Natural Remedies

Rash Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Daisy (Orlando, United States) on 09/11/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my rash. I had developed a rash which I found out was Tinea Veriscolor. I took Organic Appl Cider Vinegar 3 times a day for about 4 - 5 days. The rash just dried up. Apparently the rash was a fungal rash and ACV kills fungus. I also used ACV on a huge mole on my husband's nose. After 7 uses it just came off in layers. Fantastic stuff ACV.

Posted by Sandhya (Makawao, HI) on 02/09/2007

LIQUID CHLOROPHYLL has helped me drink more water, stop body odor and stop a rash on my bottom. One or two teaspoons a day in drinking water sipping on it or drinking it all at once does wonders. If I stop I notice the difference in a couple of days. NOW brand with mint is good. Once I asked a doctor what to do about the rash as I had never had one. She said she had a rash too and did not know...it came with living in the tropics. I understood Ted from Bangkok saying that the body's ability to oxygenate itself was suppressed and this was a cause. Living in Hawaii I sweat more than other colder places I have lived and bacteria grows easily here on the skin. Also I do not have a spleen which makes my blood not as clean if I do not take something to clean it or oxygenate it. I tend to be acidic by nature and the foods I eat lean in that direction even though most would say I am health food person. I am going to try molybdenum that Ted speaks of so highly.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda
Posted by Katzie (Calgary, Alberta) on 05/01/2023

I could not find ivermectin cream here in Mexico, but I did find ivermectin tablets. So when I got home I ground up a tablet and stirred it into some coconut and neem oil. I then spread some dmso on the remnants of my rash, added the ivermectin/oil combo and wow, within 20 minutes the last dregs of my rash are now gone. Also gonna order hemp oil too. I can't thank everybody enough for the tips. I SO appreciate our EC community!!

Posted by Sunshine31527 (Jekyll Island, Ga) on 12/29/2021

I've had hives on my face and neck for about a week. Tried everything I could think of to get rid of it. When I started using borax dissolved in a small glass of water and patted it on the affected areas it started going away along with the itching. I can't believe what a difference it has made. Thank you Earth Clinic for all the help you have given to all. God bless you ...........

Coconut Oil
Posted by Tony Baloney (St. Clair Shores, Michigan) on 12/13/2015

I recently had a problem with chaffing that turned into a painful rash, (for lack of a better term), down yonder. I think it may have been due to a new additive in my laundry process and heat at work. I had used powder on it for several days with some temporary relief. So after having a conversation with my mother about how honey and coconut oil rarely, if ever, goes bad (because of it's antibacterial properties) I decided to rub coconut oil, directly onto the affected area. Immediate and instant relief. I used it again the next day and the rash is totally gone. Thank you Earth Clinic for letting us share our remedies with the world. I hope this helps someone who may be suffering and needs not the embarrassment or cost of going to the doctor or pharmacist, seeking a cure.

Sea Salt
Posted by Kaylee (Bvtn) on 10/30/2015

I had a red raised itchy rash. I tried all the stuff dermatologist suggested.none of it worked. I went home and put some 1 teaspoon sea salt in about a cup of really warm water, so the salt dissolves. Then I took a shower right before getting out. I poured the salt water over the rash let that part of my body just air dry and the rash was gone within three days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (Rolla, Mo) on 06/23/2012

First, I am so thankful to have found this site. After spending hundreds of $$$ at my vet, and my poor 2 little Shih Tzu's scratching till they bleed, (on top of that, I am battling chemotherapy) i was desperate. No kidding........... One rinse of the ACV and I could see a noticeable improvement. Get this, i am an rn by trade, and it didn't even occur to me. Their hair is growing back, no itching whatsoever, and their hair is shiny! on top of that, my father in law, who has battled dandruff for 40 years is now rinsing in acv and all signs of his dandruff are gone.

