what I did, and it worked.

The major problem was the scabies mites continued biting me and made it difficult to sleep. A minor problem was that I had other mites, ones that crawled in my hair, and others that crawled in my nose.

To kill scabies, I theorized that I had to keep something on my body all the time to kill the bugs and their eggs which hatch randomly, and it needed to be something non-poisonous and effective.

For me sulfur was the answer. I soaped my body with sulfur soap at the bugs' meal time, let it dry, coated myself with skin cream if my skin felt itchy and dry. Sometimes I did this twice a day, but I kept it on constantly. Sulfur has this advantage over permithrin, lindane, and ivermectin in that it has a comparatively low toxicity even though it does burn your eyes and makes you sneeze.

After four days, I felt only a few bites and little or no movement.

To aid the sulfur, I used tea tree oil full strength. I rubbed it on my hands and feet, legs and arms and anywhere else when I felt the buggers stinging me. Like clove oil, it has a short killing time. It doesn't last. However, unlike clove oil, it doesn't burn your skin at full strength and has a very low toxicity. Tea tree is a very effective "other" mite killer. It stopped the crawling mites at the first application. I used it in my hair, eyebrow (carefully) and in my nose (carefully).

Finally, I utilized a mix of hydrogen peroxide and borax to spray on furniture, bed, and floors to kill the stragglers. Just pour some hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle, put in some borax, shake, and spray. It is an effective killer, but doesn't last long.

Sulfur is very good to put on carpets. It lasts a long time and kills the mites.

Also, I enclosed my mattress, box springs, and pillows with mite proof encasements. You must do this to succeed. I washed and dried bed clothes at high heat every other day. On the non-wash days, I dried them in the drier for a long time at high heat to kill the mites. I never wore clothes more than once without washing and drying them.

Finally, if I had a dirty laundry item I needed to wear immediately, I microwave them for 80 or so seconds. This is for emergency use only.

I wish you well.

Bro John

Hair Dryer
Posted by Linda (Puerto Vallarta, Mexico) on 04/05/2015

I have written here before thinking I had found relief from scabies only to find again that they were still around. I used many of the ideas on Earthclinic. It is almost a year ago now that I started using a hair dryer on the scabies and it is amazing as soon as you start. I haven't found any scabies in months but I worry every time I itch and I just use the hairdryer. I use it as hot as possible till I can't stand the heat or burn feeling. I read from a person on this site about that idea first and it made sense. As soon as I did this the redness or aliveness faded. It works fast, you just have to get all the places and then of course there is the clothes and house cleaning. Good luck with these horrible little "animals". This works great!

Posted by RP (USA) on 03/03/2021

Sulphur soap 10% commonly sold as acne soap with lanolin is the way to use sulphur; soap entire body and leave it on to penetrate and dry. Repeat day after day for 3 to 4 days. then take a break. repeat a week later.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Darlene (Oregon, Usa) on 10/12/2014

On the topic of scabies, Diatomaceous earth works wonderful. Use one cupful in bath water and soak for while covering all parts of body. When you get out of bath just pat dry to leave as much DM on the body as possible. Use the food grade. It can also be used for internal parasites. I have used it for 6 yrs on my dogs, goats, mule, chickens and even taken it myself. It works to get rid of mites on chickens and scale mites on their feet . Research this for more info.

Clove Oil
Posted by Jess (La) on 04/30/2015

There are literally thousands of types of mites and the medical establishment doesn't know everything. Some mites are super strong and regular meds aren't wrking

Bleach and Water
Posted by Vern (MD) on 10/09/2021

Please please please do NOT stay at a hotel if you know you have Scabies! This is how I have caught Scabies TWICE now, from hotels. You are spreading it to others.

Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 10/16/2013

HI U GOD FEARING FOLKS DOING, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Last year when I was addressing Lymphoma, I had an out break of mites of some kind. I think it was associated with the cancer as Hulda Clarks says. Anyways, I went to my doctor and he gave me an insecticide. That did not work, so I went to a Dermatoligist and he gave me a gel that was supposed to smother them. The sorry rascal did not send the specimans off for indentification.

I read where mites die at 120 degrees so we washed all my clothes and bed sheets with the hot water heater on maximam. I took a FIR Sauna at 160 degrees every day. That solved my problem. Any other treatment besides heat , then you are pissen in the wind.

Know lots of you don't have the money for a FIR Sauna, but you dang sure know how to build a fire. The native Indians used heat to solve a lot of their health problems. You figure out how to get your skin above 120 degrees and you are home free.

