Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Borax Dosages
Posted by John (Michigan) on 07/09/2022

In response to:

Posted by Isolda (Beaufort) on 04/24/2022

Hello, I did the 1/4 tsp in a litre of water first day loading but by the time I reached 3/4 of the bottle about 5-6 hours later I started to feel antsy and nervous. I was a little anxious. Later in the evening I felt anxious again. Like it had a second cycle in my body. Probably going through my liver. I have read that the dosage of the 1/4 tsp = 114mg is incorrect. Can you please confirm that it is correct?

I find a lot of people but especially women do not tolerate the recommended doses on this site initially. I start people out on 1/16 of a USA teaspoon in liter of water. I will have them do this 3 times a week the first week. If that does not bother them next week I have them do that 5 days and take a break over the weekend. If they are an average size man or larger I will have them jump to 1/8th teaspoon 3 days a week and build up again to 5 days a week. IF they are women I have them try 1/8th teaspoon on one day and stay at 1/16th the rest of the week. The idea is to sneak up on the full daily dose without negative side effects. If they get anything more than a mildly upset stomach I will have them take a day or two off and back the dose down. Your body has been deficient your entire life on this trace mineral. Not everyone can jump in at a high dose. The goal is to heal your body not make yourself sick and miserable.

My wife only takes it once a week at 1/8th teaspoon and that keeps all of her joints pain free. I have been taking 1/4 teaspoon per day for years and it only helped my joint pain the first month or so. It greatly improved my Vitamin D absorption though! I am upping my dose though to 1/2 a teaspoon of Borax and Backing soda to see if a higher dose helps.

I started my Dad on 1/4 teaspoon of Borax and 1/2 teaspoon of backing soda each night before bed. It stopped his kidney disease and reversed it one grade and improved his joints and all of his other health markers. It also cured his constipation. He takes a lot of medications that cause constipation but that is not a problem now. It has not done anything for my joints, tendons or ligaments but I am convinced that it along with vitamin D and K2 removed the calcium deposits from my heart valves.

Before taking Borax no matter how much vitamin D3 I took I was always deficient. So start slow this is not a race. Take what you can and titrate the dose upward as your body can handle it. Do not be afraid to stop it and let any side effects go away before restarting!

Arthritis, Herpes
Posted by Deirdre (EC) on 07/02/2022

Taking activated charcoal for a few days will help with any gut symptoms from the borax protocol. Stomach should settle after that. I took 3 capsules at night two nights in a row and stomach pain disappeared.

Herniated Disc, Arthritis
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 06/29/2022 84 posts

Rick, How ya doing?

Thanks for posting. Congrats on your success! I've always thought that there is a better way. Please share some of the details of your success!

> She didn't want to sip the soap solution of borax so I got her the 6mm pills from AMAZON.

A) Do those pills contain Boron, or Borax?

B) Those 6 mm pills supply how many mg (milligrams) of Boron (or Borax), per pill?

C) How many 6 mm pills, per day?

D) Taken with food, or in between meals?

E) If, in the unlikely event, those 6 mm pills are actually capsules, as opposed to pills, then what is their size? 0,00, or 000?

I have no arthritis, but I'm hoping this will help somebody!

Herniated Disc, Arthritis
Posted by Rick (Irvine CA) on 06/28/2022

I have a 6 mm posterior bulge in the L4 - L5 area of my spine. The MRI shows this bulge going into the nerve column of my spine. Whenever I did any heavy lifting it absolutely killed me that evening with pain. I started taking a sip of my Borax solution in the morning and night and that was 5 years ago. I have absolutely no pain and can lift as much as I want to. Now I'm 73 and have never felt better in my life.

I had my wife start taking about a year ago and now she is pain free of the arthritis she was experiencing. She too is now a firm believer of Boron. She didn't want to sip the soap solution of borax so I got her the 6mm pills from AMAZON. 300 pills for $10 bucks. No wonder the pharmaceutical industry poo poos the solution. THEY CAN'T MAKE ANY MONEY OF OF A MINERAL.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Nice Lady (United States) on 06/24/2022

There are two methods of taking this 20 Mule Team Borax powder. One is to put one teaspoon of the powdered borax in a liter of water and then use this by putting a teaspoon of this water in a glass of water once or twice daily. The second way is according to Ted's advice which is for men to put 1/4 teaspoon of the 20 Mule Team Borax into a glass of water once daily and drink the whole glass. He also recommended for women to put 1/8 teaspoon of the Borax into a glass of water once daily. I have read where it's according to your weight and that some women can use the man's dosage.

