Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Posted by Paolo (Bloomington, In, USA) on 12/15/2012

My fiance has been struggling with this issue and as a former health food store owner I like to dabble at natural remedies. We'd tried arnica and protein enzymes with limited success and even tried being intimate which helps mildly. But what have we found helped the most was taking turmeric as a supplement in pill form.

I had also read that Blackstrap Molasses works well as well as black tea so I mixed the Blackstrap Molasses in with some chai tea (tasted like a ginger cookie :0) and had her drink down the turmeric pill with the tea. In less than half and hour she was dressed and ready for the day when previously she had been bedridden. IMHO it was the turmeric that did most of the trick. I'd never seen such a turnaround in all our relationship. I so glad as she relied on over the counter pain relievers before which are not all that good for you. Thank God/Goddess for a healthy alternative which actually works.

Vitamin A
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh/usa) on 11/14/2012

I have had heavy periods all my life. I read once on Dr. Wright's info that vitamin A helped. Take it for about three months then pull back or take a break. It has helped me greatly and one of my daughters. About 25000 iu 3 times daily. He does about taking it with some zinc and vitamin E to help absorption. You may want to try looking this up further.

Geranium Essential Oil
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 09/25/2012

YES - I have had heavy bleeding during menstruation for quite sometime now, despite all tests coming out negative including no fibroids, and all hormones in the normal range.

I have used Geranium Essential Oil mixed with jojoba as a base oil in 50/50 proportions and applied to my stomach area liberally 2-3 times daily, and I am AMAZED and blessed at the results. No cramps, and the heavy bleeding is much less and on the whole I am feeling much better and more manageable.

For anyone with heavy bleeding issues, please try this. It is brilliant imo.

I found this remedy through 'Essential Oils Pocket Reference' which is a must have for anyone interested in natural, wholesome healing remedies.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Reddy (Baltimore, Maryland) on 09/21/2012

I was struggling with hemorrhage for a while, came to this site, and I must confess, I was greatly relieved when I knew some other people were in my shoes and already had a cure even without visiting d hospital. These few steps have worked for me so far.. I changed my diet to include a lot of cayenne peppers in my food, and lots of water. Also, whenever I use d restroom, I insert vegetable oil in d affected part, and stand while using d restroom. This has worked so far for me... Hope everybody experiencing this situation is also cured... thanks

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/02/2012

Oh yes, Lisa, thanks a lot! I had also heard long ago, that sage tea was helpful, but just remembered that now. Thanks.

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Heather (Leicester) on 09/01/2012

Thanks Colleen that's great info, I used to think this tea was just for expectant mothers but it makes sense it's good for uterus in general. Incidentally I have only heard good things about this tea from a close friend at work who swears by it for her very quick births.. 3 hours labour the first time and 11/2tge second time.. She says she took it non stop all day every day according to thirst for the week before her due date!

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/01/2012

Hi Mmsg, I don't know if you've heard about this but guaifenesin which is found in cough syrup has been found to help women to conceive. If you google it you will find info on it. Basically, this thins the cervical fluid and thereby allows the sperm to travel more easily. You also need to know when you're ovulating to time it. Also, you must use ones with only this ingredient. There are brands that fit this description. Anyway, I just thought I'd throw this out there since I'd heard about it awhile ago. Lisa

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/01/2012

Colleen, do you know a tea or remedy that might aid in becoming pregnant?

Red Raspberry Tea
Posted by Colleen (Loveland, Co) on 09/01/2012

I'm a chiropractor specializing in fertility, pre-natal, and pediatric care. I always have this tea here in the office because of its healing and soothing effect on the female reproductive system. I recommend it for menstrual cramps, any cycle irregularity, during pregnancy, and general uterine health. It's a miraculous ancient remedy used by native cultures for centuries. For those who haven't tried it, it's like a mild black tea in flavor and naturally a little sweet. Try drinking it right before and throughout your next period and see how soothing it is for yourself. I usually drink a cup every day and maybe two during my period.

Beets in Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (Biloxi, Ms) on 08/03/2012

I have heavy menstrual cycles. In fact, I have been on BCP since I was 17 to slow my flow. This past year I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a mastectomy. Could it have been the BCP? Who knows. Since then, I have eliminated possible causes from my diet and lifestyle. After reading a post from this site about ACV, I thought I would give it a try. Low and behold, it worked!!!

Here's my simple recipe:

1 can Beets; pour out half the liquid and replace it with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar; store in a mason jar in the refrigerator.

At the beginning of my cycle, I eat two-four beets per day for first three days. No more problems.

