Ulcerative Colitis
Natural Remedies

Ulcerative Colitis Remedies

Posted by Sharon Christmas (Anderson, Sc) on 03/24/2013

Turmeric has put my Ulcerative Colitis in remission. I take six 450mg capsules in the am and six at pm till all symptons are gone then I just take one in am and 1 in pm I have severe ulcerative colitis and turmeric has been awesome. If it flares up I start back on the six and six been doing this for 2 years and it has been a blessing to be in remission.

Probiotics, Dietary Changes
Posted by Merrin (Perth, Western Australia) on 08/11/2012

Thank you for your extensive, informative post. The last 4 funerals I attended were of slim, athletic people so it got me thinking "what went wrong"? Hereditary disease? Stress? Inflammation? Dehydration? Artery Plaque? Colon malfunction? Yes, dietary change is paramount. I have begun my journey back to good health, discovered Earth Clinic, family think I'm crazy BUT I'm sleeping like a log, suffer fewer headaches and manage stress better. Thanks to EVERYONE, your posts change lives!

Humic Acid
Posted by Aloweusa (Las Vegas, Nv) on 06/15/2012

6 Years of Ulcerative Colitis. Normal function within about 10days.

I moved to America in early 2005 and immediately started having problems with my GI tract. Stomach cramps, frequent bathroom visits and weight loss were all symptoms. In a bad day I would use the bathroom 20 times. After 6 months I returned home to Ireland and saw a GI specialist who tested me and said I had IBS and to watch what I eat and learn to live with it. Over the following years I just gritted my teeth and got on with life. I moved back to the USA. I always knew where the bathroom was because I might have to run there at a moments notice.

In June 2011 I had a terrible episode after going wine tasting in Napa, CA. I knew alcohol wasn't good for my stomach but I wasn't aware just how bad things can get! This was the first time I had a bad UC flare up. I lost about 12 lbs in 3days and only narrowly avoided hospitalization because I went to see a GI specialist. I had all the tests and he diagnosed me with gastritis in the stomach, an esophageal ulcer and pretty severe Ulcerative Colitis. He said that UC is an autoimmune disease and I will have to take medication for life to deal with it. I was annoyed that I officially had a disease with no cure and I wasn't prepared to accept that.

I took the Meds: PPI for stomach acid and Asacol HD for anti-inflammation of the bowel. The PPI helped the acid in my stomach but the Asacol only helped a little. I went for my follow up visit and there was some improvement (bathroom visits down from 12 to about 6/day and I still had the urgency that only someone with UC or a similar problem can understand) but not as much as the Doctor would have liked. He told me to stick with these Meds for another 2 months and if there is not a significant difference then he would consult with some other Doctors and start steroids etc. I did not want to go down this route as the logical end is surgery and colostomy bag.

I started trolling the internet for cures. Tried yogurts- no help. Tried paleo diet/gluten free- no help. Tried staying off alcohol-helped a bit but not enough.

I then decided that I had to get my acidity under control. I started taking baking soda and water and it helped a bit. I also started eating organic food and reducing processed foods including refined sugar which I know could send me to the bathroom in minutes. Then Ted suggested on this site to try Humic Acid. I liked the sound of how it blocked the fungal/myobacterium cycle and I ordered some in liquid form online. Within 3 days of taking humic acid I noticed a difference. My urgency was reduced and the occasional stool was already getting firmer. Day 5, I was shocked at the effects, my stool was like I remember as normal.

I stopped taking the humic for one weekend (5 days on, 2 days off theory) and symptoms got slightly worse towards the end of the weekend so I resumed the humic on the Monday and I haven't stopped since. I believe Humic acid is mostly responsible for the unbelievable improvement. Removing the toxins from my diet and not drinking tap water filled with fluoride and chlorine may also be a factor. I also take L-Glutamine and Vitamin D and have started to take the fulvic acid also because they say it is best to take both together for overall health.

I want to shout it from the rooftops- Humic acid is a miracle for UC, God guided me to earthclinic and God bless you all for helping!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Eve Z. (Sydney ) on 12/21/2021 15 posts

What quantity of AV do you have each time?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Kay (Richmond, Bc) on 06/22/2017

I have had this fabulous disease for 13 years now. I have been on all the latest and greatest drugs that have been mentioned food elimination diet. I have not eaten meat for 30 plus years have low iron and ferritin. The az-something also referred to as immuran. I take 3.5 of those daily mezavant 4 tabs daily and have the highest dose of stellara which is the newest drug. Not working unfortunately and the best side effect is it's making me loose my hair. I thought remicade was working fairly well but the dose kept increasing and the time between started every 2 months then down every month.Dr says despite every best effort and several medication concoctions I'm at the end of the road and surgery is being suggested a second time. I got a sense when talking to dr that he is still convinced that it is just colitis. It was suggested crowns/colitis. I looked at and said sure why not colitis has caused lupus, arthritis and not celiac but 95% gluten sensitive. I eat very healthy, work out no family history of it. I think that's what I find so frustrating. Trying to stay positive, trying to do what I like doing always knowing where a washroom is of course. I enjoy running but can not and do not eat or drink anything especially coffee until 1 pm and take Imodium fingers crossed that I won't have to hit a bathroom on route.

