Flax Seed and Flax Seed Oil Remedies

Posted by H Sparrow (Adelaide, Autstralia) on 05/04/2007

I just began giving my dog an omega 3 and 6 oil to go along with his glucosamine HCL, and sashas blend. The oil is said to be dirived from cold pressed fish and flax seed oil it is a well known remedy for skin and joint problems due to the EPA's DHA's and ALA's. But after having a quick look over this site's list of poisonous and toxic plants to cats and dogs I noticed that flax is listed on it with a discription that reads a wildflower and herb whose seed pods contain poisons. Now as you can imagime this has got me quite worried and confused as to the integrity of these flax oil, and omega 3 oil products that are made especially for pets. If anyone knows a bit more about it or can comment on it it would be a great help to me and my dog.

Posted by Lorenzo (Portland, OR) on 03/21/2007

Keeping gout under control has been a priority for me for several years now. I found a daily teaspoonful of Flax Seed Oil was very useful in keeping the inflammation away. It was also very helpful at keeping adult onset acne under control.

Posted by Tanya (Newport, NY) on 03/10/2007

My dog gets severe itching 2x per year due to allergies. I usually take her to the vet to refill her prenizone?. I hate the way it affects her. Constant urinating, weird eyes, always real hungry & thirsty. I was sick of seeing her like that. I search the internet for a natural remedy. FLAXSEED OIL!!! It is a natural anti inflamitory. I gave it a shot. 1 tbls 2-3x per day in 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Her allergy was gone in 2 days, (opposed to 1 week with the meds) & she had more energy. Please search the internet for more information on this all natural oil. You wont beleive it. Both for you and your pets. PS I'm trying the apple cider vinegar diet I found on this site, I will keep you posted on my progress. Thank You for this wonderful website.

Posted by Jules (Laguna Hills, CA) on 10/08/2006

I had very bad PMS cramps right before and the first couple of days of menstruation. i read somewhere that flax seed oil was good for the overall health of women and the reproductive system so i started taking it daily, a tablespoon or so with yogurt or kefir, and the cramps dramatically decreased the month later. i was always able to tell right about when i start because of the cramps, but the following month i didn't know at all and it just came without warning. i took it for a few a months religiously, but it's been about two months since taking it regularly. the cramping hasn't come back, but i will start taking it again for my overall health. highly recommend it for PMS!

Posted by Sylence (Portage La Prairie, MB Canada) on 09/01/2006

I was given two budgies. One has no feathers under his wings, the other budgie has feathers and they are both in the same cage. Does anyone have a home remendy that would help this little budgie?

Posted by Bridgette (USA) on 10/18/2005

Freshly ground Flax Seed. Buy the Flax Seeds whole and organic. Grind them just before using... a few tablespoons per day on your food, salads, etc or just grind and eat them alone. Never substitute with pre-ground or the oil... they are not as effective at lowering cholesterol. Extra vitamin C helps too.

Posted by Deirdre (LA)

Flax seed oil capsules soon after waking with a glass of water works wonders. You may have to experiment with the brand to find the best one for your body.

Posted by Sharon (Boston, MA)

I find that taking Flax Seed Oil (a few teaspoons a day, spread throughout the course of the day) radically helps the symptoms of my PMS. Also a calcium/magnesium liquid supplementation helps me a lot as well. Oh yes, also exercise! Can't believe I almost forgot about that. If I don't exercise regularly towards the onset of my period, I get foul tempered, especially when I drive.

Side Effects
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 07/28/2016

According to Carolyn Simon, Naturopath, there can be pluses and/or minuses for Flax Seed Oil consumption by those people desiring health benefits from this interesting plant source, especially the vegetarians who eschew animal-based sources. I may write further on this subject because consuming Flax Seed Oil is becoming increasingly popular here in New Zealand, as a pure product that assists with the balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 composition in the human body. Apparently there are issues that one should be aware of when deciding whether or not to start taking Flax Seed Oil. Other readers may be more aware of these than I am?

Side Effects
Posted by Annie (Sedona, Az) on 07/29/2016

Are there other side effects other than the ability to absorb the fat due to over burdened liver? My husband is following Budwig cancer protocol. Not sure he is absorbing the fat even though it is a healthy fat.

Side Effects
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 07/30/2016

I include a quote from Carolyn Simon, Naturopath as follows:

"Are there any contraindications, concerns or adverse effects reported?

When taken by adults within the recommended dosage range there are no adverse effects and Flax-seed oil is non-toxic.

