L-Lysine Cures

Posted by Jane (British Columbia, Canada)

I use L-lysine. 500mg. Taken a few days each month. Or take at the on-set of symptoms. Very rarely do I ever get an outbreak of oral anymore. Used to get them regularly and now they are almost a thing of the past. L-lysine is the cheapest and most effective remedy that I have found. Love it.

Posted by Alex (Paris, France) on 11/11/2023

I feel better after using lysine since 2 days, I'm less stressed and anxious. I'll keep taking the supplement and will update.

Posted by Plumhappy (Eugene, Oregon) on 04/11/2013

I use liquid lysine. The tablets are too big for the amount you need. The liquid is not so pleasant but I put it in a little bit of water or frute juice and chase is with something with flavor. It comes with a dropper and quite affordable.

Fever Blisters
Posted by Dee (Medford, Oregon ) on 07/08/2013

Mel from Houston.... Do you put acetone on the fever blister? You do know that Acetone is a harmful chemical that nail techs use to take off artificial nails.... It's a hamful substance that I've never heard of anyone using on an open sore. Please rethink this.

Posted by Listen 2 Ur Body (Denver, Co) on 07/31/2012

In regards to the warning.....Your typical "Dr. "will almost ALWAYS say "Warning!". They are unfortunately taught to be drug pushers because there is no $ in natural cures. As with anything be aware of how YOUR body reacts, you are your best physician. :).

Canker Sores
Posted by Bill (Davis, CA) on 12/22/2008


One should never take as much Lysine as you have suggested. I have been taking L-Lysine for 15yrs for herpes and have never heard of such a high dose. Most medical practictioners suggest 500mg daily before food or other aminos and during an outbreak up to 1500mg/day. This has helped me control my outbreaks for a long time. Not one source that I have researched during this time has suggested such a high dose. Overloading of the liver would seem common sense with that dose.

Canker Sores
Posted by Anthony (Canberra, Act, Australia) on 02/13/2012

Hello Bill, Continuing from your suggestion re dosage of Lysine, I am aware that Linus Pauling protocol (for heart disease) suggests high dosages ie up to 6 gms Lysine per day. This protocol also suggests Vit C of up to same quantity ie 6 gms. I have tried to research this issue but could not get answer as to What other Amino ACids to take with such high dosage of L-Lysine.

I read some where in this website, to take L-Arginine along with L-Lysine. Do you or others have any suggestions on this issue ie how much L-Arginine to take alongwith say 6 gms of L-Lysine.

EC: Can we pass this question to Ted for his expert comments please.


EC: Forwarded to Ted, per your request.

Canker Sores
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/14/2012

Anthony: I tried l-lysine numerous times for canker sores, sometimes it helped, sometimes not. I do take 1 gr. Vitamin C daily.

Then I was told to take the l-lysine away from foods. I now take one capsule of 500gr. with my morning drink as a precaution, because the CANKERS ARE GONE!!! Thank G-d! So in my experience it's not the huge amount that you might need, it's the taking it far from meals, preferably in the morning.

Canker Sores
Posted by Anonymous (Miami, Florida) on 07/04/2013

Interesting I have been taking four caps of lysine and started having liver pain burning feeling for weeks, I read high protein diet can cause this too, it creates high acidicity and the liver doees not like this. My doctor ran tests for liver enzymes check and of course Hepatitis right away I feel kind of silly thinking that perhaps the lysine is the causative factor anyhow I stopped the Lysine right away.

Posted by Sheila (Kansas City, MO) on 05/11/2007

there's a vitamin called LYSINE -they sell it everywhere>>>GO BUY IT IT HELPS STOP fever blisters from coming and helps them go away..... i crush them up and put them on my lips IT WORKS

Posted by Melinda (Arlington, VA) on 01/24/2007

I went to a homeopathic pharmacy yesterday and spoke to an herbalist and wellness counselor. She recommended I take 1,000mg of L-Lysine everyday. During an outbreak, she told me to take 3,000mg of L-Lysine everyday. Additionally, she gave me a Super-Oxygenated Anti-Viral Formula that I should take 1 dropperful in a small amount of water 2-3 times a day when having an outbreak. She also gave me an RMA Healing Ointment to use on both oral and genital sores when having a herpes outbreak. I will keep you posted on how they all work!

