Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Bee Propolis
Posted by Barb (Red Deer AB) on 05/05/2021

Bee Propolis Anti-Inflammatory for Tooth Abscess and Infections

Bee propolis is the best natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic that I have found. Depending on what I'm dealing with I'll take up to 8 at a time, it will kill an infection. I've been using it for 21 yrs on me and my family, won't be without it.

Lemon Water, Turmeric
Posted by KT (USA) on 09/22/2019

Hi EC,

I started out with an abscess under a tooth that had a crown removed. It was one that had a root canal so it was dead and I felt no pain. I think I didn't use garlic or tea bags enough to completely remove all infection and the inflammation went into my neck and across both shoulders, my right side up the back of my head, the occipital bones and outside my scalp. My Pickle juice eased the right shoulder pain then I guess the inflammation affected my spleen since that organ is supposed to filter bacteria. I've never had pain like bad I couldn't move without loud grunts. I got up at midnight but was afraid to take anything until I looked up on EC. I would have probably thought about the ER if it wasn't for you guys!! I remember reading how lemon can detox the liver but I couldn't find anything for the spleen at that time...I know it was my spleen from what my husband had gone through a year ago in Feb. so I made warm lemon water (a whole small one)...relief was almost immediate. Then I figured I'd take about 1/2 tsp. turmeric in some warm tap water and went back to bed. I woke up about 3 in less pain so I just took more lemon water and went to bed again. Up again at 7...pain almost completely gone. This is just a report of what I did for neck is still pretty stiff but the other pain is gone.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Janelle (Jacksonville, Or) on 06/28/2016

Toothache: Twice I have had a terrible toothache which I have successfully treated with calcium bentonite clay. I mixed the clay powder with water to make a thick mixture and put a big chunk of it between my cheek and the infected tooth/gums. I changed the clay occasionally, but left it on 24 hours a day, and figured that any I swallowed would be beneficial. It was very effective for my toothache. I think that it works by drawing out the infection and thereby reducing painful inflammation, and that the clay also nourishes. I followed up with eating clay on a daily basis and improving my diet. I had these toothaches about 4 years ago and haven't had problems since.

My favorite way to consume calcium bentonite clay is by making a thick mixture, like pottery clay, which I keep in a lidded jar, and scooping up a little with my finger, and swallowing it with a lot of water. I imagine that this is equally effective as drinking clay water, but it is much more palatable for me.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Maureen (Connecticut, US) on 03/29/2014

I came on here recently in search of a way to naturally treat my tooth abscess and I am happy to say it worked!

I have a terrifying fear of the dentist, based on a history of tooth problems that started when I was a toddler. I was literally dragged into the dental chair by the assistant, slapped across the face by the dentist, then filled with silver fillings where I didn't need them. It went downhill from there over the years, so I try to avoid them, their massive expense, their fluoride and other poisons.

The abscess appeared in the back of my mouth, where I have a broken molar....thank-you sadistic silver filling dentist. The pain was excruciating!

This is the list of what I did for a week and so far, so good:

warm salt water rinses, wet tea bag over abscess, clove and/or peppermint oil on a cotton ball, brushing gently with baking soda (I don't use commercial toothpaste anyway), coconut oil pulling and a concoction I found somewhere on the net that I tweaked a bit....

the contents of 3 capsules of activated charcoal, 1 capsule of echinacea, a couple of dashes of cayenne pepper, a few drops each of peppermint & clove oils and some coconut oil.....mix it into a paste of sorts. I didn't measure, but eye-balled it until the consistency seemed right. You may want to use gloves because this is messy stuff. I placed it onto the abscess a couple of times per day. Coconut oil turns into liquid when it is warm, so I put a cotton ball in there to help keep it all in place.

Using a mix of these remedies...and a bit of ibuprofen...the swelling went down and the pain disappeared. I am still rinsing with warm salt water, oil pulling and placing a cotton ball with clove/peppermint oil on it once a day to make sure the infection is well and truly gone.

My abscess didn't exactly pop in the manner that many on here have described, but I did get some puss and blood at times as the swelling went down. It was a slower process, rather than the dramatic dam bursting I was expecting, but it worked. There is no pain, swelling or even much sensitivity there now.

