Re-Grow Tooth Enamel

Posted by Liza (Syracuse ) on 04/13/2024

Your site about remineralizing teeth is great and very thorough! Very happy to learn that about green black walnut; yet another amazing thing about it. Alfalfa would be another great addition. According to "The Whole Foods Encyclopedia" by Rebecca Wood, it has fluorine and can rebuild tooth enamel.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Anna (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/17/2014

Regenerating toddler tooth enamel:

My toddler who's enamel and teeth has been wearing away since 12 months of age, inspite of breastfeeding - even now still on breastmilk. Then when I was treating my toddler's constipation with fruits and fiber, DH developed enamel hypoplasia, and a pinhole size cavity.

After searching and researching, and some things by chance, I finally put my toddler on the following perfected protocol at around 22 months of age. The improvements can be noticed within a few days. The worn out teeth have not regrown, but for example the smallest of the enamel erosion is completely healed up, and the others shrinking in size.

Protocol that regenerated DH enamel:

Puncture the mk7 from Gold capsule and give 4 drops per day at different times (forget the butter oil - it did nearly nothing for the price, I now use the leftover as base for the mk7).
Make sure of iodine sufficiency (thyroid function important with this supplement).
gluten free diet - suspected celiac
no casein - highly sensitive to casein which severely disturbs digestive tract
Jarrow's Bone Up (based on microcrystaline hyroxyapatite) - open 4 capsules in 2 divided doses (trying to stay near 1000 mgs dietary calcium intake)
Great Lakes collagen hydrolysate - around 2 tablespoon daily

hemp milk for base drink with coconut oil - great amino acid profile and healing seed
Squigle Tooth Builder Sensitive Toothpaste
on fermented cod liver oil since before tooth problems - it did not prevent the problems at all (maybe you can replace with fish oil vitamin a and vitamin d, which are a must)

Posted by Anonymosaurus Rex ( Somewhere, Alone, Listening To Radiohead) on 08/28/2012

I have tried this and it has worked for my horribly two-toned teeth. I thought that I had suffered from minor dental fluorosis or a high fever when my adult teeth were half-formed, thus causing the bottom part of my teeth to be white while the top half to be quite yellow. I'm not certain, but I do suspect it was fluorosis as there is some mottling on the white parts of my teeth.

Many years ago I had tried professional whitening from a dentist which did make a small change, the dentist forgot to mention that it may cause permanent sensitivity which it has :( but there was a minor change in the whiteness of my teeth.

I found a post on crunchybetty's blog about whitening your teeth with activated charcoal, and I'm glad to say that it has greatly improved my stained teeth. This was more effective than the professional whitening, much cheaper, and I didn't have any side effects (apart from looking like I have a zombie-mouth while doing the treatment). My teeth still aren't perfectly white, but they are much better.

Here's what to do:

- Take a photo of your teeth before you do this for the first time. You won't believe the change it makes after the first treatment.

- Buy food grade activated charcoal (This might come in powder, capsule or tablet form. Bust open the capsules to get the powder out, or grind the tablet until it has become a fine powder.)

- Add a small amount of water to a few teaspoons of the powder to make a paste and ensure that the powder is well dissolved (you don't want to breathe in a lungful of this stuff)

- Put a small amount (1/2 tsp) of the paste in your mouth and swish it around your teeth well

- Spit out any excess

- Hold the paste in the front of your mouth for at least 5 mins, then rinse well.

- Do this once a day for a week for best results.

Warning: Activated charcoal adsorbs toxins from your body as well as medication and possibly nutrients too. If you are on medication, you need to ensure that you aren't swallowing the charcoal and it may be necessary to speak to your doctor before doing this.

I suspect that this would work best for people who have tea, coffee or cigarette stained teeth. You can do this every now and then for maintenance, or you could try adding some charcoal to your toothpaste if you wish, just make sure that it isn't so much that it abrades the enamel on your teeth. Less is more in this case!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vandu (Silver Spring, Md) on 02/27/2012

UPDATE: I read Cure Tooth Decay, by Ramiel Nagel, and was able to regrow my teeth enamel by

1) stopping the oatmeal. Three days later I noticed more enamel!

2) adding more bone broths to my diet. I actually see a difference, esp with fish bone broth.

3) limiting chocolate, improperly prepared whole grains (which is almost all), sugary foods, nuts, beans, and coffee. I have these foods occasionally but if too much, I notice teeth sensitvity. I also don't eat too much super sweet fruit. most things like berries, granny smith, grapefruit. etc.

4) other foods that have been a helpful part of my diet are grassfed dairy, and pastured eggs and meat.

Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 11/16/2011

I enjoy tea, red wine, and coffee several times a week - but I don't enjoy the stains they leave behind. Here is my daily regimen that has not only helped me to get beautifully white teeth, but also has greatly improved my oral and overall health and has almost completely cured my gum disease:

- Oil pulling - this is the most effective teeth whitening solution I've found, and it does absolutely no damage to the enamel of your teeth. I swish with a tablespoonful of unrefined sesame oil every morning. I saw results just after 2 days!

- Silica-based toothpaste - Who says you need to use industrial, SLS-based toothpastes to get white teeth? Natural toothpastes that contain silica are powerful teeth whiteners.

- 3% hydrogen peroxide and sea salt rinse - After oil pulling and brushing, I mix a solution of 1/2 or less HP with 1/2 or more water, and then add a pinch of sea salt. Rinse for about 2 or 3 minutes, then spit.

- Flossing - an absolute essential to get the stains out from in between your teeth, and for gum health. While everyone should strive for daily flossing, even 2-3 times a week would be beneficial.

Hope this helps! Stay healthy and beautiful :)

Black Walnut
Posted by Wongoblly (San Diego, Ca, Us) on 02/11/2012

I'm currently using Dr ________'s which seems to be the most purist and green right out of the bottle. They all work but much of the time I doubled the dose on the darker previous ones. The others I tried were dark dark green and blackish. From a website it advises that BWO loses half its potency when it darkens. I finished off 3 bottles since early January of the lesser quality and now I started Dr ____ bottle. For safety I use about a 3rd to half dose compared to the others.

Hope this is helpful. BWO is pretty awesome but still concerned about long term use.

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 04/12/2014

Dear Alexa,

Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I have been out of town an unusual amount the last 6 weeks!

I made my black walnut tincture by putting as many freshly fallen black walnuts (still in the green hulls) as will fit into a gallon glass jar and covered it with vodka. I strained out the walnuts after 6 weeks. (Keep in a dark place.) This is how a friend makes hers. Rachel Weaver says it is better to use the walnuts to make a tincture after the husks have turned black.

Rachel Weaver has a whole chapter on using black walnut in her book, "Be Your Own Doctor." She has found a tea made with black walnut powder to work as well for teeth (and drunk) as swishing the tincture in a little water.

Regarding using Black Walnut while breastfeeding...I found no contraindications in Rachel Weaver's book or in Philip Fritchy's book. (Two of my favorite herbalists.) Neither seemed to consider it contraindicated in pregnancy. One website said not to use it for purging/cleansing in pregnancy. Other lists of herbs contraindicated in pregnancy do not include it. I have used black walnut internally while breastfeeding, with no noticed ill effect on me or my baby.

Let us know how it works out for your family!

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 04/28/2017

Dear Andrew,

You have certainly done your homework and are doing so many good things for your teeth! Wow!

When we swish and swallow the black walnut we use one dropperful of the tincture in a tablespoon or two of water. (I think about 20 drops?)

The teeth grinding is really hard on the teeth (I have been there and literally ground through several night guards and had to have surgery to repair a jaw joint that was ruined by the time I was 26! ) Magnesium seems to really help that for me (didn't know about that 20 years ago), but you are already taking magnesium. I wonder if it would help if you took it at bedtime, if you don't already? I notice my jaw is sore even now if I don't take magnesium at bedtime.

I am not sure if you would need extra calcium either...

You could also try something like chamomile/oatstraw infusion. If you prepared it in the morning and drank it at bedtime it might help with the teeth grinding. (And oatstraw would provide calcium.)