For me, I am a little heavier at 200 lbs and a woman and what works for me is I started with the 1/8 tsp in water, it worked well for me, I started slowly for a week or so and I also read to take a magnesium capsule once daily to offset any symptoms as this borax seems to work hand in hand with the magnesium. I take one 500mg magnesium capsule in the morning with breakfast. This works for me. After doing well with the 1/8 of a tsp of the 20 mule team borax I upped the dosage to where I take this two times per day in a hot large cup of coffee.

I have taken this for a month now and it seems to be helping me with the stiffness in my shoulder joints which I could not raise above my shoulder level without pain before and can raise straight up now, much stronger with very little pain if any and I run my rototiller about once a week, have a large garden and work daily on two acres, keeping it mowed and taken care of. Plus I am almost 70 yrs old. This has also been helping to dissolve my kidney stones and has helped my IBS very much. Helped my partner's arthritis in his knees a lot also. So for me this works well.

Borax Dosage Tips
Posted by Nice Lady (United States) on 06/24/2022

There are two methods of taking this 20 Mule Team Borax powder. One is to put one teaspoon of the powdered borax in a liter of water and then use this by putting a teaspoon of this water in a glass of water once or twice daily. The second way is according to Ted's advice which is for men to put 1/4 teaspoon of the 20 Mule Team Borax into a glass of water once daily and drink the whole glass. He also recommended for women to put 1/8 teaspoon of the Borax into a glass of water once daily. I have read where it's according to your weight and that some women can use the man's dosage.

For me, I am a little heavier at 200 lbs and a woman and what works for me is I started with the 1/8 tsp in water, it worked well for me, I started slowly for a week or so and I also read to take a magnesium capsule once daily to offset any symptoms as this borax seems to work hand in hand with the magnesium. I take one 500mg magnesium capsule in the morning with breakfast. This works for me. After doing well with the 1/8 of a tsp of the 20 mule team borax I upped the dosage to where I take this two times per day in a hot large cup of coffee.

I have taken this for a month now and it seems to be helping me with the stiffness in my shoulder joints which I could not raise above my shoulder level without pain before and can raise straight up now, much stronger with very little pain if any and I run my rototiller about once a week, have a large garden and work daily on two acres, keeping it mowed and taken care of. Plus I am almost 70 yrs old. This has also been helping to dissolve my kidney stones and has helped my IBS very much. Helped my partner's arthritis in his knees a lot also. So for me this works well.

Demodex Mites
Posted by Prez (Sunny California ) on 06/22/2022

3 tablespoons borax, 2 tablespoons 3% hydrogen peroxide, and enough water to make a paste.

Use this as a scrub on your face and neck and the liquid on a cotton ball for your ears

Demodex (Face Mites) Demodex is a type of mite that lives in human hair follicles, usually on your face. Almost everyone has these mites, but they usually don't cause any problems. But Demodex can multiply too quickly in people who are immunocompromised or have other skin conditions. That causes an itchy, irritating condition called demodicosis.

Borax in Slow Release Capsule
Posted by Art (California) on 06/19/2022 2173 posts


Refrigeration between uses would be a good idea. I never have to refrigerate because I finish what I make in one dose now and I take it all at once since I have gotten to pain free.


Borax in Slow Release Capsule
Posted by jake (chicago) on 06/18/2022

Art - much appreciate your knowledge. I'm having some herx at very low doses. I'll be using my quart of borax over some extended time until my body tells me I'm ready to increase. My -question is - should the solution be kept refrigerated? thanks much.

Borax in Slow Release Capsule
Posted by Art (California) on 06/17/2022 2173 posts

RB & Eric,

If you just follow the original method that Ted described of mixing the borax in a quart of water and sipping a bottle everyday for 4 or 5 days a week, that is essentially a slow release of the borax all day. Sometimes simple works just fine.


