Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Guide: Bill Munro Method

Posted by Sue (Westfield, IN) on 08/18/2021

Is increased heart rate after HP nebulization normal?

About Bill Munro
Posted by ORH (TEN MILE, TN) on 08/15/2021

HI U ROZ,,,,,, ORH here and I have had cancer three times in my life and treated it differently as I learned. My doctors love me but they don't like me. That is the way with most marriages. All love their spouse, they just don't like them. I like my TRACTOR DRIVER and we have been married for almost 62 years. I think she likes me. I do tests that normal folks don't do, so I catch cancer in stage I or stage II. Cancer needs your body to be acid and low on oxygen. I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Bill before he died and he is one of the good guys. Your immune system handles your problems until you old as dirt. At 84, I still do a garden because store stuff is garbage. We took tomatoes and peppers to church today to give to the congregation. My preacher keeps telling me that I can't work my way into heaven. I am taking no chances. My PSA test is telling me that I have prostate cancer, but I refuse to get a biopsy because all that does is spread the cancer all over your body. I inhale 1 and 1/2 % hydrogen peroxide every morning to open my nasal passages. I am doing the dog dewormer thing to address my prostate cancer. None of this amounts to a hill of beans compared to the evil that is consuming the world. I thank you for giving me a chance to get my message out.


About Bill Munro
Posted by Roz (SC) on 08/15/2021

How did the Bill Monroe method work for your blood cancer?

Multiple Cures
Posted by Minty Hanson (Moses Lake WA) on 06/23/2021

I just found this site and I'm really excited. I've been squirting food-grade H2o2 up my nose and gargling it .. whenever I felt a cold coming on. It worked! Everyone thought I was crazy. I wonder if anyone takes it internally. Any feedback on this?


About Bill Munro
Posted by David (QLD) on 06/19/2021

For your information, I actually chatted twice to Bill Monro over the phone a very nice genuine man. He is or was very very deaf. But we had a good conversation.

Afterwards I started using his method. I actually buy 6% HP which is easy to find and the same price as 3% so I just dilute it 50/50 .So I get twice as much, for the same money.

I have been doing this for about 11 years on and off. It really helps many different things that are going on in my body.

This time around, I intend to do this method for at least 6 months as I have chronic sunburn, So I'm now inhaling it and putting it onto my skin followed by DMSO to try and get it deeper into my skin.

Also I think it will help me with my normal aches and pains and some times FOGGY days I'm now 77, !!! Look great, but sometimes don't feel great So take care and I hope everything is working out for you.

About Bill Munro
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 06/17/2021

Hello Victoria (Montreal) – I'm sorry to hear about your mom's news with her CT SCAN. Unfortunately, not ALL Remedies work for ALL individuals. 4 months is long enuff to see positive results from any remedy. This is just my 2 cents worth from my experiences in treating lung cancer.

I found this story on foreign webserver

Honey and Ginger Root: He Cured Himself From The Most Dangerous Type Of Cancer And Left The Doctor Shocked - 13 years ago, a man called Ante Kresic from Zagreb, was told he had one of the deadliest cancers- lung cancer. Moreover, he was informed that he won't live much longer.

Yet, he is a perfectly healthy man today, due to his natural cancer treatment with honey and natural herbs. He defeated lung cancer and now he keeps bees.

He was released from the hospital in April and he decided to try the honey treatment. After several months he went for a regular check-up in the hospital in Zagreb, and the doctors were shocked because he was still alive.

Hence, they advised him to proceed with consuming his homemade remedies and therapies. In summer, his disease was gone. When he had his blood checked, there was no sign that he has ever been ill.

Afterwards, Kresic decided to share his experience in order to help people with similar problems like his one.

The stories of Kresic and people like him serve as evidence that honey mixed with other natural spices as ginger, pine needles and other herbs can defeat cancer.

A woman from Bosnia also succeeded in defeating cancer with a mixture prepared from honey and ginger. She recommends that the honey used should be homemade, or bought from reliable beekeepers. She also shared her recipe, hoping to be able to help others.


Chop two big ginger roots and mix them with (18 oz ) ½ kg of organic honey.

Put the mixture in a glass jar and consume 1 tablespoon (use wooden or plastic spoon) 3-4 times a day. The first effects will be achieved in 4 days.

Remember to keep positive and never give up the struggle for your health, regardless of the doctors' predictions, for that is the first step to your improvement.

Herbs that have been tested in labs

Kava Kava Root taken internally as a tincture. Stops 99% of Lung Cancer In 2014, Xing and his fellow bioresearchers at University of Minnesota were looking into the reasons why the kava root has both positive and negative effects, which previously were not very well understood. The research team designed a blend of active kava ingredients, hoping to maximize kava's beneficial properties. In clinical trials with mice, this blend prevented the formation of 99 percent of lung cancer tumors even in the presence of tobacco carcinogens.


