Hives Treatment

Posted by Sylvia (San Francisco, Ca) on 10/12/2014

I started developing hives recently on a Saturday evening for the first time in my life. Raised bumps on my arms and upper thigh and trunk. Some of the bumps seemed to be joining in pink raised patches which scared me. I am not sure what the trigger was.

I have a bottle of 2% Lugols iodine in a small bottle with a glass dropper in my cabinet which I use topically for minor wounds and scratches. I've aways found topical iodine to also be a wonderful balm for red, itchy, swollen bug bites so I thought I'd try it for the hives.

I placed the iodine drops directly from the dropper onto the hives (or onto my finger tips) and rubbed the iodine in. Within 10-15 minutes the itch was gone. Within hours I noticed the hives had settled down. I woke up the next morning with a few new hive 'patches' on my back which were large and a few new bumps elsewhere. Everyplace I had put iodine on the night before, the hives were gone. So I proceeded to rub the iodine, direct from the dropper, onto the new hives. Within the hour the large patches on my back were no longer raised and after several hours were starting to 'breakup' in terms of color.

Please note that I did not dilute the Lugol's iodine. I placed drops directly on the hive and rubbed it in. If itching didn't stop I reapplied the iodine on the hive 2-3 times until it did. I applied the iodine on all my hives and did not worry about dosage since dermal application generally allows your body to absorb what it needs (in my opinion). Also, if you look at the tremendous amounts of iodine the Japanese ingest daily and their good health I just don't feel the need to be too alarmed with a 2% solution applied to the skin (again, just my opinion).

Topical iodine was a fantastic topical relief solution for me but it still doesn't answer the question as to what triggered my hives. The day before my hives was very stressful so it could be that but I also tried a few new foods - I may never know. If I continue to have hives in the future I will dig deeper, but for now this is a good topical remedy that relieved my itch and my fear. Getting hives is a little scary.

Note: this is obviously not a remedy for people with an iodine sensitivity. Also note, your fingetips will turn quite yellow/reddish so keep that in mind if your hands need to be presentable.

Water and Baking Soda
Posted by Adrenalin1 (Minneapolis, MN) on 08/10/2014

How was your father healed from heart disease?

Water and Baking Soda
Posted by Joyce (Easley, Sc) on 07/21/2014

I have battled with uticaria (hives) for 25 years.

They come on sudden and once they start I have in my youth battled with them daily for years at a time...miserable teen years...UNTIL

in my 20's I started a rotation diet to find out what I was most sensitive to. Plus began eating perservative/additive free. Good home cooking with NO MSG! And all its little counter parts. That process helped tremendously.

Then when I was 30, I was using a lot of bleach and started using a laundry soap that was not natural and hives hit me hard again. After 9 months of torture, I read a book called the water cure and increased my water intake by an extra quart a day. In a few days they had stopped. I have always been a low water drinker.

I am 47 now, and a few weeks I was into bleach and staining and other paint chemicals and they came on with vengence again. This time I stopped them in their tracks by drinking a huge glass of water with a tsp of baking soda mixed in it, (on an empty stomach) when I would wake up at night.

I am thrilled to have control of them so quickly.


P.S. 27 years of studying health and helping my family naturally. If your really sick...start juicing veges and get off ALL premade food. It will blow your mind how many things your body can heal/correct that the doc says "It's inherited". Yea right. My Father was healed from heart disease/diabetes/ gout/ arthritis and tons of other issues. I was healed from ganglia cysts, trigger thumb, stomach ulcers, and other female issues. Your body was created to HEAL itself when given the right tools.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Toni (Winnipeg, Canada) on 07/06/2014

I too have been suffering with chronic urticaria. Doctors couldn't help except to suggest I try one prescription after another and I needed to find another way to treat these symptoms. Thank you for this site!! I read about drinking water. I figured, what could it hurt to try? I found that a combination of ACV twice daily coupled with drinking LOTS of water (10X8 oz glasses) every day has reduced my hives to almost none within two weeks!! I still take an antihistamine occasionally but hope to wean myself off those in time.

