Correct a Hormonal Imbalance Naturally!

Zinc, Wild Yam Cream
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 09/13/2011

Zinc works because it helps to bring your progesterone back up. Estrogen tends to dominate in alot of us women. Especially when you hit 30 . Wild yam cream has natural progesterone in it. I rub a little on my wrists in the morning and sometimes at night if I am feeling less frisky than usual. It is something you can adjust as needed. Estrogen and copper will also help if you are the opposite and your progesterone is too high. I gage which is high or low by my periods and my mood. If I am short tempered and my period is heavy and/or long I need more progesterone. If I am anxious and my period is light and/or short then I need more estrogen. Usually I am low on progesterone though.

I always make sure to supplement low dose of the opposite though so that you don't throw other things out of whack. Like your thyroid which needs copper and zinc. So if I am low on progesterone I use the cream in the morning and night on my wrists and I take 2 mg (RDA is 2 mg) of copper with at least 10 to 15 mg of zinc (RDA is 8 mg). Alot of us are low on estrogen because we are taking so much zinc to boost our immune system so be careful when your doing that. Make sure your taking copper too. If estrogen or progesterone is out of whack we don't feel desire. We also need testosterone which you can also get from zinc and DHEA (half of a 25 mg tablet per day) if you think your low there.

Mirena IUD
Posted by Natasha (Lakeville, Mn) on 12/05/2012

I had the same thing, I finally saw a homeopathic Dr in my area after the medical Dr al thought I was lying. After muscle testing (non invasive! ) and following his suggestions I am back to normal :) You are not alone. The Mirena is an evil litle thing.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/21/2011

Hi Michelle... The root cause of most gland tumour problems is perhaps a comibination of both the accumulation of toxins from processed foods, pesticides, heavy metals and halides such as bromine, fluorine and chlorine -- as well as a lack of important nutrients in the body -- such as minerals, amino acids and vitamins. So the real culprit here is trusting yourself to cheap, toxic, chemically processed food, drink and drugs.

Above all you should continually work to remove these toxins from your body. Never stop. To remove heavy metals -- by regularly taking chlorella/spirulina or sodium alginate or drinking green tea three times a day or eat salads with a small handful of fresh cilantro will all help to remove the heavy metals. Lugol's Iodine or Kelp is my favourite for removing all the bad halides. Iodine also removes cadmium, mercury, lead and aluminium.

Fulvic acid is another good one which also helps to remove heavy metals and food toxins, as well as acting almost like a protective antibiotic in the body to assist the immune system. I myself regularly take a Filipino brand of fulvic acid/electrolyte/ascorbate/zeolite concentrated drops mixture which also seems to increase energy substantially for some reason.

To answer your questions:

Ted posted that growth hormone destroys the liver. I would like to know how this happens, and if there is anything I can do to prevent or slow it down.

The growth hormone, in a cancer context, can indeed destroy the liver because of over-production of lactic acid from its anaerobic respiration. Thus, it gets to the point in metastased Stage 4 cancer that the blood has a very high concentration of lactic acid with high levels of mycotoxins and aflotoxins, which the liver, in the end, is unable to remove or cope with. The lactic acid acidity is what helps to kill the liver in the end. Indeed, the liver frantically works hard to remove the lactic acid by re-converting it to glucose -- which actually helps to feed the cancer!! This then becomes self-destruction -- a death spiral for the liver -- unless this lactic acid/glucose toxic cycle is stopped.

Therefore, a growth factor such as HCGH will help cancer to grow -- which increases lactic acid in the blood, which helps to kill the liver in the end.

In the Gerson Therapy therapy against cancer's and tumours, the patients would drink a mixture of liquidized raw liver combined with carrot juice which seemed to have considerable reviving effects for the liver and also provided a means to stop tumour growth which few people understood. Later, Dr Virginia Wheeler investigated and used the same protocol against cancer. The secret reason was that something in the raw liver juice reacted with the Vitamin A in the carrot juice to create Abscisic Acid -- a very close relative to Vitamin A -- which had the ability to neutalize the HCGH(Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone), a growth hormone, which particularly governs the growth of stem cells(babies) in the womb. Cancer tumours also produce a very similar growth hormone. So, by taking this liver/carrot juice mix Gerson and Wheeler were able to safely stop both tumour growth and cancer spread by metastasis -- thus reducing lactic acid in the blood thereby protecting the liver -- Although, upon discovery of the reason, Dr Wheeler just simply gave her patients Abscisic Acid tablets instead.

Just out of interest Bill, do the petechiae ever go ?

My answer to that is never say never!! When I had systemic candida, I had all sorts of skin ailments including psoriasis. In medical research opinion there is simply no way that you can get rid of psoriasis, which is also defined as a precancerous condition. However, my psoriasis disappeared completely when I successfully killed off the candida and has never reappeared in 5 years. So I would say that the medical research fraternity is completely wrong on psoriasis. You certainly can get rid of it. I am also of the opinion and convinced that psoriasis is not the pre-cancerous culprit, but that systemic candida is really the pre-cancerous condition that is the bigger danger.