Formation in Mice: In this breakthrough experiment just published in Cancer Prevention Research Journal, extracts of kava ‪‬ fed to mice at low concentrations of 0.13 to 0.5% of their diet reduced lung tumour multiplicity by a stunning 99%. The minimum effective dose is actually not yet known since the smallest dose used here was just as effective as the highest dose in suppressing lung cancer. Researchers have also identified the key compounds responsible for kava's anti-cancer activity - known as "Kavalactone-enriched fraction B" (whereas fractions A and C have little anti-cancer effect). Importantly, the B fraction compounds appear to have no liver toxicity, which has been a concern with kava in the past. This may open the path to developing potent, all-natural medicines based on kava for cancer prevention and/or treatment. Note that kava has been served traditionally as a beverage among South Pacific islanders for centuries, and epidemiological evidence has linked kava consumption to an extremely low incidence of certain cancers in these populations.

Sour Sop - Also called graviola or guanabana, (Scientific name: Annona muricata) Laboratory research supports the potential benefits of soursop as a remedy for disease. The Cancer Center summarizes findings that suggest soursop extracts might slow growth of cancer cells or make them more susceptible to anti-cancer drugs. For example, in one study published in 1997 in "Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, " compounds from soursop were tested on breast cancer cells in culture and found to be up to 250 times more effective in killing the cells than some chemotherapy drugs. These laboratory studies with soursop are promising, but research with human subjects is needed to confirm its potential usefulness.

As far back as the 1970s, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) investigated the merits of guanabana, and discovered the stems and leaves of the tree were successful in destroying cancer cells. "Inexplicably, the results [of the NCI research] were published in an internal report and never released to the public. Since 1976, guanabana has proven to be an immensely potent cancer killer in 20 independent laboratory tests, but as of now, no double-blind clinical trials, " reports Christopher Lane, Ph.D., in Psychology Today.

One study conducted at the Catholic University of South Korea and published in the Journal of Natural Products stated that graviola was 10,000 times more effective against cancer than the popular chemotherapy drug, Adriamycin. A second study from South Korea showed that graviola had no negative activity on healthy cells (unlike the devastating effects Adriamycin has on the body), as we saw previously. This study found that a compound derived from the leaves of guanabana was "selectively cytotoxic for the lung (A-549), colon (HT-29), and pancreatic (PACA-2) cell lines with potencies equal to or exceeding those of Adriamycin." And research in the Journal of Natural Products discovered that extracts of guanabana demonstrated pesticidal, antimalarial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Likewise, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center states that guanabana shows anti-inflammatory and anticancer effects in vitro and in vivo.


Burdock Root and Dandelion Root are always my two favorites.

Red Pepper (Cayenne) Compound Halts 91% of Lung Cancer. Beta-Cryptoxanthin, found abundantly in red bell peppers, was shown in this study to reduce the number of lung tumors by 91% in mice. It also markedly improved their survival: after 100 days all non-treated mice had died, but incredibly 94% of the mice being fed beta-cryptoxanthin were still alive.

Coconut Oil Kills 95% of Lung Cancer Cells in Vitro: Researchers have just discovered that an extract of virgin coconut oil markedly reduces viability of human lung cancer cells in vitro by up to 95%. Coconut oil is rich in cancer-fighting polyphenols and antioxidants, and is known to possess anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-HIV, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetes properties. It's also the richest dietary source of lauric acid, a medium chained fatty acid which severely disrupts cancer cells' metabolism. Coconut oil has already been used in a clinical trial with breast cancer patients, where just two teaspoons (10 ml) twice daily between chemo cycles significantly improved fatigue, sleep difficulties (insomnia) and loss of appetite.

Eggplant Compound Kills 99% of Lung Cancer Cells

Mango Compound Kills 99% of Lung Cancer Cells

Blood Orange Compound Stops 100% of Lung Cancer Growth

Grapefruit Compound Kills 92% of Lung Cancer Cells

Cabbage Kills 97% of Lung Cancer Cells

Oregano Oil Capsules (see below)

Garlic Boosts Anti-Cancer Immune Cells by 400% In Vivo: In this remarkable lab study, an extract of fresh garlic bulbs purchased at a local market potently increased the immune response of mice to breast cancer, boosting their T-cell proliferation by over 400%, and overall lymphocyte proliferation by 200%. Tumor infiltration by CD8+ cells also increased by 468%. All this resulted in 50% slower tumor growth, and the outright destruction of about 60% of the cancer cells in the tumors. Garlic is a powerful medicinal herb with wide ranging properties. Past studies have shown garlic (cooked or raw) consumption may reduce the risk of several cancers including colon, prostate and breast cancer. But emerging evidence now shows specifically that raw garlic may be a very powerful weapon against cancer - in a recent study, eating it twice weekly cut lung cancer risk by almost 50%. Anyone wanting to boost their immune system against cancer should consider adding raw garlic to their diet in addition to other measures such as mushrooms.


