Holistic Therapy: Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)

Holistic Approach
Posted by Gloria (Spart., S.c.) on 10/09/2012

Natural medicine for lupus. I have a friend who was diagnosed with lupus 36 yrs ago developed kidney cancer and given 6 months to live. He went to natural, herbal medicine and here 36 yrs later still dealing w/ certain symtoms but still at 73 working and living faily normal life cancer gone. I do believe in holistic medicine. I know of more cases of lupus w/ same result.

Baking Soda
Posted by Michelle (Ojai, CA) on 07/14/2009

I have been taking 1/2 tsp baking soda in an 8 ounce glass of water on an empty stomach as part of Ted's Remedies for Lupus. My question is: How long after drinking the mixture may I eat? PS: So far the remedy I found here has HELPED my LUPUS symptoms tremendously! Still on the mend, but after one full week, I have more energy during the day. I am hopeful that the other symptoms will abate as well. Thanks to Ted & everyone who wrote in with their feedback... very helpful.

Baking Soda
Posted by Sari (Kailua, Hi) on 04/18/2018

Just be sure to use baking soda that is "aluminum free". You can find this at health food stores.

EC: All baking soda (aka sodium bicarbonate) is aluminum free. This was a marketing ploy from one company in particular to spread false information on the internet about baking soda.

It is baking POWDER that contains aluminum.

Jacquelyn's Lupus Remedies
Posted by Parhat (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/16/2009

Yes, most suggestions sound reasonable. However, two major remedies deserved mentioned, one is a baking soda with malic acid, which is reacted to be malate, such as 500 mg of malic acid with baking soda, say 1000 mg, will help chronic fatigue to some extent, but magnesium is needed too, such as 500 mg to 1000 mg of magnesium chloride. Generally an inflammed thyroid in a lupus is a fungus condition responsible. I have been lately experimenting with a newer remedy to rid of that inflammed which can be applied two ways to reduce the inflammation. A 10% solution of ammonium chloride applied to the throat areas perhaps mixed with a little 5% of milk of magnesia, or a stronger 10% solution of ammonium bicarbonate. It should be noted that a lupus may not observe themselve but I can see improvement when baking soda and borax was supplement over the course of a week, unknown to them since its positive effect while not immediate were very clear. Hence baking soda and borax still remains the major remedy. The other issue is the weakness and lack of energy can be restored mostly with 5-10 drops of 3% H2O2. Steaks and overcooked meat even organic were problematic still. However, most foods, if organic can't be found can be neutralized by 90% by soaking in a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, such as 0.5% H2O2 soaking for roughly 5 minutes. The meat may pale in a few case from the peroxide, but it does neutralize insecticides and antibiotics. As well as hydrogen peroxide usually 5-10 drops will have an effect in lifting the energy for 2-3 hours, and hence is taken every 2-3 hours. Too much hydrogen peroxide taken too long may deplete vitamin C, and caused headaches and vitamin C sodium ascorbate is often taken at 1000 mg a day, to balance off this.

Nearly every lupus sufferers I have found were all exposed to heavy metals of some kind, either mercury amalgam, vaccines mercury from Gulf War Syndrome vaccines used, from heavy metals in faulty showers, old faucets, old metal water filter and even one person was working in metal working and another was a metal inspector, or another lived near ships where water has high heavy metals. Hence chlorella and spirulina helps and forms the foundation for lupus.

The newer remedy against this fungus lupus, is the ammonium chloride. Is applied to throat area at 10% solution to reduce inflammation. In my opinion a low dose ammonium chloride such as 1/16 teaspoon or 1/10 teaspoon ammonium chloride dissolved in 1 glass of water is drank at only 1/3 of that and then later at 1/3 and finally in evening at 1/3 or whatever left over. This is a fairly low dose to killing off the fungus. The ammonium chloride is a diuretic, clears fungus from the system, and may cause warming initially as the body detox and should clear up some of the skin problem. In any event application on the thryoid externally is one way to do it, although a mild approach will reduce inflammation s thyroid can produce normally without excess reliance on hormone replacelement. In excess the body become to dependent and cause a thyroid shutdown, which can last for days in some cases, even a natural Amour thyroid.

Another remedy that seems to digest certain kinds of lupus is the bloodroot tincture. The remedy is 2-6 drops of bloodroot tincture in ethanol (not methanol) dissolved in 1/2 glass of water three times a day. The bloodroot tincture will digest certain lupus that caused inflammation and most notably reduce up to 90% of pain in a couple of cases I encountered.

If there is anything I like to add, I would just say the important remedy is always borax, hydrogen peroxide, bloodroot tincture, baking soda, potassium citrate (as used in alkalizing remedies) chlorella and spirulina and magnesium. Iodine drops helps thyroid functions, as in lugols solution for example. The newest remedy I am updating here is the ammonium chloride or ammonium bicarbonate to reduce glandular inflammation so that once inflammation isn't there, the glandular functions can work, especially when taken at very small amount internally can turn on many glandular functions as is borax. In fact the antifungal that neutralize fungus are the borax and ammonium chloride. Hydrogen peroxide helps, but it's effect are short term lasting a couple of hours on energy. It clears the blood for all three - namely borax, ammonium chloride and hydrogen peroxide, not taken at the same time, of course. The hydrogen peroxide drops is taken separately. The ammonium is divided in three dose, and borax is in dirnking water. But a borax and hydrogen peroxide can be combined in practice. For example, in one liter of water 30 drops of 3% H2O2 (some like 20 drops) plus 1/8 teaspoon of borax (or 1/4 depending on the size and the results).

