Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Annie C (New Zealand) on 12/17/2017

Hi everyone, I would like to share my experience with turpentine. I've had severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 15 1/2 years. Read about the turps recently and was excited to try it (I bought Diamond G Forest). I have been detoxing well for about 1 1/2 years now (using homeopathy, EAV and Quantum Indigo machine) and my die-off reactions are mostly gone when taking stuff, but the overall fatigue condition remains. I am pretty sure I have worms.

I took 1 teaspoon of turps with 1 Tablespoon of white sugar and was fine, no improvement or worsening. Then, 4 days later I was ready to take it again and a side-issue came up.

SIDE ISSUE: At the same time as the turps, I have been doing the Gubarev "Ropeworm Enema Protocol" for a couple of weeks, and both times I did the milk + salt enema a SERIOUS leg infection called "Erysipelas" resulted, caused by streptococcus bacteria. I have been diagnosed as having a major streptococcus gut bacteria overgrowth by my Doctor 4yrs ago. I used my natural homeopathic & herbal remedies to cure the first leg infection but didn't know the milk/salt enema had caused it. Then the next time I did it 2 wks later it happened again the same, so now I know the milk sugar fed the bad strep bacteria in the bowel and caused the leg infection. I was doing my natural remedies the same as before but thought it wasn't working (it actually WAS working but just takes a couple of days to go), so was starting to get panicky as I did NOT want to take antibiotics.

I decided to take the turps again to try to kill the bug in my leg, but because I was panicky and it was 4.30am, I thought I would take more than a teaspoon as that dose hadn't helped last time. I went off Jennifer Daniels dosing on herself of "7 sugar cubes caused a slight twitch", so I thought I'd do the 6 sugar cube equivalent of 2 tsp turps to 2 Tbsp sugar, as this hadn't caused any problem for her I assumed I would be fine too. I Was Wrong!!!

I started to get some of the most terrible scary symptoms I have ever experienced: delerium of the most extreme drunkenness, ataxia, slipping in and out of consciousness, racing high-speed thoughts like on drugs, sleeplessness. Then, 5hrs later, I vomited up my stomach contents, turps, and a ~15cm tapeworm. The previous drunk/drug symptoms then went away, but I kept feeling nauseous and vomiting for the next 3hrs. I still felt really sick and wasn't getting better from the vomiting and couldn't drink water, so I went to hospital in case I needed my stomach pumped.

Before I left, I started to feel muscle contractions of my lips & face. Then, on the way there over a period of 10 mins I became COMPLETELY PARALYSED and felt so totally ill. I thought I was going to die! I started slurring then my mouth paralysed as well so I couldn't talk. I then spewed up a last little bit, and within 5 mins could actually move my legs and walk into the hospital and move my hands a bit.

From then on I felt pretty much fine, but had a drip for 2hrs to rehyrate. That evening I did a cleansing water enema (as part of the ropeworm enema protocol) - this must have got the last of the toxins out. I had a good nights sleep of 8hrs and woke up automatically at 7am and felt great! I felt great all morning then at 2pm the old fatigue kicked in again. (This is coming from someone who normally needs 12-14hrs sleep, can't wake up in the morning and feels fatigued terribly.)

I thought the turps had caused my symptoms, but now I think it must be a die-off reaction of all the things living inside me making me ill. I will take the turps again soon but start on a tiny amount. (I know that the leg infection didn't cause the symptoms as I'd had it 2 wks before with no symptoms except the localized infection on leg area.)

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to get across to everyone what can happen if you take too much at once. I am back to my normal condition now (fatigued) and successfully eliminated the leg infection. Good luck to everyone trying it and don't be put off by my story, rather use it as a lesson to be careful on dosing and that what is safe for one person is not necessarily safe for you, so I would start drop-wise and work up slowly.

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Ryan (Arizona) on 12/13/2017

You shouldn't take anything 2 hrs before or after taking the turpentine. I've been using this for systemic whipples disease which causes me a lot inflammation. Recently I've noticed after taking the turpentine that it's causing me to have more inflammation. I did some research and found when injected into animals it causes inflammation in that tissue. So Idk if it's herx-reaction or if it's making the inflammation in my body worse than it already is. Can anyone shed some light on this for me please!

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Eliza (Hillcrest, Sa) on 12/11/2017

I noticed the Digger's brand also has resin in it and a eucalyptus fragrance.

Frances...have u used the Digger's one? How did that work for you? Did it do the job needed and safely, you think?

Posted by Ryan (Arizona) on 12/10/2017

Hi, I believe you can take a 1/2 oz bottle of pine needle oil on a plane which is the same as turpentine just make sure it goes into your main suit case and keep it tightly sealed. I actually ordered some from piping rock in the past initially and their bottles have great droppers with no mess so now what I do is fill those little bottles up with Diamond g turpentine which makes it very easy to use for baths and consuming. The dropper bottles are the best!

