Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

Grapefruit Seed Extract for Sinus Infections

| Modified on May 09, 2024
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Randall (Sioux City, Iowa) on 10/31/2012

FOUR MONTHS OF SINUSITIS! TOTALLY MISERABLE! Two rounds(10 days each) of amoxicillin. Nothing. Still having one nostril closed off almost 24/7 and the other half open. Sleep was almost impossible and I was just miserable. I started to Google to find any other way to help. Warm compresses, hot showers, and more antibiotics.

Then I saw GSE. Ordered it and that was the miracle that I was looking for. Took a 2 ounce nasal spray bottle left over(couldn't live without the over the counter spray that at the end only kept my nose open for less than a hour)cleaned it out and put 2 ounces of saline solution and 3 drops of GSE in it. DAY ONE: Took eight ounces of orange juice with 15 drops of GSE concentrate three time a day(45 drops a day total). I then sprayed my homemade GSE nasal mix in my nose 4 times a day with 2 sprays in each nostril each time. By morning two I stared to blow my nose and sorry this may sound gross but the green/yellow mucus was thinning and turning clear. I could not believe it! I woke up with only a small headache for the first time in months and I could breath a little better.

DAY THREE: UNBELIEVABLE! I could breath out of both nostrils! Not completely but well over 50% better! Pressure and pain was less than half. All the antibiotics and hot showers for the last 4 months had done nothing close to the 2 full days of GSE. To make my story short and happy within 6 days of continuing the GSE treatment I was cured! YES CURED! People say that GSE only works because it has some synthetic stuff in it. Why do I care. IT WORKS and no side effects! And the cost is crazy! CHEAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! I will never be without it. I will always keep in touch with my Dr. But GSE will almost always be my first course of action for any cold or sinus problems! You have to try it. IT WORKS MIRACLES!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Art (California) on 06/10/2020 2159 posts


One feature of long term sinusitis is that biofilms can form to protect whatever pathogen('s) are present. Xylitol has biofilm busting characteristics as does colloidal silver. There is a commercial sinus spray that contains xylitol called "Xlear" that I have bought and is available on amazon : I can use the colloidal silver (AgNPs) in a neti pot, but not at the same time as the Xlear because the saline portion of Xlear may cause the colloidal silver to break down if the colloidal silver is not capped. So, for myself, I might use Xlear in the morning and colloidal silver in a neti pot with 5% to 10% xylitol dissolved in the colloidal silver in the afternoon and then Xlear in the evening and repeat each day until the biofilms are destroyed and the pathogen('s) eradicated.

A third option I might also try for myself is to skip the Xlear and just use the colloidal silver + 5% to 10% xylitol in my neti pot as needed.In my experience, I have also found that the xylitol has helped to reduce the sting of 20 ppm colloidal silver from the neti pot and I only mix enough for one use at a time and do not store any of the mix unless I will be using it the same day that I made it.

Silver nanoparticles have biofilm busting qualities.

As long as the biofilm(s) are present, the pathogen's are fairly well protected and resistant to most attacks against them so breaking them down is important. Art

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Art (California) on 01/25/2022 2159 posts


Newer studies in the 2000s such as this 2021 study suggest that GSE is very effective against Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) bacteria even at low dosing.

The studies you linked to were from 1996 and 1999. In the age of MRSA and VRSA, having options for MDR bacteria is of the utmost importance, making GSE a very important option in such cases where standard antibiotics are oftentimes no longer adequate to the task by themselves due to bacterial resistance to those antibiotics.

In this 2020 study, GSE shows its mettle against Covid-19 when combined with the popular sugar substitute, Xylitol, via an otc easy to obtain, use and very safe nasal spray called Xlear Nasal Spray. Again a timely and effective treatment option to a virulent disease.

In this next 2019 study, GSE again excels as it shows it the ability to breakdown biofilms from E.coli. and Staphylococcus aureus :

This is very important because biofilms allow these pathogens to evade the body's natural defenses as well as antibiotics, so having options to not only breakdown these biofilms, but also fight the MDR bacteria that has developed is of very significant importance.

GSE is a natural substance with a very good safety profile that has significant value in the fight against MDR bacteria and biofilms. GSE also has potent antifungal effects as noted in the following study:

In this next study GSE not only is highly active against Candida albicans(Ca) biofilms at just 1%, but also had potent inhibitory effects.