A xylitol is an interesting one that deserves mentioned in itself. If the body is properly alkalize the xylitol will prevent further infection, but if taken alone leads to pain, if not propearly alkalized. It helps reduce infection by preventing attachment. So it's a two edge sword. I used them for urinary tract infection.

Sea salt is an important remedy in lupus and the dose is between 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon per glass. Preferable dose is likely to be closer to 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per day. The dose can also be mixed in the borax/hydrogen peroxide in the drinking water also. So we can call this borax/hydrogen peroxide/sea salt in one liter of drinking water solution.

Diet control are important to avoid a flare up, especially white sugar, honey, white flour and overcooked meats, and steaks. Fish and vegetables are generally safer and yes, millet and brown rice are generally the best grains, but taken not too much.

A supporting remedy not mentioned but support liver function is granulated lecithin taken at one tablespoon a day which reduces liver congestion and also help reduce blood sugar. Drinking plenty of water during meals prevent blood sugar spikes that normally result in inflammation during lunch that occurs around afternoon. Thus if liquids were driank before during and after meal, the inflammation would redusce as liquies would reduce the blood sugar spikes that caused the inflammation and weakness that occured after meals.

A good pH balance needs potassium also, not just baking soda and muscle pain may be most helpful with the magnesium.


Margaret's Lupus Remedies
Posted by Sherry (Fort Wayne, Indiana) on 08/13/2011

Just wanted to share my story on lupus. In Dec of 2010 I went to see a intergrated doctor. Found my gluten numbers really high along with antibodies for lupus. Went gluten free and in only 2 months my lupus antibodies were gone! Just had a follow up visit and my antibodies are still gone. I say go gluten free. I also had my Vit D checked along with b12 and iron. If you live near a intergrated doctor I would recommend going. Good luck to all out there, Sherry

General Feedback
Posted by Bret (Phoenix, Arizona) on 05/05/2008

Tulane Medical School has recently isolated Type A retro virus in people who have Lupus, Jouvenile R.Arthritis, Graves disease. This is the first time Type A retrovirus has been found in humans. Lupus apparently is not caused by auto-antigen or nucleic acid deficiency. But we really didn't need Tulane Medical School to prove this, Just look at the disease patterns. The disease patterns truly match those patterns of viral infections. Dormancy vs Active cycles, non-specific tissue inflamation that starts with pockets of tissue not entire system of tissues. Spreading to adjacent tissues and organs. Most alternative treatments being used today can be found on this site and others. For Lupus they either contain alkaline substances which inhibbit viral replication,or polyphenols which donate oxygen to the cell, (after losing H+ ions,)or chlorophyll which potentiates oxygen, or quinones which are strong industrial oxidizers. DMSO is another oxygen donor exploiting sulfate molecule's oxygen binding properties. Just examine these structures they all have one thing in common,...oxygen. The truth is anything that increases alkalinity also increases oxygen perfusion into cells as oxygen carries negative polarity and will be attracted to a more alkaline cellular environments. (Otto Warburg Nobel Prize) You can't change the ph of blood, but you can change the ph inside of cells. The very latest in research proving Lupus is caused by a virus can be found at: AmericanCancerAdvocates.com, a research site. Sincerely Bret Peirce

Lupus Theories
Posted by Nancy (San Diego, California,USA) on 03/25/2008

I was diagnosed w/SLE at 12. I'm 43 now and 20+ years on hemodialysis. No kidney function,transplant didn't work,EVER. Chems A+. Still have some sort of autoimmune disease. unknown. Going gluten free,etc. I think diet, environment, bad DNA caused my lupus. They plugged me full of prednisone, which caused ESRD--dialysis. Now I'm stuck because my kidneys don't exist, and I'm trying to fight off another autoimmune. Ted, you're a genius. I hate American Medicine and their 'pimps'. ADVICE: Get lupus before it gets your organs--dialysis, transplant,death.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 04/02/2007 391 posts

Without getting confused in lupus remedies, I am going to make it simple and concentrate on major supplements that resulted in major improvements.

I have seen lupus to improve most significantly from only four things being the most important. These are the bare minimum:

1. Alkalizing pH. 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda taken twice a day in 1/2 glass of water on an empty stomach. Urinary pH MUST be at LEAST 7.0

2. Vitamin D3 2,000 i.u.- 20,000 i.u./day. Magnesium is synergistic with the vitamin D at about 250 mg of mangesium citrate. Vitamin D I found accidentally after I noticed lupus tend to worsen during winter with less sun, and when early summer arrive, the lupus was reduced. Excess sun exposure is still not recommended for lupus, but vitamin d seems to increase the immune systems.

3. 1/8 teaspoon of borax taken weekly diluted in 1 liter of water taken in divided dose throughout the day.

