Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Hair and Scalp
Posted by John H (Pa) on 09/26/2015

Until today, I have never read about mixing borax with water for washing hair.

I have long hair, and sometimes only wash my hair once or twice a week. When my diet is less than ideal, my hair gets a bit greasy, and at times I get somewhat of an itchy flaky scalp.

After learning about borax for dish washing (the clearest glass you will ever see! , and it kills the mold in your dish sponge), I decided to try washing my hair with it.

For many months now, I just dump a handful of borax into my palm, and rub it all over, mostly the area subject to be oily where my hair meets my forehead. Borax does not normally foam when you clean with it, but it foams when I rub it into my wet hair. I try rub the powder all over.

The first several times, I would just wash it out with water, but then I started using a diluted alkalizing and natural green soap. At first, the wet hair will have a dry feeling to it, but once it has thoroughly dried, it will be the softest hair. It just looks and feels great after this.

Any dandruff or flaky scalp will be gone for a couple of days after this. If your scalp is really bad, I would recommend following the protocol outlined above where the borax is diluted in water first.

Also, my hair is thinning, and I think, but am not sure, that the thinning has slowed down severely since I started using the borax wash.

Hair and Scalp
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 12/28/2009

i've been using borax for a hair wash too. i've used it a couple of different ways - 1 teaspoon in a pint of warm water stired and poured on wet hair, then rinse with water - followed by a 1 teaspoon of ACV in a pint of warm water; rinse again with cold water - and i've used it saturated - which means i put about 1/2 inch in a bottle and filled it with warm water, shook it, and let it sit until no more borax would dissolve (they will be some white crystals which is ok) (then used the same as above) - and i really couldn't tell the difference!!!

both methods leave my hair very full, shiny, smooth, soft - better than anything else i have used!!! before this i was using soap bars which started leaving white residue in my hair when our water quality changed. this is not a problem with borax!

it does seem that the saturated solution may be more prone to 'build up' which means that my hair wasn't quite as shiny (still shiny though) as with the less saturated solution - but this could be because i'm only using ACV to rinse - 1/4 teaspoon citric acid in a pint of water is supposed to be a better rinse - but i have yet to find any and love my ACV rinse. also i like the idea of using less borax since i use it for my laundry and other things.

the other wonderful thing borax has done for me is i have a rat named eric who has always had itchy skin!!! i have tried everything - VCO rubs (to kill mites - he hates VCO) - olive oil, ACV, neem soap, etc. and while some of these work the itchies always come back when it is cold and dry.

the last time this happened he was chewing his skin off and i was desperate and decided to try the borax.

i put about a tablespoon or so into the sink and filled it with warm water and soaked him and massaged his itchy spots. then i rinsed him with plain water.

immediately he stopped itching! he was able to sleep all night that night and has been better since. i have only had to do it once more and it has been a few weeks!!! this time i made sure to get it on his head and this has worked even better.

and rats often suffer from a respitory illness called myco - which seems to me to be similar to pnuemonia - and suprise of suprises! eric's breathing is much better after his borax baths!!! he is an older rattie and has allergies - and while i don't think he has active myco - most ratties do carry myco and they can come down with it if their immune system is compromised.

hope this helps someone! my rattie boy now has much energy and is acting like a young rattie again in spite of being almost 2 years old!!! :)

also my bf has had athletes foot for ever. i finally gave him some borax and he wet his feet in warm water and just scrubbed them with the borax granules. he says his feet haven't itched since he did this!!! and if they do he now knows what to do!!! this is funny to me because he was initially very afraid to use borax LOL

borax rocks!!! YAY!

Arteries Unblocked
Posted by Jon (Az) on 09/24/2021

There is ONE ingredient in Borax. It is a mineral.

Sodium tetraborate

I've taken it for close to 8 years. I never get sick and it helps in many areas. I primarily take it for unblocking arteries. It has done that.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Posted by Jacqueline (California) on 07/01/2018

I agree the drugs I was taking for rheumatoid arthritis almost destroyed my mind.

I was taking Leflunomide 20 MG and Prednisone, this combination was a nightmare for me. Now I drink Borax and also drink Marshmallow root tea and I feel so much better my fingers are no longer swollen and the stiffness in my shoulders has improved after only 1 week.