So, from my own experience above, there is really no earthly reason why you should not be able to get rid of your petechiae as far as I'm concerned -- as long as you can address and eliminate the root causes of the problem -- and the root cause seems to be the thick blood possibly caused by the pituatary imbalance and excess calcium problems. The Chanca Piedra and the serrapeptase enzyme should help you here by removing the capillary blockages, reducing edema and safely helping to thin the blood. Serrapeptase and Chanca Piedra also have strong anti-inflammatory and pain-killing action with very few, if any, side-effects -- All good, in other words.

Menopausal Excess Hair
Posted by Christina (Melbourne, Australia) on 03/04/2015

There is research that drinking 2 cups of spearmint tea per day will stop excess facial hair on women. Is because it raised estrogen significantly, but probably has other actions too. I can tell you I was drinking it for detox purposes and it raised my estrogen through the roof within six weeks. That was not good for me, but possibly good for others. I've kept my unopened pack for such a time as I need more estrogen.

Posted by Steph (Toronto, Ontario) on 12/06/2012

A good way to detox estrogen from the body is with DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate. These supplements metabolize the bad estrogen and allow your body to eliminate it, as well as balance the hormones. Research is also being done on DIM, in California, for its benefits on treating hormonal cancers.

Dried Apricots With Honey
Posted by Snowy (J, SA) on 04/24/2009

dried apricots with honey cured my excessive bleeding

i had been taking fertility medication and had stopped due to some side effects and the had bleeding and spotting continuously for one month. the doctor prescribed iron tablets coz i didn't want more medication.. my hormones were already out of control. well i just had this dessert made of around 100 grams of apricots with 2 tablespoons honey and water, boiled it for 20-30 minutes on sim and blended the mixture and had a cup. next day my bleeding completely stopped and now its been 2 weeks with no bleeding.

Posted by Angela (Bloomfield, Nj) on 06/27/2012

I just found out that I have a disease called Acromegaly (excessive growth hormone levels) Does anyone know of any natural treatment for this disease?

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, USA) on 06/30/2012 2063 posts

Angela, Discontinuing GABA alone will help much as it can boost the pituitary gland to produce up to 40% MORE HGH than normal. HGH is converted to Insulin Growth Factor (a hormone) in the liver where it is released into the bloodstream. IGF signals the body to burn fat and ignore glucose for fuel in each cell.

Drop the GABA and replace it w/ Melatonin and/or 5HTP and maybe even some Valerian will be necessary. The Chromium and Cinnamon will help the burning of the sugars.

General Feedback
Posted by Dee ( Georgia) on 04/25/2015

If the hormones recommended were bioidentical then you should go for it. I would assume that's the case since the doc is holistic. You needed to get off the other stuff bc they were synthetic therefore toxic to your system. Please read Suzanne Somers books - she is the guru on this topic.

Menopausal Excess Hair
Posted by Zep (East Coast, U.s.) on 12/17/2010

Please can anyone help with this? It's not something I had to deal with before I got older. I've been studying all I can find, but still distressed/depressed to find no remedy. Thank you for reading!

Reader Feedback
Posted by Stephanie (Charlotte, NC, USA) on 01/28/2009

In regards to Ambrosia's question about balancing hormones without birth control, here is what has helped me a great deal (taken on a daily basis):

- (Super) Greens (powdered - combination of barley, kelp, etc. - between 1-2 tablespoons in water, depending on how tired I am)
- Magnesium (powdered, flavored-in about 8 oz. water) (about 300mg., though I occasionally take a little more if I am really tired)
- Fish Oil (1 gel cap)
- Probiotics (2 pills)
- Super B Complex pills (B vitamins that includes folic acid, etc. - 2 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon.)
- Minerals (multiple trace minerals - 2 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon)

With the above, I don't have the mood swings and I do have more energy. In fact, if I don't take the Super Greens and Magnesium, it's evident because the mood swings start again. Before starting on these, I would start crying anytime and not even know why. And I was sooooo tired - I really was not functioning well at all. I do suggest taking the Magnesium and Super Greens at least 1 hour apart. Otherwise you may have an upset stomach for a little while. Hope this helps!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Geraldine (Fort Davis, Tx) on 11/04/2018

ACV! Well that's awesome! I was given progesterone to keep my twin pregnancy healthy. Which will cause a body to stop producing its own. Soy increass estrogen which then lowers progesterone. A balance between the two is important. Too much estrogen will cause cancer & cyst.. I look at labels before I buy.. Increasing HGH can be done also by skipping breakfast and by exercise HIIT..look up Sprint 8.. A big difference has occurred once I made these changes.. But I'm getting heavy periods again.. I need to avoid sugar too.. Thx for advice on ACV! I should know better..

General Feedback
Posted by Jonna (Los Angeles, CA)

I think it would be great if women report in more about their hormonal fluctuations. To be exact, the ways they feel during parts of their cycle and what remedies they take... I think this would be very useful information to have from women of all different ages.

