Natural Remedies

Glowing Skin Remedies

Urine Therapy
Posted by Minian (New Delhi, India) on 02/08/2007

Dear Sir, Nothing more than our own water (urine therapy). Thanks for your web site. I have understood that there is nothing in the world like our own water which is only the solution to cure all kinds of physical and mental sufferings of the people. The remedy lies in the nature. For your kind information, I have been using the gift of nature for all purposes since 1995. God Bless Everyone!

Bathing in Purified Water
Posted by Pablo (Shawnee, KS) on 01/13/2007

I will have to try this Fountain of Youth for sure. I just have one comment to everyone with dry skin, though, and that is you should be bathing in purified water if not already. I have been for ten years and from the get go you could scratch my skin all day and hardly get any dry lines from it, and I don't use lotion either. Just FYI, as it's really worked for me (and chlorinated water definitely has not). plus there are a tone of other health benefits from doing so

Hyaluronic Acid
Posted by Katie (Edina, MN) on 12/28/2006

If you want to look younger in one short week, taking Hyaluronic supplements will guarantee results. My husband & I take 2 tablets, 50 mg each of Hyaluronic Acid twice a day. It must be taken with 2 tablets Vitamin C once a day for maximum results It is preferable to take Vitamin C ester. It is a highly absorbable form of Vitamin C. It is non-acidic and much easier on the stomach. We are in our late 40's and the results have been fantastic. Our skin is so soft and it shines. Age spots seem to disappear after a few weeks. Also, wrinkles (especially near the eye area) are diminished and lessen with each day you take it. We have had many compliments. Many thought we have had face lifts! We have not had any surgical or non-surgical procedures done. We started taking H/A for joint support. It lubricates joints, so you have the added benefit of decreasing joint discomfort. H/A has been used on the skin topically for years. It is in many skin creams. It helps hydrate the skin. Look for a brand that says it supports skin fitness. We use Source Naturals brand. It is a little spendy, but shop for deals online. Now you can hydrate your skin from the inside out. Try it, I think you will like the results.

White Tea Bag Astringent
Posted by Phyllis (Louisville, OH) on 09/10/2006

I bought white tea bags at the health food store. I make a cup of tea using one tea bag, instead of drinking the tea I apply it every morning after I cleanse as an astringent. I notice my wrinkles are less noticeable and have nearly disappeared. Some beauty lotions have white tea in them to make wrinkles disappear, I just make my own, less expensive and you get white tea purely

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Shirley (Perth, Western Australia) on 12/16/2009

I have lots of brown scars all over my body because of dermatitis.. I just wanna know if this mixture can help to lessen the darkness of the scars all over me. Its really embarrassing!!!! Please help.. I started to lose my self confidence because of this..

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Holly V (Greenville, Sc) on 04/05/2010

I had a question to Rob or anyone else who may know. At home I mixed the aloe vera and vitamin e and put it in a glass jar. Then i read the aloe jar, and it said to refrigerate after opening, so i put my mixture in the refrigerator as well. Is this okay? sometimes when i put the mixture on my face (after washing), my face turns bright red and stings. It's not unbearable and i do already notice a good change in my skin. Just wanted to know if maybe i should keep them separate until i apply, or can i store it at room temp after mixing for future use. or is the refrigerator fine? thanks anyone!

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Mario (Cambridge, Ma) on 05/05/2010

like to know if aloe vera gel and vit e helps with dark spots?

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Cutecat (Nj) on 06/29/2011

Hi can this mixture be applied on oily skin?? Any comments?

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa) on 06/29/2011

Hi Cutecat - I believe the aloe vera would be fine on oily skin, but am not sure on the vitamin E - it may cause a breakout. Maybe do a test area first.

Carly, not a doctor. ;)

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Becca1 (King George, Virginia Usa) on 12/13/2011

Add lemon and lime juice to the aloe Vera and scrub your face with oatmeal, it will fade the spots, slowly but permanantly, also watch out for open places on your skin it might burn a little but it will heal it... Use rose water for toner :)

Aloe Vera, Vitamin E
Posted by Sangeeta (Kolkata, West Bengal / India) on 04/18/2012

Can we use forever living aloe vera juices to detoxify body and can we apply aloe vera jelly of dis company for dark patches on face?

