Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Jane (Barrie, Ontario) on 09/25/2018

Would like to know if there are any substantiated cases of cured skin mites or morgellons. The site contains testimonials suggesting people are progressing, but none seem to be posting an outright cure.

Also--wondering if there are any physicians or alternative medicine specialists who might be familiar with these conditions - have been battling a condition with symptoms in line with your website - have tried many recommendations, still not cured. Willing to travel to meet with a potential health expert familiar with this condition. Any recommendations?

Replied by Alexis
(Coral Springs, Fl)

I just wanted you to hear this so you have hope that it CAN go away. What I did I am not sure will work for everyone ( although I suspect it would to some degree it just depends on how many treatments you do the more the better in the smallest amount of time.) So here it is: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. I started with the usual symptoms the black a specks, the flesh-eating lesions covering my face my arms my legs my stomach my chest, progressed to getting the fibers or at least noticing the fibers I pulled 16 inch long twisted up 'somethings' of the backs of my legs especially when I sweat sometimes I would spontaneously get a clear fiber I never saw any colors that's just me but I only had a 40x microscope. So hyperbaric oxygen. It's not cheap and if you find it for cheap then you are probably getting screwed somehow. There is no getting around paying for this. But, it's so worth it if you don't have the money right this second start saving it it's not in an enormous overwhelming amount of money to save... I did 31 treatments it cost me about $3,500. At one point my legs were so so swollen I believe I was close to going into renal failure. Two sessions in the Hyperbaric and they were normal. I was producing the black specks they were in my urine in other places everywhere I am not anymore and I do not see any fibers or pull any fibers from anything anymore. Whatever this bug is comma it may have been artificially engineered butt it has commonalities in parasitical forms and fungal forms and oxygen Chambers kill all anaerobic bacteria. I learned a lot from the lady who ran the place I couldn't do only Hyperbaric and get better I had to stop smoking I had to change my diet like everybody says on this site I had to give up sugar, I had to start doing coffee enemas, I started using Hulda Clarks parasite removal then I intend to do the liver and colon cleanses it gives you the order to do them in. Other than that, I would recommend chitosan. 1500 mg a day to start go up 500 mg a day till you get to 15,000. I am just starting that so I can't tell you if it works 100 percent or not yet also I no longer have the blacks packs I'm using it as preventative because I reinfected myself cleaning the washing machine and got a big lesion on my forehead and it's definitely trying to spread but I'm not letting it silver I also agree is good. If you want to know more just let me know also I do recommend Ted's protocol his cor protocol of alkalinity it's taught by all the great doctors who study chronic illlness I started using Ted's protocol initially I wouldn't say that it didn't work I would say that I didn't follow through with it in the proper way whatever protocol you choose you have to do it and you have to do it everyday and you have to do it at the same time and you have to make it part of your life. Good luck.

1 posts

Hi, I'm somewhat new to being contaminated with this awful parasitic bug/fibers/worm. My 2 dogs are affected too and I'm broken in many ways…I'm looking for help regarding where to begin: my environment (house, outside, driveway, etc) or myself and my fur babies? I've been reading until my eyes bleed and have found a lot on treatment for people, but minimal info on how to treat our homes. If you can offer any guidance, I would be so grateful.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Diamondintheruff (Livonia, Michigan) on 05/11/2018

Uses of Citric Acid and Tetrasodium Edta for Morgellons

Dear Ted, I have Morgellons and was wondering how much citric acid powder should be taken. Also, will citric acid help raise my PH level? I mixed one heaping teaspoon in distilled water with no ill effects. I ordered the Tetrasodium Edta salt that I mixed into water, along with some citric acid, and borox, as a spray for morgellons in the house. I was wondering if a small amount of the Tetrasodium can be mixed with water and taken internally, and if so how much each day? I read that it used to be used in many foods in the United States, so people have eaten it in the past, so I assume that a small amount might be okay, but I need advice on what amount could be taken mixed in water internally.

The following things have helped my condition by about 75% over the last month: I'm taking one tablespoon baking soda-1/8 teaspoon borox, and one heaping teaspoon diatomaceous earth three times a day in distilled water. I drink 10 drops of food grade 35 percent hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water each day. I also drink a couple glasses of unsweetened coconut milk each day. I only eat the egg whites of hard boiled eggs, with lots of sea-salt on them, tuna, and lots of low carb organic vegetables. I eat lots of organic lettuce with a dressing made with organic apple cider vinegar, some spices, and a few packages of stevia. I cut all all sugar and carbs. I do eat a tablespoon of sugar free organic peanut butter each day, and one cup of coffee in the morning, and these sugar free, low-carb items have not made my condition worse like so many others have reported. These foods are low carb and have no sugar so how can they be as bad as eating sugar? It seems like the one teaspoon of turpentine natural pure gum spirits mixed with one teaspoon of melted coconut oil helps quite a bit. I also add a drop of clove essential oil to the mixture. I also rub this mixture over my problem area of my face, and neck, three times a day. This seems to have really helped my bumps and lesions, and my complexion looks so much better-almost normal and it really makes your skin look youthful and glowing. When I started taking the turpentine, I noticed that after a few days my energy levels went through the roof, and I haven't been tired since, so I know it was the turpentine that restored my energy levels as I had been taking most of the other things I mentioned for a long time. I had been wiped out for years struggling to even get out of bed each day. I felt that death could be near and I visited many doctors who all told me I was dellusional, but not one of the doctors would even come within ten feet of me, so I knew they knew exactly what this is, and they are such trash that all they will do is lie and ridicule you to get rid of you because they are instructed not to treat you. All they did was make fun of me, and not offer me any treatments for the bumps and lesions all over my body. Strange fibers, seed type things, fuzz ball type organisms, hair-like organisms, wispy thread like organisms, shiny glitter, and hard, rigid yellow grains were emerging from them, and they would not check any of this and no doctor would come anywhere near me, and just label me dellusional even though I've never had any mental issues.

This morgellons is 100% real and very, very bizarre with the things I've witnessed while having this disease. I feel it was definitely created in a lab to infect, and torture, and shorten many people's lives. I was a 100% healthy athlete prior to getting this, so I don't believe healthy people cannot get this. I know there is a 100% cure because none of the people in power are getting this and all seem to live very long lives. I have no doubt that many people are dying from this and it is stated as another cause of death. I do believe that the doctors are instructed by the US government to treat all morgellons patients in this manner. They stated that I created the 100 plus lesions on my body which they know is a total lie. The good news is that I only have a few bumps on my face now, and they are flesh colored and not really visible. No other parts of my body have the lesions anymore so they like the face area the best and why I think applying the turpentine-coconut oil-clove oil mixture has helped this area so much. The white scaring has almost completely went away, which I thought was permanent, because so many people stated that, so I don't believe that is true because I was able to get rid of the white scars with the turpentine-coconut oil-clove oil mixture. This mixture feels really good on my skin, and really helps to heal. I tried pure turpentine oil and it turned my skin beet red for two days, and then my skin returned to normal. I recommend mixing it with the coconut oil as it doesn't turn your skin red. After applying the turpentine mixture, I dip a brush into lavender oil and brush that over the turpentine mixture to make it smell better, and it also fights the morgellons organisms. This has helped the hard bumps to go way down, and the lesions are hardly visible since taking the pure gum spirits internally, for two weeks, and putting it on my skin. I've been using the pure gum spirits turpentine in the amount of about 2 ounces in my bath water along with 3 tablespoons tumeric powder, and 1/2 cup of each of the following: sea-salt, borax, vinegar, epsom salt, and baking soda. I also add several drops of lavender oil, and several alfalfa tablets. I soak for about an hour with these ingredients every other day. These baths always help greatly. For laundry, I first add the clothes, then I add a cup of borax to a large load, 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, and one cup powdered sun bleach detergent. I also add about three ounces of turpentine pure gum spirits since the morgellons seem to hate it. I let the clothes sit overnight. The next day, after I wash them, I add 1/4 cup borox into the dryer so that it will cut up the morgellons organisms if any are still alive. This washing, and drying, method helps get about 90% of the morgellons fuzz balls organisms out of the clothes. I don't know if the other 10% are still alive or just embedded in the clothing. I mix a spray bottle with vinegar, a tablespoon borox, a tablespoon tetra sodium edta, and two ounces of turpentine pure gum spirits into a large spray bottle. I spray this solution lightly over all the clothes that I took out of the dryer and let them sit until they are dry as another precaution. I also spray the lint collector from the dryer with this solution as well as inside of the lint collector compartment. I also use this as a spray for my house including the walls and ceilings. I was getting stinging sensations in my feet, and I started adding several drops of turpentine pure gum spritis into my shoes each day and all the stinging sensations stopped. I have no doubt that the morgellons organisms hate the pure gum spirits turpentine. It has a strong smell, but I don't find it unpleasant, and when the clothes dry the vinegar and turpentine small goes away. Also, after an hour most of the scent is gone from your skin, especially when you cover it with lavender oil.

Replied by Katielyn
(Howell, mi)

Please help me. Im in howell mi. I feel so alone in this. Please someone help me.


No, you're not alone. There's symptom maintenance for this. Email me if you need to talk you're not alone it'll be ok.

(Title "for niss" cuz I use my boyfriends email)

June Higgins

Have u recieved any help?

4 posts

I also need help I'm fighting to GRT these bugs out my hair and eyes?Do you know of any remedies??

(Salt Lake UT)

You are not alone. I felt the same way. You have to take charge of your own health. Most Doctors are a joke but a few are honest and will help. Clean up your diet and eat things that alkalize your body. Resurch that. Kleen free on Amazon is very beneficial in a bath. The enzymes break the bugs down naturally, they have no defense against enzymes. Don't eat sugar or simple carbs.Turn off wi fi at night. Put phone on airplane mode at night also. Find a doctor to prescribe Ivermectin. Limit your time and exposure to cell phone and wi fi.

Replied by Morgellons is real

The reason only some of us get it is due to our immune systems and health. You may have been healthy but you must have caught a pathogen that's impeding your immune system. I only got this crap in my skin etc when I got sick from ebv and it ruined my immune abs now I'm stuck with this dreadful stuff inside my body and it's a nightmare to keep it out of my skin on a daily basis. I take lots of stuff to boost my immune and that's helped a lot. Ppl with Morgellons usually have a weak immune. I do, I am always getting sick. Probiotics, vitamin d and colostrum help. So many herbs etc do too. Like ashwaganda. Get your glands checked abs tested. You may need thyroid and parathyroid meds and maybe other hormones. Usually ppl with Morgellons have damage to their glands. Also take anything to boost your immune as it will help keep you alive and not sick from infection. Morgellons itself isn't deadly imo but infections are. Calcitrial is active vitamin d and it's helped me alot so get that checked. Not all of us are the same but it doesn't hurt to get it looked at.

Replied by Jennifer

Hello thank you so much for sharing. Can you tell me the brand of turpentine spirits you bought and where I can buy it? Many blessings. Thank you.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Roberta (Malaga, New Jersey) on 08/08/2017

I am suffering, horribly, from Morgellans Disease. My head is full of open sores, and biting things come out. It has been for 460 days now. I am losing my hair, my joints and head hurt. my life has come to a stop because of this. I was taking, MSM, Diamateous earth, wormwood, Citrate acid, Ionic Boron. I have done heavy metal Chelation, because I have a 4.7 cadmium level in my blood. The cadmium level stayed a 4.7 before I did Chelation, and it was a 4.7, after I did 6 Chelations. It took none of my heavy metal out of my blood. I tried Atristatin, that made the Morgellans, worse, and made me sick. Now I drink berry smoothies, with Chlorella and Tumeric. I have received the tetrasodium EDTA and the Hydrochloric Acid, I have Borax, do I drink it in water? Is Ionic Boron, the same thing? And what do I do with th BoPeep Ammonia? Roberta

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

ROBERTA,,,,,,,,,, got computer problems so you won't get my original long message. Forget eating stuff, kill the bastards with heat as I did with my mites. That will work every time.



Hello everyone. I bought a house in April of this year. Now on this website reading about Morgellons. I just read somebody stating that heat kills them. Is this similar to bed bugs where they heat the entire house up to 140 degrees F and hold it for 4 hours? Can anybody elaborate on that, please? Thank you in advance.


(Charlotte NC)

I run an open flame over everything I can. Is there harm to be wary of if when killing it with fire? Other than fire, obviously

Replied by Nicolas B.
(Johannesurg, South Africa)

Please check your drinking water the Cadmium is most likely coming from that. The active problem is Barium in the Morgellans.

Try extra high doses of Colloidal silver and get to a practitioner that uses RIFE frequencies treat Iron eating parasites and also ZInc eating parasites as well as old bacterial strains in a 4 hour cycle on repeat.

The genome they have created steals Silica from your body and builds itself around the Silica like antennae.

Bathing in white vinegar diluted of course in hot water and immediately after a hot bath, oil your entire body with virgin olive oil mixed bentonite clay and let it set, then wet it and scraping off the mixture with a sharp bamboo edge or sharp edge, be careful not to cut yourself.

8 drops of Lugol's iodine 2 x a day in a glass of spring filtered water (not from a faucet! )

The electronics of the Rife frequencies will destroy the invader if you can get your practitioner to find the exact frequency. I am still experimenting with frequencies I think they may be in the range from 525 to 750 Hz. I also know that most of the Military communications are done at the mobile phone levels so you can block the signal around 150 Hz. Look up the "iron eating parasites as well I have noticed sufferers have a low iron level as well.