Thank you so much for all your help, and esp my poor pups thank you! may god bless!! sheila :)

Calcium Bentonite Clay and Vaseline
Posted by Moonshine (Bentonville, Arkansas) on 04/12/2012

I have had a terrible rash that started 1 year ago. It started in my armpits, and moved under my breasts. It was like pimples that drained acid. Peeling layer after layer. I tried everything I could find. Then found article from Jim Hummel (mms). I think I got a computer virus from this one, but well worth it. He stated if mms seemed to make rash worse, than the treatment for it is 50/50 calcium bentonite clay/ vasoline. Mix together and spread over entire area every 8 hours for 1 week. Then a thin coat once a day for a month. If the rash is extremely bad, been there for awhile then you should take tsp. in water, daily for month as well. Sure I'm greasy, and staying close to home for a month... But the pain is gone, and I'm healing!

Posted by Wanda (Ubud, Bali, Indonesia) on 05/21/2009

I didn't notice enough written about allergies. My mother had a bad rash around her ankles and we made an appointment with the allergy doctor. He walked into the room and said, "Take psyllium husk!" It worked like magic. The rash was gone in days. She was always prone to food allergies but this easy solution was a big surprise and took care of her constipation problems as well.

I use 1 Tbl a day of it now for large intestine spasms and it has helped. These comments have been helpful because I see other ways it has helped me as well. I don't know if I'm addicted to it but sure don't want to be without it! Those spasms are pretty disabling as long as they last. If I combined it with ANYthing else, I'd blame the other thing before the psyllium husk, let alone any kind of CLAY! There is nothing natural about putting that into our bodies! And I've learned the importance of enough water as well!

Anti-Fungal Medication
Posted by Christopher (Kirkland Lake, ON) on 03/30/2008

A few years ago i worked in a kitchen environment and a candy store. Ok obviously i had a bad diet... i developped a rash on the side of my hand. water made it worse and perhaps the plastic gloves for candy didnt help. this rash persisted for over half a year and disappeared only by moving up my pinkie. there it became obvious that aside from cracking skin that there were tiny pimple like bumps.

My dad got me cortisone cream and it flared. apparently i found out at that time that cortisone feeds yeast! i got to thinking i had a yeast infection on my hand!!! i did try ACV it brought relief but i think the infection was too deep. Or that the ACV would of worked better mixed with a cream... it would clear to reemerge once the skin became dryer again. I was so convinced it was a yeast infection...

One day i told my dentist what i thought and she helped me get some cold sore medication... nyaderm/betaderm.. just to say it was antifungal!!! after 3 days the rash never came back.... i know its not a natural cure but just to say had i made a something with garlic or you know something antifungal the rash would of left.

since that time ive formed a belief that almost all health problems stem from mycotoxins or fungus/yeast living in human tissue. i still have a coated tongue and in my best efforts have only been able to partially clear it up. sucking on a tablet for candida did clear it up for a few hours, enough for hope but yeah thats expensive.

Parsley Juice
Posted by Kiki17 (Adelaide, South Australia ) on 09/21/2017

I unsuccessfully tried various remedies to get rid of a stubborn rash, including apple cider vinegar which has often helped me in the past. I decided to mash up some parsley with a mortar and pestle, drench a cotton pad with the juice, and put it on the rash. I left it on there for about an hour, and I have done this twice so far - the rash is now almost gone. I'm so relieved to have found something that works!

Posted by Suzanne (Norman, Ok) on 03/22/2017

Oral remedy for candida rash and/or athlete's foot

I had developed a candida rash and the doctor's medicines weren't doing any good. So I went to the health food store and found a product to take by mouth containing caprylic acid, pau d'arco, grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil. I only took half the recommended dosage every day and the rash was gone gone within a week. As a bonus, it also killed the athlete's foot on the tops of my feet and big toes I had been fighting for seven months.

Sea Salt
Posted by Wani (Ireland) on 03/06/2016

I used the same thing for my Seborrheic Dermatitis and it worked wonders!!!!