Researchers from the Jiangsu Provincial Center of Disease Prevention and Control have claimed that there is an association between eating raw garlic and lung cancer stating that garlic could actually be a preventative agent against lung cancer.

The study notes that garlic has been used in Chinese medicine since the year 2000 BCE and that the compounds that are released when breaking the bulb into cloves may actually lead to the potential preventative powers of the herb. Cooked garlic was not considered in this study.

There have been many studies conducted about garlic that deal with cancer and diallyl sulfide. One study states that diallyl disulfide is one of the most prevalent oil soluable sulfur compounds found in garlic and it inhibits cell growth in many different cell lines. After treatment with DADS (diallyl disulfide) it was found that cancer cells died with just 24 hours of treatment. http://cancerpreventionresearch.aacrjournals.org/content/6/7/711.abstract?sid=98b2869f-6d76-4ba2-96c9-77e98d6dc613

Garlic can be taken both internally with food to reduce nausea and applied topically as a salve nightly.

How to make Garlic Salve: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/pneumonia.html#gs

If you choose to make the GS. I recommend adding a few essential oils to the mix.

Top on my list is Oregano Oil.

Here is a funny story that BIG Pharma does NOT want you to know.

A series of lab tests were conducted to determine the inhibitory effects of carvacrol (oregano oil) on DMBA induced pulmonary tumorigenesis in rats. Cancer was induced in the lungs of each of the rats. All rats developed lung tumors.

The rats were divided into 3 groups. The first group received no treatment, The second group was treated with the standard antitumor agent, Colchicine and NaCl. The third group was treated with Carvacrol from the Essential Oil of Origanum onites L., in a base of neutral sterile olive oil.

By six days, the rats from the first group all had died. The second group has considerable evidence of slowing tumor development. And in the group that was treated with carvacrol (oregano oil) there was evidence of complete loss of tumor development and the lung tissue was repairing itself.

Note: All rats in control group #3 were still alive for the next 6 months til the lab test ended. (huh?!)

Thyme Essential Oil Potently Kills Lung Cancer Cells in Vitro: Oil from the common herb thyme was discovered to kill up to 97% of human lung cancer cells (A549) in vitro.

Fir Needle Essential Oil has been found to be 96% efficient anti-cancer agent. It works very well against hard tumors.

About Bill Munro
Posted by Victoria (Montreal) on 06/17/2021

Hi Hank,

How amazing you spoke to Bill! My mother has lung cancer and she started inhaling PH 4 months ago. But we were a bit disappointed today after CT scan, that it did not shrink yet, but grew by a few mm since December. Maybe she did not inhale enough, she did 3 pumps 4-5 times a day. We looked at the video again and Bill recommends 7 pumps 6-7 times a day. She also did not close her mouth and waited between the pumps.

Any feedback? we would appreciate enormously!

Breathing Issues
Posted by Belle (NY) on 06/10/2021

So, I have been researching holistic, homeopathic remedies for years. Finally decided to try the Bill Munro H2O2 method. So, here's a bit of my story. Life long smoker. Yo yo smoker. Quit, every 3-4 months after quitting, I get weak & start again. Though, I only have between 4-6/day, it's still too much. At 52 years old, still trying to quit the habit due to a bit of wheezing, I thought, heck, let's finally try this.

Here are my results after 2 weeks of doing regular inhalation every few hours at 5-6 pumps each.

No More Wheezing. No Chest Pains. No lung pains at all. Not only that, my breath is so much better! My spit is more watery tasting.

So, as of now, I am very pleased with these results and plan to continue this method!

I got a nasal spray, dumped it, put in the H202. Inhale it like an inhaler. Rinse my mouth afterwards & do it every few hours.

I'm also taking Zeolite, Fulvic Acid & Colloidal Silver for immune issues & the combination has been tremendous! I was told my eyes are so bright now.

This is what's working for me so far, and I'm grateful to have such a simple solution for lung issues. Now if I can go from 4-6/day to 0 forever!

Lung Issues
Posted by David (Pennsylvania) on 05/29/2021

Don't stop the HP, stop the smoking. Just what do you think caused the problem in the first place? Are you really that obtuse.