Note the times that you suffer most from the itching and check your circadian rhythms, they are interfering with your circadian rhythms to throw out your body functions.

I hope this helps to show how malicious they have become.

It is imperative during your infection time to maintain even non-emotional state. Emotions accelerate and exacerbate the condition.

Finally, supplement your water intake with 20ml of High PPM Colloidal silver, minimum 300 ppm

Replied by Vicky
(Deerfield, Il)

Interested in vibrational healing for Lyme etc

Replied by Katelynn

Thank you Nicolas! I'm a recently Targeted Individual who is trying to figure all this out (please look up T I and read the symptoms). Targeted Individuals also have Morgellons, and we are additionally tracked, stalked and physically attacked using direct energy weapons everywhere we go. With the current satellite technology at their disposal the entities that torture us can do it completely remotely. They can activate the nano s or smart dust that we all have taken in our bodies via chemtrails, food additives etc. and do what they want to. We are all victims of this horror, nano/smartdust it's been dumped on us ALL for decades and our generation is reaping the consequences.

I blessedly came across a person who is cured of all his symptoms. His entire family was targeted and attacked but through a protocol he figured out with massive research and physical experiments on himself, he stopped being able to FEEL the attacks. (They don't necessarily stop attacking, but those cleared from it just no longer act as an antenna.) Due to this stuff in our systems we are nothing more than an antenna but once the things he utilized to clean out his system were deployed, they could no longer target him. His moniker is Lookoutfa Charlie and has videos on YouTube as well as a blog.

His techniques are based on treatments for barium poisoning (heavy metal poisoning), Morgellons, as well as sporotrichosis (a fungal infection that can cause death if it reaches the brain, which a good friend of his died from). The treatments are similar to many of those listed here but the primary ones are listed below.

Daily hot as you can stand them baths with minimal 4 cups epsom salt for minimal 30 min.

Borax for laundry using hot water and drying your clothes in the dryer till they are completely dry. Otherwise you're not killing these things. (Borax can be used for nearly EVERYTHING cleaning wise and is both an antifungal as well as antibacterial.) He even notes you can drink Borax if properly diluted but you can get it in pill form called boron. Please look up the health benefits of boron as it's something we could all benefit is sad that I had never even heard of it till this. I now give it to my pets too. I add it to the bath as well. FYI Borax / boron are not available for sale (it's illegal) in Australia. Apparently a man was deemed incurable by doctors for some sickness but discovered borax healed him. When he brought this to the attention of his doctor so others could be treated and cured as well, this doc took it to the medical entities and they got it banned. Look it up.

Palmolive antibacterial as the ingredients for THIS PARTICULAR Palmolive act as lactic acid. This he used on his skin and let it harden. A few days later it cracked off and felt like 3r d degree burns but he never felt the attacks in that area again. I've done this too and it works but the skin looks damaged for a time afterwards so just be aware that in time it will heal. This may help kill these things.

SUGAR, as he puts it, is like a steak dinner for this stuff. You'll need to cut out all sugar for awhile at least. One commenter said it's candida so going on the candida diet in its strictest version is what I've done and it's helped tremendously.

The biggest killer of this stuff (combined with the other requirements) is super saturated potassium iodide (SSKI) taken orally daily for months. The name of the only supplier of this FDA approved product is Morgellons Direct and can be purchased on Amazon. In a comment on this website a man said his thyroid was destroyed and he had no energy. SSKI protects your thyroid and is used after nuclear disasters to protect people's thyroid. Lookoutfa Charlie noted that they (gov) are considering taking boron and SSKI off the market. Very scary. Potassium iodide in this form needs to be diluted so be aware and Charlie recommends looking up dosages for sporotrichosis to know correct measurements.

There are other things as well but these are the biggies. He like most of us, is not rich so he always recommends the least expensive choices.

Several people have been cured using this and I can testify that it has stopped most of my symptoms and I've only been doing it for a little over a month. He's realistic and states it takes several months to achieve complete freedom from ALL symptoms and also that we will have to do maintenance for the rest of our lives. Keep in mind that TIs have Morgellons on top of being attacked so I completely understand how horrible this is for everyone.

There's a video on YouTube titlled, Touchless Torture: Target Humanity, that explains much of what Nicolas says about these creatures being made out of barium etc. (Be warned that at the end it talks about alien black goo and aliens that I don't advocate.) A man in the video says our best bet is to stay ahead of the wave in order to survive and believe it or not, due to our exposure to this horror now, we have a chance to do this.

Ed Snowden the man who leaked secret papers to Wikileaks noted that prior to him releasing all the documents he did, many FACTS AND TRUTHS about certain gov programs were considered conspiracy theories such as the PRISM and HAARP programs. (Just because they DENY the truth and legitimacy of what we're living with doesn't mean it's not real, just that they're liars.) All the big money companies such as Google and Microsoft have gone to court trying to keep the gov out and allow their customers privacy but they have all lost. Ed Snowden also points out that in the past it cost a lot of money and many man hours were needed to track people but this is no longer true as it's all computer tracked now so costs are low.

When we are an active antenna these satellites can track is via our brain waves as each person's and animals brain waves are unique like a finger print so the computer can follow us 24/7 and attack us. Our sense organs such as eyes and ears send out signals that can be tracked and now they are even using the external ear itself as a unique signature/fingerprint, as ears don't change much over time.

I was in line at Wal-Mart buying epsom salt, purified water, borax, celery etc and a woman behind me asked if I was doing cleanse. I told her yes and she said she had lyme disease and asked my technique. I told her I was a TI and then listed what I was doing. She was amazed that there were so many things we had in common and again asked if it was lyme disease to which I told her there's a lot of crossover. I believe as many here have said, that it's all due to this smart dust.

We are in the biblical end times and things are going to get so much worse so we all need to work toghther little ones. I'm grateful for all who comment on this as I've learned so much, please don't stop.


This is the first I've heard of anyone going through what I have for 13 yrs . I'm also TI and have moved over and over to stay away from this ; what I called “goop” or “grease”.

There is “black goo” And it has a green hue and it BURNS. Direct contact caused blisters on my skin while falling from my ceiling.

i began sleeping outside, in dead of winter, to avoid this “goo” in attempt to keep it from going into my body.

i don't know if it's aliens or govt, or both. There is large black craft-disguised as night sky/stars that shoot that “grease” on center of my back between my shoulder blades and on all of my belongs.
The goo is real and alive. The resistance to heat has become stronger in the last year or so.
Thank you so much for sharing. I've been terrified of dying and know they will kill Mew eventually.
Still on the run from the goo plus many new things introduced that are screamingly painful.

i don't lie where to turn, I am being seriously tortured.

Thanks again,


(faithville, Us)

Tony Pantalleresco The Dangers Of Nano Particles To Your Health! - YouTube

I would ask Tony, I have emailed him in the past and he replied, don't know his address as we lost our internet and all history a year or so ago

Replied by Sue

How do you use the HCacid?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Viverre (Pasadena, Ca.) on 01/20/2016

I call this the common sense attack. I'm much better but can't say fully cured yet. Fitst learn to think like a bug. Where would you live ? hide ? feed ?

What kind of bug is this ? More than one. I believe its a food chain. One bug attracts the other. Thats why some things seem to help but make worse at the same time...kills this but attracts that.

Why do you attract the bug while someone else doesn't ? Chemicals in the body maybe, subtle fragrance maybe, diet maybe, low immunity, who knows.

I believe we have an internal parasite, maybe a worm that is good food to outside bugs. Ground Cloves are helpful for internal bugs. I also believe that the sealant on my dental work is a strong draw. My worst lesions are over my dental implants because I think the chemical has leeched into my body already so removing them would only have minimal results.

So....think like a bug. I have two major bugs. One Springtails. They are vicious. Live on everything, fly into you like a dart, ouch, and hook on with the same mechanism they jump with. They don't let go even when dead. Two...filth flys..yuk. These live in swarms near your drains or wet areas. When you walk through the swarm they embed thrmselves in the wounds and dead stuff caused by the springtails. Filth flies turn to a white wet dust smear when touched. Im sure there are more involved.

So, nothing will work on you if your environmrnt reinfests you just as quick. Start outside your home. Make sure there is no standing water, mold growth, vegetation growing against your home. No birds nests in the area, no leaking drain pipes leaving ground water. Put buckets under drainage areas if possible to avoid water pooling.

Mix lemon scented ammonia and SMALL amount lemon dish soap with water in spray bottle. Again dollar store items work fone. Spray outside house heavily! (save for floor and inside cleaning also ) This will not be enough..keep finding things to spray outside. Do it daily if possible. Try Blue mouthwaah, epsom salts and beer mixed with water in spray bottle. Keeping in mind this may kill wanted flowers and might try pouring peroxide on soil in wet areas. NOTE...Clean your front door and screen doors often...even daily. Your door becomes part of your room if left open.

Now, clean out all the drains in your house, invisible flys swarm there. Open and snake, then pour anything you can think of down there...not all at once...never mix chemicals, even natural ones. Use gel type cleaner to clean the sides of pipes. Now keep the drains closed....always! When not in use. Good hot water, bleach anything...constantly keep those drains clean and closed. I bet you will see a difference. cant get better with contaminated clothes. Replace what you can. First clean your washing machine. Using your lemon mixture you sprayed outside..think like a bug. Never lead with your face. Hold head back while spraying, Ok Im a bug, the water is coming in...where will you run. Clean inside lid, agitation thing in the middle paying close attention to top. Really clean everything..sides, top. Use spray bottle and spray back of machine , underneath. Now pour white vinegar and water and fill drum. Now add water from sink to clean above water line. Let your cycle run to clean machine. Phew...I know! But what good is washing if there are bugs in there. Always soak clothes before washing. For me, Borax alone just won't do it. Being careful of expensive work or dress clothing...Soak in Spinosad. Its a natural product from the ground like Borax but kills bugs efficiently. I've had no problem with casual clothing...not sure about fancies. When in doubt, dry clean. Google Spinosad for brand name...starts with Captain. Its usually found in garden the concentrate. Don't stop if doesnt work the first time...remember your problem could also be storage. Keep soaking in Spinosad. If not working try soaking in decolorized iodine. This will be more expensive. Again be careful with dressy clothes, testing for safeness. Soak clothes for as long as possible before cleaning. Important. these bugs swim. Use small bowl or cup to skim off the top of the water after soaking and flush down toilet. Now wash clothes in soap with NO floral scent. Sheets should not be 100% cotton...they love and breed in cotton. Stick to polyester blends. Use a seperate sheet to wrap just around you at night...roll up in it...have lots of them...wash after every use or at least every other day. Use the bottom fitted sheet from the set by simply cutting away elastic. For home clothes I recommend WalMarts black yoga pants with top waistband folded inside instead of outside. the fewer seams touching you the better. Cut the neck out of your tshirts to avoid seams. Lay Viva paper towels against any active lesion area and place clothes over. The Viva clings well to the inside of clothes.

Lots to know here of course. Now lets fight some mold and fungus. Make sure there is nothing growing in your bathroom. Use bleach to kill mold spots. Air out and ventilate after shower. Even better, shower at gym, spa, work, friends house and help keep it dry. Use super hot water to rinse walls and tub after shower because it dries faster. Pour alcohol down drain to kill anything you just washed down there. Close drain!

Very Important...replace your shower curtain. I guarantee they are living on it. I use dollar store shower liners and replace every couple weeks.

Buy lots of zip lock bags. Keep all bathroom counter items in ziplock bag...including toothbrush. Its much easier to clean the bag then to constantly clean the individual items. I suggest the same for things like vitamin and pill bottles..makes cleaning inside cabinets way faster. It also allows you to spray your lemon mixture into the cabinet lightly. Clean your countertops, wood surfaces as much as possible. Cover the back of your toilet with saran wrap or tin foil and replace it often. Never store anything on the back of the toilet! Keep super clean. Keep your toilet seat down...they love water. Always roll up pants before using toilet so they arent sitting on floor then pulled up on you. Remember keep your drains closed. Move your couch and bed away from the wall as much as possible. about that smell of yours that attracts them. Do not eat or store fruit in any infected areas. No eating fruit at home...nothing...careful even with tomatoes. Once you have fruit in your mouth they will come after your face. Eat it outside the home and brush your teeth well after. DO NOT use anything on your body that smells like flowers, trees, or food. Citrus in small amounts might be ok. Coconut is ok. This includes laundry products and dryer sheets.

Pay attention..When and where do they attack ? What did you eat, wash with, etc. I personally wont use tea tree, eucalyptus or other botanicals that make me smell like vegetation or trees. Now lets get personal.. flys like the smell of waste products...yep, monkey butt I'll call it. Don"t smell like that even a little. Use wet tissue toilet paper products...unscented! Never use the toilet paper thats been exposed in your bathroom. Never use kleenex or tissue exposed to the air in your house. Keep your tissues in ziploc bag. I like White Cloud wet wipes for personal cleaning.. Clean extra well with the wet wipes. Thats not enough. Use a cream of some sort...light or no scent...dollar store has aloe vera hemmorhoid well. Replenish each time you use the bathroom. Douche clean with plain yogurt until no personal scent remains.