I was never able to find the trigger. I am 62 and I believe that my body must have built up toxins over time. It's possible that the water, along with the ACV is flushing them out. I've read that your skin is like a second liver. If I find my skin getting itchy, I just drink another glass of water. I've also found that wiping myself down with a wet washcloth also takes the itch away. I hope that this is not a forever solution, but if it is, I can live with that. It's WATER! It's just amazing to sleep through the night without scratching my skin off and to wake up without hives all over my body and face. All this water has also been great for my complexion and digestion. I hope this helps someone.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, Exercise
Posted by Sara (Oregon) on 05/22/2014

How exactly are you supposed to use the ACV and baking soda? Do you mix it and apply it topically? I'm breaking out in hives for the first time in my life, and my last outbreak was massive and all over my body. I'm not a fan of medication so I'm trying to find a natural cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jay (Boca Raton, Fl) on 02/16/2014

I have AIPD autoimmune progesterone dermatitis, aka, allergic to my hormones and it seems the only relief I get is from ACV my outbreaks are so bad that I can move... Try it... I use organic with the mother just 2 tsp in about 6-8 oz of H2O horrible taste but by morning it's 80% better!! Good luck

Digestive Enzymes
Posted by Luellamac (Middle Tn) on 02/09/2014

I am satisfied that the digestive enzymes have been the foundation of recovering from hives. My stomach has been rumbling for weeks and has accompanied the onset of hives. The rumbling has stopped and the hives are clearing up. Additionally I rub my body with castor oil once a day with special attention to the hive areas. I take l-lysine three times a day…500 mg and one benadryl. I have tried everything recommended short of prednisone and have very nearly lost my mind itching for weeks. This is the first cessation.

Posted by Michelle Fafard (Riviera Beach, Fl) on 10/24/2013

For two days I was itchy and crazy with hives, on my face, chest, shoulders, back, and upper arms! Was going crazy and then I read:

10/01/2012: Abel from Munchen, Germany replies: "Hello, When I had Hives in the past, Benedryl worked wonders, but now it doesn't seem to help. The two things I found that help are chemical-wise a pill called Cetirizin which is an offshoot of Benedryl, and the second, now don't laugh till you try it... Is Beer! In Germany there is a purity law which Bier can only be produced from Hops, Water and Malt, nothing else. As I was drinking one evening, about two hours later I noticed ALL the hives (welts) were gone! No I don't advocate drinking beer till you drop, but try Hops as a tea, this too has been helping. I boil water, let the hops soak for about 5 min. , add some honey and there you go. For now, it's five o'clock somewhere, so PROST and good luck! =) Abel."

I had not had a drink for over three weeks so I tried beer. LOL, first time in two days, no itching! No redness hives are going away in minutes! I am allergic to so much, think I accidentally ingested soy, or it's too much sugar, via Sour Patch Kids, or caused from too much artificial colors! Beer worked for me. LOL. I usually have Generic Zyrtec have been out for over a week. Just sayin' a few minutes after the beer - - no more itching!!! AMAZING. Went from crazy scratching to fine in minutes. Don't know why only know I am grateful for this website and happy to not be red and scratching!!!

Castor Oil
Posted by Bev (Fort Lauderdale) on 09/14/2013

Have you tried Sudafed or Benedryl? I went into anaphylactic shock in the doctor's office from hives and could have died. To avoid this, all I had to do was take Sudafed or Benedryl which I then did for about a week. You may need to take it for more or less time. Hives can be very dangerous so don't mess with them.

I'm into natural remedies, too, or I wouldn't be on this site but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Also, since you have had hives for so long, I'm wondering about something in your diet. You can become suddenly allergic to foods you've been eating all your life or to a new food or a new brand from the supermarket. Eliminating grains might be a good place to start.

Since stress can also be a factor, you might want to try L-Theanine, tryptophan, 5-HTP or any one of several other stress reducers. Unfortunately, what works well for most people may not work at all for you. It's kind of hit or miss.

The site below has some info about hives.

Good luck to you.

Castor Oil
Posted by Bev (Fort Lauderdale) on 09/14/2013

Have you tried Sudafed or Benedryl? I went into anaphylactic shock in the doctor's office from hives and could have died. To avoid this, all I had to do was take Sudafed or Benedryl which I then did for about a week. You may need to take it for more or less time. Hives can be very dangerous so don't mess with them.