Here is how I make infusions:

1 T. chamomile dry herb

1 T. oatstraw dry herb

Put into a glass jar

Pour 1 cup hot water over the dry herbs. Let sit all day. Strain in the evening and drink at bedtime. This may reduce the teeth grinding and would also supply a bit more calcium in an form that would be easily assimilated with other minerals in a natural combination.

Keep us posted on your progress!

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Ana (New York) on 05/30/2017 15 posts

I eat really well now, all natural paleo, use raw honey instead of any sweets it will heal almost anything. Natural bone broth everyday will heal your gut and your teeth. If you still have receding gums try myrrh, I used it religiously 2x a day, just opened a capsule and put it in my mouth by that area and let it sit there. You can put in on a brush or mix a tiny amount of water there to make a paste to put on. Leave it in your clean mouth for as long as you like or even pull with your oil and myrrh, you will find healing and recession to get better. It took a few months and when I get a flare up due to my dry mouth I use that and turmeric, separately of course and both help. My better way of eating has really helped my gut and mouth, I am probably at about 70% improved and that is major for me at age 56, so far only lost 2 teeth due to me listening to stupid dentists. Turmeric may seem to make your mouth yellow but your baking soda will clean that up. Also can do the same with activated charcoal, just know it is the messiest, I actually do it outside and hang out as long you can keep it and use it like oil to pull, the longer the better, then spit, rinse and brush with Baking soda. If you have cavities, consider colloidal silver, a few drops in your mouth and pull it then spit. You can even put a few drops on a q-tip on your caries and it will either heal it or stop it. You do need to eat well and to keep you digestive track clean eat a lot of fresh greens every day. Good luck, prayers to you.

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/07/2016

Dear Sandhya,

The whole black walnuts with the green outer fruit would not be available for sale. You may be able to find someone locally who would have some; this is the time of year they fall from the trees.

You should be able to find black walnut tincture in a health food store or online. I am partial to the brand Herbpharm for my store bought tinctures.

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/07/2016

Dear Sandy,

What you are doing for your teeth sounds good.

Have you tried oil pulling? (I would use organic sesame oil for the mouth issues.)

You might also try a cod liver oil supplement, internally.

Also, internally, use high quality foods from a variety of food groups. Avoid refined foods and sugars. Avoid soda pop.

Do try the black walnut tincture added to water and swished in the mouth and swallowed.

I made my husband a tooth powder with 1/2 black walnut powder and 1/2 baking soda (or maybe I used diatomaceous earth and not baking soda?). He used it twice a day to brush his sensitive teeth and it helped him pretty quickly. A pinch of clove powder in the mix will also help with pain.

Check out this page for lots of ideas, too.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Michelle (Dover) on 06/10/2013

Thanks for that, I've used garlic clove on an infected tooth, and it cleared the infection, you have to leave it on for 5 minutes at a time. It stings but you can feel it working. Miswak yes I think that has got herbs in it, herbs regrow enamel.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Delphine (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 07/18/2012

Clear Roshi wrote: "Not sure why the black walnut works so well... if anyone knows, let me know."

It's antiseptic and contains natural iodine and fluoride, thus it strengthens teeth including enamel, and removes plaque.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by John (Cape Town) on 10/25/2020

Black Walnut & Horsetail work because they are high in Silica (amongst other things).

It's theorised that the Silica combines with Carbon to form Calcium. Magnesium with Oxygen to form Calcium etc. The website healingteethnaturally DOT com discusses these aspects.

Cows produce plenty Calcium (in milk) for their calves yet they DON'T EAT A CALCIUM RICH DIAT. But they (should...) eat lot's of grass/hay/lucerne, which is high in Magnesium {part of green Chlorophyll} and Silica.

Dietary Changes, Horsetail, Silica
Posted by Obeybunny (Santa Ana, California, United States Of America) on 12/19/2011

I heard that one of the reasons a person gets cavities, it is most likely due to deficiency of silica in your diet, poor overall nutrition, and prolonged mistreatment of your teeth by eating enamel dissolving foods (like carbonated soda pop)

These are the two things I've researched online.

Method 1: Obtain more silica in your diet by consuming a particular species of Horsetail. The Latin name is Equisetumhyemale. It is an upright, non branching species of horsetail that kind of looks like skinny dark green bamboo. All aerial parts of the plant are edible. You do not want the species that has small branchings at each joint because that species is mildly toxic. You want to eat horsetail because has the most silica of any edible plant in the natural world.

Horsetail powder can be purchased at organic grocery stores (like Mothers) or online. Horsetail plants can be purchased at most plant nurseries. If you can't afford either, check to see if some of your neighbors or parks have horsetail plants growing in their front yards as they are a common decorative plant (but please, no stealing).

Method 2: Obtain more nutrition. Remember that indigenous tribes eating indigenous foods have had nearly always perfect teeth and almost supper human health by modern American standards, and that their health declined substantially when they start eating a more Western diet. (There are a lot of Native Americans alive today who have horrible teeth who had ancestors who had beautiful, cavity free teeth. The Native Americans who live on reservations who are sent food from the government that is based on the food pyramid tend to have all the same problems as the rest ofAmerica, such as obesity and terrible teeth)

What you need to do is avoid all processed foods, and instead eat nutrient dense foods such as chicken eggs, goose eggs, dandelions, wheat grass juice, and sprouts. Cordyceps and garlic are also good foods to add to your diet. Eggs should appear to have a dark orange yoke, not a yellow one (yellow yoked eggs are practically anemic. Yolk color has nothing to do with breed of chicken). Sometimes the best way to make sure you are getting the absolute best food is to grow it yourself (I had no idea carrots were naturally sweet until I started growing them in my backyard. I have eaten carrots at least once a week for every week of my life and eating a sweet carrot was a complete shock to me when I did so for the first time at the age of 21).


Good luck. Don't drink soda pop.

Ionic Toothbrush, Liquid Calcium
Posted by Diane (Berkeley, Ca) on 09/16/2010


I would be very wary of coral calcium. In addition to concerns about illegal harvesting of reefs, this is not a pure product. When Consumer Reports tested several brands of coral calcium in 2005 they found high levels of lead. Additionally, since coral calcium can only be harvested from dead reefs, it begs the question of what caused coral to die. While it could be benign factors such as increase in temperatures, it could also be more negative causes such as spills of oil from ships, discharge of industrial waste into reef areas, etc. In short, you don't know what pollutants are in this product, and you are chancing your health on using it. You can query the web also for many reports on the quackery and danger of this product.

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 03/26/2014

Dear Alexa,

I am sorry to take so long to respond. I have been out of town for almost two weeks with very little internet access until now.

My family has used black walnut tincture and we have used capsules. We did heal a child's cavity with the tincture (diluted and swished in the mouth before swallowing.)

I believe that I have read that taking it as a tea or in capsules can help, though perhaps the effect is not as strong. I will check the reference when I return home and let you know.

If you are not dealing with a tooth issue that needs immediate attention, perhaps you could use the powder for now and in the summer, make your own black walnut tincture. (If you can find someone with a black walnut tree.) I was able to make a half a gallon of it last summer for the price of the vodka I used to tincture it. I appreciate the cost issue!

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Jake (Chicago) on 05/14/2014

With respect to healing cavities- this past summer my dental checkup showed 7 cavities, 1 of which was found under an existing crown. I postponed my appointment to have them fixed several times, and 6 months later I had a full mouth xray showing no cavities anywhere. Since I take many herbs and barks and tinctures, it is hard to say exactly whether it was one thing or the combination of many things that did the trick. Mainly I believe most beneficial in the mix were urine pulling twice a day (10 minutes minimum with urine instead of oil), and swishing and pulling with xylitol (from birch) after eating, as often as possible - half to one teaspoon 2 to 5 or 6 times a day. This is not a chore as the xylitol is sweet tasting and almost like eating a dessert. I swallow after swishing.

Also I have several dead teeth in my mouth and have been advised to have root canals or to have them pulled, for several years now, by several dentists. As my mouth seems to be stable despite serious gum recession, with all gum issues nevertheless seemingly under control, I have as yet not acceded to this advice. This path is obviously risky, not recommended of course, the fear being that at some point as I grow older (currently I am 70 plus) my immune system may not be able to keep the infection contained as it apparently is doing at the moment. I'm warned that: 'of course it will undoubtedly be a Sunday night of a major holiday weekend when my face blows up with infection out of control."