Poor Circulation
Posted by Ryan (Arizona) on 12/10/2017

I've been using turpentine for the past few weeks for systemic whipples disease I can't really tell if it's doing anything or not. I also take baths with turpentine in it. This infection is throughout my whole entire body. I know t. whipplei acts like a fungus making it very hard to kill. This bacteria makes my skin itch so bad all the time especially on my legs it's drives me crazy.

Posted by I M Trying (Nm) on 12/08/2017

Hi Bill, again this is an old post and I'm slow getting around this website and reading it all. I see the colostrum you suggested is available in powder form and also capsules. Do you think the capsules would work just as well. ( I was looking on amazon )

Posted by Karen (New Jersey) on 12/06/2017

I would not expect them to answer. Turpentine has a warning not to be ingested, so naturally they could not say that.

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Jack (Toronto, Ontario) on 12/05/2017

I tried the link http://www.mosaic-id.com but its not working, is there a new link that may work?

Posted by Ryan (Ucluelet, Bc, Canada) on 12/03/2017


I believe paw paw is a fruit that was cultivated before the banana cartel became a thing.

Posted by Cookie65 (Oh) on 12/02/2017

You have to be pooping 3x a day to eliminate side effects. Its coming out wherever it can run to escape the turpentine. Get your bowels moving either with natural supplements, enema, fiber or colonics. Also taking some charcoal to absorb toxins daily.

Posted by Ryan (Arizona) on 12/01/2017

Hi Eve, I have the same issues as you and I have whipple's disease. I was a respiratory therapist for 10yrs. I too have lost a ton of weight, strength, and muscle mass because of this infection. I've been taking black seed oil and just started the turpentine a few days ago. I'm hoping this can kill the t. whipplei bacteria that's causing all of my issues.

Posted by Ryan C. (Arizona) on 12/01/2017

Read that you ordered from diamond G did you have any issues at all? I tried emailing them asking if their bottles contain droppers at the top and asked how much shipping would be for an 8oz bottle but didn't get any response back from them. Did you consume the turpentine oil too? The bottle with droppers are very convenient as you don't have to worry about spilling any.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by I M Trying (Nm) on 11/29/2017

Hi Denise, I know that your post was old, wanted to ask and anyone else who might have an input with experience, the "depressed" feeling, I figure that is due to die off, has anyone come up with any new ideas on how to relieve that symptom? Will it eventually simmer down.

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 11/28/2017

I bought Diggers pure gum turpentine I believe at Bunnings but have seen it elsewhere, even IGA.

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Marie (Adelaide ) on 11/26/2017

Please where can I buy turpentine in Australia. Thanks

Posted by I M Trying (Nm) on 11/26/2017

Hi Bill, again this is an old post and I'm slow getting around this website and reading it all. I see the colostrum you suggested is available in powder form and also capsules. Do you think the capsules would work just as well. ( I was looking on amazon )

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Gil (Bangkok) on 11/24/2017

Did you (finally) find pure turpentine in Thailand?

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Bill (Philippines) on 11/21/2017

Hi M Trying...Rectified just means to purify and doesn't really apply to the manufacture of gum turpentine. But it's quite normal to use gum turpentine internally that has been distilled and this is how it's normaly sold. Distilled just means that the thick pine sap from the tree has been boiled between certain temperatures to obtain a thinner distillate that is eventually sold as pure gum turpentine. Just make sure that it's pure gum turpentine -- without any extra additives like Xylene, Toluene etc and you should be fine.

As advised by Walter Last, there are also several ways to supplement gum turpentine. You can either take it with water or molasses or milk(emulsifier) or raw honey or sugar on an empty stomach, which will then be absorbed quickly into the blood and act to disinfect and purify the blood(i.e. clears the blood, tissues etc of pathogens). Or you can take gum turpentine together with a heavier oil like castor oil or coconut oil for a similar purifying effect throughout the intestines only (because combining it with a heavier oil helps to prevent turpentine absorption into the blood).

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by I M Trying (Nm) on 11/20/2017

Bill, this is an old post but wondered if the rectified would be toxic to you if used internally. Just curious.

Posted by Blake (Wisconsin) on 11/14/2017

Dr Hulda Clark mentions that when we kill a worm or larger parasite that they usually have much smaller pathogens inside them and that some have parasites 3 levels deep.

When the first dies, the others come out and then you have to kill those and then more can come out of those and then, you have to kill them the 3rd time, hence the 3 cycles on the zapper. I'm sure this holds true with turpentine too.

I would assume that you would need at least 3 servings to get them all.

It sounds like you already had an infection brewing right on the edge and the turpentine kicked it off. Get your D levels up before doing turpentine, so your immune system can handle it.

Posted by Olivia (Nc) on 11/11/2017

Irma, you can order the right turpentine @ this website


Posted by Irma (Chicago, Il) on 11/11/2017

Where can I buy turpentine from in the city of Chicago? My mother and grandmother used to use it for deworming.