4. No acid forming supplements! Vitamin B6 (pyridoxal hydrochloride) and Nicotinic acid, were the biggest problems in creating a lupus, not because they are vitamin B, but because they are acid forming. One is a hydrochloride, the other is the nicotinic acid. If they are other that are alkaline forming, they are relatively toxic to both staph and strep.

5. Contaminated water supply. Yes fluoride, chlorine, but I also found free heavy metals contaminants to be the big cause also. Certain water had unknown chemicals and switching them to mineral water did major improvement were seen in the condition of lupus.

6. No sweets, too much meats, pizza, steaks, oily foods, white flour, and fried foods. They make the condition so much worse as they too are acid forming.

Those are the big six that resulted in major improvements. You can do the other things later. I have as yet to fine tune this, but lupus is still rare where I live. If I get any more information on lupus, I will update them as it comes along.

Biochemic Tissue Salts, Sea Salt, Epsom Salt, Clay
Posted by Clifford (Ethelbert, Manitoba, Canada) on 07/24/2006

A friend of mine, a mother of about 38 years of age was told by her doctor that she may have Lupus and as I have been helping her health wise, she phoned me this evening to find out what Lupus was and for definite help for a complete cure. I had been helping her heal many of her symptoms with some simple cell foods made from the Biochemic Tissue Salts (a combination of all 12) of Dr. Schuessler's Biochemic System of Medicine, along with grayish-brown sea salt, Epsom salt, Miracle II Neutralizer, and Bentonite Clay in a purified water solution in an eye dropper bottle.

She was to take one drop per 8 or 10 oz. glass of water or of any watery solution, such as tea or juice. Within an hour of taking two drops in a bottle of spring water the swelling and soreness in her wrist was healed and the soreness in her shoulder was also healed. As the pain and discomfort would apparently come back to her in about 24 hours or more and sometimes in different areas of her body, she therefore went to see a doctor earlier today. I first searched some of my books and the best answer seemed to be in Dr. H. R. Clark's "Cure for All Diseases" She found that Lupus is apparently a Fluke or Flatworm disease that can be cured with a parasite and liver cleansing formulas plus with her electronic zapping machines which shake the Fluke worms or their eggs to death.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Mayla (Adelanto, CA) on 04/11/2006

Ted's remedies cured my swelling of the joints and all the pain that I had due to the fact that I have Lupus and I am no longer taking any of my medications for it, I'm just on 17 different vitamins daily and I have changed my diet no read meat just lots of greens and fish,chicken not fried.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Shara (PHILADELPHIA, PA) on 01/10/2006

Thank you so much!! I have been ill for my entire life but I was hospitalized when I was 13 yrs old. The Dr's had nothing useful to me other than a sugar and Saline drip and a lot of bed rest. They said that what I had looked like lupus but they could not peg it. Finally a few years ago I learned that Lupus ran in my family thus I believe that I may have a bastardized version of Lupus. My mother put me on a vitamin theorapy treatment of vitamins e,c,Lecithin, Bcomplex, multi, omega 3, Calcium, and many other things here and there. Just recently I have added Lipoic acid. I can honestly say that my lupus has not progressed as the Dr's were afraid of with out their treatment. They said that I would be in a wheelchair by the time I was 19 yrs old and now I am 29 and just having less episodes than when I was 13. I do still have episodes that consist of Extreme muscle break down, memory loss, Brown urine and extreme muscle cramping. Skin rashes are also a symptom along with facial sores that my have bonded with a herpes simplex virus. This mixture of herpes and lupus rash is a constant battle but I contain it by taking L-Lysine, Larrea Root, and Red Marine Algea. But still I am very vulnerable to virus attacks b/c of my immune system and when I contract a virus it sends me into an episode that can take me down for a week to a month depending on the virus. Anyway just wanted let you know that your information is very useful to me and I plan to use it daily

Posted by June H. (United States) on 11/23/2019

Artemisinin treats lupus. I use it without side effects. It is currently available as a supplement. I am taking 2400 mg a day in divided doses. Take with or without food. I like better without food. Don't take with meat or iron. U will feel better quickly.

Probiotics in Fermented Food
Posted by Nico (Australia) on 09/22/2019

I have Lupus Nephritis. It has at times been very serious.

I have found that a vegan gluten fee diet helps, but what really makes a difference to the kidney involvement is daily consumption of natural probiotics in fermented food. This includes coconut yogurt or kefir (I found out early on that avoiding dairy helped my lupus tremendously), cultured vegetables with live cultures (not to be confused with vinegar preserved veggies) and small amounts of kombucha (tart, not too sweet). If I eat these daily in small amounts the kidney inflammation is non existent. When starting out be gradual and add each slowly to your diet as they are powerful, and can cause a detox reaction. Eat well, eat fresh, avoid sugar and fast foods/drinks.

Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tom (La) on 10/30/2017


My prayers are with you and hope your daughter gets well really soon. I know it must be really difficult for your daughter and your family and as a parent you are doing your best.

My 11 year old daughter has been diagnosed with Lupus/Crohns last year. Doctors cannot pinpoint whether it is crohns or lupus since she had all the symptoms related to crohns and lupus both.