Borax in Slow Release Capsule
Posted by RB (Somewhere in Europe) on 06/17/2022 84 posts

Eric, Great question. Yes, exactly, how about using slow-release veg capsules?

Alternatively, Everybody, how about using regular gelatin capsules, taking one capsule every 4 hours (that is a total of 4 capsules per day) where each capsule contains only 1/16 teaspoon of Borax?

Borax in Slow Release Capsule
Posted by Eric (California ) on 06/16/2022


Can I take the 1/4 teaspoon of Borax and put it in a slow release veg capsule?

Arteries Unblocked
Posted by JOHN (Arkansas USA) on 06/15/2022

Look up colloidal bentonite clay. It's a great detoxificant with the psyllium husk fiber morning and night.

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 06/13/2022

Dear Kimmy,

I disagree.

Earth Clinic is a very valuable site and has been around a long time. There are very good reasons not to let just anyone post product names, primarily to protect Earth Clinic visitors!

Other health sites (that I actually rarely bother to use) have a more lenient approach and end up with lots of sketchy and scammy posts - you can tell.

It is way too easy for predators to be posting their own stuff for their own interests. Earth Clinic obviously screens out this junk.

Just this week I learned that some friends that had been taking an imported supplement for pain that was supposed to be just herbs was found to actually contain ibuprofen and steroids! Honest people have been duped and it is easy for this to happen.

A site with high standards is a blessing in this day and age.

~Mama to Many~

Orgasm Help
Posted by Patty (Arizona) on 06/13/2022

For women...if you are having trouble having an orgasm the borax remedy is for you. After struggling for over a year, just a few days of taking this and I have never had a problem since.

drink 1-2 tsp daily of this 1-liter mixture. I am a woman in my 50's. I put 1/8 tsp of Borax in a regular 16.5 water bottle (mark the cap with a large B! ). You only drink 1-2 tsp of this mixture daily. One water bottle will last you close to a month.

Abdominal Pain, Bloating
Posted by Patty (Arizona) on 06/13/2022

You don't drink the whole thing, you drink 1-2 tsp daily of this 1-liter mixture. I am a woman in my 50's. I put 1/8 tsp of Borax in a regular 16.5 water bottle (mark the cap with a large B! ). You only drink 1-2 tsp of this mixture daily. One water bottle will last you close to a month.

Posted by Kimmy (USA) on 06/13/2022 7 posts

Agreed. Earth Clinic needs to allow people to name brands etc.

Weight Loss
Posted by dorothy (berlin) on 06/13/2022


What is your borax protocol and from where did you buy the borax you use?

Thank you

EC: The borax protocol can be found in the introductory article on this page.

Posted by Dorothy (Berlin) on 06/13/2022


Could you please post the link to the exact borax product you take? There are lots of people for who borax does not work and I think it is because of the quality or lack of quality of the borax used.

I also think when somebody takes something and works they should post the exact link, product, brand that they took/take since products are NOT the same.

For example, let's take coconut oil, there are lots of low quality coconut oil on the market that will NOT work to heal anything. When something works, posting the brand/product AND dosages should be mandatory IMHO.

Thank you

EC: The majority of people in the USA who post about borax are referring to Twenty Mule Team Borax. They don't post product names on Earth Clinic because it's generally not allowed unless you've been a regular contributor for a few years. Our policy since 2004.

Posted by Amy G. (Michigan) on 06/11/2022

Maybe 10 years ago I discovered Borax on this site for detoxing metals. An unexpected side effect was my TMJ disappeared within the first week. I'm surprised that after 10 years, I still don't see TMJ listed as something else borax cures, so I'm adding it here myself! TMJ is basically untreatable through conventional methods so to be able to open my mouth fully again with no pain or even tightness is a miracle to me! I hope others will find relief too.

I follow Ted's Borax protocol of 1/8 tsp in 1 liter of distilled water 5 days a week for 4 weeks. I've had to repeat the protocol a few times over 10 years.

Mental Clarity
Posted by Gisele (san diego ca.) on 06/11/2022

Lemar, I do not understand your last paragraph ... hoping it's not a side effect.

