Interstitial Cystitis
Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Interstitial Cystitis Relief

Posted by Debbie (Philadelphia) on 02/03/2018

If you can find an IC specialist in your area ask about DMSO this is a procedure where they inject a chemical cocktail into your bladder for 20 mins once a week. It is what gave me back my life. I suffered for about 6 years before I found Dr. Philip Hanno (Philly). He now lives in California.

Pumpkin Seed Oil
Posted by Sunny (Ca) on 01/02/2016

One thing that absolutely helps with the ic pressure/pain/ urgency is... Pumpkin seed oil. The best is cold pressed! I get it in softgels. I take like 4 or more softgels, depending how I feel, I can think of the mfs now. But just get as high mgs as you can find. I believe it works because pumpkin seeds are super high in magnesium. One of the highest foods with it, (another is spinach). And as you know, magnesium is a muscle relaxer. And so it helps your bladder to relax. However, the oil has many other properties like it being antimicrobial. You have to try it, its a life saver!!! Sunny <8

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Joan S (Santa Maria, Ca) on 08/06/2017

So glad to see your post here about taking diatomaceous earth and using the senna tea also for the constipation. I've been trying to teach people about this very same regimen to take for IC and using Dieter's tea made with senna, especially in the beginning, since constipation is the number one side effect when starting the DE. It's worked so well for me that I've not had any IC flare since my last one in the middle of December 2016. I used to have flares at least 4-5 times a year, and I would take prescribed Pyridium to relieve the pain. I would have to take 2 tablets twice a day for 5 days before the pain was completely gone. My last flare was when after starting DE, I began my first break. On the second day of the break from DE, I had a flare of my IC. I decided instead of taking my prescribed med that I would just restart the DE; and I kid you not, my pain was gone within hours! That's when I decided that I would only take a break from the DE when I felt it was necessary. I've only taken one other 7-day break and luckily no flare of the IC during that break. So I am totally convinced that not only did the DE clear up my IBS and/or leaky gut but it also helped my IC among other physical problems... that I could write a list about. I will not be without DE probably for the rest of my life. My doctors have been absolutely amazed at what it's done for me, and I'm almost 63 years old!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kris (Portland, OR) on 01/11/2015

The MD thought I might have Interstitial cystitis. I had taken over 30 days of antibiotics, still was not well. IC is so painful! Interestingly, the doctor ordered a Glucose tolerance test to rule out blood sugar issue.

I called my naturopathic doctor and he told me chop up parsley and put it in warmer water and sip it all day. I also I took organic coconut oil made from fresh coconuts, three times a day. My ND told me to buy some boric acid capsules ( DO NOT TAKE BY MOUTH) to be used as a suppository, since now I had a yeast infection the antibiotics gave me. I would put the boric acid capsule suppository in at night before bed I did that for 12 days I also took organic powdered sulfur, which I now realize is MSM I took it twice a day in water. I also took two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1/4 tsp baking soda I glass of water daily.

I wanted to cure this thing so I just did all of these things. Anyhow, I'm cured thank you, God!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Maggie (Philadelphia, Pa) on 08/10/2013

I had interstital cystitis in the form of bladder aches and pains for about 4 years or so. Some days it was more painful than others, but it often felt irritated. I changed my diet completely about 6 months after onset (veggies and lean protein - no sugar or carbs) and about a year and a half ago, I stearted taking a lot of coconut oil - up to 5 tbs per day. The diet helped, but the coconut oil put me over the top. I almost never have any issues anymore unless I get an infection (I take garlic and grapefruit seed extract for those) and I can eat fruit, although I only eat it occasionally because of the sugar, and drink decaf coffee with no issues. I also can take B vitamins several times a day, which is often a no no for people with IC. Try coconut oil and cleaning up your diet, but stick with it for a while and you will notice that your symptoms will diminish with time.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Kara (Northern, Wi) on 08/27/2012

We'll if it exists I will try it! So far all special teas and probiotics and herbs and wonder drugs do nothing.

FRESH pressed lemon in water helps! Distilled water helps but is not good for you long term. Try to drink a gallon of non florinated water a day, it works but not instantly.

No alcohol or coffee :(.