Bladder Infection
Posted by Juanita (North Carolina) on 11/09/2017

Ever since I was a little girl I could remember my grandmother given me turpentine on a teaspoon of sugar for UTI. As the years passed by I forgot about it. Then about 8 years ago I got a bad UTI I went to my doctor and he tested me and told me that I did not have a UTI. It was on a Friday and I went home. I was in the excruciating pain. Then I remembered when I was a child the turpentine my grandmother would give me. I went to my local pharmacy and bought a bottle of turpentine and put it on some sugar. I do not remember how much I used of the turpentine. But I do remember that by the next day the UTI was gone and I felt fantastic. I'm 69 and still here.

Posted by Carl (Liverpool Uk) on 11/03/2017

Kerosene - where can I get it 100% pure?

Bladder Infection
Posted by Shn (Fillmore, Ca) on 10/27/2017

A single dose of turpentine (1/4 tsp in sugar) eliminates a UTI quickly. The effectiveness of turpentine always amazes me.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Eva (Australia) on 10/17/2017

Hi David did your brother in Australia receive his turpentine?

Where to Buy: Brazil
Posted by Ger (Rio De Janeiro) on 10/16/2017

Yes there is a good one on Mercado Livre a guy from Santa Catarina sells it, its 100% pure and it is for "laboratory use". I am currently taking it

Posted by Lee (New Zealand ) on 10/01/2017

So is it ok to eat fruit when parasite cleansing? I'm struggling as to what I can eat. Loosing weight too fast.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ann (Phoenix, Az) on 09/24/2017

Excited to begin I have done my research and can't believe something so simple & available may be just what I need. I also need very badly need to get in touch with poster. HI SEA. This is important due to some comments observations she made in her post

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Hypnomac (Durango, Colorado) on 09/16/2017

Taking turpentine after or before you've taken advil is a bad idea.

My ex girlfriend took a small dose of terpentine of 20 drops with sugar cubes and just before she took that she took a couple advils (I think) and that had a very bad reaction. The two react with each other. I confirmed this with my nutritionist. She was in a lot of pain for half the day if not more.

Posted by Hypnomac (Durango, Co) on 09/16/2017

Did you by any chance take advil or anything like that before of after taking the turpentine? Because they will have a very violent reaction together.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 09/08/2017 2063 posts

The more likely alcoholic drink to carry Turpentine would be Gin. During a mission to the Athabascan Indians in Alaska, one of the major signs of my mission success was gaining Trust among the locals. One man's confidence was showing me his Fir-Tree Gin-still as well as his finished product in the Mason Jars.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Curtis (Texas) on 09/07/2017

Add a little everclear or vodka as the addition of the spirits will allow emulsifection of your slurry ..

Turpentine and Gut Flora
Posted by Mark (France) on 09/05/2017

Bonjour my freinds, I recently read about some French research into the turpentine, long story short, pathogenic organisms, (viruses, fungus, bacteria )have thinner cell walls than benificial organisms, the turps weakens the wall further and thus kills enemy, I'm sorry I don't have cross references. My family have used turps for Candida and skin health spray a small amount into a hot damp flannel and massage your skin rinse often and refresh the turps over your whole body and face your skin will become clearer and smoother blemishes and wrinkles fade completely away and small warty spots go, add the turps to liquid soap and shampoo and one drop onto your tooth brush as well instead of mouthwash, spray into smelly trainers and rugs its multi purpose around the house we just use the cheap stuff from the brico depot called Terebinthe.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Neal (Chicago) on 09/04/2017

I have tried mixing the turp 1:2 with real maple syrup and I find it almost addictive it tastes so good! It doesn't really mix but with vigorous stirring it will form a suspension. There have also been studies showing that maple syrup extract added to pharmaceutical antibiotics enhances their effectiveness so maybe this has other benefits than just flavor when combined with the turpentine.

Turpentine and Gut Flora
Posted by Chris (Midwest, Usa) on 08/31/2017

I heard Doctor Daniels say it doesn't harm good gut flora. In fact she said it causes the optimum balance of good/bad bacteria in the gut.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Nonny (Canada) on 08/29/2017

Have you tried an art store? I bought an 8-ounce bottle for about $10.00. It is from a Quebec company called Demco (pure spirits of gum turpentine). I've only used it topically on my husband's mysterious skin rash. It helped dry it out. Haven't tried taking it internally yet. The art store may be able to direct you to another source ... good luck!

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Robert M (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) on 08/29/2017

How long ago were you able to buy from Diamond G? I recently went on amazon to order but they cancelled due to shipping restrictions to Canada. Is this different if I go to their website? I don't want to go to a hardware shop for this product due to quality control and the leaching from tin cans.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Hi Sea (United States) on 08/22/2017

Turpentine effects on me--it's doing so Something!