I know this is long but never vented on any site like this before.

Humic Acid
Posted by Marlane (Geelong, Victoria, Australia) on 07/26/2011

Awal, the Ayuvedic remedy Shilajit is pure Humic Acid, I should imagine that if we can get it in New Zealand and Australia you must be able to get it in Pakistan. Good luck.

Aloe Vera, Turmeric
Posted by Natwell (Cosp, Co) on 03/21/2011

Regarding Turmeric and Aloe Vera for UC:

Bleeding increased for me using turmeric. I did some further checking and found that turmeric is a blood thinner so it can increase bleeding. I am still using aloe vera. Also called the companies for composition information about aloe and found that the only company to get aloe vera from without the "diarrhea factor" is Lily of the Dessert because is tests 40% lower in the laxative ingredient- and you can only use the inner filet juice NOT GEL because the gel has cargeena (sp?) which produces inflammation. So I am using 1 oz. Aloe vera juice 4 x a day and am working up to six, started with 1 oz. 2 times. Bleeding is my worst and biggest problem because it sends me to the hospital and I cannot afford to get more transfusions without the doctors trying to send me to surgery. I ordered the Butyrate enema kit today which builds mucosa lining.

Baking Soda, Activated Charcoal, Supplements
Posted by Allison (Houston, Texas) on 06/14/2010

I have colitis, with an acidic PH for both saliva and urine. After reading Ted's comments, I have tried magnesium citrate, as well as lime and baking soda for months. But what did the trick for me to reduce the pain of colitis was: I used 1/2 teaspoon baking soda twice a day: once in the morning and once 30 minutes to 1 hour before bedtime. I put the baking soda into emptied geletin capsules ( about 3 capsules) and down them with a 1/2 glass of water ( the taste is too salty for me without the capsule. also, I didn't want the stomach acid to neutralize it before it gets down further in the intestine. If you don't use the capsules, use more water to make it more dilute so it doesn't burn or irritate the intestinal lining.) Then about 10 minutes before bedtime, I take one or two capsules of activated charcoals with 1/2 glass of water ( the brand I buy has 280 mg of activated charcoal in each capsule, thus 560 mg total if taking two. you can find this on the internet. If not, I am thinking activated carbons sold by fish pet shops might work similarly ( I personally have not tried this yet, but I would if I couldn't find any activated charcoals. If you have to use the carbon, please write in your feedback to others), but you will have to pulverize it or ground it up to make it into a fine powder to increase its absortive surface).

Reviews I read on activated charcoal uses include all kinds of stomach ailments including against food poisoning. I remember I had bought some potting soil once that had small pieces of charcoals in them to absorb the bad smell of bacteria. To experiment, I bought activated carbons from Walmart at the pet fish section and sprinkled a little to put into peatmoss for my potting soil. Results: the plants grew small and skinny dispite all the fertilizers I put in compare to similar other pots without the activated carbon. Lesson: The activated carbon absorbed so well it absorbed the fertilizer as well. The label warns that high absorbancy of activated charcoal may reduce the effectiveness of certain medications, thus take it at least 2 hours AWAY from your regular medications or vitamin/mineral supplements. I take mine right before bedtime so that it can have hours without interference from any food to work it's way through the intestines and absorb all the foul bacterias in there. If your colitis is highly active right now, you might consider increase the frequency of activated charcoal, perhaps up to three times per day. I saw results in mine less than a week. There is also the option of adding the activated charcoal to a water based enema, although I hadn't needed to use it this way. Use filtered water for this as regular water has clorine. Once the colitis is under control, I would reduce the amount and frequency used, again, because it will absorb your food and nutrients as well as the bad bacteria. You might consider taking some probiotics as well afterwards to build back the good gut flora.

If you have an acidic ph and it deems that you take baking soda, I strongly recommend you take a good quality vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, along with extra sublingual(under the tongue) folic acid and B-12 to ward against some of the side effects I read under the Baking Soda section on Earthclinic website. I recommend sublingual because I have read that some people's gut don't have the neccesary bacteria to breakdown and absorb the b-12, and that people with autoimmune diseases usually have deficient folic acid and vitamin d in their blood.