We started her on SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet) this year since Feb 2018. She has weaned off all her medication since Feb 2018 except proguanil which is given to Malaria patients. However this medication has shown good benefits with Lupus also.

Since Mar 2018 we are doing her blood test every 2 months and she is 100 % normal. All her results are coming as normal. I think the major benefit is because of SCD diet. You can google this to know more about SCD. I'm not sure whether it will help your daughter or please look into that.

Hope your daughter get well soon. Take care.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 10/30/2017

Dear Shell,

I am so sorry - I am sure it is hard to sleep when you see your daughter suffer so much.

The thing that come to mind as I read your post that I would be considering if this were my daughter would be charcoal poultices over the kidney area at night.

Here is an interesting study about the use of charcoal in kidney disease and its ability to decrease creatinine levels. Now, the specific kidney disease, age of patient and way of administering charcoal are different in this study, but it does make me thing that charcoal would be something to consider. Especially since external poultices should not come with interactions with any medications.

And here is a story about a child with vasculitis on the brain with suspected lupus that was healed with charcoal. (Look about 1/5 of the way down the page.)

Some other things to consider would be nettle tea as a blood purifier; we have seen it do some wonderful things for children in our house. But I would make sure with the doctor that that was okay.

Please do keep us posted. I am praying for her!

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Peggy (Cresskill, NJ) on 09/19/2012

Hello all~~~ First let me say, I am glad to have stumbled on you all. Other patients, contributors, I have never soaked up so much information in all my life. Even with a strong medical background, instant connections were swirling around so quickly - I didn't know what I wanted to do first! The last twelve years has been a struggle living with SLE. My lungs & bones are affected, chronic pain due to bone degeneration, herniations, and compression fractures has left me but a sliver of the person I used to be. At 38, with three small children, my life seemed to be so far away. I knew the treatment was killing me. Treatment for my complications always involved high dose steroids, then chemotherapy, then supposedly a Lifetime of Immunosuppressive drugs..... If for nothing else, don't tell me I can't do something, or there isn't anything else you can do for me. Funny, that's exactly when Professionals start to blame symptoms on depression!

I found the closest, most trusted homeopath I could get to - now disabled & in a wheelchair due to pain. She was my first angel & I started on the road less traveled. I still don't believe that if anyone else had heard this prognosis they wouldn't have looked elsewhere for help. My journey began with alkalinizing & purifying all water, a liver detox and immune support. This truly was the only time I had feelings of what I used to be. I was capable of so little, I'm not sure how I got through with so little home support. Now, friends & family jumped on the "crazy" bandwagon. As they kept themselves busy, I improved. With the support of a pain interventionist, I can now walk 50 feet with a cane, food shop holding on to the cart & cook 5 nights/wk, the decent food my family needs too.

This year I found a second angel to build on the routine, I wanted to feel better & knew I could with support. Then I found you, found the first true hope & healing in all these years.... Now, if I can organize this plan, I will be very busy. I continue ph Balance, through clean, ionized water mixed with baking soda & ACV, candida support, dairy free probiotics & enzymes with meals, immune modulation with colostrum & peptides, neurological support with B vitamins & Antioxidants & free radical scavengers. I continue liver support & use DMSO for pain & inflammation. I have seen a glimpse of how good I will feel, as I have also had to move slowly due to Herxheimer reaction. I read as much as I can & see that many recommend following a celiac diet & new suggestions for vitamins & amino acids for energy & acupuncture for ongoing pain. I really needed to thank all of you for taking the time to post & care. I have never felt this level of hope. I know I have a long way to go, positivity seems to make all the difference. I only hope as I improve I can inspire someone as you all did for me & continue to pay it Forward... Thanks again~~~~~~~

Lupus Nephritis
Posted by RSW (OH) on 09/30/2021

I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with LDN. Research shows that some people will have vivid dreams, but almost everyone says they enjoyed these, and they don't last more than less a week or so. I, too, have found it difficult to sleep taking it at night, so like most people suggest, I take it in the morning. I hope you can find something that gives you some relief soon. Best wishes.

Posted by Jennette (Texas) on 03/29/2016 1 posts

To the person with the photosensitivity problem, it looks like your body is highly depleted of vitamin b12. Please note that your body does not absorb vitamin b12 and vitamin d3 unless you have magnesium and your body does not absorb magnesium unless you have potassium. So you will have to take b12, magnesium and potassium in order to conquer a b12 deficiency. Hope this helps.

B3, Gluten, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Jane (Niagara Falls , Canada) on 08/02/2007

re: Corn and Pellegra Email Posted by Rhonda -- Traveller's Tales Italy (edited by Anne Calcagno) has a very moving and detailed account by an American botanist of how the importation of maize (corn) from Mexico to Italy after the discovery of the new world led to pellagra among the Italian peasantry. Unlike the southwest Indians who ground the corn and processed it with ash (calcium bicarbonate "lime" and other mineral salts to release the nutrients, in Italy the corn was simply ground in a standard way to make corn flour. It was then used for polenta, which became a staple of the peasant diet and led to pellagra . This is a stunning piece of social history that will be of interest to many people. "Sagra di Polenta" is the name of the chapter. The author is Gary Paul Nabhan.