I am doing the castor oil, with 1 tsp turpentine now. This is will be my first FULL 4 day cleanse. I tried previously, and just got to 2 days.

During round 1, terminated at around two, days, I had various effects:

*heart pain, as if something was moving through my arteries

* many small red hives appeared on my inner lower leg, and ankle

* on my chin and face a small blister opened up, just one

In each area.

I did did not feel I was successful I completing the cleanse, so, I wanted to continue..

During round 2, start four days in a row, and then twice a week, I had various effects:

*for 1 day, I had mouth blisters and sores

*i could feel it moving things in my heart though not as sharp

*early rising now, I could not get out of bed early all year until two weeks ago-- when I started the cleanse

*i have been sleepy on this drive that I do, once per week-- was so tired I had to pull over... and today, I got sleepy again

*renewed focus, my ability to learn, read and study had increase (could have been the eclipse energy too?)

* I am able to think what I want to do and easily do it, whereas in past 9 or so years, I reluctantly am doing responsible things and am cluttered -- now I am in goal setting, cleaning, and no more feet dragging mode

*renewed enthusiasm, I found myself expressive and just elated that I could hug someone, was I getting back to my old self like when I was in college?

* I could feel it in my brain, chest, and uterus? It was definitely there doing something

*i feel lighter

* I have a pain in my left ovary, but I am not sure what that is about

also, I have infertility now, so am wondering how this can help?

Thanks for for this wonderful forum-- so happy to learn more from you!

Where to Buy: Brazil
Posted by Thomas H. (Brazil) on 08/23/2017

I have just moved to Recife Brazil from the US. I have used Turpentine for several years for Candida, with amazing results. Does anyone know where I can find 100% Gum Spirits (Turpentine) in Recife Brazil, or anywhere in Brazil for that matter?

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Kay (Minerva, Oh) on 08/12/2017

Hi Martha. I am sorry that you are suffering because of your doctor's "treatment plan." Will your kidneys heal? I pray that they will. I have been sick since July 20,1998. For the most part, my medical care has been substandard, and I have been severely damaged as a result. I appreciate what you are going through. There is a lot of anger involved, and a flood of tears. Good luck to you. I will pray for you, and put you on my prayer chain, if that is okay with you. Get well, Martha.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 08/11/2017 2063 posts

Yes, you can take Turpentine with most foods or liquids as it is a natural solvent and actually doesn't taste too bad; kinda like a Gin tonic. I used to take with sugar cubes but needed to reduce sugars so now I simply get a swig of my Coffee/Tea/Water and add two small droppers and down the hatch. I do this once daily.

Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 08/09/2017

I am not a fan of eating sugar by itself. Can I take the Turpentine with BSM (blackstrap molasses) instead? If so, how many drops of turp for each tea or tablespoon full of BSM? Thank you!

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Jennyjenny (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/04/2017


I need some help. Its my 3rd day trying turpentine *(diamond brand) and sugar for candida / everything that is blocking my health. I cannot tolerate the turpentine ingestion. After ingestion is ok - it's the actual ingesting part that I can't handle (hurts my throat and gagging / can't breathe because of the taste).

I have empty capsules and was hoping to put some brown coconut sugar along with turpentine in them and take it that way. I can add castor oil - but it will have to be in a capsule with the turpentine.

Will this be ok to try to ingest it this way? Is it important that it is white granulated sugar? or can it just be any kind of sugar (I prefer coconut organic raw if I have to eat straight sugar).

Thank you!!

Turpentine in the Ears
Posted by Art (California ) on 08/03/2017 2165 posts

I've used pine needle essential oil in my ears, which is very similar to 100% pure gum turpentine and yes, it definitely "burned" for a while. I've also used straight peppermint essential oil in my ears and while it did have a "burn" to it, it was much less than the pine needle oil and definitely more tolerable! If you want to lessen the burn, jojoba oil may be worth adding to either essential oil.


Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Ali (Ny) on 08/03/2017

hi there

I learned about turpentine from my father who said he was given it as a child in a spoon. He also said he was given a teaspoon of kerosene with a sugar cube in it whenever there was any runny noses afoot. He said this wiped out the cold. Mind you he also said he took the sap directly from the pine tree in a pail we're they later distilled it and then ingested. He's in his 80's. These days were given lots of things to ingest like fluoride which is considered a halogen which has some not so nice effects and we don't Bat an eye.

Posted by Ryan (California) on 08/03/2017

It sounds like you took the wrong kind of turp, you should have had 100 percent pine gum spirits...hopefully your alive now as this was a year ago

Turpentine in the Ears
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/03/2017

Anon, how about diluting it?

Turpentine in the Ears
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 08/02/2017


So I swabbed straight up turpentine, the fancy organic one in the little bottle, into my ears because they get itchy. They hurt soooo bad for about an hour. Like pressure like your ears are going to pop from a change in air pressure. Now a week or so later they are still itchy but it hurt so bad the first time I am afraid to do it again. It did clear my sinuses magnificently, though. It was almost worth it.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Rebecca (Cypress, Ca) on 07/27/2017

Hi! Thank you for your comments Enjera.

