Natural Remedies for Dupuytren's Contracture: A Holistic Approach

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Andrew (South Africa) on 06/29/2018

I have been using iodine and DMSO for about a month now with no effect, but the magnesium with it may work. I did read that it should be mixed 50/50, but I apply the iodine and then the DMSO.

Posted by Oz (Dartmoor uk) on 07/02/2023

Hi Mark, Dupuytrens as far as I know does not affect the middle finger. Just the ring and pinky. It maybe why u have a cure because as far as I know there is no known cure for Dupuytrens and in my extensive research the only thing one can do is have invasive interventions which work for a few but not for most, including myself.

Hand Gripping Exercises
Posted by Gary (Canada) on 05/12/2017

I place it in the jacuzzi daily and do 50 hand grips under high pressure nozzle and a hundred and three temperature. It works sometimes hours sometimes a week depends on how much I use it thereafter, but I never slow down.

Standard Process Phosfood Liquid
Posted by Susan (Kingston, Ma ) on 12/29/2014

I've had a lot of success using Standard Process phosfood. The cord and nodule in my left hand had softened a huge amount, my pinky finger on my right hand is straighter and more flexible. I also have leddarhose in my feet with strong cords no nodules. The cords on my feet are also softening. Another thing I want to mention is that I follow a ketogenic dietary lifestyle, which may also be helping.

Posted by Kay (Destin, Fl) on 09/02/2012

Notice: some people are finally having notable success treating DC via Cryotherapy. There is a great, very active and responsive group of patients reporting thier findings, results, progress, post-op issues, etc at Yahoo Groups for DP, so you folks may want to check them out!

Needle Aponeurotomy
Posted by Nancy (Bellevue, Ne) on 03/09/2015

Are you, or have you ever taken phenobarbital by chance? I agree with what you said as well, there is not a soul in my family who has this. Dupuytren's Contracture usually strikes men age 55 or older of eastern European decent, and it's supposedly hereditary. However, there are also studies to suggest that long term users of phenobarbital can also get DC. That would be in my case. My surgeon truly believes that this is the cause of mine. I've been taking the drug since 1986 for seizures. I've known others as well. I'm a woman, and I started to get this very gradually in my 30's. I'm 50 now, and the condition is very bad, I just had surgery 2 weeks ago on my right hand. I've had 2 surgeries now and the Xiaflex injections. That causes even more trauma to the hand with the growth of scar tissue.

Needle Aponeurotomy
Posted by Joy (Montana) on 01/10/2018

Try adding in the magnesium oil. It seems that some are having good results with it alone...? Just a thought. Hope you figure it out! :)

Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Kcsing1 (Nashville, Tn) on 04/03/2010

Whatever you do, don't do the surgery. Go see Dr. Charles Eaton in Jupiter, Fl for the needle procedure. He's great and it's very easy and successful. Also, I have softened my nodules with a raw food and green smoothie diet.
Best,Kathy C

Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Art (California) on 09/07/2023 2165 posts


Take a look at Earth Clinic's, Dupuytren's Contracture page, for multiple remedies here :


Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by James (Chamois mo.) on 03/31/2023

Do you have the quantities of each ingredient?

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Mirjam (The Netherlands) on 04/24/2023

I am really curious how bad your contracture was and if your hand became very dry when applying this. I would like to give these drop a try too. Are your positive result staying?

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Anna (Utrecht NL) on 03/22/2024

Dosering DMSO, Iodine en magnesiumolie:

Mbt de eventuele toepassing bij Dupuytren:
Vraag: ik zou graag de dosering weten, wie?

Dosage DMSO, Iodine a magnesium oil

With regard to the possible application with Dupuytren:
Question: I would like to know the dosage, who?

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Ally (Geelong-VICTORIA- Australia) on 03/22/2024

I also suffer Dupuytren's syndrome. Love to hear also the exact dose and frequency of the Lugol drops, DMSO, and Magnesium.