I have in fact had a few of these blowups and tooth throbbings over the past years that I have brought under control with - UT for the original blowup (upper left), and niacin (1000 mg.) at night for 3 or 4 nights for the throbbing (lower left.) My current dentists are a bit surprised that my xrays seem to show the infections and bone loss under my teeth and in my jaw mostly stable, and in some cases even improving (based on my latest cavitat exam.) We all view my situation as an experiment of one, wherein whichever directionI determine to follow, it is fraught with risk.

Calcium Fluoride 6X
Posted by Katzie (Cancun, Mexico ) on 06/12/2024

I find it impossible to believe that calcium fluoride is ANY form is good. Please provide your empirical, scientific or anecdotal information or evidence about what you just said, because there are millions of us who would disagree with you. Also, did you get a fee from big pharma to post this needs to be known too. My guess, we'll never hear from you again. For any doubters out there, or even those of us who know fluoride is bad bad bad - you should read up on the outcome of Fluoride Trial in the U.S. or listen to any Fluoride trial updates by derrick boze. It was admitted in Court that fluoride lowers IQ in children, as well as a host of other negative effects on the health of the body that ingests this toxin. Please read up on the trial! Also, ignore the post above that says fluoride is good in any way. Stay healthy every body and stay away from fluoride!

Brush Teeth Frequently
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 10/05/2020

This might help and it is not theonine

Another way to get teeth restored is through healers like John Mellor, Mark Hemans, Andrew Wommack and others who operate in healing . As with supplements, you generally have to keep applying yourself to it to get results. Blessings, Charity

Black Walnut
Posted by Ronnie (UK) on 05/25/2023

Andrew, the alcohol in a herbal tincture has mostly beneficial effect on your teeth. It keeps the herbal concoction sterile and is, in itself, antimicrobial. Finding a black walnut tincture without alcohol, I.e. a glyceride, is possible in the UK and, although fewer or less of the phytonutrients from the seed is absorbed, is also beneficial.

Black Walnut
Posted by Miri (Atlanta) on 09/20/2022

Teeth grinding is from parasites. You need a parasite cleanse.

Black Walnut
Posted by Joy (Pennsylvania) on 05/24/2017

NO. It would not be safe to use internally for that long. Black walnut is a very strong medicine. It is used to kill parasites and anything that damages human parasites will also be harmful to humans if not used carefully. Juglone, the chemical coming from black walnut trees, can kill tomatoes, berries, and a whole host of plants. It is only safe to use short term- I suggest a week or less.

Black Walnut
Posted by A (NY, US) on 09/18/2014

The black walnuts are just about ready, so I am preparing to make some black walnut tincture. I just reread the post from Mama to Many on the 'how to, ' and was you peel the hulls or just put the whole thing in...nut and all?

An update...I have been using it for one of my sons and I am pleased and amazed to see his problem teeth remineralizing! Very neat!

Mama to Many...I hope that you and your family are all doing better now, and thanks for writing up some things we can do if we get the virus. It was very helpful, and good to have on hand! Thanks!

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/18/2014

Dear A in NY,

When I made mine last summer I just plunked the whole nuts, hulls and all into the jar. They float. I can't remember if I did anything to keep them submerged. You may want to dunk them daily. I don't think with the alcohol they would mold if they were sticking out the top, but dunking them in daily would help.

So excited to hear that black walnut has been helping your son!

Enjoy your tincturing!!

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 09/09/2016

Dear Sandy,

The first thing I would try for the loose teeth is oil pulling with a quality sesame oil. That and high quality nutrition.

I think you will have benefit from the black walnut swishing even without swallowing it, thought there is benefit in taking it internally as well, unless it disagrees with you.

~Mama to Many~

Avoid Commercial Toothpaste
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 08/07/2012

Hi Carly, I'm so excited to see that you have really embraced a new mouth healthcare protocol. It's funny because I am 55, hadn't been to the dentist in over 5 years and had been using this type of protocol for the past 2 years. I had absolutely no cavities. I change up between, baking soda, sea salt and Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap w/ peppermint.

Just wondering if some of the info you used was from Nadine Artemis' video I had posted? I remember Meg was very excited about this as well.

Congratulations once again! Lisa

Posted by Common Sense (Nj) on 07/06/2015

If you eat an apple instead of brushing multiple issues will cause you to loose said teeth. Teeth decay due to acids and sugars. Both of which are contained in an apple. Now lets just say you are smart enough to follow the apple with something basic. Nothing completely dissolves the biofilm that sits on the tooth. This film is a combination of acid producing bacteria, a sticky lattice, and minerals like calcium and fluorides that become sharp to you underlying gingiva or pink tissue and the bone beneath. This agitation causes an inflammatory response from the underlying tissue that destroys bone and then causes further areas of teeth that are more prone to decay or causes loss of teeth due to the tooth no longer having proper bone support. Brushing with an apple may been acceptable when people didn't have proper brushing techniques or materials, but even then those people lost teeth at high rates and early ages. But, good luck

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Clear Roshi (Puna, Hi, Usa) on 05/01/2012

Susan- As far as I know, these recomendations are unchanged. Just know that if you are successful in providing and absorbing adequate calcium then those implants and root canals will be very difficult to get out (unless, they are rotting out), should you ever try to remove them. This is because the extra calcium will very solidly fuse in the metal parts of the root canals and implants, which is exactly what a person wants (because this leaves no space for anaerobic bacteria and thus avoids all the long term problems which can occur with these sorts of dental operations). --Aloha, Ro

Posted by Pam (Casper, Wy. USA) on 02/06/2011

My kids teeth were a problem, too. With yellowing and cavities. We found a company on line that sells a full line of products. We get tooth paste, mouth wash, gum and mints with xylitol. The kids teeth have improved greatly with the xylitol.

Posted by A.j. (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 06/07/2011

You could try wearing a plastic mouth guard that athelets wear. They are also for teeth grinders. You can order it on line or buy it at your local drug store. I read it somewhere on the internet that you can boil it, then bite on it so that it can mold to your teeth.

Posted by Sharon (Wesley Chapel, Florida) on 02/25/2012

If you guys check in the toothache relief section, you will find an excellent bit of info on brushing your teeth with bar soap. l have used bar soap for over a year now with much success.

Ionic Toothbrush, Liquid Calcium
Posted by Miss Y (Southern California, United States) on 09/15/2010

For tooth enamel issues try coral calcium. I've had a lot of tooth problems (one broken molar, many cavities, darkening teeth), and the problem, I believe (besides an imperfect diet, which undoubtedly started the problem), is that an ordinary calcium supplement or even a calcium/magnesium/vitamin D supplement doesn't do much good to replenish calcium in the teeth (or bones), as most calcium in calcium supplements isn't absorbed efficiently in the digestive track. But I could feel the difference in my ordinarily sore and sensitive teeth shortly after I took a coral calcium capsule. I believe that the calcium in coral is more bioavailable, as the little coral organisms have broken down the calcium for me beforehand.

Posted by 123 (Junction, Texas) on 09/22/2012

Use dissolved borax (not dry) for tooth brushing. Kills bacterial infections, and kills fungal infections. Dissolve borax powder in small glass of hot/warm water. Use in bathing, tooth brushing, and laundery to help reduce candida, and other fungal infections/infestations.

Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 03/08/2013

Janice, Did you use Borax or Boric acid. There is a difference. We use boric acid to get rid of insects and borax in our laundry.

Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 02/06/2014

Greetings in the name of the Messiah, Jesus Christ: Peace.

I have been inspired to write today on an issue that has been bothering me quite a bit the last period of time of recent.

I have a tooth pain in my lower jaw and I don't know what is causing it but it has been bothering me on and off for several years. In the past I have made and used clove extract in Alcohol, cloves soaked in Extra Virgin Olive Oil to alleviate the pain.

In the last week I have gradually been noticing that my sleep is being affected, I must not be entering into REM sleep, or perhaps deep Delta wave sleep, I am not certain which), and this dawned on me because I have felt less alert recently during day light hours.

And about 2 nights ago I realized that I had a faint throbbing in my lower jaw and now am certain that it is causing my sleep disruption.

