Natural Remedies for Plantar Warts (Verrucas)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Craig (Alaska ) on 01/12/2019

This is not a soak, but to attest to other healing benefits of ACV as an ingested first thing upon waking, 30 minute before food application.

I had a planter's wart on my right foot and one cropping up (pun intended) on my left foot that people told me to use the foot soak for, but I also heard you could drink it in the morning. I chose the ingested option for more additional benefits.

They call for a spoonful or two (buy the one with “the mother” in it) that can be diluted with water if you find the taste too harsh to deal with. I just swig mine straight and get the “WHY???” face, for the brave at stomach. In about a month all of the planter's warts had disappeared off of my feet!!!

Aspirin and Fish Oil
Posted by JMS (Buffalo NY ) on 09/10/2023

I followed the directions for this remedy and in 10 days the wart is completely gone!

Banana Peel
Posted by Elaine (Nashville, Tn) on 01/07/2017

Banana peel works best for plantar warts. I had a wart that kept coming back despite continuous painful freezing, cortisone shots, surgery, etc., and I could not wear regular shoes or sandals. I don't even like bananas, but the peel has medicinal properties. Cut a piece of the peel and place it over the wart and secure with bandaids or stretchy medical tape. Leave it on overnight or wear it during the day. It is painless and the wart will shrink and disappear!

Clove Oil, DMSO, Garlic, Colloidal Silver
Posted by Wart Go Away (Greenville, Sc) on 12/12/2016

My boyfriend had a nasty plantar wart on the bottom of his foot for MONTHS. I urged him gently to go to the derm to get it frozen off, because it freaky hurt him and his job requires standing all day. His mom, a RN and strong believer in natural homeopathic remedies gave him clove oil, DMSO, and garlic to use. He'd tape the garlic sliver on the way during the day for a few hours, let it be, then apply DMSO and clove oil a couple times during the afternoon and evening before bed. The wart turned black, then about a week and a half after consistent use, it fell out! It left a hole in his foot from where it fell out, so we used colloidal silver to help in skin repair. It's been a week and his foot is almost perfect!

So now I'm using DMSO with tea tree oil to get rid of two warts on the same finger. I'm on day two of two applications under a bandaid and they're already drying out. I've had luck with just tea tree oil in the past with ridding a wart on my knee, but it took a couple months. So I hope the dmso will make it go away faster!

Sulfur and Duct Tape
Posted by Patricia (New Jersey) on 07/02/2016

The duct tape worked for my daughter's plantar wart too. She was only 8 at the time and I was afraid foot doctor methods would be painful. I read on another site to dab it with sulfur powder and cover with duct tape. It took two months because we didn't do it every day but it was pain-free and never came back. And cheaper than the doctor.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Erin (Alberta) on 08/03/2017

Er, not necessarily. It could simply suggest that the person's immune system had a boost from removing the inflammation-causing sugars. Plantar warts are a known virus--HPV. Medical scientists have known this for a long time. If it is a parasite that caused the wart, then it's not a wart. All warts are due to viruses, according to the literature.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Marie (Reno, Nv) on 08/04/2015

My son developed large warts on the bottom of his feet, underneath his toes. Our doctor tried burning them off a couple of times with liquid nitrogen, but they came back with a vengeance! They eventually grew to the size of small golf balls and we were all very concerned about his feet. Before his leaving to go back to college after Christmas, I gave him a bottle of Lugol's Iodine and a roll of duct tape. He applied the iodine to the warts after his shower in the morning and then covered them with duct tape. He removed the tape at night and before going to bed, repeated the same routine. It took about 6 weeks, but the warts completely disappeared and have not returned, 3 years later.

Thank you Earth Clinic, you're the best!

Aloe Vera
Posted by C (USA) on 06/14/2022

I've thought about this as well (them potentially being caused by low potassium levels). Not only bananas, aloe and ACV (I didn't know the last two had a lot of potassium), but potatoes are also rubbed on them to cure them, which also contain a lot of potassium. I'm not sure if eating more potassium in your diet would help but it is an interesting idea. They are caused by a virus but some people's immune systems just get rid of them while others' don't, and maybe potassium deficiency makes the difference?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachellepatten (Mesa, Az) on 03/11/2013

I had a large, painful wart on the bottom of my toe. I used apple cider vinegar. I placed a cotton ball with Apple Cider Vinegar on my toe and secured it with medical tape, replacing it daily. After about 3 days it turned black so I filed it down. There were dead, black veins sticking out of the wart. I did take a break for two days. The wart was very deep and it did begin to get sore. I then continued treatment and the wart was gone in 2 weeks. It has not returned and did not scar. I have tried freezing and wart removal liquids that did not work. From now on, I will only use ACV.