Posted by Art (California) on 06/01/2023 2174 posts


The following study suggests that melatonin and vitamin D may be helpful for SLE:

Here is a relevant quote :

' Low levels of melatonin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 may be a factor in the unbalanced immune system of SLE. • Supplementation of melatonin and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 may be recommended for women patients with SLE.'

The following study goes a step further in showing that the vitamin D receptor is down regulated in SLE :


A basic way to increase vitamin D receptor is to take vitamin D as discussed here:


Here is a relevant quote :

' We found that activated CD4+ T cells have the capacity to convert the inactive 25(OH)D3 to the active 1, 25(OH)2D3 that subsequently up-regulates VDR protein expression approximately 2-fold. '

Given this method of action of vitamin D to increase VDR, results will take a while as your vitamin D level increases with supplementation.

The following review suggests that Artemisinin may also be beneficial for SLE :

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11926-018-0764-y#:~:text=of lupus treatment.-, Both clinical and animal studies suggest that artemisinins have potential, damage, and reduced prednisone use.

Here is a relevant quote from the review :

' Both clinical and animal studies suggest that artemisinins have potential beneficial effects for SLE. The beneficial effects associated with artemisinin treatment include improving symptoms, reducing level of antibodies and proteinuria, ameliorating renal damage, and diminishing the dosage of prednisone use. Animal studies suggest that mechanisms of action of artemisinins may include regulating T cell subsets, inhibiting activation of B cells and production of inflammatory cytokines, as well as blocking the NF-κB signal transduction pathway, thus playing a role in anti-inflammation and immunomodulation. '


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Shell (California) on 10/29/2017

My 12 yr. old daughter was hospitalized in late Nov'16 (23rd Nov). She spent 48d ays in the UCSF hospital fighting for her life. Drs. has diagnosed her with lupus nephritis and ANCA vasculitis. As a result, her kidneys(CKD5) are affected and she went for dialysis until July'17. She was treated with and was treated with steroids, Rituximab(one dose), Cytoxan (6 doses). With lots of prayers and support, she came off from dialysis and is presently being treated at LPCH(Stanford). She was a perfectly healthy child up to this incidence and has never been sick. Recently her creatinine started going up she is losing her appetite and pain in her legs she is hardly able to walk. It seems her lupus flaring up causing her kidneys affected as well pain in legs and joints.

We are using a natural path where she is on many protocols such as magnesium, Galactose, mannose, Vitamin D, Mineral waters etc. we were hoping with the help of natural path and regular treatment we will be able to save her not to flare up. But it seems not happening. Her blood test results haven't shown any lupus or ANCA yet but we could she because it happened same when she was diagnosed and hospitalized. My husband and I can't sleep and very worried about her. However, very sure that there must be some solution for her kidneys and disease. Looking for ways to revive it and keep her safe from dialysis as much as possible.re

Dr is asking to give her IV steroid that might help her stopping the flare up and in kidneys as well.

Any Help or similar situations anyone have deal and were able to solve will be appreciated.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/30/2017 2063 posts

Shell: Need to find the root cause of Kidney disease. You need to do some medical history especially vaccines.

Basically there is a major toxicity issue going on here, which is why she is responding so poorly to conventional and alternative treatments. To help detox her body, in addition to her current ND regimen, add a very high quality multivitamin/mineral with added nutrients like green foods, digestive enzymes, etc. To eradicate infection in the gut, Oil of Oregano softgels plus Milled Flax Seed 2x daily with meals. Eat lots of Pineapple (ether fresh whole or canned) to help digestion and reduce inflammation) To help the Kidneys particularly, in addition to the Mannose, take a minimal dose of Dr Christopher's herbal "Kidney/Bladder" formula, and slowly increase to recommended dose for children or adults. Before retiring, take either Bentonite Clay or Activated Charcoal to remove toxins from the body.

Clean up the diet as much as possible. Very little or no processed sugars or food additives, and add healthy fats like Fish, Evening Primrose, and Borage Oil will help. Clean up house of organic or inorganic material. All chemical fragrances, perfumes, etc, must go. Replace air filter with something of high quality like a permanent washable filter or HEPA filter, or purchase a whole house indoor Air Purifier; also purify all water. Organic only household & body products can be found at most health-food stores, one online store I highly recommend is Mike Adam's (The Health Ranger) Natural News & Foods. Find healthy here . Hemp/CBD Oil will improve most any disease condition.

Black Seed Oil
Posted by Jamie (Indianapolis, In ) on 06/26/2012

Black seed oil for lupus. would it be safe to take? if so how much? 3 teaspoons a day for 6 months. can it be taken with acv, or honey? i see on other sites, that it works best when taken with something else. please help.