I wish everyone luck in their quest to alleviate this pain as naturally as possible.

Love & Light :-)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gokhals (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 02/28/2013 34 posts

Had toothache of terrible intensity a couple of weeks ago. I bit hard on some food at our local farmer's market. My third molar, which has been sensitive for several years due to harsh scratching of the enamel near my gumline by an overzealous (and possibly blind) dentist, just got twisted in a funny way, and a bolt of pain shot through my top and lower jaw.

I ignored it, thinking it would go away. Two days later, it had built up into a throbbing flame on the left side of my face. After one bad experience with a dentist, I did not want to risk it again. Also, I did not want to eat antibiotics, expose myself to xrays, do toxic fillings or root canals.

So I tried the whole combination of remedies listed at earthclinic, starting with raw garlic. Oy! The Allicin bowled me over with its own heat, but the throbbing went away soon as I chomped on the garlic. I reeked of garlic at work, but the effect on the pain was amazing. When I was not chewing garlic, I had cloves clutched between my teeth. Three times a day, I swished concentrated salt water around my mouth, drank my morning tea with a teaspoon of turmeric and raw cream; drank warm milk at night with another large spoonful of turmeric, ate two table spoons of cold pressed flax seed oil daily after I swished it around my hurting tooth. From time to time, I also did some Ayurvedic style oil pulling with either coconut oil or flaxseed oil (the flax seed oil seems to work better). I commenced eating 1. 5 tsp of fermented cod liver oil twice daily. In addition, I was gently brushing my teeth with baking soda and/or coconut oil, drinking nourishing broths, resting the inflamed, side (from chewing), sleeping a good 8-9 hours nightly and sitting out in the warm sun when I could.

By the end of day 7 my pain was gone, the infection was gone. I will continue turmeric in warm raw milk for a week. I will continue to give my tooth 'chewing rest' for another week. My face is not hurting, my gums feel better, and my complexion has become remarkably smooth.

I will now make an active attempt to remineralize my scraped enamel and take better care of my gums.

I wanted to thank you all for generously donating your cures here at Earthclinic. Dr. Hal Huggins by the way is a remarkable doctor. I recommend all his books, podcasts and articles.

Posted by Wongas (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 06/17/2012

For Gum Disease = 1x Multivitamin each day

Tooth Abscess = 1/2 tsp crushed Magnesium Chloride in a Glass of Water 2-3 times a day

With both of these remedies you will notice results within a few hours. Pain, tenderness and swelling will gradually reduce until it is complete gone in a 2-3 days. If you have some Magnesium Chloride just before bed, you should notice your abscess has greatly improved by the morning (instead of worse as usually happens). But as the day progresses you will notice it start to become tender again. I believe the reason this happens is because your magnesium levels are still very low and you need to take some more in the morning, and again at lunch time if you feel it necessary, to get your levels up to a satisfactory level.

I am convinced by my own experimentation that both of these conditions are the result of a nutritional deficiency. One being Magnesium deficiency and the other being a deficiency of some or several nutrients in a Multivitamin. I'm yet to nail down exactly which nutrient/s cause gum disease but I know that it's not Vitamin C (well not solely) because I have tried High dose Vitamin C and it didn't work.

My gum disease was confirmed by an xray when I went to the dentist with a suspected tooth abscess. The infection was between the roots in the gum and had not yet reached the tooth. When I asked my dentist how one gets gum disease he said that it can occur when you are run down and your immunity is low; maybe after a hard weekend (wink, wink). As soon as he said low immunity a light bulb when off in my head, 'DEFICIENCY!!! ' My dentist prescribed antibiotics, but I went home and started taking a multivitamin each day. And sure enough it got better! Due to being inconsitent with most things in life, my gum disease has often returned in the past year and I have successfully treated it each time with a Multivitamin a day.

My tooth abscess on the opposite side of my mouth, was not confirmed by xray but the reason I am certain it was an abscess is because the Multivitamin didn't work at all and the tooth had partially broken away. After much research and experimentation I healed the abscess and gum with Magnesium Chloride. I am now seeking to try and remineralize my broken tooth (something I've heard many rumours about) by taking the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K as per Weston A. Prices claims. At the moment I'm taking Cod Liver Oil for A & D, a separate vitamin E capsule and still need to find a good source of Vitamin K. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

Garlic, Teabag, Hydrogen Peroxide, Turmeric
Posted by Jo (Hemet, Ca) on 10/17/2009

After 4 days of horrific pain I finally got smart enough to check Earth Clinic. Abcessed tooth, deep in the jaw line. Pain was enough to make me wnat to jump from a moving car. First, mistakenly, ran to the drug store and spent $15 onon over-the counter JUNK. LOL.