I have also found that both L-Glutamine and Sweet Dairy Whey have a firming quality in that they dry and firm up loose stools. So if you need to take magnesium citrate to alkalize the body( magnesium has a laxative effect), you might add 1 to 2 tablespoon l-glutamine or sweet whey to reduce the side effects of magnesium. While those who suffers from constipation in their colitis may want to add magnesium citrate to see if there is any relief.

All in all, ulcerative colitis is a bugger of a disease to battle! One med may work today but not another day. I hope my personal experience can offer those in active stages one more option to try to get this disease under control. Thanks, Ted! and Thanks Earth Clinic!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Pfred (Broken Arrow, Oklahoma) on 01/30/2012

I was diagnosed with IC in Nov. 2011 but have been symptomatic for years. I am a medical researcher. I believe in a balance between modern medicine and natural medicine. After I gave birth to my daughter 12 years ago, it has been downhill since. I have diabetes, fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety, gastroparesis and now ulcerated colitis. I have had a full hysterectomy and have had my gallbladder removed. One thing after another. This is my strategy to save my body from anything else and also cancer. Before I made any changes or adjustment to my personal intake, I researched each area to substantiate clinical research and validity of each issue below. I personally required (for my body) at least 3 to 5 different references that all stated the same claim metabolically and with the same efficacy.

(1) Ph levels

Ph levels must be balanced or our immune systems attack our own bodies. So, I have switched to a balanced acidic / alkaline diet. It was easy. I just added a few things to my diet and removed a few things from my diet. I also bought the four books that they suggested on this sight for references. Once you are Ph balanced, you can move on to the next item - Enzymes.

(2) Digestive Enzymes

Since I have had my gallbladder removed, I have only added chemical enzymes - Reglan and Hyocycamine. They work for a while and then stopped. I ordered enzymes from a business in Alaska. Their digestive enzyme supplement is called _________. Their medical claims are correct. Their opinions are their opinions. I will know the outcome in a few months with another colonoscopy and of course bloodwork.

(3) Humic minerals.

I followed advice from this site and ordered these minerals. Immediate change. So, logically if my body is in great Ph shape, I have added the Enzymes to help clean my blood and force my immune system to stop attacking... It is logical to add the Humic Minerals to my much depleted body. The enzymes will help my body get back in shape and then put those minerals to work. I take _____ Fulvic and Humic Complex - $49. 00. They send dosing instructions.

(4) Prickly Pear supplement

I am taking this to help with inflammation. Go to your health food store. I plan to replace with real prickly pears as soon as the weather changes and I need to check the Ph level as well.

(5) Aloe Vera Juice

I am taking this to help with inflammation. Go to Walmart Pharmacy. Ph level on my jug was 6.2.

(6) Take YOUR MEDS

Do not stop any meds without Dr. Supervision. Results are measured via scopes and bloodwork. That is how you make decision. ALways use your facts and leave emotion out of the decision. Cell repair takes time. Finish the course of Prednisone per your Dr. Advice. It is saving your life right now. You will be off soon and then that weight will start to go away.

This strategy is for my body. I wanted to share. I hope the best for all UC patients. We all know it is not any fun and we share your emotions at all levels.

Baking Soda, Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Hopeafteruc (Lakewood, Oh) on 01/23/2014

Well, I was diagnosed with UC 3 yrs ago. Went to too many doctors/specialists and they had me on different medications including steroids. I get pain on the left side combined with bad diarrhea and bloody watery stool...To make the story short I cut out all dairy from my diet- as much as possible- and I take one tablespoon of milk of magnesia in the morning but I don't drink water or liquid with it till 1 hr later ( that is very important). It has been 2 weeks and my stools is as close to normal as has ever been since I don't know when.

P.S. I used MOM by itself without the baking soda!! I hope this post will help other people. I will try to post again here in couple weeks, cheers!!

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Joseph (Lawrence, Ks) on 09/08/2009

I decided to try the raw vegan diet after years of nothing else working. Mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, sometimes steamed. Salads, smoothies, nuts, seeds, berries, srpouts... I'm pretty sure we're all talking about the same author, the one that comes up if you search for vegan and ulcerative colitis.

After a few months it was like I never even had UC. It was crazy, I hadn't felt so good in years, if not better. I only ate like that for about four months, then I adopted it into my own diet. It's been a year and a half and I'm still doing great. UC doesn't really affect my life anymore. No more medications, no more pain, no more being confined to an area with a nearby bathroom. If I do get a flare up, it's because I ate something I knew I shouldn't have. There are rare occasions where I will suffer for a food I miss eating (like fried stuff). I still eat a vegan diet, but maybe 60-70% of it being raw. I just love cooking too much. I see the raw vegan diet as a great way to heal your body, but I don't think it's sustainable for most people. You can use it to let your ulcers calm down and then incorporate large amounts of fresh, raw, organic produce into your own diet, which is much more doable for most people.