Overall, these potent qualities of GSE are very important in the equation of human health.


Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Sarah (London, England) on 03/24/2012

Grapefruit seed extract for chronic sinus infection: Cannot recommend it enough! Knocked out the 3 month sinus infection that nearly killed me (docs threw useless rounds of antibiotics at it) and reduces the incidence of viruses! I have not had a single sinus infection since I started taking it a year ago and my colds etc arent as bad: 12 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day (Ive cut it down to twice a day now and Im still just fine) Tastes nasty but MAGIC STUFF!

Taking more does no harm and you are meant to take it on an empty stomach, You should also take it at a different time to some meds such as magnesium, fexofenadine antihistamine and monoamine inhibitors (antidepressants I think) or it reduces their effectiveness - grapefruit actually interacts with a few meds so do your research!

As for me, I have TERRIBLE sinus issues from a life of severe allergies (hayfever) that left me with regular infections for all of my young life (I suppose thatd be all my life as im only 24) but since I started GSE I havent had another sinus infection since and it more or less saved my life It also reduces viruses :) (Oil of Oregano is good for this too)

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Sl (Ky, US) on 02/08/2015

I have been using grapefruit seed extract 10 drops in 5 oz water plus 1 packet of a sugar alternative for sinus infection. It is a miracle! I do this 3 x day. Also using a nasal spray plus. So glad I found this works! Next time I think I can avoid Dr. visit.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by MEG (Augusta, Georgia) on 11/20/2007

I just wanted to share my story as well. I became ill when my son contracted viral meningitis on a trip. Traveling back in the car, I could only take lots of EmergenC. For the next few days, I took the EmergenC with GAIA Echinacea three times a day and got lots of rest. It seemed to work after four days, so I stopped the treatments. Well I think I got a secondary infection because my lymph nodes became swollen and my sinuses became infected. I irrigated my nose with grapefruit seed extract (diluted) but some undiluted liquid got in my right sinus and caused a lot of pain. Discouraged and about to go to the doctor for antibiotics, I come across your wonderful website. I first started back on the C & Echinacea but added the Grapefruit seed extract (5 drops in 12 oz water). My sinuses were cured in one day! That same day I drank 12 oz of water with 3 tbsp. of ACV. The next day the affected area was in my throat. I made warm ACV with lemon (3 tbsp) and honey (2tbsp) and drank as much as I could. The day after that I felt I only had laryngitis. So I found Ted's wonderful receipe for Green Tea with baking soda (1/4 tsp). I have done this for two mornings and feel almost back to normal. Thanks to all your contributors, I am cured in a matter of a few days! You guys are awesome, especially Ted.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Anne (Austin, TX) on 01/25/2022

After doing extensive research in scientific papers, I am pretty certain that the observed effects of GSE are not due to it but to added synthetic microbicides. One of those was always present when GSE was analyzed, whereas no verifiably beneficial compounds could be found by simply analyzing extracts produced without those microbicides. More to the point, the specific synthetic microbicide present changed over time, with some falling out of favor over the past 25+ years.

Please read these statements by the American Botanical Council and see the studies:



Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Kayla (Los Angeles, Ca) on 04/18/2012

I went to the dentist because I thought I had a cavity, because my tooth felt hot/cold sensitive. The dentist said it was not a cavity but a sinus infection that had caused the root of my tooth to become swollen we looked at the xIrays and I was stunned, at how stuffy my sinus appeared on the x-ray. I had no headache, no pressure, no was I stuffy a slight runny nose, really nothing except the tooth issue. I have suffered from dry eyes, red itchy eyes and crazy itchy tear ducts. So I used a neti pot with purifed water, three drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract and sea salt. My nose and eyes began clearing up within hours and I found the itchy eyes and the itchy tear ducts stopped immediately.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Mlove (Honolulu, Hi) on 07/17/2012

I just wanted to say that I have been taking grapefruit extract in tablet form for years whenever I get a cold or sinus infection. I take 2 little tablets three times a day for about a week and on the third day, I always feel better. Colds do not go into sinus infections if I take it and if I do get a sinus infection (like I did recently from swimming in the ocean), it goes away within a couple of days when I take the tablets. If I don't tke them, I stay miserable. I had a naturalpathic doctor tell me it was okay to take them for as long as a month at a time, but I never need to. They always make me feel better, so I take them anytime I feel a little under the weather and it always works. My husband does the same thing and it works for him too. The tablets are small and easy to get down. No bad side effects for us, only good effects.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Faith (Pdx) on 11/13/2014