For parasites that are in the skin, heat is the only solution. Otherwise you have a long drawn out process. Heed what I say. I've been there.

Love you like a FIRST COUSIN. == OLE RH ====

Bleach and Water
Posted by Angela (Eastpointe, Mi) on 06/18/2013

Scabies is the WORST thing to have ever happen to me! I tried the PERM & no results after a couple of days so I went to Google for some help and I found this site. I just want to say THANK U THANK U THANK U!!!!! I started taking the bathes with bleach & peroxide on a Sunday I started seeing results the very next day! These little suckers started working overtime due to me messing with their new found environment (my body) but I hung in there and got creative. After my bath I sprayed myself with bleach water and apply tea tree oil all over. In the morning I would get in the shower spray my body with peroxide, rub citrus dish detergent all over my body let it sit for a couple of minutes, rinse then wash as normal with Dial body wash (antibacteria) I even washed my hair with the dish detergent and dipped head in my bath water. Wash everything or throw away! I even started spraying my body with alcohol after my showers and applied the tea tree oils. Spray ur bed every time u planned on laying down with bleach water & putting plastic to cover ur mattresses is highly recommended! Wash everything and clean everything! I sprayed my floors and walls with bleach water for the first to days then I started every other day. I also wore latex gloves to keep down on wiping everything I touched. Don't forget ur car! I cleaned and sprayed my truck with a Ortho beg spray from Home Depot ever night and don't forget the seat belts. It's a extreme pain, but it works! Listerine or any mouthwash works as well. DON'T GIVE UP! I've been doing this for a wk now and my old spots are clearing up and new spots are becoming a sweet memory!

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 12/28/2012

For scabies infection use the homeopathic remedy PSORINUM 30C. Within less than 1/2 hr. it will be gone. Use once or twice more. It helped me immediately. If your health food store does not have it, it can be ordered. Cost: about less than Can. $10. The medical remedy was cancer causing as per info. And cost about Can. $80.

Stay away from costly, dangerous medicines. I saw my aura turn black with the medical remedy! You could try Psorinum on pets without side effects. Otherwise use Ted's remedy. From Om

Clove Oil
Posted by Genevieve From West Coast, Usa (Yachats, Oregon) on 05/15/2012

Folks, this is the answer to your prayers! CLOVE OIL. Over the course of a year I tried many of the suggestions on this site for ridding myself of scabies. The winner is:

3/4 tsp clove oil mixed with 4 TBS olive oil

(Be careful: I made a too-potent blend and burned my skin, and the healing process was maybe even worse than the scabies! But at the 6% ratio I note above, I had no problem.)

I followed the protocols suggested in many of the postings here for laundry, bedding, bathing and general disinfecting. MMS bath 3x/day, followed by application of the clove/olive oil mixture (I also used almond and coconut oils). Apply it ALL over your body, even if you only see signs of scabies on your arm, e.g. also, I used a Q-tip and applied the undiluted oil directly onto the "bump" (I didn't put the undiluted oil on my uninfested skin).

I had scabies for over a year and by the time I tuned in to clove oil, they ranged from my ankles up to my chin! (I don't suppose details of my long mind-deranging ordeal are necessary, just imagine.)

If you want more information re the protocols I used (and helpful info from others), you can find them on under "Dermisil for Scabies, " 3-star review by Jennifer. As you might guess, I am not recommending this product, but it's where I first started out and because scabies are sooo horrible, I gave as much info as I could during my ordeal in order to be helpful to others.

Eternal (and I mean this) thanks to lorisayshey from San Diego (under the heading Citrus Mouthwash, 8/18/11) and Cathrine from Perth, Western Australia (under the heading Clove Oil, 8/28/11) for posting the link to the Australian study of the effects of clove oil on permethrin-resistant scabies. The link is:

Essential Oils
Posted by Chris (Chicago, Il) on 03/26/2012

Contracted scabies from a older family member in a retirement community who was not showering regularly. Started feeling the sensation of something running under my skin. Two treatments of Permethin had been ineffective, sulfur baths and sulfur showers and creams, helpful but not 100% effective. Tonight I showerd with sulfur soap then tried a layer of antibacterial w/aloe, mixed grapeseed oil with clove oil ~ applied a layer ~ mixed grapeseed other with sweet orange oil ~ applied ~ next tree oil ~ lastly neem. Don't know if this is the most effective order but OMG within a couple of minutes, blue/gray threadlike strands were coming out of my pores. Get ready you can feel them coming to the surface. Grabbed my twezers to take a look there were at least 50-60 of these over the next 30 minutes coming out of my skin. Better out than in, I guess... Just amazing ~ for you non-believers ~ believe. Wish I could post the picture of the bodies on the tissue. Can't wait to find a microscope of some sort. YIKES! I will be doing this treatment daily for a while. Incredible find.....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Njnit (Newark, Nj) on 01/29/2012

I am fully cured now! Here's an update on how I did it. I found that using sulfur daily decimated my skin. So, I mixed sulfur powder with vaseline and applied it from the neck down and then hung out, on a sheet, in front of the tv for an afternoon. I probably left the sulfur mix on for 4 hours or so.