Posted by Sunny Grandma (Manila, Philippines ) on 09/26/2015

I am 60 years old, diabetic and had chronic vaginal candidiasis. Six months ago, I have had severe itching and swelling on my genital and anal area. I also have had cheese-like white discharge on my labia and pain when I urinate which driving me crazy. I tried every remedy I know, but to no avail, until I' ve read about the borax. Every time I urinate and wash my private part, I dab my fingers( ring and point fingers) on borax powder and spread the powder on my genital and anal area. I feel soo relieved..Iam simply amazed at the progress I made with this...hope this will help... Sunny Grandma

Bald Spots
Posted by Cassidyok (Fresno, Ca) on 02/02/2011

We've been using 1/3 cup of Borax in a large hair conditioner bottle--filled up the rest of the way with water. It's easy to use in the shower because it has a pump. My sweetheart has a bald spot that's been bugging him and 10 days ago he decided he would start using the Borax for shampoo and Apple Cider Vinegar (diluted) for a hair rinse.

Today he trimmed his hair and we noticed ALOT of hair on his bald spot. I haven't been checking it because I didn't want to jinx anything or bring attention to him using an "alternative" remedy.

It is really working!! Thank you ever so much for this site. I refer to it often.

Posted by Randy (Jersey City, Nj, Usa) on 01/12/2011


Based on recommendations I found on the site, yesterday I tried Borax to help relieve my candida issue. I have had long standing bloating caused by the candida. Just to start off, I took a very small amount (maybe 1/20 teaspoon) of 20-mule team borax in 0.75L water, and drank it throughout the day. By about 4pm, I started having A LOT of flatulence that lasted several hours. Didn't smell bad luckily, but had to go home after work and stay there for a while :)

By the end of the evening, my belly felt empty, with none of the pressure or pain that I have come to live with. Unbelievable! I plan on continuing to use borax for my issues. I will work up gently to about 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon 4 days a week, for a limit time frame. Anyone interested in trying borax, I recommend it, but please read the borax information on this site, and work up the dosage very gently, it is powerful. Thanks Earth Clinic!!

Posted by Denise (Biloxi, Mississippi ) on 05/25/2009


A brief history. 7 years ago thyroid cancer, the next year adrenal fatigue then early menopause, the following year uterine prolapsed followed by hysterectomy- the following year fibromyalgia and neuropathy. Early Childhood was fluorinated water along with fluoride tablets. Fall of 2008 I was looking at total disability. I could barely walk and couldn't sleep because of the pain and was throwing up daily from the pain in my back. I was on many medications that gave me no relief and I have since found out that they had fluoride as a binding agent. I was sure that my life was over at 45, but thanks to Ted and Earthclinic I am almost at 100%. After reading about fluoride I came to understand where all of my problems originated. I had all the symptoms and reactions. It has been an uphill battle with my doctors and relatives, but you can't argue with a body that is almost pain free. I began the borax detox of 1/8 tsp in a liter of water and within 3 days my symptoms were almost gone. I watch everything I eat and can detect fluoride in vitamins, foods and drinks within 15 minutes of ingesting it. I still suffer from the neuropathy and some pain from the neuropathy but I am off all meds and I have my life. I only wish more people would try to understand the fluoride connections. My sister and mother both suffer with side effects of fluoride and I have only been able to influence my mother. I still borax 5 days on and two days off and give my body a break every month or so for about a week. Thank you :)

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 06/13/2022

Dear Kimmy,

I disagree.

Earth Clinic is a very valuable site and has been around a long time. There are very good reasons not to let just anyone post product names, primarily to protect Earth Clinic visitors!

Other health sites (that I actually rarely bother to use) have a more lenient approach and end up with lots of sketchy and scammy posts - you can tell.

It is way too easy for predators to be posting their own stuff for their own interests. Earth Clinic obviously screens out this junk.

Just this week I learned that some friends that had been taking an imported supplement for pain that was supposed to be just herbs was found to actually contain ibuprofen and steroids! Honest people have been duped and it is easy for this to happen.

A site with high standards is a blessing in this day and age.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Joe S. (Boston Ma.) on 03/07/2017

I deplore honeymoon reviews. I've waited nearly 10 years to chime in! Sorry bout that.. At age 40 osteo-arthritis was setting in and was worst in my toes (two surgeries) back (car accident) as well as what we expect as "normal" in a couple of my digits. I started to get relief from the 1/8th-1/4 teaspoon Borax protocol within a month. After 6 months my pain in latter areas was reduced by more than 80% and remains so 10 years post.