Posted by Tamara (USA) on 05/13/2021

How much did you use in the vaporizer for it to highlight your hair?

Lung Issues
Posted by David (Pennsylvania) on 05/08/2021

If you are still smoking, how do you expect to improve?

Posted by cfitz (Georgia) on 05/08/2021

To Cherie:

See Mr Munro's instructions:


He says to empty the contents of a saline nasal pump and clean it out and sterilize it before filling it with 3% HP.

Humbly suggest doing a web search on:

“nebulized saline solution for treatment of asthma”

and/or: “mixing hydrogen peroxide with saline solution”



Posted by Cherie (Camberwell, London) on 05/02/2021


I'm having similar issues. First started nebulising with 2.5ml of saline to 10 drops of 3 percent HP about 5 days ago for lung issues and had an immediate amazing result. However, today I woke up with a tight chest and a cough. Also, every time I've nebulized today, I've started sneezing. Not sure how it's gone from amazing to feeling rubbish today. Can anyone advise?


Breathing Issues
Posted by Pat Pickett (AZ) on 04/22/2021

Actually, Bill Munro said he used the regular drug store 3% hydrogen peroxide, stabilizers and all!

Colds, Flu, Viruses
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 04/02/2021

Hi Tony,

Thanks for your post about H202 inhalation and other methods to kill viruses.

No, I never woke up in the middle of the night to inhale peroxide. I don't think Bill Munro did either. From the various conversations I had with him over the years before he died, he never mentioned it.

I haven't done peroxide inhalation in a few years now because BHT has proven to be a more effective remedy for me. 100% success rate in the past 3-4 years. You can read my posts on the BHT page of Earth Clinic and watch the two videos on the EC YouTube channel that I made about BHT.

The peroxide inhalation didn't always work, so I was glad to find another remedy that did!

Good luck. Hope you kick this new bug fast!

Colds, Flu, Viruses
Posted by Tony (Lexington KY) on 04/02/2021 3 posts


i just read your post about your HP method. This is the exact same 3-fold method I use... my post is above yours. yes, if you do all three it pretty much kills it, but sometimes I get fooled...like now.... Sometime I had some funny nasal thing that I thought from the car vent blowing on my face and created a little stuffing up.... BUT, it was actually a cold virus I picked up about 8 days ago.... so, it took me until about day 2 to realize I got fooled so I started the 3-fold method. but as you know, the longer you wait the worse are you chances to killing it in a short time. Anyway, after day 4 I felt it worked and I was all clear, and slowed down the HP.... that was a mistake and that night it came back stronger... So, I've been inhaling every 3-4 hours since Tue and no change. My cold is stable/the same for 5 days, not getting better or worse; so today I'm inhaling every 2 hours to see if stepping up the HP will kick this cold into termination phase. Any suggestions? TF

Colds, Flu, Viruses
Posted by Tony (Lexington, KY) on 04/02/2021 3 posts


Your video on the HP inhalation technique from about 6 years ago has saved me from a huge amount of suffering due to my history with cold viruses. For 30 years I was looking for a way to deal with my colds that would sometimes last well over a month.... I tried tons of vit C, zinc...but nothing worked... I tried HP also, but was doing it wrong and almost gave up. Then I realized I need to start a rigorous infusion of HP immediately upon a tickle in my throat or any symptom that could be a cold. Over the last 6 years, I have killed scores and scores of cold viruses that would have put me down for months. A few times I got fooled, however, and misread a symptom and it was a day or two into the virus before I started. But usually, I kill it dead within the first 2 to 5 days.

My method is more aggressive upon first thinking I got a virus. I have no mercy on these viruses. Upon the first sign, I first do my inhaling method as you showed every 2-3 hours. To kick off the method, I also spray HP in each ear while laying down. I let it bubble in there at least 10-15 min per side. Then, I mix 8 parts water with 2 parts HR in a cup and snort up my nose. The nose membrane is very sensitive so you can not use the strong 3% otherwise it could start bleeding. I learned this from experience. This three-fold method seems to kill everything if I caught it on time.

I have a question….

When you or Bill M talk about inhaling every 3-4 hours, are you including throughout the night? Because I am afraid the virus might grow during the night, I set my alarm and wake up and do it 1 or 2 times during the night if a cold is coming on. What is your experience?


Posted by Ellen (USA) on 02/20/2021

I see many questions about 'nebulizers'.