Mental Clarity
Posted by Lamar (Baton Rouge, Louisiana ) on 06/09/2022

I've been on Borax twice a day, morning and bed time for the last 8 years, I feel the good News is it works… as long as I set reminders to remember to do it…

I share info at times, never pushy about it, seems to be a great surprise is that anyone still does Home Doctoring.


General Feedback
Posted by Lulu (Toronto, Ontario) on 05/24/2022

Where in Canada do you live? There is Borax in every grocery store in Ontario ( Loblaw's, Zehrs, Food basic) in laundry department.

General Feedback

General Feedback
Posted by Linda (ON) on 05/24/2022

There are a few different boxes of borax . does it have to be mule team? or will any of them work.thanks

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Charles and Linda (Ontario) on 05/24/2022

rife frequencies?

Arthritis, Herpes
Posted by ryan (uk) on 05/17/2022

I know why it causes digestion issues. Borax is alkaline and neutralizes stomach acid. It's a good idea to take it with apple cider vinegar.

Posted by Michelle (Macedon, NY ) on 05/15/2022

It's interesting and reassuring to read that borax has helped with a rash. I started the 1/4 teaspoon in a liter of water a day. 5 days on 2 off. By the following week I started experiencing a rash. I kept up with week 2 for 3 more days when I noticed I had a rash/hives all over my chest, back and sides. Not sure if I was bit by a bug or got a bad reaction from the borax. I was feeling great from the borax otherwise. Mood had improved and my fibro pain was majorly improved. Is it possible I took too much?

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Art (California) on 05/15/2022 2173 posts

Borax is simple and very inexpensive and probably offers more potential health benefit than boron alone. Borax is about 11% boron. If you try to buy boron types of supplements, the actual boron content will usually be very low compared to the amount in borax and you will have to take several supplements to reach a similar dose. Boron type supplements will cost more than borax.


Borax Contraindications
Posted by JediSleeveEye (Lethbridge, Alta. Canada) on 05/15/2022

I would go to Distilled Water for Kidney Failure, Get him to drink a Gallon a day. No Less, and more would actually work better. Distilled Water is what must be used to perform Kidney Dialysis. Big Pharma knows this... Kidneys are clogged and have been slowly dying off for years thus failing, this is Kidney Failure. Supplementation with Borax likely wouldn't have any deleterious effects

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Renee (Boston) on 05/15/2022 41 posts

I have a question about Borax. Is there a specific reason we are using Borax rather than buying Boron supplements? Since everyone is having questions about dosing and how to mix it, wouldn't it be easier to take pre measured supplements? Is it for cost purposes or is there another reason?

Boron Drops - How to Make
Posted by hands and wrists (Joshua Tree, CA) on 05/07/2022

1 ml = 20 drops, so 100 ml = 2000 drops.

For 1 drop to equal 6 mg of Boron, 2000 drops must have 12000 mg of Boron or 1.2g. But Borax is not pure Boron. 25 to 30 mg of Borax contains 3 mg of Boron.

To make the calculation simpler I will choose 30 mg. That means 1 mg of Boron is contained in 10 mg of Borax. We need 1.2 g of Boron, which is in 12 g of Borax. You need 12g of Borax per 100 ml of water. I'm not sure that much Borax will dissolve in that much water. If not, add another 100 ml of water. Then you will have to use 2 drops to get your 6 mg of Boron.

Borax Soap Recipe
Posted by Art (California) on 04/09/2022 2173 posts


That post was over 3 years ago and you may not get a reply from that poster. A saturated solution of Borax would be one level full measuring tablespoon of borax dissolved in a cup of water, but that may be too strong for people with sensitive skin. It may be better to first see how you tolerate one tablespoon dissolved in a quart or liter of water. You probably already know this, but borax water does not have the slimy feel of liquid bath soaps. It basically feels very similar to plain water so it may take some getting used to.