Cod Liver Oil
Posted by Tina (Houston, USA) on 06/03/2012

Few things that helped resolved my menstrual issues:

Raw foods during your period will cut down length of the cycle, and will give you lighter bleeding.

Good quality Cod liver oil, all month long, but increased quantities during period, will CONSIDERABLY reduce bleeding.

Daily exercise or walking briskly.

Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Heather (Leicester) on 04/14/2012

Interestingly I just had my hair analysis test result back. I am deficient in vitamins a, b3 and e and beta carotene and deficient in minerals magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and vanadium. I also have high toxicity rate. Thanks for any advice x

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Heather (Leicester, Uk ) on 03/31/2012

Hello, this is my first post. Thank you for your site and all the genuine advice, I love it xx I found this site when I was desperate to find a natural solution to my extremely heavy periods, ie. Flooding etc. This has gone on for 10 years. In my ignorance and embarrassment I accepted this as part of growing older I am now 45. It came to a head this summer when I felt ill and after a blood test I was told I was severely anemic 7.8, so doc prescribed iron sulphate for 2 months and then iron level back up to 10.8. Doctor prescribed transemic acid which my sister told me she and lots of her friends have been taking for years but I didn't want to take this as I am already on asthma medication and medication for allergen rhinitis.

Doctor sent me for a scan this showed extremely thick uterine wall and small fibroids and poss small cyst then they started to heavily push the mirena coil a type of hormone release internal mechanism which is implanted. I refused and was disappointed that my hormone imbalance was not being treated. I did notice that when I was taking the iron sulphate and not drinking coffee or having a glass of wine in the evenings then menstruation improved! But after I resumed old habits heavy menstruation became the norm.

So is this imbalance due to a liver problem? The liver coping with caffeine and alcohol breakdown and not processing hormones correctly? Anyway when I found your site I decided to take I the ACV morn and night in water (2 table spoons) and 1 teaspoon of organic black strap molasses morning and night and during the day possible around lunchtime and 1 other occasion if bleeding heavy. So I am happy to report that this worked amazingly well for me. Thankyou so much this is a life transformer and I am responding in the hope that in turn I can help someone else. If anyone else has any comments or tips on hormone imbalance then I would appreciate them. My sister who also had this imbalance is recovering from breast cancer and has had her ovaries removed.

Eliminate Soy
Posted by Anne (Chicago, Il) on 02/16/2012

I recently have been getting really heavy periods with the most painful cramps I've ever experienced. I considered going back on the pill but decided to see if I could find another way first. I realized that recently I've been drinking a LOT of soymilk and eating a lot more soy products than I used to, so I thought maybe the isoflavonoids (sp?) might be contributing to higher estrogen and therefore worse periods.

I simply switched to almond and rice milk and this month my period was completely bearable. (It was also a week late. ) So, it's only been one month but I thought I'd share in case that's the connection and it could help someone out!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Malu (Singapore) on 02/03/2012

Hi, Even I had over bleeding problem. I tried this remedy and working over bleeding.

Try out:

Wash hibiscus flowers well and remove the petals separately.

Heat a pan and boil milk and petals. Let it boil nicely until milk gets a pale lavender colour.

Add sugar and Filter it and drink hot or cold.


Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Barkkha (Dubai) on 02/01/2012

Further to my previous post I wish to tell my experience of my second menses after starting ACV and BSM. I was on the pill stopped the pill and after three days I got my menses which after years WERE NORMAL, NO HEAVY BLEEDING, NO BLOOD CLOTS and finally after four days I stopped bleeding and it's two weeks since and I did not need to take primolut to stop the bleeding. I am still in an unbelievable state for I have been bleeding since months, so ACV works for me, I now have 2 tsp everyday.


Apple Cider Vinegar, Molasses, Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Barkha (Dubai, Uae) on 01/11/2012

Hi I have a fibroid 2.2 in my uterus as well as polyps and endo thick wall since last two years I was bleeding heavily for around 10 days five months back this worsened and my periods would not stop. The doctor did a D&C on me in August and there was no malignant issue after five weeks of D&C. I got my menses which did not stop I was again bleeding heavily and getting big clots. The doctor put me on primolut N to regulate. When I stopped after 20 days I got my menses and I was back again to heavy bleeding. Again the doctor asked me to take primolut. Two weeks back I came across this website and immediately went and bought ACV and soda bicarb and also unsulphured molasses and started having this along with primolut. When I stopped the pill and got my menses the first day was okay but the second day was the worst of my life I had HUGE clot of blood almost the length and breadth of my pad and when I went to the toilet it fell off on the potty I was scared seeing the size of that... But after that I felt as if my body has settled down I had no more clots but as always the bleeding did not stop until even the 6th day and I was told to take primolut again...