Then, at 2am on the fourth night, I finally checked in to EC. I saw the garlic cures for I did not have a fresh clove, but did have some chopped garlic in a jar, I immediately went to work. Scooped a teaspoon full and dropped in right onto to tooth. Ahhh...instant relief from the pain.

Next, I had to deal with getting the infection drawn to the surface. Tried the teabag. Just wet a regular old, cheap, black tea bag and put it directly on my gum and closed my mouth over it. I was able to grab some sleep for about 4 hours. A ringing phone woke me up at about noon. While talking on the phone, I felt a huge lump that had form next to my tooth. Quick...checked the mirror, the infection had surfaced.

I sterilized a needle, and one quick started draining. 20 minutes and a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide later.....DONE. I had my mouth open the whole with the HP and Q-tips.

I was able to attend a community dinner that evening at 5pm and definitely ate my share of hamburger, salads and banana I was completely healed with absolutely no pain. Amazing.

As a preventative measure, I have since been mixing a 1/2 a teaspoon of Tumeric into a shot of vegetable juice...just to ward off any more infections.

Thank you EC! You and your posters have saved my life more than once.

Salt Water
Posted by Bob (U.S.A.) on 06/10/2021

Try this for any tooth or gum pain. Just use 1-2 tbs. of salt, pink or sea salt, dissolve in a glass of water then gargle / swish around in the mouth as along as possible & as needed. It kills the bacteria so the pain and swelling starts going away the first day & 3-4- days healed.

DMSO, Salt
Posted by Dibro (North MS) on 04/25/2021

Tooth abscess /swollen gums:

  • Mix about a teaspoon of DMSO with a pinch or two of table salt.
  • Dissolve the solution/apply with finger on top of the abscess and all around the affected area. Spit.
  • Do not rinse or eat for at least an hour.

Bedtime application works best. bye bye root canal $$$$

Also ground sage and water make a great oral rinse for fast toothache relief.

But for infection & abscess, the DMSO and table salt mix applied topically can't be beat!

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Bev S. (Florida) on 11/11/2019

A few weeks ago I had a molar that was abscessing with the swollen gum becoming painful. I found the garlic remedy too painful and found another remedy somewhere that worked like magic. The remedy is simple: Mix equal amounts of peroxide and DMSO -- about a teaspoon of each. Swish for a few minutes --5 minutes being ideal. Pain gone. If your abscess is advanced, you may have to swish the DMSO/peroxide solution more than once. It worked for me on the first try. but I did catch it early.

Chamomile Tea Bag
Posted by Tanya (Metairie) on 06/07/2018

I have a cavity that is very deep. I also have an abscess tooth. I placed a chamomile tea bag on the area and spit out about a quarter of a cup of saliva. I repeated this with another Tea bag. The pain stopped, the swelling was gone and so was the redness. Instead of getting my tooth pulled or getting a root canal, I am continuing home remedies and just getting my teeth cleaned for now.

Cloves and Black Tea
Posted by Arianne (Al) on 12/03/2015

I just want to thank EARTH CLINIC and all its awesome members for sharing the information on CLOVES and BLACK TEA BAGS to heal Abscesses.

I got my first abscess on Monday it was uber swollen and starting to hurt..Tuesday I started the cloves on the gums and salt water rinse....Tuesday night I was sitting with the tea bag in when it totally burst and drained....after rinsing and swishing with salt water I followed with OIL PULLING with coconut Wednesday it was completely flat...and MORE ABSCESS and ZERO PAIN...Praise GOD for NATURAL MEDICINE and THANK YOU EARTH CLINIC for being a trusted resource ;-)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Earthling (Usa) on 11/29/2015

Great to hear that your abscess is gone. However, you could have skipped about 8 of the steps you listed if you'd also taken the garlic internally.