Posted by A Roper (Sydney, Australia, NSW Australia) on 04/18/2009

I recently had a flare of UC, got home from hospital feeling about 50%, kept taking the steroids (50mg), salofalk (2 grams), colifoam twice a day and wasn't seeing any improvement... so, after doing some research I added 5mg 3 times a day of L-Glutamine to my routine 30 minutes before meals and saw improvement almost immediately. I'd say I'm 90% to remission and I've only been taking the stuff for a week. I haven't felt this good in 2 years.

I also take a probiotic once a day, 5mg metamucil at dinner and 25mg aloe juice first thing in the morning, but I've been taking those for awhile and although they help, I don't believe they resonsible for this major improvement.

It should be noted that my UC is so bad that traditional medicine has not been effective at keeping me in remission and my doctor said if I have another flare I have to have surgery. L-Glutamine may just save me yet.

Posted by A Roper (Sydney, Australia) on 02/01/2014

This is A Roper from Sydney. Just wanted to update again that I have not had a relapse of UC since by previous posts - I've been clear since 2009. I'm not taking any medication at all and haven't for a number of years. I haven't had any antibiotics since 2008, haven't had any vaccinations. I've hardly had a cold. For me, antibiotics were definitely the cause. I suspect they triggered dormant viruses I contracted from vaccinations. I haven't been tested for such viruses but I'm planning on it soon. The more I know, the more I can do to keep myself cured from UC. Hope this helps anyone dealing with it.

Aloe Vera Juice, Boswellia
Posted by Usha (Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape /south Africa) on 05/13/2011


for colitis problems if client is blood type B then aloe vera juice is not recomended.

Sweet Whey
Posted by Greg (Media, PA) on 10/23/2008

After years of suffering on and off with inflamed colon, I have finally found something that works. The colonics people don't like to hear this and I'm starting to believe that they are trying to supress this information. We have been told that we should take pro-biotics to help re-establish our friendly bacteria. I find this to be only partially helpful. It seems that there is a way to reestablish the friendly bacteria in the colon and that's by feeding your bacteria with the ideal food and that's Sweet Whey. I didn't find this on Earth Clinic so I decided to post this. I am hoping to find others that have tried this product to hear what I have experienced confirmed.

I first read this several years ago in Acidophilus and Colon Health by David Webster. Sweet Whey cured my inflamed colon. Other positive side-effects are a floating feces and better smelling too.

I will admit that I was skeptical at first trial. I asked my colonics provider about the use of sweet whey I went so far as to loan my book to her. It took me three years to get my book back. I tried and tried to get it back but to no avail. So I stopped taking the sweet whey and my colon problems came back. Finally when I got my book back I started back on the sweet whey. After reading the book more thourughly I realized why she kept it. If it's this easy to cure some colon problems. Why would you need colonics. I know that this is not entirely true because there are other reasons to have colonics.

The ph balance talked about in regard to ACV prompted me to write this because I feel may be as essential as balancing your ph. Restoring your friendly bacteria. I'll be looking for other feedback.

Baking Soda and Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Dette (Chicago, Illinois) on 08/19/2012

So I started flaring again after a long time of remission. It was kind of bad at first, but for the past week it got much worse. Yesterday morning there was blood and mucus and pain and urgency, and it was runny. I took baking soda and magnesium citrate in the morning and the again at night. This morning there was no blood or mucus, a little pain, better formed. I have never seen such immediate results! I was expecting months before I ever got to this point. I am very thankful for this remedy.

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Tamara (Valencia, California) on 09/17/2008

I started a raw foods, vegan diet that is comprised of mainly fruits and vegetables. I will eat almond butter, brown rice, and almond or soy milk. I probably eat 80% raw vegetables and fruit, but I will steam vegetables sometimes. I also juice fruits and vegetables. The more you cook something, the more you are killing the nutrients your body needs. I also eat what is called an "organic food bar". These have 14 grams of protein in them, and I eat one of those a day. I also take an amino acid complex (derived from vegetable sources) daily, in the morn. on an empty stomach for better absorption.

If you can make it to a natural foods market, or even the library, you will be able to find info on a raw foods diet (also try online).

I just know this, that I have never felt better in my life than I do now after being on this diet. Hope that helps, and I am sorry that took so long, my computer was messed up and just got fixed.