Posted by Laura (USA) on 07/12/2006

I heard about Shingles before but this is my first experience and what an experience had been so far!! It affected the left part of my face having my eye pretty compromised. I'm using antibacterial ointement for my eye, and is improving. I'm very careful with cleanness, washing right away towels, pillowcases etc. that had been in contact with my face. My main concern is to avoid the possibility of infecting also my right eye. I have a big property and love to work in the garden. Well, I'll not put my hands in the dirt until am out of the woods. I had been reading about the topical and internal application with apple vinegar and i'm willing to try since I have now those ugly red scars from the rash, maybe will help to heal faster, I'll be glad to let you know. If someone wants to write to me and exchange tips, please, feel free to do so. Following suggestions from the book in Nutritional Healing - James and Phyllis Balch - I'm taking L-Lysine, Vitamins C, B complex + B12 - A - +regular medication. Diet is important too, maintain a possitive attitude and stay away from depression, it doesn't help at all. Laura

Posted by Survivor2011 (Greensboro, Nc) on 03/16/2011

I have been dealing with shingles for the last 2 years. I get 1 small bump/rash on my lower back. I have been tracking what causes some of the outbreaks. Anything that has PKU & Asparatame. Phenylketonurics:Phenylanie & Asparatame are major triggers for shingles, rashes, leg pain and more. If it's not truly sugar-free stay away from it. I hope this helps.

Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 04/12/2010

Reply to Shara..concerning Lupus there is a very interesting book by Dr Batmanghelidg "the ABC's of Asthma Allergies and Lupus" it is available on Amazon. I have followed his therapy for other problems & can recommend you try it.

Canker Sores
Posted by Thesa (Colorado Springs) on 11/15/2005

My 5 year old daughter came down with a horribly serious case of canker sores. Her mouth had several sores on her tongue, cheek, and gums. Her gums were so red and swollen you could barely see her little teeth. Her breath was absolutely terrible and she barely ate or drank a thing. Finally after a week of different attempts, we had her gargle with 6 drops of tea tree oil in 4 oz. of water three times a day, gave her half an adult dose of L-lysine crushed up into water once a day, gave her a homeopathic every hour and had her drink 16 oz. of water with acidophilus/FOS throughout the day. We kept her completely off of sugar, dairy and meat and mostly she ate cottage cheese and plain yogurt. Within one day she was so much better and finally eating and within 3 days totally better!

Canker Sores
Posted by Vandi (Arizona) on 10/24/2015

I feel so sorry for your little girl. I hope she came out of it OK. My son has also suffered with cold sores all of his life on his cheek and all across his mouth. Now that he's a young man and has a career this can be embarrassing and painful for him when he has a bad outbreak. I just advised him to start taking lysine on a daily basis.I advised him to take one tablet per day this advice was given to me by a good friend who tried it and hasn't had a cold sore in years. I started nearly a year ago and haven't had one.

Canker Sores
Posted by Lynda (Durham, NH) on 10/20/2005

My nurse practitioner recommended L-Lysine for my debilitating canker sores. They would last for weeks and were so bad that the pain extended to my neck and lymph nodes. I couldn't even eat without excruciating pain. When I feel a canker sore coming on, I take 1 gram 3 times a day and the sore is gone within a day or two.

Colds and Cold Sores
Posted by Baiazid (Gvrd, Bc) on 10/12/2015

I use L-Lysine for cold sores and to keep away the colds. For me it works.

Colds: I use the dose on the bottle for colds and gargle with cayenne powder water as often as I remember to. The worst I get is maybe one day of very mild symptoms. I tried many recipes from EC but for me this one knocks it out of the park.

Cold Sores: I use it a bit more often/day than for colds. As soon as I feel pain or itchiness around my mouth I take L-Lysine then dab the spot with DMSO. I keep dabbing DMSO every time I remember. That's it. It just fails to erupt if I catch it in time, if not, the combination of L-Lysine and DMSO stops it in its tracks, dries it and saves me days of unpleasantness. If I am away from my DMSO bottle, I use H2O2 instead. A fraction less effective for me but it stil works.