Use dollar store antifungal under breasts, inside elbows, top of shoulders, sides of nose and any other folds where it would be safe to use. Dab on sores to kill what the bugs feed on. Consider washing with plain yogurt occasionally. It helps to kill fungus and bacteria. Cover body with it including hair and leave on for a few minutes standing in shower then wash off. Always final rinse in shower with Borax and water to remove any lingering smells no matter what you use. I do not recommrnd ACV on you or in you if you have Morgellons....... fermented fruit draws flys. Wash with cocunut oil soap...3 for a dollar at Dollar tree. I wash my hair with it too then use an unscented conditioner. Note....wash hair in sink before showering if you can to stop bugs and hair product from washing down body. Will help stop body lesions.

Ok now that we have started to clean house, we can start trying to treat the skin. Rule number one...the best way to kill them is dry them up. I take a cheap knock off antihistamine every 12 hours with a break every couple days and watching for signs of dehydration. Calamine lotion might help. Alcohol is a good drying agent.

Taking Melatonin seems to help. I take 10mg before bed.Other things that help..Chlorella to flush out metals, Black Walnut to limit internal parasites, probiotics, Glutathione, NAC.

Miracle II all natural CLEAR product can be used everywhere! On eyes, nose, ears...brush teeth with it. so important to clean those areas, especially inside of nose. Their blue soap has too much smell for me..stick to the scent. The gel can be used on scalp with no greasy feel to hair ...on butt...near your eyes, under your breasts or genitals, anywhere with no problems. Much, much better than the petroleum product...vaseline. You can even drink the clear liquid. I keep it in a small spray bottle next to me always. Must be bought off the internet.

Soak your feet! Keeping fungus off feet is very important. I use a battery operated ped thing to remove the dead skin that attracts bugs and then soak in epsom salts. You could try peroxide for soaking also. Keep your feet scrubbed and clean. Wear shoes in the house...socks will just pick things up and keep them on you.! Make sure your shoes arent the problem. Wear shoes that can be cleaned. Use dollar store pad inserts and toss often. Never have contact with the permanent padding in your will never get them out of there. Spray inside shoes after wear with alcohol to help dry them. Think about the coat you wear. Is it washable ? Is it clean ?

Remember to keep all clothes in plastic bags and dont expose them to the air until your house is doing better. Vacuum lots! Even run the vacuum on a chair just to pull some stuff out of the air. Suck up Borax in vacuum to keep bugs from coming back out. Keep everything dry in your house using your hair dryer. Spray car with Miracle II clear product and water. Keep spraying. If you have a desert area nearby, temps over 100 will clean out your car efficiently. Remember to open your trunk, your glove compartment, between seats storage and let that bake also. Get rid of cd cases, they love those. Declare war. Keep on it. Don't let up because it's somewhat can come back..keep fighting. Use a pad type computer, they live in your PC computer! Keep earphones and extra wires clean and in plastic bag. Stay outside of your house as much as possible to weaken its hold on you. Go to the library. Go away for weekends...deserts are great! Sit in the sun when you can. Find moments to enjoy your life. Good luck!

Replied by Viverre

I wrote the post above. Ive stopped using the lemon mixture because of the smell. Im now spraying my house and car with Miracle II clear Neutralizer mixed with water. I add just a couple drops of orsnge oil to a large spray bottle and spray everything that can get wet. Make sure you super dry things like couch cushions with your hair dryer. Im also cleaning with disinfectant wipes...the kind that pop up. Im using them even on my floor. You have to clean everything...empty drawers, cupboards, etc and clean, spray, clean more. You can spray your skin with the Miracle Ii clear and a tiny bit of orange oil after a shower. My car is doing great but my house has a way to go. You will love how fresh this smells. I have been adding a few drops of orange oil to hair conditioner and leaving it in for awhile. Test small area oil is strong. If yoir skin can handle a little orange oil, I highly recommend trying this mixture... Miracle II Neutralizer gel mixed with a few drops of orange oil and then massaged into skin and scalp. You will love how this stuff feels. I use small round containers with lids from the travel section of walmart to keep it in and use it often while watching tv. Slowly cover your whole scalp and body., massaging it in.....especially your feet and ankles. Again, use it in small area first to make sure it isnt to strong. Wait for results...nothing works in minutes. Give it a few days. Im still taking the Benadryl at night, the milder Zantac during the day.10 mg of Melatonin at night. My biggest success has been swimming in the ocean. The salt water really clears stuff out. Im just amazed at how much stuff was layered onto my scalp now that its peeling off. Im doing soooo much better. But remember, nothing will work until your environment improves. Clean, clean and more clean.

Replied by Nan

There is a fly trap that works - made by PIC - the "Trap" is the one to get -- buy lots if you are pestered by the little flies -- it really works -- its trapped all of them - haven't seen any for a week or more...

Olive Leaf helps, Alpha Lipoic Acid crosses blood/brain barrier so gets them there... N Acetyl Cysteine, Artemisinin (Wormwood also works - Artemisinin is a derivative used on Malaria)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Deb (Kansas) on 01/12/2016

I went to sleep 10.31.15 and woke up next morning w/rash all over my head face neck and chest. I was out of town at funeral so went to walkin. There I was given shot of steroid, script for more steroids an antibiotic. I came home thinking I was getting better, but on 11.20.15 went back to PCP. She said scabies. Grossly misdiagnosed. She said make sure you get it down there good. I said it's not "down there" and what about my head because she was only prescribing one tube of the permethrin cream. I knew that wasn't enough because my hair was long. PCP stated I am giving you shampoo for your hair. When I left that office I thought I was getting scabies ridding shampoo for my hair, but no it was steroid shampoo. PCP gave me SEVEN refills. Now you would think she thought whatever I had was bad cause who prescribes seven refills?? Well, three days later I was calling back for more cream and had to BEG for it. I was then referred to first dermatologist. That was a complete waste of time. She said you don't have scabies and didn't offer any other treatment plan or proposal of any kind. I have started going to gym everyday to alternate between hot tub, sauna and steam room. All of these are helping a lot and I am disturbing these mites for sure. Today, I took my waterpik put it on the slowest spray and fill container w/very warm water and peroxide(quit a bit)and sprayed it in my ears. I have asked three different doctors to clean out my clogged ears and they refer me to Walmart for ear cleaning kit. None worked. The spray felt good and it knocked out the white things in my ears. I have started an assault on my body w/water and heat. It is helping a lot especially the sauna because it's 170 degrees in there. I am done w/borax bathes and permethrin creams. I purchased one month gym membership and if it works plan on continuing w/membership. The isolation is almost unbearable. I put makeup on the spots on face and joined bowling team last night. Has anybody thought about suing their doctor for not receiving proper medical help and making you feel like you were crazy?

Replied by Amy

If I could I'd have over 75 doctors and multiple labs to sue after 5 years of this plague!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Myredemption (Wa) on 12/06/2015 5 posts

I wanted to confirm that the superbugs that I'm dealing with and has been my biggest problem is the same one referred to by some Morgellon's sufferers. I understand that there are variations and differing symptoms and that not all MD sufferers have the "bug" aspect. I am certain that I have Morgellon's due to thick black fibers with white feathery ends coming out of a lesion that never fully healed after a few weeks of what I believe may be a variation of the "superbugs" biting my ankles under my desk at work. My body started expelling these bugs after I found out about and used a debriding soap product; it caused for strangely shaped debris and squiggly short thread-like fibers come out of pimple-like lesions on my bald head and then the fibers that I mentioned above from my ankle. But these "superbugs" are causing immense discomfort and life-endangering associated floating/flying particles in my home.

The bug: clothes, plastic, and paper are their ideal infestation sites. Tried everything for the clothes and the only thing that has worked is Pressure Cooking my clothes for 2 hours to make them comfortable enough to wear for 12 hours before being reinfested due to the environment or reproduction. They fly extremely fast, and most likely whitish to translucent/clearish in color. I see white specks and white powdery residue on infested items. They are virtually invisible unless sunlight is shining from certain angles and when I disturb any item that they are resting on/in, they will fly for my face, especially my scalp. For example, if I open a ziplock bag of contents that they are in, they will fly out of the opening with enough force that I will hear a slight pop if they hit my earlobes, or clothing. It's not the air current causing for its collision with me; you can feel that it is purposefully flying at my face due to the force and speed between disturbance and making contact. If I'm washing an item that they are on, I will feel that something has landed on my scalp. Some are random scatter collisions but others are definitely with purpose as I've wrung out an infested towel, moved myself from being directly in front of the towel, and feel them landing on my scalp. As I'm typing right now, I can feel them coming out of the cracks/openings between the keyboard keys and pepper my face. Maybe so many are coming out that they are not aiming for my face but I doubt it because I will feel them landing on the BACK of my head.

The second aspect of this is there are so many floating particles/"superbugs" in my apartment that I choke/cough at times as I'm breathing them in. If I don't clean off most surfaces each day, the concentration of the particles are so dense that careful observation will reveal a slight haze of white in the air between myself and the object that I'm viewing inside the room. My joints hurt and I have a lot of inflammation due to all of these particles breathed in and I fear is contributing to my Morgellons condition and ever increasing Morgellons related organisms/myiasis inside my body. If so, my condition would be indefinite. I'm confident in saying that they are related to the superbugs because with careful observation against a dark background, I can see tiny tiny things floating/flying around me. The best way to describe it is to visualize Pigpen from the Peanuts cartoon and his omnipresent cloud of dust that surrounds him. Airing the room out doesn't help, they stay around infested items. Air purifiers don't help because the filter will become infested in a day and end up blowing the bugs/particles. Using a fan doesn't either because once the "superbug" infests the fan, more bugs are blown into a room. All it takes is a few infested items in a room and over time, the airborne particles/bugs increase in number and there is no saving it. My sleep has been minimal and I can't improve my immune system to fight these bugs from hell off. As I mentioned before, they envelope me and I'm breathing them in...causing health problems. This polluted air will infest ANY item within 6 hours; that is how bad this is. If I lay new clothing items out in the room, after 6 hrs, I will feel the bugs coming off of it when wearing. Black, white, and brown specks can be seen on the shirt. Moving is the only answer but I can't do this over and over.

This also complicates ridding myself of this problem because I will need to not only kill the Morgellons parasite IN me, but also get rid of EVERYTHING in my environment at around the time when my internal body environment is free. But one will usually cause the other and it's hard to time everything. Not to mention all the money that I don't have. Cleaning helps for 24 hours because anything cleaned will still be in the polluted air as well as being reinfected from the superbugs/cloud of debris that is around me. I've no avail. I'm ready to leave everything, then clean them off my skin, toss the clothes on my back, and for someone not infested to bring me new clothes to start over. And of course if my internals are ok, then I won't reinfest my environment.

I believe that some people don't realize this aspect to their condition and therefore not able to rid themselves of the problem. Or due to the inability to send a sample to a lab, some of us don't correctly know what we have. Add to that people who advise on the wrong parasite and it becomes very confusing. Does this parasite go hand in hand with Morgellons? Is this the same bug that Morgellon's sufferers refer to? If not, what is it? I'm trying to figure out if I have other parasites afflicting me. In terms of what's helped me:

1. Debriding Soap (NG) (Google it, it can be purchased on a website called "Get Your Life Back, LLC"). This kills the parasite in the skin and causes for debris/fibers to come out of lesions. I had myiasis of the superbugs in my fingers around the nails and anything that I touched would have biofilm/white granules on it. It contributed to infestation of items.

2. Oil Remedy: I found this on EC - Ingest the following oils: Rosemary, Red Thyme, Lemon, Cinnamon Cassia, Clove, Oregano. I personally do 8 drops with water, 3x/day, 3 days on - 2 days off. Less "superbugs" are attracted to me and I think it played a part in expelling fibers from lesions. Noticeably less people around me are scratching and sneezing from me, which would indicate that less particles are coming out of my skin. This is different from dead Morg fibers coming out: there are other ones that causes people to scratch and sneeze associated with my condition.

3. Chelating with Chlorella, taking Vit D 10,000 IU/day, Wormwood tincture taken internally, Glutathione (this is a key antioxidant and immensely helps with cell functioning, healing, etc), Biotin (I take double the recommended dosage on the bottle), Vitamin C, 3,000 mgs/day, Ted's ACV/Baking Soda Alkalizer 2x/day after meals, Ted's Hydrogen Peroxide 3% concentration (capful), 1/4 tsp of Baking Soda, 1/4 tsp of BoraxThanks for any input in a liter of water 2x/day.

4. Only necessary cleaning; all cleaning is moving contaminants from one place to another and with my condition it goes from an item to ME as I clean. This makes my body more infested. But I use Ted's recommended EDTA Tetrasodium 10%, Ammonium Chloride 10% in 80% water to kill/disinfect environment. Downside is when anything with the superbugs is sprayed upon, they fly everywhere in distress and many land on my clothes.

5. Pressure cooking clothes - only way for clothes to not have superbugs jumping onto me when wearing them. DO NOT use inside your home as the parasites will come out while used. Do it away from your home, outside, and know that eventually THAT area will be infested.

6. Always wearing a beanie/hat. It protects my scalp from further infestation and are purchased from the Dollar store.

7. Wearing a wet handkerchief on nose/mouth when cleaning or using a clean dust mask to minimize breathing the parasites in.

Replied by James

The easiest way to keep your clothes free of this is to use two products made for swimming pools. The first is algae cleaner. The second is enzyme cleaner (spa enzyme). Add about 10 to 20 drops to a gallon jug of water and shake it. Then from that jug add about 1/4 cup of treated water to the washing machine as it fills. Later after you get better, you can just use Spa Enzyme and drop the algaecide.