I am not feeling homicidal, but it may be because I have chosen to take the 2 sugar cubes with 1 teaspoon Turpentine before I go to bed. When I started the regime in the morning before breakfast it made me very tired with a hang over type headache which prevented me from having a full day. Being self employed I found it not conducive; therefore, I switched my daily consumption time. I too am following Dr. D's protocols as set forth by my naturopath. I purchased the brand suggested through Amazon as well. I am experiencing being very thirsty which I have read is normal. My insatiable desire for sweets has finally stopped. I am on day 4 of a 7 day treatment period following the advice of my naturopath. This morning I woke very hungry. I ate slowly and have continued to consume water throughout my day. I normally drink half my body weight in ounces but since starting the Turpentine protocol, my water consumption has increased. The bloating of my upper stomach has diminished noticeably. I am told by my naturopath that is due to the candida die off.

Today, in the early afternoon, my mind and thinking was so clear and sharp. I felt incredible and it lasted throughout my day. My eye sight has changed. I am seeing better. Has anyone else experienced that?

Turpentine Tips
Posted by Daniel (California ) on 07/27/2017

YOUR PAIN IS CALLED DETOX PAIN /HERXHIEMER EFFECT.. caused by rapid detoxing what to do...this ....>> cut your amount in half ..if the pain persists then do it 1 day 1 day off till the pain stops then increase dosage to every day...if pain comes back reduce dosage again till the detox pain goes away...then n gradually increase dosage you will be ok...if you have to stop the dosage for a few days..I had the same thing then as the detox progressed and removed the toxins the pain decreased till it vanished

Posted by Marcia Lee (Florida) on 07/20/2017

Bentonite clay & Coffee Enemas can help get you through the detox symptoms.

Inhaling Turpentine Vapors
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/09/2017

Post for us what the labels read, please! :)

Poor Circulation
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/09/2017

Turpentine cured poor circulation

I started taking the turpentine mentioned in the introduction. The first time I took it after eating in the afternoon it didn't seem to do much. Maybe warmed my stomach a little. Subsequently I take about a teaspoon poured onto a spoonfull of granulated sugar early in the morning. I don't eat or drink anything with it. After maybe 30 minutes the "noise" in my head quiets down. A little while later my legs begin to feel warm and relaxed. I have used generous amounts of iodine and colloidal silver in the past and had similar effects. The effect lasts longer with the turpentine. Of the three it is definitely superior. Curry powder and garlic also have this effect. The warm fuzzy feeling from the turpentine affects more of my body also. I don't feel as tired, either.

It is not as powerful as azithromycin was, but the effects are different. Azithromycin made my stomach feel less annoyed and also eliminated my fatigue, depression, and social anxiety.

Turpentine clears my sinuses, too. The iodine makes my right ear crackle when I go to bed. It has had a little swelling in it for a while and the swelling seems to be going away. I use about half the length of the dropper, maybe 15 drops? I'm guessing the crackle is just dry skin coming off when the swelling reduces. Thank you EarthClinic and all for helping me regain my health. I would probably be dead by now if it were not for you all.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/04/2017

Way to go! It takes a lot of courage to step out like you did. I hope the doctor learns the lesson.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/04/2017

Why not just rub it into your feet?

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/04/2017

Maybe take some psyllium fiber and lay off the turp for a few days. The pain may be just a herxheimer reaction.

Scalp Infection
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/04/2017

My scalp breaks out less if I wash my hair every day. I have oily scalp, dandruf, and itchy bumps like acne. I have tried using Borax to wash it, baking soda, apple cidar vinegar, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, dandruf shampoos all in a variety of ways. I also get excema on my arms when I eat ice cream, and the two rashes are very similar - weepy, itchy, bumpy, scaley, flakey - so probably a yeast infection. The Dr.told me the rash on my arms was from lack of sunlight after an allergy test was negative. It occurs only on the part of my arms that actually touched the desktop when I sat at my desk at school, so I'm thinking it is a reaction to the cleaning solution used on the desk. That was many years ago and it still developes there, but only when I eat ice cream. Try avoiding dairy and sugar and the rash may go away.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Julie (Camdenton ) on 07/03/2017

I notice that this post is dated back to March and I was wondering how you were doing? If you kept up with the turpentine therapy and I was thinking that it would be a good idea for you to take the turpentine internally. I do it with a cup of honey half a cup of turpentine and a half a cup of apple cider vinegar with mothers. Shake it up and keep it in a glass bottle with a plastic lid. I start with one teaspoon for about 4 days and then I get to a tablespoon. I go 2 weeks on and two days off. When I got to 4 days off and got sick again I went back on it because I realized I was not completely cleared up. I hope that you will update us and I hope that the moderators pass my response on to you.

