Health Benefits

Benefits of Iodine for Health

Sore Throat
Posted by Hallie (The Woodlands, TX) on 11/19/2005

Putting Iodine on my wrists and throat did a wonder. I'm picky when it comes to tasting juice or vinegar, so the iodine was perfect!

Skin Ailments
Posted by Teresa (Lowell, North Carolina)

I had a raised mole to come up on my face and several skin tags to appear under my arm. I was embarrased by the mole on my face, but didn't have the money to have it removed. Using a q-tip, I rubbed iodine on both the mole and skin tags at night before going to bed. Within 3 to 7 days the skin tag dried and fell off while the mole went away. I have shared this information with my sister who has removed several as well.

Detox Bromides
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe ) on 09/04/2023

Leah, maybe try to get your iodine by painting it on your skin? On the soles of your feet?

Acid Reflux
Posted by Chad (Windsor, Ontario, Canada) on 08/11/2013

What kind of Iodine did you take? Thanks.

Iodine Deficiency
Posted by Bjornbjorn (Maple Ridge, B.c.) on 07/24/2012

I drink a very large amount of water daily ( approx 4 litres or a 1 gallon ) It is through a brita filter to help with contaminants. Do you think I could be Iodine Deficient with my symptoms.

Skin Growths
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn, Usa) on 04/29/2012

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Well it appears that Dr Simoncini's iodine treatment for skin growths and cancer may work. The iodine turned the growth into a black scab and now it is begining to turn loose. The protocol is to continue treatment even though the skin is clear. The theory is that cancer is a fungus and will come back if iodine treatment is not continued for awhile. The complaint of Derotologist's is that the growth returns. What I have learned to do is to circle the spot with vasoline to contain the iodine. That works pretty well. All is not done yet. When my 75 year old left hand looks like a babies butt, then I will report back. Ya'll behave for a change. =====RH=======

Multiple Cures
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 10/04/2011

I recently came across this excellent free e-book that I think everyone should read and print off/email for friends and family members.

Iodine deficiency is rampant in most of us. Iodine is the best treatment for thyroid disorders, breast issues, bladder infections and many, many, many other issues. Iodine also clears up chest congestion. Iodine also improves babies IQ's when given to pregnant women.

Iodine also detoxes the body from heavy metals. Anyway much much more information.. Well worth reading."

Bill's Iodine Fact Sheet
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 07/06/2010

Hi Everyone... I have said in past comments that I wasn't too happy about the iodine painting test as a valid test for body iodine levels.

Recently, I went a bit overboard to perhaps push my own iodine levels deliberately into excess. This I did by using a 2% USP iodine tincture and painting an area under both my fore-arms which were each the size and area of a dollar bill.

I painted both my fore-arms this way four times. All these patches of iodine(except the 4th one) disappeared in under one hour. The fourth patch of iodine disappeared in about an hour and a half. I also took the equivalent of about 15 mgs of lugols iodine orally at the outset. There were no symptoms of excess iodism either in the evening, the next day or on any subsequent day.

From current thinking, the iodine painting alone should have driven me to excess iodine symptoms but it didn't and I was not happy about this, so I have searched widely on the internet for answers.

In answer to the many enquiries about the iodine skin painting test, here is an article by Dr David Derry, a person who is very pro-iodine and who has written books on the subject of iodine. Here he presents actual evidence on the usefulness of iodine painting:

"The "test" of putting iodine on the skin to watch how fast it disappears is not an indicator of anything. The iodine disappearance rate is unrelated to thyroid disease or even iodine content of the body.(1-2) Meticulous research by Nyiri and Jannitti in 1932 showed clearly when iodine is applied to the skin in almost any form, 50% evaporates into the air within 2 hours and between 75 and 80 percent evaporates into the air within 24 hours. (1) A total of 88 percent evaporates within 3 days and it is at this point that the evaporation stops. The remaining 12 percent that is absorbed into the skin has several fates. Only 1-4% of the total iodine applied to the skin is absorbed into the blood stream within the first few hours. The rest of the iodine within the skin (8-11%) is slowly released from the skin into the blood stream.

However Nyiri and Jannitti's findings that... "the percentage of iodine penetration through the skin is the same, irrespective of whether the cells have a high or low vitality, or are dead, and irrespective of the direction of penetration" have important implications for iodine functions in the body, skin, pregnancy and fetus and also for the therapeutic use of topical and oral iodine. Iodine would be the only compound of significance during early pregnancy which can pass rapidly through all tissues of the fetus without the aid of any blood vessel or lymphatic transport. It could be that not only does iodine control natural cell death (apoptosis) (5) in the fetus but may also influences stem cell development.