Emu and Primrose Oil Moisturizers
Posted by Stella (USA)

I moved to Arizona 6 yrs ago and due to dry, low humidity, I saw after a year my face looked very dry, rough looking. I do not smoke or drink anything but water. But still it looked bad so I went to the health food store and bought Emu Oil and Evening Primrose Oil. I started to use Emu Oil, then tried Evening Primrose Oil. They both work excellently on my face. I use one or the other whatever is in stock at the store. My husband said he could see a big difference right away. My skin looks younger and has a beautiful glow. I'm 44 yrs old and people think I'm in my late 20's. That's something to smile about.

Emu and Primrose Oil Moisturizers
Posted by Matt (Ma) on 09/26/2020

Hi Stella, Thanks for the advice. I prefer primrose oil because emus are killed for their oil.

Coconut Oil and Vitamin C Facial
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 09/01/2020 477 posts

Hi Ana! I'm just using powdered L-ascorbic acid. Any health food store should have it. Possibly some grocer's and it's certainly easily obtainable online. Or it was, anyway. I don't think the US corruption factory has spread to vitamin C but I could be wrong. I bought an 8 lb tub of it but that was pre-virus so I don't know what's going on now.

Grapeseed Oil
Posted by Debbra Dee (Boston, Ma) on 04/06/2015

Recently I got a terrible rash from an allergic reaction to antibiotic. Everything I put on my face stung terribly. I tried Grapeseed Oil (with Vit E) and it calmed down within 12 hours. Usually I am battling rosacea but I've kept using the GSO 2x a day and I have no signs of it after a week. Redness, bumps and flakes are gone. Plus my skin is softer and smoother than ever. I think I may be able to stop using the topical Rx I've been on for the last 4-5 years too. I'm going to try it on my body skin and in my netti pot next.

Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 06/04/2014

Dear Ms from New York,

When I saw your post, my first thought was, "Activated Charcoal powder poultices." Charcoal draws out infection, toxins, foreign substances (like splinters.) It makes me think it could draw out tattoo ink. It would be safe and inexpensive to try. If you look under Activated Charcoal, you will see how to make a poultice. I would try them each night, over night.

I checked online at, a favorite source of mine for information regarding medical uses of charcoal. Turns out that my idea is not original!!! In fact, two years ago, they were looking for volunteers to try to remove tattoos with charcoal powder. I do not know if they are still seeking volunteers, and they do not have any follow up on it that I can see. Here is the link.

Let us know how it goes! I hope this works for you.

~Mama to Many~

Brown Sugar, Egg White, H2O2 Lift
Posted by Cairo (Philadelphia, Pa) on 09/09/2012

Have to sing my praises for Anjeanette's Brown Sugar/H2O/Egg White Lift regimen. The softness is almost immediate. After three days, my skin was clearer and brighter. After a weak, the glow seemed permanent. I can't help but touch my face and neck during the day just to feel how ridiculously soft it is. I'm 30, ex-smoker, always sleep deprived, and have never really taken care of my skin; I work with teenagers who say they're envious of my skin now. I'm really bad at sticking to skincare remedies, but I will never go back to just washing my face. Try this for a few days. You will be sold.

Olive Oil Facial Massage, Castor Oil Mosturizer
Posted by Suem (Worden, Il) on 03/24/2012

I just wanted to share with all of you what I have been doing for my skin. I find that almost everything I use to cleanse my skin, does not help with blackheads or outbreaks. I've been fighting them my whole life. I watch what I eat and exercise, but as I'm getting into my golden years, I have to address sagging skin, age spots and wrinkles. But, to my delight, I came across an article on oil cleansing. The article said to use virgin olive oil, as it is close to the sebum in our skin. I give myself a massage for 10 minutes and then apply a warm/hot washcloth a couple of times to remove oil. I then apply cold pressed castor oil (warmed in my hands) to my face and massage lightly, then leave on overnight. Earth Clinic has so much information on "Castor Oil Cures" and so many contributors recommended using the castor oil as a moisturizer. I am so surprised by the results. My age spots are fading, no visible blackheads, my skin is healing and I have a brighter glow. I'm very happy with the results.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Catherine (Dublin, Ireland) on 01/27/2012

Greetings from Dublin, Ireland! Woo hoo, my very first EC posting.