I am in my early 40s and have been paying attention to my hormonal ebbs and flows for a number of months now. I realized that my estrogen levels spike the day before I get my period, then again at the tail end of my period, days 5 and 6 of my period. I feel super-charged physically, ready to take on the world. I think I actually look younger too for those 2 days (ha ha - so much for the ongoing fountain of youth!). My husband also notices a difference and loves those high estrogen days, if you know what I mean... But the interesting thing is that while my body is "on", my emotions are "off" during this same time.. I feel anxious about stupid things... Then a day later things even out again and that super-charged feeling starts to disipate but I am super calm emotionally. I think supplements and remedies should be adjusted during these cycles. For me, I start upping my omega 3s about a week before my period begins (see my flax seed oil post). When my period hits, I take dissolvable magnesium. When I feel my estrogen start to spike, I supplement with natural Vitamin E. Then for 2 weeks I take a few supplements here and there and apple cider vinegar from time to time.

Does anyone know exactly what is happening to your brain chemistry during a woman's 28 day cycle? If so, have you tried experimenting with remedies? Thanks for your insight.

High Testosterone Remedies
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 05/16/2020

Balance is not as easy as it should be. Vitamin D is a hormone and it needs K to absorb. Minerals play a role in hormones. Iodine in the vagina will reset the hormone balance there. Borax is a mineral that controls calcium and hormones. I would only use chanca Piedra (stonebreaker) as it moves that calcium out of soft tissues, stones can break loose. Acne can be from the liver health. The liver needs healthy fats to produce bile for the gallbladder to be healthy. The bile drops into the gut to digest food and absorb minerals. Our world of plastics and plumped up cattle and chemically fertilized crops throw off hormone balance toward estrogen. Fat cells produce estrogen. Estrogen contributes to cancer cell growth and prostate issues. If you like to learn in short videos on all topics, my go to is Eric Berg.

Posted by Leila (Europe) on 03/30/2017


I was wondering if anyone has had a good result using borax for hormone imbalance? More precisely estrogene deficiency as I seem to be experiencing. Your feed-back would be greatly appreciated!

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 10/01/2013 84 posts

I have experience of protactinium due to a growth on the pituitary. (growth removed 20 years ago) My levels read as high as yours and not knowing any better I automatically took the proferred prescription. The readings came down but not enough for me to have a baby. My Endo retired and I wasn't too impressed with the "I am God-like" creature that replaced him so I did a bit of research to go alternate. I tried acupuncture twice, herbal, massage from Kinesiology, reflexology and reiki. I have to say that I could see a difference only in that I wasn't as apprehensive as when I took script drugs but I now think that it was because I didn't research them properly. A new endo persuaded me to try a new drug(Dostinex) as the blood readings hadn't reduced and I've never looked back. No nausea, no dizziness etc. and I now have a lovely daughter whose birth caused the prolactin to shut down and therefore, after all that milk producing hormone having been in my body for years, I couldn't breastfeed.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 09/10/2013

Ten years ago, I was in the exact place you are. I had posted notes everywhere and was running on a couple of hours of sleep constantly. Years later, I became aware that, at the same time, I was also having much unacknowledged problems with statin drugs and also undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Both were causing major problems with my memory and sleep. Work stress didn't help either. I still don't sleep well and stopped taking prescription sleep aids after I found out they also will ruin your mental process. I take 1 mg of melatonin and a Valerian tablet to sleep now. Not great, but makes me tired instead of wired at night. Look to see if other hidden health issues may be compounding your situation. I exercised and thought I was very healthy, and never heard of hypothyroidism. I thought statins were keeping me well but I know better now. Best wishes. I know how difficult life can become when this happens.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Mike (Denver, Colorado) on 09/12/2013

Gert: You can get raw thai fish sauce that has been fermented for 2 years and take 30 grams per day. The salt is sun dried sea salt. Lots of sun dried sea salt is good. The nutrients are raw fermented and wild harvested the most bioactive kind. This product has iodine for the thyroid. You can get a case of 12 7oz. bottles shipped for $56.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Gert (Al) on 09/12/2013

I appreciate all the tips, but my question was does anyone have experience with vivelle? I cannot take mg due to my ibs-d. As stated in my post, I have tried everything--I wouldn't be going this route had I not given it all a good shot. BTW, vit e does reduce the hot flashes. Evening primrose oil, used as a suppository, helps w/ vag issues but makes a mess. I travel for work, so I can't have this mess every night. I need to conquer the insomnia and cannot take mg or I get diarrhea. Melatonin triggers my migraines. I need a response regarding bioidentical hormones.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Carly (Pacific Nw, Usa) on 09/13/2013

Hi Gert!

I am just entering this arena. At 50 plus years old, and no concrete signs of menopause yet..... I can still tell something is looming on the horizon. Kind of like a Steven King movie. ;-).

I just wanted to say that I love your attitude, and envy you your food / lifestyle! Seriously, what you are doing sounds wonderful!