I bought some diatemaceous earth which is a natural insecticide. I dusted my mattress, area rugs, couch, and my car with that.

I washed my linens daily and placed all of my dirty laundry in a plastic garbage bag to keep it seperate from everything else. I washed my clothing in hot water, adding borax to the wash.

I showered or bathed daily. I used Dr. Bronner's Tea Tree Oil liquid soap. I kept a small container of a mix of borax and sulfur next to the shower. I mixed it with the liquid soap and used it as a scrub.

After showering I would use an oil mixture of clove, neem, orange, and tea tree. I used vitamin e oil as the carrier oil and found that it worked better than coconut oil because it is thicker and therefore coated my skin better.

I took a hot bath in salted water every other day instead of a shower. I noticed that the salt water bath did wonders for any bites I had. I used sea salt. The improvment over the course of a week was dramatic!

I have not had any new bites in over a month. I will continue with the oil treatments and the tea tree oil soap, but have stopped using sulfur and borax as a scrub.

It is such a relief that I am cured. However, my skin is scarred and ruined from their bites. This has been such an awful experience, but I wanted to let everyone suffering know that there is light at the end of the tunnel! You can beat this!

Good luck and keep at it.

Bleach and Water
Posted by Aaron (Boise, Id) on 02/02/2011

I had been suffering from scabies for over a year. I have had four doses of Perm, and three doses of ivermectum (one dose a week for three weeks) I did this all reluctantly and have about 75% success with the ivermectum. These things are resiliant as hell, don't underestimate their ablility to survive, they've been around longer as a species then we have. I did every home remedy known (neem soap, neem leaf, oral neem, tea tree, coconut oil, borax, etc. etc. ). I cleaned everything religiously, never wore the same thing twice no matter how tempting. Steamed all my clothing and bedding before wash with an industrial steamer. I will tell you right now the girl who posted here has nailed it right on the head. I found a post about three months back by a girl who said bleach was the cure. I did a 1 to 3 ratio of household clorox bleach to water in a spray bottle and sprayed myself down and left it on over night.

Bleach is the cure. It may be dangerous but totally worth it. It took three times of doing this with spot treating with bleach and a blow dryer but I am now scabie free. Mostly it's important to know that your dog having a parasite is much different and honestly you cannot relate. Heating a spot that has brand-new bumps with a blow dryer to just past the point of being uncomfortable will kill them. Doubling that with the bleach, you're basically good to go.

Citrus Mouthwash
Posted by Granny (Miami, Florida) on 03/05/2009

Citrus mouthwash for scabies and Blk Pepper mites: Like you I have been battleing scabies for 8 long months ! Of couse I have used tons of over the counter remedys to no final avail,to be honest I sent in a remedy that in the end didn't work for me,so this time I'll just say to try it,you might like it. I heard of people using listerine for scabies and Black Pepper Mites (check about them ,they mimic scabies,you might be suffering from them instead ) I went to my brothers house to borrow listerine (next door)and all they had was Equate Citrus antiseptic mouthwash, I went home put some in a small wash basin in the tub stood in it and soaked myself from top of head to soles of feet, I let it air dry on me and it is very sticky, but low and behold black dots started popping out of my flesh!! I remembered working at a hotel where they used citrus spray for fleas and mites from peoples pets, I rinsed off before going to bed, should have left it on ,but this is the best my skin has felt in 8 months, I still have itches but very few. which I dab with the mouthwash and soak my feet each night,Wal-Mart has it in big bottles and it's cheap,don't have to tell you guys to keep up with borax in the carpets and wash and cover that mattress with plastic and clean it w/ diluted clorox,hope so much this helps someone out there.