Lupus Nephritis
Posted by Kristin (MI) on 09/29/2021


LDN absolutely has side effects. I couldn't tolerate staying on it. It gave me horrific nightmares and insomnia.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/01/2009 391 posts

A lupus may be helped in addition to coconut oil, is the borax remedy which reduces inflammation, such as 1/8 teaspoon per liter of drinking water. 4 or 5 drops of bloodroot tincture in a cup of warm water three times a day. In addition, lugol's solutions is added to the drinking up, at 3 drops, plus SSKI at 3 drops, twice a day. Vitamin C 1000 mg a day so that the body can utilize the iodine is needed. Those are some extra things I believe will help, especially the borax, alkalization (1/4 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate twice a day empty stomach in cup of warm water), and the iodine, which reduces autoimmunity. I am currently looking into the use of humic acid to reduce autoimmunity. The dose is to use humic acid powder (known commonly as sodium humate) at 1/8 teaspoon a day taken at least twice a day. One final push that I found helpful was taking plenty of tumeric powder or curcumin. There's no upper limit on taking that, so I may start with a teaspoon twice or three times a day.

Posted by Ingrid (Lawndale, California, USA) on 05/04/2009

I suffer SLE & DLE Fibromyalgia and have a congested heart (regurgitating valves) for 6 years I am also Hispanic, NOT from Mexico, in my family there is no history what so ever of any immune diseases, the food we ate as children and the nutritional value was very high and healthy. I have taken all medicine there is or will be out to treat the decease, compounds, combined, cocktails nothing worked, I felt like a guinea pig, was 111 Lbs.when I started taking the meds, gained 70 Lbs. in less than 3 months with the steroids, which put more than I could handle anl along with the pain, was horrible. I was told about Organic Sulfer (Pure MSM) not combined with anything else in pill form but I had to take to many it was 45 pills a day, and still did not have relief, then someone else told me to take it in powder form, to take it untill the pain was gone, to start with one teaspoon, and increase the dosage untill my stomack felt warm and I felt as if I was going to get the runs, but not quite get them. So I did, got the powder form MSM (organic sulfer) not to be confused with "Sulfa" very diferent one from the other; I take 3 tablespoons in 2 ounces of warm water (to disolve faster) it's bitter, and I mean it, but when you have experienced the type of pain associated with Lupus you are willing to take almost anything, then I chase it with fresh squeezed orange juice vitamin "C" helps your body absorb it better and helps get read of the bitterness in your mouth after ingestion; my goodness that was the PANACEA of all inflamation in and out of my body. Doctors do not recomend it and will sometimes tell you that it does not work because they make no profit from it. Simple fact. This powder is totaly organic, no additives, no drugs of any kind I am not adverticing MSM, I don't sell it, I am just passing the information along; I doi the same way it was passed on to me, I can only tell you what it has done for me and the people I have shared it with. I even tell them not to buy it, I give them the powder to try, if they see the effect they need, then they can buy it, it's not expensive (compared to the meds Dr.s prescribe) I can move again, I am not cured, this powder makes my life livable and bearable, not simptom free, or decease free, but it allows me to leave and enjoy a bit of a better quality of life.