Here's what my research showed; I also contacted Dr Clark's Store and asked questions (below):



Use a nebulizer:

A nebulizer is a device that turns liquid solutions into vapors for inhalation. Compounds can be used in a nebulizer to help localize the delivery of the treatment to the lungs during times of respiratory distress, unlike an oral treatment that first has to go through the digestive tract before it can be delivered to the organs. Nebulize 3 ml of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 1 drop of Lugol's iodine every 1-2 hours throughout the day at the first sign of respiratory distress. Nebulizers are readily available online. Follow the manufacturer's operating instructions as models can differ.



I saw Dr Clark's nebulizer instructions (below). Are these instructions for 'this particular' nebulizer? Also, do I add any other liquid to the dose below and is 3% 'food grade' peroxide is ok to use,? Thank you.

INSTRUCTIONS: Nebulize 3 ml of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and 1 drop of Lugol's iodine every 1-2 hours throughout the day at the first sign of respiratory distress.


Response: Hi: Thank you for contacting us! Yes the directions you received are for this particular nebulizer, and you will only add the hydrogen peroxide and lugols iodine to the dose and Yes, 3% food grade peroxide will be okay to use for the nebulizer. If you have any further questions plesae let us know!

Kind Regards, Priscilla Customer Service Representative

ALSO...here's the dilution formula for 35% peroxide: 11oz Distilled Water : 1oz 35% Food Grade Peroxide = 3% solution

About Bill Munro
Posted by Koyo (Sofia) on 02/15/2021

In fact Dr Brownstein (Autor of the book "Iodine and why we need it so much") cured many patients from Covid with the help of nebulizing of H2O2 food grade, but strongest should be no more then 0.1% H2O2 in saline distilled water (can be alternated with few drops of lugol iodine in saline distilled water). His web site was closed and he was threatened to be shut down, but very similar procedure was recommended also from Dr Mercola

About Bill Munro
Posted by Koyo (Sofia) on 02/09/2021

In fact Dr Brownstein (Author of the book "Iodine and why we need it so much") cured many patients from Covid with the help of nebulizing of H2O2 food grade, but strongest should be no more then 0.1% H2O2 in saline distilled water (can be alternated with few drops of lugol iodine in saline distilled water). His web site was closed and he was threatened to be shut down, but very similar procedure was recommended also from Dr Mercola

Side Effects
Posted by vladimir (srbija) on 02/09/2021

Ne smete jesti 90' pre I 90' posle udaha H2O2 Početi sa koncetracijom : 0,1 % -0,175 % pa povećavati do 1% . Sa 3% tek posle 15-20 dana korišćenja 1% H2O2
Primer : u 08 h (udahnuti 0,1% ) Ručak u 09h30'...

Translated from Bosnian:

You must not eat 90 'before I 90' after inhalation of H2O2 Start with concentration: 0.1% -0.175% and increase to 1%. With 3% only after 15-20 days of using 1% H2O2
Example: at 08 h (inhale 0.1%) Lunch at 09h30 '...

About Bill Munro
Posted by Sonja S. (Robina, Australia) on 01/29/2021

Will it treat Non Tuberculosis Micro Bacteria?

Lung Issues
Posted by 2Q&Learn (Southern California) on 12/03/2020 139 posts

Only the plug-in / desk-top nebulizers are strong enough to be effective.

Side Effects
Posted by Pamaley (California) on 11/21/2020

Yes, I had this burning side effect but I was really doing a lot more unknowningly (like 15 sprays every 2 hrs-I misread the instructions 😳) So I drank 100% Aloe Vera juice and it went away.. Doing that much might have helped stopped the virus from makin me reallyill.

I totally bypassed all the miserable congestion. I know it would have been bad cz I was feelin bad malaise for 2 days...But it kept going back n forth on 5th day....then I realize I WAS NOT DRINKING ENOUGH WATER to flush it out...duhhh. As soon as I did...I got bck to norm.


Colds, Flu, Viruses
Posted by Pamaley (California) on 11/20/2020

Maybe you didn't do enough. t started with my sinus hurting and knew it was going to get bad. So I immediately did the inhalation. I think I overdid it 15xs on 1st day w/10-15, spray each X but nothing bad happened except my throat hurt a bit which drinking Aloe Vera fixed. The inhalation stop the sinus head congestion, coughing but I still felt overall malaise. 2nd day same. I almost thought the malaise was a tradeoff but then I realized that's how bad the virus was and I would've felt that bad with the sinus head congestion n coughing. Day 3 feelin better. Came in waves. feelin good 2 bad, bck n forth. By night I was good 2 go, back to norm...hurrah. Thank you much. You may have saved my life. I'm goin to try to get Covid19 tested to see if it was the virus. I TG 4 this site.

