Natural Remedies for Dupuytren's Contracture: A Holistic Approach

Posted by Emma (Centralia, Illinois) on 12/28/2016 10 posts

When I was first diagnosed with Dupuytren's Contracture in my left hand, I had about four tumors in the palm of my hand. My doctor said there was nothing he could do. I knew better. Natural is the way to go. Since I knew iodine with iodide combination (Iodoral) shrinks tumors, I simply bought some and took 1 in the morning, 12.5 mg., and I no longer have that problem. My fingers never turned in and the tumors are gone. I must take every day anyway, due to hypothyroidism.

Posted by marcjdownes (Branford CT) on 12/21/2023

I started taking Magnesium droplets for sleep, well the amazing side effect has been a dramatic shrinkage of the dupuytrens contracture on my left hand and cessation of growth on my right hand to date.....I'm only 3 months into this and felt it necessary to share.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Cameron (Brisbane) on 02/11/2023

I've been using 1 or 2 drops each of Lugols Iodine, DMSO and Magnesium Oil on my Dupuytren's Contracture off and on for about 3 weeks now and it's just about gone. I don't think twice a day is necessary but you would get faster results than me applying it maybe a couple of times a week.

Absolutely works.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Deirdre (Asheville/EC) on 08/28/2022

Hi Joshua,

I am sorry to hear about your struggles with this condition. You might look into Ted's borax protocol, which is 1/4 teaspoon of borax (20 Mule Team) in 1 liter of water and sipped throughout the day. Thousands of people have had good results on Ted's protocol since he wrote about it on Earth Clinic starting in 2004 for many different conditions.

I had a bad case of trigger thumb starting in 2020. Surgery was my next option after 2 cortisone shots and I tried a lot of various supplements and topical remedies (including topcial DMSO and magnesium) in the past two years. However, after 3 weeks on the above regimen starting in June of this year, I could bend and straighten my thumb with no issues. My thumb had frozen into a straight position after the second cortisone shot wore off in April and was getting increasingly worse/painful.

Quite remarkable as there is no supposed "cure" for trigger finger. But it appears that trigger finger is a boron deficiency. It might be the same for DC. If I skip a day, the stiffness returns, so I'll probably be doing this for the foreseeable future, but better than surgery.

Important Note: If you try the borax protocol, keep it up for a few weeks (or more) if nothing is improving. I had no progress until the 3rd week on the borax protocol when I could suddenly bend my thumb again. Good luck and please let us know how it goes.

Here is the detailed protocol:

Fatty Liver Cause
Posted by Mr P (Duluth Man.) on 09/19/2018

Dupuytren's Contracture

Fatty liver could be a cause. I started getting a contracture on my ringer finger 7 years ago. Just found out I have a non alcohol fatty liver. Low and behold I found out that a fatty liver can cause Dupuytren's contracture.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Tony (Pittsburgh) on 01/31/2021

I have also been using Magnesium oil on hand when I go to bed. Definitely helps.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Martiele (Hollywood, FL) on 07/27/2021

DMSO, you just put a light coat over the iodine and magnesium. You can buy magnesium spray, spray on so as to moisten tissues, iodine you can dab on, just make sure you don't use too much because DMSO takes in right into your bloodstream and thyroid, so be careful. I don't really think you can overdue Mag spray or DMSO, cause you are just coating it... Hope this helps everyone. There is a Facebook group called Dupuytrens Alternative Treatments that is very helpful with the many options out here to help DD.

Posted by Suebee100 (Lady Barron, Tasmania, Australia) on 01/12/2011

I started to get dupuytrens in both hand several years ago when I had some severe health problems. The alternative health practioner suggested I had a deficiency of zinc. When I started taking zinc supplements (25mg per day) the nodules and the contractures started to significantly subside. (I can open my hands fully.... But sometimes still have some weakness. ) I occassonally get flareups where the hands get more painful and I start to get a nodule in each foot. (Often when I've forgotten my zinc. ) But it has always subsided again.