Replied by Nichole
(Charleston sc)

Hi, I was hoping to reach out to one of the suffers that posted here on this Site. With hopes it would reach him and he'd be willing to speak with me. He is the only person I've ever read that explains symptoms I'm experiencing. Down to the T. I've read hours upon hours of research, podcasts and videos on morgellons and again he's the only person that far that spoke of a fraction of weird symptoms.

Replied by Emily
(Southeast Michigan)


I rarely hear/see anyone mentioning this horrible aspect of this “condition”. The environment / flying white … whatever they are .. and some other things you mentioned related to that. Although I hate that you have had to deal with this also, I am relieved to see I am not alone and that this in fact related to what I'm dealing with (“Morgellons”).

I know this comment is from YEARS ago… so I am not going to be surprised if you do not see it or respond… but I would like to know how things are for you now? Did you end up moving? Were you able to clean/rid the air/environment of these things?

it is soooo overwhelming to even think about. It's like a vicious cycle or circle. You can start feeling better and improving internally /externally BUT then the enviorbment is completely saturated and deeply infested. It happens so quickly and they are literally EVERYWHERE!

thanks for sharing this and I hope to touch base with you to hear what happened with your story/situation. I hope you are well.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cary (Usa) on 11/06/2015

I have had Morgellons for over two years. I have finally found something that seems to be helping me. I use the dilluted oregano oil, ( 1/2 dropper of oil to 16 ounce spray bottle of water). I have had a very bad problem with my scalp. This has been working so far. I warn you that the oregano is very strong and will cause a burning sensation to the scalp. It is worse where the Morgellons reside. I spray anytime I feel something on my scalp or body. Make sure that you shake bottle before each use. It has loosened the fake skin on my scalp so that I can remove it with a good nit comb.

The other thing I am using is: 5 drops of oregano oil, 5 drops of red thyme oil, 5 drops of cinnamon oil, 5 drops of lemon oil, 5 drops of rosemary oil, and 5 drops of clove oil. Put in 3 ounces of water (oregano first so it doesn't hit your throat first as it will burn.) I gulp it in two gulps and chase with lemon water, as much as you need. I tell you this is not for the faint of heart as it will burn. I do this 3 times a day for 3 days then take 2 days off and then start again. I have been doing this for 2 rounds and have felt relief quickly. I will continue to do this for quite a while but will taper off the dosage.

I also use 91 % isopropyl alcohol on everything as it kills stuff in the enviroment, especially bathroom surfaces. I also spray my air mattress with it every morning and every night, putting bedding in freezer set at zero during the day. I then put in dryer before bed for 1/2 hour.

I hope this helps some people because I know how helpless and frustrated you feel.

May God bless you all.

Replied by A Mouse

The crap is in the water. I can see it coming out of the steam when backlit by sunlight. People spray it from their skin on your food. Wash fruit first. Try fasting to cleanse your body. Citrus oil in laundry. Make it soaking fruit and soak clothing in it. Tight on money: soak clothing in pure salt and drip dry for nonwork clothes. Work clothes soak in citrus oil 2 days and double wash. Don't give up this fight. Probiotics are like a fungus. It's strange the probiotic range came about when morgellons starting seriously spreading!! UV light kills them. Chemtrails block the sun to help them infest us all.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Coping Ok (Houston, Texas) on 10/17/2015

This appears to be working, but most morgellons seems to adapt and force us to change protocol. But This has helped the most for the longest time so I wanted to share it.

Besides eating organic / following alkaline diet / drinking organic greens, avoid sugar, take probiotics, eliminate candida …

We vacuum daily then sprinkle baking soda mixed with a little 4 thieves oil in carpet. Sprinkle it inside pants/shirts/shoes, in bed when sleep (close eyes when adjusting blankets)

for emergency relief: If at restaurant & feel crawlies, use table salt to stop them.

3 times a day rub the following mixture on all skin: mix a few drops of 4 thieves essential oil with carrier oil like almond, avacado, coconut (Not GMO vegetable, corn or canola).

If you get a sore: apply a mixture of magnolia bark oil & liquid stevia. (Stevia makes it stick in place). Magnolia Bark oil can be taken internally in tiny amounts. I add to water. But it can cause respiratory paralysis in rare cases, so don't go crazy with it.

Mix 4 thieves oil in water for spray bottles. I carry small one in purse and use in car. Spray seat, seat belt, under seat, floor board, especially where air circulates.

Use 20 mule team borax in laundry.

in epson salt.

apply oil to hair before bed. wash out in morning.

Research essential oils for interactions before use, Never use straight & never ingest.

Hang in there everyone. It's not easy but it can be controlled enough to live life and hopefully not spread it to those we love.

Replied by Steven
(Parry Sound Ontario)

I'm fighting these little micro bugs and everyone thinks I'm crazy but they won't come near me.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Heidi (Washington) on 02/06/2015

I started having small bumps and itching before thanksgiving, didn't start doing anything till around christmas. Have tried borax, h202, essential oils, neem, have not gotten it under control. I believe this came about because I started to drink lemon water daily and ACV and water. I started using coconut oil on my skin because of the dryness from taking so many bathes. I noticed after having the oil on my skin a few minutes black slivers appear all over my skin. I have had hundreds come out. but still everyday I have the same thing go on and nothing is stopping it. I am in my 3rd month of this and I can't take it. But I will keep reading and trying new things.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sammie (Las Vegas, NV) on 01/31/2015

Hope I can make this short. I posted here in 2008, (you can really tell how bad the brain fog was! ) have had morgellons 15 years that I know of. I have made significant progress, and hope thanks to TED!!! I have been recovering, and started this 2 years ago. Have had large nests actually leave my head and ended up oozing out my left arm (6 hours straight! ). Wound appear, and are killed, eventually with daily work, and don't give up!

Great successes, and progress with the following: (this is also the order I started each and I continue with these as the main components)

Dr Amin's program, at

(for the lymph node drainage, I went to, where they have professional and approved and free training on doing this yourself. I do it in the sauna and at home. IT WORKS.

Then I started Hydrogen Peroxide, 3% food grade of course. This site and many others have the amounts to use, but remember, it and the EDTA/AC has to touch the area to break down the biofilm and kill the bugs.

I use it: topically (spray bottle, internally (orally by the drops and also in enemas), netti pot, eye wash, bath soaks, brushing teeth, humidifier, anyway I can get it in me and on them. Especially good after sauna, after shaving head, and yes it does hurt when killing this stuff. Start small and slowly titrate up. I also use it to clean the environment, in pet water, cleaning food. This site has directions for use.

EDTA/AC: per Teds direction, 5% solution. Topically (spray bottle), laundry, netti pot, enema, drops internally (I am winging it here but use only a small amount), spray down my bed and living areas. During shower I spray down with Hydrogen Peroxide. The EDTA/AC stings on the wounds, but it is excellent at desemating the biofim and liquifying all the bugs!!

Diatemacous earth: apply dry to the stinging of the above, I am using it in everything, me, apartment, animals (topically). Cannot live without it!

Daily coffee enemas, I start with a rinse out enema then coffee retention.

Sauna, both dry and wet, I can only go weekly, but If you can do more, you should! I follow the sauna with a long shower, that includes netti pot, brush, castille soap, pumace stone, and end it with EDTA/AC 5% sprayed on brush and scrubbed into entire body and I leave it on to dry.


Finally, and certianly not lastly, but I found that I needed the EDTA/AC, Hydrogen peroxide topically longer, as this infestation does not ever stop till it's dead. I started making this: (I eyeball the amounts and adjust as needed) the first four constitute the base, add anything else that you wish

vasaline 4 oz

edta/ac couple of squirts

hydrogen peroxide couple of squirts

diatemacious earth: STOPS THE STING! And kills without poisoning you!

raw honey 1 teaspoon (manuka if poss)

optional: lavander, clove, oregano, (tinctures or oils) small amount of camphor, ACV.

I use it everywhere, like a cream. On any nest, I pack it on at least 1/2 inch thick, and cover with press and seal seran wrap. These nests need oxygen, you will feel the bugs move trying to get out to get air. From there they are trapped and die in the vasaline! It stops and kills whatever else runs out, thus reducing reinfection and infestation of your environment, pets etc.

If it does not hurt, it is not working. Sorry to say. When I pack and cover a nest, I let it sting as long as I can, then just put a small hand full of diatemacous earth on, and bingo the pain is gone. I leave the packing on like that all night every night, and apply a few times during the day, debris after is imperative. This means using tweezers and needles I carefully pull out all the dead stuff. However, if you leave it on a few hours/overnight, you will find that it has LIQUIFIED the top layer of bugs and biofilm.

There are many layers, could be hundreds. A couple of times thousands of the larger 1/4 in to 1 inch long white maggot shaped things that have the long hairlike structures, have come off this final, and maybe "mother" nest on my chest in one application. It varies, but when it slows, I make sure it is well cleaned out, and try strenghtening the doses.

I got really far with the hydrogen peroxide, but the combo is way great. Please see TEDS other suggestions. Avoid the crap out there, magnets, colloidal silver (too toxic for morgellons folks usually) claims of cures, pork chops around then neck, sun detergent... AHHHH!

I keep on top of the research with


Charles Holeman and grapvine are ok, I don't much care for the others other than published research, I stay away from everything else.

Excellent meditation that includes EBT type technique, excellent for brain fog, depression etc (Dr Wilson is a good web site, his protocol is the same as I have developed)

I keep the wounds covered almost 24 hours a day. This also prevents the biofilm from attracting other insects. Keeps the wound areas moist and easy to deconstruct.

I have learned that I MUST debris the wounds, as the skin will never heal with this crap in it. For the past year, I have done little else. You will have old and new wounds appear. When they die, it hurts, and any bug under it starts biofilming, thus incorporating the dead on top, which strenghtens the wound. Which is why they seem to heal, impossibly fast, but where did they go? UNDER. You will be shocked to see how much of this crap is in your skin, I estimate that my entire body is covered with one or more layers of it. I have also discovered that the white scars left are not scars, it is web and bug material trapped in the skin. This vasaline combo, when used all the time, gets these to come out too.

I do many other holistic things, but this is the bottom basic I am having success with.

Finally, it took me forever to understand that something had to be wrong with me to get them in the first place, so you must find out what caused your immune system to break down and fix it if possible. Additionally, this infestation is very very toxic, so while fixing what is broken, you must dextox regularly as well as rebuild your health. Eat well, organic if possible. Remember, MOVEMENT means LIFE, so try to move around if possible every day. It took a long time to get me very very sick, and I am recovering nicely by slowly but surely fixing what is broken, detoxing (in every way I can think of) daily, eating and supplementing wisely, and trying to be patient. My mind has really improved, my energy is increasing and bounce back is better.

Total recovery is possible, I look forward to better days at least, and try to enjoy the NOW.

I was on morphine and antidepressants for nearly 10 years, now I am off for the last year, and no way will I be posioning myself that way any more. I believe that the morphine (any downers) slows the metabolism, (it does and it slows the bugs too), but you need your metabolism to move well in order to heal.

I am creating a web page with all the cool stuff I have had success with, but will post this info here too when it is ready. I owe my LIFE to TED and Earth clinic, I use it for me and my family and pets. My cats owe their lives to Earthclinic too, I hate vets and doctors (gee, why?) ACV, a teaspoon on their coat, so they can lick it off have brought both cats through chronic cough, urinary tract issues, major abcessses, morgellons attack etc. I use it on them for every ailment, they are 9 and 14 years old!!

Do not delay treating this crap. If you have questions I will check back.

Perception really is everything, Happiness really is a choice and survival is possible.

Earth Clinic gave me Hope, Thanks to TED (an angel living amoung us) and EARTH CLINIC.


Replied by Thestarseed
(Bradenton, Florida)

Thank you for the post, Sammie. I will try the ACV suggestion for cats. I have three cats, and one is a hairless Sphinx. Good advice regarding the skin packs for nests. Are your nests black under the skin? I have two types. One that seems like a pimple has a tiny head, but there is no puss or hardened sebum. I think these are mite nests. The other type is the black speck type that when extracted reveals the thinnest fibers, like a strand of spider web, but they seem connected to the skin as they hurt when extracted. They usually move so I think its a type of worm. Do you have any opinion of these two types of nests. Thank you again for the post.

Replied by Sammie
(Las Vegas, NV)

I have learned so much about this disease since I started the EDTA/Ammonia Chloride about 1 year ago. I cannot warn everyone enough when starting this, get the pets out of the way!! Some of the bugs on me are way old, large, and aggressively attacked my cats. The 9 year old cleared up, but they reattacked my older cat and I am trying to get it all cut out of her bottom and back side...

The biofilm is EVERYWHERE, literally. I have been deconstructing, EDTA/AC, H202, DAILY for almost a year (and often more than once a day), sometimes thousands come up and out, I am refering to the nest on my chest. Each part of this one nest is connected to all the other places. When deconstrucking this nest one spot, it makes my nose run, in another I can feel it pull inside my chest/throat and at the back of my tongue.. etc. This nest is different that all the other spots as it is HUNDREDS of layers deep, and had gross green slimey spots, I imagine were some sort of reproductive process. I am hoping that this means it does utilize a nest type system, because by killing the nest, it would certianly weaken all the rest. I am sure it could also be a bad thing, but I am staying positive.. Maybe Ted could share any insights on this nest concept.