Posted by Volker (Berlin (Germany)) on 11/07/2020

From my understanding: It's a question of concentration/dilution. The advice not to spray in the nose is related to the undiluted 3% HPO. It will irritate too much. I use a 1% solution to spray in the nose and a 0.5% solution in a nebulizer. When nebulizing, I breath through the nose (also closing one nostril at a time) as well as through the mouth.

Please also watch:
(COVID: Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide - Demo - Dr. David Marquis)

About Bill Munro
Posted by Cindy (NC) on 11/02/2020

In regards to Myway Usa post on 07/15/2018. Thank you for your advice!!

I have been struggling and suffering with a severe acute case of asthma/bronchitis for 2 years. (have had it all my life but non stop relentless for past 2 years) It has been exhausting, frustrating and left me feeling defeated at times. I don't want to get too hopeful because there have been so many let downs for me in the past 2 years through our modern medicine community regarding my condition.

I've had 3 pulmonologists, 2 ENT'S and a gastroenterologist trying to figure this out. I've been through antibiotics, steroids, asthma inhibitors, nasal steroid sprays, nebulizer of albuterol and saline mixture, multiple CTscans, methacholine challenge (which came up negative! ) bronchoscopy procedure, upper/lower gi scope with bravo implant to rule out reflux, and a surgery to the ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid sinuses. I'm probably leaving out something. All that within a 2 year span!

I began taking Vegan Vitamin D3 + K2 (MK7) Liquid Drops, Magnesium L-Threonate, and Monolaurin Supplement- 3000mg on Thursday evening. Friday evening my Black Cumin Seed Oil Softgels – 1,000mg were delivered and I added that to my regimen.

By Saturday night.....the wheezing that plagued me at night and would send me into coughing fits to almost tears.....was gone!!!! Sunday night no wheezing! My daytime coughing is MUCH less severe than it was and it's only Monday. After surviving 2 years of this, I'm hesitantly optimistic. But part of me can't help but to be full of joy over the possibility of relief! I wish I could thank you personally and I hope you see this so you know that you've changed my life for the much better. Thank you!!!

About Bill Munro
Posted by Doug (Ma) on 09/30/2020

It's well preserved, so if you don't mind being preserved yourself, dive in!

Posted by Kristy (Texas) on 09/10/2020

did you dilute 35% to 20/1 or 3%

Posted by J (Se) on 09/06/2020

Warts disappeared.

Posted by J (Se) on 09/06/2020

I followed the Bill Munro instructions for peroxide in relation to meal time. I did slip up a couple of times, and I remember feeling bubbling up in my stomach, but no pain or anything. I'm currently doing it now and I am doing it 1 hour before a meal. I pumped the nasal sprayer five or six times in the back of my throat while inhaling.

Posted by J (Se) on 09/06/2020

I never realized anyone had replied to my comments, but I came back looking for information on fibroids. Anyway, I was diagnosed with HPV, and the warts were present. There was only like one or two small bumps at the back of the vagina closer to the anus. I drink the hydrogen peroxide three times a day, and inhaled I think six times a day. I can't remember when I drink the peroxide in relation to meal time. I'm currently doing it now and I am doing it 1 hour before a meal. I pumped the nasal sprayer five or six times in the back of my throat while inhaling.

Posted by Charlie (Usa) on 09/04/2020

I wonder when you say 1 pump, or three pumps, are you just inhaling once per pump?

Posted by Jon Claude (Uganda) on 08/12/2020

I have chronic neck and muscle spasms due to anxiety. One thing I notice during tense moments is how tight the rib cage gets, and often I feel like I am breathless, but it is just a manifestation of anxiety and tension in the soft muscles between the ribs. If your case is anxiety triggered, breathing with your abdomen instead of your chest allows more air in the lungs and strengthens your diaphragm.

Posted by Sharon (Blue Mountains, Australia) on 08/06/2020

Hello Frances, I was just wondering where you got your nebulizer from? I am also in a Australia but the ones I have found for sale are pricey. Thanks in advance, Sharon

About Bill Munro
Posted by Rosina (East End Of London, United Kingdom) on 08/04/2020

Hi Terry,

Oh goodness me, so sorry I never saw your reply! You replied in 2018 and it is now 2020! Thank you so much for your information, and how strange that last week I was able to buy 3 per cent Hydrogen peroxide food grade from a company on Amazon.co.uk for round about £23.00 for two x 500 bottles, so I am pleased because it is Food grade. I also bought a 5.5 litre large square plastic container containing distilled water round about £18 I think. Not tried it yet, as researching and trying to help a lady in the USA who is on bottled oxygen, and chronic respiratory problems, awful mucus, and a tumour in the pituitary part of the brain. So thank you so much, and do hope you have improved your condition, if not cured it!!