Needle Aponeurotomy
Posted by Anthony (Port Elizabeth, South Africa ) on 09/09/2010

I have recently under gone NA (needle aponeurotomy) procedure to remedy DC on both hands. Very succesful! So pleased that I did not have the surgery recommended by medical experts.

Posted by Michael (Toronto) on 01/16/2023

Over at the web site, ( ) there showing pictures of a Dr who started taking Magnesium supplements and she can now straighten out her fingers, I just took a trip to Walmart and picked up Magnesium Citrate powder drink mix at 300mg and I will start tonight on that, and the one fellow with some good results from iodine, I just picked up some Sushi Nori Roasted Seaweed Sheets, loaded with nutrition and has some iodine, my diet has turned naturally to food's rich in magnesium like avocados assorted nut butter with Brazil nuts almonds etc, banana's, spinach etc ... so will let you know if it all works ...

CBD Oil + Massage
Posted by Twinkytoze (Sw Ontario) on 03/14/2022

Update 03/14/2022: Homeopathics and Stretching added

So I added to the CBD oil the homeopathic frequencies of Rhus tox and Cholocynthis, plus the frequency of the Dupuytrens nosode. I have a frequency converter, so I was able to do this myself. I take 1ml orally twice a day and rub 4 drops into the palms 3-4x daily massaging the nodes and cords.

The node on my left palm under the second finger has softened and flattened almost completely and the 1/4" "cord" extending below it has also softened and almost disappeared. A tiny node that was forming at the base of the cord has almost disappeared.

On the right hand the node under the ring finger is still pronounced but probably because it's on the dominant hand it doesn't get as much massage.

I began gentle stretching two or three times a day a week ago. Interlacing fingers and then extending palms outwards at arms length. When I began, the "fire" in the palms of the hands was quite intense. Tingling and itching persisted for hours afterwards.

After a week of stretching, the "fire" is much less and the extension of fingers and palms is much improved. An hour after stretching there is no further sensation.

Pain when massaging is also greatly reduced.

Will update as progress goes on.

Gluten-Free Diet
Posted by Bill (Cape Charles, VA) on 04/14/2021

Several nodules on both hands began to appear last summer and progressed quickly until surgery was recommended.

I went gluten-free in mid-January, and not only has the progression stopped, but it has been reversed. The nodules have become softer and have diminished in size. Flexibility in my fingers has also increased significantly. I have also been using red-light therapy during this time. I'm continuing the diet and red-light therapy and I have started soaking my hands in Epsom salt.

Anyone else seen improvement in symptoms by starting a gluten-free diet?

Weighted Object on Finger
Posted by Faeqa (Jordan) on 04/04/2020 66 posts

Curing Dupuytren's Contracture by carrying a heavy thing. Hi, my friend told me that she cured her Dupuytren's Contracture by carrying a heavy thing by her finger, that is what an old woman told her to do. She said when she go to the grocery, she carry her shopping bags by her finger. After many times, the finger return back to its normal position.

Posted by Yumiko (Australia) on 02/07/2020

Dupuytren's Contracture:

If you have pain in other part of joints you are very acidic. You need to alkalize your body by changing your life style. Eat a lot of raw vegetables, stop smoking and drinking which are also very acidic. Drink a lot of water. Taking bicarb soda and very small amount of borax help you to also alkalize your body.Stop anything eating any sweet or drinks, that include honey and fruit juice.

Liver Detoxing
Posted by Joseph, L.Ac. (Boulder, Colorado) on 11/16/2019

My understanding of dupytrons contracture stems from my father having had this condition for many years. He was a drinker and smoker, both to excess, which was instrumental in precipitating and prolonging the condition. What I was told by his doctor was that the tendons became pinched within the synovial sheath, and they performed surgery in order to free their motion.