Posted by Julie (Camdenton ) on 07/03/2017

This is a reply two the person who is having boogery eyes and neon green phlegm. You are full of multiple parasites common infections and microbials. You're having herx. It's okay, look it up, you're going through die off and multiple systems . Your herx will be intense. I would take your turpentine for two weeks straight without a break and Ionly a two-day break then start again. This may take you two months to get through all that you're going through. A four-day break will reveal to you if you have solve the problem or not. If you start feeling like crap again then you know you are not finished. I'm glad that you are on this treatment because it sounds like you need it really bad. More than you even ever knew. You obviously got fungus in your respiratory system really bad. It would be great if you posted it update as you go through this for people that have the same symptoms, results, and herx, meaning side effects and results of die off.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Judy (Sherman Oaks) on 06/23/2017

Hi Enjera, you said you felt like you wanted to kill someone after you took the turpentine. have you ever taken medication in the past? I am wondering if those feelings were a cleaning out of some meds, just a thought. thanks.

Posted by Deb (Usa) on 06/03/2017 12 posts

Try MMS at night and turpentine in am, keep taking vitality caps.

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Sylvia (Millersville) on 05/24/2017

Someone on 3 psychotropic drugs will need to work with a skilled alternative health practitioner before trying any natural remedies.

Posted by Kennywally (Midwest) on 05/24/2017 46 posts

You may want to try and drink 1 or 2 ounces of liquid bentonite clay to help with the gut pain from the turpentine. It is neutral, not active like turpentine, and will absorb toxins in the gut, from flu and food poisoning as well by smothering it and snuffing it out like a candle. You could have pain from raw gut exposed or just die off in the gut, the clay won't hurt you either way, but it will smother whatever is bothering you!

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Gyan (Hawaii) on 05/24/2017

What are the contradictions for doing a turpentine cleanse? My friend is on 3 psychotropic drugs and I am concerned there may be an adverse reaction from the turpentine. P

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Deb (Usa) on 05/22/2017 12 posts

Then why are you even on this site if not thinking about taking Turpentine??

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by John4 (Queensland, Australia) on 04/15/2017

In response to your comment on 11/21/16 Michael of New Zealand re the article by Scott Gavura. He states at the out set that he often receives hate mail accusing him of being a Big Pharma Schill. In his article he infers that statin drugs are quite acceptable. We have to be careful of people like him as there are many people who would look to him to be an authority on their health. He doesn't mention the thousands of people who die consuming prescription medications. They were following the advice of medically trained doctors. He, and your regular MD would probably pooh pooh Selenium for cancer, or borax for gout, or MMS for malaria etc etc because despite the numbers of people who have benefitted from these therapies, according to those who will not believe unless there is "scientific proof" they cannot possibly work. And then they write there articles with their hidden agendas and some readers accept it just like that. Anecdotal evidence carries no weight what so ever for them. So please be careful Michael - this is the information age and we owe it to ourselves, and just as importantly to others who may hear our words, to research and to question. Doctors invest so much time and money in their medical education, and it is perfectly understandable that they would come from a place of denial, and seek to condemn without investigation or personal experience that which contradicts and / or threatens what they have learned. I'm one of those who've come to the conclusion that MDs can be extremely useful in diagnosing conditions, and in the setting of bones but when it comes to prescribed medications, research, research and research. The ideal goal is to treat the cause, not the symptoms, and medically trained people are very often not in a position to assist you in this. There's so much out there, and it's places like this that can help you find answers

Good on you Timh. Your suggestion to not trust only one source is an excellent one. I've found it helpful to Google testimonials in regard to the condition in which I'm interested. That's how I've come across Selenium and Borax (Boron) and a number of other gems. It's hearing / reading others experiences ("Ordinary people")which can lead us to the appropriate path.

All the best to each of you. Regards, John.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Turpentine User (Indiana) on 04/16/2017

You are going through detox symptoms as the critters that are causing the problem are putting up a fight. There are spaces between joints that they accumulate in these areas. Anything that lives has to poo . The amount of infection and food to continue feeding them overwhelms the cleanup crewing idea the body..read protocols on diet that can be causing the problem in the first place.

Turpentine and Gut Flora
Posted by Elandreya (Edinburgh) on 04/15/2017

Hi guys. I have been following Dr. Jennifer Daniels turpentine protocol for a couple weeks and getting some amazing and um.. shocking results. I am keen to continue with the treatment however I am concerned about the effect that turpentine may have on friendly bacteria.

Does anybody know if turpentine has a negative impact on gut flora?

So far my internet research is coming up with next to nothing. No tangible evidence being presented either way. I have read that it is important to take probiotics during this treatment. But I'm wondering what's point if I'm wiping them out every time I take turpentine? My gut and I would greatly appreciate any light that anyone can shine on the matter. It seems like this could be a serious drawback of the turpentine cleanse.