Mixing the vasaline with the EDTA/AC has been wonderful, as I could not possibly be working on all the "scars" and heavily populated areas all the time every day. So I have been keeping my feet and head slathered in it and covered. Last night I soaked my feet in epsom salts, and the water was simply full of dead stuff. I sprayed them down with H202, and rubbed the vasaline etc on them, since they were soft, more biofilm and "fibers" etc came out.

If you think you had a morgellons wound heal, without removing all the bug/etc, then it is just biofilmed over... and over and over. The white scars are bug/web material, which may be some sort of living microbe in itself. The vaseline mix works better with time, as the skin gets really soft and saturated with the chemicals. It helps to rub it in a bit if you can.

I started Dr. Amins program around 2 + years ago, then added H202. I also had mercury fillings removed and other dental work that was impacting my immune system. One fateful evening, while spraying down with the H202, I got the goosebumps all over, which happens when the top layers of biofilm are degraded and live things escape..... however, on my left forearm, the morgellons crap began to ooze out, it seemed right through the skin. I coaxed them out, and they are attached to each other. There were tiny ones and large ones, (the size of a silver dollar). This went on for 6 hours! That arm had small spots on it over the years, but I certianly was not aware of so much! I saved it, (uck), and I have 4 papertowels just covered with morgellons blotches (sealed and stored of course). I finally quit coaxing them out due to exhaustion, but in hind sight. of course wish I would have continued! From there my left arm, from wrist to shoulder, had huge and small morgellons coming out, all dying, it took over 6 mo or so of daily deconstruction to get the active parts out.

So, comrades, if you are reading this you are one of the lucky ones! I am lucky because the problem I had that impacted my immune system was fixable. It will be more complicated with chronic illness combined, but for anyone with morgellons, having something actually work, is HOPE at least. With this protocol I suspect those who are in early years, should be able to get themselves cured...

There is so much to say about this, as the symptoms and effects are system wide, and made even more complex with the biofilm attracting insects. I have had all kinds of different insects, parts, and alive just show up out of the biofilm, usually with a nasty group of live "specs". When the live little (black dots...) "specs" show up, I try to hit them immediately with the EDTA/AC spray. In hind sight, I realized that the MMS I initially started before H202, was working! Not as quickly as EDTA/AC and H202, but it does break down the biofilm and kill the bug. I have been using it occasionally topically (and in other HH uses), but have added it again to the daily treatment of my skin.

My Dr advised against H202 (even very small amounts) in the eye, so, I started the MMS eye treatment, which can be found on their (Dr Jim Hubble) web page, books, probably here on EArthclinic too.

Whatever you do, dont get the EDTA/AC in your eyes. Just 2 weeks ago, a splash landed in my right eye during the shower. I rinsed it real fast, and but by the next day, bm eyeball was RED, .. the eyeball was swollen! I started with OTC homeopathic drops, in a few days it was fine, but to me it was a close call. I have morgellons in my right eye ball for sure as there is a red typical circle on the outside of the eye ball, easily visible. I am using the OTC drops, MMS protocol for eyes, and it appears to be fading and breaking up (As opposed to the usual wounds that get tighter and larger over time).

It has freaked me out to realize my teeth and mouth are covered in biofilm, but this is breaking up with using MMS, EDTA/AC and H202.. brushing, swishing, gargling. I also think that the visual changes some have are biofilm on the eyeball. NOTE : if you are needing dental work, don't get the finish work done till you are pretty sure you have this out of your mouth. I did not
understand this and had all existing dental work replaced with stuff that I did not react to... except it was done over and on the morgellons in my mouth. Don't know what to think about that.

Sorry If I have gone on and on... hope it helps. It is clear to me that I am LUCKY to be alive, and how I survived.. a miracle, the ability to improve... THANKS TO TED! . I am 15 years into it (from the first symptoms). I hope this gives strong hope and motivation for those < 5 yrs, and reopens doors and possibilities for those >5. I am better, and confident I will continue to improve...taking it one day at a time.

Sorry I did not answer your question. I don't recall having any mainly black nests. The nests I have are the strong hair like "fibers", most all wrapped up with each other, each having a blood filled (female?) or body thing. The oldest ones seem to be deep, surrounded by thousands of others. In the early years, every 20 - 30 days every area swelled a bit and then emitted a clear fluid (I am assuming biofilm). I think this was a reproductive cycle. From there one can do the "math", I cannot go down this road as it is overwhelming!!

So, to finally answer the question...I don't recall other nests, just a variety of other bugs common to this area trapped in the nests. I am sure Florida's insect diversity makes your challenge more complex! Stay strong, we need to beat this crap and find ways to help new victims get well quickly. Thanks for replying, it's nice to know I am not alone!

Replied by Sammie
(Las Vegas, NV)

I have lots to say about nests, but would like to add: One of the big barriers to patients and drs understanding this is there is no point of reference. The bugs, dont look like bugs, act like them etc. If you google for a picture of the inside of a rubber ball, this is what I think you are describing with the "fibers" etc. This is what the nest looks like inside. All mushed and wound together, the nest (for me) has 2 methods of movement that are painful and obviously felt.

One is that the entire nest will flinch, draw together when threatened. This is much more noticable in old nests, where, the fibers are what I call Piano Wires or Guitar Strings. This adds pain, and makes it really hard to break up the nest, my successes have come through stubborn perseverance, and plenty of pain sorry to say. So hang in there, get as far as you can, and start again later. Keeping the nests moist really really helps.

Some web/fibers/hair are tough to break too, I have had to actually cut a few that would not break! Very carefully, drawing it up with a needle, and using a razor blade to cut only the "wire" on the needle.

The other movement is where they break from the nest to flick on to something else. I have had areas where the crap is trapped, yet continues to try to escape... and it sort of feels like a pulse or repeated tugging in the wound/nest. I have had a coin sized piece held in tweezers and had it flick... God Bless Us!

I have other nest experiences but maybe this helps?

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc, Canada)

Any info about the origin of this disease? Wishing you well. Namaste, Om

Replied by Sammie

Hi. Firstly, so sorry if I have not responded or responded late to any replys over the years. I find it very difficult to find my posts, and just today thought to look at the help section, finally I found my recent posts. I have posted here on morgellons since 2010, and my old posts prior to 2014 should be deleted, as I was so ill, and have modified and changed the protocols drastically. Hate to think of people reading my expired protocols and wasting their time.

I recently ran across an article that talked about POLYMORPHING Microbes, created by the US ARMY. Actually, my first thought back in 1999, was this was something the military "created" and somehow let loose in the world. At that time the military was bragging that in a few years they would be able to patch soldiers up in the field with some fantastical new biological "thing" they made that would seal up wounds nearly instantly. My guess is that they combined plant and animal genes, obviously %$#@$# up, and the poly morph microbe began. The poly morph description is a microbe able to live in a variety of environments, AND, takes on very different shapes while doing so. Well, Morgellons does this. And no, I dont really know exactly what it is, other than a community of hardy microbes that can live on about any surface they land, including people.

I have been having continued success with my 2014 protocols, but feel it is really important to inform others of failures and successes that occur during this journey.

Putting EDTA/AC dissolved mixture into vasaline has been a huge help for me. I put it on daily, and reapply often. I keep my feet and head covered with it, and in socks all the time. There is not enough hours in a day for me to deal with all the areas that are infested on me, so this initially was a "better than nothing" situation. It has proven to be excellent for me, my feet, toes, toe nails continue to improve, biofilm areas on my head where hair no longer grew keep getting better. I WEAR SOCKS ONLY ONCE, THEN TRASH THEM. I keep my head covered with the same vasaline mix and disposable shower cap. There may be an exception or two, but there is really no getting this crap out of material/clothing once they have biofilmed themselves in. I soak every load of wash in edta/ac, after letting them run a full cycle using soap, baking soda, borax. I then put a teaspoon of edta and a teaspoon of amonium chloride in the water, run then through the cleaning cycle, but do not let the machine drain. Depending on the item, I try to let the wash soak at least a couple of hours . Then I turn it back on the finish the wash/rinse/spin.

I no longer wear underwear, threw out all old sheets/towels, curtains, rugs etc. I keep TP, papertowels in bags, as well as dirty clothes are kept bagged seperatly. Clean clothes are kept in bags, and I keep the cottens and synthetics, sheets and towels seperate and bagged. I change my sheets every 2 to 3 days. I spray down my shoes inside and out after each wearing. I keep everything off the floor if possible. I have more success keeping clothing that is made very well, preferably no rouching, and tightly woven or synthetic material. I dont think morgellons has a preference here, except for anything they can grab and stick onto.

I have edta/ac'd E many of my walls and ceilings, but made a mistake. I tried spraying down my bathroom, but cramped my hand pretty badly. I had the not so bright idea to take a paint roller and a pan and roll the walls etc. Unfortunately, I think I spread them around more, and killed less than with spraying. Everything got stirred up, but calmed down after a day or so. I will not stop fighting until , one of us is dead.

Regardless of these precautions, my apartment is saturated with this monster, I am fortunate that I was only in my 40's when this started, and did not have any chronic long term illness. My body became immune deficient due to bad dental work. I believe these are the 2 core reasons I am still alive.

BIG WARNING HERE: I mentioned before how after deconstructing the nest on my chest, these nasty buggars attacked both my cats, and that I had to cut it off them. I got a lot of it cut off them, but in doing so, they came back on me! I did not feel or see it at the time, but it became very apparent soon thereafter. GROSS! The good thing is that I have TEDS remedies. The bad thing is that they take a day or so to die. The good thing is that they are large enough to feel and see, and cannot just sit on your skin unnoticed for months or years. They did not seem very hardy, but, they are way way agressive, and when cut off or pulled off, they immediately seek to nest. They have "flown" in my eyes, nose, ears, landed and tried to establish themselves anywhere on me. Another good reason to keep the vasaline EDTA/AC mixture on all the time.

These things have gone back and forth, between me and the cats, but the population has significantly decreased overall. For this reason I stand by my decision to manually deconstruct the nests that I can. I dont know why some people say to leave them alone, they biofilm over themselves, people think the spot just healed up, but it is just hiding and reproducing.

I have had many a "sci fi" moment with this crap, but about 3 weeks ago I had an experience that really blew me away. After reading this I am sure you will agree that you make sure, as best as you can, to make sure it is DEAD before deconstructing.

I started feeling a pulling on my chest. (I have cleared 100's to 1000's daily from my chest every day for around a YEAR now). I look down and see dozens of the longer hair shaped ones trying to come off me. They seemed to be stuck/wrapped to one another on one end, and stuck in/on me on the other. They were in a circle, with dozens of spots where they were stuck on me, then they just were pulling straight out from my body, creating a dome like shape. If you have ever seen what they do when the EDTA/AC hits them, (they stand straight up, trying to get away I guess), then you can kind of understand this configuration, it was pulling away from me so hard that it caused my skin to be stretched out with it. I just grabbed my tweezers, thinking I am happy to help these monsters get off me. Fortunately, I had a lot of it grasped in the tweezers, because it pulled the rest of itself off me. They were moving wildly, I was not prepared, the best I could do was run with this crazy thing to the trash can. I made about 2 steps when the entire circle bundle UNWOUND itself, with frantic movements. About 1/2 of them seemed to fall but they more seemed to be aiming for my feet, and sure enough wrapped around my lower legs, ankles, into the socks etc. Needless to say, after all these years, being in that moment was something completely unique and frighteningly unforgetable. The other half, which seemed to be the largestjust slipped out of the tweezers and CAME AT ME. Through the air, fast, very very fast, but with no doubt the intent to reestablish on the nearest desirable location, me, How they do it, I have NO IDEA. To defend myself in that moment, I dropped the tweezers and grabbed at the larger group which was coming at my midsection. I had some in my grasp for a moment, but it just slipped through my hand, up my arm and into my sleeve. This all took place in seconds, I ripped off my shirt and got the edta/ac, hydrogen peroxide and mms (all in different spray bottles) and started attacking back. Some attached to my back which I am still killing, but most of the rest (on my feet, arms, chest, neck head etc) I think I killed. Needless to say, it freaked me out. It was a rare sci fi moment, this is the first time I have written about it, I have only told a couple of people. It was just too wierd, and scary. So, if possible, make sure they are dead or still when removing them if you can.

If I had known, or had the resource, I would have gotten my cats rehoused. My older cat seems to be most effected, she ended up being barely able to walk, 2 times! The morgellon monsters wrapped around her like a spider with a fly. I have cut much of it off her, but they wrap around her tail, legs, body and around into her anus. I began giving both cats 1 drop of mms 2 x a day, started giving them 3 or 4 small meals a day, put borax in their water, extra diligent about keeping fresh clean water at all times, and diamatecous earth and a mild MMS solution topically. They are both improving, but both were severely affected. Only time and doctoring will tell the end of this story for them.

I now know how to find my posts, and will get the e mail notifications, so if I did not respond to anyone before, please try again, I really want to help anyone, anywhere I can. Before morgellons, (BM ;)), I held my LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), and have post masters education. My life's mission has always been to help others when possible.

As long as I have had this, and been so very sick, and now recovering with progress being made daily, I find it strange that I am a bit worried about sharing these crazy events, however, it is more important that other suffers are at least given a heads up and maybe can avoid some awful consequences. When people finally started reporting their experiences, I did not believe most of it, and thought people were nuts. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way, that most of what I thought at the time was excessive preventions/treatments were valid and necessary. Most posts I have seen are from people who have had this for under 10 years, so hopefully, you have not harbored and grown these monsters as big as I have! I would love to hear from anyone who has had this for over a decade, if you are out there and able send me a shout. I have some memory problems yet, but still fighting and praying that I will eventually have a complete recovery and some kind of "normal" life here on earth..... I hope that this is encouraging to anyone who has this. I went from having NO HOPE for YEARS, to now having tools to fight and hope, has completely altered the landscape of my life

. My e mail address is [email protected], if anyone would like to ask or discuss or just get the frustration out, I would love to hear from you. It is important to process your experiences in order to facilitate healing, and better to do this with someone who is going through the same thing. Empathy trumps ignorant sympathy every time. It is important to me to give back to this community, especially at earth clinic and TED.