About 3 weeks ago I developed a slight itch on each eyelid. It progressed slowly, and I ended up with dreadful-looking, red, sore, swollen, slightly flakey eyelids. My eyes drooped, and the skin wrinkled up so much I looked like I'd aged 20 years. I have no idea what caused it; I'm healthy and use all natural, homemade products (soap, shampoo, household cleaners, etc), so I was perplexed. But I also got a bit worried, which isn't like me, and I resolved to go to the doctor in the morning. I haven't seen a doctor in 15 years or so, apart from normal, pregnancy-related check-ups, so it was a big deal for me. But I hadn't given up -- I racked my brains to see if I could come up with a solution, and decided to try food-grade hydrogen peroxide, diluted to 3 per cent. Pretty much as soon as I dabbed a bit onto each eyelid, they felt better. Within an hour or so, the flaming look to them had subsided quite a lot. I kept putting more on, and they just looked better and better. When I woke up, my little boy said, 'mammy, your eyes aren't yucky any more'. Two days later, my eyelids are cured. It must have been some sort of a virus that I knocked on the head. I was thrilled! I have the H2O2 in my fridge for gardening, but it is great for all kinds of things.

Sea Salt
Posted by Carlos (Barcelona, Spain) on 12/18/2011

Hi everybody. One month ago I started my quest to rebuild my facial skin. After years and years cleaning only the surface of my skin I had developed enlarged pores. Since I have freckles I usually didn't noticed them and nobody did. But one day I started to wonder if it was just a natural thing and wondered if there was somethign I could do. Of course I knew of those famous brands pore minimizers but I wanted a natural and cheap alternative so I never tried those products.

I begin researching and there was a lot on information on how to unclog pores and black heads, but not that much on how to shrink pores. Most websites said it wasn't possible, just make them appear less noticeable. I started to use the Oil cleansing method. I thought I had a clean face and just large pores. But when I started rubbing coconut oil I had to rub it for hours. And still a lot of stuff was coming out. Then I started using sesame oil (cold pressed) and castor oil.

The best way for this I found was as folows:

First wet my face with warm hot water.

Dry with towel.

Apply castor oil massaging for a minute.

Once again wet with hot water so the oil gets in the pores.

Now dry with a towel, apply castor oil right after and rub with your fingers in circular motion alternating clock direction and reverse.

You will see all the nasty stuff coming out your nose. The stuff you can't actually see but its causing the enlarged clean pores you get to see.

You probably will have to do this for a few days/week, morning and night. Spending between 30min and 45min each time. You won't believe all the dirt coming out of your pores.

When you are done with cleaning your skin inside out you will find yourself with a clean face but large pores. Now it's the time for shrinking the pores. If you try to shrink the pores before doing the oil cleaning method you will only make it worse.

So the best things I've found for shrinking your clean large pores are avocado and the best one Sea Salt water.

Honestly I still can't believe how good this works. I just mix a glass of warm water and 2 tbsp of sea salt. I apply it to the skin, massage a little bit, wait 5min for it to dry and wash it away with warm water. It will give you redness at first, but some time later you will see your pores disappearing. I'm amazed that with only 1 aplication its working this good. So my advice for large pores is- Oil cleansing method using coconut, sesame or castor oil for a few days. Sea salt water for minimizing the clean pores. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Posted by Carlos (Barcelona, Spain) on 11/29/2011

Dear EarthClinic, I feel so proud to be the first sharing this wonderful remedy.

The story on how I discovered this remedy started last month. While at the chinese store I saw a product called bird's nest. I came home researched and its a wrinkle remedy used in Asia. Its suposed to reduce wrinkles and give porcelain skin. The science behind this I read it was birds make nest with their saliva that is collagen rich. Ok so I tried it and it worked. I was going to post that remedy here one of these days.