Thanks! 😊

Pine Oil Vs Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (United Kingdom) on 04/13/2017

Hi Will,

If the pine essential oil is distilled from pine gum (AKA sap and resin) it can be used internally. If it is distilled from pine twigs, stumps and cones it is not the type suitable for a turpentine protocol.

Pine Oil Vs Turpentine
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/13/2017

Pine oil is not the same thing as turpentine. It has been extracted from the pine tree a different way and essential oils are stronger. I would not use pine essential oil internally, except maybe by the drop. People take as much as 1/4 to 1 teaspoon turpentine, but ingesting that much pine essential oil would be dangerous.

~Mama to Many~

Pine Oil Vs Turpentine
Posted by Will (Bris Australia) on 04/13/2017

Turpentine?? Is pine essential oil the same as turpentine?

They sell 100% pine oil at my local apothecary can this be used internally as well as externally?

Posted by Adrian (Ne) on 04/03/2017

Thank you Ludi. I am still working on my detox. I have made drastic changes in my diet (raw vegetarian) and feeling clarity now that the candida is dying. I will continue the turps protocol for parasites. I have switched my carrier from honey and now using blackstrap molasses. Much more potent and needing to use less. I still use the DE and supplementing flushing liver/kidneys with borax and Epsom salts protocols. I will also begin taking coconut butter. Thank you for the support.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Andrea (Cyprus) on 04/02/2017

Hello Enjera, 90% of our nervous system are in our intestines, only 10% is in our brain. Parasites are connected to are nervous system and they control our emotions, eating habits even our thinking. It is very normal to feel death at the time of parasite cleansing because you feel what they feel.

Posted by F (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 03/17/2017

Hello, I was wondering if turpentine can be good for me too? I have blasto and I have read numerous positive comments from people who were relieved after taking turpentine against their candida but NONE for blasto. I wonder if this will work for me too I already read the candida cleaner report from Dr.jennifer daniels and ive seen numerous videos from sun fruit dan about this subject and im think this is the only way for me to get rid of these parasites. but one of my biggest concerns is that I am constipated, and according to the protocol you need 3 BMs a day? cant I just use the turp and follow the protocol and maybe use the active charcoal if I get the die off symptoms even if I am constipated? I also heard the turp is a laxative on it self? please let me know your thought about this. Thanks.

Posted by Ludi (Hollywood) on 03/11/2017

Today is my first day to this thread. Yes your detox had begun. Continue with the Turpentine Regimen (1/2 to 1 teaspoon for 4 days and rest 2 days. It's important to drink plenty of water.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Hale (California) on 03/11/2017

Did u get better? I'm so sick from the bath..

"Help: herx, arthritis pain after turp bath.. The article says it can increase arthritis systems. I did one bath and have had really bad arthritis pain along with a bunch of other awful symptoms. do you think it will get better, the arthris pain? I didn't have any before I did the turp bath. also, how long will this herx last. I did 30ml (2 tablespoons) in my bath."

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Fleur (San Franciscco, Ca) on 03/09/2017

Help: herx, arthritis pain after turp bath.. The article says it can increase arthritis systems. I did one bath and have had really bad arthritis pain along with a bunch of other awful symptoms. do you think it will get better, the arthris pain? I didn't have any before I did the turp bath. also, how long will this herx last. I did 30ml (2 tablespoons) in my bath.

Posted by Gb (Alaska) on 03/06/2017

I take one Tbsp. of castor oil and then 1 tsp. of Gum Spirits of Turpentine. everything should be out of the colon within 6 hours. Stay near the bathroom after 3 hours.

Topical Application of Turpentine
Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/24/2017

Purchased Diamond G turp and seems bit smoother than kleanstrip. Rubbed on about 1 tbsp turp/olive oil liniment yesterday from neck to feet and felt reaction several hours later of well being and mild instability. This method does work for absorption of turp and has some benefit over ingestion method I.e. no digestive or taste issues. However I can't say if digestive tract pathogens are addressed. Maybe they are addressed at slower pace over longer time since blood stream goes everywhere including digestive tract and organs. In any case, I'm very happy with results so far as fibromyalagia symptoms seem to be relieving gradually and energy increasing plus I smell like pine tree.

Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/23/2017

Yes you can do that. You can read in the previous comments here where Bill talks about his personal method of taking turp, honey, and castor oil together.

Posted by Dave (Mn) on 02/21/2017

I want to begin the turpentine protocol but I've heard two somewhat different methods, turpentine and sugar, turpentine and castor oil. My question is can you do both? 1 teaspoon turpentine over 3 sugar cubes with 1 teaspoon castor oil.

Topical Application of Turpentine
Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/21/2017

so continuing....did successfully take 1tsp of my turp/oil mixture in some sugar without nausea or other immediate reaction. I realize now, as bill said, turp is not miscible in water so taking even 3 drops turp in glass of water is like taking 3 drops straight, and in my case caused nausea. I did have fairly strong flu-like detox symptoms lasting thru the next day so feel it was good thing to do and will continue and try castor oil next time I think as well as continue the liniment use. I still wonder why I haven't found anyone ever talk about the value of taking turp into the bloodstream thru the SKIN since it's a solvent. Thanks to everyone for this forum.