Now, after having read a number of posts here, I had a brain storm which I have tried. First of all I have settled in my mind that I believe that God did not make junk when he made me, two (2) that the teeth can be re-mineralise and three (3) that this problem can be solved using things in my possession already.

So, going on the above stated theories I have done the following:

In a 12 ounce glass canning jar

I added two (2) teaspoons of Azomite which is a clay mined in Utah the has many many trace minerals;

two (2) I added two (2) teaspoons of ground dry turmeric powder;

(3) I added three (3) teaspoons of DMSO and finally I added a few droppers full of extract of turmeric ( made from turmeric powder soaked in alcohol).

And four (4)I filled the rest of the jar with distilled water

"the protocol" I am going to use now:

What I am going to do is take a teaspoon of this multiple times and swish it around in my mouth, and I probably ought to swallow the solution ( there is nothing in it that would cause injury and I already drink DMSO, I eat turmeric, I drink distilled water, and I also consume turmeric extract).

[Azomite is another example of a God made thing that could likely be very beneficial to the health of men and women but is not currently approved; yet, like DMSO, Azomite is fully approved and encouraged for animals. I guess it is up to the man or the woman to decide for themselves whether or not Azomite is a good idea. ]

I have gathered together some information on Azomite for my readers at my site and put a bit of information to get them familiar with this God made dust. (God used dust to make Adam so perhaps he used Azomite and perhaps God was standing in Utah, could explain why the Mormons made their headquarters in Utah, LOL).

God willing, I will let my readers know what has happened with this experiment I am doing and I will return here to post the results. Thank you, my dear Reader.

Posted by Nigel (Canada) on 05/08/2023

You're talking about boron, I believe, the mineral. Boron has actually been described by many including I believe the owner of this site, as an extremely important essential mineral that has been all but entirely sapped from the soils for almost all of global architecture.

In other words, we're all deficient. So yes, the person you're replying to was talking about boron, even if they weren't aware of it, beause Borax is one of the only sources of boron left for the average Joe who doesn't want to fork out hundreds on boron supplements when the stuff should be dirt (pun not intended) cheap.

There are formulas you can find on this site on how to properly dilute borax for consumption to restore a boron deficiency. I did a month or so of daily 5mg boron via borax. I feel great now, but I made a lot of changes during that time so I can't attribute anything to boron. But damn, do I ever feel great.

Black Walnut
Posted by Sissy Vasquez (Warren, Mi) on 06/07/2011

where can I get this black walnut at here in michigan to take to fix my enamel on my teeth and do you know if it matters what age you are? by the way im 31.

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/05/2014

Dear Meeya,

We have not had trouble with Black Walnut staining teeth. We had a preschooler with a cavity who did the swish and swallow thing for a month or two and had no staining. We put a dropperful into maybe an ounce of water. It did heal the cavity.

I have done the swish and swallow with Black Walnut (again, a dropper in an ounce or so of water) and did not have staining from it. I wasn't very consistent about it.

You may have to experiment for whether or not the swishing is needed for you. I read about a man who found the tea to work the best for him, so no swishing. (But perhaps the tea was contacting the teeth when he drank it.)

~Mama to Many~

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Dee (Florida) on 10/19/2023

My dentists told me I had a thinning wearing away of tooth enamel on my 2 front teeth, and it could crack. A friend told me to rub Bentonite Clay on the teeth to remineralize them. In weeks it worked.

Black Walnut
Posted by Maryland (Ca) on 02/08/2017

Black walnut did not work for me. One of my cavities was way bigger when I went to the dentist. It was much deeper and it was a big bummer because I have been using black walnut extract for months! I took a couple breaks because I wasn't sure if it was ok to take it daily, but there were days that I would easily swish it in my mouth 2-3 times a day. Very disappointed.

Black Walnut
Posted by Andrew (England Uk) on 04/29/2017

Dear Mama to Many, thank-you very much for the information and help.

The bottle the black Walnut tincture I bought came in does not have a dropper. I have been informed that 10 to 15 drops is equivalent to about 250 to 300mg of black Walnut so I will use about 15-20 drops in 2 tablespoons of water.

Sorry to read that you have also had problems with teeth grinding, good tip about taking some Magnesium before sleep, I will try that and also drink some Chamomile infusion.

I have not heard of Oatstraw so will look into it.

I worked out that I am getting approximately 500mg of Calcium a day from Raw Milk, Gouda cheese, Butter, Nuts and seeds, eggs, Broccoli, Kale and Beef. For a 50 year old man I understand 1000mg is recommended.

I do drink a 1/3 of a cup of Ox tail bone broth a day but from what I have read not much Calcium is extracted.

I may try to top up the Calcium with Osteocare which also contains Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, selenium and Boron.

Thanks again.


Black Walnut
Posted by Ana (Ny) on 11/30/2016

I am so sorry to hear about all of this on such a little one. You have my heartfelt prayers, you are not alone. When you have enamel hypoplasia it is defined as

Enamel hypoplasia is a defect of the teeth in which the enamel is hard but thin and deficient in amount, caused by defective enamel matrix formation. Usually the condition involves part of the tooth having a pit in it.

Since it is thin it will discolor and have issues, but since there are other teeth that are okay the best bet is to hold off a bit on any surgical intervention to get another opinion by a holistic qualified dentist and regular holistic physician. This will require searching but as my Great-grandfather said-surgery should a last resort and to be to save your life, so if not let us see what can be done first naturally. Please check out Dr Weston Price, Paleo diets, Dr Axe, Dr Mercola and Fred Bisci, all of them are on-line and qualified. What you eat helps establish a good foundation for health, pray and meditation is important and all children should know they are loved by their Creator, it helps, this world has problems but love exists. Please make this fun for your child because there is too much stress with health issues. Food should be your friend and be fun, grow a garden and get acquainted with good organic farmers, it may seem like alot, but in the end it is so worth it and you will wonder why humanity is not doing this since like forever. This needs to be a way of life for all of you and find those who support you. If you do not use raw milk don't start yet, your young child need to ease into this so get a good doctor and nutritionist that knows what they are talking about. We were able to heal our daughters cavity and brighten her florosis condition on her front teeth, in fact the jaw now provides adequate room for all of her teeth. Our older children as teenagers stopped eating so healthy and as a result had less room and more teeth problems. No fluoride in our home either, I now have no cavities despite the erosion I suffered with for years, I am in the process of much recovery and only wish I knew all of this sooner. Keep the faith and don't give up.

Repost if you need to. If your child needs the surgery make sure you have done all that you and your beloved other need to do to the best naturally and possible. Then find good medical providers that are not aggressive but assertive and avoid unnecessary intervention, don't let your kid pay their rent. Best of the best you and yours.

Water Supply
Posted by Budd49 (Saskatoon, Sask Canada) on 09/08/2012

Hi, just a note to anyone suffering from thinning teeth. Check the water your are drinking for sodium fluoride as it will THIN your teeth.

Water Supply
Posted by Dr Howard (Torrance ) on 06/05/2024

Calc phos.6X, Calc Fluor 6X( not sodium fluoride) and Silicea 6X all homeopathics strengthens enamel, bones and their surfaces. By Hylands.

Avoid Commercial Toothpaste
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 08/08/2012

Hi Lisa, and thank you! The video you shared from Nadine Artimis came after I had already changed my tooth care regimin... however - it truly reaffirmend for me that this IS the way to go to care for teeth.

I am totally sold on not using commercial toothpaste ever again. I will look into the Dr. Bronner's liquid castile / peppermint soap. Heck, even if I can't handle the taste.... I can still use it as a soap!

Congratulations on 5 years and no cavities! I am hoping five years from now I can say the same! ;)

Avoid Commercial Toothpaste
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 08/08/2012

Hi Meg, I'm so glad the posts have helped you! Glad to hear the sodium thiosulfate post sent you in the right direction. You mentioned you have adrenal/ digestive issues. Did you ever check out the body ecology site that I often refer to? There are a lot of great articles to read that are very helpful, delicious recipes to restore digestion and adrenal health and video too. It's not just for candida, which could be misleading because that's when I usually mention that site. I have used so much of Donna Gates advice because it is so valuable. I had to rebuild my adrenals too and used information from all my favorites. Along with her info, I used David Wolfe, Truth Calkins and Ron Teeguarden. You should check out 8 Immortals on Dragon Herbs which is what I take. At least read about it. It is an amazing Chinese herb formula and I can't believe how I feel from it! Chaga is David Wolfe's favorite Chinese herb but this formula has herbs to build the jing (restore the adrenals).

