Effective Natural Remedies for Trigger Finger Relief

Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 10/03/2013

To go back to the Magnesium suggestion: There are many forms of Magnesium.

Magnesium Oil or Mg Chloride Spray would be the better form of Magnesium for trigger finger. Apply it on to both hands as often as you can. Mg oil will have faster results thru the skin and then to the capillaries and relax the finger.

On the other hand, trigger finger could be a symptom of lack of Mg. Most of the population is unaware that most of us - 80% to 90% have Mg deficiency due to the quality of food that is available at the stores. Lack of it causes hundreds of symptoms, trigger finger being one of them.

Chelated Mg Glycinate, is a form that is best absorbed orally and will not have the undesired laxative effect .

Note that the Mg most available at the stores is Mg Oxide avoid this kind as this is a laxative. Mg Glycinate should be at health food stores and or online.

Gayle's Bandaid Method
Posted by Andrew (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/18/2012

Yes, Gayle's Bandaid Method worked for me! I had severe trigger thumb (left hand) for a month. Went to an orthepedic surgeon who diagnosed it as trigger thumb and gave me a cortisone shot. That worked for about a week. Pain came back. I did not want to have another cortisone shor or surgery so I looked for a homeopathic remedy. I found, and finally decided to try, the "bandaid" method. I bought some first aid tape at my local pharmacy, wrapped my thumb and kept the tape on day and night. After 2-3 days my thumb felt much better and did not hurt, especially at night and/or while sleeping.

After 3-4 weeks of taping my trigger thumb problem is 80%-90% managable! The tape/wrap "bandaid" method worked for me! Now I only need to put the tape on if my thumb is hurting at night and, if it is, the tape gives me immediate relief! It's a miracle!

Flex Ball
Posted by Kim (Harrisburg, Pa) on 02/19/2008

Trigger Thumb/ Trigger Finger. First of all let me tell you I love this site. After suffering from trigger thumb (both hands) and Trigger finger,for 6 months I believe I found something that helps. After seeing my Doctor and having several injections, my last hope was surgery. This I didn't want. I tried everything. I came across a product called LivRite Flex-Ball. Its a small ball filled with a squishy material. I purchased it at Wal-Mart for $3.00 I have been using this ball for a week now and my symptoms are easing up. I can bend my thumbs again, and the pain is also easing. I'm not going to lie, when you first start to squeeze this ball, it hurts, but the pain does decrease with use. I set it by my T.V. everytime I sit down I do a few squeezes. Hope this helps some of you like it helped me.

Comfrey Ointment
Posted by SJHersh (Fleischmanns, NY) on 02/03/2021

I had experienced severe TF locking in both hands when waking in the morning and frequent 'locks' during the day. I had been trying natural treatments but none ever worked as decisively and definitely as a comfrey poultice. My TF became significantly reduced overnight, both in frequency and intensity. I began making comfrey ointments for the direct purpose of treating TF symptoms.

I went to an orthopedic surgeon several years ago who told me to come back when it got worse. I've never been back and continue to apply a comfrey-based ointment regularly (3-4x weekly) to manage my symptoms. Pulling a cork from a wine bottle will cause one finger on my left hand to fire/lock.

Using a comfrey-based topical ointment often offers fast response as there is little body mass in the hand to fully diffuse the benefit of, methinks, the mucilage that comfrey carries with it. Comfrey is also a natural source of allantoin which encourages cell-growth. Although a direct poultice seems to offer the most benefit, this fresh type of treatment is not possible for most folks.

A comfrey-based topical ointment is an excellent substitute.

Rule Out the Water
Posted by Marshagail (Southeast usa) on 04/23/2024

It's the aluminum in the B system! Just read about it & was v surprised. I use only distilled water & add in the minerals - several mineral supplements available but I just shake some Himalayan salt into the gallon jugs when I open them - sure makes my nails grow! Sooooo much healthier since I stopped drinking faucet (fluoride) water!

Finger Stretch
Posted by Lester (Ar) on 08/06/2015

I have a finger that triggers part of the time. To stop it, I place hands with wrist spread apart, finger tip to finger tip and press so that it stretches the tendons of the hands and will go for weeks with out triggering. Hope this helps.

Distilled Water
Posted by Lynda (Austin, Texas) on 03/22/2015

I had trigger thumb for almost a year. I could not bend my thumb joint on its own and when it did get bent it was excruciating. I did not want to see a doctor because I knew from other people I knew who had experienced trigger finger/thumb that all the doctor would do is give an injection of cortisone, which I did not want!

My sister-in-law suggested that I try drinking distilled water, because she had been using this method for 2 years to relieve the pain and immobility that she used to have in her hands; prior to this she could not make a fist. Every time she would stop drinking the water her pain would return. So with an open mind, I tried it and after 3 or 4 days I was able to bend my thumb on its own!! It was still a little stiff and very slight pain.

I used distilled water in coffee, tea and cooking if it was to be consumed, i.e. soup , etc. It is absolutely amazing and really works. It has been a month now and I have full mobility again and no pain!

As a bonus all of my joints feel better. So try it before anything else.