I'm into natural remedies, too, or I wouldn't be on this site but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Also, since you have had hives for so long, I'm wondering about something in your diet. You can become suddenly allergic to foods you've been eating all your life or to a new food or a new brand from the supermarket. Eliminating grains might be a good place to start.

Since stress can also be a factor, you might want to try L-Theanine, tryptophan, 5-HTP or any one of several other stress reducers. Unfortunately, what works well for most people may not work at all for you. It's kind of hit or miss.

The site below has some info about hives.

Good luck to you.

Castor Oil
Posted by Tammy (San Jose, Ca, Us) on 09/13/2013


Regarding Castor Oil- I've had hives for approximately 45 days. I've tried everything. Nothing seems to work. Prescriptions have done nothing but make my skin severely dry. I have applied Castor Oil directly to the hives. It seems to calm them down. But want to warn that, soon after my skin became hot for a short period then I became nauseous. But I figured it was doing something. I feel okay today. I suggest just putting a small portion into skin. Don't over do it. I wasn't able to drink any because of nausea. I think I'll try the ACV next. But Castor oil works well on the surface! Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 06/23/2013

Dear Blossom, So sorry to hear about your hives! My son, when he was only 3 or 4, had terrible hives that we cured with Nettle Tea. Nettle tea is very safe. You could buy the tea bags and drink 3-4 or even more a day. Or you could take nettle leaf powder in capsules - 4 of them 4 times a day.

Turmeric is also a great anti-inflammatory and I have seen it help a number of inflammatory skin conditions in my children. Try 2 in capsules several times a day. Safe to take with the nettles. Works best with a little pepper and a little fat. Some like to mix a teaspoon of it in milk. Personally, I can't bear it that way. :) Be sure to take plenty of water with turmeric, it can be constipating.

An epsom salt bath may also be helpful. 1-2 cups epsom salt in a bath. This can be done with the turmeric and the nettles.

Let us know what helps you!

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Blossom1464 (Birmingham, Al) on 06/23/2013

I've been using ACV with mother for over a year 2x a day. My body ph is 6.75, slightly acidic. I was taking kelp pills once a day, and apparently had an allergic reaction. I have raised white hives all over, from head to toes. They don't itch except on my neck. So obviously ACV isn't working. I tried ACV on skin yesterday, on white raised hives it didn't hurt, but didn't do anything. On neck where red and itchy it made it worse. I've been into herbs and natural healing for years.

I decided to not take benadryl after yest. morning, and instead took 1/2 tsp of baking soda twice yesterday in 8oz water. I also showered with pine tar soap, and pine tar shampoo. It felt better after shower, but today I'm just as covered up as I was. They are like huge white welts, some red bumps in pores. I think the only thing I can do is just let it work it's way out of my system.

I've had red itchy rashes before, but not sure what the trigger is, other than maybe stress and antibiotics. I'm going to start taking benadryl, I see no other way around this.

I also oil pull with virgin coconut oil everyday, have for a couple years. Stopped last night so it wouldn't get worse. I still think it's the kelp, it upset my stomach horribly. I can't take activated charcoal because I'm on pills I need to take.

Any idea anyone? I love this site, come here often.

Posted by Magicpips (Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines) on 06/02/2013

My daughter started having hives when she turned 1.2 years old. We went to see a pediatric dermatologist and an allergist. Both of them diagnosed her with Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria. She would breakout daily and have hives on her legs, arms, body and face but luckily, it wasn't the itchy kind. The meds they prescribed worked for maybe a day, but the hives would come back with a vengeance. So I stopped the medication and looked for alternative cures. I read that ACV works but it's impossible to get a baby girl to drink the stuff. She continued having her daily hives for about 9 months until we figured that the trigger might be water from the faucett (used for bathing and cleaning). We installed a water filter and her hives improved but not totally cured. She would still break out about thrice a week. Then my sis-in-law suggested that I clean my baby bottles using rock salt instead of the store-bought special baby bottle cleaning solution that I would use. To our surprise, her urticatia got better and within a week, it was gone. She got cured. Don't know if its the water, the salt or the cleaning solution. But whatever it was, it finally worked. Thank God. I just thought of sharing this. Maybe it will help other mothers. My daughter is now 2.3 and she has clear skin now. Thank you. I hope this helps.