Nyiri and Jannetti also mentioned iodine applied on the skin can be used to shrink swelling of the thyroid gland (goiters). So even small amounts of iodine absorbed through the skin can have good effects on body organs. From my own clinical experience, repeated application of iodine (Lugol's) to the skin appears to cause regeneration of the skin from the bottom up (Quiescent, stable or stem cell) (3) eventually sloughing the old version of the skin off like a snake molting. If there was a pre-cancerous lesion on the old skin, it is replaced with new skin minus the lesion. There does not seem to be any skin lesions which are not helped or cured by this procedure. In some cases I found clinically obvious low thyroid conditions also needed to be treated to be more effective. Minor lacerations and healing of surgical wounds respond well. If skin regeneration is from the bottom, then there is little or no scar formation.

My parents' generation tended to put tincture of iodine onto a fresh wound to prevent infection. This turns out to be helpful but not the best way to use it. Besides it stung badly when applied. It is much more effective (and doesn't hurt) to apply iodine repeatedly after a scab has been formed. The iodine put onto the scab helps to organize total repair of the tissue. It is implied a similar approach could be taken to burns of all depths but at the same time the physiology of burns suggest there is an acute lack of thyroid hormone. (3)

All pre-malignant lesions and many other oddities of the skin appear to respond to this regeneration process triggered by topical iodine. I have mentioned previously a patient with a biopsy-proven breast cancer lesion (she refused surgery because of previous cancer treatment) that was strongly fixed to the skin responding well to topical iodine and ended up being a dimple on the breast three year later. (6)

It is my belief a water solution of iodine (like Lugol's) is an important therapeutic agent for skin. Because of its effectiveness and the results, perhaps many skin diseases are related to local tissue areas of relative iodine deficiency. Perhaps the most graphic lesions are the "keloid" (worm) incision scars formed after surgical procedures. If the iodine intake and tissue levels are adequate, such as in Japan, keloid formation doesn't happen (7). In addition, iodine's ability to trigger natural cell death (apoptosis) (5) makes it effective against all pre-cancerous skin lesions and likely many cancerous lesions. The local site is replaced with normal skin. However, even lesser doses of topical iodine seem to reverse the ominous appearance of skin lesions. Because my older brother died of metastatic melanoma, my chances of getting a malignant melanoma are increased by 400 times. (8-9) Having grown up in Venezuela near the equator my sun exposure at a young age was far above normal. So all suspicious lesions I notice are returned to normal with topical Lugol's."
Extract from

Just to clarify some thoughts here -- iodine painting IS useful in my opinion when painted over the skin on the neck of the thyroid. This is because the thyroid only needs MICROgrams of iodine/iodide. However, in my opinion, since research evidence from Dr Abraham's Iodine Project has confirmed that the rest of the body's needs amount to at least 12.5 mgs as a maintenance dose -- an amount that is 100 times more than the RDA of 0.125 mgms, then foot-painting is not a good method to achieve the whole body's need for iodine.

In answer to all those asking how you can check your own iodine levels -- the best way seems to be by temperature using a Basal Thermometer. These are more accurate than electronic thermometers. When you first wake in the morning, put this thermometer in an armpit and hold it there with your arm and stay in bed for about 10 minutes. Then check your temperature -- if it is between 97.8 and 98.2 degrees, you probably don't need any extra iodine, because iodine is an essential part of the mechanism for body temperature regulation. If the temperature is lower or higher than this temperature zone, then you might need more iodine or less iodine respectively.

Iodine Interactions
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 07/03/2010

Hi Kaybeebee...Lugol's iodine contains a mixture of 10% potassium iodide and 5% iodine in water.

When you add the drops of lugol's to a solution of ascorbic acid it is just the iodine portion of the lugol's solution that reacts with the Ascorbic Acid(Vit C) and is converted to iodide. So you end up with this reaction:

Iodine plus Ascorbic Acid --> Dehydroascorbic acid plus Iodide

The dehydroascorbic acid is handled in the same way by the body and is just as beneficial as ascorbic acid(Vit C). As well, your dose of lugol's becomes completely iodide with no iodine component now. This is Ok if you are taking this solution for thyroid problems or for general health because most organs, mucus glands and endocrine system can uptake both the iodide and iodine forms, but if you are taking lugol's specifically for a breast problem like fibrocystic disease or for uterine fibroids or BV for example, the iodide form will not be of much use because the breasts, cervix and prostate all uptake the iodine form only. Also, iodine is the component that is truly anti-microbial, so if you are taking lugol's against intestinal candida, better to take drops of lugol's on its own in a glass of water(containing both iodide and iodine).