Mayo Clinic states that 90 percent sinus infections are fungal.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Cathy (Homer, GA) on 02/06/2007

20 years ago, I had chronic sinus infections that no doctor could explain. I went to a nutritionist who prescribed Grapefruit Seed Extract for yeast buildup. I started doing a sinus rinse with it and cured the infections. I haven't had one since. GLORY! Cathy

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Erkin (Germany) on 06/10/2020

I bought grapefruit seed extract (one that is recommended in blogs in Germany) because of positive comments here and I am using it now for 1 week. I have a chronic sinusitis for around 20 years and I have been operated three times on my sinuses. Unluckily, I couldn't see any benefit of the grapefruit seed extract nor for my sinusitis neither for anything else. I drink it with water (20 drops in 1 glass 2 times per day). Since three days I use it also as nose spray. I mixed 10 drops in 20 ml water and spray it three times a day. But using it as nose spray irritated my nose and I feel more bad than before using it. I will stop using it.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Rachel W (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 09/18/2012


I get severe sinus infections at least once a year, either from seasonal changes or developing it when I catch a mild cold from someone.

This time I had a small cough that lasted a week before the infection progressed to my nose (just in time for work on Monday, ugh).

I've previously used saline solution with my neti pot with some success, but only if I do it early enough. When my sinuses get worse it only irritates it even more and causes more swelling. Even Apple Cider Vinegar has only temporary effects on me.

A friend recommended GSE in my netipot and voila! Instant results with just a couple drops of it in the water. It completely drained my nose! It was expensive but very well worth it. It's my first day using it but I plan on doing it every day until it goes away. I'm also adding it to my water to drink. I did notice that my sense of smell/taste were completely gone, which I'm hoping is only temorary until my sinuses are normal again. However, I'd much rather try this than any over the counter colored chemicals that make me drowsy!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Sarah (Lebanon, Nh) on 06/27/2012

I was diagnosed with nasal polyps a month ago. I had chronic sinusitis (not a runny nose, just often stuffed up and a poor sense of smell) which never really bothered me until one of my nostrils became constatntly plugged. First let me say that there is a lot of scary stuff on the internet when you're looking for health information. Sure this condition is annoying, but life is still pretty good!

I went to the ENT, was diagnosed, and he gave me 2 weeks of prednisone, and an antibiotic. Steroids are terrible for you, but they also shrunk the polyp and brought back my breathing, and sense of smell! All the while I wondered what would happen to my nose once I was off the steroids.

By the time I was done with prednisone my nose was not 100%, but it was much improved. My constantly plugged nostril was now open 60% of the time. I then started a steroid nose spray (which supposedly have fewer side effects) to keep things open.

Things seemed pretty stable for a week, and I decided to try some of the homeopathic remedies to see what effects they had. I got really brave, and put two little drops of GSE into my neti pot.

I did my third GSE neti wash tonight, and it seems to be making a difference! My "bad" nostril is open almost all of the time now, and still seems to be on the upswing. I will say this - the GSE certainly isn't hurting anything, and I distinctly feel that it is improving my condition.

I'll write more if anything drastically changes. I got an allergy test which came back totally negative, so what's causing the inflammation in my nose is sort of a mystery. I guess the theory with GSE is that if I have a low level fungal infection, or perhaps an over reaction to normal fungus in the air, the GSE and its potent antifungal properties helps reduce my inflammation. Hmm. as of now, I think I buy it.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Ray-ray (East Northport, New York) on 02/06/2010

I tried using Grapfuit Seed Extract for a sinus infection. 3 drops in 5 oz. of warm water. Eye Dropper full with head back, then tilt head forward, between legs. Adding a couple shakes of Sea Salt takes away the intense pain of water introduced to the sinus cavity by 98%.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Janet (Alexandria, La, United States) on 11/20/2009

Instead of adding GSE to your saline, purchase the a nasal spray with Grapefruit Seed Extract. It has the correct proportions, and does not sting. It worked for my sinus infection, and I have since bought a bottle for each of my grown children. I could only find it at health food stores out-of-town, so I recommend calling first, because 1 out of 5 stores might have it. Just ask if they have nasal spray with GSE, and stress that you don't mean GRAPE, but GRAPEFRUIT.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Elizabeth (Springfield, Pa, Usa) on 05/21/2010

After reading your website,I have tried the Grapefruit Seed Extract (5 drops) in my neti pot along with the normal saline. I was on my 3rd round of antibiotics (I'm allergic to many)for sinus infection. I've had headaches for 2-3 months...every day. The crown of my head, base of my skull, but the worst was when I bent over. I thought my forehead would burst.