Jacquelyn's Lupus Remedies
Posted by Jacquelyn (Ocala, Florida) on 03/01/2009

Just in response to Ted's info on Lupus (Ted if you're reading this I hope you'll add any new info you have) I am in serious stages of Systemic Lupus (most all organs involved) along with Gulf War Illness. I work hard to use as many natural things as I can to help my condition and have used some of Ted's suggestions. Here's my two-cents worth: (1)-in reference to SUGARS-definitely stay away from as much as possible. People with Lupus are very Sugar sensitive and I think it damages Lupus sufferers greatly. GO ORGANIC WITH AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE IN ALL AREAS of your food because chemicals, hormones, pesticides...are deadly for us. With SUGARs-go with "BROWN RICE SYRUP or XYLITOL or fructose or glycerin" in SMALL, tiny amounts only once a day or less...but NOT WHITE SUGAR or sadly even honey and all natural jams and syrups cause great problems too. NO CHEMICAL SWEETNERS either (2)-GRAINS--GO ORGANIC and yes stay away from the high GLUTEN grains. I do best with MILLET which is a protein and not a grain. STAY AWAY FROM YEAST AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE---go with yeast free breads (try Millet Zuchini Bread from the Deland Bakery in Deland Florida--they ship to alot of Health Food stores--most of their breads are yeast free and Millet. (3) THYROID--I found with myself and others that Lupus sufferers have very inflammed Thyroids and terribly malfunctioning ADRENAL glands. For my Thyroid I take Armour Thyroid a natural Thyroid gland extract (presciption) and IODINE drops--I take about 7 drops of Iodine a day in a glass of water. For my Adrenal glands I have yet to find anything that helps except SALT--use SEA SALT WHEN YOU FEEL WEAK---also LOTS OF SLEEP and NO STRESS...that is the only thing that helps so far...I hope for a better answer but NO STEROIDS especially if you are in more advanced stages like myself and have bone and muscle wasting from the Raynauds--dont take steroids it will worsen. I do take 7-Keto DHEA but it only helps a little. Many Lupus sufferers have been through alot of abuse--like family or spousal abuse---GET AWAY FROM IT ALL if you have to. If the people around you dont understand and help you to lead a stress-free life, you have to get away from them to save your life (Sad to say but so true and necessary--find supportive friends or counselors that will let you talk--People with Lupus tend to be the ones to help everyone else and hold their problems inside. You cant live that way and value your life enough to find good, stable-minded friends) (4)In reference to ORGANIC FOODS--I find concerning DAIRY and MEATS that if I go ORGANIC it solves the problem. Regular foods are so high in pesticides and hormones and chemicals--that is what is causing the problem NOT THE FOOD ITSELF. I eat ORGANIC DAIRY like organic milk, cheese, goat cheese, plain yogurt and butter. The PROTEINS AND CALCIUM are CRUCIAL for helping Lupus. YOU NEED PROTEIN AND CALCIUM. Same with your MEATS--go ORGANIC--you NEED THE PROTEIN and healthy FATS--they are all CRUCIAL. I know Organic is more expensive but the prices are getting better all the time...your body is worth it. At many Health Food Markets they have many items you can buy in BULK and the SAVINGS there will offset the higher costs of dairy, meats and produce (fruits and veg). BUT I do recommend LESSENING the GRAINS--I stay mostly with Millet and a little Brown Rice and Spelt is OK--you just have to try them and see what works best for you...but go with no/low gluten and yeast free and organic if possible. (5) I've tried balancing my PH like Ted recommends and it is hard to stay with that to get results but I do think it is important I just havent figured out the best way to stay with it (6) And YES--go through a TOXIC METAL cleanse--I've tried many including I.V. EDTA and it only helped a little. I'm presently doing "METAL SHIELD" sold by SWANSON vitamins and am hopeing for good results there but dont know yet. (7) Find a doctor or naturopath that can work with BALANCING YOUR HORMONE LEVELS and can get a Hair Follicle test done to see embalances---then look for natural ways to balance (8) My only other suggestion is to GO THROUGH LIFE VERY SLOWLY !! DONT RUSH AT ANYTHING YOU DO and if others dont understand it, they will have to learn to. The Immune System revs up with fast movement and your Immune System is already attacking you own body--FAST MOVEMENT like working, walking, speaking, and exercising fast make you worse and it attacks the body worse and raises your fever. Yes have some movement through out your day but go through it slowly like kind of slow motion...even allow yourself to THINK slowly. People with Lupus have probably gone through life at a very FAST PACE and always used to accomplishing ALOT in life...your body is worn out--let it rest and move slowly --YOU MUST GET RECUPERATIVE SLEEP AND REST>. (9) TMJ and neck and back problems can be an issue. If you have a TMJ problem-find a dentist to make you what is called an "ANTERIOR ORTHOTIC SPLINT" where at night when you sleep, you only touch the anterior teeth to balance your jaw like a FULCRUM. That is all with that --I wouldnt do anything else they suggest because these dentist can make the problem worse !! LASTLY -- the only medicines I recommend are to help you sleep better, natural Thyroid medicine and maybe Lasix for body swelling although there are natural diuretics too. Nothing else has helped me. If you sleep fine without an aid then go without those, but sleep is important. GOD BLESS and I hope this helps someone--jacquelyn (Hi to Ted if you're out there)"

03/01/2009: Jacquelyn from Ocala, Florida writes, "Also for Lupus sufferers, I forgot to mention--IF YOU SUFFER WITH YOUR "BOWELS" NOT WORKING...try a little teaspoon of PSYLLIUM and 1/2 MAGNESIUM CITRITE tablet of 200mg in the morning with fruit in a blender...then at your evening take 1/2 to whole MAGNESIUM tablet with your evening MEAL. NOTHING else has ever worked for me. It's important to keep your bowels moving daily. If the magnesium makes your bowels to liquid then just cut back a little on dose but dont stop taking or increase if not moving well. Also dont be hesitant about using suppositories and saline enemas--do what is necessary to keep your bowels moving. God bless, Jacquelyn"

03/01/2009: Jacquelyn from Ocala, Florida writes, "More on Lupus---(I keep thinking of things to suggest) Eat alot of RAW ORGANIC VEGETABLES especially anthing Green EXCEPT Lettuces and Green Peppers or difficult to digest vegetables. RAW ASPARAGUSS and RAW CELERY help to rid the body of excess fluids. I just put them in the blender with water and drink it down no matter how it tastes. Green LEAFY vegetables have lots of digestive enzymes...like Spinach, Dandelion, Or mixed Baby Greens...I also throw in Zucchini...anything GREEN except the lettuces and I've read where Kale inhibits Iodine from absorbing into your Thyroid so I dont generally use that one. BUT RAW and ORGANIC IS SO IMPORTANT to get daily. Not too much of the Starchy ones like potatoes and carrots or beats--just limit them. VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT__STAY AWAY FROM COOKED TOMATOES AND TOMATO SAUCES especially combined with white flour pastas...and no raw onions, no raw peppers...The body just cant digest well. Cooked Tomatoes and white pasta are LETHAL --I dont know why, they just are...can cause lots of joint swelling and inflammation. No alfalfa sprouts either. Hope this helps--Jacquelyn

