10 Natural Pink Eye Remedies for Fast Relief

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Nancy (North Dakota) on 09/02/2022

I had woke up with my right eye goopy and red which had never happened to me before. I tried a couple of the remedies on this site (ACV & Lugols Iodine)to no avail. I read a post regarding colloidal silver, which I actually had in my arsenal of natural cures. I tried one drop in each eye in the Am and Pm for 2 days and it is nearly cleared up! Best cure for this issue for me. It didn't burn or sting and got rid of the redness so fast!

Lugol’s Iodine 2%
Posted by Rob (Kentucky ) on 05/05/2021

Lugol's Iodine 2% for Eye Infections

I am using homemade eye drops. I use Lugol's 2% Iodine (some recipes use 5%) and mix in 4 drops in a 1 oz dropper bottle with filtered distilled water and sea salt (filtered spring water can also work). I use these drops every morning and my eyes feel great. They feel a little weird for about 10 minutes after doing the drops but that goes away. This remedy is also good for dry eyes, weepy eyes, eye infections, and allergies that affect your eyes. If you are going to start making your own, start with 2 drops Lugol's dilution ratio and work up to 4 drops dilution ratio.

Iodine is by far the best antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic of all time - Dr. David Derry

Iodine kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and even spores of bacteria and fungi, including anthra spores. Iodine was used successfully against influenza, herpes, small pox, and chicken pox viruses. Kills parasites, bacteria, mold, yeast, protozoa, viruses--essentially all pathogens including malaria, E. coli, and Staphylococcus. When iodine was suspended in a solution, viral inactivation occurred at dilutions of 1/1,000,000. (Gershenfeld, L.: Iodine. In Disinfection, Sterilization, and Preservation. Edited by S. S. Block. Philadelphia, Les & Febiger, 1977, pp.196-218.)

Lemon Juice With Salt
Posted by Sanjay Mehta (Ahmedabad, India) on 12/07/2018 7 posts

Lemon juice with added salt is the surest way to beat conjunctivitis.

Often conjunctivitis flares up in humid weather and when you move outdoors, your eyes start getting sticky which is indication of infection trying to latch in. start rinsing eyes with a glassful of water with some lemon juice added. add more if infection is more. if eyes have started to pain, add salt to the water. you will find immediate relief. repeat it every few hours. absolutely no harm to the eyes. the infection is completely cured in a day or two.

I have been successful in keeping myself free from conjuntivitis for several years now, just by following the above method. it also makes sense to wash eyes, once in a while with lemon solution to keep them clean, even with no conjunctivitis.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Sonia (London, Uk) on 04/04/2014

Thank you so much for the black teabag remedy for pink eye. It has helped me so much. I simply boiled a tea bag in some water let it cool until it was warmish. Put a Cotton wool in it and cleaned my sons eye with it about every hour until the redness reduced in both eyes. And it's working so well. He's almost 2 and I needed something quick and natural to soothe his eyes. Thank you!!

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Morningstar (Winter Springs, Fl) on 04/11/2012

The Day before yesterday I got into a car accident and was in an orthopedic office all day taking xrays. A few hours later my eyes began to itch, I thought it was just allergies, but then I woke up My left eye was goopy and red and my right eye was plastered shut. The top eyelid on the right was swollen as well. I figured.... Crap, its conjunctivitis. Seeing that I was just sitting in a doctors office all day monday, and I don't have insurance, I did not want to go into a walk in clinic. I took a look at the natural cures on here and decided to go with the black tea because I manage to choke apple cider vinegar down for various health benifits, but I cannot imagine putting it in my eye. I heated a cup of water up on the stove and put the black tea bag into it and let it soak for a few minutes... Then I added a few ice cubes to cool it down. I took a paper towel (we use all natural ones with no dyes or anything) and ripped a corner off and soaked it in the tea. I wiped the top eyelid a few times on each eye, then the bottom lid, then I resoaked in the tea and squeezed some of the liquid into the corner of my eye, tilted my head and blinked.