Is there any way we can help TED? If we all sent $5, ? As many people he has literally SAVED, it is a SHAME to not try to help him out now that he needs help. Where ever you are TED, I am praying for you, you are a mystical spirit, noble, wise and extremely generous and I hope there is some way the thousands of people you selflessly helped could at least try to reciprocate! EARTHCLINIC... can you help us help TED? Set up a prepaid card account maybe?

Replied by Sammie

Hi. Firstly, so sorry if I have not responded or responded late to any replys over the years. I find it very difficult to find my posts, and just today thought to look at the help section, finally I found my recent posts. I have posted here on morgellons since 2010, and my old posts prior to 2014 should be deleted, as I was so ill, and have modified and changed the protocols drastically. Hate to think of people reading my expired protocols and wasting their time.

I recently ran across an article that talked about POLYMORPHING Microbes, created by the US ARMY. Actually, my first thought back in 1999, was this was something the military "created" and somehow let loose in the world. At that time the military was bragging that in a few years they would be able to patch soldiers up in the field with some fantastical new biological "thing" they made that would seal up wounds nearly instantly. My guess is that they combined plant and animal genes, obviously %$#@$# up, and the poly morph microbe began. The poly morph description is a microbe able to live in a variety of environments, AND, takes on very different shapes while doing so. Well, Morgellons does this. And no, I dont really know exactly what it is, other than a community of hardy microbes that can live on about any surface they land, including people.

I have been having continued success with my 2014 protocols, but feel it is really important to inform others of failures and successes that occur during this journey.

Putting EDTA/AC dissolved mixture into vasaline has been a huge help for me. I put it on daily, and reapply often. I keep my feet and head covered with it, and in socks all the time. There is not enough hours in a day for me to deal with all the areas that are infested on me, so this initially was a "better than nothing" situation. It has proven to be excellent for me, my feet, toes, toe nails continue to improve, biofilm areas on my head where hair no longer grew keep getting better. I WEAR SOCKS ONLY ONCE, THEN TRASH THEM. I keep my head covered with the same vasaline mix and disposable shower cap. There may be an exception or two, but there is really no getting this crap out of material/clothing once they have biofilmed themselves in. I soak every load of wash in edta/ac, after letting them run a full cycle using soap, baking soda, borax. I then put a teaspoon of edta and a teaspoon of amonium chloride in the water, run then through the cleaning cycle, but do not let the machine drain. Depending on the item, I try to let the wash soak at least a couple of hours . Then I turn it back on the finish the wash/rinse/spin.

I no longer wear underwear, threw out all old sheets/towels, curtains, rugs etc. I keep TP, papertowels in bags, as well as dirty clothes are kept bagged seperatly. Clean clothes are kept in bags, and I keep the cottens and synthetics, sheets and towels seperate and bagged. I change my sheets every 2 to 3 days. I spray down my shoes inside and out after each wearing. I keep everything off the floor if possible. I have more success keeping clothing that is made very well, preferably no rouching, and tightly woven or synthetic material. I dont think morgellons has a preference here, except for anything they can grab and stick onto.

I have edta/ac'd E many of my walls and ceilings, but made a mistake. I tried spraying down my bathroom, but cramped my hand pretty badly. I had the not so bright idea to take a paint roller and a pan and roll the walls etc. Unfortunately, I think I spread them around more, and killed less than with spraying. Everything got stirred up, but calmed down after a day or so. I will not stop fighting until , one of us is dead.

Regardless of these precautions, my apartment is saturated with this monster, I am fortunate that I was only in my 40's when this started, and did not have any chronic long term illness. My body became immune deficient due to bad dental work. I believe these are the 2 core reasons I am still alive.

BIG WARNING HERE: I mentioned before how after deconstructing the nest on my chest, these nasty buggars attacked both my cats, and that I had to cut it off them. I got a lot of it cut off them, but in doing so, they came back on me! I did not feel or see it at the time, but it became very apparent soon thereafter. GROSS! The good thing is that I have TEDS remedies. The bad thing is that they take a day or so to die. The good thing is that they are large enough to feel and see, and cannot just sit on your skin unnoticed for months or years. They did not seem very hardy, but, they are way way agressive, and when cut off or pulled off, they immediately seek to nest. They have "flown" in my eyes, nose, ears, landed and tried to establish themselves anywhere on me. Another good reason to keep the vasaline EDTA/AC mixture on all the time.

These things have gone back and forth, between me and the cats, but the population has significantly decreased overall. For this reason I stand by my decision to manually deconstruct the nests that I can. I dont know why some people say to leave them alone, they biofilm over themselves, people think the spot just healed up, but it is just hiding and reproducing.

I have had many a "sci fi" moment with this crap, but about 3 weeks ago I had an experience that really blew me away. After reading this I am sure you will agree that you make sure, as best as you can, to make sure it is DEAD before deconstructing.

I started feeling a pulling on my chest. (I have cleared 100's to 1000's daily from my chest every day for around a YEAR now). I look down and see dozens of the longer hair shaped ones trying to come off me. They seemed to be stuck/wrapped to one another on one end, and stuck in/on me on the other. They were in a circle, with dozens of spots where they were stuck on me, then they just were pulling straight out from my body, creating a dome like shape. If you have ever seen what they do when the EDTA/AC hits them, (they stand straight up, trying to get away I guess), then you can kind of understand this configuration, it was pulling away from me so hard that it caused my skin to be stretched out with it. I just grabbed my tweezers, thinking I am happy to help these monsters get off me. Fortunately, I had a lot of it grasped in the tweezers, because it pulled the rest of itself off me. They were moving wildly, I was not prepared, the best I could do was run with this crazy thing to the trash can. I made about 2 steps when the entire circle bundle UNWOUND itself, with frantic movements. About 1/2 of them seemed to fall but they more seemed to be aiming for my feet, and sure enough wrapped around my lower legs, ankles, into the socks etc. Needless to say, after all these years, being in that moment was something completely unique and frighteningly unforgetable. The other half, which seemed to be the largestjust slipped out of the tweezers and CAME AT ME. Through the air, fast, very very fast, but with no doubt the intent to reestablish on the nearest desirable location, me, How they do it, I have NO IDEA. To defend myself in that moment, I dropped the tweezers and grabbed at the larger group which was coming at my midsection. I had some in my grasp for a moment, but it just slipped through my hand, up my arm and into my sleeve. This all took place in seconds, I ripped off my shirt and got the edta/ac, hydrogen peroxide and mms (all in different spray bottles) and started attacking back. Some attached to my back which I am still killing, but most of the rest (on my feet, arms, chest, neck head etc) I think I killed. Needless to say, it freaked me out. It was a rare sci fi moment, this is the first time I have written about it, I have only told a couple of people. It was just too wierd, and scary. So, if possible, make sure they are dead or still when removing them if you can.

If I had known, or had the resource, I would have gotten my cats rehoused. My older cat seems to be most effected, she ended up being barely able to walk, 2 times! The morgellon monsters wrapped around her like a spider with a fly. I have cut much of it off her, but they wrap around her tail, legs, body and around into her anus. I began giving both cats 1 drop of mms 2 x a day, started giving them 3 or 4 small meals a day, put borax in their water, extra diligent about keeping fresh clean water at all times, and diamatecous earth and a mild MMS solution topically. They are both improving, but both were severely affected. Only time and doctoring will tell the end of this story for them.

I now know how to find my posts, and will get the e mail notifications, so if I did not respond to anyone before, please try again, I really want to help anyone, anywhere I can. Before morgellons, (BM ;)), I held my LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), and have post masters education. My life's mission has always been to help others when possible.

As long as I have had this, and been so very sick, and now recovering with progress being made daily, I find it strange that I am a bit worried about sharing these crazy events, however, it is more important that other suffers are at least given a heads up and maybe can avoid some awful consequences. When people finally started reporting their experiences, I did not believe most of it, and thought people were nuts. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way, that most of what I thought at the time was excessive preventions/treatments were valid and necessary. Most posts I have seen are from people who have had this for under 10 years, so hopefully, you have not harbored and grown these monsters as big as I have! I would love to hear from anyone who has had this for over a decade, if you are out there and able send me a shout. I have some memory problems yet, but still fighting and praying that I will eventually have a complete recovery and some kind of "normal" life here on earth..... I hope that this is encouraging to anyone who has this. I went from having NO HOPE for YEARS, to now having tools to fight and hope, has completely altered the landscape of my life

. My e mail address is [email protected], if anyone would like to ask or discuss or just get the frustration out, I would love to hear from you. It is important to process your experiences in order to facilitate healing, and better to do this with someone who is going through the same thing. Empathy trumps ignorant sympathy every time. It is important to me to give back to this community, especially at earth clinic and TED.

Is there any way we can help TED? If we all sent $5, ? As many people he has literally SAVED, it is a SHAME to not try to help him out now that he needs help. Where ever you are TED, I am praying for you, you are a mystical spirit, noble, wise and extremely generous and I hope there is some way the thousands of people you selflessly helped could at least try to reciprocate! EARTHCLINIC... can you help us help TED? Set up a prepaid card account maybe?

Replied by Sammie

Hi. Firstly, so sorry if I have not responded or responded late to any replys over the years. I find it very difficult to find my posts, and just today thought to look at the help section, finally I found my recent posts. I have posted here on morgellons since 2010, and my old posts prior to 2014 should be deleted, as I was so ill, and have modified and changed the protocols drastically. Hate to think of people reading my expired protocols and wasting their time.

I recently ran across an article that talked about POLYMORPHING Microbes, created by the US ARMY. Actually, my first thought back in 1999, was this was something the military "created" and somehow let loose in the world. At that time the military was bragging that in a few years they would be able to patch soldiers up in the field with some fantastical new biological "thing" they made that would seal up wounds nearly instantly. My guess is that they combined plant and animal genes, obviously %$#@$# up, and the poly morph microbe began. The poly morph description is a microbe able to live in a variety of environments, AND, takes on very different shapes while doing so. Well, Morgellons does this. And no, I dont really know exactly what it is, other than a community of hardy microbes that can live on about any surface they land, including people.

I have been having continued success with my 2014 protocols, but feel it is really important to inform others of failures and successes that occur during this journey.

Putting EDTA/AC dissolved mixture into vasaline has been a huge help for me. I put it on daily, and reapply often. I keep my feet and head covered with it, and in socks all the time. There is not enough hours in a day for me to deal with all the areas that are infested on me, so this initially was a "better than nothing" situation. It has proven to be excellent for me, my feet, toes, toe nails continue to improve, biofilm areas on my head where hair no longer grew keep getting better. I WEAR SOCKS ONLY ONCE, THEN TRASH THEM. I keep my head covered with the same vasaline mix and disposable shower cap. There may be an exception or two, but there is really no getting this crap out of material/clothing once they have biofilmed themselves in. I soak every load of wash in edta/ac, after letting them run a full cycle using soap, baking soda, borax. I then put a teaspoon of edta and a teaspoon of amonium chloride in the water, run then through the cleaning cycle, but do not let the machine drain. Depending on the item, I try to let the wash soak at least a couple of hours . Then I turn it back on the finish the wash/rinse/spin.

I no longer wear underwear, threw out all old sheets/towels, curtains, rugs etc. I keep TP, papertowels in bags, as well as dirty clothes are kept bagged seperatly. Clean clothes are kept in bags, and I keep the cottens and synthetics, sheets and towels seperate and bagged. I change my sheets every 2 to 3 days. I spray down my shoes inside and out after each wearing. I keep everything off the floor if possible. I have more success keeping clothing that is made very well, preferably no rouching, and tightly woven or synthetic material. I dont think morgellons has a preference here, except for anything they can grab and stick onto.

I have edta/ac'd E many of my walls and ceilings, but made a mistake. I tried spraying down my bathroom, but cramped my hand pretty badly. I had the not so bright idea to take a paint roller and a pan and roll the walls etc. Unfortunately, I think I spread them around more, and killed less than with spraying. Everything got stirred up, but calmed down after a day or so. I will not stop fighting until , one of us is dead.

Regardless of these precautions, my apartment is saturated with this monster, I am fortunate that I was only in my 40's when this started, and did not have any chronic long term illness. My body became immune deficient due to bad dental work. I believe these are the 2 core reasons I am still alive.

BIG WARNING HERE: I mentioned before how after deconstructing the nest on my chest, these nasty buggars attacked both my cats, and that I had to cut it off them. I got a lot of it cut off them, but in doing so, they came back on me! I did not feel or see it at the time, but it became very apparent soon thereafter. GROSS! The good thing is that I have TEDS remedies. The bad thing is that they take a day or so to die. The good thing is that they are large enough to feel and see, and cannot just sit on your skin unnoticed for months or years. They did not seem very hardy, but, they are way way agressive, and when cut off or pulled off, they immediately seek to nest. They have "flown" in my eyes, nose, ears, landed and tried to establish themselves anywhere on me. Another good reason to keep the vasaline EDTA/AC mixture on all the time.

