Natural Prostate Cancer Treatment

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Molasses
Posted by Primopascual (Philippines) on 10/26/2014

For my kidney stone stuck at my uretea; 2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar dissolved in 8 oz of water before breakfast and after lunch and dinner, AND for my prostate stage 4; 2 table spoon [bigger than tsp] baking soda and 2 table spoon of molasses OR honeybee syrup 8 oz of water, mix and drink before lying to bed, why?? well, muscle must relax..

Now I'm free of those 2 nightmare of my life but I still keep taking those DOSE to make sure I'm free. check ur urine PH

My expenses; 268 pesos for molasses

263 pesos for Apple Cider Vinegar 21 pesos for baking soda total- 552 pesos

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dedric (Euless, Tx) on 12/05/2015

Hi, how much to take daily?

Alternative Treatment Centers
Posted by Steph (Florida, US) on 08/06/2014

Ann I am very partial to Gerson therapy but it is not an easy protocol. She is out in California. Kushi Institute in Mass on macrobiotic healings is also great. I love Dr Burke Goldberg that collaborated with Suzanne Sommers book on holistic Dr referrals. I believe his consultation fee is $200. Blessings

Alternative Treatment Centers
Posted by Gee S. (Ontario ) on 03/16/2022

Hi Ann, did you find anywhere? my brother has the same issue would be good if you could share. Thanks

Cayenne, Apple and Beet Juice
Posted by Marge (Nashville, Tn) on 01/30/2014

Could you specify how much cayenne and beet juice you take each day? My husband has prostate cancer which has spread to bone. Thanks!

Cayenne, Apple and Beet Juice
Posted by Gavin (Northland, New Zealand) on 02/01/2014

The guy who worked out the Cayenne regime for prostate cancer had a blog, with questions and answers but to my memory he worked the dosage up to about two teaspoons a day. it has a few reports and questions.

Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettles
Posted by Joy (Louisiana) on 05/29/2013

My husband has taken prescription meds for enlarged prostate for more than a decade. We are both trying to end the Rx dependency. So, after much research, and a discussion with his dr who said herbal meds cant possibly replace Rx drugs, he has eliminated the Rx drugs using saw palmetto and stinging nettle in their place. He did a gradual shift and has found the herbs as effective without the side effects. Yeah! For that since one side effect was very bad breath that tended to distance our relationship!

Baking Soda
Posted by Bexi (Rivonia, Gauteng) on 02/02/2013

Hi, my brother (74) has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. If he begins taking BS now, how much should he take?

Baking Soda
Posted by GeeMan (Canada) on 02/26/2022

Hi Alan, I don't understand that you keep the body PH at 8.5

I thought the body always kept its PH in a precise range around 7

so how do you measure the body PH?


Baking Soda
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 02/07/2017

Hello Kasia,

Relative to your uncle's cancer and the use of baking soda to treat; go on line to "Youtube Dr. Simoncini baking soda cancer" and you'll find some sites that can describe what he does and others do to treat. As I understand, the baking soda must be applied to the site of the cancer. In one case a doctor who used the protocol already had a port to be used to feed chemo into and the doctor replaced with baking soda. The spread of the cancer to hard to reach places will be a problem. But I don't know if drinking the soda in water is going to be enough to turn around the situation. Best is to find a doctor who does this protocol...Simoncini himself, for instance.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Ning (Springfield, Missouri) on 12/30/2012

Update on my husband 's prostate anyway, he completely quit taking everything for almost 1 yr, because we were out of the country for awhile , and where we lived b4 molasses was not available , so with apricot seeds and other supplements, went back to the states in march of 2012 and had his psa test, the result was up and just kept on going up, last psa test was in sept 2012 and the doctor told him that he needs to see a urologists because his psa reading is 6.79 so what I did I went to work and research, and I followed everything what other people are saying here abt cayenne pepper caps 3x a day, saw palmetto , vitamin D and he also use natural progesterone creme and lots of raw cabbage, (I made lots vegetable juice, coleslaw, ) and of course lots of prayers, and after 30 days had his psa test done and it was 5.00 , thnx again earthclinic for your amazing site and the input fr other people. God bless us all and happy new year!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Voxpop (Dallas, Tx) on 11/17/2012

hi, has anyone experienced help with prostate cancer using 35% food grade h2o2 orally? thanks, voxpop

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburgn, North West, South Africa) on 11/18/2012

Hi Voxpop, On the net there is instructions on how to use bicarb & molasses to cure prostate cancer. The guy who used the method is Johnson. So just type in bicarb & molasses cure for prostate cancer & you should get to the method.