Not only did it get rid of the stickyness, but after doing that 4 times within the hour the swelling in my eyelid went down completely. I went out to run errands for a few hours, then repeated the process. This morning I woke up and took a look at my eyes and they looked fine. Just to be sure, I did it one more time before work and my eyes are crystal clear, and the redness and itchyness went away. :) Im very excited that this remedy works. This is much less expensive then a trip to the walk in, and the medicine they give you makes your vision blurry for awhile anyway. With the tea, you just sort of drip in it and get on with your life. Who would have known, just wonderful!

Posted by April (Fort Myers, Florida) on 06/30/2011

I came down with pink eye this past Sunday. On monday I went to the doctor who gave me eye drops. By yesterday, Wednesday, my eye was only getting worse. It was practically swollen shut, though I had no goop or anything coming out of it; it was just swollen and bright red--stinging like hell. The doctor gave me different eye drops, an antibiotic, and Claritin D which all cost me $100 in prescriptions. It didn't help either.

Finally, a friend brought me chamomile tea and told me to put 2-3 drops in my eyes 3-4 times a day, as well as put the tea bag over my eye and rest with it on there. The tea bag is more effective while hot, but it can also soothe when it's cold too.

My pink eye hasn't cleared up completely but it has definitely improved a lot since I started using the tea. I later looked up "VIRAL" pink eye online to find that there are no antibiotics that can help it. When it's VIRAL it has to just take it's course. So I'm a pretty upset that although the tea has helped immensely, the doctor's allowed me to spend $400 by the end of the week for visits and prescriptions, without mentioning that none of it would help... From now on I will be coming to this web site before paying another dime to a doctor.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dia (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/26/2022

I read this last night, tried it this morning and my eye is already clearing up an hour later! Just a few drops and the gritty feeling is already gone. It stung for a few seconds but so worth it to not look bloodshot in my meeting later today. Thank you!

Posted by Redducky1 (Ohio) on 06/11/2021

I've had pink eye 3xs in the last 6 months. Mostly due to using an old eye liner pencil. The first time I didn't know what caused it. The 2nd time I figured it out. The third time was because an eye liner ordered from Amazon may have sat in a warehouse too long.

Anyway, I've tried the Apple cider vinegar, which usually works on most maladies. But it took longer than the iodine remedy did, so I've been using the Povidone iodine. About 20 drops in 2 oz of distilled water. Wet cotton ball with the solution and wipe over eyes so that it gets into the eyes and at the root of the lashes. It doesn't hurt. It may feel odd for a few minutes. But I use it every 3 hrs for 2 days and it completely clears up the infection.

Holy Basil
Posted by Liberty (Phx, Az) on 11/25/2018

I had a continually worsening eye irritation in both eyes for about 2wks. Once it progressed to continual blinking (I believe it's called blepharospasm), interference with my vision, and waking up with my eyes caked with goop, I decided to search earthclinic for a remedy. I decided on trying holy basil in my eyes, as shared by Sabiba from Morocco.

I made a tea with dry loose-leaf Holy Basil tea (Tulsi tea) and dripped it into my eyes. It stung at first, but it did bring quick relief after the initial sting. But it did not heal my eyes.

I then began to take 1000mg doses of powdered Vitamin C with vitamins and minerals added. By the 2nd day, I knew the C was healing my eyes and the blinking had almost completely discontinued. My eyesight has cleared up as well. I will continue the vit C for a few more days, maybe 5. I'm thankful that God guided me to using the Vitamin C because the only other thing that has helped this in the past has been a trip to my homeopathic dr and taking their remedies. This has saved me about $150.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lily210123 (Michigan) on 02/09/2018

Yeah, you used way too much - one drop of 10ppm every three hours is what you do.

Posted by Michemax (Trinidad) on 07/30/2013

Try washing your eye with a honey wash for pink eye. Simply add a few drops (you can add more if you want it stronger) of honey to a little warm water, stir and using the cup of your hand, blink your eye over and over in the honey wash. Repeat 3 or 4 times. Do this at least 3 or 4 times during the day. Your eye will clear up.