Multiple Cures
Posted by M. (Small Town in CT) on 02/25/2017

I have just completed my first 3 weeks on borax. What an amazing supplement. I started with the 2 mg solution (1 teaspoon of borax in a liter of water). The first day I took just 1 teaspoon of the solution. I felt a slight sinus pressure in my forehead within 10 minutes of drinking the solution. It was very distinct but not uncomfortable. I also felt emotional the rest of the day! I am in my early 40s by the way.

I kept it up, 2nd day I took a teaspoon in the morning and a teaspoon at night. Same thing, more emotional than usual, pressure in my forehead. But the 2nd day is when the amazing things started to happen. My dreams became more vivid and my sleep more restful. I had a GIANT increase in energy. My joint felt less creaky and achey. I kept up the borax solution, but started to increase it on my 2nd week from 2 teaspoons of the solution a day to more like 5 teaspoons a day. Yes, definitely felt an increase in libido. My heart feels stronger (weird thing to say, I know, but true).

After a few weeks of feeling great, no side effects, this week I decided to try 1/16th teaspoon of borax in a litre of water and drinking the entire litre during the day. No side effects to report, but after doing one liter for 2 days, my body just didn't want any more borax. The thought of drinking it made me go "uggh, no!"

I have now taken 3 days off and will go back to my lower dose borax solution on Monday. The older I get, the more I will need. But low dose seems right for me now.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Sue (Westmoreland NY USA) on 07/22/2023

I'll start by saying I was skeptical about taking Borax-but after reading many of the posts here & on other sites-I decided to go for it. I figured worse comes to worse, I'd have an excellent cleaner!

Anyway-I was looking for something to help w/Hidradenitis Suppurativa-which is basically cysts in your armpits, sometimes in groin & under breasts. It's horribly painful & can be embarrassing-especially when they burst. Doctors have no idea what causes it either & is treated w/tetracycline-a strong antibiotic or biologics &/or incisions & draining them.

That doesn't cure it-they come back. And no one should be on tetracycline or biologics all the time!

I started taking 1/8 of a teaspoon dissolved in a bit of warm water right after breakfast.

I started it on Monday-today is Saturday & the cysts are all gone! I'm shocked it worked so quickly!

I'm also an insomniac-I have been since I was a kid-& w/in a couple days I was falling asleep easier & staying asleep! I've been able to go off a couple of OTC meds I was using to fall asleep also in just a couple of days!

I also have fibromyalgia & usually have a flair up a couple times a week-but not this week! I'm knocking on wood that I don't have any more of them-but even if the flare-ups are just lessened it would be great news for me.

FYI-I didn't really have any herxing & I'm hoping I don't-but regardless, I'd continue taking this amazing mineral.

Thank you, Ted, for spreading the news of this natural medicine! You've literally changed my life!

Multiple Cures
Posted by Michelle (WI) on 04/12/2023

Borax has helped my bloating almost instantly. My nails are growing faster and my shoulder pain is almost gone. My skin from my hasimotos is not dry anymore. It has cured interstitial cystitis that I have had since 2006. No longer waking at night to go to the bathroom. 1.5 weeks into taking about an 1/8 tsp. Answered prayer. Saw videos on tik tok.

Borax Safety
Posted by Art (California ) on 03/25/2017 2174 posts

I am posting this recent double-blind randomized placebo-controlled human clinical trial of the low dose use of borax (NTB) or calcium fructoborate (CFB) in conjunction with entanercept (Enbrel) for arthritis patients, in the hope that it will answer some questions that people interested in borax might have regarding arthritis and borax.

To compare this dosing to what Ted recommended years ago, the CFB was given at a dose of 220 mg per day or about one fourth of the dose that Ted recommended for men. The borax was given at only 55 mg per day which is roughly 1/18th of the dose Ted recommended for men. The low borax dose is similar to the minimum dose that Dr. Rex Newnham found to be effective in some people.

Here is a link to the full study:

Studies involving borax and humans or animals are often centered on testing the toxicity of borax. In most of these toxicity studies borax shows itself to be relatively safe at the doses that most people use for arthritis symptom management.

In this study CFB was shown to be more effective than NTB, but it should be noted that NTB was given at one fourth the dose of CFB and this may partially explain the difference in effectiveness. For those of you wondering where you can get calcium fructoborate, it is available on Amazon.®-Support-Capsule-Fructoborate-Supplement/dp/B00FZPYB6Y/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

CFB is very significantly cheaper than Enbrel which costs between $2,444 to $2,690 per month for the dose used in this study (50 mg), according to Consumer Reports. CFB costs about fifty cents a day. Borax is significantly cheaper than CFB at less than a nickel per day.