General Feedback
Posted by Christine (Nottingham, Uk) on 10/05/2012

Does anyone have any information with regard there being any connection between vasectomy and prostate cancer later down the line. I found a reference to this in a book called. What the doctors don't tell you. By Lynne Mctaggart. Any ideas? Best wishes to all, Christine.

General Feedback
Posted by Chandu (York, Noth Yorkshire, England) on 09/28/2012

Can you advice and help. I am male in UK 62 yrs old quite active but had prostrate cancer and Radio therapy 6 yrs ago. I have recovered successfully, but am unable to produce semen and my bowels are a bit loose and urine flow is erratic and have to get up a couple of times, But the first problem is my concern. I have to reproduce semen and cannot accept western diagnosis. I feel when I do have an erection like there is a blockage due to tissue damage. I have seen your web site and been impressed and feel your advice will be sensible and your sugggestions rational. So please please help and advice.

Sincerely, Chandu

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 09/29/2012 2063 posts

Chandu: did you read the 2 pages for Prostate Enlargement here: ???

Try some of these remedies and check back w/ us on the boards to see if u r better.

Baking Soda and Molasses
Posted by Kevin (Oakland, Ca) on 09/26/2012

Answer to cure for Prostate Cancer... Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol Solutions

"How To Make Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol Solutions" follow link for video.

"How To Make Baking Soda Molasses Cancer Protocol Solutions">

Posted by Bob (Phoenix, Az/usa) on 08/09/2012

I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer in feb, had prostrate removed, tested after 2.7 should of been O.

Next test 4wks later 4. 1Sent me to a oncologist who says I must have a few cells left behind. Will this soda and molasses remedy kill off the last of the cancer cells since the doctor is not sure where the cancer cells are right now? Can you use something besides molasses or is there something with better taste. I'm also diabetic. Thank you Bob

Posted by ken r. (England ) on 12/19/2021

Hi Gavin.

How are you now?

my prostate cancer has metastasized locally.

P SA kept doubling this year after a biopsy. From 75 to over 1000. So I decided my five years of alternative remedies weren't working so am now on hormone therapy. I would like to give the soda and molasses a go.

What is the difference between soda and powder?

I have bicarbonate of soda in a 10 kg drum.

all the best.


Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 12/13/2011

Try turmeric and cayenne. You can sprinkle it on your food just like a condiment. The cayenne takes the tumeric to the areas that needs it by opening up the small arterioles. For prostate cancer the dose was about 350mgs a day of cayenne, for a couple of weeks. The hotter the rating of the cayenne the better. I'm not sure of the amount of turmeric, but its easier to take than cayenne.. I've heard if you take to much it feels like mild chemo.

Ssg Herb
Posted by Lclin (Sh, China) on 10/04/2011

Hello, My father has prostate cancer with stage 4, we would like to take SSG HERB (fresh juice). Can you share how to use lysine to work with the SSG fresh juice?

regards, LC

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 08/14/2011

I would get some cayenne capsules and take 500mg of the hottest variety you can get hold of. The reason being that it sends prostate cancer cells into suicide mode and its starting to look like it does it to other types as well.