I often use this as I get infections from when I use my contact lens.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 06/27/2013

Dear Holly, I use a coffee filter to strain my charcoal water. I put 1 t. charcoal in 1/4 cup of filtered water and strain it through a filter. It is gray and may have very tiny particles that are okay. I think cheesecloth would let through particles that are too large. They probably wouldn't be harmful, just irritating.

Also, for the poultice... Your eye is closed. Then paper towel or flannel. Then moistened charcoal. Then the plastic wrap to keep the moisture in. But you probably don't need the plastic wrap unless you are doing this overnight.

For conjunctivitis, we have always just done the filtered charcoal water 3-4 times a day. Children are usually cured in a day and adults in a couple of days. But do it a couple of a times a day for a few days after and always do both eyes to prevent reinfection.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Carol (Dallas, Texas) on 09/05/2008

Remedy: Chamomile
Cured: Viral Conjunctivitis

I bought teabags with chamomile flowers listed as the only ingredient.

I boiled around 1 cup of water, then floated the teabags in there for about 2 minutes and removed from heat.

Allowed the tea to cool until it was just warm to the inside of my wrist. Then I dipped cotton balls 1 time only per piece into the tea and used this to remove the "gunk". Next, I took the teabags while still warm and placed them over my eyes and covered them with a clean towel.

This seemed to soothe the swelling of my eyelids and dried up a lot of the discharge.

I had this condition for about 4 days and was using antibiotic drops until I went to an opthalmologist who diagnosed it as viral. That's the point where I stopped using drops and started using the teabags. I have been doing this for a day and a half and my eyes are pink instead of red with just a little discharge now, and no more swelling, pain, or itchiness. I feel like I will probably be completely over this by tomorrow.

Castor Oil
Posted by Merk (Seattle, USA) on 01/26/2008

I have used Castor Oil many times for treating Pink Eye, put 1-2 drops in each eye two times a day, eyes will get better with in one day but keep using for 4-5 days. Always treat both eyes. After putting in eyes they will blur some from oil but will not sting at all and will be very soothing, castor oil is antimicrobal and a very healing oil.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Art (California ) on 01/31/2018 2175 posts

In reply to Sandy (San Francisco),

I tried coconut oil for dry eyes and for me it caused more irritation than the dry eye condition. I had better luck with oral black currant seed oil and borage oil.

Studies confirm that Hyaluronic Acid in the form of drops is also effective for dry eyes.

Castor oil is helpful also, but it tended to blur my vision a little when first applied, as did coconut oil.

As far as microbes, colloidal silver is frequently mentioned on EC and the web as being useful for that, but I have never tried it for that purpose. I would think if I was going to go for a moisturizer effect with an antimicrobial effect, I might consider colloidal silver with hyaluronic acid for myself, but I like to experiment!


Colloidal Silver
Posted by John R. (Lithia Sp, Georgia) on 02/01/2018

The infection was greater in that eye and the cs was killing it off so fast, that is what made the reaction. it is called the herxemer effect not sure if spelling is correct. I have had this effect in different parts of my body when cs startes to kill bacteria or virus off.

Posted by Prof J (Cebu, Philippines) on 10/02/2016

I have what I now think is pink eye. For the past 4 months my eyes have been gritty, itchy and full of white, greenish and yellowish gunk. Sometimes in the morning my eyes are stuck shut. At times the gunk is so thick it blurs my vision. Every hour or so I have to wipe it out and it strings onto the tissue. Not pleasant or pretty.

I read about your use of coffee so tried it. I made a strong cup then while it was still very warm held a wad of tissue (no cotton balls available) soaked in coffee against each closed eye. I then rinsed each eye separately with warm coffee while rolling my eyes. The coffee made the gunk turn brown and I was surprised at the amount of it that came out because my eyes were fairly clean.