It's great to see your willingness to keep learning! I love that! Best to you, Lisa

Dietary Changes, Horsetail, Silica
Posted by Stav (Israel) on 12/15/2014


Horsetail should be used with special care. Before using horsetail (Equisetum arvense) one should conduct research on how to use the plant safely. People with various health conditions (heart conditions, blood circulation conditions and more) should not use horsetail at all.

Horsetail should not be used for a prolonged amount of time. Horsetail contains nicotine and an anti-nutrient which reduces the amount of potassium in the body and the amount of vitamin B1.

Horsetail has many more potential side effects, and therefore one should research before using it.

There are other plants with a high silica content such as oatstraw and bamboo.

Posted by Lisa (Vancouver, Wa) on 10/06/2011

I tried using the xylitol granules... I ended up getting 3 small cavities in some teeth. I'm trying the spry toothpaste now... Hopefully it will be better. It didn't whiten my teeth either... Been using the toothpaste for about 1 month... used the granules for about 3 months.

Posted by Ana (Ny) on 11/30/2016

Also consider using a sprinkle of turmeric and baking soda in good water, use that to brush with, rinse with and drink with. Good for so many things, not just good oral health. Blessings!

Black Walnut
Posted by Wongoblly (San Diego, Ca, US) on 08/10/2012

Hi Ingupo from Blackburn, Lancashire, UK and EC. I haven't been back for a while.

----- to answer your q Ingupo Sun Harvest bottle size was 1ounce & Dr Clark's bottle size was 2 ounces.

My original BW was Sun Harvest from Sprouts here in San Diego. That's the one I got my shiny teeth from the first three days. Went thru 3 bottles of that then went to DR C's BW. I also experimented and tried raw milk with Dr Clark's BW tincture. I made sure I had a glass or two of the raw milk per day and just a little warm water with a dropper full of BW. I didn't take them at the same time. For a test I switched around to raw milk with BW for a week then went back to just BW for a week. Then I just had raw milk for a couple of days without BW. BW & raw milk seemed to work the best taken the same day. After I went thru about 2 bottles of Dr C's BW it seemed to stop working. I wasn't getting any more re-mineralization/ whitening in the dark areas & a tiny dent in my tooth stopped filling in. At about that time I got a little scared because I was loading myself with all kinds of herbs and remedies and wasn't sure so I stopped just about everything. My body functions changed when I went to the restroom. Stools went completely black for weeks so I got scared and stopped everything. I will start up again soon probably with just the Sun Harvest BW then depending on results I may add raw milk. If I get no results then I'll try DR C's BW again. I still want this to work but I got very discouraged a few months back especially with such a good start. I will post again.

I've been on and off brushing and rinsing with Celtic Sea Salt. Also I'm using the Celtic Sea Salt in a nose irrigator too. :)

Black Walnut
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/20/2014

Hi, Jake from Chicago, I am in agreement with every point you make. But as with me, I will never indebt myself to professional groups as I am nobody's slave. They live by society but hold it to ransom, doing untold harm. I have been a victim of medical malpractice several times. Even though I have steered away from them mostly, I have noted the arrogance and erosion of common human values by these professional/scientific communities which have taken us to where we are now, to MEDI-SIN.

The good news is: these conditions and practices will disappear in the very near future. Already institutions exist that use state of the art equipment and unconditional love and respect without financial remuneration. It is FREE for all. Highest quality and expertise. This is a thorn in the eye of the powers that be right now. Believe it or not: accountability is a reality and to be reckoned with.

This where I stand and I have enough self confidence to carry on in the face of ever increasing obstacles.

Thank you for your post and God bless you. Namaste, Om

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/10/2014

Dear Kt,

Herbalist Philip Fritchey, in his book, Practical Herbalism, has a section on Black Walnut. He lists it as having a laxative effect. He also lists it as an herb to use for constipation (because of its laxative effect) but also for diarrhea (because of its astringent effect.)

Rachel Weaver, herbalist, mentions its effectiveness at ridding the body of microbes and parasites in her book, Be your Own Doctor. I wonder if this would be the cause of a change in the stool.

I did once see a naturopath that felt that Black Walnut was hard on the system and did not think one should use it regularly. At the same time, I have never heard of this caution anywhere else.

Hope this information will help you figure out what is going on. I am sorry you are having trouble. Let us know how it all turns out.

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 06/11/2014

Dear Kt,

It does sound like the Black Walnut could be causing your trouble. Perhaps it isn't suitable for someone with the health situation you describe. It is interesting how not everyone handles foods, herbs, medicines the same way. I assume you have taken turmeric for a while? My understanding is that is can be constipating, though we have not seen such in our family.

If you were taking the Black Walnut for tooth remineralization, you could use what you have left just in your mouth. We have put just a dropperful into a cup with a little water and swished for 30 seconds or so. We then swallow, but your could spit it out and still have some benefit to the teeth. Of course, if you were taking it as an anti-parasitic, this wouldn't help.

Your explanation of your intussusception was helpful. Thanks for taking the time to explain it and for sharing what you are learning!

Hope you feel well soon!

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/06/2014

Dear Meeya,

I have not found anything that would indicate that Black Walnut is contra-indicated during breastfeeding. My favorite sources do not caution against it as they do with some herbs. (Philip Fritchey, Rachel Weaver, Mountain Rose Herbs.)

We have used a natural wormer for our goats that has black walnut in it. It is considered safe for animals which are pregnant and lactating.

Personally, it seems to me that, unless the Black Walnut disagrees with you in some way, it may well be healthy even for the breastfeeding child (through the mom taking it). It is a natural source of iodine, which is often low in American diets. But that is just my opinion.

Rachel Weaver recommends 2 droppersful in some water 4 times a day if you are trying to heal cavities. It you want to continue as you are, at once a day, it may just take longer to accomplish what you are trying to accomplish.

As a side note on Black Walnut...Black Walnut is toxic to horses. But I recently read that it is not actually the Black Walnut that is toxic, but some type of mold that can grow on the Black Walnut that is toxic to horses.

Let us know how it goes for you!

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 08/15/2014

Good morning, Kt!

Yes, you should be able to use any jar that the black walnuts (still in the hull) will fit into. I have used plastic or metal lids when making tinctures. Usually the tincture isn't in contact with the lid, so I don't worry about which one I use.

Good reminder...we have lots of Black Walnuts falling and I ought to be making tincture! :)

Have a great day!

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 08/16/2014

Dear Kt,

Thanks for sharing about turmeric and ginger. That is a great idea. I had not heard about that benefit of turmeric, but I think turmeric is amazing so I should not be surprised!

Also, I am not familiar with that spice company but always appreciate a good tip on sources for such things!

Thanks for taking time to write and share!

~Mama to Many~

Black Walnut
Posted by Carry (India) on 02/02/2024

Hey I'm from India and I haven't been able to find a place where I can buy Black Walnuts here. Are there any alternative solutions? I'm 24 and I have cavities and my teeth are becoming translucent and I am trying to find a natural remedy

Black Walnut
Posted by Andrew (England Uk) on 04/26/2017

Dear Mama to many,

Thank-you for your response and time,

I wanted to let you know that I have been coconut oil pulling twice a day before I brush my teeth for the last 7 months since I had a 12 year old root canalled molar extracted and this has whitened my teeth and done wonders for my gum health but they are still receded from many years of incorrect and over brushing.

I now only brush twice a day with a soft bristled brush, interdental brushes and saline mouth rinse after every time I eat or drink anything.

1/2 teaspoon of Xylitol after meals.

Oral pick, floss once a day. 1% Hydrogen Peroxide mouthwash for 20 seconds once a day.

Vit D 5000 IU, Vit K2 MK7 from Natto 100mcg, Cod liver oil 1000mcg with Vit A 2660 IU, 1gram of VIt C 5 times a day with food, 400mg of Epsom salts, MSM, Calc Phos tissue salts, Calc Fluor Homeoplathic remedy, White oak bark in a tea bag placed between gum and cheek 3 nights a week for receded gums.

