Effective Natural Remedies for Toothache Relief

Baking Soda
Posted by Ellen (Murnau, Germany) on 09/25/2014

Friday evening: All Dentists closed and I had tooth pain. I did read about sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as painkiller, did not believe it, but tried it, since I had no other choice. Just a glass of water with one teaspoon of it.

It worked in seconds! Total removal of tooth pain in one second! Immediately no longer pain! That is what I wanted. Why taking cancer-promoting normal painkillers like Aspirin or Paracetamol etc. ?

Nevertheless it has nothing to do with ordinary pain killers (with strong unwanted side-effects) - it just did neutralize something acid in the hole of my damaged tooth. The whole day no pain. However, I guess when I would have eaten something acid, I guess would have got the pain again.

So it is possibly not a cure for any tooth pain, but possibly may be.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Atlanta, Georgia) on 02/09/2012

I was having a horrible time with a cracked tooth, the pain was awful! IB Profin would only numb the pain for a short time. I tried peroxide, garlic and a few other things and nothing helped. Finally, I tried 2 tablespoons of ACV with the mother in a glass of warm water. Let me tell you, after the first two sips the pain started to go away! I'm on the second day of the vinegar and water 3 times a day and the pain is pretty much gone! I am amazed! I'm going to keep doing it but gradually reducing it until I get to 1 tablespoon in water 2 times a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hope (Fullerton, Ca) on 09/21/2013

A friend and I hope had a toothache at the same time... Tried the ACV... Both our toothaches where completely gone in less than 5 minutes... Go ACV

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Beehappier (London, United Kingdom) on 12/04/2013

Just followed your advice and got the exact same results. After agonizing with toothache for 11 hours, I read this and immediately prepared my own. Warm water, 2 tbs ACV, and black forest honey for its antibacterial properties and... Gone after only two sips. I finished it and bought some more ACV so I might take it 3 times a day and see. Thank you ALL of you who posted your experiences here, the good ones and the bad ones, so we can all benefit from each other's stories.

Posted by Mia (Lyons, Ny) on 11/26/2010

WOW! I LOVE this site! Toothache pain is the worst but THANK GOD for natural cures. I gargled with a couple of drops of clove oil in a quarter cup of hot water for a few seconds and within just a few minutes every single trace of pain was gone!!!! Clove oil is a God-send!

Oil of Oregano
Posted by Fran Block (Pittsburgh, PA. USA) on 02/19/2009

Oil of Oregano is by far the number 1 remedy for tooth pain. I suffered from pain after having a crown put in. I was scheduled to go back to the dentist for a procedure to have the crown drilled to remove nerve endings to put a stop to the pain. Well, I bought a bottle of Oil of Oregano that had 70% carvacrol, brand name Solaray. I put a few drops on a cotton ball and placed it on the bad tooth and just bit down. It was kept there for about 15 minutes but, just after about 1 minute I could feel instant relief. Oregano oil worked for all my friends that had a tooth problem too! Oregano oil is NOT the herb in your kitchen cupboard, so don't make that mistake. It also works for other problems too and I always have a bottle in the house. No ands, ifs, or buts about it oregano oil will kill the pain almost immediately! Oh, I never had to go back to have anything done with my crown.

Posted by Robert S. (USA) on 06/22/2022

The best thing I have found for a toothache or oral infection is salt. Just mix 1-2 tps / tbs in water room temp or warm is ok, gargle several times daily until you get relief, usually it cuts the pain after 1-3 times of gargling and clears any infection in a few days along with reducing swelling. I have used this for years due to me having cavities below the gum line. I gave it to a few people with tooth aches, and it worked for them as well, they're sold on it now instead of painkillers or antibiotics.

Posted by mia (lakewood, ca) on 05/11/2021

This works!! I was in agony last night from a throbbing toothache, I couldn't even sleep let alone lay down. My head was throbbing due to my toothache then I thought about my handy dandy site Earth Clinic and boom! I keep herbs and stuff on hand so I had cloves in my kitchen cabinet, I used the whole clove and crushed it a bit or you can just remove the sharp part and put it right on your gums where the pain is and it's gone! Took about 5-10 minutes. Now I will be able to get some sleep tonight.. Thank you guys for this gem!!

Chamomile Tea Bag
Posted by Tanya (Metairie) on 06/07/2018

I have a cavity that is very deep. I also have an abscess tooth. I placed a chamomile tea bag on the area and spit out about a quarter of a cup of saliva. I repeated this with another Tea bag. The pain stopped, the swelling was gone and so was the redness. Instead of getting my tooth pulled or getting a root canal, I am continuing home remedies and just getting my teeth cleaned for now.

Posted by Pam (Northern Ca) on 12/15/2017

I have been doing the OP, Black Walnut extract, rinsing mouth out with half drop of tea tree oil and water, dash of salt-cayenne pepper-baking soda, trying to get gums to grow back, re-mineralize teeth w/homemade toothpaste to up minerals needed {teeth were looking transparent, now don't}. molar on upper left of jaw hurt so bad, could wiggle it.(wiggleing it once was quite enough}

I put a whole clove in pastic sandwich bag and mashed it with a hammer, put clove on tooth, chewed it gingerly. Did not realize tooth was swollen-but swelling and pain is gone now! Will be able to make and wait for dental appt. without being in exceeding pain.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Steve (Cv Cali) on 08/18/2017

3% hydrogen peroxide for tooth pain relief.