Please keep us updated on how it is going re menopause, and what you are taking? I am reading all I can in anticipation of outliving mine. Lol... Oh, and best wishes!

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 09/14/2013

I read a lot about hormones but mine are not in balance yet. Estrogens can cause cancer growth if not balanced with progesterone. I use a progesterone cream by Em..... Sold over the internet and there are lots of good reviews on the product. Dr. John Lee was an ob/gyn who wrote a book What your doctor may not tell you about menopause. The body loses its ability to produce progesterone but fat cells can produce estrogens.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Darlene (Houston) on 04/10/2016

Gert, I'm reading an old post so I'm hoping you've gotten help with you problems. I'm 58 and still experiencing hot flashes. I tired all kinds of things including oral hormones. Which are the worst. Caused issues with my gallbladder. What works for me is bio identical hormones. They must have both progestone and estrodial to help. Do a saliva test to elevaluate your levels. I'm guessing your adrenals are exhausted. Very common with hot flashes and women who don't sleep. I had the same problem. I use a few things to help me sleep if I need them. Valerian is one. I would also suggest you get your thyroid checked they seem to go hand and hand. The process I use is destress get better sleep a small amount of bio identicals, low amount of armour thyroid Meds and eat lots of whole foods. I don't eat processed foods and very low sugar. I hope this helps. bio identicals are not junk. They can be very helpful used the right way. I've had no problems with abnormal paps and I've been using them since I was 52. Again, reducing stress and living a healthy lifestyle helps a lot.

Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/28/2012 2063 posts

Angela, does not your endocrinologist have any treatment options or suggestions??? I think age is also a factor, it seems you've escaped this condition in your developmental stage, yes?

From the other end of the problem, I take natural supplements to help stimulate Growth Hormone production. So, logically you should avoid foods high in Arginine, Ornithine, and limit protein intake to only necessary levels while keeping sugars and carbs intake up ---candy bar before bed if it doesn't keep you awake. High protein low carbohydrate stimulates the hypothalamus to produce HGH particularly during sleep and in the early morning. The neuroinhibitory amino acid GABA also stimulates HGH release from the Pituitary Gland, so logically supplementing it's opposite, the stimulatory amino L-Tyrosine should help as T would antagonize GABA. If this diet could work, I would definitely supplement Chromium and Cinnamon for help in the burning of sugars.

Hope this helps.

General Feedback
Posted by Been There Too! (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/05/2012

It's been a while since I've dabbed in fertility but Vitex (aka chasteberry) is nature's remedy as opposed to one of the fertility drugs used to assist ovulation. It does assist with hormone balancing and other ailments as well.

I don't want to give bad information but I can suggest you check fertility friend sites and comb through the chat boards and I'll guarantee you'll learn what you need to know. :)

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/19/2011

I've been reading alot of research on the thyroid, osteoporosis and diabetes in recent weeks which has led me to some surprising facts and conclusions. Just thought it might help those affected if I broadcast and share some of my thoughts and conclusions.

There are essentially two glands that control formation and destruction of bone in the human body. Calcitonin, a thyroid hormone, controls bone formation in the body and the parathyroid hormone or PTH which controls calcium release and bone destruction. This bone formation/destruction cycle in the body is normal and healthy for the body, provided it is in balance, and is a method of continually renewing old bone.

However if the thyroid is hypo- or insufficient and underperforming, then it is possible that this bone formation/destruction becomes unbalanced -- due to underproduction of calcitonin -- with bone destruction dominating this process and this is when osteoporisis occurs as a problem.

When a healthy amount of Calcitonin is produced from a healthy thyroid, more osteoblasts(bone forming) are produced than osteoclasts(bone destruction) with an accompanying rise in the bone hormone called osteocalcin. Very recent research has revealed that an increase in osteocalcin levels in the blood has a beneficial effect on diabetese. A rise in the body's osteocalcin bone hormone automatically raises the pancreatic production of insulin and also appears to reduce insulin receptor resistance throughout the body. A rise in osteocalcin levels also increases the sexual hormones of the body. Conversely, I have also read, that a possible cause of diabetes is due to the excess calcium in the blood which cause the pancreatic cells -- the Islets of Langerhans -- to calcify internally which greatly reduces production of insulin over time. As an aside, I can't also help wondering if this pancreatic calcification would also affect and reduce production of pancreatic digestive enzymes and bicarbonates as well, which would cause even wider adverse effects on the body's immune system as well.

So, all at once we have made the connection that if we have low levels of thyroid hormone -- caused perhaps by a low iodine or excess fluoride intake -- then this can have a wide domino effect in the body -- leading ultimately to a possible cause of both osteporosis, diabetes as well as a depression of immune system action in the body.

But other problems in this loop relationship can trigger osteoporisis and diabetes for different reasons. For instance, if a person takes the drug Warfarin over a long period for anti-clotting and blood-thinning, this drug is well known to cause osteoporisis -- and so, by logical extension, this drug will also most likely promote diabetes as well.

