Hot Flashes
Natural Remedies

Top 5 Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Cooling Cotton Sheets
Posted by Margaret (Chicago) on 11/07/2019

Night Sweats -

This is the simplest remedy EVER. Hot flashes in the night might be caused by the material in your sheets and/or comforter. I started to get horrible night sweats last winter and thought, this is it... menopause is here and it really sucks. A couple of months went by and I finally figured out that the new sheets I had bought that were supposed to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer were actually roasting me! After an hour of sleep, I was literally drenched in sweat. Smartly, I put my old cotton sheets back on the bed and guess what, I slept well and had no sweating. I then spent the next few months searching for the perfect cotton sheets that would keep me cool. Bought an inexpensive set on Amazon that were marketed as "the sheets your grandmother used to have". NO. They were itchy and scratchy and definitely NOT what grandmother used to have! Horrible. Then I bought bamboo, expensive sheets from Bed Bath and Beyond after the sales person told me they were the coolest sheets around. Guess what, I really roasted in those too. So once again I went back to my old sheets. They are cool to touch and I have no idea the brand because they washed off a long time ago. Night sweats be gone.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Cynthia (Georgia) on 07/20/2017

Thanks for the information. I have had hot flashes for the last 14 years I am going to try this. I will be happy to see the results

Posted by Tracy (Franklin, Tn) on 03/25/2016

About how many shots of lemon do you do in a day for your hot flashes?

Posted by Kathy (Ontario, Canada) on 12/20/2014

Good for you! I suffered for the last 5 years, sometimes really bad like a few times an hour and sometimes just a few times a day. They were terrible! I found that cutting down on sugar helped alot. It seems I am through the worst part now, at least I hope so! Hot flashes are miserable!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Magnesium
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 10/10/2014

What type of magnesium do you take? I can't seem to get rid of my hot flashes.

Posted by Charlottte (Simpsonville, Sc) on 02/06/2013

Charlotte in Mecklenburg, I would love to know if you have gotten any results yet? Oh I do hope so. It has been fabulous not having these hot flashes and night sweats anymore!

Posted by Charlotte (Charlotte, Nc) on 02/10/2013

No, not yet, I'm still taking it, I'm also taking ACV, Maca, Vitamin E, Omega 3, Soy Isoflavones. Is there anything else out there that I need to try?

Posted by Minkypinky (New York, Ny) on 05/20/2013


Hey, I tried Boron and it worked from day 1, too. But after about two months, it has stopped working for me. I'm getting hot flashes again. I wonder if anyone else has had this experience? Where the effect wears off? I wonder why this happened. Very disappointed because I was soooo happy that the night sweats and hot flashes stopped. They're not as bad (before I was getting them every hour or two and now I only seem to get them if I exert myself or find myself in a warm situation, like too many clothes, or the A/C turns off in the subway), but they're back.

I'm reluctant to increase the dosage as I've read that high doses can actually worsen hot flashes.

Maca Root
Posted by Green Apple (London, United Kingdom) on 01/19/2013

Maca root seems to really have helped my hot flashes in just 1 week! I came home from a long hall flight and suddenly started getting hot flashes - I was worried that it was pre menopause starting... I did some research on this site (love, love Earth Clinic) and some other recipe sites. One week ago I started taking this morning drink of: 1 tsp maca powder, 1 tsp raw cocoa, 1 tsp organic regular cocoa, 1/3 tsp molasses mixed with warm raw almond milk or raw unpasteurised milk. Its delicious and has the added benefit of reducing my morning coffee intake (which is also supposed to reduce hot flashes). I'm loving this drink - Macca has a bitter coffee like flavour and its the warm, creamy, comforting drink I love in the morning. I do not feel deprived of my coffee at all. My understanding is I should only be having 1 tsp of maca a day but I like this drink so much I sometimes make a second one. Seriously, the last two nights I've had no sweating whatsoever. Thank you for Earth Clinic for pointing me in the direction of maca for hormonal balance.

Posted by Mary (Tx) on 03/11/2016

Soy is also full of plant estrogens, which is probably why it works. But too much estrogen is bad for you. Please be careful.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sage
Posted by She (Richmond, Virginia, United States) on 10/28/2012

I went off my hormone patch and progesterone as I just don't want to take synthetic hormones anymore! I drink apple cider vinegar with baking soda 3 xs a day and just started applying Clary Sage oil morning and night and that seems to help. This site is wonderful for all types of remedies.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sage
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/28/2012

She, how do you apply the Clary Sage oil?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Sage
Posted by She (Richmond, Virginia, United States) on 10/29/2012

I apply it directly from the bottle usually around my lower abdomen where I use to put my hormone patch. Doesn't get rid of flashes but definitely helps!

Flax Seed
Posted by Kathy (Ontario, Ca) on 10/23/2012

I've had good success with flaxseed. I just grind it up in a coffee grinder and I add about a Tablespoon a day to my food and the flashes have subsided.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Lorraine (Zolfo Springs, Fl) on 05/21/2011

I'm really interested in this!!!! What is the recipe for this? Thank you, Lorraine

Apple Cider Vinegar, Ginger, Stevia
Posted by Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 12/22/2010

Calcium tablets and vitamin E should help with Hot flashes. Watch your sugar and caffeine intake. Both of those triggle hot flashes. My cousin will have a hot flash within 20 minutes of consuming sugar.

Posted by Dalene (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 09/19/2009

Soy milk powder cured my hot flashes. I also tried everything under the sun, but the soy milk poweder was the only sure thing. If I miss one dose, they're back! I take a tablespoon in the morning, with tea or over cereal, doesn't matter. Take another dose in the evening if necessary, works like a charm!!