Long story short is my eyes feel great now, no burning or itching, there is no gunk visible, and the whites are clear. I'll repeat this in a few hours and do so for the next few days.

ACV, Green Tea Bags, Honey
Posted by Severe Pink Eye Sufferer (Winkler, Manitoba, Canada) on 12/07/2015

I have been in extreme pain due to pink eye for the fourth day. The eyes themselves as well as the lids and skin around the eye are extremely affected. I started on the first day with antibiotic eye drops from the pharmacy. I used these for about a day and a half. It got even worse with these drops, it was so bad that the seeping from my eyes was orange in colour. My eyeballs were dark red... I realized that this was not working and so I bought Visine 8 symptom eye relief drops as well as a Visine antihistamine drop. I used these for the next two days with no relief except that my eyes stopped with the orange/reddish mucus seeping. But the lids and the skin around my eye were still burning with pain and I had huge sacks of liquid forming under my eyes.

I tried cool wash cloths, warm wash cloths and putting a aloe skin softener on but all of these gave me very brief periods of relief.

This morning my eyes were almost completely swollen closed and stuck shut. I was crying because of the pain. I called to speak to a pharmacist but he was not available so that's when I googled home remedies for pink eye. Holy cow am I glad I did!!!

1. First I took a cotton pad and dipped it into Apple Cider Vinegar and pressed them onto the eye so that the ACV ran into my eye. I could feel relief immediately But not for all the symptoms I was having.

2. Then I put green tea bags (which I had boiled in a cup of water and then put them in the freezer to cool) onto each eye and let the liquid run into my eyes. I did this until the tea bags weren't cold anymore. I found this to be a big relief as well.

3. Then I dipped Qtips into liquid honey and put that onto my eyelids and lashes and the skin around my eyes. This helped a lot too. It is now about 2 1/2 hours later and I can feel the sand in the eye and the burning just starting to come back. I will now repeat all three things.

I cannot even express how much this has all helped!! Unbelievable!!!! From going completely crazy in pain to almost pain free in 3 simple steps!! Thanks to everyone who posted on each of these 3 remedies!! I will continue with these remedies and post again in a day or two with the results.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 04/26/2015

Dear Turtle,

By now your eyes have probably self-rinsed.

Chamomile Tea is soothing to the eyes and also helpful for pinkeye. You could us it on the days off of silver. I pour very hot water over the tea bags and let them cool to body temperature. Then Gently squeeze out the excess water and place one tea bag over each eye. This I do twice a day but it could be done more often.

~Mama to Many~

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/08/2012

Not in any way criticizing any other suggestions listed above but I've easily dealt with pink eye by using a few drops of colloidal silver onto eye ball itself. Twice a day for two days. Gone.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 08/22/2016


I use colloidal silver at about the 50 ppm level. I use twice daily for pink eye and administer three drops or so in both eyes and repeat the next day....two days. If a bad case, I might go to 3 times a day for two days. I do not administer cs in eyes for more than two days at a time. CS can take off some of the cells so I must be very cautious with eyes.

Black Tea Bag
Posted by Mikethedruid (Providence, Rhode Island, Usa) on 10/04/2012

For several days my left eye had been irritated and discharging a sticky mucus which coated the lashes, and only made the irritation worse. I had tried just rinsing the eye well with warm water, which provided temporary relief, but did not cure the problem. Then I remembered something that the man who taught me the old ways had taught me about medicine, and tried using strong tea as an eyewash. The easiest way, he had told me, was to brew yourself a cup of tea using a cheap regular black or brown tea. When the cup is brewed, take out the teabag, but do not squeeze the water out. While you enjoy your tea, let the teabag cool down until it is just barely warm, then place the teabag on the afflicted eye, and gently squeeze it whill slightly blinking the eye so that the tea gets right onto the eyeball itself, as well as the lids. Wipe the excess that runs down your face with a paper towel or cloth. Do this every time it feels at all irritated, and in a day or two the problem will clear up. I did exactly that, and it works very well. It is a cheap, painless, and effective cure.

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