Acupuncture, Turmeric, Aloe Vera Juice
Posted by Robert (Portsmouth, Hampshire, England) on 07/22/2010

I have UC and just started to use aloe vera juice but I would like to know how much tumeric to use in the aloe vera juice, as I want to try this remedy. Bob, age 63.

Baking Soda
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/07/2007 391 posts

Daniel: An ulcerative colitis is caused by a certain bacteria that is needed to kill them, a baking soda alone and alkalinity would not work as well, without the added magnesium citrate and perhaps some zinc supplements. One simple remedy, which had to do with ulcerative colitis was about a 1/2 teaspoon in one full glass of water using milk of magnesia plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a full glass of water, would have reduced the pain along its path by killing off, at least initially, but since magnesium hydroxide is poorly absorbed, a magnesium citrate 250 mg/day is still needed along with some zinc acetate supplements.

As to why baking soda causes acid urine, it is a result of the hyperosmolarity of sodium portion of the baking soda causes the acidity inside the cell to rid of easier. Apparently the improvement condition came as a result of intracellular fluids being acid to leave the body in larger amounts causing the extracellular fluids to be acid, resulting in a more acid urine. This little known fact is mentioned in medical enclyclopedia at the time I was reading up on alkalinity. To prevent this kind strange occurance, it means the body needs more alkaline electrolytes using both potassium citrate and magnesium citrate along with the baking soda. Since obtaining potassium citrate are relatively difficult I think it is more easy to find the magnesium citrate, which may be found in the ingredients of some common laxative medicine. However, the dose taken is much smaller than as per instructions on the bottle, about at least anywhere from 1/4 to 1/10 less than whatever is mentioned. But technically a 250 mg of magnesium citrate is about 1/8 teaspoon of magnesium citrate, roughly speaking and that is mixed in 1 full glass of water.

So the simplest possible remedy is 250 mg of magnesium citrate plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 full glass of water.

If magnesium citrate is not obtainable some temporarily relief is possible from just the use of milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide) plus baking soda as previously mentioned and perhaps a twice a week dose of 50 mg of zinc acetate or zinc gluconate are possibility. The ulcerative colitis should reduce whenever the body has sufficient amounts of magnesium. Diets low in magnesium and low in alkalinity is what causes the bacteria of the ulcerative colitis to flourish, based on my experience.

In summary baking soda alone is not sufficient to kill off the ulcerative colitis and in a severely acidity of the intracellular cells (inside cells are acid) this may cause a temporary dip in pH and shows up acid urine readings. This can prevented with the use of alkaline intracellular minerals such as magnesium and potassium, in small amounts when taking the baking soda also. One thing I am certain: a sodium citrate, which simply 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid, won't cause a drop in pH, since citrates are an intracellular component, while the sodium is an extracellular fluids. A baking soda might get this problem now and then. But it must be noted still that if baking soda ALONE is used, it takes about two weeks for the body to attain sufficient alkalinity without a drop in pH (acid reading) since it takes time for the body to rid of tha acid OUT of the intracellular acid fluids

Baking Soda
Posted by ela (Baltimore, md) on 08/23/2007

i have ulcerative colitis and typical with this disease, you are sickest in the mornings. well i was looking through the internet out of desperation and typed in natural cures for uc, and read a couple stories of people swearing that baking soda mixed with water has cured their uc. well, i tried it and it has (after 3 nights of drinking before bed) so far cut the severity of my morning sickness by about 75%! i even can't believe it. its very interesting and i'm gonna keep doing it and noting my progress.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Marion (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 09/12/2010

I have been 16 years free from ulcerative colitis. It has never come back. You are what you eat. Eat healthy and be healthy. Eat closer to the way nature grows food, the less ingredients or processing of any kind, the better it is for you. Don't believe the packaging or ads. Do research! I'm on this site because I don't believe everything doctors tell me, because they are regulated by an agency. I do believe the facts and results.

Posted by Bill (Naples Fl) on 06/10/2017

Standard process chlorophyll complex stopped my bleeding every time. Try a good brand of Curcumin, I use "Pure". Unfortunately at least for me there are times when prednisone is needed to stop symptoms.

Avoid EDTA
Posted by Stephanie (Napa ) on 09/27/2022


Avoid EDTA. It's a dangerous chemical in everyday products such as mayonnaise and canned vegetables and some cosmetics. EDTA binds to your body's minerals and metals like calcium, magnesium, iron and leaches it from your blood and it comes out in your stool. EDTA is absolute poison and will cause immediate reactions if you have IBS or UC. This poison should be illegal, it's destroying everyone's health. Usually listed as Calcium Disodium EDTA.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Grace (Centralia, IL) on 12/21/2019

Thank you so much. This is so helpful. I made notes. God bless you!