Sweating out toxins in a sauna helps! As long as you drink a Lot of water and replenish with fresh pressed vegetable juice.

Everyone should have a VEGETABLE JUICER. Juice fast for a week for dramatic healing, but NO FRUIT in the juicer, spiking insulin will negate healing.

Get VITAMIN D LEVELS OVER 50, tan or take 10,000 iu of d3 a day, but get tested, and don't accept 30 as normal, it's not! Read about it w the vitamin D council.

For relief get a vaginal suppository with BORIC ACID. Its cheap, look online and read about it. Stay away from chemicals down there, boric is natural.

Stretching, either Pilates or something thorough really helps reduce the inflammation and allow the fluids kin your body release.

I just came across a FREE Ebook about treating IC naturally. It's a book by Diana Brady. It talked about the combination of Bromelain and Quercetin to treat IC. New to me, will keep you posted if anyone wants to know. Just curious. Would like to get coffee back someday!

Folks get your vitamin D tested. The vitamin D council spells it out online why its so IMPORTANT and how it correlates to health problems like this. Theres no instant cure, but get that D up and do the other things. Stay off sugars! For good and it will heal! :)

Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 06/28/2012

UPDATE OMG!!! Breakthru, breakthru, breakthru!! Two words. Ureaplasma. Just got diagnosed with this by my urologist, OMG!!!!!

Ok. Parsley, essential oils, colostrum, cayenne... needless to say, did not really work to eradicate this infection.

I made an appointment with a Urologist. Breakthru!!!! She immediately tested me in my vaginal culture for everything, including a test for a microbe called Ureaplasma. I have never heard of this. Now, Ive been tested numerous times over the years, and everything always came out negative, but I get a call about 4 days ago from her saying I tested positive for this. She put me on zinthromax and I am taking it now. She tells me this is not an STD, but a sexually transmitted disease??? present in 70% of the human populations normal flora, (rectal, genital, and bladder tracts), but it is transmitted sexually, meaning, we are not born with this, we get it thruout the course of our sexually active lives. , and usually it does not cause problems for people, however.... There is now a compelling link between IC and this bacteria, or mycoplasma. I guess the test is expensive. Which is why most doctors will blow you off, and try to not test you , or REFUSE you and tell you tat since this is considered common flora for most people it wouldnt be considered a factor in causing, your IC. Cleveland Ohio is rated second best in the country for urology, with sum of the best urologists in the country studying and researching, IC. The first test they perform is for Ureaplasma. They say they get a 50% cure rate right there for people, once they treat it with antibiotics. However, my symptoms have improved vastly, I must go back again, and get retested. I was reading just now, online, that many people end up going back and still testing positive, and then after a three week course of doxycycline, get a complete cure. Googling it, I can hardly find any imformation at all about this, I cant believe how ignorant and reticent physicians are about testing for this, its awful, and scary. I was just reading about a gal, who had to fight to get tested and then fight to get treated for it, she saw 8 different doctors, and urologists... So be prepared to fight. There is compelling link here guys google it. I was really doomed. It scary, how a little microbe can jeopardize your whole future and life.

Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 08/29/2012

UPDATE: I cured my interstitial cystitis. And Believe me. I had it. I couldnt eat tomatoes or anything acidic, I was constantly flaring, especially a week before my period, I was unable to get out of bed, or even think, and I havnt had sex in 6 months either. I considered my life over. I would have rather got a diagnosis of Cancer or Herpes, as with Herpes, you get a break, and with Cancer, there is atleast hope for a cure or remission. 6 months of Hell.

Heres what I did. A month and a half of Doxicycline, first 3 weeks, 100mg morning and evening. Still was in alot of pain, still had symptoms. She upped my dose to 200mg morning and evening. 400mg a day... 2 weeks of that. Tested for Ureaplasma. Long gone!

But I still had symptoms. Altho I was much better, able to eat what I wanted (including tea, and acidic foods) and was able to walk around, and function with my life somewhat... Still wasnt testing positive for bacteria in the Urine. Technically I did not have a UTI.