Permethrin, Hand Sanitizer
Posted by Sandra (Westland, MI) on 12/21/2008

I think that I have had scabies for years now. I start breaking out in the spring, by August, I am in bed. I have seen 6 different doc's. I even had a BIOPSY of one of the swollen lesions, I told the doc to take a "ripe" one-lol. For years it very nearly drove me insane. This year I realised that it is scabies. In my research over the years, I think perhaps I didn't want it to be a living parasite. I found this site by chance.
6 days ago, I used permethrin all over as directed.

Someone on this site mentioned hand sanitizer. And I believe it has done as much to drive the bastards out of my skin as anything else. But, it can be quite painful as it is simply jellied alcohol. My question is can these creatures hibernate for years? And, I thank God for this site. Medical doc's are slaves to the pharmeceutical companies. We need to learn to take care of ourselves, as best we can in this time of worldwide chemical pollution.

May God bless us all.
Sandy Lee

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Brenda (Blue Springs, Missouri ) on 11/22/2008

Can you get scabies on your head and face area? I have been fighting these "things" for almost 3 months. At first itching, then white type if burrowong mite.I have black specks and white substance that keep appearing. And of coarse the itching is intense. Went through 2 rounds of the Rx creams and the oral Ivermectin. All the doctor's I have seen say they are gone. I'm not so sure. How long will I itch? I am using tee tree oil. It seems to help with healing the open wounds with secondary infection. Do you think this sounds like something other than scabies? I drench myself in oil every day. Seems to draw them out. Any suggestions? I am desperate.

Antibacterial Soap
Posted by Sick Of Scratching (Uk, Midlands) on 12/10/2011

My mum in a really lovely care home contracted scabies back in july, after several visits from the GP a diagnosis was reached and treatment commenced. - she is still infected and so are three members of my family! - we have tried lots of the above tea tree oil, coconut oil, neem oil, and sulphar soap and bathing twice a day (doesnt help but makes me feel clean) also washing everything after one wear including used towels after bathing - all the bedding washed on a daily basis - all very time consuming!

After some big scratching the other night and my skin feeling like it was crawling I decided to use a clothing lint roller (like selotape for clothes) but I ran it over the severely itchy areas on my body which felt a good bit less itchy and also collected any little critters roaming around on the surface (RESULT) - I am now taking this a little futher after rollering I am applying either sticky dressing pads to major bite areas or bits of microporous tape across the little bumps cause the little buggers once caught on the tape cannot move including any new ones crawling out. Also lint roller very good for going over soft furnishings after hoovering to collect any strays - quite effective up to now. - early days will keep you posted.

Acapulco Leaves
Posted by He Had Cooties Or Ants - Not Scabies (Tacoma, Wa) on 02/26/2011

Your kid must have had ants or cooties because what you described is not scabies...

- the scabies literally crawled out by the hundreds (scary)

-watch the mites run down the drain,

Two problems with your treatment description is:

You have anywhere from 10-20 mites on you .. if you have scabies - not "hundreds" as you put it.
The mites are a translucent teeny, tiny mite that is no bigger than the size of pin point when fully grown.. so to see them "run down the drain" and "litterally crawling out of your skin" is false!

    Good luck with that ant or cooties problem because its not scabies that your treating.

    Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
    Posted by Jennifer (Sacramento, CA) on 06/24/2009

    After using the cream that the doctor prescribed TWICE! Our scabies came back each time. I must say that it does not work and my doctor said the cream was harmless....we know that's not true. So I tried olive oil and recommended essential oils and tea tree oil...none of those worked. I didn't try borax till this week because my baby also has it and I didn't know if it was safe or not. But I thought, what could be worse then that dang cream (that doesn't work)! So this is what I did...I bathed with 1/2 cup borax in my water and applied it like a scrub directly on any scabies bite or egg blister. It totally worked. I could see holes where they came out of my skin. By the next morning I was almost all healed up...few scabs but huge improvement. When I get a single bite here and there from reinfecting myself...we have 6 of us with this stuff so that happens. I make the scrub and scrub away at that bite...I do it for awhile and let it sit...Then presto! Within a couple of hours you don't see it anymore or its dried out. I can't tell you the mental anguish I've gone through over this stuff. This cure has given me peace of mind and now I don't freak out and have a breakdown anymore when I see a bite. I also used the 1/2 cup of borax in every wash when I did laundry. The borax and peroxide solution worked great on the dog...which doctor said we didn't get it from..yeah right...we all know the truth about that too.

    Clove Oil, Coconut Oil +
    Posted by Lynn (New London, CT) on 06/12/2022

    For the past 11+ years I suffered from scabies that was not only misdiagnosed, but resistant to all prescription drug treatments. I had been researching for all these years for a permanent solution. I had been to hundreds of doctors and aside from being misdiagnosed, (e.g. eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic reaction, etc.) and over prescribed steroids, ivermectin, permetherin, etc.) I finally found a promising cure.