Another example of this is acid blood, which can also trigger excess calcium release from bone as well as ammonia relase from proteins in muscle tissue to neutralize the acid, all of which leads to loss of weight or a visible wasting of the body.

So, in conclusion, anyone who is suffering from diabetes (type 1 or type 2) would perhaps benefit considerably by also taking nutrients that promote bone formation and bone balance -- such as Iodine or Kelp, Magnesium, Vitamin K2 for example. Also from the research, promoting bone formation and osteocalcin also promotes and helps balance the sexual hormones of the body.

Another different perspective or view on this also explains why taking lugol's iodine for hypothyroid must inevitably help to promote calcitonin and proper bone formation as well as helping diabetes sufferers. This is why both magnesium and iodine have long been considered beneficial for bone formation in the body. However, their beneficial effect on diabetes is a fairly recent research discovery.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/19/2011

Hi Michelle... The greatest problem that you have is the pituitary tumour. The pituitary is one of the master glands in the body, which functions to regulate many of the body's other glands -- including the thyroid, adrenals, kidneys, pancreas etc. So if the pituitary secretions are disturbed or disrupted, then all these other glands will not be performing correctly -- including regulation of bone, immune system, energy, blood regulation etc. Unfortunately there is no one herb or group of herbs or natural cures that can correct these necessary pituitary secretions. I have written about this subject before here in another post to Robyn, which I think you are aware of:

My sister-in-law, who is also a lifelong vegetarian, had her pituitary and pituitary tumour removed in UK and was put on a permanent course of pills to help adjust and regulate her glands. These pills, in other words, substituted for the abscence of regulation from her pituitary.

The greatest problems you seem to have are arthritis, blood iron and pain in the tissues. As Ted has said, arthritis can be caused by mycoplasma and associated bacteria and the best remedies appear to be borax, hydrogen peroxide and Magnesium Chloride(or magnesium citrate). For the tisue pain issues -- MSM(Methyl Suphonyl Methane) and DMSO(Dimethyl Sulfoxide) will help you here -- you can investigate these on EC. And for the iron/anaemia issue -- I would consider taking a more gentle and more bio-available source of heme iron such as dessicated liver tablets. Also, taking Manganese as a micronutrient on its own will help to improve the use of iron for the blood.

Perhaps the most in depth explanations for the causes of arthritis by Ted from Bangkok can be found here:

Undoubtedly, and from your tissue pain problems, calcium is perhaps not so well regulated in your body so supplementing Magnesium, Vitamin K2 and disodium EDTA should also help you reduce your calcium levels inside your tissues and thereby help to reduce the pain.

But I must admit to a problem with EDTA usage in your case. Because your calcium problem is essentially due to a loss of proper control by the thyroid(which controls bone formation), then if we continually remove the excess calcium from the blood, bone loss will nevertheless continue due to non-regulation of the thyroid by the pituitary gland and could help to weaken you bone mass further thereby continually aggravating your sacrolitis and bone loss problems. But if you don't remove the excess blood and tissue calcium, then the tissue pain(and all the other problems) will continue. So I must leave the decision whether to take EDTA up to you.

Another thought, since you must also be taking a battery of pills as a substitute for your pituitary secretions. Perhaps consult your doctor or an endocrine specialist and ask if there is any drug therapy that will help to increase the calcitonin output of the thyroid, in order to more balance and reduce your blood/tissue calcium excess and your bone issues.

Concerning petechiae, which is burst blood capillaries in the skin, these can be caused by "sticky blood" where blood or platelets clump together forming a small blockage or thrombosis in the capillary causing the small blood vessel to burst. Taking Chanca Piedra capsules, which acts as a mild diuretic should help clean and thin the blood safely. And taking serrapeptase or nattokinase enzymes, which are protease or protein digesting enzymes, should also help to digest and clear these capillary blockages safely. These protease enzymes should be taken outside mealtimes because you want them in the blood. The Chanca Piedra, as well as the protease enzymes, should also simultaneously act to quietly reduce the edema in your leg. The Chanca piedra should be taken as a capsule -- 1000 mgs twice a day at mealtimes. My partner developed small varicose veins recently, so I gave her pancreatin, which also contains similar protease enzymes, and her varicose veins disappeared after only a short while.

General Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 02/10/2011

Hi Kay - I am 50 years old... I highly suggest you get the book "Breakthrough" by Suzanne Somers. It discusses HRT in depth, and is an exceptionally interesting read. I bought my copy on half (dot) com for just a few dollars. (Hope it is okay to mention that site - if not I appologize).

I then went back and bought another copy for my daughter to read. It is knowledge a woman needs to have BEFORE menopause hits as well as after!

It sounds like the doctor you are seeing now knows their stuff, and that they are trying to get you balanced. Natural hormones vs. The crap the "regular" doctors will shove at you are two entirely different things!