But yesterday I came across a message board where its said its an old grandmother tip to apply your own saliva in the mornings before eating anything. It said a 70 year old woman could look 50. I did research, very little info could be found in english but this seems to be a spanish/latin beauty tip. There were some testimonials in spanish websites. There is also a study conducted independently about Saliva in history, testimonials etc. Few things that I read that lead me to try it were:

1. Lesions in your mouth heal faster than any other part of your body

2.Dogs apply saliva soon as they are hit by a car

3. Cats keep their hair lustrous just by applying saliva

4. Jesus healed a blind man with saliva

I have tried urine therapy so I thought... what do I have to lose? I'm a natural remedy freak and I love the conecpt of "your own medicine" the human body is the perfect machine.

Ok so I cleaned my face, I rinsed my mouth with water til I felt it was cleaned. If you don't rinse your mouth before it will smell bad when it dries. BUT don't use toothpaste or any other cleaner or food. Use this only mornings since the rest of the day saliva becomes acidic due to digestion etc.

RESULTS: Inmediate relax, skin lightening. Dramatic wrinkle diminish. Soft smooth skin. NO oilness, no stinking, not heavy feel. Not dry skin. Just plain and beautiful porcelain skin.

I also felt a mood uplifting, not sure if it was the results that lead to it or the saliva itself. But I could feel a relaxing positive mood like a pineal gland boost (if you are into meditaiton you know what I mean)

I don't think I'm going to use it much cause I already have light skin. It's wonderful for around the eye area, lightens up your eyes.

Be prepare to have a politically correct excuse for your look cause results are dramatic and surely people will stare at you.

This kind of information have been put to secret by the cosmetic industry. I'm sure they don't allow any book to be published with these kind of info. All this traditional remedies would make the cosmetic industry dissapear for good.

If you are using lemon or any other aggressive lightening method, give this a try.

Good thing is it's not as embarrassing as urine therapy and results are remarkable. I can't say better, just different but tis more convenient and if you are looking for light skin this is your best bet.

Enlarged Pores
Posted by Coco (Too Small Town, Ca) on 01/06/2012

I discovered this site a couple of months pago and it is changing my life, thank you Earth Clinic! I too have large pores and have spent lots of money in the cosmetic aisle with no positive results. But some negative... See I'm 39 and my face has oily skin, dry skin, large pores, whiteheads, pimples, moles, facial dark hair, occasional herpes, sun spots and white spots, acne scars, redness, a few wrinkles.... Name it, I have it. When I bought a product for a problem it made another problem worse.

Now thanks to EC, I have thrown everything out! I started washing my face with water and borax, scrub with baking soda, moisturize with coconut or castor oil. Huge improvements in the pimple, whitehead, redness area, sunspots are fading. My skin still feels a little dry and my pores still look huge, so I 'm going to use the coconut oil the way you do instead of a moisturizer. I'm so excited! What am I going to do with the $100 a month I am saving on cosmetic products? Thank you!

Posted by Elle (Crete, Greece) on 06/20/2016

Hi Becki, I know your question about razor bumps is from 2011 but better late than never. Heck, you may have already found a natural remedy that works for you. I will tell you what works for me. After I shave my legs I apply ACV (organic apple cider vinegar), Make sure it says "with mother". ACV is a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal remedy and helps close the pores after shaving. I use it also for when I shave under my arms. I also use it as a natural deodorant.

Hope this has helped. GBU!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kathie (Houston, United States) on 05/25/2011

The following are some of the things that have worked very well for me in taking care of my skin from youth to now (age 45).

In my youth, my dermatologist prescribed 50,000 I. U. S of VITAMIN A per day for my acne. This worked well, but after a while I began to experience extreem hair loss (too much of a good thing). So I began to apply it topically, I had even better results.

Because my mom practically raised me at our local health food store, we followed the recommendations of the store owner, TEA TREE OIL, applied after cleansing. I loved this stuff and still use it on occasion.