    Aside from finding the right remedy, I know now that everyone's skin and bodies are different and through trial and error found the appropriate mixture that has worked specifically for me. I have extremely sensitive skin and can't tolerate the majority of products (both prescription and OTC) as they often trigger adverse and allergic reactions. So remember when reading this that "less is more" when you first start out using the method and mixture ratio that has worked for me.

    I used organic 100% pure clove bud oil, cold pressed 109% pure coconut oil, 100% organic pure aloe vera gel, tea tree oil face and body wash for sensitive skin, Loma Lux Eczema Pill (sulphur tablets) and white 100% cotton gloves (to sleep with on my hands to help prevent further injury of unconsciously scratching/itching open skin lesions during the night - to promote my healing.

    For me the ratio of mixture that I found specifically appropriate for me was this.

    1.) Seven (7) drops of clove bud oil to one (1) tablespoon of coconut oil.
    2.) Two Loma Lux Eczema tablets once per day (taken at bedtime). My initial dosage was 3-4 tablets for the first two weeks.
    3.) Put on a fresh clean pair of the cotton gloves daily at bedtime.
    4.) Use of permetherin 5% spray to treat bedding (sheets, mattress, pillows) furniture and interior rooms on a daily basis.

    Every other day in the evening at bedtime I would apply the clove bud oil combined with the coconut oil to my skin (from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet - including face, scalp, inside my ear lobes, under my toe and finger nails, etc.) And on the in between days I would apply the pure sloe vera gel several times throughout the day to promote healing.
    The tea tree oil face and body wash I used throughout the day several times using a slightly textured wash cloth with warm water.

    Honest to God I am finally feeling relief from the insane itching, my skin lesions are all almost completely healed. Most of the scabies and demodex mites have died and exhumed from my skin (hundreds of them). I am almost in full remission after 11 + years.

    Currently I am researching for the best mite killing laundry detergent add-on and hope to update this post when I find the best additive.

    White Vinegar
    Posted by Luann (Indiana) on 05/05/2023

    I wrote this earlier post thinking that the four to one water mixed with clear white vinegar was the answer but I guess it just wasn't strong enough or else we didn't use it long enough but I figured it didn't work after writing this post. So we tried many other things over the past several months which seem to help for a little bit few days and then no they quit working. Orange oil was a great help but not the answer or the cure for my husband and I and so I wound up rethinking about the clear white vinegar and decided to use it straight and not mixing it with water. I put the clear white 5% vinegar straight into a tall plastic spray bottle and used it three times yesterday and so did my husband, head to toe working it well into our scalps. Just try not to breathe it in cuz it will take your breath away and don't get it into your eyes because it will burn and if you do rinse it out very well with water is what I did. But we did it three times yesterday and we slept so well last night, first time in a long time and we both woke up to our skin being fairly clear which surprised me because we had these damn scabies mites from head to toe and we both had severe righteous to the point that they felt so sore and I mean large patches of them everywhere. After put spraying this vinegar on us we rubbed it in well with our hands and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes while keeping it wet and after that we got in the shower and rinsed off using no soap. These bugs came out by the droves, meaning there was a lot of them that just rolled off of us into the shower and down the drain. It really kills these things and I read that it removes their exoskeletons killing the adults and the eggs and everything in between. The other post on here from Harry mentioned that he had scabies on his back and he wet a paper towel with plain clear white vinegar and applied it to his back and it killed them. My husband and I have these things from the head to toe and we've had them for quite a while so I'm thinking that the way it killed them yesterday and the way we feel this morning, we may be completely rid of these things in 3 to 4 days and I truly believe this is the answer to killing them. I don't know if your skin can take straight vinegar or not but we gave it a try and yes it did burn for a few minutes after applying it, especially where the bugs were in their tunnels / rashes and I think the little bastards were in their kicking their heels up dying LOL. So anyway the morning of the second day which is right now I feel nothing crawling, nothing itching me and I feel like I don't even have them but we are going to do this for the next few days and hopefully they will be dead, feels like they're already dead.

    Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
    Posted by linda (alabama) on 05/03/2021 10 posts

    How long to you soak in borax and hydrogen peroxide?

    Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide Soak
    Posted by Amanda (Georgia ) on 03/07/2022

    The pet solution looks like it calls for 3 tablespoons borax, 2 cups of peroxide and 4 cups of water. Is this what you did?

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