I also add 2 drops of either Clove or Oregano essential oil to the coconut oil.

Make my own toothpaste with Diatomaceous earth, Bentonite clay and baking soda, Coconut oil just solidifies so I don't add that anymore.

Sometimes I substitute the toothpaste for Xylitol.

Raw Milk and butter, grass fed beef, broccoli, no sugar or grains but I do eat sourdough bread. Homemade Bone broth, Gouda, Brie, soaked nuts and seeds every second day.

I do grind my teeth and some lower teeth are ground down so I wear a mouthguard at night.

I am 50 so like you said it may be harder for me to heal my cavities at this age.

Besides the 1/8 inch circular black caries on the side of the lower rear Molar I have also just noticed in good light that I have a tiny black dot on each of the 3 upper and lower last Molars so I have managed to find some Black Walnut Tincture 25% alcohol which I will dilute in water and swish for 20 seconds twice a day and then swallow the liquid.

How many ML of tincture should I be adding to the water?

I do not supplement with Calcium, not sure if I need to with my diet.

Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 12/27/2016

It difficult and very time consuming to clean my teeth with miswak. The hairs are too soft and always get out of shape and have give them a toothbrush shape every little. But because it is too soft it is good for the tongue. Its head is small so one has to do one tooth at a time and takes a little toothpaste on. It leaves the tooth shiny but doesn't remove the hard plaque. It must have been good some centuries ago! I'm giving up using it because it is too time consuming and doesn't have eve the results of a common plastic toothbrush let alone sonic and other electric toothbrushes. Because of the special movements one has to make with miswak he/she cleans his gums also and is gentle on gums. It lasts long.

Black Walnut
Posted by Pam (Oroville, Ca) on 12/04/2017

Depends on how big a bottle/strength want. Can peel the hulls off the walnuts and put in the jar, or can just dump whole black walnut in without peeling. Just need bigger jar for this method.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Had (White River Jct, Vermont) on 03/19/2013

The fermented cod liver oil also comes with butter oil, that boosts the cod liver oil. And fermented cod liver oil contains A, D, E, K and more. I'm using the FCLO as well as my grown daughter, both for rebuilding enamel. We have sensitivities to milk, so are passing on having a quicker healing w/ the Butter oil/Cod liver oil mix.

Avoid Commercial Toothpaste
Posted by Meg (Kansas City, Mo) on 08/08/2012

Hi Lisa, Yes, I am still excited about all the information and videos re gum/teeth health you have posted, and I am sure I will resolve my painless abscess and gum issues eventually. Thanks also for the sodium thiosulphate website... I have been using some from the pet store but the brand you are using appears to be much purer.

Once my adrenal/digestive issues are resolved (I am ever hopeful! ) and I have more internal and physical energy, I am sure my gums will also heal more quickly and throw off the infection. All we can do is keep trying and I am so grateful for all the advice on this site and to you and others so willing to share your experiences. I am going to look up your link to chaga mushrooms next as they seem to be the 'in' thing for the immune system according to David Wolfe et al. Thanks again for your kindness. Meg

Avoid Commercial Toothpaste
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 08/08/2012

Hi Carly, Well, I'd say give the liquid peppermint/castile a go. You mostly taste the peppermint. When I first heard about using bar soap to brush your teeth I just couldn't bring myself to do it! Then it occurred to me that I should just use the liquid soap since I already use it in the shower! It's made with all organic oils too- coconut, hemp, jojoba, olive and peppermint.

One other person I wanted to bring to your attention since you're interested in health and holistic dentistry is Weston Price. Have you ever heard of him? I learned of him about 3 years ago when I was at a talk by Daniel Vitalis. He started as a dentist and then shifted his attention to nutrition because he saw a direct correlation between it and teeth. You might want to google him to learn what he had to say. I have learned a lot from his wisdom and incorporate much of what he recommends dietarily in addition to my alternative mouth care.

Best to you, Lisa

Oil Pulling
Posted by Susan (Kansas City, Missouri) on 07/01/2012

I am another YEA. I discovered this wonderful site by searching "and my gums don't bleed anymore. " That led to this site I started oil pulling about a year ago. Usually with sunflower oil, sometimes with sesame. My enamel is definitely stronger. My teeth are more firm in their roots. My immune system is stronger. My gums usually don't bleed when I brush my teeth anymore. Certainly nowhere near as much as before. Many benefits from this amazingly simple remedy. Thanks!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sharon (Michigan) on 04/24/2022

Black Walnut (the Hull) is an excellent source of Iodine. This might be the reason why it is helping you. Blessings!

Eliminate Glycerin, Black Walnut Tincture
Posted by Mary (St. Petersburg, Florida, Usa) on 02/28/2012

Hi G, I used the Black Walnut tincture from the organic store packaged in the dropper bottle. I am new at herbal stuff so I did not pay much attention to brand since I would not know if one was better than another. There is some glycerin in the mix, which concerned me a bit as well when I read the label but it must be a negligible amount. The mix is not oily at all but rather has a medicine/alcohol base type of smell.

I used the Black Walnut AFTER the brushing/rinsing routine so that the Black Walnut could be exposed to the teeth as long as possible without being rinsed away. I read the section called "Tooth enamel erosion" listed under ailments here on EC to get started. Many people on this website suggest starting a new protocol with the least amount and building up the dose a little each day to avoid diarrhea and allow your system to make the adjustment to the new substance. Please start off gently to find out what works best for you.

Also want to add that I have added magnesium supplement to my diet. Many sources explain that the American diet has plenty of calcium but is seriously low on magnesium. Calcium is good but it can't do much without magnesium. The two work together. So those with adequate calcium intake are confused as to why they have problems with bones and teeth. It is because calcium cannot be carried into the cells properly without adequate magnesium. Please make a serious assessment of your nutrition and adjust your intake if needed. This will give your teeth and the Black Walnut something to work with to make the repairs. Mary

Eliminate Glycerin, Black Walnut Tincture
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/03/2012 2063 posts

Recently I have suffered severe tooth loss due to chronic infections and apparent tape worm cyst in the jaw. Am now gargling 5% H2O2 twice daily. Yesterday I got desperate as I could actually feel my teeth aching and put 4 drops trace mineral concentrate in a gulp of filtered water and held it in my mouth for about 30 min. Repeated treatment before retiring. Aching seems to have abated substantially as of this writing.

Eliminate Glycerin, Black Walnut Tincture
Posted by Mary (Melb, Vic) on 01/05/2013

be damn careful with hydrogen peroxide, I have damaged enamel, after listening to bad advise and using a slightly stronger than 3% hydrogen peroxide.

i would be very careful with hydrogen peroxide.

i would use oils like teatree or oregano, or the like, or even a colodial silver, but not hydrogen peroxide, exect maybe at 1% at very low concentration, for very small amoutn of time.


Eliminate Glycerin, Black Walnut Tincture
Posted by Ana (Ny) on 11/30/2016

Dittos on the story, same happened to me almost to the letter. Changed without the Black walnut and wow what a difference. Coconut oil, olive oil, or sunflower oil pulling before bed rids dry mouth for sleeping and does clean. Turmeric baking soda water is great for brushing, rinsing and drinking for so many things. Also myrrh pulling for gum health then spit, or activated charcoal once a week in the same way. They really need to educate the medical community they would actually make more money on monitoring us doing the right thing than destroying us and having no teeth left to work on. Good diet also means no orthodontists or jaw issues, so feed your kids healhfully, I have kids to prove it. See Dr Weston Price. Best of the Best and lots more blessings!

Dietary Changes, Horsetail, Silica
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 12/15/2014

Stav, it has been reported that the nicotine content is less than 1 ppm (1 part per million), there is another report that it contains nicotine when grown in contaminated soil.

I have not seen any evidence that it contains an anti-nutrient that reduces potassium. As it contains potassium those on medications that have to have a low potassium diet would usually not be advised to take it. It does work as a diruretic for some and just like any prescribed diuretic it can cause loss of potassium with prolonged use. You are right that it should not be taken on an ongoing basis without breaks.