If you tolerate that mix and want to make it stronger, you can try a tablespoon of borax dissolved in a pint or 500 ml of water. You can use a 1 quart spray bottle as a dispenser, but this can feel cold to some people when spraying the skin. What I have found useful are bottles around the size of 16 ounces or 500 ml that have a flip top that when open has a small hole for dispensing the borax water into your free hand or wash cloth and rubbing that on the skin. Some 16 0unce bottles of rubbing alcohol have a flip top lid with a small hole. You can also use an old bath soap bottle that has a pump, but these tend to dispense to much borax water in one pump and so you waste more.

A little trial and error and you will quickly figure out the best dispenser for you. Use it as a regular shower soap when you shower. Keep an eye out for any negative skin reactions because borax has a fairly high pH at just over 9 while human skin has a significantly lower pH in the 5 to 6 range. Good luck and please update us on how it works for you.


Borax Soap Recipe
Posted by Mackenzie (Australia) on 04/09/2022

Hi. Just wanting to know how to use the borax as a soap are you just wetting your body and then scrubbing the dry powder on? And do you use daily? I can't use any soaps or body washes I just tried the borax as a body scrub for one day and then wasn't sure if I was using correctly or if I should use everyday as it's exfoliating? Any recommendations?

Multiple Cures
Posted by Mary (ARKANSAS) on 04/04/2022

I would love to get an update from you and any more pointers for my daughter.

Borax Interaction With Other Supplements
Posted by Peg (Virginia USA) on 04/03/2022

None of us need calcium supplements. Most of us have too much.

For those of us who are elderly, we are stiff and full of stones from excess calcium, the stones causing pain also, sharp pain when encountered by or resident in nerve cells.
Also avoid ANY soy products. Soy is a poison in and of itself. Then of course in the U.S. all of it is GMO'd. (Watch Tony Pantalleresco - Canadian herbalist, on youtube, as he rants on soy and why we should never consume it. He's the individual who turned me on to Borax and other vital lifesaving yet inexpensive products.)

Back to calcium: EMF radiation that we are surrounded with these days affects the voltage gated calcium channels of our cells dramatically, which causes calcium build up INSIDE the cells with no subsequent release. Major problems result.

For these excess or misplaced calcium problems, borax is so helpful.

Posted by Peg F. (Virginia, USA) on 03/22/2022

I have been detoxing for 3 years, after discovering a load of heavy metals, microbes and radiation poisons that almost ended my incarnation this time round.

Recently I have discovered heavy calcification that occurs due to microwave radiation exposure (cell, wifi, wireless phones, 5G, etc., ovens, smart meters ... you get the idea.) The voltage gated calcium channels are affected by frequencies in this range and this can increase the intake of calcium into our cells by 7000 times! Check out this interview of Dr. Martin Pall by Mercola:

What to do? Get the calcium out! Recently I have tuned into Tony Pantalleresco, a Canadian herbalist. He has many Youtube videos, including this one:

And also has "recipes" on his website, mentioned in the youtube videos.

His recipes and protocols are the best! Borax is right up there in his recommended list, along with sodium thiosulfate, iodine and other easily procurable items. His youtube channel:

Good luck detoxing.

Boron Vs Borax
Posted by Ivan (Slovenia ) on 03/15/2022

Hello dear Herman,

I would like to ask you something about borax. I did make a solution as recomended by Ted's clinic, a small- teaspoon of borax gave into the 1 liter of water. I take then just a one third of tea spoon this solution, but I feel a burning then in my stomack, like acid. Is this normal by everyone, even I take very small of this solution, as you wrote it convert to boron acid in stomack. Now I take a boron 3mg tablets and by this is ok and also it makes bigger my free testosteron- just once a day I take it. Thank you, Ivan.

Arteries Unblocked
Posted by ron (berlin) on 03/06/2022

How much borax would you take to detox heavy metals and other fat soluble toxins? What fiber is best to eat? What else can be done to eliminate toxins? Please contact me if you want to chat about detox methods, I am intensely researching detoxing methods as well. Thank you

Arteries Unblocked
Posted by STEPHEN (Queensland) on 02/13/2022

What dose are you using and how often and how long did it take to achieve your results of clearing the arteries?