Posted by Self (Ny) on 12/17/2010


BPA is disrupts hormones and has been linked to cancer and infertility. From the paper receipts you get from stores to paper money, the BPA can easily transfer through the skin. Usually we worry about BPA in plastic baby or water bottles and canned food linings. "receipts
By Janet Raloff
Web edition : Wednesday, October 7th, 2009
What's the charge?Some but not all cash-register and credit-card receipts can be rich sources of exposure to BPA, a hormone-mimicking pollutant. Christopher Baker while working at Polaroid Corp. For more than a decade, John C. Warner learned about the chemistry behind some carbonless copy papers (now used for most credit card receipts) and the thermal imaging papers that are spit out by most modern cash registers. Both relied on bisphenol-A. Manufacturers would coat a powdery layer of this BPA onto one side of a piece of paper together with an invisible ink, he says. "Later, when you applied pressure or heat, they would merge together and you'd get color. "

At the time, back in the '90s, he thought little about the technology other than it was clever. But when BPA exploded into the news, about a decade ago, Warner began to develop some doubts. Research was demonstrating that this estrogen-mimicking chemical was leaching out of polycarbonate plastics, out of the resins used to line most food cans and out of dental sealants. In the womb, this chemical could disrupt the normal development of a rodent's gonads — or evoke changes that predisposed animals to later develop cancer. Warner recalls that these reports piqued his curiosity about whether the color-changing papers that were increasingly proliferating throughout urban commerce still used BPA. By this time, the organic chemist was teaching green chemistry at the University of Massachusetts. "So I'd send my students out to local stores to get their cash register receipts. " Back in the lab, they'd dissolve the paper, run it through a mass spectrometer and look for a telltale spike in the readout that signaled the presence of BPA. And they'd find it, Warner says. Not in every receipt. But in plenty. And the paper used in the receipts that contained BPA looked no different than papers that didn't. But that was then, before he co-founded the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry, an organization that works with industry to develop safer products and production processes. So earlier this week I asked Warner whether he had evidence BPA might still be present in those papers. Yep. He turned up BPA-based receipts in use the last time he looked. Which was last month. And the amount receipts carry isn't trivial. "When people talk about polycarbonate bottles, they talk about nanogram quantities of BPA [leaching out, " Warner observes. "The average cash register receipt that's out there and uses the BPA technology will have 60 to 100 milligrams of free BPA. " By free, he explains, it's not bound into a polymer, like the BPA in polycarbonates. It's just the individual molecules loose and ready for uptake. "... "At least pregnant women would know to wash their hands after picking up a BPA-laced receipt. And we'd all know to keep such paper out of hands of kids. We might also want to store those receipts in some zip-it-closed plastic baggie, not our wallets. " -- By Janet Raloff

Dollar bills and receipts tainted with Bisphenol A, report finds

Concerned about your BPA: Check your receipts

Menopausal Excess Hair
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/17/2010

I have noticed that since I started using a formula to make my hair more beautiful, that I have not had the hair coming out of my mole right below my face anymore, as well as a couple of hairs on my upper left lip. I use to have to pluck them about 4 -5 times a week, and in the past 2 months (that is how long I have been using the concoction), I might have plucked once this whole week, maybe 2x last week - if I would have known that this would have been a positive side effect, then I would have wrote it down for the past two months!! However, I still had to pluck in the first month, and hardly ever now! So, I am not sure if it will help you, but it helped me!

It is a mixture of A simple syrup (sugar) base blended with Elixir of Lactated Pepsin, Liquid Liver Extract, Fluid Extracts of Black Snake Root and Wild American Ginseng, Atomic Iodine and Grain Alcohol. Look it up - there are many stores out there selling it - I started off taking it 3x a day for the first 2 weeks at 1/2 tsp and then I didn't take it for one week. I repeated that, and now I am only taking it 1 x a day for 5 days on 5 days off. I followed my intuition, which is my kinesiology and my pendulum basically, and that is how I did it. If you are already on hormone pills or natural hormones, then I would definitely talk to your Dr. before taking it, as it has Iodine in it. It is an Edgar Cayce remedy and he also suggested in one reading that you can use Lye soap to get rid of the hair, and one that said Cocao butter, calomel (which is no longer available), however he said in 95% of his readings that the Atomic Iodine would help with excess hair. He said it is a glandular problem and I tend to believe him, as I no longer take my Armour Thyroid, which I have taken for approx 6 years, for my hair. Now I only take the formula I mentioned!

Cushing's Syndrome
Posted by Faithinhealing (Forest Park, Ohio) on 12/06/2010

Unrefined coconut oil... Kelp... And unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Build up to three tablespoons of each a day. She also should include vitamin c and echinacea to rebuild the immune system. Milk thistle to detox the liver. Probiotics preferably homemade kefir to rebuild the good bacteria in the body!

Book Recommendation
Posted by Beth (Vista, Ca) on 02/09/2018

FYI - I've read in the book, Hormone Balance Made Simple, by Dr. John Lee, that blood tests are not effective for testing hormone levels. A saliva test is the only way to get accurate results.