Dietary Changes, Horsetail, Silica
Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 12/15/2014

It can contain thiaminase which is an anti-nutrient to b-1. Have you seen any confirmed cases of this as I can't find them. What I have found is that it is now thought this could happen based on some cattle who ate large amounts over a period of time. So if it is taken as a silica supplement (as in caps/tabs) everyday then maybe it would be best to check that it has had the thiaminase removed..t

People who have the conditions you mentioned should always check what they take, but I don't see why everyone with these two conditions can never take this herb. It has long been used to increase blood circulation particuly to the scalp. I also personally know people who have/do use this herb as an herb tea who have heart conditions.

I and others I know have taken this herb with great success, but we have only taken it for varying periods never on a daily basis year in year out. Also mostly as a tea.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/23/2011

I watched an interesting youtube video yesterday whereby a girl who had two small cavities started swishing her mouth with colloidal silver. Her cavities seemed to stop. It does make sense in that if cavities are caused by bacteria in your mouth, the colloidal silver will kill that bacteria. She also added silica and msm to her diet as well.

It got me thinking that oil pulling with coconut oil would probably work as well because it is also anti bacterial. I am sure a diluted iodine would work as well.

I say this because my son seems to have a small cavity in a tooth. I am going to start brushing his teeth with coconut oil and see how it progresses.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Ana (Ny) on 11/30/2016

That is good stuff for your child, also check out Dr Weston Price, Dr Axe, Dr Mercola and Fred Bisci, all found on-line, we are what we eat and what we use should be from nature. It is working for us here, good luck and lots of blessings, also prayer goes a long way. Get your little one involved in gardening and healthy cooking, make it fun and let that education spill over in to the rest of life :)

Posted by Missy (Ny) on 02/09/2011

You could also try Swanson Vitamins for the loose granuales..... They don't offer a fluoride free toothpaste... Make sure when buying this that the ingredients are from Birchwood... Natural... not corn based and NOT GMO.

Posted by Missy (Ny) on 06/14/2011

The first mouth guard I purchased was from the dental health aisle... $18. (I know dentists charge a lot more) Since then, I have found them in the sporting goods section for . 98 cents. They come in youth or adult size, and have the directions on the package of how to fit them to your mouth. I bought the youth size and wear it on my bottom teeth as this seems to feel less "bulky".

Posted by Choymae (Ca) on 08/20/2016

The biggest clue on why xylitol worked on Dennis is because it helped him produce saliva after eating. Saliva is the most important thing to heal tooth decay because it is a naturally rich mineral source to re-mineralize your teeth and will naturally wash away, bacteria, debris and acids from eating. But along with the needed saliva, if you are losing enamel, you also need to change to a diet that supports teeth and bones. Check out the Westen A Foundation on the research of nutrition to heal tooth decay.

Posted by Ronnie (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 09/12/2012

NAY on your teeth! The mechanical action of brushing borax on your teeth cannot be good for enamel. It's abrasive, therefore very bad for enamel. Rub it between your fingers, you'll see what I mean.

Baking soda is not abrasive, and I use that with Dr. B______s liquid soap. I've found that using the soap in a small squeeze bottle at 50/50 with water keeps the bottle opening from clogging. I haven't had a cavity in many years.

If you want to use boron (that's what is in borax) boil boric acid in distilled water to dissolve the crystals (as for eye wash), but the amount to ingest is very small. You could use that with baking soda, but I think Dr. B______s is the better way to go.

Agreed on the uselessness of commercial toothpaste, you can actually feel that scum in your mouth after brushing. Furthermore, if it has flouride, it displaces iodine in the body, and you are ingesting the flouride even if you don't swallow. Stick to natural.

Posted by Anjum (CA) on 09/26/2021

Hi, There is nothing wrong using borax very very little amount ( 1/8 of a tea spoon in one liter of water) is great for bone health, Arthritis and Candida cleansing.

Posted by Man (Sojouring America) on 02/07/2014

I am not certain about this "protocol" that I made up yet. It is 3:09 AM and I seem to have trouble relaxing. I may have consumed too much of the blend I made through out the day. I think it is the Azomite I have swallowed too much of because I have had this same experience after drinking Azomite in water too in the past. So. Hold off on this until further. I wouldn't swallow this. I am now just going to use it as a mouth wash several times a day and see if this goes away. It seems to me that the solvent DMSO would help make the trace minerals more available to the teeth, though. Until further notice, please use your own due diligence.

Black Walnut
Posted by Cindy (Cochrane, Wi, usa) on 09/16/2009

could you give more information on using black walnut for tooth enamel? thank you

Black Walnut
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/15/2014

Hello, Jake from Chicago ---- glad to read your post.

I have been oil pulling for over three years now and also do urine pulling and keeping urine in mouth at night. I also do urine swishing in between. I have successfully contained one dead tooth and healed two tooth abcesses, once with celtic salt pack and just now with DMSO. I plan on DMSO / water swishing twice a day to keep my mouth well. Gums are receeding but firm and pink. I have all but one teeth yet.

For whitening I use seven drops of MMS for two minutes with four oz water which helps every time. My inspiration came from Paradise Now, online which has valuable information for those that want to keep their teeth. I want to keep it this way and am grateful for all the info on EC that led to it. As a senior, I do not have to go into debt to satisfy the financial demands of the dental community and avoid their lethal poisonings.

Namaste, Om

Black Walnut
Posted by Jake (Chicago) on 05/20/2014

Hi Om and Greenglo,

I imagine urine pulling is at least as safe as any oil pulling, but amalgams I personally consider more potentially bodily disruptive even than dead teeth or root canals. In my view, (I of course hope I am right and the dental profession is wrong) my immune system may be able to confine the infection and keep it from producing uncontrollable damage.

Amalgam however I see continually feeding disruption into the bodily functions. I believe my own considerable health issues over the past 5 years stem from the break down of one of my amalgam fillings. Afterwards even with the replacement of all (many) amalgam fillings, I suffered what I believe were mercury and other metal complications, some I think from the removals as well. Do not take this step lightly if you decide to have them removed. Even many so called holistic dentists are less than careful or accurate in what they are doing.

Under each mercury filling btw was decay. These fillings, I was disappointed to discover, expand and contract and over the years provide cover for, and hide infection that feeds into the body. My current view is to have any amalgam filling removed if possible. Best to you both.

Promising areas to investigate might be serrapeptase, and also glutathione precursors (also believed to be beneficial for the liver) NAC with R-ALA and Vitamin C.

Best of luck to you both.

Black Walnut
Posted by KT (Usa) on 07/05/2014

Hi Meeya, I've only been using the BW since the latter part of May. I swish and swallow. I have not noticed my teeth getting stained from it. I have already noticed enamel filling in at my gum line (lower central and lateral) where the gum has receded. One tooth has a small cavity starting that appears to be healing. You could also OP with some coconut oil.

Black Walnut
Posted by KT (Usa) on 07/06/2014

Dear Meeya, I only used two droppers full for a few days. When Mama to Many shared that a NP thought it could be hard on the system, I cut back to one dropper full in the morning and one before I go to bed. It is so expensive, I may start taking only one before I go to bed so it has all night to work.

I would be cautious about taking more than one dropper full a day if I were breast feeding. I haven't reviewed everything here again but maybe Mama to Many could better advise you. It was she that said a NP thought BW could be hard on your system.

Black Walnut
Posted by KT (Usa) on 08/15/2014

Hi Mama to Many,

I think I'm too late collecting the BW this year. I can't believe how fast they disappeared. I've not been able to get out much.

I read your post about your father taking niacin for Alzheimer's, so I thought I would mention to you I saw an article about turmeric being found to dissolve the amyloid plaque in the brains of lab animals. I know it has helped my memory and hearing. It has been used in studies and you may find reports at

You can have it sprinkled on his food with some ginger without it being taken as another form of medication. I use them both on all my food, even in my oatmeal.

Were you aware of Penzeys Spices? They will ship free for orders of $30 or more. I cannot buy that much at a time but thought you'd like to know. KT

Black Walnut
Posted by Pam (Oroville, Ca) on 12/04/2017

Appreciate completeness of post. Have looked into black walnut usage, will try it some time. Have been making smoothies of chopped parsley, (just pull off green leaves, chop up celery, can destring it if want, I did just cause strings didn't cut). Used a little gingerale and cranberry flavored ginger ale for liquid. After 2 weeks, noticed left front tooth looks whiter, more substantial. Have to admit teeth looked almost transparent before beginning this. Believe used 1/4 of parsley bunch (leaves only, else winds around blades) and 2 stalks of celery at a time. Can add some beets as is good also. Did use at beginning, but ran out.