So sincere aplogies I never replied as I jump around all over Earth Clinic which has so many entries. How wonderful to know us people are trying to help each other. We wouldn't get that from the medical profession!

Kind regards, Rosina x

p.s. the distilled water might have come from APCPURE? cant remember but they definitely both came from Amazon.

Side Effects
Posted by Bluesphere (Md) on 07/28/2020

I've had a adverse reaction to inhalation of hydrogen peroxcide. Has anyone else reported an autoimmune response to taking h202 internally?

About Bill Munro
Posted by Hank Gigandet (Montreal, Canada) on 07/26/2020

Just wanted to add: I contacted Bill by phone around 2004, when he was 80 years old. He had already been inhaling H2O2 since he was 70 years old, when he first contracted skin melanoma, which was agressive. The doctor told him to quickly go to the clinic to start chemo, but he told the doctor no, that he was going to inhale hydrogen peroxide. The doctor told him he's crazy, that he would kill himself. Bill went off and cured himself fairly quickly and went back to the doctor, who was shocked. The doctor did follow-ups over the 10 years and Bill, and his wife, were never sick. Finally, the doctor was reassured and the doctor started inhaling H2O2 himself.

Side Effects
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/17/2020

I suspect BO is toxins from stress causing acidity and then I read that the microbes on our body eat the toxins we excrete in stress and then when they poop that out it stinks.

Side Effects
Posted by Gary (Kitchener, On) on 07/16/2020

Hi, Type lime juice youtube video

My wife & I use as a spray once in morning and do not have any B.O. for 24 hours.. Works like a charm

Good luck.

Side Effects
Posted by Carole (Nm) on 07/16/2020

Have been using H2O2 inhalation for a week or so:

3-5 sprays per 2 or 3 inhalations per day, any chance my lightheadedness is a side effect? If yes, what to do?

Posted by Amanda (Oran, Algeria) on 07/15/2020

HI, the research about using intravenous Vit. C that you posted here is from February. Are there any more recent papers showing the full outcome from using IV Vit. C?

Posted by Jean B. (Old Glory, Texas) on 07/13/2020

In response to an old post in the asthma section inquiring if anyone had used peroxide in a nebulier:

Yes, I tried nebulizing 3% hydrogen peroxide because I had a cough that would not go away (no help from doctors), and it was getting worse by the month. I tried many other things via nebulizer but nothing worked until I used OTC regular hydrogen peroxide in an Omron Micro Air nebulizer (palm sized, silent, battery operated).

I took a deep breath and spent the next two minutes trying to catch my breath. I realized caution was in need so took more shallow breaths and finally deeper breaths. That cough went away and never came back! I now use 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide available from Swanson Vitamins.

Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/13/2020

As I read this I heard low b vitamins but then went and searched and the answer implied if you had heart issues low b would cause shortness of breath.

Posted by Sandy (Il) on 07/13/2020

Hello Mama to Many,

I feel breathlessness many times. Specially winter and in summer if it it humid. Also I feel breathless when I have not eaten anything for a longtime. I feel breathlessness if I have some tensions of completing a task like cooking, cleaning etc. Can I use 35% food grade h202 by putting one drop in 8 oz water?

Posted by Paul (Ohio) on 04/27/2020

Jack - I use the 3% peroxide (“mouthwash”) and I put 3ml of it in my nebulizer just as if it were albuteral.

Posted by J.Rack (NY) on 04/27/2020

Hi Paul, What else did you add to the nebulizer with the H2O2? Saline and distilled water and if so how much? Thanks!

Posted by Paul B. (Ohio) on 04/15/2020

I use the nebulizer just like I would if using Albuterol for inhalation with the regular mouthpiece. I use the 3% H2O2 from Walmart. Definitely reduces cold/flu distress.

Posted by Anon (Canada) on 04/02/2020

Hi Aurelia –

Actually, Dr. Brownstein (holistic doctor) just wrote on his blog about nebulizing 3% hydrogen peroxide for coronavirus. He gives the ratio of hydrogen peroxide to saline solution that he uses in his clinic. https://www.drbrownstein.com/there-is-still-hope-out-there-v:-more-about-nebulizing/

He doesn't mention whether to use a mask or a mouthpiece. Perhaps someone who already has a nebulizer can answer your question. Good luck!

Posted by Aurelia (Canada) on 04/02/2020

It seems you all use a pump to back of throat. Have any if you used a nebulizer? Because I ordered it an it looks like it has a mask type that I think covers both nose and mouth. And I read here you aren't supposed to get it into your nose. So I'm confused....