Mom also steamed her face regularly with SENNA LEAVES, I also did this. However, I was young and not that smart... I thought the heat was what was helping my skin so I began to wash my face with extreemly hot water (do not do this! I broke a ton of blood vessels on my face and no, those never went away).

Later, I found facial cleansers with SALICYLIC ACID and this helped a great deal. Look for one that is natural.

Now that I am older (43) I do not have the acne problems, Just wanting to keep my youth. I rarely use cleansers (only when I wear makeup), I just exfoliate with BAKING SODA, then I use an ALGAE EXTRACT solution (this has algenic acid that helps to lightly exfoliate). It is important to exfoliate (we need to get the dead skin off so our skin can better ABSORB MOISTURE). Algae extract is also packed with minerals that also benefit our skin (when our skin is mineralized it can better HOLD MOISTURE). (I have used algae extract for the last 15 years and can truely see a difference in my skin and my girl friends' skin). I follow up with one of three oils: JOJOBA OIL (they say it is most like our skins natural skin "oils"), SHEA BUTTER (I use the unrefined stuff from Africa... this is great stuff for dry winters), or COCONUT OIL.

I am currently experimenting with applying powdered VITAMIN C mixed with a touch of water (Vit. C helps build collegen). And today I am starting to supplement with ASTAXANTHIN. After reading an article on how well it works for wrinkles.

I also just ordered a book on FACIAL EXERCISES (15 minutes a day... I can do this, I hope! ).

My mom is a HOT MOMA, I owe a lot to her, for her knowledge and her genes.

Posted by Eva (Houston, Tx) on 03/05/2011

For the Americans reading this, silverbeet is known here as chard or swiss chard.

Essential Oils
Posted by Sister Of Wolves (Cork, Ireland) on 01/03/2011

I mixed 5 drops each of Cedarwood, Sandlewood and Vetiver ewssntial oils in 20 mls of carrier oil - I used organic olive oil as I was using the mixture within a couple of days. This closes and heals lesions in the skin. The oils are all high in sesquiterpenes:
Cedarwood 98%
Sandlewood 90%
Vetiver 97%
Mix thoroughly; always use a good quality carrier oil. Make sure the oils are skin quality. Massage in gently. Essential oils are very strong, a little is enough. Happy New Year To All Members Of Earth Clinic Family

God Bless You Always
Sister of Wolves

Fish Oil, Vitamin E
Posted by Samantha (BC, CA) on 04/12/2015

Fish oils helped clear up a gross patch of skin I developed on my face after being ill for several years. I take 1 Tablespoon per day, down it with a glass of juice, and started seeing results pretty quickly! I now take it every other day or so just because. I refer to it as liquid gold now :)

I only used a generic brand too as I was unable to afford the $50 high quality stuff so give the $10 bottle a chance! Sometimes I say a prayer beforehand to make the oil more healing for my body. whatever works!

As for getting it down: the unflavoured stuff works best. Pour some on a large spoon, have flavoured drink/fruit juice ready, hold breath, pour oil onto tongue, pour some juice into mouth and swallow whatever you can. Only breathe through mouth when necessary. Once its all down keep drinking juice and swish around in mouth so it cleans up the gross taste and swallow. It can be done! :)

Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 10/15/2010

Ok - I have very dry skin. Cool air, wind, all of these make my skin feel tight, dry and itchy. Recently I discovered that ghee (clarified butter) rubbed on my skin at night made it feel much better and I wake up with younger skin. So - I started putting it near my eyes and on my eyelashes and it would get into my eyes and it felt good. I have had fatty deposits on my eyeballs for a while now and usually can't drive at night and have to wear reading glasses to read (i am 50) but imagine my surprise when I had to drive in the dark for an emergency and had no trouble! And also I found myself not reaching for my reading glasses as often!!! Now I put the ghee into my eyes every night. Also my eyes are whiter in the morning and I have almost no crows feet!!! Amazing!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Joseph (Chicago, Illinois) on 07/08/2010


I have a quick question but one that's serious for me. I am using hydrogen peroxide as a toner and it has done wonders to my skin. But I keep hearing about how it is an oxidant and that it will cause my skin to age; is this true? Should I stop using it on my face? This is my fear thank you.

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