Babies and children, who have not been disadvantaged by many years on a western-style diet and are therefore unlikely to have an unbalanced ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3, are not recommended to take Flax-seed oil on a regular supplementary basis. Occasional doses as needed to relieve constipation or skin rashes can be beneficial.

Until more research is available, caution is recommended with flax-seed oil intake if you are at risk of macular degeneration. While studies show fish oil omega 3s have a preventative role, higher consumption of the plant based omega 3 ALAs has been linked to increased risk of this disease. More research is needed to clarify these findings.

People with either diabetes or schizophrenia may have problems converting ALA to EPA and DHA, so fish oil (a rich source of these), rather than flax-seed oil is recommended in these cases.

Some reports warn that flax-seed oil ALA has been linked to higher risk of breast and prostate cancers. Closer examination of various studies shows this view is not supported. Problems arise when ALAs from high consumption of saturated fat sources (butter, red meat etc) are included in data. Such foods are known to increase risk of many cancers due to their oxidative effect, whereas much current research has linked high quality flax-seed oil to a reduced cancer risk."

(I trust this is not confusing and maybe puts your mind at rest )

Side Effects
Posted by Laura (Orlando, Fl) on 10/28/2012

Hey everyone.. Why is it that whenever I use ground flaxseed in my morning smoothie it seems like I suddenly am six months pregnant yea my tummy just sticks out of nowhere and I am not kidding and also, all my hypothyroid symptoms seem to just come out of nowhere. Help someone.... I am trying to be a little more healthy but it seems like its not working. Does anyone know if flaxseed slows the thyroid down. Please advice. Thank you guys so much

Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 10/29/2012 2063 posts

Laura: Milled Flaxseed is good for cleansing the colon, but does nothing for infection. My gold standard for colon health is half-spoon flax 2x daily and Liquid Aloe Vera Softgels at least 2x week or more if necessary. You may need to add some Oregano Oil also, same time as flax to kill the pathogens.

Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 01/13/2014

Another helpful thing for indigestion which I saw on Dr. Oz, get some Digestive Enzymes that contain protease, lipase and amylase. GNC makes one. Good luck!

Side Effects
Posted by Kaylan (Phoenix, AZ) on 03/08/2009

Re: Janise from Los Angeles, I am a student about to graduate with a B.S. in Dietetics (on my way to becoming a Registered Dietitian) and I actually just covered this subject: Alpha Linoleic Acid is Omega 3 essential fatty acid. Omega 6 is what we consume too much of in the Western diet and it is what interferes with the function of Omega 3. Naturally we are supposed to consume these two essential fatty acids in a 2:1 ratio, but in our diet the ratio is closer to 20:1. Due to the elevated Omega 6, all those symptoms that you mentioned (i.e. inflammation) are actually aggravated. Omega 3 (alpha linoleic acid) is very important and very beneficial, as it is important for the composition of tissues, membrane phospholipids, retinal photoreceptors, cerebral gray matter, testes and sperm. It also produces eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Studies have shown that increased consumption of omega 3 fatty acid improves a number of conditions and promotes general health. In summary, flaxseed oil is good for you. Your argument appears to be the opposite of what health professionals advocate.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/14/2014

Lou, was this tea recipe drunk or used externally?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 05/17/2014

You drink it!

Side Effects
Posted by Janise (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/23/2008

Although Flaxseed oil can prove somewhat beneficial, it does more harm than good!!! It is like killing a fly with a sledge hammer.

Flaxseed oil is one of the highest foods containing ALA - Alpha Linolenic Acid. ALA is bad for the body!

ALA is a wet blanket for the enzymes that control the eventual flow of Omega 6 essential fatty acids towards the eicosanoid hormones. It knocks out both good and bad eicosanoid hormones. Knocking out the bad ones is good but knocking out the good ones as well creates a breeding ground for cancers!!!

This work is found by Dr. Barry Sears who wrote THE ZONE diet book. He won a Nobel prize in science for his discovery of the eicosanoid hormones and how they function. His advice to keep healthy hormones is to avoid all foods especially Flaxseed oil, which contains ALA. ALA is also found in egg yolks, walnuts, corn and canola oils as well as, Beef, pork and ham..

ALA foods, suppress immune system, increase inflamation, decrease oxygen flow and endurance and constrict airways while also causing blood platelet aggregation.

You may want to rethink your Flaxseed oil remedy. Like I said its like killing a fly with a sledge hammer.

Side Effects
Posted by Barbara (Scottsdale, AZ) on 02/03/2007


I was taking 9 capsules a day of flax seed oil which was recommended on the bottle. My fasting blood sugar went to 115-120. I have not taken the flax in two weeks and it is down to 100.

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