Zinc Enema
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/19/2016 2063 posts

L: I have done a few Zinc enemas in my time with good results.

My thoughts, I would take those herbs by mouth as they may interfere with the Zinc directly, but do try them oral or anal and compare the results. These herbs may only be little necessary if one has proper Vit-A levels. I have many times overdone and experienced toxicity w/ Vit-A which is one reason I tried the Zinc enemas, the other reason is the Ulcerative Colitis. Anyway, the Zinc enema literally pulled most of the excess Vit-A out of my Liver and into my Colon where I experienced big & lasting healing.

Guess I have been reluctant reporting this cure until your post, so I don't seem so strange.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Alison (Ca) on 02/11/2016

What a inspiring story my daughter had ulcerative colitis and was in the hospital too much bleeding . How is your son doing?

Avoid Carrageenan
Posted by Rene' (lark) (Texas) on 08/24/2015


Dear Fellow Sufferers,

I have done some research that has revealed a crazy element concerning my chronic colitis. Actually I thought of it from reading a post here that mentioned that carrageenan could cause diarrhea. I have been having worsening bouts for about 7 months and have been trying to figure out how my diet could have changed and what could have caused this. I had started drinking a lot more of the coconut and almond milks...this is suppose to be a GOOD thing, right? Also putting it in my Healthy whey protein drinks and smoothies. Come to find out that both the nut milks and the protein powder have carrageenan in them. Also the Aloe Vera Inner Fillet Gel that I had been drinking has it in the formula also. I am going to eliminate this immediately from my diet. I am not a very strong person, my immune system isn't so great.

Maybe this isn't your problem, but I am certainty going to find out. If you have a problem with the big 'D', it may be worth it to ck the ingredients in the 'healthy' things you have been ingesting. Bless you all.

Avoid Carrageenan
Posted by Maggie (Boring, Or) on 11/21/2015


Yes, I learned how bad carrageenan is for us folks with colitis and extremely upset and disappointed with finding it in my almond milk! It's in a lot of stuff, not just nut milk also different ice cream brands, even the so-called healthy Breyers! Very disappointed! I discovered it's not in Fred Meyer or Kroger's brand called Simple Truth. Unfortunately, it still other stuff in it. The best way to get your nut milk is to make it yourself using raw nuts that you've soaked for a few hours.

Fecal Microbiota Transplant
Posted by Sam (Florida, US) on 11/19/2014

Ulcerative Colitis and IBS:

Fecal transplant, which is approved by fda for cdb, shows success in curing many more diseases and conditions including gut issues, diabetes, cfs, etc.

Humic Acid
Posted by Ketchup (Maehongson) on 10/08/2014

Nearly 4 weeks on the humic acid and I can safely say that I feel free of UC. Hemorrhoids have gone with the help of aloe vera topically. I have no other symptoms now. All bleeding stopped after 2 days, pus, mucous etc. gone after a week. Now passing 1 stool each day, well formed, energy levels rising, putting weight back on.

Big thanks to the guy that suggested I try this protocol.

Big thanks to Ted

Raw Juice Diet
Posted by Jg86 (Birmingham) on 05/28/2014

Ulcerative Colitis: I really wanted to let everyone know about the amazing benefits of following a raw juice plan for curing this condition... I recently watched a documentary where Jason Vale from super juice me spent 28 days with a group of people, all with chronic illnesses and diseases, ulcerative colitis included.... the guy who suffered with this had lost all symptoms by the end! Absolutely amazing... would urge anyone to watch the video, google super juice me...

Ulcerative Colitis Remedies
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 05/18/2013

Berj, Look into low dose naltrexone at www.ldninfo.org. There are published studies about it's use, with a 67% effective rate for Crohn's and UC. It is FDA approved at 50 mg for addictions, but was found to be very helpful at low doses of 1.5 - 4.5mg for many autoimmune diseases with no side effects except vivid dreams for a week or so in some individuals. Also, although this is difficult to think about at first, there is a woman on this site whose husband had terrible bowel issues and she finally tried a fecal transplant using herself as a donor on the weekend, and he is now completely cured! I have read that this is 100% effective for those with C-diff, too, the theory is that the lack of correct micro organisms in the intestine is causing the problem. Two possible remedies to think about. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.

Posted by Beth (New City Ny) on 04/29/2017

You are taking alot of turmeric which you dont need to. Instead buy the curcumin, which is 500x stronger than the turmeric. Curcimin is the actual root extract. its stronger. My daughter is taking it now for her ulcerative colitis.

Posted by Jeff (Sacramento, California, U.s.a.) on 07/09/2012

I've had colitis/proctitis for a year now. I got hit after an over-prescription of anti-biotics (thanks doc! ). As most of us know, big-pharma has a lot of shills in the medical field and most physicians are more interested in pushing synthetic chemicals onto their patients than identifying the root cause of a problem.