One night, I got desperate. Was thinking I was having a "flare", it became unbearable, went to the emergency room. Tears pouring down my face, lying down, couldnt even get up when the doctor came in the room, wouldnt let them put anything in my urethra, cuz I was in so much pain. Gave me a script for Macrobid, (10 day supply, 100mg every six hours)

10 days later it was gone.

Ive been reading alot lately about UTI resistant antibiotics, and the link to supermarket/storebought chicken. They say, its becoming more and more of a problem. I think thats what was wrong with me, even tho I dont know why, the bacteria wasnt showing in my urine. So, 2 rounds of Cipro, 10 days of augmentin, 3 Z packs, and a months worth of Lyme disease dosage doxi, and macrobid finally cured me.

A not about the Doxi:: at 400mg a day, ti was very harsh on my body. I threw it up half the time, cuz it was so hard on my stomach. I got a SEVERE sunburn on my feet, (cuz it made me extremely photosensitive) I was tired all the time, sleeping all the time, and I was very hungry, and I had to eat alot of food just to keep it down, so I gained 25lbs. Its been Hell. But Ive learned to never to take my health for granted again. Im not sure what just happened to me, but im aware now about antibiotic resistance becoming an increasing problem. and I hardly ever take antibiotics, I always try the natural route first.

What Im plan to do now, to make sure this never, ever, happens to me again. I plan on taking my womens probiotic every single day, and add D Mannose to the regime as well. At least 2 teaspoons a day. (moring and evening) prevents bacteria from clinging to bladder wall. Especially when Im sexually active. Its expensive. But nothing can be more life ruining than interstitial cystitus.

To not be able to eat like a normal person again. (read several cases of people being able to cure their pain, by living on a diet, exclusively, of vegetables, brown rice, and nut butters, no salt, no sugar, no fruits (acidic) and claiming remision after a few years. Some women gradually being able to add in small amounts the old foods again, they used to eat again. "cheating" by eating Cheescake and Curry and to never be able to have sex again?? How sad is that? What kind of life is that?? and Im young women. Horrible. Id rather have gotten Cancer, or Genital Herpes any day of the week.

Im gonna give full credit to God, and Jesus Christ for my remision. There were prayer circles at my Church, and friends were praying for me. I prayed every morning to be healed. Plus I was on the prayer line, my life, my very life hung on the balance.

In the past Ive been promiscuous.. And I know Im not perfect, and I pray to God to guide me on this issue. I just know to be much more careful now, next time. Its worth it to stay in a monogomous relationship.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Pam (Redding, Ca.) on 07/24/2011

If you have IC, you do not have an active infection that causes it. I was diagnosed 23 years ago. All of the so called intrusive torture will not make it go away. An infection could occur because of the open damage in the bladder wall, but it is not an infection. I had every thing done to me, from the acid burnout, stretching, tens, lasers, & DMSO. I lived in horrible pain for three years to over come all of the damage caused by doctors. No doctor will ever touch my bladder again. The mild no acid diet, tums, baking soda all help the symptoms, but will not make it go away. Stop lower body weight work or bike riding or any movements that compromise the bladder until it can heal a bit. It is very slow to heal the wounds. Amitriptyline or elival is an older anti depressant that has a pain relief element. It is safe to take and especially at night. I have been taking it for 23 year. The best thing I found that gave me back my life is an OXYTROL patch. It is a smooth muscle relaxant and it stops the bladder from going into spasm. It is very important to learn relaxation techniques. You may need to destress your life as well.

I have had it under control for many years without any huge flareups. I just returned from a clinic that is for chronic pelvic pain. IC falls under that. I went for a problem with my pelvic floor muscles. You can find the info under The Wise-Anderson Protocal. The program came out of Stanford. The Urological Association has just come out will info on IC that suggests it is a muscle pain problem. The clinic teaches you how to do the work of healing your self. It is a long road, but pain is a great motovator. The books Dr. Wise has written are helpful, but the Trigger Point Release Therapy is amazing. Tim Sawyer is a fantastic Physical Therapist. He was taught by the original founder of Trigger Point release. Read all the info and listen to their videos. They may be very helpful. By the way there were 4 men and only two women at the clinic. I never realized that men suffered so badly from their version of IC. Good luck to all. You are not alone. There is hope.