Vitamin E
Posted by Janet (Delaware, USA) on 08/30/2008

I was very curious to see vitamin E listed as a remedy on your anti-aging page. I feel very strongly that vitamin e is essential for women as they age. I know it helps me with hormonal fluctations and I notice that I have more vitality on the days when I take it. I have taken E off and on for at about 15 years and am now in my early forties. It's been great as a pms remedy and an after-menstrual-cycle-is-over remedy. I was trying to find out good dosages for E and came across an article that Vit E might act as a substitute for estrogen, which is why it is suggested for menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. Has anyone been taking vitamin E for perimenopause or menopause? Thanks.

Kundalini Yoga
Posted by Shine (Bethelhem, PA) on 01/18/2008

Hormone balance almost seems like a life long quest for most women, but I think I found a great cure. It also made my re-occuring ovarian cysts disappear. Kundalini Yoga all the way! It changed my life. Don't be discouraged by fear, most instructors give options for flexibility and experience. You can also take breaks. It will realign your chakras, in-turn balancing your hormones. Once a week will even make a big difference. I also find Siberian Ginseng to be very helpful.

Posted by Lauren (United States) on 05/19/2020

Hi Mama To all is well with you and your family during this terrible time. I was wondering what's your opinion on flaxseed use for women who are menopausal and also have low thyroid issues. Thank you in advance for your response and also, just wanted to let you know Earth Clinic would not be the same without you. I love your posts. Thanks again

Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 05/19/2020

Dear Lauren,

Good to hear from you!

Well, Susun Weed is an herbalist whose herbal insight has stood the test of time. She does recommend flax for menopause in many cases. I wasn't able to find anything about not using it with hypothyroidism in her Menopause book. However, I have been hesitant to use it much myself since I do have low thyroid and it is generally not considered a good idea for those with low thyroid as you obviously know.

For me, I tend to leave it out when in doubt and consider alternatives. If there are no alternatives, I might try it and see how it affects me. Though even that can be hard to determine. I am wondering if there is a specific issue you are trying to help, or if you are just trying to nourish yourself well in this season of life. I will just throw out there that I found Motherwort tincture to be so very helpful for anxiety, racing heart and hot flashes connected to menopause and perimenopause. I have also found that sugar and wine seem to make my flashes worse. I have been blessed so far though to not have too many, and they are generally pretty mild, comparatively.

Love, ~Mama to Many~

Posted by Lauren (United States) on 05/22/2020


Thank you so much for your response. Much appreciated.

To answer your question, I am using it more because of nutrition as opposed to for a specific symptom although, I must say I was quite impressed with how much better my skin is. It didn't matter what lotion I use, nothing worked to moisturize my skin. It was as dry as the Sahara desert lol. But after only a few days, my daughter actually pointed it out to me....didn't even notice lol. It was amazing though since I have spent so much money on skincare and nothing worked. I am actually happy that you had no negative things to say bout it but I will still continue to use cautiously and really do hope that this is my ticket to normal skin.

Thank you again and you stay safe and have a blessed evening.

High Testosterone Remedies
Posted by laura (Queens) on 05/16/2020

Hi Everyone:

I'm hoping someone can help me daughter who's 20 just recently noticed a few hairs on her chin that suddenly came out of nowhere. She eats so healthy because she's trying her best to use diet to help with acne breakouts that she has had for several years. But nothing seems to help. Upon many hours of research, we've concluded that it might be a high testosterone problem but we're unsure how to handle this. Can someone help with what supplements she should/or should not take and also what foods she should eat/not eat etc. Thank you so much everyone. Have a blessed evening!!

High Testosterone Remedies
Posted by epeach (United States) on 05/16/2020

Hi Laura,

I was just reading about this exact problem in my Prescription for Herbal Healing book by Phyllis A. Balch CNC. It says, yes, that an over production of testosterone is the culprit. My son has severe acne and I was looking for a remedy. There are numerous topical and external remedies that are listed but the one that stand out to me is Milk Thistle 120 mgs daily. It helps remove the over abundant hormone through the stool by increasing production of bile. Good luck and let us know what helped. God bless!

High Testosterone Remedies
Posted by Laura (Queens) on 05/17/2020

Thank you so much for your response. Will definitely purchase the book you recommended and also try the milk thistle. Thanks again....have a great rest of the day!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chantal (Kingston, Jamaica) on 07/29/2017

Good day, I did a lot of hormones testing but everything seems to be normal but I have all the symptoms of having imbalance hormones. I don't know but I just started the blackstrap molasses and apple cider vinegar to see if something can be regulated naturally

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Clorimer (San Diego, California) on 10/01/2013

Happy Monday! I'm hoping Earth Clinic readers can share their experiences with prolactinemia. I've recently been diagnosed with a high prolactin level of around 80. I got an MRI, which shows no sign of mass growth on my pituitary gland (there was what they called a "shadow" on the right side of the gland which could either be atypical or the start of something, too soon to tell). Now, I'm caught in this pre-Obamacare black hole where I don't qualify for low-income health care but don't make enough to buy a monthly plan (nobody will accept new customers until Jan. 1 anyway) and am looking for the most natural and affordable solutions possible.