I am a chinese medical practitioner, and in Chinese medical theory any pathology having to do with the tendons, directly and unambiguously implicates liver health, since the liver rules the specifically drinking and smoking adversely effects (among many many things) the liver's function of keeping the tendons moist, strong, supple and smooth. The operations were successful temporarily, but the condition returned when he did not clean up his lifestyle... the skin of the palm was also hardened but it's the hardening of the tendons proper which tightened his hands into a semi-claw position. basically it's a lifestyle choice, either clean-up yr act and minimize the poisons being administered, or lose the function of yr hands...but the place to start therapy is with is the liver....topical applications of herbs, etc are useful, but futile without cleansing and restoring liver health, ie function(s)...acupuncture, herbs, diet, exercise and lifestyle changes will remedy the condition...the liver is the most regenerable organ!

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Andrew (South Africa) on 10/16/2018

After three months of using Iodine, Magnesium oil and DMSO, I had no improvement.

I have now started using Lugol's Solution ( Iodine 5g/100 ml and Pot Iodide 10g/100ml).

If it works I will post again.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Edmund (Massachusetts) on 08/31/2023

I've spent nearly an hour searching for the video you mentioned and still am no closer to finding it. No matter how specific the search terms I use, I'm still literally swamped with videos on surgery, stretching, massage, etc, etc, for Dupuytren's. So, if anyone knows where this video is, or the ingredients and quantities used, if they could be posted here, that would be great!

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Dee (Florida) on 04/22/2021

Have you tried Vitamin D?

Many people who experience pain are deficient in Vitamin D. This happened to me, when I upped my Vitamin D dose to 4000 iu my pains disappeared. Vit. D3 has to be taken with Vit. K2 or take it with a good Multi Vitamin. Increase D and wait 2-3months to have your Vit. D level checked.

A good D level should be between 40 - 60. My Vit. D test came out to 47. I now add other supplements to my Alive Multi & Vit. D, increased Vit. C, Omega 3, Magnesium, Pro-biotic, B12, Olive Leaf, Milk Thistle and Turmeric with black pepper. And of course a good healthy natural Mediterranean Diet and exercise. I would check out Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker's youtube videos. They also have their TV show on CTN which I record. I am short, thin, and petite so I take 4000iu of Vit. D, a larger or taller person should take more.

Zinc and Vitamin E
Posted by Aila (Bloomington, Minnesota) on 04/07/2015

For those with Dupuytren's Contracture,

You might try zinc and vitamin E. Together they work wonders.

Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Brrr1106 (Grand Forks, Nd) on 12/17/2009

My husband has had surgery on both hands due to Dupuytren's Contrature. He had no serious problems due to the surgery. He was, however, one of the youngest his Dr. had performed the surgery on and because he was young at the time, his hands are contracting again. We try to keep up with the latest in regard to this condition and there is now a newer treatment using injections which has been quite successful and does not require surgery. If you check websites on Dupuytren's, you should be able to do some homework before your mother decides to have surgery. This new treatment might be an alternative for her to explore. Good luck to her.

Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Gary (kitchener On) on 09/07/2023

Hi Kerry

All lumps, wherever they appear, will be gone by rubbing Frankinsence Oil 2-3 times a day. It worked for me..

Keep healthy


CBD Oil + Massage
Posted by Twinkytoze (Sw Ontario) on 04/07/2022

So here's my current regimen and status.


5ml CBD oil (strain AK47 7grams decarbed & infused in 250ml organic extra virgin olive oil) morning and night orally to counter arthritic inflammation that might be contributing to the condition.

3-4 drops CBD oil with homeopathic frequencies rhus tox, cholecynthis and nosode rubbed into palms 2-3x daily and 1ml orally morning and night.

Gentle stretching - holding stretch for 30-60 seconds 3-4x daily.

Massage - as often as possible.


Left Hand Middle Finger Palm Node: now flat and spongy. Cord in palm is soft almost gone. 90% improvement from beginning state.

Right Hand Ring Finger Palm Node: 50% smaller, softer. Cord in palm is completely imperceptible.