It works better than the maximum strength tooth pain gel. And, it's one hell of a lot cheaper as well.

Silver Nanoparticles
Posted by MTCO (Brisbane, Australia) on 05/20/2023

Well said Art. CS is truly a permanent cure for teeth pain /sensitivity / infection. I used it in teeth whitening trays moulded to my teeth. 150-30 mins at a time, repeated a few times each day / whenever. Healed up bad teeth in no time. I also use clay now on my teeth and that helps strengthen them, and clean them. I wait about an hour between clay and CS treatments.

Activated Charcoal, Oil Pulling
Posted by Vr (Minnesota) on 12/24/2016

Pain in tooth/gum came on very suddenly. No way to see a dentist. It's midnight & tomorrow is Christmas! I took 3 tylenol, oil pulled with coconut oil, made a paste of Activated Charcoal & applied it all over gum area. Feels much better within 15 - 30 minutes.

Posted by Vaughn (West Palm Beach Fl.) on 04/16/2014

Anytime I have problems with my gums or teeth I use Alum. I pack my gums or brush my teeth with Alum. I also use oil pulling with Coconut oil. I love these two things. They have helped me a lot.You can find Alum in the spice rack at the store.

Posted by Brian H (Vancouver, Bc, Can.) on 11/06/2010

Here's a suggestion re toothache: buy a bottle of Glycerin. Either the '100% pure Vegetable Source' from a health supplement store, or a drugstore's 'USP' grade is fine. Brush your teeth with it, pure. It is a moderately sweet, intensely hygroscopic 3-carbon alcohol, somewhat syrupy in texture. You can swallow it, if you wish. In fact, a swish on the back of the tongue and swallow kills the sulfur-loving bacteria back there and instantly ends 'death breath'. The G. will kill all bacteria in your mouth, and penetrate cavities, and filter down under the gumline and clean out periodontal disease bacteria, as well. When I figgered this out, years ago, I had only a few, loose teeth left. They immediately firmed up and I've had no problems since.

It has a myriad other uses; any skin condition responds rapidly, from sunburn to bites to psoriasis. Reorders and rebuilds the skin layers from the bottom up. Subdues inflammation, and turns off "alarm chemicals" causing pain; it is often prescribed for arthritis sufferers for that and other reasons. It naturally penetrates the skin without rubbing. Marvelous stuff. Dirt cheap; expect to pay $1/oz for it, and it goes a long way. BTW, it's the most widely used chemical in existence, partly because it is 'GRAS*' as a food additive, virtually the highest rating. Raisins soaked in it stay soft, e.g. used as a lubricant instead of oil in food processing equipment where contamination might be an issue. Currently, a glut on the world market as it is a high-volume byproduct of biofuels. *FDA-rating "Generally Regarded as Safe"

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Suzay (BC, Canada) on 11/05/2006

I used to get extremely painful toothaches. I remembered my mom telling me once about Blackstrap Molasses being full of nutrients (calcium and magnesium) in large amounts in general. So I thought I'd try it the next time my tooth ache occurred, and within half an hour, my tooth ache was completely gone. When my young daughters had growing pains, I decided to also try this on them: (1 tbsp) followed by any liquid (water ,milk, juice, just to wash it down). Her growing pain had stopped. As I had figured these tooth problems and shin aches may have been from a calcium/magnesium deficiency. The pain had left her in under half an hour. I believe from my own research that if the body does not get enough calcium it will leach it from other areas. thus the pain.

Posted by Anon (NYC) on 05/04/2006

Tooth Pain: Fill the tooth with clove powder. Works better than anything.

Posted by Jim (From Frostburg) on 09/27/2021

That's the right stuff (AKA, eugenol or essential oil of cloves).

Tissue Paper Trick
Posted by Flowing Hands (pensacola) on 09/21/2021

I've tried all the remedies many times. I used to swear by garlic. I would just burn the toothache as much as I can with garlic and that helped the most of all these remedies. One day the garlic stopped working and I was screwed with no way to turn. I had the idea to stuff the hole with tissue paper to prevent more food debris ect from getting to it. When I did that the pain that was a 10 went to a 0 INSTANTLY!!!!! I have 2 other tooth infections and I used to tissue paper works on them too. So you have to find the spot where it hurts or is bleeding. Most likely it's bleeding and that's why it became an infection cuz bacteria got to the blood. So when u got blood in your mouth it's very hard to stop it cuz your mouth is so wet. So by applying tissue paper and stuffing it hard against the wounded area does 2 things. First, the pressure stops the bleeding. sScond, the dryness of the tissue paper sucks up everything it contacts. Just replace it every 1-2 days. I like to clear out the area with baking soda before applying the tissue. Trust me this is the ultimate cure a million times better than any remedy.

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