I'm seeing the endocrinologist this week, but I'm really wary that s/he will want to take more tests and put me on a medication. I'd much prefer a natural remedy. I'm certain that sleep and stress are related, so I've been trying to regulate lifestyle changes, as well as exercise more. I have an IUD (paragard, non-hormonal), and I'm wondering if that is in any way related?

I haven't menstrated since January (it's almost October now), so I'm really concerned. I've never been regular, but this is extreme.

Other posts have mentioned Pituitrophin PMG, Chasteberry, among other remedies. I've read articles that have also suggested going on the pill, as it's a natural regulator, but I'm wary of this too.

I really appreciate feedback, especially longitudinal experiences that are tried and true.

High Prolactin Level Remedies
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 10/01/2013

Check the apple cider vinegar page on this website. I seem to remember a lot of women using it to get their menses regular.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Gert (Al) on 09/10/2013

I'm 56, postmenopausal w/ terrible insomnia, hot flashes, brain fog, memory issues--dr wants to put my on vivelle dots. Anyone have experience with this? I've tried natural remedies and not enough relief. Memory & sleep issues are killing me, and I'll lose my job if I don't get control.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Mike (Denver, Colorado) on 09/11/2013

Gert: You might try watching raw superfood and raw food videos on you tube for some good ideas.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 09/12/2013

Hi, for insomnia, the best and healthy supplement that would help would be Magnesium L Threonate, 3 pills a day as per instructions on the bottle. It will help you relax, relieve stress, and afford a very well rested sleep. It is also the best choice for memory issues and brain fog. Mg L Threonate is the only form of Magnesium that will cross the blood brain barrier (discovered by MIT recently) It will help with sleep right away. Also called Magtein (Mg L Threonate) will help with long term memory but be aware that it takes Mg months to get built up in the body. It took 4 -6 months for me, but my mind got clear and I sometimes experience photographic recall. Then for short term memory and speed recall, I take Huperzine A, it worked within a week. Gingko Bilova is another supplement in addition to above that opens the blood vessels in the brain for better blood and oxygen circulation to improve brain function and memory.

I would start with one supplement at a time, observe yourself as far as how its affecting you, then add on the others after about a month or more each.

For hot flushes, I have read that taking Evening Primrose Oil could help pre or post menopausal symptoms.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Mike (Denver, Colorado) on 09/12/2013

Gert: I can tell you from my own experience and the testamonials I have seen from videos on youtube that the only way to get well is to go on a complete good food program. Taking 1 kg of regular food that is devoid of nutrients and life force cannot be fixed by taking a few grams of supplements. The doctor sells synthetic meds for profit not to make people well. Bioidentical hormones are a waste of money. Try to get all your nutrients from raw organic grass fed wild harvested soaked sprouted and fermented foods.

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 09/12/2013

There are several forms of Mg. Not all Mg will cause diarrhea. Mg Oxide definitely will and Mg Citrate could. Magtein will not. Mg actually will also help in IBS accdg. to the book "The Magnesium Miracle".

Postmenopausal Hormone Treatment
Posted by Gert (Al) on 09/16/2013

I am on vivelle dot, 0.05, new patch twice a week. I also use estrace cream for vag itch/dryness 3X per week. Only reason I'm doing it is for the insomnia--and I can't tell any difference yet. I was taking vit E for hot flashes and may start again, as I get them now at night when before I had them constantly. My sister swears by sepa (homeopathic pellets). I had total hysterectomy 7. 5 years ago and didn't really have any problems at all until the past year or so, can't say why that is. The thing about menopause is, everyone is different. I do everything right and have issues, my sister does almost nothing right and only has slight issues. It's Not Fair! As mom always said, life is not fair. Deal with it.

Cushing's Syndrome
Posted by Carla (Quincy, Illinois) on 08/04/2013

I refuse steroid treatment for Cushing's syndrome. It causes anxiety and depressive episodes. My condition is caused by my body being hyper productive. I take no medications of any kind except a daily vitamin supplement and melatonin. Stress triggers immediate swelling of my upper back at the base of my neck so terribly I look like a hunch back. It is very painful to carry that kind of pressure sometimes for days. I also urinate constantly at night during periods of high stress which disrupts my sleep and only aggravates my ability to lower stress levels. Please help with any natural remedies that will help me. I need help I'm not finding outside big pharma. Sincerely, Carla

Cushing's Syndrome
Posted by Carly (Pacific Northwest, Usa) on 08/04/2013

Hi Carla, when you are urinating that much you want to make sure you are getting enough potassium. Melatonin is good, you might also want to look at taking Co-Q10 and a high quality fish oil, omega 3 type supplement. Just some things to consider. Good luck to you.

Cushing's Syndrome
Posted by Dee ( Georgia) on 04/25/2015

You may want to check out this amazing Naturopath Dr. Robert Morse, he has lots of info on YouTube also.

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