Borax Dosages
Posted by Live4Truth (Liberty, USA) on 01/29/2022

People, there is bad info out there giving wrong dosages. Check for yourself:

Borax decahydrate [Na2B4O7 ⋅ 10H2O] Laundry Borax:

5 ml (5cc) Borax = 8.65g Borax X 11.34% (Boron in Borax) = .98g (980mg) Boron

+1 liter (1000ml) water = 980mg/l Boron Aq

Therefore a 1ml dose = .98mg/ml Boron


5ml (tsp) = 4.9mg Boron Aq

1 Liter / 5ml (1 tsp) = 200 5ml Doses

So one 5ml teaspoon of Borax in a liter of water will give you 200 teaspoons of solution total, take as much as you need for the dosage you want.

Each 5ml teaspoon of the solution has approx. 5mg of Boron.

High Dose Borax
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/24/2022

The Borax Conspiracy By Walter Last. – Fluoridation Australia

that is interesting. I used to take a whole bottle of garlic a day to fight candida and I smelled like garlic all the time. It didn't solve the candida. I took nystatin for four years and was on a very strict diet. My nurse friend had an allergy clinic that was focused on candida. She didn't overcome hers either. My cortisol was feeding the candida. The cortisol is from my subconscious program that is from pre birth to age 7. I have learned a lot from Eric Berg on cortisol and digestion. We are all different. I no longer fight candida, but I work to balance out and resolve areas of weakness. Candida is controlled from microbe health in gut that keeps it in balance.

Good Bacteria Keep Candida, Fungus and Yeast in Check - YouTube

Nothing Boring About Boron - YouTube

Boron Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects and Interactions - Dr. Axe (

Boron - Health Professional Fact Sheet (

If it were me, I would not take that much because it affects hormone balance and that can affect cancer growth. My sis is on day 3 of her cancer treatment. We both had a battle with stress hormone cortisol from trauma.

High Dose Borax
Posted by Andreas (Gothenburg ) on 01/24/2022


I'm reading your testimonies on borax. I'm currently taking it myself for candida. I'm taking 1/4 teaspoon of borax powder in a glass of water 4 times a day.
However, I'm not noticing any improvement. Do you think it's safe to do 1/2 teaspoon of borax in a glass of water 4 times a day? That makes a total of 2 teaspoons of powder a day.
Would that be okay?

Best regards,


Detoxing, Soft Skin
Posted by Karen (St Joe, Arkansas ) on 01/19/2022

I have used Borax in my laundry for years but never dreamed it could be used for so many other things. I have started soaking in really hot water, as hot as I can stand, with about a cup of Borax and a cup of Epsom Salt... sometimes 1 1/2 cups each. My reasoning behind this was to detox, right now I cannot wrap my head around ingesting Borax... I have IBS and toxins tend to build rather quickly in me, but let me tell you... the next day WOW! Let me just say, it has been a very long time since I have felt this empty. Oh and my skin is so soft.

General Feedback
Posted by BevilNC (NC) on 01/17/2022

If you drink tap water you are kinda defeating the purpose. The borax will stay busy detoxing incoming fluoride and never get around to the accumulation in your body. You need to discontinue the use of fluoridated water for any drinking or cooking and use only nonfluoride tooth products. I'd say in your tea is fine but make the tea with distilled water or mineral water

General Feedback
Posted by Debbie (Woodland, MI) on 01/17/2022

I've been drinking hot tea with 1/4 teaspoon borax. I use my tap water to make my tea. Can I use tea to mix with my borax, or only water? Does borax have to be taken with distilled water? Thank you, Debbie

Posted by Suzi (College Station, Texas) on 12/29/2021

The symptoms you were experiencing was the candida die off. It makes you feel horrible but that's how you know that it is working.

Posted by Sunshine31527 (Jekyll Island, Ga) on 12/29/2021

I've had hives on my face and neck for about a week. Tried everything I could think of to get rid of it. When I started using borax dissolved in a small glass of water and patted it on the affected areas it started going away along with the itching. I can't believe what a difference it has made. Thank you Earth Clinic for all the help you have given to all. God bless you ...........

Posted by Lynny (New Zealand) on 12/29/2021

It sounds like you need to take more borax for a short time, perhaps some at the end of the day as well.

Posted by Lynny (New Zealand) on 12/29/2021

Good to hear a long term review.

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