I have tried many other remedies for colds and their resulting sores but none have worked so consistently and so efficiently as these have. It takes a bit of time to search and to try them out until you find your own combo.

Thank you EC!

Canker Sores
Posted by Whiperingsage (Northeastern California) on 08/07/2015 45 posts

I thought lysine wasn't helping my cold sores when I took 500 mg and dicovered I should be taking more. I have been on 1 gram a day for years and any time I run out or forget, my cold sores fire up within 2 days.

Recently my cold sores popped out even on 1 g and gallstones and ulcer symtoms came back, I was stressed because I had just gotten out of the ICU with severe bleeding ulcer and loss of 5 pints of blood (extreme stress). I researched until I found a lysine link and found deficiency can cause anemia (a constant problem for me) and many other symptoms asociated with anemia. I googled lysine-gallstones and found conflicting info- but tried 5 g of lysine and the pain was releived and I slept without benedryl and all the usual herbs I have to take to sleep. And the cold sores are going away. I don't know what stimulated this last period of stress that I would need a higher dose of lysine, but I will have to be more mindful of getting enough protein.

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 02/25/2012


There is evidence that taking L-LYSINE supplements with a compromised liver and or kidneys is bad for you. This may help explain why some people are having mixed or less than desired effects with the BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] treatment for hepatitis C. Many of these people are including supplements including L-LYSINE supplements as a part of their treatment. It seems this is a bad idea for the treatment of hepatitis. Link here about all this: http://www.livestrong.com/article/394394-l-lysine-contraindications/

And any person who is experiencing both kidney and liver failure should read that linked information and should be especially concerned.

So, if you have a compromised liver and or kidney do NOT take L-LYSINE as a supplement....Oscar

Posted by Mevina (Texas, Us) on 02/11/2018

Saying "hep C doesn't like aspirin and lysine" means they knock out the virus.

Posted by Anjjella (Usa) on 03/07/2014

Lysine cream never realy worked for me, so for yrs I just put up with them. Then I started using iodine for a nail fungus, (which has work well) and wondered if it would help on the lip blisters. So I took a little coconut oil (1 Tblsp) added 3 drops of iodine and started rubbing it into sore on my lip. After repeated use, the one area that used to take over my bottom lip has yet to reappear, even if a smaller one appears in another area of my lips. I stopped getting that crappy feeling like the flu was coming on also. They stay very small. Iodine has worked better than the baking soda paste I used to plaster on them.

But since Lysine has been helping my son with the severity of his acne and scaring when they heal, I have started taking it too since I love cashews and hazelnuts which are high in arginine. hoping it will counter the imbalance.

Canker Sores
Posted by Ron (Mesa) on 10/21/2015

Fighting cancer recommended is 112 grams per day.....4 oz

Posted by Maria (New Jersey)

I used to have back to back cold sores. Neither over-the-counter nor prescribed medications worked for me. I discovered L-Lysine. It is excellent. I try to take one daily on an empty stomach. If I get lazy and the tingle of a cold sore starts, I take several for a day or so. The sore does not breaks out, but can still be painful .Though not a cure, L-Lysine is the very best possible preventative. All my family with the same malady have had equally great results." Liz from Louisville, KY writes, "I had frequent outbreaks of cold sores and my dentist recommended I take Lysine. Since I started taking 1000 mg Lysine daily, I have not had a single cold sore in years." Tina, from Weiser, ID comments: "When I was a child I used to always get cold sores on the corner of my mouth, when I was 12 I had this really bad one and I had used Blistex (for cold sores) well, instead it caused it to spread even larger and I ended up with a large outbreak all over my lips, horrible for a 12 year old girl. So my mom heard about Lysine, I took the tablets, and in about 2-3 days they were all gone and believe it or not I have never had a cold sore since (now I am 26) So yes, I believe in the Lysine treatment 100%.