Just make sure that you dilute pure Sea Salt or Himalayan Rock (pink) Salt with warm distilled Water. If you are living by the Sea so much the better - that Ocean Water is actually the old Folks' medicine for any kind of skin rash :-)

Castor Oil, Lanolin
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, US) on 04/22/2015

My daughter had a rash below her nose/above her lip. It was red, dry, and embarrassing to her. She had had a cold, so I thought it was a rash from a runny nose. But the cold was long gone and the rash remained.

We tried several things before we came upon our solution.

Over the winter, I had mixed equal parts of lanolin and castor oil. (I melted the lanolin a bit and mixed in the castor oil.) The resulting salve is still quite greasy, but easier to apply than lanolin or castor oil alone. I used this on my son's very chapped hands at night and they would be so much better in the morning. So, my daughter used this mixture on the rash each night and it healed up quite nicely in a few days.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, US) on 08/29/2014 472 posts

Just dropped in for some advice about a rash. ACV, no more itch. I don't know why it didn't occur to me, as the little dog gets a hot spot under his chin, every once in a while, and all I have to do is spray some ACV on a cotton ball and touch it once. Which is a good thing, because one chance is all I get, LOL! One touch and he's off like a shot! But the hot spot is dry the same day and gone the next. So I just dampened a paper towel with water, sprayed on some ACV, dabbed it on, no more itch! I used a damp paper towel so I wouldn't have to do the ouchy, ouchy, ouchy dance, LOL. Didn't feel anything but the coolness of it! Yeah! LOVE you guys!! Thanks again!!

Dietary Changes
Posted by R (Knoxville, Tn) on 04/30/2012

I went to a dermatologist for this and he put me on antibiotics. It cleared it up but then he said "now we just wait and see if it comes back and it usually does". He said he had no idea what the cause was but that I would probably need stronger antibiotics when it comes back. About 6 months later it did. So I googled it and that's when I first learned about a little thing called "candida overgrowth". I went off grains and sugar and it cleared up immediately. I still eat some corn but stay away from sugar and wheat and that has kept the rash away. The info was so easy for me to find on the internet. I can't help but wonder why that dermatologist didn't know. It's his job right? Studied all about the skin in medical school, huh? But he still doesn't have a clue? Really?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindyg (Orange County, California, Usa) on 11/15/2011

I have a skin rash that has come and gone several times over the years. In the past, it's gotten so bad it covered my entire torso, with multiple large spots on my arms, legs and hands. It's extremely itchy, scaly and gross. I've tried every remedy you can think of -- but with such a large amount of my body covered, it was hard to consistently apply anything. I worked on my diet, going super low-carb, and spent ridiculous amounts of money going to a naturopath & taking lots of supplements. It finally went away. Now, it's come back on my hands with a vengeance, and I can't afford the supplements.

I tried Tinactin, b/c I thought it was ringworm, but no-go. Vick's vaporub did nothing, and I tried ACV one time on a small spot on the back of my hand, and it made the rash spread and take over my whole hand and start creeping up my arm. After using neem oil, neem leaf extract, coconut oil, tea trea oil and fresh garlic, I still couldn't get rid of it!! I came back here and re-read all the ACV comments. At this point, my hands were so swollen from washing, scrubbing and itching I was having trouble typing -- and I write for a living.

ACV straight from the bottle, on a cotton ball, is what finally worked. It didn't make the rash spread this time; it dried all the tiny blisters out and the awful itching and pain have stopped. In the past, the itching has always gotten so bad the only way I could avoid clawing my skin off was to run my hands under hot water or blow a hot hair dryer on them. This kept me from making things worse :( Now, it's the second day of 3x/day ACV applications, and the healing is miraculous. My skin is still thick and "bubbly" and my fingers still look like sausages, but the skin is dry and flaking off and the little blisters are all popping and healing. The itching stopped for the most part after the first application. I'm definitely glad I tried ACV again. I was losing sleep every single night because my hands felt so itchy and painful.

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