These things have gone back and forth, between me and the cats, but the population has significantly decreased overall. For this reason I stand by my decision to manually deconstruct the nests that I can. I dont know why some people say to leave them alone, they biofilm over themselves, people think the spot just healed up, but it is just hiding and reproducing.

I have had many a "sci fi" moment with this crap, but about 3 weeks ago I had an experience that really blew me away. After reading this I am sure you will agree that you make sure, as best as you can, to make sure it is DEAD before deconstructing.

I started feeling a pulling on my chest. (I have cleared 100's to 1000's daily from my chest every day for around a YEAR now). I look down and see dozens of the longer hair shaped ones trying to come off me. They seemed to be stuck/wrapped to one another on one end, and stuck in/on me on the other. They were in a circle, with dozens of spots where they were stuck on me, then they just were pulling straight out from my body, creating a dome like shape. If you have ever seen what they do when the EDTA/AC hits them, (they stand straight up, trying to get away I guess), then you can kind of understand this configuration, it was pulling away from me so hard that it caused my skin to be stretched out with it. I just grabbed my tweezers, thinking I am happy to help these monsters get off me. Fortunately, I had a lot of it grasped in the tweezers, because it pulled the rest of itself off me. They were moving wildly, I was not prepared, the best I could do was run with this crazy thing to the trash can. I made about 2 steps when the entire circle bundle UNWOUND itself, with frantic movements. About 1/2 of them seemed to fall but they more seemed to be aiming for my feet, and sure enough wrapped around my lower legs, ankles, into the socks etc. Needless to say, after all these years, being in that moment was something completely unique and frighteningly unforgetable. The other half, which seemed to be the largestjust slipped out of the tweezers and CAME AT ME. Through the air, fast, very very fast, but with no doubt the intent to reestablish on the nearest desirable location, me, How they do it, I have NO IDEA. To defend myself in that moment, I dropped the tweezers and grabbed at the larger group which was coming at my midsection. I had some in my grasp for a moment, but it just slipped through my hand, up my arm and into my sleeve. This all took place in seconds, I ripped off my shirt and got the edta/ac, hydrogen peroxide and mms (all in different spray bottles) and started attacking back. Some attached to my back which I am still killing, but most of the rest (on my feet, arms, chest, neck head etc) I think I killed. Needless to say, it freaked me out. It was a rare sci fi moment, this is the first time I have written about it, I have only told a couple of people. It was just too wierd, and scary. So, if possible, make sure they are dead or still when removing them if you can.

If I had known, or had the resource, I would have gotten my cats rehoused. My older cat seems to be most effected, she ended up being barely able to walk, 2 times! The morgellon monsters wrapped around her like a spider with a fly. I have cut much of it off her, but they wrap around her tail, legs, body and around into her anus. I began giving both cats 1 drop of mms 2 x a day, started giving them 3 or 4 small meals a day, put borax in their water, extra diligent about keeping fresh clean water at all times, and diamatecous earth and a mild MMS solution topically. They are both improving, but both were severely affected. Only time and doctoring will tell the end of this story for them.

I now know how to find my posts, and will get the e mail notifications, so if I did not respond to anyone before, please try again, I really want to help anyone, anywhere I can. Before morgellons, (BM ;)), I held my LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), and have post masters education. My life's mission has always been to help others when possible.

As long as I have had this, and been so very sick, and now recovering with progress being made daily, I find it strange that I am a bit worried about sharing these crazy events, however, it is more important that other suffers are at least given a heads up and maybe can avoid some awful consequences. When people finally started reporting their experiences, I did not believe most of it, and thought people were nuts. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way, that most of what I thought at the time was excessive preventions/treatments were valid and necessary. Most posts I have seen are from people who have had this for under 10 years, so hopefully, you have not harbored and grown these monsters as big as I have! I would love to hear from anyone who has had this for over a decade, if you are out there and able send me a shout. I have some memory problems yet, but still fighting and praying that I will eventually have a complete recovery and some kind of "normal" life here on earth..... I hope that this is encouraging to anyone who has this. I went from having NO HOPE for YEARS, to now having tools to fight and hope, has completely altered the landscape of my life

. My e mail address is [email protected], if anyone would like to ask or discuss or just get the frustration out, I would love to hear from you. It is important to process your experiences in order to facilitate healing, and better to do this with someone who is going through the same thing. Empathy trumps ignorant sympathy every time. It is important to me to give back to this community, especially at earth clinic and TED.

Is there any way we can help TED? If we all sent $5, ? As many people he has literally SAVED, it is a SHAME to not try to help him out now that he needs help. Where ever you are TED, I am praying for you, you are a mystical spirit, noble, wise and extremely generous and I hope there is some way the thousands of people you selflessly helped could at least try to reciprocate! EARTHCLINIC... can you help us help TED? Set up a prepaid card account maybe?

EC: People can donate to Ted via PayPal or Western Union. Read more here.

Replied by Sammie

Hi. Firstly, so sorry if I have not responded or responded late to any replys over the years. I find it very difficult to find my posts, and just today thought to look at the help section, finally I found my recent posts. I have posted here on morgellons since 2010, and my old posts prior to 2014 should be deleted, as I was so ill, and have modified and changed the protocols drastically. Hate to think of people reading my expired protocols and wasting their time.

I recently ran across an article that talked about POLYMORPHING Microbes, created by the US ARMY. Actually, my first thought back in 1999, was this was something the military "created" and somehow let loose in the world. At that time the military was bragging that in a few years they would be able to patch soldiers up in the field with some fantastical new biological "thing" they made that would seal up wounds nearly instantly. My guess is that they combined plant and animal genes, obviously %$#@$# up, and the poly morph microbe began. The poly morph description is a microbe able to live in a variety of environments, AND, takes on very different shapes while doing so. Well, Morgellons does this. And no, I dont really know exactly what it is, other than a community of hardy microbes that can live on about any surface they land, including people.

I have been having continued success with my 2014 protocols, but feel it is really important to inform others of failures and successes that occur during this journey.

Putting EDTA/AC dissolved mixture into vasaline has been a huge help for me. I put it on daily, and reapply often. I keep my feet and head covered with it, and in socks all the time. There is not enough hours in a day for me to deal with all the areas that are infested on me, so this initially was a "better than nothing" situation. It has proven to be excellent for me, my feet, toes, toe nails continue to improve, biofilm areas on my head where hair no longer grew keep getting better. I WEAR SOCKS ONLY ONCE, THEN TRASH THEM. I keep my head covered with the same vasaline mix and disposable shower cap. There may be an exception or two, but there is really no getting this crap out of material/clothing once they have biofilmed themselves in. I soak every load of wash in edta/ac, after letting them run a full cycle using soap, baking soda, borax. I then put a teaspoon of edta and a teaspoon of amonium chloride in the water, run then through the cleaning cycle, but do not let the machine drain. Depending on the item, I try to let the wash soak at least a couple of hours . Then I turn it back on the finish the wash/rinse/spin.

I no longer wear underwear, threw out all old sheets/towels, curtains, rugs etc. I keep TP, papertowels in bags, as well as dirty clothes are kept bagged seperatly. Clean clothes are kept in bags, and I keep the cottens and synthetics, sheets and towels seperate and bagged. I change my sheets every 2 to 3 days. I spray down my shoes inside and out after each wearing. I keep everything off the floor if possible. I have more success keeping clothing that is made very well, preferably no rouching, and tightly woven or synthetic material. I dont think morgellons has a preference here, except for anything they can grab and stick onto.

I have edta/ac'd E many of my walls and ceilings, but made a mistake. I tried spraying down my bathroom, but cramped my hand pretty badly. I had the not so bright idea to take a paint roller and a pan and roll the walls etc. Unfortunately, I think I spread them around more, and killed less than with spraying. Everything got stirred up, but calmed down after a day or so. I will not stop fighting until , one of us is dead.

Regardless of these precautions, my apartment is saturated with this monster, I am fortunate that I was only in my 40's when this started, and did not have any chronic long term illness. My body became immune deficient due to bad dental work. I believe these are the 2 core reasons I am still alive.

BIG WARNING HERE: I mentioned before how after deconstructing the nest on my chest, these nasty buggars attacked both my cats, and that I had to cut it off them. I got a lot of it cut off them, but in doing so, they came back on me! I did not feel or see it at the time, but it became very apparent soon thereafter. GROSS! The good thing is that I have TEDS remedies. The bad thing is that they take a day or so to die. The good thing is that they are large enough to feel and see, and cannot just sit on your skin unnoticed for months or years. They did not seem very hardy, but, they are way way agressive, and when cut off or pulled off, they immediately seek to nest. They have "flown" in my eyes, nose, ears, landed and tried to establish themselves anywhere on me. Another good reason to keep the vasaline EDTA/AC mixture on all the time.

These things have gone back and forth, between me and the cats, but the population has significantly decreased overall. For this reason I stand by my decision to manually deconstruct the nests that I can. I dont know why some people say to leave them alone, they biofilm over themselves, people think the spot just healed up, but it is just hiding and reproducing.

I have had many a "sci fi" moment with this crap, but about 3 weeks ago I had an experience that really blew me away. After reading this I am sure you will agree that you make sure, as best as you can, to make sure it is DEAD before deconstructing.

I started feeling a pulling on my chest. (I have cleared 100's to 1000's daily from my chest every day for around a YEAR now). I look down and see dozens of the longer hair shaped ones trying to come off me. They seemed to be stuck/wrapped to one another on one end, and stuck in/on me on the other. They were in a circle, with dozens of spots where they were stuck on me, then they just were pulling straight out from my body, creating a dome like shape. If you have ever seen what they do when the EDTA/AC hits them, (they stand straight up, trying to get away I guess), then you can kind of understand this configuration, it was pulling away from me so hard that it caused my skin to be stretched out with it. I just grabbed my tweezers, thinking I am happy to help these monsters get off me. Fortunately, I had a lot of it grasped in the tweezers, because it pulled the rest of itself off me. They were moving wildly, I was not prepared, the best I could do was run with this crazy thing to the trash can. I made about 2 steps when the entire circle bundle UNWOUND itself, with frantic movements. About 1/2 of them seemed to fall but they more seemed to be aiming for my feet, and sure enough wrapped around my lower legs, ankles, into the socks etc. Needless to say, after all these years, being in that moment was something completely unique and frighteningly unforgetable. The other half, which seemed to be the largestjust slipped out of the tweezers and CAME AT ME. Through the air, fast, very very fast, but with no doubt the intent to reestablish on the nearest desirable location, me, How they do it, I have NO IDEA. To defend myself in that moment, I dropped the tweezers and grabbed at the larger group which was coming at my midsection. I had some in my grasp for a moment, but it just slipped through my hand, up my arm and into my sleeve. This all took place in seconds, I ripped off my shirt and got the edta/ac, hydrogen peroxide and mms (all in different spray bottles) and started attacking back. Some attached to my back which I am still killing, but most of the rest (on my feet, arms, chest, neck head etc) I think I killed. Needless to say, it freaked me out. It was a rare sci fi moment, this is the first time I have written about it, I have only told a couple of people. It was just too wierd, and scary. So, if possible, make sure they are dead or still when removing them if you can.

If I had known, or had the resource, I would have gotten my cats rehoused. My older cat seems to be most effected, she ended up being barely able to walk, 2 times! The morgellon monsters wrapped around her like a spider with a fly. I have cut much of it off her, but they wrap around her tail, legs, body and around into her anus. I began giving both cats 1 drop of mms 2 x a day, started giving them 3 or 4 small meals a day, put borax in their water, extra diligent about keeping fresh clean water at all times, and diamatecous earth and a mild MMS solution topically. They are both improving, but both were severely affected. Only time and doctoring will tell the end of this story for them.

I now know how to find my posts, and will get the e mail notifications, so if I did not respond to anyone before, please try again, I really want to help anyone, anywhere I can. Before morgellons, (BM ;)), I held my LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), and have post masters education. My life's mission has always been to help others when possible.

As long as I have had this, and been so very sick, and now recovering with progress being made daily, I find it strange that I am a bit worried about sharing these crazy events, however, it is more important that other suffers are at least given a heads up and maybe can avoid some awful consequences. When people finally started reporting their experiences, I did not believe most of it, and thought people were nuts. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way, that most of what I thought at the time was excessive preventions/treatments were valid and necessary. Most posts I have seen are from people who have had this for under 10 years, so hopefully, you have not harbored and grown these monsters as big as I have! I would love to hear from anyone who has had this for over a decade, if you are out there and able send me a shout. I have some memory problems yet, but still fighting and praying that I will eventually have a complete recovery and some kind of "normal" life here on earth..... I hope that this is encouraging to anyone who has this. I went from having NO HOPE for YEARS, to now having tools to fight and hope, has completely altered the landscape of my life

. My e mail address is [email protected], if anyone would like to ask or discuss or just get the frustration out, I would love to hear from you. It is important to process your experiences in order to facilitate healing, and better to do this with someone who is going through the same thing. Empathy trumps ignorant sympathy every time. It is important to me to give back to this community, especially at earth clinic and TED.

Is there any way we can help TED? If we all sent $5, ? As many people he has literally SAVED, it is a SHAME to not try to help him out now that he needs help. Where ever you are TED, I am praying for you, you are a mystical spirit, noble, wise and extremely generous and I hope there is some way the thousands of people you selflessly helped could at least try to reciprocate! EARTHCLINIC... can you help us help TED? Set up a prepaid card account maybe?

