Insect Bites
Natural Remedies

Insect Bite Remedies

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 08/09/2020 461 posts

I got bit by something extra tiny that hurt like the dickens the other day!

I put EVERYthing on it - cayenne, DMSO, coconut oil and something else, I don't remember what, but it stopped hurting with the first bit of cayenne. With the pain and the size - which was too small to even see what kind of critter it was, it scared the dickens outta me so I threw everything at it! LOL! It was right over a vein, just up from the wrist. I'd never had that kind of pain from a bite or a sting! I remember what the other thing was - it was ascorbic acid paste. I'm guessing it was a spider of some sort as I've been stirring up unattended corners around the house but it was so tiny that there was nothing left of it after I slapped it. I had a little red spot for a few days but, initially, the bite was so small there was nothing to see. The red spot got to about the size of a pepper corn, but it's gone without a trace now. I think that was Monday or Tuesday and it's Sunday but was still a little red yesterday so that's quite a while for it to stick around with no feeling to it. No bump or itch or anything, once the pain was gone. Just that red spot.

Oh! And borax solution which I'd just made. I forgot I slapped some of that on it.