Borax and other borates have a relatively good safety profile, but it should be noted that in this study, patients who have, ' hypersensitivity or severe adverse effects to boron containing formulas ' were not allowed in the study. This is a point I have tried to make before, that some people simply can not tolerate borax and to continue to try and take it when your body is reacting badly to it may be just asking for more health problems. On the other hand, for people who do tolerate borax, it can be life changing. By comparison, the bilogic drug used in this study can have severe adverse health effects that may include death according to this link:

In any case, I hope this study answers some of the questions that people considering borax may have. I never expected to see a study like this, but I am glad to see that the science is starting to confirm what many who use borax successfully already know!


Multiple Cures
Posted by John (Pennsylvania) on 02/14/2017

Hi. I just wanted to tell you how I've been taking my borax and how its helped me. I've been making a fruit smoothie which I drink through out the day via a thermos and just been putting the 1/4 teaspoon of borax directly in it.

What I've noticed is my back pain, leg pain gone. Other things like hormone issues great again but I've had a mastoid ear infection since I was a child. Been on many antibiotics, tried everything even had a mastoidectomy done with cholesteatoma removed and nothing had any good effect till I started using borax in my smoothies with vit. C.

I wanted to let you guys know and thank you for the great info and the fact of the matter is that without the info my infection would still be here and once again thank you.

Posted by Mahli_xo (Blue Ridge, Ga) on 06/07/2015


For a long while now, my skin has been dryer than I think it's ever been in my entire life. I suspect I have some vitamin deficiencies (and/or thyroid issues) I need to address to get to the heart of the problem; but in the meantime, I decided yesterday that maybe I should start taking a little better care of my skin that I've been doing, so I decided to try washing my face with borax.

I had read about the many benefits of borax a couple of years back but didn't decide to try it until now. I was hoping it'd help exfoliate and perhaps even aid in fighting off any fine lines or wrinkles I'm beginning to develop (I'm 27); and though it's too early to tell with the wrinkles, I can say for certain that not only has exfoliated and made my facial skin extremely smooth and baby soft - but it has also unclogged so many of my pores! I still have some blackheads; but I suspect that those, too, will be gone, so long as I continue with the borax.

Before I get into what side effects I'm experiencing today, I'd like to also add that this morning I test exfoliated a patch of skin on my upper arm that's covered in dry skin and keratosis pilaris, and holy cow at the difference! There are still red spots (however, I'm interested in seeing if they'll disappear with continuous use), but I can't remember the last time anything ever made the skin on my arms this smooth!

Anyway, so that's all of the good things I've noticed in a two day period of time; but there is something has me a bit concerned - and that's that after using the borax on my face again this morning, I noticed that my usually clear, spotless cheeks were covered in red splotches and teeny, tiny little bumps!

(Side note: This isn't totally uncommon for me, as much of the time, when I wash my face with just about anything, it tends to bring out similar kinds of blemishes but in much lesser amounts - so I do NOT think that what I've experienced today is the result of an allergic reaction.)

At first, I was a bit horrified, lol. I wondered if I had over-exfoliated my skin. Perhaps two days in a row is a tad much, but not only that ... maybe I had scrubbed too hard (which feels very easy to do with borax)? Or maybe my skin is purging? But if purging is to blame, then why, in less than an hour, did most of the irritation subside? My cheeks look ALMOST clear again! So... where did those itty bitty bumps go, and what were they? I don't think they were blisters; they didn't look anything like blisters, and I think some of them even had little white heads on them. (Gross, I know.) How could my skin just reabsorb them in such little time?

I'll let it be known that I do suffer from an overgrowth of candida, and I'm curious if that may somehow have something to do with all of this. Like, is the borax sucking any bad "yeasties" out of my skin? Haha, I don't know! It didn't itch or anything, and I'm just making guesses based on things I've read; but I am really hoping that someone out there might be able to tell me what could be going on with my skin. Thanks! :-)

UPDATE (6/8/2015): I haven't used the borax on my face again quite yet, as I thought that'd be a bit too soon, considering I may have over-exfoliated yesterday. I've kept it moisturized with coconut and castor oil; and before I go out or if I start to feel too sticky, I simply rinse with water. I haven't needed to wash with borax or reapply any oils since yesterday morning, and my face looks so soft and dewy - I love it! The only thing is that my face looks sunburned! ? It doesn't hurt or itch; it feels and looks completely normal and even healthier than usual, other than the redness. Might anyone know what could be causing this? Is it the over-exfoliation alone, or is it some other side effect of using the borax?

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