Posted by John T. (United States) on 03/20/2020

I don't see why not. A vapor nebulizer does create a fine mist, which is important to get it as deep into your lungs as possible. The important question or warning is about inhaling it into your nose and sinus passages. I'm no expert, but I keep reading that one should NOT inhale via the nose thus getting it into your sinuses. I suspect that the oxidizing nature of H2O2 can, and will eat through your delicate nasal membranes over time, and with too high a concentration of peroxide. That is just a common sense response. I could be wrong.

Posted by katie (Montana) on 03/20/2020

I work in the service industry and have done this each evening before my shower to fix any viral load in my mouth. I do this first so the shower steam does not deliver virus to my lungs. I have been nebulizing but with an essential oil vaporizer. The only thing Ive been wondering is how long to do it for? If I get a twinge in my throat I do a spray to the back of the throat and spit out the foam

Posted by John T. (United States) on 03/20/2020

Technically. H202 will kill any virus or bacteria it comes into contact with. I think it will do a great job of making the mouth and mucus membranes a very unfriendly place for a virus to breed. Follow some of the protocols for mouth rinsing and ear rinsing daily, and you decrease your chances of getting such an infection. Once you have it internally, I think H2O2 is less effective than the Lipisomal High dose Vitamin C taken orally, then switch to Colloidal Silver in the nebulizer several times a day and NO virus will survive in your system. I really wish the media would talk about these "cures" that the Chinese are using on their population with success.


Posted by Mindy (Oregon) on 03/03/2020

Good question... wondering the same thing.

Posted by Kathy (Florida) on 02/28/2020

Could this cure the corona virus?

Posted by John T. (United States) on 03/20/2020

Rex, Can you post a link to Shallenbergers H202 protocol you refer to? I cannot find it on his web page. His focus is mostly Ozone Therapy.

Posted by Rex (Calif) on 02/23/2020

Dr Frank shallenberger and Dr Robert Rowen both use hydrogen peroxide nebulization. Take powder ascorbic acid after ( Lungs have ascorbic a cider dependent tissue-vit c..use powder) Read shallenberger story on h2o2 nebulization. Works better than inhalation and is close to iv!!!

Posted by Mary Beth (Felton, CA) on 01/08/2020

Would this work using a nebulizer?

Posted by John T. (United States) on 03/20/2020

Inhalation, if done correctly, should bypass your fillings. I would not recommend using the H2O2 mouth rinse though. I suspect, that a good deal of rinsing with water and spitting would minimize any amalgam/H2O2 reactions.

Posted by Eve (United Kingdom) on 06/16/2019

Hi there, Does anyone know if you can use the inhalation method with mercury amalgam fillings? I found out the hard way that you really cannot drink it unfortunately, and I haven't had them removed yet. I got so many benefits from H2O2 (before I got sick due to teh mercury released) that I would like to be able to use it. Alternatively can I drink it using a straw as one person suggested? Sorry if this has been covered, I haven't been able to find the answer.

General Feedback
Posted by Diana ( MN) on 02/25/2019

I would like to use a diffuser with hydrogen peroxide in it but I sleep with 2 dogs. My question is can I safely do this with dogs in the room? Thanks.

Posted by Joanne (Tucson, Az) on 05/18/2020

I have been using the Hydrogen Peroxide for 2 weeks, I use it about 4 times a day. So far it works between doses, but my Asthma is far from gone. I take it before bed but wake up coughing all night long. Any suggestions, I sure would appreciate it.

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Posted by Anon (Canada) on 06/02/2020

Hi Shantanoo - Here is Bill Munro on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT1_Rkl0B1M How to inhale Hydrogen Peroxide for Good Health This is a video of 83-year-old Bill Munro demonstrating how he inhales Hydrogen Peroxide. For legal protection against lawsuits, he also recommends that only adults who have been properly informed about all the possibilities of using hydrogen peroxide be considered before attempting to do what he does. Please do your homework! Good luck.

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Posted by Shantanoo (Guwahati, India ) on 06/02/2020

Can a small video be shown how to do it?

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Posted by Robyn Morley (Australia) on 05/19/2020

Why do you strongly state "DO NOT INHALE IT UP THE NOSE!!"? I have chronic sinusitis and thought this could be helpful.

EC: Because Bill's method does not dilute the peroxide and 3% H202 should be diluted at least 50/50 with distilled water if you are going to sniff it. That method (ie, the hydrogen peroxide in a neti pot or hydrogen peroxide and sea salt in water) is very popular if you check out the feedback on the Sinus Infection page of Earth Clinic.

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Posted by Dr Manisha N.Jadhav (Mumbai) on 05/08/2020

Very interesting article. Most useful method.

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Posted by Laura (Pensacola, Florida) on 05/05/2020

Thanks for showing how to do this!!

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