Either way, lugol's iodine is very body-friendly.

You can read more here: The Role of Iodine in Health and Disease

Multiple Cures
Posted by Karin (Mesa, Arizona) on 05/19/2010

Hi there! I am researching a link between ovarian cysts and iodine deficencies. I want to tell you what taking iodine has done for me. I had a sinus infection and started putting liquid iodine in the water for my neti pot. When I was over my infection( which healed quickly ) I noticed I had a lack of concentration, working for a holistic Chiropractor we figured out through AK I had a iodine deficency. So I started taking Iodine and right away I was able to concentrate better and then i noticed that my breast were less sensitive and the tiny cysts I had in my breasts started to go away... YAY, no more pain!!!

I have experienced so many benifits that I will always take my iodine

Multiple Cures
Posted by Anna (London, England) on 03/01/2010

Iodine painting

For the last three weeks I've been putting liquid iodine on 2 knuckles where I have very thick skin (no idea why). I read a lot of feedback from people using iodine on skin problems, so I thought I'd give it a try it, since I had liquid iodine in the house.

Almost immediately I saw a change. The skin, which was very rough, is now softer, almost like my other knuckles, and the skin isn't nearly as thick. One is almost normal.

I also started applying iodine about a week ago to a mini-mole on my face, and it is reduced in size.

One of the most interesting things is the change in my breasts. When I had mammograms done in the past, I was told that my breasts were dense. Now, although I didn't apply any iodine directly to the breast, they no longer feel lumpy.

Yet another thing I noticed was that I felt much less eye strain from the day I started using iodine on my hands, but it seems to be helping my eyes less than it did at the beginning.

The one thing I haven't had success with is in applying iodine on liver spots. I've been applying a few times a day to the biggest spot and so far no change, but I'll keep trying for a while.

This is a cheap and easy, harmless therapy. It's really worth trying to see if it does you any good.

Posted by T (Maryland, USA) on 06/28/2009

I must post about my recent experience with Atomidine (iodine trichloride) as it's been nothing short of amazing for me. I'd been intending to try Lugol's (after dithering due to reading some things warning thyroid/Hashimoto's patients off taking supplemental iodine). But so far I've yet to buy some. While browing online I ended up buying some Atomidine as it wasn't too expensive. I started taking a single drop most days in my usual water+ACV a few weeks ago, and it has made a seriously remarkable change for me!

After becoming very ill by the end of 2007 due to Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), and finally self-diagnosing and spending a painful 2 grand to wring some meds out of appallingly ignorant and uncaring doctors (a rant for another time!), I've spent the last year or so greatly changing my diet, starting Levoxyl, taking supplements and researching like mad, trying this and that. I did improve some, but it's not been nearly enough to get me back to normal...until the Atomidine. I've hardly had the chance to haunt EC like I normally do because I'm off and out getting so much done! Not only do I have more energy, I have MOTIVATION (that's been a very elusive thing!). I do still have 'down' time but it's not anywhere near like it was before starting the Atomidine. I am so very grateful to God for this miracle and I hope it continues on.

I've had swollen glands in my neck for years, and they are mostly gone now. I've also been putting Atomidine on a suspicious mole on my arm that I was supposed to get removed long ago (I chickened out!). It's flaked over twice now (pain-free), yet the skin around it is fine, like the Atomidine is affecting only the suspicious spot. I'll report back with any more changes on that; I do expect it'll take some time if it's really going to get rid of it.

This has been my own experience so far with Atomidine. As always, research for yourself before trying anything.

I'm hoping to see some more discussion on the various types of iodine, and also hoping someone else has experience of Atomidine and can advise if I should continue taking it as I have been (single drop most days, with days off here and there) or should I be changing something. I'm afraid I'll somehow cause its effectiveness to fade...and I can't bear to go back to the way things had been! I don't usually take it on the days that I take my tiny dose of Levoxyl (I only take half of a low-dose pill every few days now).