After the 1st round of the neti/GSE my nose ran for hours and I just kept sneezing. After about 3 hours, I noticed the left side was opened up. It took awhile longer for the right side, and, I'm still waiting for my right ear to pop. I just finished my 3rd neti(which I've always done daily, so, I know it was the GSE that helped) and I can't believe the difference in 24 hrs. This AM was the first morning in MONTHS that I woke up with no headache. I didn't even have to take 1 aspirin! Everything from my nose was clear...just huge amounts. I can't thank everyone enough.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Stacey (Reading, Pa) on 03/09/2011

Amazing! I regularly suffer from sinus infections and had been using apple cider vinegar in warm water to treat it. This time it was just not doing the trick. I tried 4 drops of grapefruit seed extract in my neti pot this evening, and just 3 hours later I am feeling the release of pressure and drainage. I have my fingers crossed for the futher improvement over the next few days with continued treatment - but already I am impressed!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Art (California) on 05/09/2024 2159 posts

A safer option for people who are interested in using Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) in their nose is Xlear Nasal Spray (XNS) which contains purified water, xylitol, GSE and sodium chloride.

The GSE is a potent antimicrobial and has antibiofilm effects. The xylitol also has antibiofilm effects while cleansing and moisturizing at the same time to offset the drying effects of the saline solution. XNS has been around for a long time and is made in safe proportions of ingredients. Here is a link to the product on Amazon, but XNS is available at many drug stores :


Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Heather (Santa Monica) on 04/16/2014

Yep, grapefruit seed extract is my go to remedy for sinus infections. I've tried in my neti pot, but it's too strong. I usually take GFSE drops internally (about 10 drops 3 times a day) but also use sea salt and peroxide in my neti pot to irrigate the sinuses.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by John (Leesburg, Va Usa) on 01/10/2013

Does one take the GSE orally or by nose or both?

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 01/10/2013

Hi John... I have been using the GSE for the past month... Mostly the 2 oz of distilled water with 3 to 4 drops of the GSE solution for nose drops. First thing of a morning, I use about 1/3 dropperful for each nostril. After slightly tilting my head back for this (naturally.. lol), I hold my nose and then bend from the waist and have my head down by my knees. Then I shift to the right and then the left and do this about 3 times. When I come back up, I sniff a couple of times (not hard) and then blow my nose. Surpringing what can come out... :( This helps to keep my head clear all day and on a prevention measure during this flu/sinus season, I take 10 drops in about 4c. of water and drink during the day.

The directions on my bottle say to mix 10 drops into 5oz of water or juice 1 to 3 times daily, with or without meals.

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Rjforshort (Dover, Oh, United States) on 12/23/2009

Grapefruit seed extract nasal wash cured sinus infection

On sign of a sinus infection, I did a 2 cup nasal cleanse (with the nasal syringe) using 2 cups of water, 1/2 tsp salt and 8 drops grapefruit seed extract. I experienced an immediate 'stuffing up' but by morning was symptom free. I repeated cleanse before I went to work and have had no problems since! Worked great!

Grapefruit Seed Extract
Posted by Jamila (Washington, DC) on 11/15/2008

I woke up with a sinus infection on Thursday and suffered through the day on Dayquil. Friday morning, I drank 2 tbs of ACV in 8 oz of water. That helped a little bit. I found this website and read posts about GSE, oil pulling and the neti pot. I went to Whole Foods for the neti pot and GSE. Friday afternoon and evening, the neti pot helped ease sinus pressure and prompted drainage. This morning Saturday, I woke up and did oil pulling. Then, I added 4 drops of GSE to the neti pot (8 oz water with 1/4 tsp salt). I used this combo-one for each nostril.
Right now, I feel great. My sinus pressure is gone and my congestion is rapidly draining as I type this post. I am pretty sure combining the GSE with the neti pot treatment did the trick and I will continue this for at least five days to cure my sinus infection. Good luck and be peaceful!

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