EC: People can donate to Ted via PayPal or Western Union. Read more here.


Hello, any progress updates?

Replied by Sammie
(Nevada, US)

My Dr had a fit about me using any amount of hydrogen peroxide in the eyes, he was right. MMS has a protocol for eyes: title=Eye_Problems

I use this measurement, but since morgellons is so invasive, I am applying it less often each day, but plan to stick with it as long as I need to or can.

A rule of thumb with natural healing, or maybe healing in general is that it takes 1 to 3 months to get well for every year you are ill. For me that means 3 to 6 years of healing time... fyi

Replied by Deby

Sammie, Thank you so much for your post! I am going to try the ointment recipe you posted. I have had people tell me not to use saran wrap because it supposedly drives them deeper. Well they are already deep in the body. It makes sense to treat the skin as well as do what we can to treat the gut and bioterrain. Gid bless you!


Multiple Remedies
Posted by So Tired (Los Angeles, Ca) on 07/29/2014

I have found that 1 tea alfalfa powder and 1 heaping tea of diatomaceous earth in 3 to 4 ounces of liquid of your choice, 1 to 2 times daily stops itching, and helps my skin and scalp. This is a must try for everyone suffering from this! While bathing rub cayenne (a little harsh for some), or hot sauce (red rooster) on skin in one area at a time. This will remove all that from skin and leave a fresh tingling feeling. While rubbing, dab your fingers in a little alfalfa powder and continue to rub on skin, scalp, feet, back etc.

Because of results one will be inclined to overdo because so much yuck is being removed. Sulfur powder rub on skin helps. Just bath often and use this method, don't overdo, and cause skin abrasion. Also, to bath water I add sun detergent (powder), and borax, even a little bleach will help. Other things that have helped in returning to some degree of normalcy: wisdom of ages alc, neem capsules, black walnut capsules, msm 1000 mg, food grade peroxide sprayed on skin ( during bath), or taken internally.

I am now introducing into my system miracle II soap and neutralizer (kathy zozula), magnetite sand ($15/5 lbs.) to make magnetite water (fe304), fatty acids ( omega 3-6-9, flax seed, krill, coconut oil, cleanse organs (liver, colon, kidneys, bladder, lungs), magnesium, digestive enzymes.

Out of all the other things that help I would most strongly suggest; msm, omegas, magnesium, and digestive enzymes. Please I beg anyone suffering, try the hot sauce, if questioned, just on a small area that has the itch going on, i.e. Arm, feet, toes, hand! By the way while rubbing you will notice that the lines on finger tips will go away also.

A mockery has been made of people with morgellons while they are suffering. Doctors dismiss symptoms, label us delusional! I have been a long time coming forth with suggestions, having suffered since the mid 1990's. I was so taken back I just did not understand what was taking place with my body. Now i know a little about what has happened to us, at another time I will address that! I am not a medical professional, and I want everyone to look up, search, and make their own decisions on how and what to treat their bodies with. Each of us is different with other ailments or afflictions, so be cautious and responsible with your health. There is hope, and yes you can get back to living a normal life. All this is better out than in your body! Thank you so tired of cdc and medical doing nothing!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jennifer (USA) on 05/22/2013 5 posts

Morgellons Remedies: I use a variety of things to keep it in check. Benadryl is awesome for the itching. I go to the local dollar store for the Sun detergent, baby shampoo, lemon juice concentrate, and dandruff shampoo. I mix the lemon juice with the baby shampoo. Not sure if it's better than using the suave shampoo but it helps. I also noticed that if I mix the lemon juice with my body wash, 50/50, It's orange peel with honeysuckle it does a great job. On alternate days I use dandruff shampoo all over my body and leave it on 5-7 minutes, usually until it gets in my eyes. Then rinse it does pretty well. Other things that help are pine tar soap, neem soap, and dawn dish soap. Thieves oil and tea tree oil work well. I make my own thieves oil since it is so expensive. If you don't want to do that there are people who sell their own version on eBay. That is also where I order my oil of oregano, super strength. I know black walnut hull works well too, just don't take any vinegar for at least 5 hours before or after. I did that and began experiencing pain near my pulmonary arteries. I began taking 2000 mg of vitamin c every 4 hours for the next 24 hours to quell the symptoms. Podophyllum peltatum 30C every 8 hours, seemed to cure me for a while. I usually take ashwagandha, triphala, and neem. That and regular baths seem to keep me rash free.

Unfortunately, I still feel them in my skin. I try to take baths or showers regularly. In my baths I alternate using 25 alfalfa tablet, half a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, some essential oils, 2 cups of Epsom salt, and 2 cups of sun detergent. On alternate baths I use about 24-32 oz of regular apple cider vinegar, 2 cups of borax, 2 cups of epsom salt, and different essential oils. I save the organic apple cider vinegar to take. I noticed that diatomaceous earth seems to kill them inside you and keep them from moving. I try to take 3 rounded tsp 9a day. I noticed this works better than 2x's a day. When I first started taking it I had to take it 4x's a day. Lately I have noticed I am just worn down by the disease and the routine. However, whenever I keep at it I usually feel better physically. Sometimes I use the baking soda/ maple syrup binded routine. Take about 1 Hersheys kiss sized dose 2-3x's a day. Either four hours before/ after I take grapefruit seed extract for my vitamin c since baking soda zaps it from your body. I take this 2-3x's a day. I don't do this all the time but its supposed to be one of the cures. They also don't like mentholated alcohol, cocoa butter, and Shea butter. I hope this helps, happy morg killing. JW

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Roec (Los Angeles, Ca) on 01/31/2013

After doing research and reading different experiences of individual cases of Morgellons, I have come to understand that all Morgellons cases are not the same disease. Some seem to be suffering from mites that are resistant to medication and exist in the environment. In these cases Baking Soda, Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide are effective as well as coconut and castor oil for mites that are not burrowing into the skin. Please note that until the environment, clothing and other places like car, are cleared it will seem like many of these treatments are ineffective and not working. Mites will be eliminated when in contact with these remedies. Ones hiding in untreated places or missed while soaking will re-contaminate. Patience and persistence is key. This outline makes it sound simple but its a long and time enduring process of gains and set-backs. This is not an easy task but not impossible.

If treated as mentioned here and still experiencing symptoms investigate potentially overlooked places like, shoes, wallet, car interior ceiling, cell phone, seatbelt cloth pulled all the way out and treated, keyboard, or any other items unused and forgotten about at the time of treatment and treat with these substances. Deltamethrin pesticide that you mix from a concentrate, made strong, sprayed in the environment is effective with environmental mites. Clothing soaked in borax and baking soda for 24 hours.

Other cases seem to be, Myiasis or SML (Subcutaneous Migrans Larva), a parasitic worm infection under the skin. Anti-parasitic medication such as albendazole which even disables the eggs is what is recommended. It was discontinued but still available by generic companies. It can even be purchased online without a prescription, made in Russia called Vormil. Speculation that it was discontinued due to the discovery and repeated confirmation that it was highly effective at eliminating all cancer cells by its mode of operation in preventing tubule growth cells in worms and cancer cells while not affecting normal human cells.

Ivermectin for Myiasis or SML, may not work as most literature claims as I have corresponded with a few people experiencing Myiasis though it depends on the parasite type. Other anti-worming meds, Flagyl also are effective. The usual herbal cleans is not effective with Myiasis or SML as these substances are not strong enough when the body metabolizes the active substances and are carried through the blood stream. In theory if the doses were higher and the substances were derived from fresh sources, it could work but not as swiftly as one would need.

The worming medications can be meshed into a powder and added to Vaseline or other substances like fresh cut Aloe Vera that soak into the skin over a longer period of time. Applied twice a day for a minimum of 10 days. Clove bud oil mixed in the solution will also help destroy the eggs but careful as it chemically can burn the skin if too strong or added to a water based mixture. FYI, only use clove bud oil in an oil based solution like coconut oil or castor oil otherwise water will carry it to fast into the skin and it will burn terribley.

With some Myiasis, sufferers report flying insects about their environment and their cloths harboring eggs. Cloths must be soaked in the tub with Borax overnight with baking soda and citric acid to penetrate eggs. It is imperative your environment be cleared of these insects. Use the above mentioned Deltametherin from a concentrate. Pheromone based insect traps work also and are less toxic or spray adhesive in places where they may hide.

While still others are suffering form of fungal infections like Tinea versicolor. In this case 2.5% Selenium Sulfide is effective. Most over the counter is 1% and is not effective. Sodium Bicarbonate is extremely effective and safe. It can be mixed with lotion or a cup in a hot bath and soak for a half hour daily until cured.

The original symptoms of Morgellons described in the first cases of Morgellons in the 90's, where the strange fibers emerging out of the skin of wounds that would not heal. In this case daily doses of true colloidal silver combined with using an 9 volt electrical zapper was effective with a sufferer mentioned by Sonja, known by her YouTube journalist channel "TheTrutherGirls".

In all of the above cases a parasite cleanse proves useful to decrease the body's burned toxicity load and increase immune function, mental clarity as well as eating a diet extremely high in vitamins and minerals. I recommend juicing carrots, spinach leaves and green apples. The pectin in apples helps better absorb the nutrients from the other veggies. You get thousands of times of the daily value of vitamin C and A as well as other enzymes, minerals and other vitamins crucial for the body's immune system.

Please indicate your symptoms when you were suffering from Morgellons so as to help others who may have or not have similar symptoms. From my research, remedies that worked for some will not work for others based upon Morgellons being a term used for different unrelated skin diseases that are undiagnosed.

Replied by Roec
(Los Angeles, Ca)

I made an error in the above post. I was in contact with a suffer with the skin fungal infection. Sodium Bicarbonate which is regular baking soda did not work after soaking for months. It was Sodium Carbonate from the product "Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda" that killed the fungus quickly by soaking in the tub, in just a few baths. All of the effected areas became discolored, even a vast area that did not have any visual appearance as being infected darkened and died off.

Its important to soak and wash all clothing with borax with these types of fungal infections. Daily changing of sheets and pillow cases, sanitizing combs until cured will make recovery more likely.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Notthatparanoid (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 10/13/2012

Been battling the Morgellons monster for over two years now. Been reading, researching, and thank God I have some money to try these ideas. I wanted to share some interesting results that I have had over the past few days.

I read somewhere that magnets have healing potential, so what I did was go to the fridge and pulled a magnet off the door and put it right on top of a particularly nasty sore that hasn't stopped oozing for over 4 months. I left it on for about 30 minutes or so for a few days and the sore stopped itching and oozing. I am glad I tried that, so now on top of Zapping with the ____ Zapper, I think I am gettin even better.

I also use baking soda mixed with water and it does help, but the magents are something else. I know it sounds crazy, but in crazy times crazy may be the only answer. It makes sense if a magent works, cause if they are nonobots, then a magnetic field should interfere with it's functions. I will keep posting my results to try to help anyone out there going out of their mind.

My Protocol: I have been feeling so much better with the Zapper, drinking baking soda in water, adding garlic to my meals, and now these magnets seem to be helping with the sores.

As Mr. Spock said in Star Trek 6, "removing all possibilities that don't fit makes the impossible, however improbable, possible. " I am paraphrasing. But if you have a magent in your house, try it over the sore and see what happens, what have you got to lose?

Replied by Peg
(Minneapolis, Mn)

I have found Olive Leaf Extract 500-1000 mg 2x day or whatever you need... This is the one herb I have found they haven't seemed to build a resistance to... but it really works to mix up the Olive Leaf with Garlic 1000 mg and perhaps Cats Claw 500 mg also Alpha Lipoic Acid and C0Q10... These are some of the most powerful herbs out there... amazingly since I've been fighting these beasts... My blood sugar has dropped to very low levels (good) and my cholesterol has dropped 60 points... So the garlic and these other herbs have done good things for my body in general... Online Vitacost has a 3x strength Neem extract that's great... My naturopath says Wormwood works the best against it... Can only use 7 days at a time though.. She recommended the tincture... Also Vitacost has shampoo w/neem in it and you can add a little to make stronger... What's probably slowed them down the most is Psorinum homeopathic... Its actually made of residue left from scabies so it works against the mites... You need to work w/homeopath with that cuz its powerful for some reason... But I did read that homeopathics say that diseases are made chronic by putting things on skin which drive things into body and make them a much bigger problem. try to drive these buggers from the inside out... Things on the skin will only make chronic.... If you possibly can... But I've been taping 2500 gauss or 5000 gauss magnets around my body - just don't put the high powered ones near head... Heart area might not be good either... But they do weaken them. Good luck...

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gina (Raleigh, Nc Usa) on 01/01/2012

3 years into this and trial and error with different products has resulted in several things. Any type of fruit, pineapple, citrus, pears, can be mixed with olive oil, virgin coconut oil, grapeseed oil, ( which can be found at Kroger, Harris Teeter) as well as sea salt, garlic and parsley, cilantro can be found in the produce section in squeeze tubes, as well as cornmeal and peanut butter to make a mask to apply to lesions. Sallys beauty supply has a pineapple enzyme exfolliating cleaner as well as a dead sea mask which are excellent. Experiment! Dr. Brommers peppermint is a life saver, I put it on my bounce sheets for drying clothes. Borax, Windex is a good cleaner for counters. Diatomaceous Earth also, but its tough on vacuum cleaners. I also put Borax, Dr. Bronners, Baking soda, vinegar, salt, as well as E. Oils in bath water.