On a side note re: the Hashimoto's, I've been taking chlorella on and off after seeing someone here post that their antibodies disappeared after taking that for awhile. I'm going to try to take it more consistently. I hope to have the funds to retest in a few months and see where my antibodies stand after these measures - and I'll report that here too :)

Posted by Melinda C. (Vancouver, Bc Canada) on 02/08/2017

Nascent Iodine - the real thing - is the same color as Lugol's and also tastes equally bad. ;-)

Skin Ailments
Posted by Steven (Shohola, PA) on 04/05/2009

Iodine Resolves Developing Boil

I have been taking 5 drops of Lugol's 2% strength solution for 3 months now. [I understand this to equal 12.5 mg of iodine whereas the 5% solution would require only 2 drops.]

About a month ago I began getting an infection in one nostril and could feel a boil developing. My nose was sensitive to the touch and I knew it was only a matter of time and it would be really bad. I waited a couple of days as it worsened. I then increased my dose of Lugol's 2% solution to 5 drops in a pint of water 6 times a day along with 500mg of vitamin C 6 times a day. After 2 days, the infection was 95& better and I dropped my dose to what I normally take. Another 2 days later I was back to normal.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Gayle C. (Brisbane, Australia) on 04/02/2009

I use Iodine to treat all external fungal infections, with great results. I'm about to try drops to treat mild depression. My son also had severe acne for about five years. It turned out to be candida, which we cured in about 6 weeks using natural treatments and diet. I've recently read that some natural therapists are using Iodine to treat candida, which I will follow up as the candida has a habit of re-occurrence.
Good Luck.

Skin Cancer
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/10/2013

Hi YoungLady1975... Yes iodine stength certainly does matter. As an illustration -- here is a table which should make it clearer. A higher percentage concentration means that you get a higher dose per drop. For some clarity -- have a look at the table at this link:

Iodine % Strength to mgs Conversion Table

It is very important to understand these conversions and also important to take the correct dosage of lugol's Iodine in mgs as recommended. Most Lugol's Iodine sold in America today is 2% strength or less -- which therefore means that you will have to take over double the number of drops (of 2% LI) because most of the older LI remedies assume that people still use the 5% strength Lugols.

As an example, if you are taking say 8 drops or a 50 mg daily dose of 5% Lugols Iodine per day -- this will translate to you taking 20 drops of 2% Lugols iodine for the same daily 50 mgs dose as the 8 drops of 5% LI.

Also, 7% Lugol's Iodine is much more effective on external melanomas and warts than LI of lower percentage strength.

Hot Flashes
Posted by Tammy (Pleasant Grove, Utah) on 06/07/2008

I have been having the hot flashes from Menopause the last year. I had been taking estroven or similar products, but found that Lugol's Iodine was more helpful and cheaper.

Food Poisoning
Posted by Jan (Buffalo, NY) on 04/18/2008

I travel extensively and carry a small HDPE bottle of Lugol's for the inevitable food poisoning that occurs in restaurant food. When I get a case of it, I take 15 drops of Lugol's in water and it takes less than 15 minutes to stop the cramps. Dr. Hulda Clark does recommend Lugol's Iodine. I buy my Lugol's in pint bottles at the local pharmacy. I tell the pharmacist that I use it for staining tissue slides for microscopy. It works every time.

Inflammatory Breast Disease
Posted by Janna (Boston, MA) on 04/01/2008

re: lugols and inflammatory breast disease. My breast was leaking a bloody discharge, and after reading articles on Lugols, specifically Dr. Miller's article (Seattle) and work done in Canada, I procured lugols and started to paint it onto my breast using a paintbrush. After a couple months the discharge stopped, the pain stopped, and I have had no further problems.

Skin Ailments
Posted by Debra (Edmonton, Alberta) on 02/29/2008

Dr Derry from Victoria on Vancouver Island has a book out about Breast Cancer and his research shows that taking 1 to 2 drops of iodine a day in a glass of water can help to prevent breast cancer. His book is very informative and gives a scientific reason why it works. I have been using Iodine this way for 6 years. I also use it on moles, tags and other skin conditions and it helps to make them small again. I have used it for sore throats too and it works wonderfully. Just use it sparingly as it can be toxic with too much use.

Thyroid Issues
Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 12/09/2007

I have been having problems with being so tired the past month or two. I knew it was a low thyroid problem. I ordered some organic iodine from a seller on ebay and within hours have felt a lot better, I'm on my 3rd day and my fatigue is still a lot better.

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