Posted by Colleen (Greenwich, NY, US) on 04/11/2013

I'm reading all this wonderful information about lysine but i'm wondering what type of supplement is everybody using? Are you using typical synthetic, chemical supplements or is it natural from an animal source? I was taking 500mg of L-lysine from CVS until I read about how bad synthetic supplements are for us. I'm curious if people are still getting good results with the synthetic? Thank you!


Fever Blisters
Posted by Mel (Houston, Tx) on 02/07/2013

I get a lot of fever blisters on my lips from stress and I don't know what. But I started taking L-Lysine and that alone helps keep them away for months at a time and the only reason I might get them might be cuz I forget to take it. When I do get them I use acetone and coconut oil. But L-Lysine works.

Posted by Felina (Wilmington, Delaware) on 03/16/2018

Thank you for this message. I'm so glad I checked before I took it. I'm currently taking mavyrit, its like harvoni. I am struggling with joint and severe constipation side effects. That's why I was tempted to take it. Thank you, for your knowledge. Love and light.

Posted by Beloved (California ) on 02/05/2022

I see you struggle with constipation. If you have a juicer, then juice some beets and it will make you go.

Food Sources
Posted by Yow_whaz_up (Chinatown, Singapore) on 11/11/2011

I can't find the supplements Lysine and Arginine where I live. The ones I have seen are bits of them in children's multivitamin syrups, which are either inadequate or has MSG added.

I don't know what else to do except making some chicken soup or the pig leg one. For Chinese people, it is kind of like a tradition to cook it if someone in the family feels weak and sick.

Will it have the same effect as taking 1000 mg of lysine to fight against some virus or germ? Will it also be the same as taking 500 mg of arginine to relax that stressful heart? Does the soup also have the same useful lysine and arginine?

Ted from Bangkok, anyone, have you ever drunk dong koi teng (chicken soup with dong koi herb) or ba kut teh (pig leg tea) to kill the fatigue caused by a germ or simply stress?

Posted by Victoria (Colorado) on 01/12/2014

I got tired of spending 20 bucks on abreva that never ever worked on my fever blisters that would swell and become pus filled(and I assume virus filled). I would say on, avg I had blisters at least 3 times a yr. My triggers are sun, stress, trauma, and the occasional accompanying cold. Came on here and read about l lysine. So in middle of hell started a regiment of vit a, e, b complex, echinaecha, goldenseal, and lysine. (I also am prone to stys and they are also triggered by stress, so naturally I was treating that too). The swelling of much lip reduced in a day and both the blister and sty were gone in like 3 days. Now I rarely have either ailment start due to taking it every other day for 2 wks, then week off, then every othet day. Havent. Had either in probably a yr. And that was only because I stop taking it.

L-Lysine Vs. Lysine
Posted by Ray (Chicago, Illinois) on 09/16/2010

Without the "L-" in an aminoacids description it is referred the the real food. With the "L-", it refers to the supplement-version. Whereby both are the same. The "L-" refers to the aminoacids L-Structure of the molecule.

L-Lysine Vs. Lysine
Posted by Kate59 (Kingston, Ny, United States) on 11/16/2012

Good sources of L-Lysine are dairy products (organic), spirulina, raw honey, and royal jelly.

Canker Sores
Posted by Marloef8 (Comox Valley) on 01/13/2015

This is to reply to Anthony from Canberra:

Just come across an interesting article from Nutrition Review: The Collagen Connection Linus Pauling's Unified Theory of Human cardiovascular Disease that might help with your question.

Posted by Chacha37 (Atlanta, Ga) on 10/29/2011

I read recently in the Definitive Guide for Alternative medicine that shingles can be treated with 2 types of energy therapy to zap the lesions. Electro-Acuscope or Light Beam Generator. Refer to pages 208-215 of the book to learn more, including how to find a practitioner.

Posted by Boobabymama (Montgomery, Alabama, Us) on 12/25/2011

Survivor2011... I don't want to alarm you but usually shingles is not a recurring virus. You might want to get tested for Herpes Simplex 2 when you have a breakout or just get a blood test. There is a small minority of persons who might have a recurring shingles but where it's located and you stating fighting it constantly... Please get checked. It could be passed on if its HSV2.

Posted by Donna (Aspen)

L-lysine, when taken immediately upon infection will cure shingles.

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