Posted by Beautiful_soul (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 05/17/2013

Stress Hives Cure: Honey, honey and more honey.

I developed stress hives out of the blue and the first time it happened, one doctor gave me antibiotics. I got hives from head to toes and this incompetent doctor diagnosed me with shingles!!! Needless to say that he did not know what he was talking about and he did not help a bit, actually it made it worst because antibiotics are dangerous.

So I started an intensive research during the last 5 years and found out the reason for stress hives is actually very surprising: when you stress your blood glucose drops and cortisol levels rise in order to raise your blood glucose. The sole role of cortisol in the body is to raise blood glucose. Cortisol, when reaching the mast cells of the skin, creates hives and cortisol can take several weeks to adjust the right level of glucose in the blood.

I found out that honey does raise blood glucose in just minutes and when it does, cortisol is not needed. Remember this, cortisol will only rise when blood glucose is low. So how did I cure my hives and how am I preventing stress hives now? I take two tablespoons of honey each time I stress or cry and I don't have to worry about stress hives anymore.

If you are experiencing stress hives right now, do yourself a favor: take some honey and the hives will fade away in a heartbeat. I have seen it, I am a living testimony and I hope this remedy will bless all people who are suffering with this painful condition.

I will end this post by giving glory to God because it's after praying and asking God to show me the way to heal myself that I found the information. I received freely, therefore I give freely.

Be blessed.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Hef (Toronto, Ontario) on 05/04/2013

I am having hives all over my body for a couple of months now very itching small and large bumps.... It started with rashes and some bumps here and there. I kept suspecting some sort of insect (BedBugs) is biting me at night. There were actually BBs where I was living and they did bite me at night. There were no other food or diet changes I made otherwise other than introducing a new multivitamin and Immune boosting supplement. I am off both of these things for a month now and also moved the location I was living.

However the severity and intensity of hives is increasing every passing week. Just last week I have the most severe breakout all over the body even on my face. It made me worried.

I went to the doctor he prescribed Anti-Histamine and Zyrtec. I am only taking the anti-histamine when the outbreak get severe.... may be once a week one tablet of Loratidine.

I went to a Chinese Herbal Medicine specialist and she checked my tounge and pulse and gave me to drink a herbal decoction of 12 herbs for 4 day. Today is the fifth day there seems to be some improvement.. However I started getting them in the hip area and minor breakout on the hand. I am applying castor oil on the bumps and they do go away after a while.... Also taking nettle tea. Along with digestive Enzymes full spectrum and betaine HCL.

I will write down my journey on if I am able to get total control/cure over this hive clamity.

Will keep posted.

Hives Triggers
Posted by S. (Charlotte, Nc) on 04/17/2013

I agree that lack of stomach acid could somehow contribute to hives. I've only had them twice that I can remember. My triggers have been staying awake for 36 consecutive hours (face), and drinking pau d'arco tea (calves).

I DO have stomach issues that I've previously taken Chinese herbs for. I've been off the herbs for a while now and the stomach issues have returned. Both times I've had hives have been times when I haven't been on the herbs.

My calves were extremely itchy when I woke up this morning. I gave them a good scratch. I initially thought I'd been bitten by bugs while I was sleeping. When I took a good look, I could see that it was hives.

I'm going to try topical coconut oil (organic unrefined) first. If it helps, I'll post here.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Chia Seeds
Posted by Lorrainez (Concord, Ca) on 02/12/2013

In 2012 I started to juice a lot of kale. I beleive that I released too many toxins into my system and began breaking out in hives (entire body) and vaginally bleeding. I went to 5 different specialist and all the test said I was fine. Bendaryl didnt work after a week or two. From this website I found ACV which I bathed in daily (to keep the hives under control). But I wanted to fix the problem not just maintain. A friend of mine who sells chia seeds gave me a bag to try. I took a scoop a day and within 3 day the hives went away and the bleeding stopped. My belief is that I had way too many toxins floating around in my body and my body was naturally trying to eliminate it. The chia seed allowed it to be flushed out through my bowel movements instead of my skin. I am blessed that I found the answer for my body and I hope this helps someone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/06/2013

Teri, check out the possibility of food sensitivities.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teri (Fort Wayne, Indiana) on 02/06/2013

I was recently diagnosed with chronic ideopathic uriticaria (hives). Modern medicine has not helped!!! Found a book suggesting ACV twice daily for 60 days , then 1 daily to cure. Anyone also experience this, and cured with ACV???