CBD Oil + Massage
Posted by Twinkytoze (Sw Ontario) on 04/04/2022

Update 04/04/2022

I make my own CBD oil from the hemp flower. Five days ago I bought a strain called AK47 that has in the neighborhood of 42.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Martiele (Florida) on 06/12/2022

How is your hand progressing? Do you still have the cords and notes or where are you at? I would love to hear where you're at because I have the disease I need to figure out what to do.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Joshua (Texas) on 08/28/2022

Beth, or anybody:

Can you detail how to apply it? I recently got Lugol's iodine solution and Heiltropfen DMSO & Magnesium oil solution (60% DMSO, 40% magnesium chloride). Apparently I have a very extreme case of Depuytren's, and at an uncommonly young age. I've already had 2 surgeries on my left hand, and my right hand is in terrible shape. It's getting noticeably worse every day essentially and I won't be able to use it for much longer. I'm so frustrated. I need surgery asap, but in between the 2 hand surgeries I had major open heart surgery and I'm nervous because my anesthesiologist told me she had severe complications with my heart in the last surgery, which I interpret to mean that I almost died. I'll be really embarrassed if I survive open heart surgery only to die in hand surgery. If there's a chance at something else helping this condition I desperately need it.

Posted by tom (epping, n.h.) on 02/20/2024

i only had it in my right hand pinky, and had surgery. within 2 months it had migrated to the middle finger of same hand. surgery or trauma to the hand can trigger more dupuytren's. over the past few years it has migrated to all fingers in my left hand. avoiding more surgery because of fear it will trigger more. that's why I am on this site lookin for help.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Peggy (Santa cruz, CA) on 03/09/2024

Can you provide a link and/or the recipe from the gentleman you referenced please!!

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Mary (Colorado Springs, Co) on 01/03/2018


Could you tell me how much of each ingredient he mixes together?

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by David (Tx) on 03/28/2018

I am having much pain in wrist, elbow, and shoulder. My fingers are swollen and not bending over but I can't make a fist. Doc said it was dupuytren's not carpal tunnel. Could you please tell me what quantities your husband used in his treatment thanks? David

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Paul (England ) on 12/29/2022

Is there a formula for mixing these? How much of each is required? Your reply would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ronald (Holland) on 02/02/2016

Is there already some more positive news on improvement treatment DC by using epiginetic diet? Ronald

Dietary Changes
Posted by Annie (London U K) on 04/25/2016

Hi there, I have at 55 years of age just been diagnosed with Duputryens disease in my left hand. Although in its very early stages, I am interested in how Epigenetics and dietary changes can help. Can you please advise? Grateful from the UK

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cheryl (Schererville) on 09/21/2016

From what I saw all he really says it that you should eat only fruits and veggies that are in season for the time of the year. If it is spring only eat them according to the time of year you are in.

I really do not see that making much sense. More important stay away from refined sugar, and not a lot of fowl.

Fowl like chicken and turkey does make it worse.

Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Sarah (Galway, Ireland) on 08/09/2009


My mother's fingers are bent over (dupreyens sp? contracture) and she's been told she has to have surgery to reverse it. This has a 1 in a 100 risk of nerve damage, (which the doc. only mentioned when I asked about risks :)

Do you know of any remedies herbs or supplements that could help her. (She is taking baby aspirin and is in her 70's but is quite healthy otherwise.)

Any help at all would be much appreciated, she's a lovely lady and I think she's just going to go for the surgery in January if she doesn't come across anything.


Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Willis (Mid, Florida) on 05/12/2010

My husband is age 41 and has the worst case of DC his doctor has ever seen. According to his Dr. surgery is the only fix and there is no cure. I did hear about the Dr in Florida as well. He has it in both feet and both hands. His first surgery was when he was in his mid 30's (usually DC affects people much older). The surgery had to be repeated within a year. The second time they had to remove so much tissue he had to have a skin graph and lost some mobility in his pinky finger. He had both feet operated on twice with no nerve damage. It has returned and will need surgery again when he gets to the point he can't walk. DC is hereditary and reoccurring. One Dr. mentioned that there seems to be a connection to skin graphs and less reoccurrence.

Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Lou (Nj) on 09/14/2010

I have had 2 NA procedures done in Fl by the Dr. on the same finger done within 5 years. After the second I had cortisone injected to soften the nodules only to backfire. My contracture returned within 4 weeks of the injection which was only intended to soften the nodules. I could not believe what I was seeing... I was told I will have to have another NA procedure to fix this.. Lesson learned: don't mess around with anything after NA procedure

Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Kerry (Prairie, Idaho) on 09/06/2023

Asking for any natural help for dupuytren or viking's disease. It is lumps in the palm of my hand. Sure don't want surgery.

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