Duct Tape
Posted by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 07/31/2011

I can't believe it, but duct tape actually worked in getting rid of a plantars wart I've had on the ball of my foot since I was a teenager, which was decades ago! It's slow-going, but it works. Prior to this, I had tried every product and procedure imaginable. Nothing worked. At best, I would have temporary relief but the wart would *always* grow back within weeks.

Just put a good-sized piece of tape over the wart and push down the sides of the tape to make sure it sticks well. When you bathe/shower, dry it off well and put a new piece of tape on. After a couple of days, you'll notice that the wart gets puffy with dead skin. Carefully use a razor blade (I put tape on one of the edges of the blade to make it easier to handle and safer to use) to slice off some of the dead skin - not too much. Just hold the blade parallel to the raised skin and shave a little bit off, then put a fresh piece of tape on. Repeat that process every few days - shaving just a tad of the dead skin off and never let the wart be without duct tape on it.

It took a few months of patience and diligence, but that sucker is GONE now! ;-) It's been five months and (knocks wood) - no sign of it. It feels sooo good to *finally* be rid of the pain that came with every step I took for all those years. As someone who takes nothing for granted, I am so grateful for the relief. I appreciate it every single day.

If your patient and diligent, the duct tape method *will* work.

Dr. Christopher's Ointment
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/15/2024 461 posts

Accidentally Eliminated Plantar Warts

I know that sounds good, but I was letting them come back so I could continue experimenting on them, so...

How did it happen? Apparently, by playing with Dr. Christopher's bone, flesh and cartilage formula. Or whatever it's called now...Complete...Bone and Tissue. Or Tissue and bone, one or the other. I've been putting ointment everywhere, all day long, for about 3 days. And I mean, like, "Oh! Is that a dry spot? I'm gonna massage a bunch of ointment into that! ".

It's day 4 and I've used almost half a 4 oz jar already, ROFL!

The body just eats that stuff UP! I wondered where the beeswax in the ointment went but, apparently, unfiltered beeswax has all of the properties of honey so...that would explain that. The body wouldn't take it if it didn't need it so I'm just going to keep using it until it quits sucking it in. See what happens.

I'm going to melt some, add a little castor oil and apply it to the scalp - see if it takes it all in.

Fascinating stuff! Same herbs as his anti-pla9ue/immune herbs but in equal measure (except for 1, which is double) of 4 oz to ^7 power decoctions. topped off with enough honey, garlic juice and ACV to bring it all up to a whole gallon of the stuff so...guess what I'm gonna do NEXT! ROFL!

Posted by DL (NC) on 10/23/2022

Add Ted's borax remedy to the list as a permanent cure for a stubborn small plantar wart! I used the popular banana peel cure a number of times over the years and it works immediately at shrinking it. I almost went away each time I used a banana peel for a few days, but only to grow back a month or two later... It was not very big, just a tiny bump on the bottom center of my foot. Well I just realized that, along with borax totally curing my trigger finger and arthritis, my plantar wart is also gone! Not sure how long it took as I wasn't monitoring my foot.. guessing a month or two.

1/4 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water, sipped throughout the day. Read the borax page for more details if you don't know about this protocol.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Nicholas (Edison, Nj) on 08/27/2016

I had a plantar wart on my clavicle. Never had one before. Waited three weeks for it to heal on its own. Then I placed on it cotton soaked with hydrogen peroxide twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Kept it there with masking tape. It healed in about 10 days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ana (Miami Fl.) on 12/15/2016

For plantar warts, the answer is hot water. Put your feet in hot water everyday for 20 minutes. they will disappear. I read that and I did it. It worked.