Very desperate! Hives daily, and also occasional swelling to lips and eyes. Embarrasing to say the least. Ruining my life!!! Thx

Nettle Tea
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 01/22/2013

My son was three years old when he woke up from a nap covered in hives. I had no idea the cause; he had no unusual exposure to food or anything that I could think of. In trying to figure out what to do (I was worried it was going to get worse! ) I considered that one of his older brothers, whom he is a lot alike, has had trouble with allergies and asthma in the past. If that son took Nettle capsules and Quercetin daily, his problems stopped and eventuallly healed. No was could I get a three year old to swallow capsules. I made him some Nettle Tea, sweetened it (honey, stevia, whatever) and he drank it in a sippy cup. In twenty minutes, his hives were gone. The next day it happened again... He woke up from his nap with hives. Less this time. I gave him Nettle Tea again and they were gone very quickly. That was over a year ago and he hasn't had hives since. Nettle is amazing! I had trouble with chronic hives years ago and I wish I had known about Nettle back then.

Dry Brushing
Posted by Sarah (Leicester, Uk) on 01/03/2013

Hi, I've suffered with cronic urticaria for 6 months... I've been allergy tested for everything to no avail and am taking constant high doses of certirizine. When very severe I have taken steroids which clear it up for about 2 weeks. After another week of swelling from top to toe (literally! ) I found this website the night before another trip to the Dr for more steroids... Wow... I dry brushed my entire body, had a tepid shower and smothered myself with bio oil (the only thing I had made from mineral oil) before going to bed. My rash is always worse in the morning so I didn't know what to expect but I woke up so the tiniest rash and jumped for joy! As recommended I have also invested in some oil of oregano (capsules for ingesting) and charcoal to try and alkalise my body, reducing toxins and acidity. I thing the suggestion is to apply the oil at night, dry brush in the morning then shower. I hope this helps someone. This is a horrible condition with no medical answers so finger crossed and good luck to you all.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 12/03/2012

Hi Jme, I have been seeing Dr. Kim at Bodhi Acupuncture for many years now- about 8. He is located in the shopping center where the DMV is. His phone number is 241-7775. I'm not sure what you're going for but he has helped numerous friends and family I have sent to him. The one thing I tell my friends is, he is a quiet, serene man but don't be afraid to tell him everything you are concerned and/ or are dealing with. He's also a Chinese herbalist and has made me many tonics over the years. Hope this info helps. If you have any more questions, let me know. Lisa

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Jme (To, Ca) on 12/03/2012

Lisa: who do you see in thousand oaks?

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/09/2012

Hi Coco, Well, actually any good Traditional Chinese medicine Dr. should know what to do for hives. Because of the way TCM works, there are many reasons for hives. The Dr. would know from checking your pulses, your tongue and sometimes palpating your stomach. This tradition works very differently from western medicine. In western medicine hives would just be seen as hives. In TCM, it is a symptom of some organ/s not working correctly. They would then treat you accordingly. I have had this symptom myself and through both acupuncture and herbs it was corrected.

Through the years, I have had several Chinese acupuncturists of which, all of them have been really good. I have been with my present Dr. though for 9 years. Interestingly, my previous Dr. had to move and it was a Saturday in which I was desperate for a treatment so I did a search for certified acupuncturists in my area. This is how I found my present Dr. and I trust him completely. I have sent him over 30 people and everyone has had successful results. Anyway, my point is, do a search for certified acupuncturists in your area and then decide accordingly. Once you've gone, I think you'll know if they're right for you. Hope this info helps. Lisa

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Coco (Irvine, Ca) on 11/08/2012

Hi Lisa from Thousand Oaks. Not sure if you're still on this site but I would like to ask you if you know of a reputable TCM practitioner that deals with hives?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ko (Chicago, Il) on 10/17/2012

ACV has been suggested for relief of hives, do you just drink it straight from the bottle? Sounds disgusting. Advise please... hives now several weeks, steroid pills and topical creams seem to make it worse.

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