Can Ted or anyone tell me why this happened? I have been religiously having ACV twice a day and molasses once or twice a day but still am bleeding, can ACV and primolut be taken together? Thanks so much in advance for any response- appreciate it."

Blackstrap Molasses, Shepherd's Purse
Posted by Noel (Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan) on 01/02/2012

I had my period for a month straight... Getting heavier as time went on. I looked on this site and decided to give molasses a try. I took a teaspoon in the morning afternoon and night. I'm not too sure if it was the molasses or the shephard's purse or their combined effect, but I'm all done!! It didn't work right away.. I had to take it for about 4-5 days before anything happened, and it wasn't until I made an infusion of the shepherd's purse instead of just drinking it as a tea that my period stopped completely. So I would recommend to anyone to look into shepherd's purse if the molasses doesn't work right away. (there's lot's of info if you google it)

Wild Yam
Posted by Faith (Forest Park, Ohio) on 12/27/2011

Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Laura (Queens, Ny) on 12/12/2011

Hi EC, I am 49 years old and has not had a period for the past six months. I always use motherwort for mild anxiety on and off so yesterday I decided to take a dropperful and what do you know..... I got up this morning with a period. I was stunned to put it lightly. I thought I was over with this. Anyone knows what's going on? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you guys.

Wild Yam
Posted by Isabel (Tampa, Fl) on 12/10/2011

When my periods were very heavy I used one cayenne pill then I wait 2 hours and see if still was heavy then I took another pill, be carefully not to take it if you are doing OK, otherwise your period will dissapear until the next month, it happened to me several times the good thing is that cayenne will give you a lot of energy, I used 40.000 HU

Wild Yam
Posted by Serena (Palm Springs, Ca) on 12/07/2011


I have recently started using the birth control pill, and the first month, I got my period after only 19 days even though I was still on the hormone pills. It lasted for about 6 days, and by the time I started the sugar pills I had nothing... No spotting, no period. I am afraid that will happen again this month (I start the neck pack tomorrow, which will be day 1), and I really don't want to get my period, have spotting, or any breakthrough bleeding until its time.

I have heard that Yarrow tincture or Wild Yam tincture can help with this. I also read that Cayenne pepper and Vitamin C can also help. Has anyone had any success with any of these? Any other suggestions?

I am going out of tow. In 2 weeks and reallyyyyyy don't want to eat with any "surprises". Thanks in adavnce!

Wild Yam
Posted by Serena (Palm Springs, Ca) on 12/04/2011

Does anyone have any experience with Wild Yam tincture? I saw online somewhere that's it's good for breakthrough bleeding for menopausal women... so I'm wondering if it can help with my breakthrough bleeding due to my body getting adjusted to birth control...

Coconut Water, Cayenne
Posted by Cece (Elmont, New York) on 10/11/2011

Menstrual pain became so severe for me that I wished I did not have a period. The pain would hit me so hard that I felt nauseated. One day at work, out of sheer desperation I went into the bathroom, wet a wad of paper towel under hot water, went into the stall and sat with that hot towel clenched on my belly button. I sat there and suddenly - splat! - I looked down and a fat blob of curdled blood looked up at me - and the pain was gone! I started examining what I ate via a journal and realized that things such as cheese, white bread (margarine), beef and alcohol cause me distress when it came around to my menses. I theorized that it was the food I was eating that caused a problem with circulation. I stopped eating all forms of dairy, started drinking lots of room temperature water.

When it was time for my menses, I drank lots of plain room temperature coconut water with a dash of cayenne pepper. That put an end to the debilitating pain! I've passed on the remedy to all my friends. Even if you don't practice good eating habits, when that pain hits, reach for the room temperature coconut water with a dash of cayenne pepper! IT WORKS in half an hour! If you don't have coconut water (no cans, please), use semi contra tea aka mexican tea, american wormwood, epazote with a dash of cayenne.

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 09/13/2011

Hi, I don't have periods anymore, painful or otherwise but out of curiosity, how do you make Turmeric tea? I bought a bag in the pharmacy, thinking that it would be the root, leaves or something but it was the yellow powder. Now I use it in the kitchen because I wasn't sure whether I should just dilute the powder in the water!

Posted by Priya (Detroit, Mi) on 09/13/2011

hi everybody,

Turmeric (humble and wonder herb)- I usually have lot of pain during that time of the month and I have just started drinking turmeric tea, and I have noticed I didn't have to take pain meds which I usually do. This time I had very minimal pain, so I would recommend this wonder herb to anybody who has any kind of inflammation/pain.Now I drink it regularly on daily basis.

It does work, better than any medications.

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