Baking Soda
Posted by Elizabeth (Memphis, TN) on 02/08/2008

I have chronic bladder problems (Interstitial Cystitis) and am always looking for something to make it better. I drank 1/2 tsp of baking soda in some water during the worst possible bladder pain ever. In 15 minutes the pain was gone. I feel that the baking soda made the urine less acidic and that let my bladder be less irritated. Anyway, baking soda did what hundreds of dollars of meds could not do--make me feel better! Elizabeth

Posted by Billyjean (Temperance, MI) on 06/29/2023

I have suffered with Cystitis for the past 10 years. I tried most everything, changing my diet, drinking more water, and any natural remedy I could find. Until I stumbled upon Serrapeptase. I only needed to take it for a couple of months. That was about a year ago. I have felt great ever since.

Baking Soda for Bladder Pain
Posted by Dr Howard (San Pedro, CA) on 03/03/2023

Bladder cystitis

General use: Homeopathic cell minerals there are 12: Kali phos 12X Kali Sulph 6X Kali mur 12X key Calc sulph 6X all linings in all organs, glands, etc., need Calc sulph as it renders a microscopic coating on linings. It's protective.It compares to the shell of an egg that protects the albumin and yoke -it builds a microscopic coating around each cell. I use the homeopathic potencies as they penetrate the tissues due to its tiny sized pico particles. Think of it for other conditions like ulcers and allergies as sometimes the real cause is lack of Calc sulph in say, the nasal passages so it's susceptible to irritants, dust, pollen, etc. I cured my sneezing from dust that was present like when someone would vacuum now no issues. Think stomach lining and ulcers. Usually cures them. Mastic gum good too. Sore throat too. Some can't digest well and they are low in calcium sulphate as its full name is. The sulph. Kills bacteria. It truly is little understood an unsung hero. I researched it for many years. Don't be overwhelmed with so many of the cell minerals.Use in a format that fits your schedule. Bath: Dead Sea salts is best or sea salt 1/4 cup Baking soda USP half cup Epsom salts USP 1 cup Magnesium flakes 1/4 cup

Dr Howard. San Pedro, CA

Dietary Changes
Posted by Lynn (New Zealand) on 06/11/2017

I had interstitial cystitis for years, probably still have it, but I believe I found that my problem lies in too much sugar in my no carbs, or very little and definitely no sugar and Im pretty ok. As an added help, I take a good antihistamine once or twice a week or as needed and that so far has stopped the symptoms. Hope this can help others.

Posted by Mommy (Daytona Beach ) on 02/12/2017

I starting taking msm supplements for joint pain and noticed my IC has cleared up nicely. I don't know the science behind it but it worked well for both things joint pain and IC. I hope this helps someone else.

Flax Seed Oil
Posted by Sandyd (Vancouver ) on 11/28/2016

For a recent painful IC bout that I feel was brought on by stress, a naturopath recommended Flax oil capsules. Flax is an anti-inflammatory and capsules are the strongest, 1000mg, look for organic. The suggestion was for 5 per day ( taken all at once ) for 5 days and then 2 per day for a month after.

I also add energy medicine support with meridian tapping ( EFT ) for the pain, as well as acupressure bladder points. You can search on-line for these. Hope this might help!

Posted by Hilary (Uk) on 11/02/2018

So utterly grateful to you for the measurements of turmeric. I've just tried this and I swear already I can feel a settling of my bladder. I shall keep on with this - positive thinking, no doubt, will help. Utterly fed up of these ‘bees in my bladder and other parts'. Hopefully my low grade fever will improve too as I'm shattered.