Margaret's Lupus Remedies
Posted by David (Las Vegas, Nv Usa) on 11/29/2012

to margaret: my wife has lupus and it's in her brain. Our doctor told us in 2005 that he had 2 other patients that had lupus in their brain and they both died within 2 years of diagnosis. I read a book by a Dr.Strand from colorado, and he had a list of vitamins and supplements to take. My wife takes a multi-vitamin, vitamins e and b complex, and c. She also takes grape seed extract, co-q10, fish oil, and l_glutathione. This may (2013) will be 8 years since she was diagnosed with lupus. also and the big thing for us is, as we are both christians, there have been a lot of friends and family praying for us. david

Baking Soda, Borax
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/29/2008 391 posts

Dear Kellie:

The best remedy that I am aware against the lupus after a lot of trial and error is the simple baking soda and borax remedy. That's the major starting point. A baking soda remedy assuming a teen of 15 years old, for example is still 1/2 tablespoon twice a day or sometimes they take 1 tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water. The alkalization is the primary approach in reducing the reactivity of the body's immune system. A significant improvement is also seen with the supplements of borax, the dose is still 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water for a male, but a smaller dose of 1/8 for a female. For some reason woman requires half the dose of men. It's taken usually for baking soda, 5 or 6 days out of a week and for borax it's taken 4 or 5 days out of a week. These two I found significant improvement, but not all will go away. As a result, certain bacterial colonies, and perhaps fungus still exists and an addition of both xylitol and a more interesting erythritol supplements is taken to reduce the lupus. This is also significant too. Certain leptin rich foods seems to worsen the lupus and hence, lentils, and beans are reduced. The most significant factor in causing the lupus is the beef, steaks, meats and oily products. Increasing vegetarian diets helps. In most cases I have seen, medications are reduced to a fraction of what they were originally taken such as 1/8 or 1/16 of the original dose. But the reason why they didn't completely discontinue was the lack of availablity of xylitol, erythritol or mannose in that certain location, thus limiting the cure. What the erythritol and xylitol and other polyol sugar does (provided that the body is already properly alkalized FIRST for a couple of weeks 2 or 3 weeks-, along with borax), then the dose for xylitol might be 1/2 teaspoon 3 or 4 times a day. The downside of xylitol is its limited ability to get into the bloodstream, however, I have seen improvement of the body's vital organs (such as kidneys in lupus) through observing the reduction of swelling,from the use of erythritol, but a much more limited extent the xylitol in reduction of lupus. The benefits of erythritol is it prevents mycoplasma from attachment to healthy cells that cause a so called antibody response from attacking the body's own organs. The erythritol has a major benefit over other polyol sugar because of it's ability to go into the bloodstream much more and it's high bioavailability, while most polyol sugar has limited absorption. Hence it makes erythritol more effective approach in lupus, provided that the body is already properly alkalized and some borax remedy has already been applied.

The reason why I am keeping it as simple as possible is to reduce the rheumatic pain, and pain is a big issue in lupus and hence borax, baking soda, and erythritol is the updated version of remedy as being the most important ones to start in the use against lupus. I am sure other things also help reduce this that is worth trying, in particular is the magnesium supplements 250-500 mg./day in form of magnesium citrate, WITHOUT calcium. The other thing is vitamin B complex, that can be taken twice or three times a week. Zinc is used, but very limited extent, such as once or twice a month, which increases the body's immune system, along with some ocassional iodine from kelp.

One other MAJOR approach besides borax, baking soda and erythritol that many people with lupus seems to have problems is the heavy metals. Therefore the fourth element to add after those three were instituted for 4 weeks is the chlorella and spirulina supplements. Most people with heavy metal exposure is one other thing that seems to cause lupus.

I am sure I haven't quite completely cured the lupus, but people who did use the remedy were already happy that just taking that seems to give them a normal life. There are others that may help but those mentioned here should resolve most of the problems, including the bone pain. As a final note, the Global Cooling of 2008 and 2009 is likely to cause worsening of lupus because of lack of sun exposure. Sometimes an ocassional 20,000 i.u. vitamin D3 or vitamin D2 also helps increase the body's immune system also, but I believe it's taken together with magnesium and boron (borax) to maintain a balance of magnesium/calcium. Vitamin D tends to increase blood calcium and hence, magnesium is also taken to help maintain the balance of magnesium/calcium.


12/29/2008: Ted writes again, "Dear Kellie: Erythritol dose may be taken at a larger dose then xylitol since it doesn't have a laxative effect. Hence 1/2 - 2 teaspoon dissolve in a 1/2 glass of water taken a couple of times a day is also possible and may reduce pain. I tend to always start on the low end before going onto the larger dose and 1/2 teaspoon is taken a couple of times a day is a good starting dose for most people whose body weight is between 100-120 pounds. So an initial dose may also decided too. I believe a larger dose will significantly reduce the bone pain because of its effect in preventing a mycoplasma from attaching to the bones that eats the bones away, causing a pain.

The other fungus, that generates mycotoxin, that may cause other symptoms such as aflatoxin, is lessened or neutralized with a BHT 1500 mg supplement for adult dose, so a younger person half the weight may take between 500-750 mg based on weight.

I hope this information helps. Lupus is a rarity in Thailand, but those who do have it, dies pretty quick because of poor understanding of lupus, at least where I live anyway.


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