Forgot to add that I am as old as Disneyland!

Ionic Toothbrush, Liquid Calcium
Posted by M Bolton (Leeds, England) on 04/22/2008

Toothbrushes that release negative ions will definately re-mineralise teeth. I use an ionic toothbrush and then swish unsweetened liquid calcium around my mouth. Years ago I strengthend a tooth that the denist said was like paper. I used a negative ioniser machine right up close to the front tooth. The dentist was then able to cover it with a resin filling. I wish the toothbrushes had been aveilable in those days!

Ionic Toothbrush, Liquid Calcium
Posted by Sean (San Francisco, CA) on 05/31/2008

Addressing Re-Grow Tooth Enamel. Question for M Bolton - What brand of liquid calcium do you use? Many brands have citric acid, which I believe has a bad effect on enamel.

Posted by Courtney (OH) on 09/25/2022

I absolutely agree with you!!! Spot on! Big pharma controls everything when it comes our healthcare! We have been hoodwinked for far to long and need to wake up to what REAL healthcare is and it's not "masking" symptoms with poisonous prescription drugs which in the long run cause MORE issues! Our healthcare system needs tore down and rebuilt by people that actually care about curing people and not about controlling population and getting money at the same time...

Black Walnut
Posted by Andrew (Uk) on 04/19/2017

I have a black dot of decay on the side of my last molar, about 1/8 of an inch. I was going to buy some BLACK WALNUT HULL TINCTURE and use a cotton bud to dip in into the liquid and apply it directly to the decay on the tooth. I am based in the UK and managed to find some tincture online. But I am concerned the 60% alcohol will damage the surrounding tooth enamel. What do you think about that or is it supposed to be added to water and swallowed?

Black Walnut
Posted by Verna (Texas) on 12/06/2021

Anyone try meditation, relaxation, deep breathing, etc. to assist with tooth grinding? Even biofeedback may make you aware of tightening the jaw, etc.

Black Walnut
Posted by Blackie (San Diego, California) on 05/21/2017

I would like to take Black Walnut Hull Tincture internally for longer periods of time (several months up to 1 year).
Does anyone know if this would be safe for a generally healthy male?


Ionic Toothbrush
Posted by Alex (Thessaloniki, Greece) on 12/23/2016

Is the ionic phenomenon true? Maybe not

I have started using an ionic toothbrush for months. It doesn't remove more plaque as it is said and I don't observe any better cleaning than with a common toothbrush. The bad thing is that it is adviced better not to put tooth paste with ionic and doing that I even had worse results. I now put toothpaste with the ionic toothbrush.

Posted by Manny (new york) on 12/13/2021

I wonder if DMSO with added horsetail can get tooth enamel to grow.

Any ideas?

Also black walnut husk / dmso

may help

Black Walnut
Posted by Sandhya (Naperville) on 09/07/2016

Namaste Mama to Many,

I am so grateful to you that you post very good home remedies. Here my question is where can I get Black Walnut. Are they available in shop for sale?

Black Walnut
Posted by Sandy (Naperville, Il) on 09/07/2016

Dear Mama to Many,

Can you please tell me remedy for following:

My lower jaw incisors tooth roots are exposed. I am having tingling sensation and lot of discomfort and little pain. One of the tooth is also little loose. I just noitce yday. Normally whenever the season is changing I get this tingling sensation in my lower incisors and suddenly I see the roots expoxed. After some days it becomes normal. Meanwhiel I keep applying tea tree oil and some herbal tooth powder or neem leaves powder. But this time the discomfort is more and it has been long time and also the one tooth is bit loose.

Black Walnut
Posted by Sandy (Naperville, Il) on 09/08/2016

Thanks a tonne. Yes I bought readymade black walnut tincture from Fruitful Yield. I read somewhere that I should be also taking Cal+Mag supplements. I took one dose yday and I could feel the difference immediately. Tingling stopped and hence the discomfort also. Now I will make the tooth powder with your receipe. Is it ok, that if I just swish the tinture and spit it out? Will it still work? Any remedy for loose tooth?

Black Walnut
Posted by Sandy (Naperville, Il) on 09/08/2016

Dear Mama to Many,

Thanks a lot. I am blessed to find EC, you and many others on this site.

Black Walnut
Posted by Mother Of 2 (Sweden) on 11/29/2016


I just read about black walnut tincture and ordered it from (Green Black Walnut Hull Tincture) and received the bottle today. I got few questions:

- My son just turned 2 and he has enamel hypoplasia (from birth) in his four upper teeth. Those teeth look quite bad, but other teeth seem to be good (except one of his molars that maybe seems to have white spot=early decay?). He is scheduled to have a surgery in local anaesthesia in about one month. They are going to either extract them or fill them and probably to put crown to his molar.

- Is it possible to repair his teeth with black walnut tincture? Is one month too short time?

- How can he use the product? He can't swish it.

- What about the dosage?

- I read somewhere it can't be used for more than 2 weeks? That it could harm your good gut bacteria / be toxic?

- Are there any side effects with black walnut tincture and the anaesthesia? Should I stop the use long before that? Should I ask the doctor about this? But they are definitely gonna say no about the using it at all...

- What about the alcohol content in tincture (1:0.68)? Can I give that for a little child?

Thank you for your answers!!

Vitamin C, Boron
Posted by Goldtoothgirl (Tulsa, Ok) on 03/07/2018

Any brand or dosage recommendations? Thank you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Andre (Los Angeles) on 12/16/2017

My son is the same as this case exactly.

Avoid Commercial Toothpaste
Posted by Verna (TX) on 11/29/2021

Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap w/ peppermint for brushing?

Posted by Rusty (TX) on 09/27/2022

Are green apples ok? bc I prefer green but if it's only in red that's fine.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Susan (San Francisco, Ca) on 04/27/2012

Dear Roshi - Thank you for all of your suggestions. I have one question: what if a person has a mouth full of crowns (I've also got 3 implants)? Is there a different protocol? Thanks so much - Susan

Eliminate Glycerin, Black Walnut Tincture
Posted by G (Nyc, Ny) on 02/27/2012

What brand of Black Walnut Tincture do you use? I found a couple, but they list "vegetable glycerin" as an ingredient. Also found that you are supposed to start out with 1 drop as it can cause a laxative effect. Have you had any such effects with your taking 2 droppers full twice a day? Also, do you do this following the HP rinse after brushing? Thanks in advance.

Eliminate Glycerin, Black Walnut Tincture
Posted by M (Provo, Utah) on 07/02/2012

Hi Mary! Did the dentist mention how big or deep your cavities were? I have heard that cavities that are still in the enamel layer of the tooth can remineralize, but once they reach the dentin layer they normally don't. I don't know if that has any truth to it, but I thought I would ask.

I have several cavities that are fairly large that I am currently trying to regrow following your advice. Just trying to find out if there is any hope left for me, or if I should just go get them filled. Thanks so much!

Eliminate Glycerin, Black Walnut Tincture
Posted by Annakabana (Perth , Wa) on 06/24/2013

Hi Mary, just want to add my thanks for YOUR post. I really related, with the only difference being our ages. I also love your reply to the Dentist. Thank you for that piece of humour!!! I'm going to start myself and my children on these methods, and goodbye toothpastes!!! Yippee. Thank God (or perhaps nature!! ) for natural remedies. And this site! :)

Dietary Changes, Horsetail, Silica
Posted by Ana (Ny) on 11/30/2016

Horsetail is good but is a concern, use it carefully and it did not agree with me. Oatstraw is a good alternative. Found this-

Good food sources of silica include whole grain bread and pasta, oatmeal, brown rice, oat and wheat bran cereals, bananas, mangos, green beans, spinach, and believe it or not, beer. There isn't any recommended daily intake of silica because it hasn't yet been recognized as an essential nutrient.

Good luck, and remember the body knows better how to deal with whole foods plus the added benefits of other nutrients in whole foods in nice. Regards!

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