Posted by Dave (Lacrosse, Wi) on 02/20/2017

Can you take turpentine, castor oil and sugar for a parasite cleanse? Sugar as bait, turpentine to kill them, and castor oil to promote an easy exit for the parasites.

Topical Application of Turpentine
Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/20/2017

Mixed in 10% olive oil to turp topical absorption method which minimizes turp fumes and may improve absorption by minimizing evaporation of volatile oil on skin. Comments appreciated.

Posted by Dean (Hawaii) on 02/18/2017

Man! That's awesome testimony, I just heard about turpentine, I am going to try it cause I have parasites/candida, tried other things and nothing worked. I hope this is the silver bullet I have been looking for.

Topical Application of Turpentine
Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/18/2017

Sierra thanks for message. I have had no problems doing full body liniment use of pure turpentine for 5 days now. I tried ingesting 3 drops in water and got nausea so maybe for me now, the topical use is best. Also I see no need for carrier oil since no reactions, not even skin redness. It makes me feel good and makes my skin feel tingly. I have fibromyalgia and I think it's helping. Going to try ingesting again with carrier at some point.

Topical Application of Turpentine
Posted by Sierra (New Mexico ) on 02/16/2017

Dear Rich,

Please be careful with the topical turpentine. A lady on this forum applied it topically once for parasites and ended up in the emergency room.

More is not always better. A small amount could be fine and a large amount could be toxic (the dose makes the poison.)

Turpentine used internally or externally should only be used in very small amounts and also diluted with a carrier oil, especially if you are new to turpentine.


Topical Application of Turpentine
Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/15/2017

I am new to turp and began by liberally dousing myself with several straight teaspoons rubbed all over. No skin issues with that and noticed some systemic relaxation. I'm wondering about the efficacy of this application for internal benefits as well since it's a solvent like dmso and enters the bloodstream thereby. Any thoughts?

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (United Kingdom) on 02/16/2017

They are exactly the same. i.e. Gum resin distilled leaving the essence of the resin. I prefered NHR as it was organic and comes with certificates of its purity.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Jimoune (Seychelles) on 02/16/2017

Hi Tucker, Is the NHR pure gum Turpentine or is it just a pine essential oil? Thanks.

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Tim (Melbourne, Vic) on 02/13/2017

Hi, do you know where I can source 100% pure gum spirit turpentine? Thanks.

Breast Cancer
Posted by Gb (Alaska) on 02/13/2017

I have been taking the turpentine and sugar cube remedy with little results. I feel a little better but not a lot. I was thinking of upping the dosage as I now take a tsp. with 3 sugar cubes. What is the safest upper limit? My wife said one lady had breast cancer and took 1 tsp. turp but no results but she upped it to 1/4 cup in one dose and got rid of cancer. Is taking turp with castor oil better? Does it work even better with sugar and castor oil or separately? Thanks.

Posted by Tj (Florida) on 02/12/2017

The turpentine sold in Walmart is not to be taken internally.

Posted by Adrian (Ne ) on 01/31/2017

Jon, Using D. G brand.

Posted by Adrian (Ne ) on 01/31/2017

Mardell, I'm taking the turps with honey. I still take the vitality caps to stay regular, though I've cut back from 3-4 cap/day to 2/day. I am now alternating turp doses with diatomaceous earth. The worst side effects have began to settle and regularly seeing symptoms of die off.

Posted by Mardell (Laurens, Sc) on 01/29/2017

No, you are absolutely on the right track I experienced the same situation. Use it periodically and keep an eye on what comes out. Use for a couple weeks after just to make sure it kills everything, yeast, fungi, parasites and who knows whatever else. Good luck

Posted by Mardell (Laurens, Sc) on 01/29/2017

When you take it you are supposed to mix it with something as far as castor oil, coconut oil or some mild laxative. So you can have at least 3 bowel movement a day. 1 full tsp at a time. Mostly effective with clean bowel on empty stomaches.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Melissa (New Zealand) on 01/27/2017

Hi Shereen and Leanne,

I got some from Bunnings "diggers pure gum turpentine". You can order it in if they don't stock it as most people buy the mineral turps. I have been taking it for almost a week and noticed a few good things re my body post-turps. I think this is what my body needed to kick start me back in to action again. I take it with the white sugar and it is very yummy! I was eating quite healthily pre the turps so if you're diet is not so healthy then Dr Jennifer suggests doing a cleanse first but it is up to you. If you're still not sure about ingesting turps then in my experience, I am still alive!!! It definitely is counterintuitive - sugar + turps!!!! Don't ask me why this works but it does.

Hope I was of service to you both!

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