Posted by Hurt (Nicosia, Cyprus) on 05/24/2013

Bromelain cured my trigger finger, it bends almost as it used to, and I take one tablet daily, just to make sure it doesnt become a problem again. Do it! I get it from Holland and Barett, they are huge pills, difficult to swallow, but Sogars have them too. I saw three doctors, they all wanted to operate, because I had trigger finger for a year, so they didnt want to try the other only option for them, ie steroids. Well, all is well now.

Hang From a Monkey Bar
Posted by Chellow (Miami, Fl) on 08/17/2012

My trigger finger has been Cured, thank be to God. I was three weeks from my scheduled operation when I started a routine of hanging from a monkey bars, if I recall right I instantly had a result the first day. One week in the rooting I cancelled the operation and two months later more or less I'm cured.

This is what the therapy that I recommend:

Hang from a monkey bar or any alternative structure that you can roll your finger around a bar that lifts you from the floor. Hang from the bar for 10 seconds and release repeat this 10 times, do this exercise daily.

Posted by Redstone (Weston, Ma) on 05/16/2010

I had trigger thumb three times, with severe pain; and was unable to grip anything with the hand. I had it in my right and left hands, about a year apart. Both times I wound up begging the doctor for a cortisone shot. The cortisone worked and I got relief with one shot.

When I got it again last year, I decided to try acupuncture. It took about 6-8 sessions but it healed and it hasn't come back. I am now in grad school for a Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Try it.

There may be a Community Acupuncture practice in your area - and the cost is very reasonable - usually a sliding scale. Give it some time. It's not a magic bullet, and you may need a number of sessions to get relief. Avoid surgery - almost NEVER the answer in my opinion. Good luck.

Soursop Tea
Posted by Linda Davies (Nigeria ) on 11/10/2017

Used the dried leaves of the sour sop tree. 15 leaves boiled in three cups of water till it reduces to one. Twice a day for a month.

Posted by Shirley44 (Powell River, Bc, Canada) on 02/01/2012

I have had trigger finger in my ring finger of my right hand for a few months. I had an appointment with a doctor for a cortisone shot. I am deathly afraid of cortisone so thought I'd try acupuncture before my appointment. No results the first 2 times but the 3rd time he put the needle into the back of my finger where the hardening was and it is now 90% better. He figures about 6 sessions. I am so pleased.

Ted's Remedy Feedback
Posted by Patricia (Elmont, New York) on 01/27/2009 8 posts

Dear Ted, I am so thrilled on the response for lecithin. I have been taking two T of lecithin each morning and evining mixed in eight ounces of water. The results for trigger finger have been impressive. I had this affliction for over a year now and no matter what I tried it was anathema. Since I began the lecithin the snapping on my ring finger is 95 percent healed. I am positive that it must have been the tap water and eating food cooked in aluminum ware. I had to eat at restaurants for a couple of months since my house was in the proccess of renovations. I have now cleaned up my act and I do all the cooking at home. I also bring my brown bag of salads and casseroles to work. I also began adding ground up chia seeds to all my foods on Jan 24 2009 and I have seen a tremendous change in my overall health.

I am grateful to earthclinic and you for all the wonderful remedies we are sharing. This is sharing agape (love).

Posted by Pono (Sebastopol CA) on 08/05/2023

Borax protocol for trigger finger

75 mg Boron tablets are available through Hakala company named BOROTAB.

Quit Coffee
Posted by David Barnes (Villa Rica Ga.) on 08/28/2021

I had trigger finger for about a year, some days it worse than others. And then, it magically went away on its own. Then after a few days, it magically came back. Then it magically disappeared again!!

What did I do differently in the days when it went away? I simply stopped drinking keurig Coffee for about a week. I thought, maybe it's the BPA in the plastic, so using a french press, I made some coffee which came from a Keurig pod. Next morning the Trigger Finger was back. It's definitely the coffee!! Why, I don't know, but coffee has small traces of mold in it and I believe that's the cause.

Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate (P5P)
Posted by Niecie (Covina, CA) on 05/21/2020

Trigger finger seems to be a vitamin B6 deficiency. My mom had a severe case for years. She could not bend her finger and had pain. I began giving her vitamin B6 in P-5-P (pyridoxal-5-phosphate) form. 50 mg 3x/day. Within a few weeks all pain was gone and she had full movement. I then reduced her dose to 50mg twice a day and still no symptoms. Truly a miracle! This remedy is also good for carpal tunnel syndrome.

Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate (P5P)
Posted by Mimi (San Diego ) on 06/10/2019

Hello. I had trigger finger really bad a year ago. Tried everything on this site. Did not work. I did more research and Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate (P5P) WORKS....gone gone! I took 3 a day for 7 months and GONE. I still take 1 a day and I have absolutely no stiffness. Get it at a health food store. May help arthritus.

MSM, Collagen, and PABA
Posted by Hound (California) on 04/03/2018

1 teaspoon MSM crystals, mixed in 2 or 3 ounces of water, 1 UC-II (standardized chicken cartilage - providing undenatured type II collagen - 10 mg). (take on an empty stomach), and 6-500 mg capsules of PABA. My thumb was frozen and useless.

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