I may not be able to get rid of these entirely, and may have to continue treatment indefinitely, but if I can prevent the condition from advancing and retain the mobility in my hands I will consider this a win.

Posted by Harvey K. (Sarasota, FL) on 02/11/2021

Occasionally people call or email me because they have read about using Wan Hua Oil for Dupuytren's contracture in an article I wrote called Beyond Ben Gay on my website. I've since learned from patients that taking 500 mg. of Bromelain twice a day works very, very well.

For the past five years that is what I've recommended to patients with great success, and this has obviated the need for me to treat them with acupuncture, a significant time savings for me and costs savings to them. That said, I do strongly endorse the protocol of using magnesium oil, iodine as Lugol solution, and DMSO. That will speed up the healing process from the outside as the bromelain works from the inside. I also endorse the Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective that tendons reflect the health of the liver, so do be kind to your liver, and for God's sake, be careful hammering or doing other percussive activities!

Posted by Art (California) on 02/20/2024 2173 posts

Hi Tom,

I was looking at several aspects of Dupuytren's Contracture(DC) that help the disease to progress. These are increased TGF-beta1 levels leading to increased oxidative stress levels and fibrosis and elevated inflammatory markers as well as increased fibroblast proliferation.

In studies for other diseases, melatonin has shown the ability to work against these processes. There are no studies showing that melatonin can work against Dupuytren's, however studies suggest that melatonin can work against mechanisms which seem to feed the disease process of DC.

Given the above it seems like melatonin lotion may be at least worth discussing with your doctor for consideration for your DC. The following link explains how my friends make melatonin lotion :

The lotion is mainly used for pain relief, but some friends have reported relief for other health issues besides pain. It is non-invasive, easy to make, easy to apply sparingly twice a day and effective for at least pain relief.

If you and your doctor decide to try it for your DC, please come back and let us know if it is helpful for relieving your DC.


Dietary Changes
Posted by Leah (Australia) on 10/30/2013

Hi there, my mother has just been diagnosed with DC, and I would be very interested in this epiginetic diet you talk about. Is there part of a book which talks about DC in particular? What is the name of the book which got you into the diet? Thanks for your help

Needle Aponeurotomy
Posted by Gunter (Johannesburg, South Africa ) on 10/31/2012

I also had a Needle Aponeurotomy with Dr. Badois in Paris, very successful. The cost is a fraction of an operation, the expense of the flight, stay in the hotel and treatment included. Was playing golf 3 weeks after the treatment!

Needle Aponeurotomy
Posted by Fieldinski (New York, Ny) on 07/27/2012


I've had needle aponeurotomy on my right hand three times. The best practicioner was in Paris, Dr. Badois, who was one of the original team that developed this treatment. But it keeps coming back, and now my left hand is affected. I can't stop thinking there must be a cause (besides inherited‚ and a cure, and I keep experimenting with movements, like brushing off the hands, wiggling the fingers, that seem to relax the tensions somewhat. working with tools seems to be bad for it, and making fists, say for shadow boxing. I do exercises ever day, kind of yoga, and like the ones where you place the hands flat on the floor, which the contracture makes difficult. Very gentle tickling massage of the cords in the palms also seems good. I feel that if I could reach a core understanding of what's going on that produces this disease, I might be able to work on it and solve it. nowhere do I read anything about the inner causes -- why we are doing this to ourselves. Comments?

Dupuytren's Contracture Remedies
Posted by Gary (Egremont, Ma) on 09/30/2009

Sorry, I don't know any remedies other than surgery. I had Dupytrens removed from my right hand in 2002 and will need the left hand done some time int the future. I did not have any nerve damage and the recouperation was not that bad. It is a bit sore sometimes when I use the hand a lot, eg. when I tried Kayaking.

Iodine, Magnesium and DMSO
Posted by Carol (Roanoke, VA) on 03/26/2023

What % Lugols are you using??? "Lugol's Originals" site sells numerous strengths from 2% to 20%.

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