That's been our protocol for years and it's never failed us, or anyone else we've recommended it to.

In addition to the topical application of the garlic slices, we chop up a big clove (or 2 small ones) into small pieces, let the pieces sit a few minutes, then pile them onto a spoon and down them with lots of water.

We repeat this twice for a total of 3x/day. With the garlic working its magic on the outside and the inside, even the worst abscesses have been gone in a day or two.

Posted by Charles (Hendersonville, Nc) on 01/01/2015

I have found that the anacardic acids in raw cashew nuts and maybe mangoes do an excellent job of curing an abscess from gram positive bacteria, which are the most prevalent cause of tooth decay and tooth aches. It is conceivable that mango fruits may have sufficient anacardic acids as well. You may see my article on this subject at; It is also discussed briefly in the 2006 edition of Medical Hypotheses, 65; 289-292.

You may feel free to use any information in that URL without concern over copyright.

I would like to urge you to explore making these medicines available in the pure form from pharmacies. This would be especially valuable since these medicines would probably prove to be valuable against other gram positive diseases such as acne, leprosy, streptococci, Chlamydia trachomatis, and maybe even tuberculosis as well.

Sincerely, Charles Weber

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Zach (Anon, Indiana) on 11/14/2012

This along w/ Baking Soda and Salt helped. Here is what happened

Tuesday-Friday - Sinus infection, near the end of it on Friday, an abscess tooth popped up, pain started Friday night. Took 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen for pain before bed.

Saturday - Intense pain, gums above tooth hurt to the touch. Minor inflammation, took 2 x 200mg Iburprofen, once at noon, another at 10p. M. Swelling increased before bed.

Sunday - Abscess bubble formed above tooth, intense pain, 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen for pain, once at noon, once before bed. Inflamation increased, spread to side of mouth, under nose and slightly under eye.

Monday - Intense pain again, 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen twice at same times for pain. I read about the garlic treatment and attempted to do it. Held 1/4" piece between gum and cheek. 5 minutes of intense pain, then subsided, held for 30 minutes in total. Felt no more pain in tooth. Abscess bubble increased, and multiple ones formed. Inflammation increased in same areas.

Tuesday - No Ibuprofen today. Did the garlic again for 30 minutes on my drive to work. Again, no pain in my tooth, but pain at bubbles and felt like inflammation was getting worse. Entire left fact hurt to the touch. Attempted to pop bubbles w/ a needle but nothing came out, became scared and almost went to emergency room for penicilin. Heard about a solution to pop abscess. It was taking a cotton ball, putting equal parts of Baking Soda & Sea Salt on bubbles (not on teeth though). First application at 7 p. m. for 20 minutes. Gums had turned white, and pain had increased in area. 2nd application of same at 8 until 10:30. Gums so swollen, it hurt to shove the cotton ball inbetween my cheek and gum. Woke up at 3:30 in the morning, 3 abscess bubbles had all popped, and started draining into my mouth (gross). Instantly rinsed mouth out w/ Sea Salt and Hot Water. Drained bubbles best I could for 10 minutes. Went to sleep.

Wednesday. Woke up at 7. Both abscess bubbles were completely gone (not to mention a bitter taste of poison in my mouth) Rinsed again w/ salt water. Inflammation almost gone (from my left side being so swollen, I could see it from my eye) These two things did wonders for everything and I highly recommend it.

Not saying some should not seek medical attention (I was close to going to the emergency room) But spending $600 to be told what is wrong, as oppose to $20 to solve everything (naturally I might add, minus the Ibuprofen). This is a good solution. Please spread this to anybody suffering from an abscess tooth.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic
Posted by Laura (Southern, Louisiana) on 07/26/2011

I take the apple cider vinegar and garlic pills. It doesn't taste bad and they work for an infection. I take 4 pills twice a day for about 7 days, like you would for antibiotics and it clears it right up... For preventive measures, continue taking it like it says on the bottle... this is great for those who don't have the mouth to eat real garlic or drink apple cider vinegar.

Dietary Changes, Multiple Remedies
Posted by Annie (Australia) on 08/17/2015

Good job, Erin. It takes a lot of guts as a parent to go against the normal medicated route and use true healing protocols. Hats off to you for loving your daughter enough to press through and get the best results.

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