After I was diagnosed, I took a lot of pro-biotics in capsule form for a few months with no positive results. I tried several brands to see if one was better than another, but nothing helped. It was only after regular use of Kefir and Fage yogurts that I had any real improvement. I now have no more bleeding, firm stools, etc. This didn't happen overnight, but I noticed an improvement after about a month.

I've made my own yogurts and suggest others give it a try. This is a good way to 'test' those expensive probiotic capsules. My experience is that a tablespoon of good yogurt will create a great new batch, but a few capsules worth of the same probiotics won't create a good yogurt under the same conditions. I suspect a lot of bacteria in capsules is either dead or so dormant that it passes out of a person before it does any good. Previously I was no fan of yogurts, but I am now.

Humic Acid
Posted by Anthony (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/22/2012

Hi, Happy to hear your great results. I have similar issues cause I have UC. Which humid acid and fulvic acid products do you take? Could you please let me know? Thank you very much and good luck!!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Sandybridge (Tn) on 06/23/2017

If I had what you are describing and I lived in Richmond, British Columbia I would investigate taking full spectrum Cannabis extracted CBD oils which normalize the body's functional system. CBD (Cannabidiol) Reduces Inflammation and Autoimmunity.




Ted's Remedies
Posted by Amanda (Michigan) on 06/23/2017

I think digestive issues and skin issues can be common among vegetarians, especially if they have been vegetarian a long time. There is a lot of talk these days about using bone broth to heal the gut. I don't know the reason you are a vegetarian, but if consuming bone broth were an option, you might consider it.

Gelatin and collagen and such seem to be what is needed for gut health.

If no on the bone broth, have you tried slippery elm?

General Feedback
Posted by Gail (Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 04/14/2012

Our bodies become overly acidic when we eat the wrong foods, or are otherwise under stress, physical or emotional. As the "Eating For Your Type" book(s) by Dr. Peter D'Adamo shows, those with type O blood tend to have an even higher acid content to their blood than the other types. Thus, more type O's suffer from acidic diseases like esophgeal reflux (i. E. Acid going upwards) or acid going down to either create or irritate intestinal problems.

After being diagnosed with UC, I began killing offending pathogens with a substance called mms. You can still order it online in the US or elsewhere under the name "water purifier. " I found that mms kills every pathogen, virus, bacteria and parasite. I weigh about 115 lbs. So I worked up to taking 3-5 mixed drops of mms every night. But please start with only 1 mixed drop for three days, then proceed upwards evey three days. You may be able to handle 5-10 mixed drops if you're 200 lbs or more. Then, each morning upon rising I take 1/4th cup liquid bentonite stirred into VERY dilute unfiltered apple juice (I have low blood sugar) or if you can, just plain, clean and filtered water. If your problem is very severe (such as bleeding) you may want to take the bentonite 2-3 times daily. Be sure to NOT eat directly following for at least 45 minutes. Do sip on at least 16 ounces of water for the following hour. Think of liquid bentonite (also called morilianite) as soothing spackle for the colon. It pulls the now-dead pathogens out of your bloodstream and off your intestinal walls. It helps prevent a sick die-off feeling (Herxheimer reaction) because it pulls the toxins OUT into the colon to be eliminated more easily instead of letting them accumulate. It coats ulcers unbelievably well. Coupled with the right diet for my blood type, I haven't been bothered by UC once since I began following this regimen. If you don't know your blood type, buy a simple blood test online or from a health food store for about $20. Read about the diet designed to help your particular blood type. Others who suffer from IBS or other intestinal disorders say they've also benefited immensely from this regimen. I sincerely hope this helps other suffers as much as it's helped me.

Humic Acid
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 01/03/2012 2063 posts

Anthony, I would add some milled flax seed during the Humic Acid cleanse as it will gently purge the colon of toxins. 1/2 spoon 2 daily. And why stop there, try some Dr. Christopher's "Red Clover Combination" for a whole body detox. These herbs will lose the bad stuff while the humic chelates for elimination.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Bracha333 (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma , United States) on 12/04/2011

For UC, I have used probiotics with co q10, turmeric, and many people are dehydrated and don't realize it so pedialyte ( check with your doctor on amount). And, a vegetarian diet. Our diets are very acidic. Hope this information is helpful. Also, peptobismol has healing properties for stomach and intestinal ulcers. A seven day treatment. Again, check with your family physician. Many doctors are not into natural remedies and just write a prescription that has more side effects than worth taking. A simplistic life style with lowered stress if possible.