Castor Oil
Posted by Virginia (Cushing, OK) on 01/29/2008

A foot doctor said to put cold-pressed castor oil on a large wart on my sons' toe then put a sock on his foot nightly til the wart goes away. Amazing but it did within a week.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ashley (Baltimore, MD) on 05/10/2007

Virgin coconut oil cured my plantar warts. I had some plantar warts on my foot for about a year, then I started rubbing coconut oil on my feet to help soften the skin and make walking more comfortable. After about 2 months of this, I was just starting to think of going to the doctor to have them removed (with much dread) when I noticed that the warts had shrunk. Then about 1-2 weeks later, the dead skin just peeled off like a callous, revealing soft healthy skin underneath. It wasn't an overnight cure, but the time was a small price to pay for not having them dug out! I know they were warts because they had the little black spots in them, they hurt or bled if scraped, and a couple of small ones had appeared elsewhere on my foot. I also use coconut oil in food preparation on a regular basis, as well as topically on all areas of the skin.

Dr. Christopher's Ointment
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 05/27/2024

Hi Cindy, I love Dr Christopher's formulas. Thanks for posting your experiences with the bone and tissue ointment “experiment.” I'm looking forward to what happens with the next large jar you go through :) keep us posted please!

Sow Thistle
Posted by Pebbles (NSW, Australia) on 06/15/2023

After years of trying various remedies (banana peel, ACV, tea tree oil, coconut oil, caster oil etc) for a stubborn wart on my toe, I tried the white sap from the common weed, sow thistle. I applied the white sap daily for a month; the wart has completely gone!

Banana Peel
Posted by Roy (Atlanta, GA) on 08/21/2021

The information provided on your site is unclear as to whether ripe or lesser ripe banana peel works best for warts.

EC: Ripe... as in not too green and not too ripe is best.

Tea Tree and Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 04/18/2023

Hi Al

I got rid of all my warts and they never came back. Apply Duck Tape.

It smothers them. It really works.


Posted by Susan (Pasadena) on 06/14/2021

Nope, not for me. I tried this the other day on a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot... a bit of borax powder and sealed with a bandaid so none would leak out. It did not fall off. In fact, nothing happened.

The banana peel method taping method is much more effective and fast. The only issue I have is that the bp taping method doesn't get to the core, so it grows back within a few months.

Eliminate Sugar
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 04/14/2017 461 posts

Whoa! That suggests it's actually a parasite of some kind - very interesting!

Tagamet or Evening Primrose Oil
Posted by Gueva (19006) on 02/01/2016

My eldest son had golfball sized wart cluster on his heel x yrs which MD said he would not remove surgically as that would immobilize him for 6 mos. We had tried Apple Cider Vinegar + duct tape with limited success. MD recommended Tagamet 500 mg twice daily. in 4 days the warts were completely gone and have not returned in six years. My son stopped the Tagamet once the warts were gone.

Younger son has found that 500mg/day of Evening Primrose oil immediately stops warts once they start. He tried Tagamet but had an adverse reaction to it.

Hope one of these is helpful!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cheek (USA) on 05/14/2019

Just came from the Coconut Oil central Site and thought I'd relay an experience I had when I broke my foot. I only have a shower so I washed my foot with coconut oil until I was able to get in the shower without my cast and all of my plantar warts on that foot went away. OLD warts, like I'd had them for 40 years - since I was pregnant with my daughter. I thought the cast had cut off their air supply but now I understand it was the coconut oil that I didn't even use everyday. I only washed that foot every few days until I was able to get in the shower without my cast.

That was something like 3 years ago and no the warts are back so I'm going to be washing my feet everyday with coconut oil and do nothing else to see what happens.

Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Bonnie (Ontario) on 01/03/2023

Haven't got the lugols iodine as suggested for plantar warts but I do have nascent iodine. Think it would work? TIA, BONNIE

Tea Tree and Frankincense Essential Oil
Posted by Al (BC, Canada) on 04/18/2023

I will definitely be trying this as soon as I get home from a road trip but will add a drop of Lugols when I can get some. I have plantar warts on both feet - dozens of the little monsters! Also have flat warts on my hands and head. More and more every year, and absolutely NOTHING works. Even if I completely cut them off and gouge them out and then apply remedies, they grow back within a day or two.

Your post has given me some hope that I may yet be Rod of them. Thank you.

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