Posted by Prostate Daughter (Dubai, Uae) on 04/28/2013

Hey Gavin, a close relative of mine has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate ca which has metastasised to lymph nodes. He is on anti androgen injections and will have palliative radiotherapy in September but he cannot be ' cured' due to sites of metastasis. Have heard a lot about baking soda remedy and encouraging him to try ( why not huh?) and heard about cayenne, can you do both together? Although he is 70 he is fit and we'll, only diagnosed by chance as he got a pain in his hip after coming off the treadmill and rowers, turned out to be cancer not a pulled muscle : (

Posted by Zark (Emerald City) on 04/30/2015

Oops spoke too soon. Sorry EC, I have to change my vote above to "Better but not cured".

Chilli definitely helped me, and was working very well for roughly 2 week, after that the affect wore off :'(. My body seems to have become accustomed to it now. Perhaps I should have been more aggressive!

The pains have been moving through my abdomen, and now into my hip.. that started after a big flare up from eating ripe bananas. It really loves the sugar. No matter, my Kombucha is still working well, and I am getting better at identifying foods that feed this (sugar and cheese are the worst). I have also learnt by observation that the Kombucha I take needs to be nice and sour, and that the first ferment stage works best.

Posted by Fern (Mexico, Mexico City) on 08/14/2011

About your dog and the tyrosine thing, I remember doing a little reading and research on curcumin (major component of turmeric) specifically about it's anti-cancer properties, and I remembered something about being a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, so I did a little google search to refresh my memory and I found scholar articles about it (just google "curcumin inhibits tyrosoine kinase activity of epidermal growth factor receptor") you will also find articles specifically adressing it's therapeutic potential to treat prostate cancer.

Anyway... I would think that being a tyrosine inhibitor, it would do exactly what it did to your dog, but the curious thing is that a medicine called Gleevec (anti-leukimia and other types of cancer treatment) did the opposite to the patients being treated, it darkened their gray hair---this drug is precisely a tyrosine kinase inhibitor---

Sorry if I got too technical!!! LOL but I just thought it was pretty interesting... And I don't now if supplementing with tyrosine would render the turmeric mute :S

Redhead lab sounds pretty cool anyway :) good luck!

Chia Seeds
Posted by Jason (Peoria, Az) on 02/09/2011

Hello, I have heard that some 2004 study concluded that Chia seed puts males at a higher risk of prostate cancer if consumed on a regular basis. I also have heard that Chia seed is a "superfood" that has a ton of vitamins/minerals and is wonderful for our health.

Is Chia seed good or bad for prostate health? And also general health too? I have taken it and it has worked wonders for my mood and energy.

Sincerely, Jason

Posted by Leonard (Las Cruces, Nm) on 01/05/2011

RE: Prostate. You should also seriously consider Small Flowered Willow Herb. A serious help for Bladder and Prostate.

Posted by Roger756 (Clute, Texas, United States) on 12/01/2012

For a better health of a prostate, one should try beta sitosterol and the much needed nutrients which will help prostate function better. It works so well with no side effects.

Posted by Bob (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/01/2010

you could try calcium hypochorite powder .. it is cheap and easily purchased from your local pool chemical shop. A google search on Jim Humble will bring up further details . I gave the info to a friend, he has had an infection on his arm causing a lot of discomfort and Drs have tried treating it for over 8 years ... it was completely healed in just over a week. His brother has prostate problems and he has started using it with good results, Do some research first, according to Jim Humble he first used it to treat Prostate cancer with great success

Baking Soda and Molasses
Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 07/17/2016

Michael, how did you measure your own PSA level? Thanks

Baking Soda and Molasses
Posted by Dave (Basking Ridge, Nj) on 11/01/2016

Does anyone understand why the baking soda is not neutralized by the strong hydrochloric acid in the stomach?

Humic and Fulvic Acid
Posted by Lynne Smith (San Diego, Ca) on 08/03/2009

Hello and thank you for accepting my e-mail. I have a dear male friend who has been fighting stage 4 breast cancer, then prostate cancer, now spinal (bone cancer) for the past ten years. Chemo and radiation does not help at this point and he is now just waiting for the cancer to attack a vital organ. I was told that the combination of humic and fulvic acid has helped people in the last stages of cancer and I'd like to know if there are any research results in this regard.

Thank you.
Lynne Smith

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