Posted by Crystal (Salyersville, Ky, USA) on 09/19/2009

Thanks Dalene!! I will for sure get some soy milk powder today,,I pray that it works for me. I hope it taste good.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Cindy (Cochrane, Wi, USA) on 09/17/2009

please i have a question for ted, i have tried to email him at his address but emails have been returned.i would like to know what he thinks causes menopausal hot flashes and what to do about them. i am not having any luck with remedies. love this website tho.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Peggy Sue Chan (South Houston, Texas, USA) on 08/17/2009

To Helpplz: I buy mine at a feed store, 50 lbs for $21.00. It's real name is Diatomite Silica. You can buy it at nurseries and garden centers, too, but for far more expensive. We drink ours. I don't have hot flashes when I drink it. I took several tablespoons twice daily, and the next day the flashes quit. I vacationed in the Carribbean without air conditioning for two weeks, and the flashes still didn't happen.

I also quit having gluteal hamstring pulls--I have no idea why they quit the day after I began taking the silica. I'd had them for 5 years previously, as long as I'd been running. However, four months ago I changed my running form from heel strike to forefoot strike, and the hamstring pulls never recurred, even without my taking silica. Strange, but my knees and ankles quit hurting when I changed form, too.

When I quit taking silica, however, my hot flashes returned.

I can't tell what else silica did for me because I am not aware of having any other health problems.

Pine Bark
Posted by Moi (Redmond, Wa) on 05/17/2011

Hi Carol,

Did you notice if you were bloated with the pine bark? I have tried so many remedies and the ones that worked always caused me to be bloated which was just so depressing as I have already gained a ton of weight over the past few years. Thanks

Posted by Emily (Goodyear, AZ) on 02/21/2009

Hypnosis has been shown to help reduce hot flashes by about 65% in one study and is worth a try.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne
Posted by Jodie (Oak Park, IL) on 05/23/2008

My allergies were the worst ever this spring so after reading about cures on your website I decided to try ACV and cayenne. Not only did it eliminate my allergy symptoms, but the unexpected side benefits are great! My chronically runny nose -gone, constant throat clearing -gone, red rimmed eyes -gone, HOT FLASHES - GONE! My complexion is clearer and I have more energy. This is unbelievable. I use generic ACV and don't feel the need to switch to unfiltered.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne
Posted by Linda (Ottawa, ON, Canada) on 11/02/2008

I have just stopped taking estrogen pills, I have been on them for 5 years, now my doctor wants me off them. I have not slept for 2 weeks now,so I will try the acv for sure. I did try it many years ago for stress and I had alot of energy. I felt great, I would put 2 teaspoons of avc and one tablespoon of pure honey with one eight ounce glass of warm water. It is really not too bad to drink.

And for a UTI try one to two capsules of cayenne, the other morning I woke up at 3 in the morning with the urge to go. I never wake up in the middle of the night to got to the bathroom, and I thought to myself aw here we go again, another UTI infection. I had some Cayenne capsule so I took one in the morning and drank water all day. I took another one before supper with more water, well that was the end of that. I had been cured the same day.

My daughter told me about this site, it is great.


Eliminate Caffeine, Drink Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Modesto, CA) on 04/01/2008

For 2 years now, I have been able to avoid hot flashes by not having caffeine. I even had to stay away from having too much decaf coffee otherwise the small amount of caffeine in the decaf would cause me to flash. Shortly after I started taking ACV (2 tbsp. 2 times a day) for joint pain, I had read that people were having success with it helping hot flashes. I decided to try drinking regular coffee again and I am still hot flash free! The ACV is wonderful!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Kolokea (Vancouver, Wa) on 11/11/2009

I use vineger and baking soda to unclog my kitchen sink. Vinegar is an acid you pour it down the sink that is plugged and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then you add the baking soda and this causes a chemical reaction. The vinegar and soda start to fizzle and break up the clog in the drain.

I have never heard of using the two to cure hot flashes. What will this do to my system over time?

I started getting hot flashes two years ago. I went to a health food store and they recommended Proestergin Cream. I checked it out on the computer and it seemed to work for a lot of people. I used the cream for 3 days and noticed immediate relief. After taking it a week my hot flashed when away. After some time I learned when I could miss or when I needed to increase the dozes. I went for a whole year without hot flashes. Now the cream isn't working for me. I have switched brands and gone from Yam extract to Soy extract...nothing works any more.

I will try the ACV tonight, wish me luck...

B Vitamins
Posted by BRENDA (Matney, USA) on 09/13/2007


B Vitamins
Posted by Lynne (London, United Kingdom) on 07/24/2008

I have recently started having the most awful hot flushes going literally dripping wet after a shower and after putting on make up. My hair goes flat and lifeless. I have noticed on your site that B vitamins have an effect on your hot flushes and I take them. I shall stop the B vitamins and multi vitamins and try apple cider vinegar (I used to take it for reflux and its great). I will then report back whether or not this has worked.

B Vitamins
Posted by Marleiza (Barbados, W.I.) on 04/26/2010


I read about taking B complex increases hotflashes. This happens to me and I would like to know why. Can someone explain why?


B Vitamins
Posted by Sue (Liverpool, Uk) on 04/11/2011

I have suffered for a very long time with hot flashes and they are getting me down. I have just taken my my very first ACV so will let you know how I got on. Thank you to everyone for your useful information, hopefully no more flat hair days. Sue Liverpool UK.

Posted by agnes (kamloops, canada) on 05/23/2008


One should always be careful when trying soy, that they do not have an allergy to it. I do and 1/4 oz of it can send me to the bathroom for hours, whether it be soy milk, tofu, miso,hydrolyzed soy protein, msg,etc. I also puff up like a blowfish... For a lot of skin problems I use extra virgin coconut oil, for upset stomachs, and dieting. I am just going to try ACV for hot flushes now. I will let you know how it turns out.

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