Lemon Water, Marshmallow, Cantharis
Posted by Mike Jackson (Ontario) on 09/01/2015

Hello to all,

My girlfriend has been suffering from IC for over 15 years now. Had gotten to the point where she was in the hospital every 4 weeks getting a cystoscopy with hydrodistention. I did a TON of research and found some treatments (NOT A CURE but helped)

The simplest way we found and best tasting way to do alkaline water is pour 8 cups of water into a jug, cut up a lemon into 8 pieces and let sit at room temperature for 12 hours (do NOT squeeze the lemons). Drink it throughout the day. It helps ALOT to get your alkalinity UP

The second one has had the best results with her and her friend that has had IC for 20 years, is a mix of two herbal remedies: A marshmallow root tea (as many as you want during the day. I get her the already bagged version that also contains the marshmallow leaves. Tastes actually pretty good. and I even take 2 cups of water, pour in 3 tea bags cut open and a half a peppermint tea bag and let sit in the fridge for 12 hours, take it out and strain it and serve cold. She says its delicious.). Then we add CANTHARIS. (please read up on these before you use them) She finally emptied her bladder, first pee in the morning, first time going to the bathroom that day.

This has not happened in 15 years for her. This is just food for thought, I am not a doctor I just want her to lead as close to a normal life as possible and keep her out of the hospital. And help anyone out that I can that feels there is no answers for you pain.

Fyi I am now researching MONURIL (made of FOSFOMYCIN) so if any improvements come of that I will let you know. If you use any of this and it works keep going, if it doesn't try mixing some stuff up but please remember to always consult a doctor when introducing anything as it could counter react your meds.

And for IC suffers please always remember "To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world."


Posted by Kelly (California) on 04/16/2015

Hi Everyone, I hope this finds you well. I hope you listen to my story and it helps you. I literally woke up one day with bladder pain, urgency, everything. I thought I just had a bladder infection. But it was not like a normal bladder infection it felt very different. Before this mind you I had not had a bladder infection for forward 2.5 years and antibiotics I am pain free. Lyme was the cause. I am a big believer that everyone out there does not just get IC. It is caused by an infection. Unless you have an injury or it is from birth. I refused to believe that I just woke up one day and this was my new life. I did so much research on my own. I went thru the urologist treatment, doctor to doctor. It took over 2 years of antibiotics but my bladder is pain free. And the urologist treatments made it worse, and did not work. Do not let any doctor tell you that antibiotics will not work. It affected my pelvic floor, I was in physical therapy for 6 months. So...I went to three different doctors who treated me. Each one was a blessing. So if you are in the East, go and see Ruth Kriz. She does treat long distance. If you are in the West Los Angeles, go see Dr. Erica Lehman (she was recently in the people magazine with Avril) and also there is Dr. Gonzalez in Thousand Oaks. Dr. Gonzalez contracts with most insurance, except Obama Care, sorry. If you do not believe in antibiotics, you can try Samento and Banderol. It will take time, but there is help. And believe me, my pain was so bad, I did not think I was going to make it. I am a single mom and this took its toll, but if I can survive this anyone can. Do not give up! Take Care everyone.

Magnesium Oil (Transdermal Method)
Posted by Dionne (Mexico) on 01/13/2015

IC- the spasming, pain, frequency and all the other symptoms went away completely when I rubbed magnesium oil on my lower abdomen. I used about 10 drops and was almost 100% better, then used 10 more drops just to be sure. Because it worked wonders, I believe it was a muscle issue.

Treat for Ureaplasma
Posted by Christian (Portland, OR) on 12/24/2014

Interstitial Cystitis is caused by UREAPLASMA this is not new news. It is known, but apparently some doctor haven't gotten the memo The cure is simple - you need to take biofilm dissolver 15 minutes before you take your antibiotics. Also take probiotics away from antibiotics, the probiotic my doctor says will save your stomach is Saccharomyces boulardii. This is a tropical strain of yeast. Take several different strains of probiotics; it is imperative when on antibiotics.

Stay away from wheat, sugar, dairy, meat and nightshade vegetables for a while. In most cities, you do not need a doctor order to get the test; just go to any lab test where you pay out of pocket or find a doctor that will listen to you and take the research with you and ask them to order to the test. There are things you can do to make yourself more comfortable, drinking water in baking soda, drinking lemon water seems to help; drinking parsley water is helpful as well. Warm heating pad on the lower back with castor oil. A couple drops Tea tree oil really diluted in sterilized water; soak in tampon and insert into the vagina over night helps. My ND gives me boric acid capsules to insert into my vagina in the evenings, before bed, to fight off the yeast infection from antibiotics. If you're terrified of antibiotics, get with a naturopathic doctor or Chinese Medicine doctor.

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