Aloe and Slippery Elm
Posted by Cindy (Houston, Tx) on 09/13/2011

Brad, please let me know if this remedy helps - I know it was a lifesaver for me - Cindy

Aloe and Slippery Elm
Posted by Brad (Mount Pearl, Nl) on 10/02/2011

I tried this for weeks, but it simply was not making a difference. I was just too sick and finally gave in on getting Prednisone. I know Prednisone is not the answer, but I am hoping if I can get this flare up under control, perhaps then, with some of these natural treatments -- it can stay better. I think I was too far gone to fix things........ couldn't take the pain anymore.

Aloe and Slippery Elm
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 06/15/2022

Margo, read up on healing clays. With time, clay poultices "pull out" stuff. But the pain reduction is usually pretty quick.

Aloe Vera, Turmeric
Posted by Kelli (California, USa) on 04/25/2018

This post is so helpful! Thank-you Prioris.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Maryam (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 08/06/2010

Hi everyone! I've had this uc for almost 7 years with very severe symptoms. I've been hospitalised for several times and had bood transfusion etc. I tried all the remedies on this website and from other websites and book etc. I was on very strong medications... Now I am not taking any medicine. I am not cured though yet but it is under control. I would like to give you some of the informaiton that I used to treat my UC. I just would like you to let me khow if they work for you then I will give you more information and remedies. These are the remedies I used:

1. Fresh lemon juice with a glass of warm water and a table spoon of honey half an hour before any meal, specially on an empty stomach.

2. Boil 2 spoons of dry deel with 2 cups of water until it left only one cup and then drink it when it is warm with a tps of honey every morning and every night ( do this specially when you have white tong)

3. Cut done all the unhealthy foods, junk foods etc

4. Use zinc in your apple juice drink every day

5. If you buy fruit juice from the market, make sure they are not added sugur or preservetive.

6. Take a one month fresh grape juice diet (drink one cup only grape juice every one hour but nothing else)... I did this only for 2 days and it seemed to be working but I was not too determined to continue.

Plz let me know the result if somebody goes for more days. Good luck

Dietary Changes
Posted by Judy (Richmond Hill, Nyc) on 04/11/2011

i agree with you every food does not work the same for everone. I have had colitis for the past 13 years. Have had plenty good times but also bad ones. To the point where I couldnt even eat 3 spoon full of food without running to the bathroom. With me what seems to work the best is very bland foods that dont contain to much condiments, and of course avoid stress. What is weird is that every year I was hospitalized especially in the summer due to this until I had my first baby. After that I had two more kids and never been hospitalized again. I do take medication (asacol)but only when i am in relapse.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Paul (Boston, Ma) on 03/10/2010


You said you did the water and brown rice in December 2008. How are you doing now? Since 2008 did you have to do the 7-day diet again? Was it difficult to follow this diet for 7-days?

I have been suffering with UC for almost 10 years. I have done probiotics, diets, aloe vera, acupuncture, kinsiology. Natural treatments and just about every prescription drug that was approved. I still have a hard time accepting the "there is no cure".

Baking Soda, Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Naturopathicgail (Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 01/15/2011

Regarding Ulcerative Colitis, I hold Ted's knowledge in high esteem. But regarding the killing of bacteria in the colon, I would highly recommend using a product called MMS, or Master Mineral Supplement. It is inexpensive and can be ordered on the internet, sold as lowly "water purifier." It will NOT harm healthy tissue whatsoever, yet it will kill any pathogen known to humans. It stays active in one's system for 2-3 hours, so can be taken several times per day. Mix 3 drops of the Mineral with 3 drops of the Activator and let sit for three minutes. Add an inch or so of non-acidic juice or Beverage and drink.

As far as a soothing and healing agent, I don't think anything quite matches Liquified Bentonite. It's soothing and very healing. Take 1/4 cup mixed with non-acidic juice or beverage upon arising, between meals and especially at bedtime. Natural Liquid Vitamin E is also a wonderful soothing agent when taken at bedtime.

Avoid Dairy products, all refined sugar and fried foods. Almond milk is a great substiture for those who want to avoid soy. Many with bowel disorders find wheat products which contain gluten only irritate the colon. Brown rice flour and pasta etc. can easily be substituted and are much easier to digest. For those with very high acidic levels, usually Type O bloods, eating meat and fish actually helps control the acidic beast. It's like throwing a chunk of meat to a shark. If you don't, the acid (shark) actually attacks the lining of the stomach and the intestines. Be sure that ANY white meats or occasional reds are completely hormone and pesticide free. They MUST BE thoroughly masticated and never, ever fried. Steamed vegies are an amazingly healing accompaniment as well as gold or red baked potatoes. I hope this helps many of those suffering.

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